Diseases, endocrinologists. MRI
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Doctors give an impressive list of reasons. In most cases, timely initiation of treatment allows short time and completely get rid of the unpleasant syndrome.

The main thing is not to delay going to the doctor, do not try to solve the problem with the help of painkillers and do not get carried away with medications traditional medicine without the permission of a specialist.


In this case, blurred vision and decreased visual acuity are observed, pain is localized in the temples and back of the head. Red eyes appear dry or, on the contrary, become very watery. If you ignore the state, it will be joined general weakness, weakness, dizziness and nausea.


The symptom occurs in one half of the head, often in the temporal region. The headache constantly hurts and radiates to the eye or bridge of the nose, sometimes a shooting type of symptom. The disease is characterized by pulsating sensations, which are accompanied by a decrease in the quality of vision and “spots”. When moving the head and eyes, under the influence of light or strong odors, the pain intensifies. The attack lasts from 3-4 to 72 hours and may not respond to analgesics and antispasmodics.

Tension headache

Physical and intellectual overload cause spasm of blood vessels in the brain, neck, shoulders and face. Soreness is noted in all of these areas, accompanied by a pressing sensation on the eyes. Prolonged physical or nervous tension is fraught with exacerbation of the clinical picture, the development of stagnation in the tissues and the transition of the condition to a chronic form.

Hypertonic disease

With hypertension, the pressure on the eyes becomes unbearable. They seem to literally jump out of their orbits. Rest does not bring the desired relief. Hypotension is also accompanied by pain in the head, but at the same time the person’s eyes darken, and the eyelids become very heavy and one wants to cover them.

Increased intracranial pressure

With a rapid rise in the indicator, symptoms appear sharply and intensify with tension. Sometimes it hurts patients to even move their eyeballs; they have to turn their whole head in the right side. The sensation is shooting, and headache attacks almost always radiate to the eyes.

Chronic increased (or decreased) intracranial pressure is accompanied by constant dull sensations with shooting in the eyes and nausea. Symptoms worsen at night or in the morning. Even after rest, patients complain of weakness, drowsiness, dizziness and fatigue. After some time, vision problems appear.

Increased intraocular pressure

The main causes of primary pathology: hypertension, colds, diabetes, cataracts and glaucoma. Ignoring headaches and discomfort in the eye area in the last two cases is fraught with blindness. Even if you have a slight bursting sensation, you should not neglect going to the doctor. Heaviness in the eyes and changes in the quality of vision indicate the progression of the disease.

A secondary increase in the indicator is typical for injuries, inflammatory diseases, and tumors. It usually acts as an additional symptom, but may be the only manifestation of the pathology. If it is painful to move your eyes and this symptom does not go away with rest, you should check your intraocular pressure and optic nerve.

Inflammatory diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses

In some cases, lacrimation and discomfort in the eyes due to headaches complement the picture of allergic or infectious rhinitis. Symptoms are mild and disappear as they improve general condition. Sinusitis, ethmoiditis and frontal sinusitis - inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses - are accompanied by severe pain in the head, especially in the forehead.

Diseases of the eyes and paraorbital region

The appearance of pain in the head against the background of ophthalmological problems indicates the neglect of the case. Usually similar diseases begin to appear before they negative impact spread to the central nervous system. Regular visits to an ophthalmologist with for preventive purposes will reduce such risks to a minimum.

If the eyeball and head hurt, the reasons may be:

  • glaucoma - due to increased intraocular pressure appears headache, vision decreases, the pupil dilates. There is swelling of the eyelids and redness of the mucous membrane. The patient is uncomfortable looking at the light. On late stages the clinical picture is supplemented by dizziness, nausea, vomiting;
  • spasm of accommodation (false myopia) – pathological contraction of the eye muscle leads to decreased vision and eye fatigue. This is accompanied by headaches in the temples and frontal lobe, lacrimation and redness of the mucous membrane. A man complains of pain in his eyes and severe discomfort, which is difficult to remove with improvised means;
  • thrombosis of the eye - blocking a vessel with a blood clot leads to impaired blood circulation in the tissues. In the initial stages of the pathology, the patient experiences vision problems in the form of “blind” spots or a veil. Pain in the eye appears when blinking, and headaches are the result of tissue malnutrition and necrosis.

Ignored or incompletely treated injury poses a particular danger. eyeball. If a person’s vision decreases, one eye twitches, or suffers from constant headaches or attacks, this may indicate a violation of the innervation or blood supply to certain parts of the visual apparatus. Head injuries, especially the occipital part, can lead to the same consequences.

Brain diseases

Organic tissue damage, inflammation, infection and poor circulation in the brain lead to a number of symptoms. Headaches and discomfort in the eyes are not the most informative signs against their background, but they still help to suspect certain diagnoses.

The combination of two symptoms is characteristic of such diseases:

  • intracranial hematoma: the cause of the pathology in most cases is traumatic brain injury. The headache is constant and long, up to 5-7 days in a row. Painful sensations in the eyes may be accompanied by dizziness, a feeling of fullness inside cranium;
  • inflammation of the meninges - arachnoiditis, pachymeningitis, leptomeningitis - pain is prolonged and painful, almost does not respond to medication. When moving, my head starts to hurt even more. It puts pressure on my eyes from the inside, I don’t want to open them.
  • brain sarcoma – accompanied by local or general headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, weakness.

Vascular lesions

Ischemic tissue damage or cerebral hemorrhage can cause the patient’s death or disability. The sooner the diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the lower the likelihood of negative irreversible consequences.

The most common cause of a combination of symptoms is:

  • Aneurysm is a lingering, pulsating pain. It is usually concentrated in the frontal part of the head and radiates into the eyes. Intensifies with movement or rotation of the eyeballs;
  • stroke - headache extends to the eyes and is often accompanied by blurred vision. This is accompanied by paralysis of the facial muscles on one half of the face;
  • temporal arteritis – the patient’s temperature rises, nausea and weakness appear. The pain is one-sided, in the temple area, radiating to the eyes, forehead, crown. The sensation is aching or pulsating, intensified by chewing.

