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Stroke on the earlobe. Determination of stroke by ear. Frontal cortex

How to diagnose a stroke based on the earlobes, experts say

Folds on the earlobes can help diagnose a stroke

88% of stroke patients had characteristic folds on their ears

Scientists have discovered a simple way to determine a person's risk of stroke that could save hundreds of lives. To do this, you just need to take a close look at your earlobes.

The presence of a pronounced diagonal crease on the earlobe may mean that the owner is at increased risk of stroke. Scientists studied 241 people who had suffered strokes. As it turned out, more than ¾ of them had folds of this kind.

It is believed that clogged arteries, which increase the risk of stroke, also lead to poor blood supply to the earlobes. And this, in turn, causes a loss of elasticity and the formation of similar folds. The Israeli researchers who made this discovery recommend that doctors carefully examine the earlobes to include folds in the list of classic risk factors for stroke.

The Israeli scientists who conducted this study reported that 88% of patients who suffered a full-blown stroke had such folds. They were also found in 73% of patients who experienced microstrokes.

How to diagnose the ear

The connection of all organs in our body is obvious. The presence of hidden diseases can be revealed by the tongue; the body’s condition is often diagnosed by appearance cornea and sclera. The auricle is also one of the indicators of health.

If the ears look reddened, take on a bluish tint, and lumps appear on them, this is serious reason think about whether everything is okay with the body. Diagnosis of the body by the condition of the ears is widely practiced in China - specialists can identify the disease without resorting to such modern methods, like x-rays and tests!

Large ears correct form they say that a person has good genetic inheritance.

Small ears- an indicator of low resistance to disease; it is important for a person with small ears to strengthen their immunity and protect the nervous system.

Flat ears pressed against the head indicate a predisposition to kidney disease. If the ears are proportional, this means that all organs work harmoniously.

If ears are too hot, often turn red, and blood rushes to them - these are characteristic signs of high blood pressure. Often people with reddening ears are more irritable; they have an easily excitable nervous system, which allows them to instantly respond to changes in the external environment.

Cold, pale ears they talk about fatigue, low blood pressure, apathy and intestinal problems.

Blue and purple ears It appears in people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas. Sometimes blue ears indicate pulmonary insufficiency and heart problems.

Shiny skin on ears- a sign of intestinal atony and weakness of the body.

Wrinkles around the ears- a characteristic sign of vitamin deficiency and general exhaustion of the whole body.

If your ears appear brown and reddish spots, this indicates a deficiency in the body minerals, as well as disorders in the small and large intestines.

If medium sized earlobes and correct shape, this indicates the body’s good ability to resist diseases.

Large earlobe- an indicator of weak immunity.

If seals appear on the lobe, this may indicate a genetic predisposition to cancer.

Earlobe too soft with a large layer of subcutaneous fat is typical for people who are genetically predisposed to obesity.

Crease on the earlobe- an alarming indicator of a possible stroke, sometimes appearing in diabetes.

Elongated lobe typical for people who choose mental work.

Square earlobe indicates great physical strength and the ability to withstand heavy loads with ease.

Chinese medicine believes that there are a lot of active points related to internal organs. When something fails, it immediately manifests itself in the ears. Ear massage can cure many ailments! If strange scars, hardening, spots appear on the ears, or the ears change color, it is better not to take risks and carefully examine the body for the presence of diseases. Massaging your earlobe will help you cheer up early in the morning and quickly come to your senses after dizziness or loss of consciousness. If you can't sleep, The best way- place your palm under your ear, this will ensure sweet Dreams.

Doctors' opinion: will bloodletting help after a stroke?

The method is controversial!

Bloodletting as a method of healing came to us from China. It was suggested by Ha Bu Ting, an expert in Chinese traditional medicine, who began to use bloodletting to save the lives of his patients. In his opinion, the main thing is to try to remain calm and not move a person who is showing signs of a stroke. Otherwise, you can harm it by creating excess tension in the capillary system. You just need to put it higher under his head and start first aid - bloodletting.

It is best to do bloodletting with a medical syringe, but pins and sewing needles, which need to be sterilized by holding over a fire, are also suitable. Then carefully pierce the tips of all fingers next to the nail, pressing slightly on the pierced finger to squeeze out a drop of blood. When there is a distortion of the face, two additional punctures are required on the earlobes, which must first be massaged with your fingers until they turn red.

A few minutes after this method the patient usually comes to his senses. And now he can be sent to the hospital for diagnostics and necessary therapy. If you rush and do not do bloodletting, shaking in an ambulance can lead to a massive stroke with irreversible consequences.

