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Can you be allergic to oatmeal? Probable causes of oatmeal allergy in adults and children: clinical manifestations and treatment methods


The fiber and proteins contained in oatmeal contribute to the formation muscle tissue in organism small child. This is a low-calorie food that helps prevent obesity in infants. breastfeeding. Iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements make porridge a healthy food for mental development and formation nervous system child.

Oatmeal contains one protein, gluten, which causes an allergy to oatmeal in infants. In adults, intolerance oatmeal Rarely occurs in children under one year of age allergic manifestations are observed frequently.

Important! Allergies can occur in acute and chronic form. Both variants of the disease have their own characteristics that need to be distinguished.

Causes of pathology

Young children have an immature gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to oatmeal intolerance

An allergy to oatmeal occurs due to the body's intolerance to gluten. The protein contains gliadin. This enzyme interferes with normal absorption of the intestinal wall useful substances. The properties of oatmeal are due to the enveloping of its walls and blocking normal operation digestion.

Young children have an unformed gastrointestinal tract. This can lead to an intolerance to oatmeal, which is not an allergy. After growth and formation child's body allergic reactions may not recur. Chronic allergies have no cure. In this case, the child will never be able to consume oatmeal; any contact with it must be excluded. Studying the composition of all products (in infancy milk formulas) for the presence of oatmeal. If such a reaction occurs, you must consult your doctor and determine the causative product.

An allergic reaction may occur not to oatmeal itself, but to additives to it. These may be dried fruits, dangerous nutritional supplements, flavor enhancers and sweeteners. Rashes can be caused by vitamin impurities in porridge and mineral complexes.

The main factors causing allergies include:

  • decrease in immune forces in the child’s body;
  • hereditary factor, the presence of an allergy to oatmeal in relatives;
  • an imbalance of active and beneficial substances in a pregnant woman, which causes oatmeal intolerance in the fetus. Metabolic disorders in women during breastfeeding;
  • introduction of complementary foods. Early feeding of the baby with adapted mixtures with oatmeal;
  • individual characteristics of the infant's digestive system.

The likelihood of developing allergies increases with an early transition to artificial feeding. An allergic reaction in a baby to breastfeeding cannot occur when oatmeal is included in the diet of a nursing mother.

Unpleasant and dangerous manifestations occur when eating a large amount of oatmeal in one day. Eating a lot of oatmeal helps flush out calcium and vitamin D from the body.

Oatmeal has beneficial enveloping properties that help prevent gastritis and intestinal ulcers.

Attention! An analysis to identify the pathogen is mandatory. Not only gluten, but also phytic acid can be an allergen.

Symptoms of intolerance and allergy to oatmeal

Allergies cause lethargy, restlessness and general malaise

The symptoms of an oatmeal allergy are no different from other food intolerances. They depend on the intensity of the manifestation of the pathology and individual characteristics body. Like other diseases, an allergy to oatmeal causes lethargy, anxiety and general malaise.

Mostly in infants the following is noted:

  1. flatulence;
  2. colic and pain in the abdominal area;
  3. bowel disorder. Diarrhea, constipation, vomiting and dehydration;
  4. nausea and dizziness;
  5. greasy stools with a characteristic sheen;
  6. loss of appetite;
  7. weight loss;
  8. headache;
  9. swelling of the skin;
  10. skin rashes, itching, burning (rare);
  11. swelling of the lower extremities;
  12. hyperemia of the skin;
  13. pain in joints and muscles.

Important! Additional Additives, causing allergies, used in the production of famous brands. Less commonly, a harmful addition can be found in Hercules porridge.

Treatment and diagnosis

Diagnostics infants carried out using a blood test

Whether gluten or oatmeal components can cause an allergy is determined through tests. For adult patients, skin testing for allergens is used. Diagnosis of infants is carried out using a blood test. Skin tests in childhood not carried out due to imperfection immune systems s. Additional Introduction allergen provokes serious consequences.

