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Manipulations for the elimination of wart formations. Methods for removing warts: laser, radio wave knife or Cryopharma

Warts are one of the most common, contagious, that is, transmitted by touch, skin diseases. The causative agent of the disease is a virus that is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through direct contact or through any objects. The latent period of the disease lasts up to six months. Predisposing factors that increase the chance of infection: violation of the integrity of the skin and increased skin moisture. More often, the virus is “caught” by children and adolescents in the warm season. Sometimes warts disappear without a trace, just as they appeared. The appearance of warts is not accidental and indicates, first of all, reduced immunity. Frequent, repeated occurrence of warts should not be ignored, since some types of viruses that cause their appearance are the cause of malignant tumors of the cervix in women.

Clinical types of warts

Simple warts, the size of which is no larger than a pea and their shape resembles nodules with a bumpy surface. Simple warts do not differ in color from normal color skin. Warts are often located on the fingers, and extremely rarely on the feet, face and scalp. Among other warts, one noticeable is the maternal one, which differs in size and location. It is surrounded by small warts.

Flat warts located mainly on the face and dorsum of the hand. Round or oval in shape, slightly elevated above the skin level. The color of warts is light pink or brown. Flat warts, if they appear, exist on the surface of the skin long time, and after a sudden disappearance they reappear extremely rarely. If you smear such a wart sunflower oil, then a pattern in the form of a mesh appears on its surface. This symptom is distinctive from other skin diseases, such as lichen planus.

Plantar warts, their other name is spiny. The favorite place of localization is the skin of the sole in the place of friction with shoes. The size of plantar warts usually reaches 3 cm in diameter. When walking while squeezing with shoes, warts appear strong pain. Plantar warts practically do not rise above the epidermis. When it is cut, the wound surface bleeds a little. Plantar warts can be confused with calluses.

Genital warts or condylomas the shape of the growth resembles a cockscomb or cauliflower. Warts of this type are transmitted sexually. Their favorite localization is the mucous membrane of the external genitalia, as well as the anal area of ​​men and women.

When should you think about the removal procedure?

If any formations appear on the skin, then it makes sense to consult a specialist and, preferably, undergo an examination, since the appearance of warts indicates a depressed immune system. It is worth thinking about removing a wart when its area increases, and irritation and itching are also observed.

Today, there are various ways to remove warts that are affordable, safe and mostly painless.

Nitrogen cryotherapy. The procedure is carried out as follows: cotton wool is wrapped around a wooden stick, which is dipped into a vessel with liquid nitrogen and applied to the wart for 30 - 60 seconds. After a few hours, the skin around the wart swells, and after 2 days small blisters appear. Next, the doctor opens the vial and treats the wound with aniline dye. Sometimes the session needs to be repeated. This is especially true for large warts located on the sole. Treatment begins with the maternal wart. Usually everyone else disappears after her.

Laser therapy– today one of the most common operations in cosmetology and medicine to remove warts. The removal process is quick and virtually painless. Complete healing of the wound and the formation of a new epidermis occurs after a few weeks. After this time, no traces remain on the skin. Laser therapy is safe for children.

Diathermocoagulation Suitable for removing warts that occupy a small area of ​​skin. Treatment is carried out with current pulses after preliminary anesthesia. Pulses are sent special devices to skin tissues. It is possible that after a period of healing, a small scar will remain at the site of removal. During the procedure, the tissue surrounding the wart is disinfected. When the current is applied to the wart, bleeding from the wound does not occur.

Injection of warts with interferon.

Surface treatment of steamed and cut warts celandine juice up to ten days.

Phonophoresis using antiviral ointments, for example, oxolinic. This method is often used in combination with others.
Removal cost

The price of wart removal depends on the location, number of warts, and the method chosen by the patient. It is not worth saving on the method of removing warts, especially if you need to remove it on an open area of ​​the body. In this case, it is advisable to choose a method that does not leave a mark in the form of a scar.

Warts are common skin growths caused by the human papillomavirus. It can be represented by different types and types, in connection with this certain skin formations are caused. They can be removed without any problems, but sometimes people have to fight them for many years.

The wart formation is only a visible element of the symptomatology viral infection. The spread of the pathogen itself occurs through the use of common things with the carrier, sometimes transmission is carried out sexually (if we're talking about about warts in intimate areas).

The infection lives in the upper layers of the epidermis, but it gets there through minor injuries. Let's look at the main ways to remove warts, which are inexpensive, painless and effective.

Basic misconceptions

Warts are irritant rather than something more serious. Many people perceive them solely as aesthetic skin problems, and these growths have tormented people for a long time, and for many individuals they evoke associations with toads and other disgusting creatures.

People often treat warts as something frivolous, and this is the wrong approach, because only if warts and papillomas are removed in a timely manner can a good result be achieved.

Features of the therapeutic process

Methods for removing warts can be different, but if you use only one of them, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve a lasting effect. Therefore, to achieve the highest quality result, experts advise combining several methods. These include several groups of options.

