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How teenagers smoke. Depression and stress. Nervous system: from irritability to seizures

The number of young people abusing nicotine is growing every year. Today, teenagers who smoke are most susceptible to respiratory and gum diseases. According to statistics, they are more likely than others to start using alcohol and drugs. At the same time, smoking occupies a leading position among the causes of death that could be prevented. 90% of adult smokers began abusing nicotine during adolescence. The interesting thing is that someone who does not start smoking before the age of eighteen will most likely never start doing so.

Description of the problem

Today, many people talk about the dangers of smoking for teenagers, as this phenomenon is alarming for several reasons. Usually those who started smoking in at a young age, continues to do this throughout his life. This addiction increases the risk of developing chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, lungs, and often becomes the cause of oncology. Most often, adolescents suffer from cough, which is caused by impaired functionality of the respiratory system and the formation of shortness of breath.

According to statistics, 50% of boys and 35% of girls smoke in our country adolescence. Moreover, 89% of children start smoking at the age of eleven. This is a serious problem, especially since the age at which children start smoking is decreasing every year. Teenagers begin to deceive adults in order to get cash on cigarettes, which leads to a deterioration in family relationships.

Recently, many countries have begun active struggle with teenage smoking. There are smoking bans in in public places, advertising and so on. But the problem still remains one of the main ones throughout the world.

According to psychologists, teenage smoking is caused by communication with peers, the desire to appear adults in their eyes, as well as a protest against parental prohibitions.

Reasons for teenage smoking

There are actually many reasons why teenagers smoke. Some of them include:

  • Imitation of peers and older people.
  • The desire to try something new and interesting.
  • The desire to appear mature and independent.
  • The desire for originality, the desire is liked by adolescents of the opposite sex.
  • Poor family environment.
  • Depression and psychological problems.
  • Problems with adaptation in society against the background of the crisis of adolescence.

At first, children smoke irregularly, but gradually they develop nicotine addiction. Tobacco contains a huge amount of toxins and carcinogens that pose a danger to the human body. Among them, nicotine is a neurotropic toxin that is addictive, making it difficult for a person to live without it.

Most health changes do not occur immediately, but after some time. Adolescents, due to their age, cannot adequately assess the severity of the consequences of this addiction. Usually schoolchildren live “for today”, the appearance unpleasant symptoms in ten years it seems something distant to them. In addition, many teenagers believe that they can quit smoking at any time.

About the dangers of smoking for teenagers

Smoking contributes to impaired memory, motor reactions, muscle tone, vision and hearing. According to statistics, those who start smoking before the age of eighteen die more often in adulthood than those who become addicted to nicotine after the age of twenty-five.

Systematic smoking in adolescence leads to depletion of nerve cells, which leads to a decrease in brain activity when solving logical problems. The child also has a pathology in the area of ​​the cerebral cortex that is responsible for visual functions. In this case, color perception is impaired, reading fatigue is observed, visual acuity decreases, and the optic nerve becomes inflamed. Nicotine can increase intraocular pressure, which significantly increases the risk of developing glaucoma.

Smoking also inhibits the functions of the area of ​​the cerebral cortex that is responsible for hearing. This leads to impaired auditory perception and decreased hearing in general.

Also, the harm of smoking for teenagers is that nicotine promotes activity activation thyroid gland, which leads to arrhythmia, irritability, insomnia, as well as the development of skin diseases, such as seborrhea. Nicotine irritates the mucous membrane of the mouth, which often causes ulcers.

Everyone knows that smoking leads to rapid wear and tear of the heart muscle. Nicotine increases vascular tone, provoking their spasm. This, in turn, increases the load on the heart, the organ begins to increase in size, its activity changes, and the blood vessels begin to lose their elasticity. The blood becomes thicker, causing the heart to work under stress. Viscous blood contributes to the formation of blood clots, increased cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, the number of leukocytes in the blood, which are involved in protecting the body from infections, decreases. Nicotine weakens immune system, therefore increasing the risk of developing various diseases.

What other dangers does smoking have for teenagers? This addiction provokes the development of inflammation in the respiratory organs and destroys the alveoli, which cannot be restored. As a result, the development of the organ slows down. Teenagers who smoke are more likely to develop cancer.