If a pathogen is detected, the consumption of oatmeal is excluded. Along with it, the following foods are eliminated from the diet:

  • cereals containing gluten;
  • starchy vegetables and foods;
  • flour products;
  • vegetable oils;
  • malt.

If a child with allergies is breastfed, the nursing mother follows an anti-allergy diet.

If measures, including diet correction, have not brought positive dynamics, the attending physician prescribes medications. To eliminate toxins from the body, courses of sorbents are used. Most popular:

  • Atoxyl;
  • Smecta;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Activated carbon.

To eliminate signs of allergies it is prescribed antihistamines. These medications block the production of histamine or coat mast cells, preventing them from coming into contact with histamine.

When choosing medications, it is necessary to give preference to new generation drugs that do not have side effects in the form of a sedative effect.

The most common:

  • Claretin;
  • Loratadine;
  • Suprastin;
  • Cytherizine.

To eliminate skin manifestations, antihistamine ointments and gels are used.

Important! For severe allergies, the doctor uses corticosteroids. This hormonal drugs with anti-inflammatory effect. Treatment of this type requires the patient to strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

Allergic reactions to food occur in a huge number of people. And the disease is not always caused by some exotic fruits or chemical additives in the product. Even seemingly harmless oatmeal can cause illness.

Allergy to oatmeal

Although some people are not even aware of this problem, an allergic reaction of this type a fairly common occurrence. The fact is that oatmeal belongs to the category of the strongest allergens. Therefore, children under a certain age are not recommended to include it in their diet.

In children this problem can lead to serious consequences, up to developmental delay and various pathologies digestive organs. Oatmeal contains a complex protein, which is the main provocateur of the disease. Despite all the benefits this product often leads to unpleasant, and sometimes even dangerous consequences. To understand the complexity of this type of allergy, it is worth learning about it as much as possible. more information. In this case, there is every chance to quickly solve the problem, and in some cases even prevent it from occurring.

Reasons for inadequate response

There are several causes of the disease, one of the main ones being weakened immunity. In addition, the disease can be provoked by:

  • Heredity;
  • Enzyme deficiency;
  • Weakness of the digestive and immune systems;
  • Excessive use dishes with oatmeal;
  • Poor quality product, which was grown using chemical substances;
  • Having an allergy to cereals and so on.

It is worth noting that the main provocateur is protein, and if a person does not produce a sufficient amount of certain enzymes, an allergy is guaranteed.

In adults, the disease occurs both against the background of decreased immunity and enzymatic deficiency. In addition, frequent, uncontrolled use of the product can lead to negative reactions in the body. Since substances in oatmeal provoke disturbances in the digestive system.

In infants, the disease appears as a result of untimely complementary feeding. Everyone knows the benefits of oatmeal and its rich composition, so many parents try to feed their baby as quickly as possible useful product. Thereby provoking allergic reactions. It is worth noting the moment of mother’s abuse of oatmeal. With milk, the child receives elements that are difficult for his body, which leads to allergies.

Symptoms of the disease

Almost all types of food allergies are manifested by disturbances in the digestive system and skin rashes. A negative reaction to oatmeal in this case is no exception. It is worth noting that signs can be both immediate and delayed. That is, the patient does not always experience discomfort immediately after eating. For some people, this process is extended over time.

Manifestations of allergies are characterized by:

  1. Severe nausea, up to vomiting;
  2. Pain, colic and bloating;
  3. Liquid fatty stools, by type of diarrhea (in some patients - constipation);
  4. Skin rashes, often urticaria;
  5. Swelling and redness of the mucous membranes;
  6. Rarely occur - Quincke's edema and anaphylaxis.

Children often suffer from diathesis or dermatitis, and sleep may be disturbed. The child becomes restless and capricious. If negative reactions are noticed after eating oatmeal, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Important: the disease is quite complex, and due to possible long-term reactions, it is not always possible to independently determine what exactly caused them. It is possible to identify the cause of illness in adults only with the help of laboratory research. As for children, then the best way The definition of a dangerous substance is a diet, with the sequential abolition of different foods.