Here is one of the stories told by one of the eyewitnesses on the Internet:

“One day, a woman familiar with the method of bloodletting was teaching a lesson in class when the door opened and the worried teacher announced that the college principal had suffered a stroke. She immediately went to see the patient and saw the director, who had turned very pale, with a twisted mouth and a fixed gaze.

Seeing this picture, the woman decided to use the bloodletting method as soon as possible. Someone ran to the pharmacy to get a syringe, after which the man was given punctures on all his fingers. After a few minutes, when there was a drop of blood on each of the man’s fingers, his face turned pink and his gaze became more meaningful. However, the distortion of the mouth persisted. He had to additionally pierce his ears, and after a few minutes the grimace on his face disappeared, and his speech became articulate.

When the patient rested a little after the blow, drinking a cup of hot tea, he was helped to the car and taken to the hospital. A day after the attack, he was already allowed to return to teaching, that is, the state of health of the college director did not give the doctors any cause for concern.”

It should be remembered that often during stroke patients experience additional microtrauma to blood vessels in the brain tissue during transportation to the hospital. As a result, they rarely manage to regain their health. Mortality due to strokes worldwide remains very high. And even if someone manages to save his life, he is forced to use crutches or a wheelchair, or even lie in bed for the rest of his life.

However, if you remember about bloodletting in time and provide immediate first aid, a person who has survived a brain catastrophe will as soon as possible returns to his normal life.

In ancient times, bloodletting was widely considered a treatment, although it did not always help.
In general, bloodletting during a stroke is the method is very controversial, current doctors even call it complete nonsense, although there are also defenders.

Bloodletting is permissible only for ischemic stroke when a blood clot forms, but not for hemorrhagic stroke when a vessel ruptures.

“Help the victim sit up. Then do the bloodletting. An injection syringe can be used. If this is not the case, the usual sewing needles or pins will also come in handy. Hold the needle/pin over the fire to sterilize. Then pierce the tips of all 10 fingers. You need to prick 1 mm from the nail so that blood flows. If blood does not start to drip, squeeze the pricked finger. When all 10 fingers are bleeding, wait a few minutes, after which the victim will wake up.

If the victim's mouth is twisted, pull the ears until they turn red. Then prick each earlobe twice, so that two drops of blood come out of each earlobe. Wait until the person comes to his senses and send him/her to the hospital. Otherwise, if he/she were rushed to the hospital in an ambulance, the shaking of the ride would cause the capillaries in the victim's brain to burst.”

Here's what our doctor thinks about bloodletting:

  • “I haven’t heard more nonsense,” this is how one of the leading Russian specialists in the treatment of stroke, a professor at the Department of Nervous Diseases of the First Moscow University, commented politically incorrectly on these Internet tips. medical university them. Sechenov Vladimir Parfenov.
  • No amount of bloodletting from the fingers and earlobes can help with strokes, and pulling the ears is also useless. The most important thing to do is to immediately call an ambulance and take the patient to a hospital where there is a neurological department or a specialized department for the treatment of acute disorders cerebral circulation(ONMK).First aid provided in the first 1-3 hours will save his life and prevent severe disability. Before the doctors arrive, you don’t need to do anything, just place the sick person comfortably and wait.

In general, it really looks like nonsense, and there are no reviews on this matter, by the way, the doctor’s opinion is also presented in the video, be sure to watch it, it talks about bloodletting in general, as well as about plasmapheresis, which, let me remind you, became one of the versions of death Vladimir Turchinsky.

I’m not sure about the method of treating stroke with bloodletting, perhaps it will help with the treatment of a couple of less serious diseases, but at the first signs of a stroke, first aid should be provided and immediately called ambulance.

The risk of stroke can be easily determined by the earlobe

Doctors have learned to determine the likelihood of a stroke in a person thanks to... the earlobe

This technique is called the Frank Sign. A diagonal fold on the earlobe allows doctors to say that a person is prone to stroke. It indicates problems with the arteries, speaks of unhealthy of cardio-vascular system.

It began to be called “Frank’s sign” in honor of the American doctor who first noticed this pattern - at the end of the last century, Sanders Frank noted that young patients with heart disease had a small fold on their earlobe.

American and Israeli doctors became interested in the observation. They conducted an experiment in which more than 300 people took part. In Israel, out of 241 patients with Frank's sign, 200 had a stroke. In the USA, 78 out of 88 people had this.

Doctors believe that this is the simplest and quick way determine the risk of stroke. Thanks to this observation, treatment can be started early and thousands of deaths can be prevented. However, such a fold on the lobe in rare cases may just be a feature of the structure of the ear.