  • Destruction by physical methods and through physical substances;
  • use of cytotoxic drugs;
  • immunostimulating therapy.

Removal of annoying warts should be carried out strictly on the advice of a specialist. Many people have a question about whether warts can be removed. In fact, such a possibility exists if you follow the basic recommendations of a specialist.

Electrical coagulation method

The most ancient and effective way to combat unwanted growths is to use electric current. First the skin is treated with antiseptic composition and then anesthesia is performed. Then the warty formation is cauterized and removed with skin surface. This method is traditionally effective for combating plantar and vulgar warts.


This therapy is applicable for all types of papillomas, including plantar formations. It is based on the use of liquid nitrogen and is considered the safest. Cryotherapy can reduce the risk of bleeding and tissue damage. After cauterization occurs, a crust remains, which disappears after a few days. But there is a possibility of small scars appearing after wart removal.

Laser removal

This method is based on the thermal effect of a light beam on papillomas. To prevent pain during the procedure and the formation of severe burns, the device is equipped with a special cooling system. The effectiveness of the event largely depends on the specialist’s calculation of the depth of penetration and the time of impact on the formation.

Radio wave method

Thanks to this technology, it is possible to ensure high-quality removal of pathological tissues along with the skin due to the influence of high-frequency waves. In this method, there is no chance of infection, and coagulation of blood vessels helps eliminate bleeding. But after removing the wart, various traces are absent. But the procedure is painful, so the answer to the question “does it hurt to remove warts” is positive.

The most effective method is to remove warts with Surgitron. The device is represented by a radio wave generator equipped with a special working tip, similar in appearance to ballpoint pen. The specialist performing the procedure manipulates this device at a certain depth of influence. Under the influence of the radio wave technique, cells, which contain a large amount of liquid, swell and burst. The advantage is that neighboring cells are not damaged. The duration of this procedure is 20 minutes.

Surgical removal of warts

If the tumors are large, this method is one of the most relevant and is carried out using local anesthesia. There is a possibility that HPV virus will re-enter the blood. Due to the above factors this method If it is used in practice, it happens rarely.


This method involves the use of chemical “medicinal” agents to eliminate growths.

In practice, compositions such as DUOFILM are widely used for application to affected areas. skin areas 2-4 times a day, causing lung burning. The cost of the product is about 700 rubles. Also a popular drug is VERRUKACID based on salicylic acid.

The product is applied to the affected area twice a day for several weeks. It is not recommended for use by pregnant women, nursing mothers, or persons allergic to certain components. But its cost is only 300 rubles. Also, special pencils, patches and ointments are widely used to eliminate unwanted growths.

Traditional medicines for fighting

We answered the question of whether warts need to be removed somehow, and the answer was positive. If there is no money or time to turn to traditional medical and hardware methods, sometimes simple “grandmother’s remedies” that every good housewife has in her home can provide help.

Tea tree oil

It has long been proven that mole removal can be done using this method. Also this remedy promotes active struggle with fungal infections, pimples, acne and psoriasis. It is necessary to apply the oil composition directly to the formation several times a day for an hour. This method will also help eliminate genital warts.

Celandine is the enemy of warts

If you are looking for an effective remedy for moles and warts, you should look Special attention on the celandine plant, which contains special chemical substances, affecting the wart. And enzymes present in the plant destroy pathogenic proteins. You can use fresh plant juice or a paste from its leaves. The mass is applied to the wart once a day.

Aloe vera

Considering the question of what is the best way to remove formation, one can note the entire healing effect of this plant, which has a powerful antiseptic effect. To remove warts, you need to use the juice several times a day. If the growths are excessively “stubborn” and do not want to be removed, a cotton swab moistened with juice and applied to the formation for a day will come to the rescue.

If everything is done correctly, you can remove the wart quite quickly. But before starting the therapeutic process, it is imperative to consult with a specialist who will assist in the treatment of any growths and advise on all issues. You should first contact a dermatologist. This doctor is competent to diagnose growths and prescribe proper treatment.

The presence of papillomas is not only a cosmetic defect of the skin, but also evidence of ineffective functioning of the immune system. Therefore, when deciding to remove warts, it is necessary to accurately determine their species and choose the most appropriate method of treating this disease.

Causes and mechanism of neoplasms

Yes, you heard right: papillomas are an infectious disease of the skin and mucous membranes, which is characterized by the appearance of benign neoplasms of various sizes (from 1 mm to 1 cm).

The cause of warts is infection with papillomavirus, which occurs during contact with a sick person or a virus carrier. In some cases, the patient himself may contribute to the spread of infection on his skin (using the same razor for epilation on different areas skin, habit of biting nails), then they talk about autoinoculation. Genital warts (condylomas), due to their specific location - in the genital area, spread only during sexual intercourse.

There are several types of viruses that cause warts:

  1. Plantar warts are a consequence of infection with HPV types I, II, IV.
  2. Vulgar papillomas, localized mainly on the hands, are formed when infected with HPV types II and III.
  3. Flat – HPV type III.
  4. Pointed – VI and XI types of HPV.