An unpleasant condition may have other reasons. Sometimes the problem is the wrong choice of glasses or contact lenses, allergic reaction, purulent or inflammatory process in the head (carious teeth, gum disease). A characteristic syndrome provokes osteochondrosis - with a headache in the back of the head.

Causes of sudden vision loss

The main cause of ocular migraine is not ophthalmological diseases, but problems of a neurological nature - improper functioning visual analyzer, located in the cerebral cortex (its occipital part). Atrial scotoma can be caused by the following factors:

  • regular lack of sleep;
  • weather change, frequent change climatic zones;
  • stress, depression;
  • hypoxia;
  • mental fatigue;
  • hormonal fluctuations;
  • being in rooms with flickering light sources;
  • smoking;
  • emotional outbursts;
  • inhalation of pungent odors;
  • great physical activity;
  • Availability certain diseases associated with changes in the structure of the arteries of the brain (arteriovenous malformation);
  • eating excessive amounts of chocolate, smoked meats, wine, hard cheeses, caffeine-containing drinks;
  • use of certain medications.

Reason atrial scotoma are malfunctions circulatory system in the area of ​​the visual center. There is an opinion that ocular migraine is a hereditary disease, but official science has not yet provided reliable evidence for this statement.

The disease is often registered in adolescents aged 14–16 years, which is associated with the rapid development of their circulatory system and body growth. In addition, adolescence is characterized by significant loads on nervous system(stressful situations, nervous overstrain).

Migraine can also occur as a result of a number of other disorders and problems in the human body. For example, many patients who suffer from severe headaches have a disease such as osteochondrosis. Thus, migraine and osteochondrosis have a relationship. This is explained by the fact that during the spinal degenerative process, a number of cerebral nerve roots begin to suffer, which causes headaches.

Also, quite often the culprit of migraines is the intestines, or rather irritable bowel syndrome. Istanbul scientists came to these conclusions after conducting a lot of painstaking research and experiments.

It must be said right away that a sharp decrease in vision is almost always a symptom of some disease. The causes of eye problems can be both direct eye pathologies: diseases of the cornea, lens, retina, and common diseases. Among the eye diseases that most often lead to a sharp decrease in vision are retinal detachment and rupture, macular degeneration, inflammation or ischemia of the optic nerve, rupture or blockage of a vessel.

Also a common cause of development this symptom becomes diabetic retinopathy - a complication of diabetes mellitus in which damage to the retinal vessels occurs. With this disease, vision loss is usually irreversible. Besides, sharp deterioration vision can occur with retrobulbar neuritis, intracranial hypertension, intoxication of the body and other pathological conditions.

Types of headaches

Physiological and pathological conditions that are accompanied by pain in the head and eyes often have additional specific signs. Some patients have constant pain certain part cranium, in others it is difficult to determine the localization of the symptom, in others it is difficult to even move the eyeballs.

The type of sensations, frequency and time of their occurrence, duration - all this helps the doctor when making a diagnosis. Systematic or prolonged attacks of eye pain and headache are usually accompanied by a number of striking clinical manifestations. Some of them affect the human psyche or lead to a decrease in the quality of his life.

Visual visibility and the gradual development of migraine

As already mentioned, a harbinger of intense local headaches is an aura of a specific type, which occurs as a result of the fact that migraines tend to manifest themselves in a certain step-by-step sequence.

Let's look at each stage separately

First stage. First, a person begins to experience vascular spasms that occur in several parts of the brain. This causes circulatory problems. It is the PCA, which is the posterior cerebral artery, that becomes the center of development of eye pain provoked by migraine. This artery helps supply areas of the brain useful substances and elements into which all visual information is received for processing.

Second phase. In a migraine sufferer, the blood vessels dilate, their active functions in blood transport decrease, and the ability to see and concentrate deteriorates. Due to pressure on weak blood vessels, they increase greatly, which leads to the appearance of burning, difficult to bear and severe cephalalgia.

Third stage. The permeability of the walls begins to increase significantly, leading to swelling of the brain and tissues. At this stage, a person is advised to take a variety of medicines diuretic action. When this stage approaches, the patient’s well-being stops deteriorating, and the pain becomes dull and pressing. Having eliminated the swelling, the condition returns to normal, vision is completely restored.

There are also several other options for the development of abnormal conditions with deterioration of visual function. Migraines and the nature of their manifestations are not always accompanied by very severe throbbing headaches. Often the abnormal condition is preceded by a specific visual effect, for example, greater sensitivity to bright light or distortion of the visual fields.

If a person begins to experience acute headaches, he should immediately contact a qualified medical professional. The patient should not delay consultation with an ophthalmologist or neurologist. It is worth noting that it is easiest to get rid of migraine during the period of its development, when the aura appears.

Atrial scotoma during pregnancy

Ocular migraine during pregnancy in most cases is observed only in the first trimester. The main causes of the disease are disturbances in sleep patterns and daily routines, poor nutrition, and deficiency of beneficial micro- and macroelements and vitamins. After the first three months after conception, the symptoms of ocular migraine in the expectant mother disappear, but there are known cases of manifestations of the disease throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Self-treatment of the disease is unacceptable, which is due to the ban on the use of most medications. The use of traditional medicine without prior medical consultation is also prohibited.

To minimize the frequency of ocular migraine (atrial fibrillation) for pregnant women, the following recommendations have been developed:

  • frequent long rest in the fresh air;
  • lack of significant physical activity;
  • light exercise, gymnastics;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • techniques alternative medicine– reflexology, acupuncture, yoga (possible only after prior medical consultation).

By following basic preventive rules, you can significantly reduce the frequency of relapses of atrial scotoma or completely get rid of the disease.

Symptoms of a sharp decrease in vision

The ocular form of migraine is often a consequence of a disorder of vasomotor regulation. This phenomenon is associated with regional angiodystonia. The main manifestation of ocular migraine is a visual aura, which has the form of photopsia or scintillating scotomas and is characterized by homonymy (the manifestation of symptoms in the same sectors of the visual field simultaneously in two eyes). This occurs as a result of discirculation in the posterior cerebral artery.