The ear can detect the risk of a stroke

Experts have identified this feature of the auricle as the “Frank sign.” Thus, the presence of diagonal folds on the lobe indicates a relationship with an increased risk of stroke.

Scientists explain this as follows. The point here is clogging of the arteries, which contributes to the appearance of certain disorders in the cardiovascular system and the formation of corresponding creases in the auricle. In support of this version, experts cited data from 88 people with this ear feature, 78 of whom had a stroke.

Other scientific work indicates the relationship between blood type and stroke. The secret lies in a higher concentration of protein, which is capable of clotting blood. This result was reached by employees of the European Society of Cardiology, who studied data from 1.3 million people. It turned out that 15 out of every thousand people with blood types 2, 3 and 4 have had heart attacks in the past. This figure for people with blood group 1 was 14 per thousand. The increase in risk seems to be too small, but on a global scale the whole picture becomes visible. Previously, scientists had proven that people with blood type 4 are 23 percent more likely to experience heart disease.

Let us recall that the blood type of each person is determined by the genes that he inherited from his mother and father. At the same time, a large number of diseases are caused precisely by the influence of the genetic component. Experts assure that an analysis of each blood group is necessary - this way it will be possible to identify an increased risk of disease.

For example, people with blood type 2 have high cholesterol, and they most likely need a special type of treatment for high cholesterol. blood pressure. Here the researchers provide the following statistics. Thus, according to 770 thousand people with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th blood groups and about 510 thousand people with the 1st group, it became clear: approximately 1.5 percent are from the first group and 1.4 percent from the second have experienced a heart attack or angina in the past.

Do you know what "Frank's Sign" is? I only recently found out about him, although, as it turns out, I’ve had this very sign of Frank for at least 10 years.

A small lyrical digression. I'm very big ears. Yes, yes, big, with large fleshy lobes. I don’t really worry about this, although I envy my husband, whose ears are small and neat (well, why does he need such beautiful ears?!). And then one day they told me that I should wear lighter earrings, because the ones I was wearing now were weighing down my ears. I don’t understand anything, what are we talking about? My earrings are normal, not heavy at all. As proof, I took them off and handed them to my interlocutor so that he could verify the correctness of my words. Meanwhile, she looked at her ear in the mirror and saw that there was a deep fold running diagonally across the entire lobe, on both ears. Its depth and overall appearance did not depend on whether there were earrings in the ears or not. I was surprised (I had never paid attention to this before, I don’t even know when this fold appeared or was it there all the time?) and took into account the fact that this is the structural feature of my ear. And she continued to live with it, periodically explaining to people that my earrings are not heavy, but my lobe is so strange, what can you do?

So I lived in blissful ignorance until earlier this year I came across an article that talked about the so-called “Frank Sign”. It's about about a diagonal fold on the earlobe that begins at the ear canal and crosses the lobe to its edge. For the first time, an unusual correlation between the presence of such a fold on the earlobe and the likelihood of atherosclerosis coronary arteries myocardium was brought to the attention of Dr. S.T. Frank back in 1973. In honor of him, this phenomenon was given the name “Sign (sign) of Frank.” He noticed that 80% of patients suffering from atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the myocardium have a similar fold on their ears. This sign is especially significant for people who are under 40 years old. This does not mean that all people who have Frank's sign have atherosclerosis, but they are at risk and should be wary and pay attention to this. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination to determine whether possible problem with heart. And also think about whether a person lives correctly from the point of view of his attitude towards health. You also need to keep in mind that the absence of Frank's sign does not guarantee absolute well-being with the health of the cardiovascular system.

In my case, Frank's sign is an indicator of the risk of atherosclerosis coronary vessels. This is hereditary for me, both my father and mother have atherosclerosis. Plus, at the age of 30, I discovered very high level cholesterol. Thanks to the fact that I paid attention to this in time, completely changed my diet, became a vegetarian, changed my attitude to health and lifestyle, I managed to cope with this potential danger. Now my cholesterol level is normal, I constantly monitor it.

Taking various dietary supplements helps me a lot in this matter. For example, one of the main dietary supplements for me is coenzyme Q10. I have been taking it constantly for about 10 years. It does not directly lower cholesterol levels in
blood, but taking it on a regular basis in the amount of 60 mg daily leads to significant changes in the favorable direction of numerous indicators of risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis. Coenzyme Q10 prevents the oxidation of “bad” cholesterol and thereby stops the formation process cholesterol plaques. It carries energy to all cells of our body, and is especially beneficial to the cells of the cardiovascular system. He is the most powerful antioxidant, rejuvenates the body. Many naturopaths recommend its use for people over 40 years of age on an ongoing basis. I bought Q10 from various manufacturers on iHerbe; for me personally, it is important that the capsules are vegetarian. This one is really good

Now Foods, CoQ10, 60 mg, 180 Vegetarian Capsules

I didn't want to scare anyone with this post. I just want to draw your attention to such an important and unfamiliar sign, Frank’s sign. Check to see if you or your loved ones have such a fold on their earlobe. And if there is, then be sure to undergo a check to detect the risk of atherosclerosis and take appropriate measures.