For infection to occur, the infectious agent needs an entry gate - a wound or abrasion on the skin. Once inside the epithelial cells, the virus continues its movement and reaches the nucleus. It is there that it develops and reproduces. If the immune system works effectively, infected cells are destroyed. Otherwise, the infection affects a large number of epidermal cells and warts appear on the skin.

Types of papillomas: description, clinical picture

Regular or vulgar

The appearance of these formations does not depend on the person’s age, but, nevertheless, 70% of the sick are children of school and preschool age. The growths are most often localized on the back of the hands and between the fingers, less often on the palms, facial skin, and near the lips.

Papules are round in shape and rise above the skin level; their size ranges from a few millimeters to 1 cm. The color of warts is practically no different from the color of healthy skin, so early stage their diseases are difficult to notice.

Over time, “babies” appear around the very first and largest wart. If the maternal papule dies, its “offspring” also disappear.

Flat warts

This type of papillomas is quite rare - no more than 4% of patients suffer from this pathology. The shape of warts is round or polygonal, they are flat and smooth surface, practically do not rise above the skin level, the color is pale pink. Favorite places of localization are the back of the hands, feet, skin of the face, neck, chest. Sometimes found on the skin of the genital organs, in the rectal area.


Based on the name itself, we can conclude about the location of the tumors - on the soles of the feet. Their surface is rough to the touch, so appearance warts resemble growths that merge with each other. Feature Papillomas of this type are painful when feeling and walking.

Pointed papillomas

The second name for this pathology is genital warts. They are considered the most painful and unpleasant illness. Location – areas of the body where the skin connects to the mucous membrane:

  1. External genitalia.
  2. Urethral area.
  3. Anal hole.
  4. Around the lips.
  5. On the conjunctiva.

Multiple growths of warts resemble cauliflower or cockscomb. Very often, condylomas ulcerate or cracks form on them, which are the entrance gate for bacterial infection.

When should you think about deleting?

Most types of warts do not cause much trouble to a person, and such patients are in no hurry to see a cosmetologist. But there are certain symptoms, when they appear, a visit to a dermatologist is mandatory:

  1. Pain when palpating papilloma (plantar warts).
  2. Rapid growth of the wart, change in its color, and the appearance of bleeding at the growth point.
  3. Huge sizes.
  4. Pronounced cosmetic defect.
  5. Involvement in infectious process other areas of the skin.

Treatment of pathology

There are various ways to remove warts, but as monotherapy their effect is short-lived. To achieve a satisfactory result, experts recommend combining various methods.

Treatment procedures are:


  • Usage physical methods: surgical removal, electrocoagulation, cryodestruction, laser removal.
  • Use of chemicals: use of trichloroacetic or nitric acid, condiline or feresol, solcoderm.

Treatment with cytotoxic drugs(podophyllotoxin, podophyllin)

Immunostimulating drugs: interferons, pyrogenal.

When choosing a treatment method, you need to take into account not only the type of papilloma, but also its location.


Using electric current is one of the oldest ways to remove warts. Before starting the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic and numbed. Next, using an electrocoagulator, the wart is cauterized and removed from the surface of the skin. In the first week after treatment, at the site where the papilloma was, you can see a small light spot that disappears without a trace.

Electrocoagulation is used to treat plantar and vulgar warts.


Treatment of all types of papillomas, including the removal of plantar warts, with liquid nitrogen is considered the safest. Cryotherapy reduces the risk of bleeding, attachment bacterial flora, damage to intact skin.

After cauterization, a crust forms at the site of the papilloma, which disappears after 10-14 days. The disadvantage of this technique is the possibility of the formation of small scars, and sometimes incomplete removal of the wart occurs.

Laser removal

The use of a laser to combat papillomas is based on the thermal effect of a light beam. To prevent the appearance severe burn and make the procedure painless, the device is equipped with a special cooling system. The effectiveness of laser therapy depends on the correct calculation of the laser penetration depth and the time of its exposure to the tumor.

Removal by radio wave method

The technology allows you to remove pathological tissue without contact with the skin, using high-frequency electrical waves. The method eliminates the possibility of infection, and simultaneous coagulation of blood vessels eliminates bleeding. After healing, no traces remain at the site of the removed tumor. The disadvantage of using a radioknife is the pain of the procedure. An advantage is the ability to send the removed material for histological examination.


Physical methods are ineffective in the treatment of flat and genital warts, so solutions of various acids or special drugs. The course of treatment in this way is at least 6 procedures.

Acids are applied pointwise to warts; podophyllin can also be lubricated on intact skin. After some time, the drugs must be washed off. To avoid burns or allergic reactions, it is necessary to carry out treatment under the supervision of a cosmetologist.

Surgical excision

Used in the presence of neoplasms large sizes. It is performed under local anesthesia. The method is traumatic and leaves scars. Also, with surgical removal, there is a possibility of re-entry of HPV into the blood.