In most cases, atrial scotoma begins with the appearance of a small paracentral spot, which gradually increases in the peripheral direction. The formation may be colored, but it can also be colorless. Sparkling visual formations lead to loss of part of the visibility area (reaching half of it in cases of homonymous hemianopia). Aura can also manifest as visual hallucinatory disturbances.

In the presence of a retinal form of migraine, a central or paracentral scotoma is formed, characterized by a variety of shapes and sizes. In this case, the development of blindness in one or both eyes cannot be ruled out. Symptoms of atrial scotoma often indicate transient retinal ischemia.

As a rule, the duration of the visual aura does not exceed several minutes (the maximum duration is half an hour). Against its background or immediately after its manifestation, a throbbing headache occurs in the frontal-orbital zone (in the side opposite to the visual defects). Its intensity gradually increases (over 0.5 – 2 hours) and can last for a quarter of a day.

In the case of ophthalmoplegic migraine (Moebius disease), there is a disruption of the oculomotor nerve. With this form of the disease, transient ptosis of the upper eyelid is observed, accompanied by anisocoria and disruption of the normal functioning of the pupils (mydriasis). Paralytic divergent strabismus often develops.

Symptoms of an ophthalmological nature are possible in the case of associated basilar migraine. This form of the disease is accompanied by bilateral visual impairment, as well as ophthalmoparesis with various symptoms, indicating damage to the brain stem.

In the presence of ocular migraine, a clear flickering zone with a zigzag shape forms in the center of the developing scotoma. It is pronounced when open and closed eyes. At the moment the scotoma covers the central zone of the field of view, a significant decrease in visual acuity is observed. When it passes to the peripheral areas, vision is restored to its original state. When conducting ophthalmological examinations at the time of an attack of the disease (examination of the fundus), no changes are recorded.

Depending on the type of pathology, the following symptoms may appear:

  • pain when moving the eyeballs;
  • headache;
  • distortion or doubling of the image of objects;
  • the occurrence of photophobia;
  • loss of visual fields;
  • blurred vision;
  • the appearance of sparks, lightning, dark spots, circles, veils, etc. before the eyes;
  • a sharp decrease in vision or its complete loss.

Often, vision problems are preceded by frequent headaches, which can arise from overstrain of the eye muscles, accommodation disorders and eye-related neurological disorders. Often, patients do not attach much importance to headaches, but experts recommend paying close attention to this symptom in order to prevent possible problems.

If you experience symptoms of a sharp decrease in vision, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible. Do not put off visiting an ophthalmologist, as delay can lead to the development serious complications, up to complete loss of visual function.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis includes a number of physical and instrumental methods examinations:

  • taking an anamnesis;
  • external examination of the eye;
  • study of pupillary reaction;
  • volume estimation and motor activity eyeball;
  • establishing the boundaries of the field of view;
  • Brain MRI (or CT);
  • ophthalmoscopy.

Since atrial scotoma can be a consequence of an arteriovenous malformation of the brain, ophthalmoplegic migraine sometimes indicates the presence of an arterial saccular aneurysm of the supraclinoid division of the internal carotid artery. Full examination will confirm or refute the diagnosis and exclude the possibility of Tolosa-Hunt syndrome.

In case of frequent and long-lasting attacks, an in-person consultation with a neurologist is required.

To diagnose a pathological condition and establish the exact clinical form of the disease, a number of measures are carried out with detailed consideration of all accompanying symptoms. Thus, for retinal (reticular) migraine, one of the most important criteria is the absence of ophthalmological disorders other than attacks. A regular migraine can be combined with atrial scotoma (ocular migraine) because the nutrition of the brain is disrupted.

Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of:

  1. A thorough external eye examination by an ophthalmologist.
  2. Analysis of pupillary reactions.
  3. Research of the existing field of view.
  4. Computer examination of the hemispheres using tomography.
  5. Pathology assessments by a competent neurologist.
  6. Characteristics of motor functions of the eyes.
  7. Ophthalmoscopy.

These are pathologies vestibular apparatus(labyrinthitis, Meniere's disease), cervical osteochondrosis and accompanying syndrome vertebral artery. Dizziness can also signal serious diseases of the brain or cardiovascular system, hypoglycemia and severe injuries.

Some eye pathologies, which are characterized by decreased vision, can provoke a state of dizziness. For example, if it is strong, a person may regularly experience a feeling of loss of balance and orientation in space. A similar condition occurs when age-related decline visual acuity – .

Measures aimed at eliminating the underlying disease will help get rid of symptoms that worsen the quality of life in the case of the above eye pathologies. In the case of myopia, this will be vision correction with glasses or contact lenses, or surgery. For cataracts, surgery is most effective.

dizziness that occurs with sudden movements of the head and changes in body position in space.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is complex. It includes funds drug therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures and complexes physical therapy, manual therapy. The patient may also be given recommendations for lifestyle changes to prevent the disease from progressing.

If you are often bothered by dizziness, accompanied by decreased vision, this is a reason to consult a specialist for a comprehensive examination, identify the cause of the development of the pathology and take measures to eliminate it. Take care of your eyes and be healthy!

Thank you

Whole line cardiovascular pathologies accompanied by blurred vision more-less.

Hypertonic disease

Hypertension, or arterial hypertension, is a disease accompanied by a systematic increase in blood pressure. It can be elevated constantly, or increase during stress, psycho-emotional and physical stress.

Considered elevated arterial pressure, which rises above the level of 140 and 90 mm. rt. Art.

At the same time, entire groups nerve cells remain without oxygen, as a result of which they can die. A stroke is characterized by the development of paralysis of the muscles of half the body and impaired sensitivity. At the same time, vision deterioration may occur in one or both eyes. The most common types of visual dysfunction are:

  • complete blindness of one or both eyes;
  • scotoma – dark spot, which is located in one half of the field of view, or in its center.
Sometimes these disorders may subsequently resolve on their own or as a result of treatment.