I wish everyone excellent health! And remember, forewarned is forearmed!

You can always use my code AKT9997 and get a 5% discount on any of your purchases.

This post is written as a story about personal experience applications this drug and in no way constitutes a recommendation for use.

Have you ever realized in your life how important ears are to a person? It would be nice to think about this... After all, ears not only allow you to hear. They are worth remembering not only when you feel. Your ears can tell you a lot about your health. Next, we will tell you what diseases the organ of hearing can speak about in a hidden form in a non-verbal manner.

For example, representatives of the Chinese alternative medicine they say that the function of the ears is also the regulation of the balance of male and female energy, as well as the transmission of information to the brain.

In general, your ears can tell you a lot of interesting things about your health. So, then we’ll tell you what diseases the ears can talk about in a hidden form in a non-verbal way.

Diabetes mellitus

Hearing loss can be a symptom of various serious illnesses, including diabetes. According to a 2008 study led by the US National Institutes of Health, hearing loss is twice as common in people with diabetes compared to those without the disease.

In addition, the 30% of adults who are susceptible to diabetes (having high blood sugar) are more likely to have hearing problems than people who are not prone to diabetes.

"We don't know exactly what the connection is between hearing loss and diabetes. It probably has something to do with the blood supply." inner ear“suggests Seth Schwartz, RD, director of the Listen for Life Center, located in Seattle, Washington, USA.

Moreover, metabolic disorders that occur in people with diabetes "can negatively affect the functioning of the inner ear, particularly when the patient has difficulty coping with the disease," the doctor adds.

In addition, ear infections are common among patients diagnosed with diabetes" By the way, such diseases are quite acute in them.

Clogged arteries

Next time you walk past a mirror, pay attention to your earlobes. Are they smooth and even, no wrinkles? Moving on/ If you notice a diagonal fold or wrinkle on your earlobe, you should tell your doctor about it. This is because the line on the earlobe (known as Frank's sign, after researcher Sanders T. Frank, who brought it to his attention in 1973) may be a potential indicator.

In 2012, a study was conducted at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles, USA). The results of the experiment were published in the American Journal of Cardiology. Patients with a diagonal fold on the earlobe were more likely to have signs of heart disease than those who did not notice such a phenomenon.

Another study was published in the American Journal forensic medicine and pathology (The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology) in 2006. According to the results, in people under the age of 40, such a fold was a harbinger of cardiovascular diseases in 80% of cases.

However, some doctors are skeptical about such signs. According to Noah Stern, director of the ENT program at the Detroit Medical Center (Michigan, USA), he personally cannot “conclude that such a fold is a characteristic sign of coronary insufficiency.”

Jaw joint problem

Are you worried about your ears hurting? There are. Meanwhile, "many people who present with ear pain soon find out that there is nothing wrong with their ears. The cause of the pain lies in the jaw," Schwartz says. “Often, patients with ear pain are simply misdiagnosed,” explains the doctor.

One of common reasons why ear pain occurs is associated with dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. It connects the jaw to the bones that sit opposite each ear. Ear pain may occur as a result of:

  • chewing;
  • pronouncing words;
  • opening the mouth wide.

If the discomfort persists, and the otolaryngologist assures you that everything is fine with your ears, then you will have to consult a dentist.

Anxiety, high blood pressure, brain tumor

Are you experiencing ringing in your ears? This phenomenon is called tinnitus. Ringing is a symptom of almost 200 diseases, ranging from anxiety and depression to hypertension. If you only have this one symptom, then there is hardly any need to worry.

In rare cases, ringing in the ears may indicate that the body has developed benign tumor brain (neuroma auditory nerve). It affects the nerve that affects hearing.

The good news is: "If your tinnitus is intermittent, don't worry too much," says Schwartz. If your ear has been ringing for several months, see your doctor.


When it comes to allergy symptoms, watery eyes and runny nose get everyone's attention. True, you should also pay attention to the ears. You may have health problems if you experience:

  • itching in the ears;
  • swelling of the ears;
  • hearing impairment.