What to do if you are allergic to oatmeal

First, you need to call ambulance and strictly follow the recommendations of specialists. Secondly, it is worth completely excluding from the diet not only oatmeal, but also such cereals as:

  • oats;
  • rye;
  • barley.

It is also not recommended to eat vegetables high in protein, even starch. The patient's diet should be closely monitored. As a rule, in such cases, the diet is prescribed by an allergist, and you should not deviate from his recommendations.

The answer to the question: “How to deal with allergies?” It’s simple to the point of banality - you need to follow a diet and take medications recommended by a specialist. It is also possible to use methods alternative medicine. But only after consultation with qualified specialist.

Oatmeal allergy treatment

As a rule, antihistamines are prescribed for allergic reactions, but they are mainly indicated for adults. This group of drugs is rarely recommended for children, since almost all of them have a number of limitations and contraindications, as well as side effects.

And at the same time, if after eliminating the allergen the baby continues to experience unpleasant symptoms or the clinical picture is pronounced, it is recommended special means. These can be 3rd generation antihistamines, for example, Erius, and sorbents, enzymes, and so on. It all depends on both the signs of the disease and the cause that provoked it.

Both adults and children can be prescribed local drugs, for example, a cream based on hormones or without them. A competent doctor, among other things, will definitely prescribe vitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system. If desired, and with the permission of a qualified specialist, you can use non-traditional methods.

Folk remedies in the fight against illness

Among the most popular and effective methods you can extract a decoction medicinal herbs, helping to relieve inflammation from the skin and eliminate rashes. As a rule, the following plants are used for these purposes:

  • Calendula;
  • Chamomile;
  • Celandine;
  • Nettle;
  • Birch buds and so on.

But before using this or that product, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to a particular plant. After all, very often allergic reactions are of a cross nature. As a result, the disease not only will not go away, but will also bring even more problems.

Adults can use decoctions both internally and externally, but it is better not to let children drink this or that remedy. You just need to wipe the affected areas of the skin with it or add it to the water when bathing. The only remedy that can be given to babies internally is a weak chamomile decoction.

Allergy to oatmeal responds well to treatment with mumiyo solution, honey and lemon. There is an opinion that honey with lemon juice may even relieve allergies to bee products. No one can say with certainty how much this is true. Since each person is an individual personality. Therefore, consultation with an allergist and a qualified herbalist is simply necessary. Otherwise, you can provoke an exacerbation of the problem, and often such consequences are irreversible.

An allergic reaction can occur to various substances that for some reason are rejected by the body. Food products often become allergens. The most allergenic are milk, eggs, fish, citrus fruits, nuts, as well as cereals containing gluten, including oatmeal. Oatmeal is rich in substances beneficial to the body. This is a low-calorie product that is recommended to be taken to prevent obesity for both adults and children.

But some people are allergic to oatmeal. It is most often diagnosed in young children during the introduction of complementary foods, but the disease also occurs in adults. An allergy to oatmeal can develop instantly or after some time. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. It is very important to pay attention to the problem in a timely manner and competently approach its elimination.

Reasons for development

An allergy to oatmeal is caused by the body's intolerance to the gluten protein it contains. Gluten contains the enzyme gliadin. It enters the intestines and acts on the mucous membrane as a toxin. Because of this, the absorption of carbohydrates and lipids is impaired. The small intestine hypertrophies metabolic processes are violated. Children exposed to gliadin may develop rachioid syndrome.

As a result destructive processes an allergic reaction develops.

Provoke allergies to oatmeal:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • insufficient period of breastfeeding;
  • very early complementary feeding;
  • frequent use oatmeal;
  • increased permeability of the gastric and intestinal mucosa;
  • lack of enzymes;
  • allergies to other grains;
  • demotion local immunity.

Experts distinguish 2 forms of reaction to gluten:

  • celiac disease- lifelong gluten intolerance caused by a deficiency of enzymes for its digestion;
  • temporary allergy- appears, as a rule, in early childhood, and in the process of maturation of the gastrointestinal tract may disappear over time


The clinical picture of oatmeal allergy is similar to other forms of food intolerance. After consuming a product, the digestive organs first react to the ingestion of an allergen. The patient has:

  • discomfort and pain in the abdomen;
  • flatulence;
  • bowel dysfunction (diarrhea or constipation);
  • lack of appetite, and as a result - weight loss;
  • intestinal colic in children;
  • steatorrhea - a large amount of lipids in the stool.