A stroke is easily diagnosed when a patient is examined by a doctor. The patient should be immediately admitted to the intensive care unit for treatment. Studies such as a biochemical blood test, a blood coagulation test, CT and MRI of the brain, spinal puncture, etc. are prescribed.

The prognosis for a stroke depends on the extent of brain damage. Deterioration of vision in this case is not the leading symptom - there are more significant impairments.


Hypotension is reduced blood pressure, usually below 110 and mm. Hg Hypotension is not the same dangerous condition like hypertension. It may also be accompanied by some visual impairment.

With hypotension, the patient is concerned about the following symptoms:

  • dizziness, headaches, pallor, cold sticky sweat;
  • deterioration of vision in the form of “floaters before the eyes”, darkening of the eyes, especially with a sharp transition from a horizontal to a vertical position;
  • decrease in overall vitality, fatigue, weakness.

Hypotension is diagnosed by measuring blood pressure over time using a tonometer. If it is not associated with diseases of other organs, then special treatment not required. Patients are advised to lead an active lifestyle, exercise more, and drink strong coffee in the morning.

Retinal vascular thrombosis

Retinal vascular thrombosis is characterized by the formation of blood clots in the ocular arteries. This can occur as a result of diseases such as:
  • increased blood clotting;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • diabetes mellitus, especially type 1;
  • atherosclerosis.

Retinal vascular thrombosis is accompanied by deterioration of vision, which is characterized by a gradual decrease in its acuity. This process occurs very slowly over a long period of time. Total loss vision loss occurs extremely rarely, in cases where the pathology was not treated at all.

The diagnosis of retinal artery thrombosis is established after examining the patient

What to do in such cases, is it possible to somehow influence the situation?

I think it’s worth seeing a doctor, perhaps the blood vessels react to changes in the weather, the pressure may change, or maybe not, but vascular spasm occurs, it also causes pain and the doctor should choose the medicine, because of the vascular spasm, vision is also impaired.

Your headaches may be related to migraines with aura, so you should see your doctor for treatment. Migraine with aura is accompanied by flickering in the eyes and blurred vision.

Pressure surges can cause headaches and blurred vision. Try to monitor your blood pressure and be sure to consult a doctor - such matters are not to be joked about!

Most likely, the pressure is jumping. But still, it’s a head, and it’s dangerous to make jokes and experiments with it, you can seriously regret it. You need to go to the doctor, maybe get an MRI.

Consult a doctor immediately, such signs are often a symptom of a brain tumor, but you should not stress yourself out, they can also be caused by the specifics of your work, if this is the case, then the treatment is simple - vitamins, good food and rest, as the headache is caused stressful situations and pressure surges.

I also had similar situations. Especially when the weather changes. Headache, increased blood pressure, swelling of the face, blurred vision. The neurologist recommended an MRI, which revealed increased intracranial pressure (ICP). Drugs for cerebral vessels and ICP-lowering medications were prescribed. Now I feel much better, my head almost doesn’t hurt. I advise you to contact a neurologist and undergo an examination.

You most likely have problems with blood pressure, intracranial pressure. That’s why you react to changes in weather and your vision decreases; intraocular pressure affects visual acuity. Be sure to consult a doctor, don’t delay!

listen to Olga

With migraine, it is usually not visual acuity that falls, but flickering in the eyes, “floaters.” In addition, classic migraine (with aura) is painful, but quite short-lived, and your headaches last for several days. And if visual acuity decreases significantly during them, run to a neurologist; most likely, intracranial pressure actually increases; perhaps attacks of “ordinary” hypertension also occur. Usually for such attacks it is recommended antihypertensive drugs with a mild diuretic effect, but you can’t take them without a doctor’s prescription! Before going to the doctor, limit yourself herbal infusions– motherwort, hawthorn, mint, valerian root.

I would advise cleaning the maxillary sinuses, because after each cold, dried crusts of mucus may remain there. The more often you get colds, the more likely it is that these accumulations can cause headaches, memory impairment, vision and hearing.

If it's definitely related to the weather, then most likely it's pressure. But - keep this point in mind - the weather changes quite often, and you work at the computer all the time. Headaches and blurred vision can be associated with pinched nerves in the cervical spine. In any case, you cannot do without an MRI, go to the doctor!

The symptoms are very similar to the manifestation vegetative-vascular dystonia. I would advise you to contact a neurologist, since this is clearly related to the vessels of the head. Get an MRI, ultrasound of the blood vessels of the head. Based on the results, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Good health to you!

You need to buy a device to measure your own blood pressure and a barometer to measure Atmosphere pressure. And start taking notes. Since the concept of “worsening weather” is very vague. Look for a connection. If you don't find it, then maybe it doesn't exist.

Your headache is very similar to a migraine, many people mistakenly believe that migraines cause floaters, this is not true! There are many options for deterioration of vision during migraine, and it is commonplace to see flickering spots, decreased sharpness, the appearance of luminous circles before the eyes, or loss of any field of vision. But there is another variant of headaches when the weather changes, the atmospheric pressure changes, the vessels react very actively to this, we used to call it VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia). By the way, now there is no such diagnosis, but there is NCD (neurocirculatory dystonia). With such a reaction to a change in weather, blood pressure most often remains normal, and the cause of pain is often a spasm of cerebral vessels, which leads to a decrease in visual acuity. The treatment of this disease is neurologist. I know this firsthand, long time I suffer from the same pain.

The very first thing is to see a doctor. You also need to walk every day and ventilate the room you are in. If the pain is severe, it is better to lie down.

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Severe headache and decreased vision

Headaches, decreased vision

Chronic diseases: Low-grade fever of unknown origin. Bronchial asthma, mixed. Chronic gastritis. Housing and communal services Chronic cholecystitis. Small nodular goiter of the 1st degree with cyst formation. Asymptomatic hyperuricemia. Thrombocytopenia.+ Rheumatology and gynecology.