"Eustakhieva auditory tube connects the nose to the ears. It needs to open and close to allow air to circulate freely between these organs," says Stern.

When congestion is observed during allergic rhinitis, this has a bad effect on the functions eustachian tube. There is a feeling of fullness in the ears, as if you were flying on an airplane. Usually, for allergies, doctors:

  • prescribe medications that reduce swelling (in the form of sprays),
  • It is advised to purchase an air humidifier;
  • It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids.

This will relieve nasal congestion and reduce tinnitus.

Hepatitis, cancer, ear infection

Most people think that earwax is just dirt. Frequent and deep cleaning of the ears can be harmful. But at the same time, sulfur has lubricating and bactericidal properties. In addition, sulfur protects the ear from various microbes. The composition of sulfur may indicate the presence of diseases in the body. "There is a clear connection between what goes into earwax and various diseases" says Schwartz.

The doctor adds that the DNA of some diseases, such as hepatitis, can appear in earwax. This can be compared to how other infections appear in the patient's blood or saliva. Therefore, the composition of earwax can also be a harbinger of disease.

In 2009, Japanese researchers published the results of their study in medical journal FASEB Journal. After the experiment, scientists began to claim that wet, sticky sulfur appears in those who develop breast cancer. Scientists have discovered a mutation in the ABCC11 gene. It is not yet entirely clear what this is connected with. If you notice this earwax at home, don’t panic, just get tested.

The most important thing is not to diagnose yourself immediately after a person has studied only the contents of his own ear and observed himself. Remember that sulfur has a greenish tint and unpleasant smell indicates the presence of an ear infection. In any case, all these conclusions can be confirmed or refuted only by a person with medical education in an individual case after diagnostics. But you can start thanking and respecting your ears right now!

Alternative method stroke prediction was proposed in Tiberias. Doctors from medical center called “Puria”, it is believed that the earlobe will help predict a person’s stroke. The scientific work was published in the journal AMJ.

Thus, a fold on the earlobe can give a very important information, which is capable of saving a person’s life at a crucial moment, since then it will be possible to provide timely medical assistance.

A similar fold may appear on the ear due to blockage of the arteries. This phenomenon is also called the “Frank sign”. In this case, doctors refer to bad job cardiovascular system of the body. Doctors from the Puria center analyzed information about 241 patients. It turned out that each of this number had suffered a stroke and had a “Frank sign” on their ear.

It is hardly worth writing how important this scientific work is. With the help of such a quick diagnosis, more than one person’s life can be saved.

The risk of stroke can be easily determined by the earlobe

Doctors have learned to determine the likelihood of a stroke in a person thanks to... the earlobe

This technique is called the Frank Sign. A diagonal fold on the earlobe allows doctors to say that a person is prone to stroke. It indicates problems with the arteries and speaks of an unhealthy cardiovascular system.

It began to be called “Frank’s sign” in honor of the American doctor who first noticed this pattern - at the end of the last century, Sanders Frank noted that young patients with heart disease had a small fold on their earlobe.

American and Israeli doctors became interested in the observation. They conducted an experiment in which more than 300 people took part. In Israel, out of 241 patients with Frank's sign, 200 had a stroke. In the USA, 78 out of 88 people had this.

Doctors believe this is the easiest and fastest way to determine the risk of stroke. Thanks to this observation, treatment can be started early and thousands of deaths can be prevented. However, such a fold on the lobe in rare cases may just be a feature of the structure of the ear.

The ear can detect the risk of a stroke

Experts have identified this feature of the auricle as the “Frank sign.” Thus, the presence of diagonal folds on the lobe indicates a relationship with an increased risk of stroke.

Scientists explain this as follows. The point here is clogging of the arteries, which contributes to the appearance of certain disorders in the cardiovascular system and the formation of corresponding creases in the auricle. In support of this version, experts cited data from 88 people with this ear feature, 78 of whom had a stroke.

Other scientific work suggests a relationship between blood type and stroke. The secret lies in a higher concentration of protein, which is capable of clotting blood. This result was reached by employees of the European Society of Cardiology, who studied data from 1.3 million people. It turned out that 15 out of every thousand people with blood types 2, 3 and 4 have had heart attacks in the past. This figure for people with blood group 1 was 14 per thousand. The increase in risk seems to be too small, but on a global scale the whole picture becomes visible. Previously, scientists had proven that people with blood type 4 are 23 percent more likely to experience heart disease.

Let us recall that the blood type of each person is determined by the genes that he inherited from his mother and father. At the same time, a large number of diseases are caused precisely by the influence of the genetic component. Experts assure that an analysis of each blood group is necessary - this way it will be possible to identify an increased risk of disease.