Immune drugs

Immunostimulants activate the body's immune response, which leads to the destruction of the virus and the disappearance of warts. Some drugs affect the entire body (interferon), others are applied topically (pyrogenal). The targeted administration of immunomodulators is especially effective for plantar warts.

It is worth remembering that treatment of warts should be carried out after consultation with a dermatologist and under the supervision of a specialist with a higher medical education.

Answers on questions

  1. Can papillomas recur?

Answer: since this disease is infectious, relapses are possible, but subject to a decrease in the activity of immune reactions.

  1. Should warts be removed during pregnancy?

Answer: Pregnancy is a state of the body in which removal of warts is not desirable.

  1. What methods are used to remove plantar warts?

Answer: Treatment of plantar warts is carried out using cryotherapy, operational method, the use of acid solutions, injections with immunomodulators, surgery.


1. Before the procedure
2. Immediately after laser treatment
3. In a week
4. Almost complete healing after 1.5 months

Surgical method

Application of the cryodestruction method

In the article we discuss the removal of warts - outpatient methods, pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies. You will learn why warts appear, what types there are, how the laser method differs from radio wave removal, what pharmaceutical product you can buy, and whether folk remedies will get rid of warts.

Causes of warts and their types

Warts appear on the body when the human papillomavirus is activated. Warts are benign skin growths that look like small growths on the arms, legs, face and other parts of the body.

The main cause of warts is the human papillomavirus. Many doctors believe that HPV exists in the body of every person and is activated when the immune system is weakened, in stressful situation, with skin damage or climate change. As a result, abnormal tissue growth begins and warts develop.

Warts are contagious and are transmitted through microtraumas on human skin. Since each of us always has abrasions, cuts, wounds and cracks on our bodies, the answer to the question of whether warts are transmitted from person to person is positive. We don't even have to touch the infected person. It is enough to grab the handrail on the bus, the door handle in the office, or walk barefoot in the pool.

Experts highlight the following HPV types what causes warts to appear:

  • Type 1 - plantar warts;
  • Types 2 and 4 - simple warts on the hands;
  • Types 3 and 10 - flat warts;
  • Types 6 and 11 are genital warts.

Do not confuse papilloma and wart. This benign neoplasms same type, but different shapes and structures. What is the difference between a wart and a papilloma?

  • If the formation “hangs” on a stalk, most likely it is a papilloma.
  • If the formation is flat, pay attention to its borders. In warts they are clear, and the edges of the papilloma are torn and look like a head of cauliflower.
  • The texture of a papilloma is soft and loose, while a wart, on the contrary, is dense.
  • Papillomas often form under the breasts, on the genitals, in the neck and armpits, and warts appear on the arms and legs.

Only a doctor can say more accurately after receiving test results.

One of the most common types of warts is simple wart(ordinary, vulgar). This is a dense, round nodule with a rough surface that appears on the hands and fingers, on the face and scalp covered with hair. It ranges in size from a pea to a pinhead.

No less common are plantar warts or chicken warts. These are dense formations on the heel, sole of the foot or on the palm. They look like papillae with a deep root system, around which a ridge grows. The roots of such warts are connected to blood vessels and nerve endings. They appear due to uncomfortable shoes and spread quickly in people with excessive sweating.

Sometimes questions arise about the difference between a wart and a thorn and a dry callus. Indeed, in both cases the appearance is the same and when pressure is applied you feel pain. In the first case there is no difference, since the spiny is a type plantar wart. In the second case there is a difference.

A callus is a dead area of ​​skin that appears due to prolonged pressure on the foot. A wart is also a thickening of the skin, but it is caused by a virus.

How to distinguish a wart from a callus:

  • Apply pressure to the tissue near the skin lesion. If you feel pain, then you have a plantar wart, as it is always associated with nerve endings. If there is no pain, then you have a corn.
  • Another way to check is to steam the skin. Make a hot foot bath with salt, soda, herbal decoctions or antibacterial soap and hold the foot with a suspicious skin growth there. When the skin is steamed, carefully remove the dead skin layer. The callus will remain light and slightly lumpy. The spike will look like a large number of petechial hemorrhages with black dots that go deep into the tissue.

Juvenile warts are otherwise called flat warts. They are small round-shaped skin nodules with a smooth, flat surface. Usually they appear in large quantities on the back of the hand, on the face or mucous membranes of the mouth.

Soft filiform warts are usually found on the skin of the eyelids, in groin area, on the neck, under the mammary glands or in armpit. These are papules measuring from 1 mm in diameter, caused by hormonal changes in organism.

One type of wart is genital warts or venereal warts. They appear on the moist areas of the genitals after infection from a sexual partner due to poor hygiene. If you find such warts in intimate places, causes, treatment will be determined by a gynecologist, urologist or venereologist.

Older people develop so-called senile warts. As a rule, they are located on the skin under clothing, sometimes there are formations on the face and warts on the hands (according to age reasons), treatment of such growths is not required.