Hello, for a week now every morning I have been having headaches, nausea, it hurts to look with my eyes, I feel lethargic, I constantly want to sleep. Previously, I also had headaches, the back of my head and my neck, but not every day. A month ago I underwent treatment: Aertal, baklosan, elkar, citicoline, compligam. I've been wearing Shants' collar for almost a month. Conclusion of MRI of the brain in the angioprogram: Focal changes brain (enlarged perivascular spaces). External partial hydrocephalus. S-shaped crimp left ICA. Digital r-gr KVO in 2 projections - Conclusion: Osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis cervical spine spine. Violation of the statistical function of the cervical spine. Kimmerly's version. Rheoencephalography with functional tests Conclusion: Hypertonicity of cerebral vessels 2 tbsp. Venous dysfunction in the carotid and vertebrobasilar areas. Adequate functional reserve cerebral circulation to hyperventilation. Duplex scanning of the BCS with rotary tests Conclusion: Disturbance in the course of the left VA. Increase in blood flow rates cerebral vessels. Rotational tests: Signs of extravasal compression on both VAs when turning the head to the right. How dangerous is this?

Tags: r-gr quo in 2 projections

Headaches for more than a year In September of this year, I learned to swim in a water park. In a swimming pool.

Pain all over your back Dear Doctor! I am turning to you for advice on this issue.

My head hurts severely and often. I am 25 years old and my head starts to hurt very often and very severely.

Headaches Doctor! I suffer from headaches and dizziness! The doctor ordered it.

Psychovegetative syndrome 2 months ago I began to have a constant headache.

Headache, pain in the cervical spine I have been suffering from headaches for several years now. Jumps.

Headache above my right eye Not long ago I started to have a headache in the area of ​​my forehead above.

My eyes and head hurt. I am 24 years old. Since I was about 15 years old, I have had headaches from time to time.

Swelling of the eyes after a headache I had a severe headache followed by swelling of the right eye.

I don’t understand what’s going on. I have this problem, it’s like I’m drunk, sometimes.

Pain in the forehead Tell me something like this: at the end of April my forehead began to hurt, specifically my forehead, my head.

Headaches for many years. At the age of 11, I had a concussion (I fell on my head on ice), but I hid it, no.

Severely increased bilirubin. An ultrasound, general blood test and biochemistry were performed. Bilirubin is greatly increased.

Fever and headache I have a health problem. In the summer I suffered from paralysis.

Headache I have had a very bad headache for several days in a row. Tablets are not.

I have a headache in the temple area. Please help. I am tormented by incomprehensible conditions.

I have had a headache for three weeks. I have had a headache for 3 weeks now. Above, more on the right side.

7 answers

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Hello, there are no major changes in the studies you cited. The cause of your condition may be a tension headache, which can be treated with sedatives or antidepressants, which is selected during an in-person consultation. However, a blood test is necessary to exclude systemic problems - a complete blood count, iron, hormones thyroid gland, TSH, glucose, AST, ALT, bilirubin, creatinine, urea.


Hello! Thank you very much. Blood examination: everything is normal, only the platelets are slightly reduced - 176, the platelet distribution index is increased -15.30, monocytes (MON) abs - 0.63, creatinine is increased - 110 µmol/l and uric acid in the blood is also increased - 482 .80 µmol/l. Thyroid hormones, TSH, glucose, bilirubin, AST, ALT are normal. I also tested for rheumatoid factor - 1,000 IU/ml, detection of LE cells - not detected, glycosylated hemoglobin - 5.50, fasting glucostatic test - 6.35 mmol/l, after two hours the norm is 6.80. Blood biochemistry for gammaglutamyltransferase 20.00 IU/l, alkaline phosphatase 69.00 IU/l. For hepatitis B, C. at. I also tested it for Giardia, everything is normal. HLA B27 screening - negative. But uric acid in daily urine was reduced to 352.00 µmol/day.

Diagnoses: asymptomatic hyperuricemia, hypouricosuria. There are problems with the thyroid gland - grade 1 small nodular goiter with cyst formation. Another low-grade fever of unspecified origin. For more than thirty years my temperature has risen to 37.0 - 37.7. Recent years five began to bother me. It suddenly rises and lasts for several hours and goes away. At this time I feel bad. You may feel chilly, or simply have no strength, fatigue. They cannot find out what this is connected with. According to ultrasound, the spleen was enlarged several times. Ultrasound of the lymph nodes with CDK in the conclusion it is written: visualized structurally unchanged axillary lymph nodes, visualized structurally unchanged cervical and submandibular lymph nodes. Plus also osteoarthritis of the joints.

Hello, Ekaterina Sergeevna! I'm sorry for disturbing you, but given time My eyes strain me a lot. Sometimes it hurts me so much to look, something presses on my eyes, I have to squint and, as they say, sharpen the focus in order to see. Eyeballs hurt. On the left eye, it feels like something is pressing on the eye from the inside (it feels like swelling). When the pain is severe, even somehow the consciousness flies away or becomes cloudy, I don’t know if I explained it correctly, well, something like that. I saw an ophthalmologist and they said that in their area it was normal, I needed to see a neurologist. Tell me what to do, I'm just tired of this. Thank you in advance!

Deterioration of vision: causes of sudden deterioration of vision, treatment

Causes of sudden deterioration in vision

Deterioration in visual function may be temporary or permanent. Temporary decrease in vision, in turn, does not pose a particular danger to human health and is most often caused by overwork, long work at the computer, reading literature, that is, those factors that have a direct impact on the eyes. Affect the main function visual organs Frequent stress and constant lack of sleep. This problem in this case it can be eliminated quite simply.

To avoid eye fatigue and, as a result, vision deterioration, it is necessary to properly organize your work time: try not to work at night, get a good night's sleep, and avoid stressful situations if possible.

Temporary deterioration in the visual function of the eyes in most cases is associated precisely with fatigue; it is usually not accompanied by the presence of any diseases, and does not require treatment as such.

The opinion that decreased vision is a sign of eye pathologies is erroneous. Our body is a single whole, all its systems are directly connected to each other, therefore, often a disease of one organ entails a dysfunction of another organ, which would seem to have nothing to do with the first. Thus, a sharp deterioration in vision can occur against the background of diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism. hyperthyroidism, pituitary adenoma, Graves' disease.