Scientists have found that teenage smoking contributes to a child's growth retardation, makes it difficult to build muscles, and makes them weak. In adolescence, the skeleton begins to actively form, and nicotine contributes to the violation natural process formation of bone tissue.

Smoking in adolescence has negative consequences. This also applies to hormonal system. Nicotine provokes its violation, as a result of which the subcutaneous fatty tissue in the abdominal area, which increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus second type. In addition, smoking reduces the level of estrogen in the body of girls, and this can lead to negative consequences in the future. In boys, smoking increases the risk of impotence due to damage blood vessels, delivering blood to the external genitalia.

Nicotine also contributes to DNA damage, which can cause cell mutation and the development of a cancerous tumor.

In general, the harm of smoking on the teenage body is so great that it is caused by a violation of all processes in all systems and organs of the body. In some cases, it comes to the point that a person needs to quit smoking, not so that there is an opportunity to be cured of various diseases, but in order to be able to survive.

Smoking prevention

Many people know why smoking is dangerous in adolescence. But not everyone knows how to protect children from this harmful habit. Meanwhile, teenagers are hot topic worldwide. At the same time, the foundations for promoting a healthy lifestyle should be laid at school. It is also necessary to carry out anti-advertising of smoking.

Smoking prevention should consist of maintaining a good psychological atmosphere in the family. A child should not withdraw into himself and commit emotional actions. Without a trusting relationship, the authority of adults will be undermined, the child will not take words seriously, so any actions of adults will be doomed to failure in advance.

Teenagers can stop smoking if they are motivated to believe that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is prestigious. It is important to encourage the child’s desire for independence in every possible way, and not limit it.

Particularly noticeable in educational institution when learning occurs. IN modern society Teenage smoking is on the rise. In European countries, young people are aware of the dangerous effects of nicotine on the body, so they choose a healthy lifestyle and give up addiction to fatal weakness. But in our country, the percentage of adolescent smokers who consider their habit to be fashionable and adult is only increasing.

Teenagers who smoke have a greatly reduced memory: it becomes difficult for them to learn and remember even small amounts of information. Under the influence of nicotine, visual acuity decreases, the reaction slows down, and muscle mass decreases.

Such guys, even when they are older, do not look older than 13 years old. A pattern of increased mortality was noted in people who were addicted to cigarettes as a teenager, compared with those who fell under the influence nicotine addiction after 25 years.

Teenage smoking causes disorders in the body:

  1. Depletion of nerve cells in children. Due to a decrease in brain activity, the child often complains of fatigue, he does not get enough sleep and gets angry over trifles.
  2. Development pathological processes in the visual cortex of the brain. The teenager stops seeing clearly the world, due to impaired visual color perception. At first, the eyes begin to tire quickly when reading, then flickering and splitting appear when the eyes are strained. From tobacco smoke, the eyelids become swollen and red, and the eyes begin to water. These symptoms lead to the onset inflammatory process optic nerve. Nicotine penetrates the retina of the eye and leads to its degeneration, therefore, photosensitivity appears and sudden loss vision.
  3. Most teenagers go blind when they abuse cigarettes. Ophthalmologists called this disease tobacco amblyopathy. Tobacco smoke irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and increases intraocular pressure, which are consequences acute intoxication growing organism.
  4. The thyroid gland is activated, so teenagers suffer from elevated temperature and increased heart rate. Smokers cannot sleep normally and become irritated at the slightest provocation. They are constantly thirsty and cannot fully quench their thirst.
  5. Smoking promotes rapid aging of the heart muscle. Nicotine stimulates the vasomotor center, which results in vasospasm. The heart experiences stress as it pushes blood through narrowed vessels. To cope with the load, the organ begins to grow. Additional stress on its activity is caused by blood vessels that have lost their elasticity.
  6. It is becoming more common among young people. The very first symptom is a dry cough, which is accompanied by a slight cough. Fatigue appears quickly general weakness and decreased performance.
  7. The cells of the auditory cortex are inhibited, which leads to a decrease in auditory perception.
  8. In addition to the thyroid gland, other glands are affected endocrine system. Smoking causes damage skin– seborrhea and multiple acne.