Do warts need to be removed?

  1. You are a carrier of the virus and can infect your family members.
  2. The growth can be located in a traumatic area - on the neck, foot, armpits or groin. As a result, with constant friction, compression by shoes, clothing or jewelry, a dangerous situation will arise when a benign formation begins to degenerate into a malignant one.
  3. Warts can multiply quickly and their number will increase every day. Sometimes more than 10 warts grow on one area of ​​the body.

On the other hand, it is not always possible to remove warts. For example, there are medical contraindications to this procedure:

  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • infectious disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • age up to 5 years.

Accordingly, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to remove warts during pregnancy is clearly negative.

Also be prepared that even after 100% removal of the wart, the consequences may not be the most pleasant. For example, there is a risk of relapse. In modern medicine there is no medicine that can cure the human papillomavirus. And if you successfully got rid of a skin growth, there is no guarantee that the next time your immune system is weakened, the wart will not appear again.

Other unpleasant consequence- a scar or scar left after the removal procedure. It can occur if the procedure was performed incorrectly, or you have a predisposition to scarring, or you did not properly care for the wound. In this case, it is necessary to treat the wound with special ointments.

Wart removal methods

Modern medicine offers several ways to get rid of warts. The effectiveness of each method depends on the size and depth of the growth.

Laser method

One of the effective methods is laser removal Laser therapy is the least traumatic method of removal. The light beam has a thermal effect on the wart and burns it out. The effectiveness of the method is so high that one visit is enough to remove multiple accumulations. After surgery, the skin heals quickly and with almost no scars.

Laser wart removal is suitable for flat warts, as well as when it is necessary to remove growths on the face, open areas shoulders, chest or hard-to-reach warts under the fingernail - learn more about how to get rid of them from.

Radio wave removal

An equally effective technology is radio wave removal. The operation is performed using a special Surgitron device, where high-frequency electric waves carefully cut the wart from the surface of the skin without touching it. This method completely eliminates the possibility of infection and scarring. Many people consider the painfulness of the operation to be a disadvantage. However, this can be easily corrected by treating the removal site with an anesthetic cream.

It is not advisable to use radio wave removal for warts on the eyelids - the treatment can negatively affect the functioning of the organ of vision. In this case, it is preferable to choose laser removal or cryodestruction.

Read more about removing warts with surgitron.


Electrocoagulation is a low-cost, but quite effective method of removing warts. The skin formation is cauterized with high frequency currents. At the same time, access of the virus to healthy tissues is closed, and the skin itself is disinfected.

Electrocoagulation is used to remove plantar warts. This is a popular way to remove flat warts on the hands, how to get rid of vulgar tumors. However, the procedure is ineffective if you have large warts. The tumor will disappear, but a scar will remain in its place.

Surgical removal

Surgical removal is the traditional way to remove a wart if it is large. This method is not popular among patients due to high trauma and risk. reinfection HPV.

If you have been assigned surgical removal warts, and the doctor has determined that this is the only way to get rid of a chicken wart on the heel or other large skin formation, be prepared that scars will remain.


Cryodestruction - exposure to low temperatures Cryodestruction - exposure of the wart to liquid nitrogen. Cryotherapy copes well with superficial tumors, for example, hanging warts on the neck - the treatment is painless and does not leave scars on the skin. Also, with cryotherapy there is no contact with blood and no risk of bleeding.

The main disadvantage of the procedure is that the depth of exposure cannot be controlled. If you are looking for a way to get rid of a wart on your finger, and the growth has a deep root, you will need several freezing sessions. And even in this case, there is no guarantee that the growth will completely disappear.

In which cases nitrogen will best help against warts, read in.

Chemical cauterization

Chemical cauterization is used to remove flat and genital warts. Acids are applied pointwise to the formation and washed off after a certain time. To get rid of the growth, a minimum of 6 procedures are required.

Removing warts at home

Before getting rid of warts on the hands or feet with laser, liquid nitrogen, surgitron, many people try home treatment. If you choose the right pharmaceutical drug or prescription traditional medicine, follow the instructions for use exactly, the warts really disappear.

However, before you remove a wart at home, study its appearance and location. Self-removal is possible if the wart is painless, without signs of inflammation, and the surrounding skin is free of wounds, scratches and allergic rashes. It is also better to remove growths on closed areas of the body - if there is a scar left from inept home burning, you will hide it.

Consult your doctor before removal. Some formations are prone to degeneration into a malignant tumor, and if you have such warts on the soles of your feet or other parts, treatment at home is strictly prohibited.

What symptoms can be used to determine that a growth is becoming malignant:

  • the color has changed dramatically - darkened or lightened;
  • the size has rapidly increased;
  • pain is felt both at rest and with pressure;
  • swelling and redness developed;
  • ichor or pus is released;
  • the skin around it itches, there is a burning sensation;
  • cracks and ulcers have formed on the surface;
  • a white halo appeared around.