All of these diseases have characteristic manifestations, including: exophthalmos, excessive sweating, headache, weight loss, pallor skin, irritability, fatigue, coarsening facial features, hyperactivity.

A common cause of vision problems is diseases of the eyes themselves:

  • cataracts or clouding of the lens;
  • glaucoma is a disease caused by a chronic increase in intraocular pressure and accompanied by the gradual death of the optic nerve;
  • myopia or myopia is a pathology that affects the patient’s quality of vision. In the case of myopia, a person can perfectly see nearby objects, but not be able to distinguish objects located at a certain distance from him;
  • farsightedness or hypermetropia is a disease opposite to myopia, in which the patient perfectly sees distant objects, but cannot distinguish those that are located in close proximity to him;
  • cataract - clouding of a certain area of ​​the cornea of ​​the eye, accompanied by deterioration of vision or its complete loss;
  • - keratitis – inflammatory disease, affecting various structures of the eye. There are bacterial, viral, toxic, allergic keratitis.

Rapid deterioration of vision may be caused by sharp increase intraocular pressure. This condition carries great danger, since in the absence of timely qualified assistance it leads to blindness.

Another common cause of deterioration in visual function is various injuries eyes, in particular burns of the mucous membrane, bruise of the eyeball, hemorrhage in the orbit or retina, mechanical damage eyes, etc.

Treatment of vision impairment

In many cases, vision problems can be eliminated by treating the underlying disease that caused them. For example, a pituitary adenoma is a benign tumor that occurs for no particular reason and slowly develops over several years. In some cases, the adenoma does not manifest itself at all and is discovered during brain studies (CT, MRI). The most effective method treatment of brain tumors this moment is to remove them.

The pituitary gland is located in close proximity to the location of the optic nerves. At the beginning of its development this pathology does not bother the patient, but then, gradually growing, the tumor begins to compress these nerves. As a result, a deterioration in visual functions occurs. More often in this case there is a narrowing of the field of vision. Depending on the size of the pituitary adenoma, general health and the presence of contraindications, the patient is prescribed surgery or hormone therapy.

Long-term diabetes mellitus leads to the development of so-called diabetic retinopathy, associated with damage to the capillaries of the retina. In most patients degenerative changes retinas are noted already at the very beginning of the development of diabetes, so persons with increased level blood sugar levels, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination of the visual organs by an ophthalmologist at least twice a year. This measure will allow you to begin treatment of retinopathy in a timely manner and avoid a significant decrease in visual function.

Diseases such as glaucoma or cataracts require direct intervention in the eye area (using a scalpel or laser). During the rehabilitation period, the patient is prescribed eye drops, influencing the production intraocular fluid, helping to reduce intraocular pressure. Myopia can also be treated conservatively or surgically. In the first case, it means wearing glasses or lenses, in the second – vision correction using a laser. In severe cases of myopia/farsightedness, replacement of the eye lens with an artificial implant is indicated.

To avoid eye diseases accompanied by deterioration of vision, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist 1-2 times a year.

I worked hard all winter at work, in the office all day at the computer, and then in dark time days returning home along a country road, where oncoming traffic is very blinding. In general, I feel my vision has begun to decline. It’s a pity I don’t have a minute of free time to do eye exercises (well, I can’t roll my eyes at meetings with clients))), so I have to take pills, I bought Vitrum Vision Forte.

I think I’m nearsighted, I can’t see what’s far away from me_) I can’t see in the dark at all, tears flow from my eyes when I sit in the dark at the computer) tell me what I need to do so as not to go completely blind.

Hello. I don't want to sound harsh, but why don't you go see an ophthalmologist? This is the first. Second. If you have watery eyes. deterioration of vision, possibly sand in the eyes, often these symptoms appear with dry corneas of the eyes, which occurs due to eye fatigue, due to prolonged eye strain at the computer. If it is not possible to go to an ophthalmologist, drip natural tears several times a day or ophthalmic gel.

My vision also began to deteriorate, and it became so uncomfortable. A friend advised me to take a break from the computer more often. She also told me about the lutein complex vitamins that they are good for preventing eye disorders for those who work a lot at the computer, just for me.) So I bought it and started taking it.

I came across the issue of vision correction about 2 months ago. I aggravated my small disadvantage due to constant work on the computer, but I categorically did not want to have the operation, plus I couldn’t afford the money. I was looking for alternative options and came across the Fuziotren device through Yandex. I decided to try it, and, honestly, I didn’t regret it at all. I felt the result after 2 weeks, and the minus was removed after about a month. I won’t say that this is an option for everyone, since this is a simulator and you need to do 5-minute workouts every day, but, nevertheless, there is a result.

Strong headache

Headache is a very common symptom that accompanies many pathological conditions. Almost every person at some point in his life suffered from attacks of unbearable headaches when medications were ineffective. However, this condition is not always associated with serious diseases; in some cases, this symptom is a sign nervous overstrain or chronic stress.

Why might you get a severe headache?

Among the main diseases leading to severe headaches are:

  1. Acute viral or bacterial infections, accompanied by fever and other signs of intoxication.
  2. Soreness in the forehead and eye sockets is often a sign of inflammatory changes in the paranasal sinuses. In this case, sensations change when the head is tilted forward or backward.
  3. A hypertensive crisis in the cerebral version often manifests itself with neurological symptoms, and a severe headache can serve as a harbinger of a stroke.
  4. Meningitis and encephalitis can lead to pain in the back of the head. The neck muscles are tense (meningeal syndrome).
  5. Dental problems, such as gum cysts or tooth root decay, can also be accompanied by headaches. However, in this case it originates from the lesion.
  6. In some cases, pain spreads to the occipital region of the head with severe osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  7. Brain neoplasms (tumor, cyst, abscess) appear painful sensations which are accompanied by focal neurological symptoms.
  8. For arteritis of the temporomandibular joint in in rare cases the pain syndrome may spread to the temporal and occipital regions.
  9. Decreased visual acuity and diplopia (double vision) lead to the fact that after a short period of work at the computer or with documents, the patient develops a severe headache, which goes away after the person has rested.
  10. IN special group Diseases include migraine, which is accompanied by very strong pulsating painful sensations in the head. The reasons for this condition are not fully understood, however, they play an important role nervous fatigue, disruption of the daily routine, weather conditions, hormonal changes, as well as anatomical features venous network of the brain.