Children due feeling unwell They become capricious, cry, and have trouble sleeping. Adults have a feeling constant fatigue, lethargy, frequent headaches and muscle pain.

The skin may react to the allergen with rashes, itching, and a tingling sensation. There is a burning sensation and dryness in the throat. Characteristic features oatmeal allergy is Iron-deficiency anemia and swelling of the legs. If you do not immediately exclude the use of oatmeal, after a while the patient may experience bleeding gums, dental dystrophy, frequent colds, weight gain decreases in young children.


The doctor first evaluates clinical picture diseases, collects information about the onset of symptoms, and associates them with food intake. It is necessary to differentiate an allergy to oatmeal from other types and from food poisoning.

For a more accurate diagnosis, they are carried out, the results of which can be found out within half an hour after the procedure.

Important! Skin tests are not performed on young children. Additional introduction of allergens into the still unformed body can aggravate the allergic reaction and cause anaphylactic shock. Venous blood is taken from children for analysis.

Effective treatments

At the first sign of an allergy, you should immediately remove oatmeal from consumption in any form. If it is definitely established that the cause of the disease is gluten, then you will have to give up all products that contain it.

Nutrition rules

The table provides a list of foods that you can and cannot eat if you are allergic to oatmeal due to gluten intolerance.


Depending on the allergy symptoms, the doctor will prescribe medications. They will help relieve symptoms of the disease and speed up recovery. Traditionally, for allergies, they are prescribed. Today, in most cases, the choice is made on 2nd and 3rd generation drugs, which have a prolonged effect and have a minimum of side effects.

Effective drugs:

  • Fexofenadine;
  • Enterozermina;
  • Linux.

To remove skin itching, irritation and inflammation use local remedies:

  • Fenistil;
  • Gistan;
  • Bepanten;
  • Desitin;
  • Wundehil.


How additional measure To traditional treatment can be used ethnoscience. Required before using any folk remedy you need to check your skin sensitivity, so as not to further aggravate the course of the allergy.


  • Take 100 ml of chamomile decoction (1 spoon of raw material per glass of water) twice a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  • Take baths with infusions or nettles. They soothe the skin, accelerate its regeneration, and relieve irritation.
  • Apply apple puree compresses to the affected areas of the skin.
  • To improve the functioning of the digestive system, drink dill tincture.

Go here for a list of topical corticosteroids for atopic dermatitis.

It is necessary to protect the body from the possibility of developing allergies early childhood. Very great importance has the correct introduction of complementary foods to infants. Gluten, which enters the body of a nursing woman, does not enter milk. While the baby is breastfed, an allergy to oatmeal cannot develop.

It is recommended to introduce gluten-containing foods into the diet no earlier than 6 months of age. You need to start complementary feeding with small portions. Then take a break for 3 days and see how the body reacts to New Product. If symptoms of a hyperreaction appear, it should be immediately excluded from the diet. It is recommended to consume oatmeal no more than 3 times a week to prevent food intolerances.

Products with fiber are very necessary for the body, especially for children. But many grains cause intolerance in some people due to the presence of gluten. Therefore, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of many nutrients other products (buckwheat, rice) that do not contain the allergen.

When purchasing ready-made oatmeal, you need to carefully read the ingredients on the package. Perhaps an allergic reaction develops not to the oatmeal itself, but to the additives it contains (flavors, sweeteners, etc.). Therefore, it is better to use products from trusted manufacturers that have undergone appropriate testing and received medical approval for use.

Oatmeal allergies are more common in children. The main reason for not accepting the product is the presence of gluten in it. To effectively combat this species food allergies, you need to conduct a thorough diagnosis and wisely adjust your lifestyle and diet. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe medications that will help you quickly cope with the symptoms of the disease.