Do not remove such warts yourself and make an appointment with a specialist.

Pharmacy drugs

Modern pharmacology offers big choice pharmaceutical products for papillomavirus infection and warts. Preparations for removing skin growths are conventionally divided into solutions, ointments, creams, gels, tablets, salicylic patches, cryogenic preparations, alkaline solutions and medical pencils.

Regardless of what remedy you buy for papillomas and warts at the pharmacy, consult your doctor before using it.

Effective solutions for warts -, and. In all four cases, be careful when using the product and apply it pointwise without damaging areas of healthy skin. Before starting the procedure, steam the growth in hot water. Lubricate the surrounding tissues with baby cream or Vaseline.

Features of these wart remedies:

  • Feresol released in the form of an oily liquid. It is applied to the growth using a special applicator - for small formations 1 treatment is enough, for medium and large ones - up to 4 procedures. If you have warts on the soles of your feet, treatment with Feresol will help only after 10 sessions.
  • Verrucacid causes the coagulation of proteins and quickly deadens the tissue of the skin growth. Treatment of warts with Verrucacid is prohibited when removing formations on the mucous membrane and is undesirable if there are many skin growths and their total area is more than 20 square centimeters.
  • Kolomak differs from other solutions in that it does not cauterize the wart, but softens its tissue. The product is applied 1-2 times a day, 1 drop for 3-4 days. Kolomak for warts is not suitable if hair grows on them or they are located on the face and genital mucosa.
  • Iodine found in every home, within a month it gets rid of skin lesions. Treat the wart with iodine 2-5 times a day - dip cotton swab into the solution and coat the problem area. The solution will help even in cases where the growth appears in the neck, under the arms or in the perineum.

Ointments, creams and gels have a more gentle effect on warts than cauterizing solutions. The group of the most popular means includes the following:

  • for warts - antiviral ointment. Used for skin lesions on the hand, face and warts on the foot, treatment course is 5-30 days. Apply the ointment to each growth 2-4 times a day.
  • - also has antiviral effect. Apply oxolinic ointment to warts 1-3 times a day for 30 days. If the growth is large and old, increase the duration of treatment.
  • (mistakenly called “vortex”) - cream for plantar warts. Apply the product to the affected area, cover with a cotton pad, seal with an adhesive plaster and remove after a day. Repeat the procedure up to 5 times if the wart is large and deep; Do not wet your feet during the procedure.
  • - gel for warts plant origin. Upon penetration into the thickness of the skin, it destroys the root of the wart and stimulates the production of interferon, which fights HPV. Apply the gel to the formation, spread it in a thin layer and wait until it is completely absorbed into the skin. Do the treatment 5 times a day for 5-10 days.

Some people practice wart removal. Doctors do not recommend this method, since the remedy works well with various viruses herpes and lichen and does not help much against benign formations.

In addition to ointments, creams and gels, it is very popular. The patch contains sulfur and salicylic acid. To remove a skin growth, apply the product to the formation and leave it on for 1-2 days. Then soak the wart in water, treat it with pumice and apply the patch again. Repeat the treatment until the formation completely disappears. Read more about medicinal properties Find out salicylic acid for warts in our article.

Cryopreparations are a home analogue of cryodestruction. Among them, the drug has a high freezing effect. Cryopharma for warts instantly freezes the formation, and it dies in 10-14 days. The product is suitable for flat, ordinary and plantar formations.

How to get rid of a wart on the leg using Cryopharma:

  • Apply the composition to the skin growth with a special applicator.
  • If the wart is small, keep it for no longer than 40 seconds.
  • If it is a Pomeranian, increase the exposure time by a few more seconds.
  • If the growth is large or old, repeat the procedure after 2 weeks.

A home analogue of chemical cauterization is the drug Lapis, which is produced in the form of a medical pencil based on silver nitrate. kills germs and quickly gets rid of skin growths. Apply it several times to the skin lesion until it dries. Do not use a lapis pencil if the wart is on your face, otherwise you will cause a skin burn.

More cheap drug from skin formations than Lapis and Cryopharma - pharmacy alkaline solution Super Clean. It burns out the wart in just 1-2 procedures. The main disadvantage of the drug is the appearance of incurable scars at the site of the skin formation. For this reason, apply pharmaceutical celandine from warts very carefully and only on skin growths. It cannot be used on the face.

To get rid of any wart on the skin - on the arm, under the armpits or heel warts, treatment must be comprehensive and include drugs to stimulate the immune system. This group of drugs includes tablets. Treatment with Isoprinosine suppresses HPV and significantly reduces the size of warts within 2 weeks. To do this, take 2 tablets 3 times a day

Folk remedies

Traditional healers and herbalists recommend the most different recipes, how to get rid of warts on the elbow, foot, neck, hands and other parts of the body. There are even special conspiracies for warts, which are based on the effect of self-hypnosis. Read more about such conspiracies in our article.