In addition, the head may hurt after alcohol abuse or drug poisoning.

Diagnostic methods

A severe headache is usually accompanied by other symptoms, which are most often caused by increased intracranial pressure:

  • dizziness;
  • photophobia and pain in the eyes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • neck muscle tension.

At the same time, according to clinical picture It is not always possible to judge the causes of the disease. In this case Additional information After examining the patient, the doctor can obtain:

  1. To exclude vascular pathology Do an ultrasound scan of the neck vessels (vertebral and carotid arteries), as well as a study of intracerebral vessels. At the same time, the patency of the arteries and the speed of blood flow are assessed.
  2. If a mass formation in the brain is suspected, a CT or MRI is performed, based on the results of which the doctor can determine the volume and location of the lesion, and, if necessary, prescribe a biopsy and histological examination.
  3. An X-ray of the skull can reveal bone injuries, as well as inflammatory changes in the paranasal sinuses. At cervical osteochondrosis signs of bone deformation will be noticeable.
  4. By analyzing the cerebrospinal fluid puncture, the presence of leukocytes or blood can be determined.
  5. An EEG is performed to clarify the state of the cerebral cortex and identify foci of seizure activity.
  6. During an optical examination, against the background of increased intracranial pressure, the optic discs will be swollen and whitish.

If a comprehensive examination fails to detect significant pathology, then most likely the pain is associated with migraine attacks.

Treatment methods

Effective treatment for pain in the head can only be prescribed once the cause has been established. In this case, the main attention is paid to etiotropic therapy, for example, for bacterial infections antibiotics are prescribed, for high blood pressure - antihypertensive therapy, and if there is a tumor, it is removed. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to temporarily improve the condition, but with long-term use it may develop side effects(erosions and gastric ulcers).

For migraine, various groups of drugs are used (serotonin antagonists, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, etc.), however, in each case, the selection of therapy is carried out individually. Among non-drug methods Treatments for severe headaches include physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy.

It is worth recalling once again that the success of treatment depends on a correct diagnosis. And this can only be done by contacting a doctor and undergoing a full examination.

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Headache due to visual impairment

Visual disorders can be one of the causes of persistent headaches. It occurs in both myopia and farsightedness, as well as other disorders associated with weakness of the eye muscles. Typically, headaches of ocular origin occur in childhood and manifest themselves after prolonged visual strain: reading, attending theatrical performances, cinemas, watching television. Particularly characteristic of this type of pain is its appearance at the bridge of the nose.

As a rule, headaches begin in the frontal or fronto-occipital region, sometimes from the back of the head, gradually spreading throughout the head, and in some cases even moving to the neck. The pain is dull, aching, sometimes throbbing.

Irritation plays a role in the mechanism of headaches of ocular origin. nerve endings trigeminal nerve located in eye muscles who have to overexert themselves due to one or another lack of vision.

Naturally, no pills for headaches will help such patients, and at the same time, correctly selected glasses and following the rules of visual hygiene relieve patients from painful headaches.

In adults, headaches can be caused by glaucoma. The main feature of glaucoma is that it causes a sharp increase in intraocular pressure. Headache is the main symptom of the disease. It is usually severe, paroxysmal, very strong, and does not respond well to even the most powerful painkillers. The pain intensifies at night and especially in the supine position, and can be localized in the fronto-ocular, temporal, parietal or occipital region. During the interictal period, the headache either completely stops or is less intense.

The development of headaches in glaucoma can be explained by irritation of the nerve endings of the branches of the trigeminal nerve, as well as nerve endings in the walls of the vessels of the eyeball.

With glaucoma, the headache decreases or stops completely after the prescription (of course, by a doctor) of drugs that reduce intraocular pressure.

In cases of unsuccessful drug treatment resort to operational methods treatments whose main goal is to reduce intraocular pressure.

Headache due to brain tumors. Brain tumors occur in approximately 4.5% of all organic diseases. The highest frequency of their appearance occurs between the ages of 20 and 40 years. They occur twice as often in men as in women. Most tumors are not malignant. However, the benignity of brain tumors is very relative, since any tumor that, in another location, turns out to be no more than a wart, will be very dangerous for the brain, due to the fact that it can significantly disrupt its activity.

One of the common and main symptoms of brain tumors is headache. The pain is usually smooth, dull, deep, and periodically worsens. Its severity changes with physical stress, coughing, sneezing, or changing body position. In the later stages of the disease, the pain becomes constant. The severity of pain is usually greater in adults than in children and the elderly. The most characteristic headaches due to brain tumors - its steady increase (not only in intensity, but also in the duration of attacks).

The peculiarity of this type of headache is that it worsens at night and in the morning. Headache is often accompanied by profuse vomiting in the morning on an empty stomach, without previous painful nausea.

There is no clear relationship between the position of the tumor and the manifestation of the pain symptom complex, although in some cases the localization of pain can be noted. Thus, with frontal tumors, the headache is predominantly observed in the forehead, and with temporal localization - in the temporal region. At the same time, occipital tumors manifest themselves as pain in the frontal or temporal or parietal region and rarely in the occipital region.

The mechanism of headaches caused by brain tumors is very complex. If the tumor is located near the membranes of the brain, then pain occurs as a result of irritation of the nerves of the membranes. An increase in intracranial pressure, irritation of sensitive cranial nerves or nerve endings in the walls of the venous sinuses and arteries of the hard tissue are also important. meninges if the tumor is located near these formations. A certain role belongs to the influence on the nervous system of various biochemical changes that appear with brain tumors. Individual sensitivity to painful stimuli also matters. This explains why different patients have different headaches with tumors of the same structure, size and location. Treatment is mainly surgical.