For example, people with blood type 2 have high cholesterol and are more likely to need a special type of treatment for high blood pressure. Here the researchers provide the following statistics. Thus, according to 770 thousand people with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th blood groups and about 510 thousand people with the 1st group, it became clear: approximately 1.5 percent are from the first group and 1.4 percent from the second have experienced a heart attack or angina in the past.

Stroke risk can be determined by your earlobes

Hundreds of thousands of lives could be saved thanks to the discovery of scientists who have established a simple way to determine a person's risk of stroke. To do this, you need to take a close look at his earlobes.

The presence of a pronounced diagonal crease on the earlobe may mean that the owner is at increased risk of stroke. Scientists studied 241 people who had suffered strokes. It turned out that more than three quarters of them had this kind of folds. It is believed that clogged arteries, which increase the risk of stroke, also lead to poor blood supply to the earlobes. And this, in turn, causes a loss of elasticity and the formation of similar folds.

The Israeli researchers who made this discovery recommend that doctors carefully examine the earlobes to include folds in the list of classic risk factors for stroke.
However, many doctors perceive this statement of scientists with skepticism. They emphasize that the appearance of diagonal folds on the earlobe may be a common consequence of the aging process. For example, such folds can be easily seen on the ears of the famous film director Steven Spielberg, who is 70 years old, or on the 61-year-old actor and director Mel Gibson. However, scientists from Israel, who published their study in the American Journal of Medicine, cite that 78 of 88 patients who suffered a full-blown stroke (88%) had such folds. They were also found in 112 of 153 patients (73%) who experienced microstrokes.

Previous studies have also linked the fold to an increased risk of heart attack. So, in one study involving 800 people, 77% of heart attack victims had this fold on their earlobes. Among those who have not experienced heart attacks, this fold was found in only 40%.

Scientists told how to determine the tendency to stroke by the earlobe (VIDEO)

Doctors have learned to determine the likelihood of a stroke in a person by his earlobe. ...A diagonal fold on the earlobe allows doctors to say that a person is predisposed to a stroke. So a fold on the lobe indicates a risk of stroke. This phenomenon is called "Frank's Sign" in honor of Dr. Sanders Frank, who back in 1973 identified the connection between earlobe deformation and heart failure. As a result of their recent study, Israeli experts agreed that a person’s risk of stroke can be determined by looking at their earlobe. ... Thus, the presence of diagonal folds on the lobe indicates a relationship with an increased risk of stroke.

Scientists have discovered the simplest way to determine a person’s susceptibility to strokes, reports IA Data. ...If there is a diagonal fold on the earlobe, then the risk of a stroke for its owner is very high. So, according to experts, about increased risk A person's stroke may be indicated by a fold on the earlobe. ...Most of those who had a fold on their earlobe experienced either a microstroke or a stroke. An alternative method for predicting stroke was proposed in Tiberias. Doctors from a medical center called "Puria" believe that the earlobe will help predict a person's stroke.

The presence of a pronounced diagonal crease on the earlobe may mean that the owner is at increased risk of stroke. ...The Israeli researchers who made this discovery recommend that doctors carefully examine the earlobes to include folds in the list of classic risk factors for stroke. Israeli experts have found that a crease in the earlobe indicates an increased risk of stroke. ... As a result, it was possible to identify a connection between the fold in the ear and a predisposition to stroke.

Israeli scientists have found that a fold on the earlobe may indicate an increased risk of stroke, writes Politexpert. ...Experts conducted a study, the results of which confirmed the relationship between the crease in the ear and the risk of heart disease. Israeli scientists have learned that a fold on the earlobe indicates an increased risk of stroke. This unique sign was called the “Frank sign”. Experts have carefully examined this area, finding that the crease in the ear has a direct connection with the risk of such serious illness. Scientists believe that this may be due to the so-called “clogging” of the arteries, which affects the functioning of the body’s cardiovascular system.

The likelihood of a stroke is determined by the earlobe - scientists

An alternative method for predicting stroke was proposed in Tiberias. Doctors from a medical center called "Puria" believe that the earlobe will help predict a person's stroke. The scientific work was published in the journal AMJ.

Thus, a fold on the earlobe can provide very important information that can save a person’s life at a crucial moment, since then it will be possible to provide timely medical assistance.

A similar fold may appear on the ear due to blockage of the arteries. This phenomenon is also called the “Frank sign”. In this case, doctors refer to poor functioning of the body's cardiovascular system. Doctors from the Puria center analyzed information about 241 patients. It turned out that each of this number had suffered a stroke and had a “Frank sign” on their ear.