Find out more about why an allergy to oatmeal develops and how to get rid of it after watching the following video:

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 5 minutes


Last update articles: 02/13/2019

Oatmeal is recommended for children in their first year of life, as its beneficial properties are undeniable. It is rich in natural fiber, complex carbohydrates, antioxidants, vitamins A, B, E, microelements: calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium. At the same time, this is a low-calorie food, which is especially important for a child who is on artificial feeding for the prevention of obesity. Fiber and proteins help build muscle tissue, and micronutrients help mental development. With all the above positive qualities Oatmeal also has a drawback. It may be an allergen for some children.

What causes an allergy to oatmeal?

The protein gluten (gluten) is found in cereals such as oats, wheat, barley and others. In some people, it causes an allergic reaction similar to food intolerance with pronounced symptoms.

Gluten contains the enzyme gliadin, which interferes with normal metabolism, blocks the intestinal absorption of carbohydrates and lipids and causes atrophy. small intestine. The reaction can be immediate or delayed. Allergies can be acute or chronic.

A distinction should be made between childhood allergies and gluten intolerance. A person suffers from intolerance or celiac disease throughout his life. An allergy that appears in childhood goes away after a few months or years.

With an unbalanced, monotonous diet, when oatmeal give the baby every day there is a possibility of developing a deficiency of vitamin D and calcium in the body, which can lead to disturbances in the development of the nervous system and mineralization of bone tissue.

It is necessary to distinguish between an allergic reaction to oatmeal and food additives that get into the dish when preparing porridge from various mixtures. You need to carefully study the composition and be wary of products with preservatives, flavor enhancers, sweeteners, fruit, vitamin and mineral additives.

Causes of allergies

Factors that provoke allergies can be:

  • violation of the child’s local immunity;
  • heredity;
  • imbalance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the diet of a pregnant woman and during breastfeeding;
  • early penetration of the allergen into digestive system infants, due to a short period of breastfeeding or premature introduction of complementary foods;
  • individual properties of nutrient absorption by the mucous membrane of the small intestine.

Symptoms of the disease

An allergy to oatmeal is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • intestinal colic;
  • bloating, flatulence;
  • bowel disorder, manifests itself differently in different children with constipation or diarrhea;
  • the presence of a large amount of fat in the child’s stool;
  • high fatigue, apathy, crying and moodiness for no apparent reason;
  • poor appetite, and as a result, weight loss;
  • skin rashes; on the Internet you can find many photos of children with hives;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • swelling of the lower extremities.

If for some reason the allergen is not excluded from the baby’s diet, then symptoms of vitamin deficiency may be added to the above manifestations: dry skin, bleeding gums, frequent respiratory viral infections.

How to properly feed oatmeal

Gluten protein, when it enters the body of a nursing woman with food, does not enter milk. Therefore, as long as the mother feeds the baby, there are no problems. They may appear at the time of introducing complementary foods with gluten-containing foods. Pediatricians recommend a HF regimen for at least six months.

Doctors advise keeping a food diary in which you record what foods were given to your child and when. It is especially important to do this if the baby has a cross-reaction to several different products.

The first time you need to offer your baby a minimum portion of oatmeal and take a break for 3 days. Monitor his condition carefully. If no changes in behavior and well-being are observed, increase the serving size. It is recommended to include oatmeal in your diet no more than three times a week to avoid the development of food intolerance.

An allergy to oatmeal can manifest itself either immediately after the first meal, or gradually, with manifestations delayed for several days, so it is recommended to monitor the baby’s condition for a long time after the introduction of complementary foods.

Allergies in a baby can be caused not only physiological characteristics, but also simple overeating. Regular overfeeding can give negative reaction even for those dishes that were previously well absorbed by the digestive system.

How are allergies treated?

When parents notice the first symptoms of the disease, they should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe a venous blood serum test and diagnose accurate diagnosis. The results of the study should be expected for several days. Skin test, which provides a quick answer, is not recommended for infants and is only done if a close adult relative has celiac disease. When serious condition For the child, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines and medications to normalize the intestinal microflora. In mild cases, you can limit yourself to diet.