Guys who smoke cannot maintain the alternation of work and rest. They are driven by the desire to smoke quickly during lessons. They cannot rest normally during recess, but tend to quickly retire to a secluded corner in order to replenish the nicotine deficiency in the body.

Tobacco smoke stupefies and poisons a fragile body, it reduces performance, causes aggressiveness, etc. The teenager comes to the next lesson angry and unable to comprehend the educational material.

Nicotine reduces endurance, physical strength and reaction speed. Smoking is incompatible with exercise.

Teenagers pay a huge price for becoming addicted to nicotine. Age does not allow them to fully understand the harm from smoking, which leads to disastrous results.

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Prevention of this problem

It is necessary to create a friendly psychological atmosphere in the family in order to protect the child from addiction to nicotine. When it is customary in the family to punish and insult for actions, the teenager will close in on himself, and any attempts to establish trusting relationships are doomed to failure.

Without calm conversations between representatives of different generations, adults will not be able to confirm their authority. Any moral teachings and words of elders will fall into the void - the child will not take them seriously.

To protect a child from smoking, the family should carefully associate the concept of a successful person with leading a healthy lifestyle. Instill in your teenager that he will have dizzying success and a brilliant career in life if he tries to stay in excellent sports shape.

Convince him of the prestige of a beautiful physique. Encourage his attempts at self-control, try not to limit him.

Propaganda within the family should not be intrusive, but rather gentle and encouraging. You shouldn’t hurt a teenager’s pride; rather, try to indulge his desire for vanity.

Don't overplay your hand and start flirting with your child. State all the facts clearly and do not try to withhold information, otherwise mistrust will arise, which is not easy to destroy.

Important! When a teenager is depressed, constantly worries, and has no close friends, it is extremely difficult for him to give up cigarettes.

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Why is smoking dangerous during adolescence?

Nicotine has a particularly harmful effect on a child’s weakened body.

How large quantity The more time a teenager is under the influence of toxic components, the more harm the body will receive from smoking:

  • the risk of developing cancerous tumors And ;
  • young smokers will never be able to get rid of addiction at an older age; they remain cigarette consumers for life;
  • only with time chronic diseases will begin to appear in adolescence, although respiratory diseases such a child is susceptible much more often than his peers;
  • the immune system is under stress from nicotine constantly entering the body;
  • the walls of blood vessels narrow, which ultimately increases the load on the heart muscle, so the teenager cannot cope with physical exercise;
  • smoking in adolescence gives impetus to the development of glaucoma and deafness;
  • children inhale more tobacco smoke because they try to smoke hastily so that teachers or parents don’t notice;
  • when smoking a cigarette before the filter, you can additionally get burns to the larynx and mouth;
  • weight loss;
  • increased body temperature and thirst;
  • visual acuity decreases and double vision appears, and lenses will not be able to correct such defects;
  • nicotine affects the reduction of visual acuity, – environment doubles and becomes cloudy, colors become blurred;
  • The teeth of a young smoker deteriorate - they weaken and turn yellow, and a characteristic odor appears from the oral cavity.

How does smoking cigarettes affect the teenage body?

Nicotine is much more damaging to a child's body than to an adult's. The earlier a teenager fell in love with inhaling cigarette smoke, the more complications he can inflict on himself. Nicotine quickly wears out the body.

Heavy smokers reduce their life expectancy by 6-8 years. The first transformations of the cardiovascular system are already beginning in the teenage body, but they are more reminiscent of a 40-year-old person with symptoms of decompensation.

Atherosclerotic transformations form in the vessels, signs of the onset of coronary disease are visible, fat metabolism is disrupted, and cholesterol levels increase. Teenagers are moving straight into the risk group for developing coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction.

In addition to changes in the cardiovascular system, the immune system weakens. Teenagers suffer more from colds and bronchopulmonary diseases, are more susceptible to allergies.

Suffering from nicotine reproductive function. The production of spermatozoa in guys decreases, and in girls the menstrual cycle becomes irregular, bad things are going on egg development, the risk of miscarriage increases.

Smoking causes male and female female infertility. After 3 years of smoking, there is a decrease in the transfer of physical activity - shortness of breath appears even after a short run.