It is hardly worth writing how important this scientific work is. With the help of such a quick diagnosis, more than one person’s life can be saved.

Inner ear and stroke

The inner ear is vitally important for a person, since the peripheral part functions in it vestibular apparatus. He is responsible for coordinating movement and behavior in different places.

After its inflammation, a person loses hearing, vision and sensitivity in general decrease, which leads to a stroke.

The main symptoms of the disorder are:

  1. dizziness;
  2. frequent blinking of the eyelids;
  3. nausea causing vomiting;
  4. the skin turns sharply red or, conversely, turns pale;
  5. loss of coordination, loss of balance, fainting;
  6. hypertension or hypotension;
  7. increased sweating, heart and breathing speeds up.

A person can feel healthy all the time and not see any changes in the body. But as soon as you feel a pungent smell, sound, or change in the weather, an attack occurs, which every time
enlarge and become heavier.

The main causes of such attacks are:

  • Positional vertigo is benign. Elderly
    people often feel an illusion of rotation, nausea or rare
    stomach ache. The causes of this phenomenon may be ear injuries,
    undergone operations.
  • vestibular neuritis. When suffering from severe flu, depriving
    or herpes. The person often feels dizzy, vomits,
    eyeball moves in a circle. This disease goes through
    a couple of weeks, at an older age – a month.
  • blockage of the internal labyrinthine artery. Blood flows poorly
    to the brain, which can lead to its outpouring. A person can lose
    hearing, getting constant fainting.
  • chronic vestibulopathy. Intoxication with various
    medications. Coordination of movement is lost, nausea appears.
  • Mignard syndrome. Very common in ear diseases.
    Noise and congestion in the ears, constant attacks.
  • traumatic brain injuries, concussions and temporal bone fractures;
  • otitis media or osteosclerosis, sulfur plugs;
  • brain tumors;
  • multiple sclerosis. A common disease. It leads to
    severe vomiting, dizziness.

Treatment or diagnosis

The first step is to consult an otolaryngologist, who
will conduct a detailed examination using special devices. This:
- ultrasound;
- tomography;
- audiometry.

It is possible to determine the nature of pathological changes, the cause of the disease, and prevent stroke in the inner ear.

All symptoms and first signs of stroke, tests

From this article you will learn: everything about the first signs of a stroke and “later” symptoms, differences in manifestation different types stroke, stroke test.

Stroke is acute disorder blood circulation in a region of the brain. Regardless of the volume and type of damage, a stroke always poses a serious threat to the health and even life of the patient - it is the second most common cause of death (from diseases) among the world's population.

The course and prognosis are largely determined by the timeliness and quality of care provided: if the first signs of stroke pathology were immediately recognized and the patient received necessary treatment– the probability of an unfavorable outcome (disability and death) is reduced by 2 or more times.

The clinical picture of a stroke consists of cerebral, autonomic and focal symptoms.

First we'll look at general symptoms for any type of stroke.

General cerebral symptoms

General cerebral symptoms during the development of stroke arise due to increased intracranial pressure, changes in blood circulation in the brain and irritation meninges. These include:

  1. Headache of varying severity - from constant aching to sudden, acute and painful.
  2. Nausea and vomiting due to headache.
  3. Dizziness, feeling of fullness and tinnitus.
  4. Disturbances of consciousness - from mild disorientation in space and time to complete loss of consciousness and transition to coma. When disorientated, a person cannot remember (or with difficulty, after long thoughts) remembers the date, day of the week and place in which he is, cannot find his way home, forgets his name, etc. A state of stoppage, characterized by stunnedness, lethargy, is possible , weak and slow reaction to what is happening around. In a coma, there is no consciousness, there is no reaction to tactile and painful stimuli.
  5. Seizures.

Focal symptoms

Since each area of ​​the brain is responsible for specific processes in the body (controls memory, attention, speech, movements in one or another muscle group, etc.), if blood circulation in a particular area is impaired, specific symptoms– so-called focal neurological symptoms.

Symptoms of a stroke depend on which part of the brain is affected

Exactly focal symptoms extremely important in diagnosing stroke. Based on the nature of focal symptoms, one can not simply judge whether a stroke has occurred: a neurologist or an experienced therapist characteristic features will be able to determine in which area the blood circulation is impaired - even before a special examination is carried out.

A feature of focal symptoms is their appearance on the side opposite to the location of the stroke. So, if blood circulation is impaired in the right hemisphere, then focal symptoms will be expressed on the left, and vice versa.

Certain areas of the cerebral cortex are characterized by “their own” focal symptoms.