Gluten is not only found in oatmeal. You should follow a diet that excludes irritating foods:

  • porridge made from oats, barley, wheat, rye;
  • cookies, pastries and cakes;
  • bakery products and pasta;
  • yoghurts;
  • meat by-products and sausages;
  • canned food;
  • spicy seasonings.

The list of permitted products includes:

  • buckwheat, rice, corn porridge;
  • potato;
  • fresh, baked, stewed vegetables;
  • fish and lean meat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • peas, beans and soybeans.

At timely treatment and observing dietary restrictions, the baby’s condition will soon return to normal, and as he grows up, allergic reactions will disappear completely and dieting will not be necessary.

You cannot make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment for your baby on your own. You can make a serious mistake and, instead of providing relief, cause significant harm to the child’s health.

Hercules porridge is rightfully considered the most dietary and healthy product, but, unfortunately, allergies to oatmeal are quite common, which immediately prohibits eating such cereals. Today, allergists note the development allergic reaction for oatmeal not only in children, but also in adults. This depends on the characteristics of the body, since rolled oats can negatively affect health at any age. So, can there be an allergy to oatmeal, what are its symptoms and methods of treatment?

Hercules contains a large amount of beneficial properties And vitamin complexes However, this cannot eliminate the shortcomings of cereals.

Negative property oatmeal for a person is the possibility of developing after eating it such reactions as:
  • food intolerance;
  • the possibility of allergies;
  • negative effect on the functioning of some internal organs.

Why does allergy develop? In this case, it all depends on the composition of the cereal, which contains gluten. large quantities. This component can easily cause the development of a host of diseases related to gastrointestinal diseases.

As a result large cluster gluten in the body causes the appearance of antibodies to this element, in which a person (both adults and children) begins to feel the first symptoms of an allergic reaction.

In addition, phytic acid, which is not washed out of the body but accumulates in it in large quantities, can cause disease. As a result, in addition to the development of allergies, it can also lead to the appearance of rickets, since its excessive amount leads to a lack of absorption of vitamin D.

According to allergists, the main cause of allergies is heredity or genetics - if a person has these problems, the allergy will not be long in coming and will appear immediately after eating rolled oats.

Also of particular importance are chronic diseases, since each of them can cause autoimmune disorders, as well as negative action cross types of allergens. To such chronic diseases include pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas. It is important to note that if a child or adult has experienced an unreasonable weight loss, he should reconsider his diet, since rolled oats interferes with the absorption of lipids and carbohydrates in the body.

Other causes of allergies include:

  1. Incorrect or unbalanced diet. It can lead the patient to develop anaphylactic shock, the lack of help for which leads to death. Every person's diet should include proteins, natural products, meat, fish, as well as vegetables and fruits. But porridge, especially oatmeal, should not be “abused”.
  2. Introduction of complementary feeding to infants. If a mother gives her baby porridge too early as a first complementary food, this can have a negative impact on his health, since oatmeal contains many heavy and complex elements that an immature body cannot digest.
  3. Diseases associated with allergic, autoimmune or genetic factors.

The cause of allergies can be frequent consumption of oatmeal - doctors advise eating it in the morning 3-4 times a week.

Most clear signs development of the disease in humans are:

  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • flatulence;
  • steatorrhea (content of fatty substances and acids in stool);
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pain in the intestines, as well as some discomfort;
  • bone fragility;
  • slight tingling of the body.

When complications develop, a person experiences a sharp increase in the abdomen, which is accompanied by pain. In this case, the person needs urgent treatment that will normalize his health.

The first thing the patient needs is treatment with antiallergic drugs, which include Suprastin, Claritin and Diazolin.

If the patient has a rash or other skin manifestations, treatment should be carried out with creams and gels, for example, Psilo-balm or Lokaid. To normalize the intestinal microflora, it is recommended to use drugs for oral administration, namely Bifidumbacterin, Linex or Hilak Forte.