Useful video on the topic

Why is addiction dangerous?

Even after the first puff of a cigarette, a teenager’s life changes for the worse.

Over time there will be more serious problems with health, his perception of the world and character will change, this is why it is dangerous in adolescence:

  • a child who smokes can no longer perceive the amount of information that he used to master with ease and without tension, and bad memory will cause a decline in school performance;
  • now it will become difficult to pass physical standards, in addition, even moving up the stairs will cause fatigue, dizziness and double vision;
  • growth slows down sharply, and girls’ breasts stop growing;
  • against the background of tobacco smoke poisoning, migraine attacks begin, the teenager is more often than others in the smoking room and comes into contact with people who smoke.

Consequences of this habit

Children's health is under serious threat from smoking, leading to dysfunction of the internal organs.

The most common problems are:

  1. Influence on the heart and blood vessels. Nicotine raises blood pressure, which increases the heart rate. Smoke contains carcinogenic substances that cause vasoconstriction, so oxygen does not reach the brain well.
  2. The lungs and bronchi narrow and become inflamed. Smokers often cough a lot, they are familiar with coughing up sputum. Smoke irritates the cilia of the epithelium, as a result of which they do not perform their original functions. It is common for teenagers who smoke to constantly suffer from respiratory diseases.
  3. The emergence of oncology. Experts have isolated substances in burnt tobacco that promote growth malignant tumors. Those who died from cancer had the habit of smoking 1-2 packs of cigarettes per day. Smoking not only affects the appearance of diseases of the respiratory system, but also the formation of tumors in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Cholesterol increases. Nicotine activates degenerative processes occurring in blood vessels, which can cause fatal outcome. The risk of heart disease increases many times over.
  5. Platelets live much shorter, which causes blood clots to form. Smoke contains carbon monoxide, which binds to hemoglobin, so the transport of oxygen through the bloodstream drops sharply.
  6. The formation of connections in the brain slows down, resulting in memory loss. will respond to him in the future and affect his professional achievements.
  7. Nicotine has a destructive effect on the visual and auditory areas.

Cleansing the child's body

after that it takes almost a year. Although even a couple of months after giving up cigarettes, you want to ride a bike, go to hiking trips and actively engage in sports.

For such actions physical strength is no longer enough. The kidneys help excrete harmful substances from the body.

To quickly rid the body of toxic substances and toxins, you need to consume a lot clean water. This way you can not only restore kidney function, but also quickly cleanse the body of accumulated poison.

Visits to the steam room will help if there are no problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In the steam room, sweating is activated, and toxins begin to be eliminated through the skin.

Consumption helps cleanse the intestines large quantity fruits and vegetables. It is worth increasing the amount of dairy products consumed in your diet.

To cleanse the body, you need to take mucous decoctions: rice, flax-seed or oatmeal. Not only will the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improve, but also the toxic substances that have accumulated during smoking will be neutralized.

The teenager should stay longer fresh air. Walking in a forested area, as well as physical exercise on the street, are suitable.

Do wet cleaning in the room and ventilation of the room more often to respiratory system recovered more actively. Many people are afraid of the possibility after quitting cigarettes. You may gain extra weight in the first few months.

You shouldn't focus on this if your health is at stake. After three months, the weight will return to normal, only vegetables, fruits and cereals should be present in the diet.

Homemade Relief Recipes

There are many recipes to help cope with nicotine addiction:

  1. Herbal decoctions and infusions. Buy several types of herbs at the pharmacy that can thin phlegm. For example, plantain, mint, marshmallow root, coltsfoot leaves, pine buds and wild rosemary. Mix a tablespoon of each herb and use about 30 g of the mixture every day, which is poured with boiling water and left to infuse in a thermos. You should drink the entire decoction during the day. Treat for at least 1.5 months.
  2. Oatmeal milk broth. Boil a glass of dry oats in half a liter of milk. After evaporating the milk, there should be half as much left. Strain the broth and drink at night for one and a half weeks.
  3. Onion juice with sugar. Mix sugar with finely chopped onion. Let it sit in a warm place for 3 hours. Squeeze the juice and drink the day after meals. Cleansing with onion juice is enough once a week for about 2 months.
  4. Tomatoes are rich in lipin, which helps restore the body. Fry the vegetables in a frying pan and then add them to the spicy soup with sweet peas, broccoli and coriander.
  5. In early spring, go into the forest to collect tender pine twigs. Place only young shoots in the bag. They grow on the ends of old branches and can be recognized by their bright lime color. Place a layer of young pine needles at the bottom of a three-liter jar and sprinkle sugar on top. Alternate layers and compact tightly. Leave the product at room temperature and wait for the juice to appear. Place the jar in the refrigerator for a month. You will get a pleasant, sweet and sour infusion. Strain and take a dessert spoon before meals twice a day.