Frontal cortex

  1. Paresis – absence of voluntary movements. They occur in one limb (monoparesis) or in both an arm and a leg on one side (hemiparesis). In this case, hemiparesis will be right-sided if blood circulation is impaired in the cortex of the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere, and left-sided if the stroke affected the right hemisphere.
  2. Speech disorders – difficulties in constructing sentences.
  3. Swaying and unsteadiness when walking.
  4. Changes in personality and behavior - causeless rage or, on the contrary, gaiety; deep apathy with a lack of reaction to what is happening around while maintaining consciousness; atypical behavior (aggressiveness or unjustified cheerfulness).
  5. Cramps.
  6. Loss of smell on the side opposite to the lesion.

Parietal cortex

  1. Loss of tactile sensitivity (lack of sensation from touching the skin).
  2. Loss of numeracy, writing and reading abilities.

Temporal lobe cortex

  • Changes in hearing - deafness, decreased hearing acuity, tinnitus and auditory hallucinations, various defects auditory perception (up to the loss of the ability to understand spoken speech).
  • Memory disorders - amnesia (memory lapses), deja vu (false memories of what is happening, the feeling that it has already happened before).

Occipital cortex

Vision pathology – possible total loss and various visual impairments:

  • visual hallucinations (a person sees something that is not really there);
  • visual illusions (incorrect visual perception of existing objects);
  • inability to recognize familiar objects and people by appearance.

Autonomic symptoms

Autonomic symptoms are caused by changes in the functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The most common symptoms of a stroke are:

  • heartbeat,
  • sweating,
  • feeling of dry mouth,
  • feeling of heat.

These symptoms are nonspecific and serve rather as additional signs; by their presence it is impossible to judge whether a stroke has occurred, as well as its type and severity of the condition.

Differences between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke

Poor circulation in a region of the brain can occur for two main reasons - due to insufficient blood flow ( ischemic stroke) or due to hemorrhage (hemorrhagic stroke). Since the causes and mechanisms of development of pathology in these two situations are significantly different, the approaches to treatment will also be different. Therefore, it is important to know the main differences between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.

Stroke tests

The course and severity of a stroke are determined by many factors. If blood circulation is disrupted in a small area of ​​the brain (the so-called microstroke), specific focal symptoms may be absent, but clinical picture often smeared. To diagnose stroke in unclear and suspicious cases, there are special tests that can be easily performed independently in front of a mirror, or performed under the supervision of relatives or medical professionals.

Such tests include smiling (baring teeth), closing your eyes, and sticking out your tongue. Due to paresis of the facial muscles during a stroke, a crooked smile (crooked grin), asymmetry of facial expressions, uneven squinting and deviation of the tongue in the direction opposite to the side of the lesion are noted.

In addition to facial tests, tests for coordination and clarity of speech are used. The result of coordination tests for stroke is the patient’s instability in a standing position with eyes closed, missing during the finger-nose test (when asked to stretch out your arms, and then index finger first left, then right hand touch the tip of your nose).

To check the clarity of speech, the patient must clearly pronounce a tongue twister or a complex sentence. If you have a stroke, this requirement cannot be met.

Indications for testing include any symptoms suspicious of a stroke: blurred speech, changes in behavior or some strange oddities in behavior, memory problems, lethargy, etc.

Test for diagnosing stroke


Stroke - serious condition requiring emergency specialized medical care. Even if the patient had a mini-stroke or was noted transient disorder cerebral circulation (symptoms went away on their own within a few hours) - in the near future there is a high risk of a second attack, and in a more severe form. Therefore, if you have any symptoms of a stroke, or even just if you suspect it, you should immediately seek help. medical care- call an ambulance or take the patient to the neurological department.

The risk of stroke can be easily determined by the earlobe

Doctors have learned to determine the likelihood of a stroke in a person thanks to... the earlobe

This technique is called the Frank Sign. A diagonal fold on the earlobe allows doctors to say that a person is prone to stroke. It indicates problems with the arteries and speaks of an unhealthy cardiovascular system.

It began to be called “Frank’s sign” in honor of the American doctor who first noticed this pattern - at the end of the last century, Sanders Frank noted that young patients with heart disease had a small fold on their earlobe.

American and Israeli doctors became interested in the observation. They conducted an experiment in which more than 300 people took part. In Israel, out of 241 patients with Frank's sign, 200 had a stroke. In the USA, 78 out of 88 people had this.

Doctors believe this is the easiest and fastest way to determine the risk of stroke. Thanks to this observation, treatment can be started early and thousands of deaths can be prevented. However, such a fold on the lobe in rare cases may just be a feature of the structure of the ear.