Among folk remedies, the most popular are the following:

— apply the product 3 times a day to the skin lesion. The concentration of the oil depends on the location of the growth - if the wart is on the heel, treat with concentrated oil; if the wart is on other parts of the body, dilute the oil with water 1:2.
  • Raw potatoes- make a compress of grated raw potatoes and a gauze bandage, apply to the wart overnight and bandage it.
  • For more information about removing warts in adults and children, watch the video:

    What to remember

    1. The cause of warts is the human papillomavirus.
    2. Warts are contagious and are transmitted through microtraumas on the skin.
    3. If the growth is located in a traumatic body or multiplies quickly, it must be removed.
    4. The most popular outpatient methods for removing warts are laser, radio wave method and cryodestruction.
    5. Before removing a tumor at home, show it to your doctor.

    Many dermatologist patients come to their appointments complaining of the appearance of growths on the body, calling them “warts.” In most cases, such neoplasms on the skin are only cosmetic problem. Doctors remove warts only after diagnosing the nature of the disease - infectious or non-infectious, benign or malignant. The appearance of outwardly similar growths is caused by the human papillomavirus, age-related skin changes and other factors.

    Types of warts

    Skin defects appear when the cells of the basal layer of the epithelium are infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV). Most known types of warts are benign skin formations that appear under the influence of HPV. They look unpleasant and can cause pain and discomfort. Growths various shapes and localizations on the body occur when exposed to different types papilloma virus, as well as in case of age-related changes in the skin.

    HPV penetration into the skin occurs through household and sexual contact. The papilloma virus is activated in cells when the immune system is weakened or infected with other infections. Promotes the growth of warts chronic diseases internal organs, stress, endocrine disorders. The virus penetrates more easily through various damage to the skin: scratches, cracks, abrasions, cuts.

    Before removing a wart, you need to learn about the causes and types of skin tumors.

    1. Vulgar. Hard, tuberculate neoplasms appear on the hands, less often on the nose and other parts of the face.
    2. Flat (youthful). These are round or oval growths that usually appear on the arms, face, and occasionally on the legs. Color - pink, brown, yellow.
    3. Plantar. Hard growths on the soles of the feet, as in one of the photos below. Causes pain when walking.
    4. Thread-like. Most often they form in the area of ​​the nose, mouth, and eyes. They are flesh-colored or pearl-colored and have an elongated shape.
    5. Periunguals. They grow around and under the nails, are much more difficult to treat, and often reappear after removal.
    6. Genital. Condylomas acuminata are formed in the area of ​​the external genitalia. These are growths of varying consistency, light pink or yellow-brown in color.

    The origin of soft fibromas, senile warts and cutaneous horns is not associated with HPV. These neoplasms arise as a result of various changes in the skin. Cell proliferation can be caused by aging, impaired keratinization, and excessive ultraviolet radiation.

    Senile warts (age-related keratomas) are raised plaques or dome-shaped growths, round or elongated. The surface is smooth or uneven, warty, the color varies from gray and yellow to black-brown.

    Advantages and disadvantages of different methods for removing benign tumors

    Getting rid of growths on the skin is most often carried out in for cosmetic purposes. These formations are also removed in case of persistent irritation and/or damage. Apply pharmacological preparations, aggressive chemicals, thermocoagulation and other types of effects on pathological tissues.

    Basic methods for removing warts:

    • Cryodestruction.
    • Radio wave "knife".
    • Laser destruction.
    • Traditional surgical excision.
    • Destruction by aggressive chemicals.

    Low temperature substances - liquid nitrogen and diethyl ether- tissues are frozen. The skin tumor dies and disappears spontaneously after a few days. In addition to freezing pathological tissues, there are various means for destruction viral warts- acids, alkalis, salts and phenols.

    Any methods of getting rid of skin growths have both advantages and disadvantages.

    Excision of warts with a scalpel (surgically) is an opportunity to get rid of cosmetic defect and obtain a sample of the removed area for histological examination. However, this method has many more disadvantages, as the doctors themselves mention. This is damage to neighboring tissues, the possibility of infection, as well as the appearance of a rough scar. Modern and more expensive procedures are laser destruction, plasma coagulation and radio wave surgery.

    Advantages of removing moles and warts with laser, radio wave “knife”, plasma:

    • high precision of impact on wart tissue;
    • no bleeding;
    • prevention of wound infection;
    • postoperative scars are neat and small in size.

    The pathological tissues of a plantar wart are mainly located in the skin, “digging” into it like a sharp thorn (spike). Therefore, this type of neoplasm causes severe discomfort and pain. If you watch the work of a surgeon quickly “burning out” the plantar spitz with a laser in the video below, you will notice quite deep wound after removing a wart. An almost bloodless hole with smooth edges is formed on the patient’s heel.

    The cost of services for removing warts with a laser, radio knife or plasma is in the same price range. For example, in Moscow in a large medical center getting rid of a growth with a diameter of 1–2 mm will cost the patient from 1100 to 2200 rubles. Prices depend on the size of the tumor, its location, and the equipment used.