Temporary relief from this type of headache may come from painkillers. After some time, the headache appears with the same intensity.

Headache, blurred vision

An increase or decrease in pain when changing position is observed with a wide variety of lesions. In a standing position, headaches caused by tumors and disorders after puncture often worsen, while migraines, on the contrary, improve (Friedman). When moving, headaches emanating from the back of the head and caused by osteoarthritis and herniated intervertebral discs intensify, pain associated with increased tension in the occipital muscles decreases. Pain due to a decrease in cerebrospinal fluid pressure is especially intense, naturally, in a standing position.

Visual disturbances accompanying headaches occur, in addition to eye diseases (glaucoma, increased intraocular pressure), with migraine in the phase of atrial scotoma, incomplete or complete hemianopsia. Acute transient visual disturbances, so-called attacks of amblyopia, often accompany painful crises with internal closed hydrocele of the brain; complete amaurosis due to functional impairment visual occipital part of the cerebral cortex occurs with severe cerebral edema (acute eclamptic uremia); sudden onset central scotoma can be observed in malignant nephrogenic form hypertension.

In contrast, with most tumors accompanied by congestion of the nipples and optic nerve, vision remains unimpaired for a long time.

Severe headache with vomiting, often occurring in the morning before breakfast, is observed with internal closed hydrocele of the brain, and is also a common complaint with tumors of the cerebellum (partially caused here by direct pressure on the nuclei vagus nerve). Attacks of Meniere's syndrome and migraine, as well as acute circulatory disorders brain stem[Wallenberg syndrome], in most cases accompanied by retching and vomiting.

Headaches are accompanied by dizziness during migraine, which is very typical, with Meniere's symptom complex, hypertension (less often) and with separate forms tumors (primarily cerebellar tumors).

Particular attention should be paid to mental states. The psychogenic nature of headaches when identifying conflicts, which in most cases clearly underlie them, becomes clear even without a special in-depth study of the psyche. But especially carefully it is necessary to exclude organic lesion. If there is hypertension at the same time as psychoorganic symptoms, then the cause of the disorders in most cases is vascular changes; Without high blood pressure the picture is more suspicious of a tumor.

Especially suspicion of a tumor should arise in younger people with headaches and mental changes of organic origin. Also, with progressive paralysis, headache can sometimes come to the fore (Wassermann reaction!).

Finally, the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions can also provide diagnostic guidance. Ginergen and dihydroergotamine are effective in many cases of migraine and in some cases they also usually quickly eliminate very severe headaches in posterior cervical sympathetic syndrome, while antihistamines usually eliminate allergic headaches. Conventional antipyretics are almost diagnostically useless.

With simultaneous polyuria, first of all, you need to think about sympathicotonic syndrome, and then about migraine and, finally, about a tumor in the pituitary gland and midbrain, which can cause diabetes insipidus by destroying the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The diagnosis of true diabetes insipidus is easily made by taking into account the specific gravity of urine. With this disease, the specific gravity is always below 1005, and it cannot be increased even by abstaining from drinking.

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Gain or pain relief when changing position, it is observed in a wide variety of lesions. In a standing position, headaches caused by tumors and disorders after puncture often worsen, while migraines, on the contrary, improve (Friedman). When moving, headaches emanating from the back of the head and caused by osteoarthritis and herniated intervertebral discs intensify, pain associated with increased tension in the occipital muscles decreases. Pain due to a decrease in cerebrospinal fluid pressure is especially intense, naturally, in a standing position.

Visual impairment, accompanying headaches, occur, in addition to eye diseases (glaucoma, increased intraocular pressure), with migraine in the phase of atrial scotoma, incomplete or complete hemianopsia. Acute transient visual disturbances, so-called attacks of amblyopia, often accompany painful crises with internal closed hydrocele of the brain; complete amaurosis due to a functional disorder of the visual occipital part of the cerebral cortex occurs with severe cerebral edema (acute eclamptic uremia); sudden onset central scotoma can be observed in the malignant nephrogenic form of hypertension.

In contrast to this, when most tumors, accompanied by congestion of the nipples and optic nerve, vision remains unimpaired for a long time.

Severe headache with vomiting, often occurring in the morning before breakfast, is observed with internal closed hydrocele of the brain, and is also a common complaint with tumors of the cerebellum (partially caused here by direct pressure on the nuclei of the vagus nerve). Attacks of Meniere's syndrome and migraines, as well as acute disorders of the blood supply to the brain stem [Wallenberg syndrome], are in most cases accompanied by retching and vomiting.

Headache are accompanied by dizziness during migraine, which is very typical, with Meniere's symptom complex, hypertension (less often) and with certain forms of tumors (primarily with cerebellar tumors).

Particular attention should be paid mental states. The psychogenic nature of headaches when identifying conflicts, which in most cases clearly underlie them, becomes clear even without a special in-depth study of the psyche. But especially carefully it is necessary to exclude organic damage. If hypertension is present simultaneously with psychoorganic symptoms, then the cause of the disorders in most cases is vascular changes; in the absence of increased pressure, the picture is more suspicious of a tumor.

Especially suspected tumor should occur in younger individuals with headaches and mental changes of organic origin. Also, with progressive paralysis, headache can sometimes come to the fore (Wassermann reaction!).

Finally, effectiveness of therapeutic measures can also provide diagnostic guidance. Ginergen and dihydroergotamine are effective in many cases of migraine and in some cases they also usually quickly eliminate very severe headaches in posterior cervical sympathetic syndrome, while antihistamines usually eliminate allergic headaches. Conventional antipyretics are almost diagnostically useless.

With simultaneous polyuria first of all, you need to think about sympathicotonic syndrome, and then about migraine and, finally, about a tumor in the pituitary gland and midbrain, which can cause diabetes insipidus by destroying the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The diagnosis of true diabetes insipidus is easily made by taking into account the specific gravity of urine. With this disease, the specific gravity is always below 1005, and it cannot be increased even by abstaining from drinking.