    Reviews about wart removal methods

    Doctors guarantee that after radio wave and laser manipulations, new lesions will not appear in the same areas of the skin. The patient is also promised the absence of pain, infection of wounds and swelling. However, there is an ambiguous opinion after reading patient reviews. Some people find the procedures painful and the recovery period too long.

    One of the cosmetologists’ patients lists disadvantages in the form of noticeable marks after the removal of a wart and the active appearance of new growths. The other one seemed very difficult and had a long healing period. Most positive feedback about the results of laser treatment.

    Medications to get rid of warts

    At first, the growths that appear on the skin barely reach the size of a pinhead, but gradually increase in diameter. This is how vulgar warts grow on the hands and plantar warts on the soles of the feet. The latter are the most painful. The surface of the growths is initially smooth, then covered with hard, keratinized papillae.

    Painless removal of papillomas and warts is ensured by the use of the following pharmaceutical drugs:

    • Superclean is a cosmetic liquid containing alkaline substances.
    • Collomac - salicylic acid, polidocanol and lactic acid.
    • Dermisil is a solution of castor oil and occidental thuja oil.
    • Antipapillom is a gel based on alkaline substances.
    • Verrucacid is a liquid containing phenol and tricresol.
    • Salipod is a patch with salicylic acid.
    • Dermavit - gel with sodium hydroxide.
    • Feresol is a phenol with tricresol.

    Acids, alkalis or phenol in the composition pharmaceutical drugs cause necrosis of pathological tissues that form a skin tumor. Gradually, the wart mummifies - it dies and disappears. This process takes several days, and in the case of large lesions lasts 1–3 months.

    What you need to do to remove a wart yourself using drugs from a pharmacy:

    1. Consult your doctor before purchasing and independent use medicine.
    2. Steam the warty growths using a soap and soda bath or compress to soften the keratinized tip.
    3. Cut off the thick layer of keratin with nail scissors.
    4. Apply the selected pharmaceutical according to the instructions supplied with it.
    5. Protect healthy skin around the wart from exposure to an aggressive substance (lubricate with Vaseline or fatty cosmetic cream).

    Skin tumors should not be cut, torn or scratched. You should also remember that there is no 100% effective method or remedy for removing warty growths. Treatment with radio waves and lasers can get rid of warts in approximately 75–95% of cases. Modern techniques leave minimal chance for reappearance tumors on the same areas of the skin. Cryotherapy, popular pharmaceutical products with acids, alkalis and phenol provide visible aesthetic results in approximately 65–85% of cases.


    If the problem of getting rid of various growths on the skin is discussed, then the conversation always turns to the methods, advantages and disadvantages of various means. A burning topic is where to remove a wart: at home, in a beauty salon or clinic. Folk remedies, pharmaceuticals are used at home in accordance with recommendations, recipes, instructions.

    Is it possible to remove warts by freezing at home?

    Freezing aerosol Cryopharma and similar drugs Suitable for getting rid of small skin tumors of viral origin. The disadvantage of ways to get rid of warts at home is the inability to determine the nature of the tumor. Doctors recommend contacting medical institutions for treatment of large protruding growths.

    What kind of doctor removes warts?

    First, you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist. The doctor, if necessary, will perform a dermatoscopy and prescribe a biopsy. It is possible to involve other specialists - an ophthalmologist, dentist, ENT doctor, gynecologist, surgeon (depending on the location of the skin tumor).

    Dermatologist-cosmetologist and dermatovenerologist treat skin diseases. The specialist conducts an initial examination, determines or clarifies the diagnosis, and selects a method for removing warts depending on the location and size of the skin tumor. The doctor decides whether the procedure is safe for the patient’s health.

    Is it painful to remove warts?

    Anesthesia is performed at the client's request. Much depends on the location and size of the wart, on pain threshold. Some patients can tolerate it, while others require pain relief.

    Is it possible to get rid of seborrheic or senile warts on your own? Experts classify age-related neoplasms as borderline tumors ( precancerous conditions). Seborrheic keratosis begins to appear after 40–50 years in the form of keratinized crusts and scales of gray-brown color on the cheeks, temples, chest. Such growths cannot be removed independently; these tumors can degenerate into squamous cell skin cancer.

    What is relapse after removal?

    Warts grow, change shape, and spread over the skin of the body. Relapse is the appearance of a growth on the same area of ​​skin where removal has already been performed. It happens that after an injury or self-removal, a wart begins to bleed, changes color, and becomes painful. If it happens malignant degeneration focus, then doctors call this process “malignization.”

    Does the choice of removal method depend on the location of the wart?

    Benign skin tumors of small diameter are “cut off” with a radio wave “knife” and cauterized during electrocoagulation. Liquid nitrogen is used for cryodestruction of warts on the feet and hands. New growths with a diameter of about 2 cm are removed with a laser. Getting rid of larger skin tumors, warts in oral cavity carried out during the classical surgery. The doctor recommends, explains, and the final choice of technique remains with the patient.

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