A teenager will not be able to cope with nicotine addiction on his own. Only patience and respect from adults will help him regain his health and confidently meet the new day as a healthy person.

There is so much talk and writing around about the dangers of nicotine that most people are already tired of it, especially against the backdrop of smoking doctors, law enforcement officers and movie and show business stars. Everyone has almost gotten used to the fact that official propaganda, which has been depicting the terrible lungs of smokers for decades, and the realities of life are in different ways. However, if spoiling your health is a conscious choice of adults, then in the case of children and adolescents the situation is completely different. After all, firstly, the effect of nicotine on a growing body is tens of times more harmful, and, secondly, having acquired a bad habit in adolescence, many people then cannot get rid of it throughout their lives, although they regret it.

- This global problem especially characteristic of countries post-Soviet space, where they realized quite late the complexity of the situation and began to take at least some measures. Let's consider what problems lie in wait for a young body with nicotine addiction, as well as basic preventive measures teenage smoking.

We also recommend reading materials about the problems of childhood alcoholism and the problems of teenage drug addiction. The articles will tell you about the causes of addiction, methods of prevention and treatment.

Smoking in adolescence is a blow to the young body

It is a medical fact that smoking with early age applies irreparable harm the body, the consequences of which manifest themselves throughout life, even if the person subsequently quits smoking. The main problems associated with nicotine addiction in adolescents:

  • Teenagers who smoke increase their risk of developing lung cancer by 10-15 times, and this risk remains even if the person no longer smokes. One of the signs of lung cancer is a long, dry cough.
  • Due to clogging of the lungs and changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland, the load on the cardiovascular system. In a non-smoking teenager, after running a hundred meters, the pulse is approximately 120 beats per minute, in a smoker it reaches 180. Moreover, normalization of the pulse in the latter case takes much longer. The vessels lose their elasticity and narrow, which ultimately increases the load on the heart muscle, which leads to faster wear and tear.
  • When hurriedly smoking in secret from parents and teachers, teenagers often puff more intensely, thereby accelerating the pyrolysis of tobacco and paper and receiving several times more tobacco poisons. And by finishing a cigarette “under a filter,” teenagers risk getting even more poisoned, plus burning their mouth and larynx.
  • Nicotine significantly increases intraocular pressure - therefore, an early and harmful smoking habit can lead to serious eye disease- glaucoma.
  • Also, while smoking, damage to the visual cortex gradually occurs - the eyes begin to quickly get tired, color perception decreases, that is, the world for a teenager begins to fade over time in the literal sense of the word. Then the image may begin to double, visual acuity may decrease, and as a result, tobacco amblyopia may develop, that is, functional vision impairment that cannot be corrected with lenses.
  • The auditory cortex is also depressed, and there is a certain hearing loss in the lower frequency range.
  • Due to a disorder of the thyroid gland, thirst appears and body temperature increases.
  • Nervous system and the brain is also attacked by poisons from tobacco smoke, the child’s memory deteriorates, attentiveness decreases, irritability appears and sleep disturbance occurs.
  • Metabolism is disrupted. The absorption of vitamins B1, B6, B12 and vitamin A deteriorates. In this case, vitamin C is completely destroyed, as a result, development is inhibited, the growth of the body slows down, and myopia and anemia may appear.
  • The gums and larynx become inflamed, and the teeth turn yellow and weaken, and it comes from the mouth. bad smell.

TO additional problems associated with nicotine use include:

  • Over time, the child begins to be visited intrusive thoughts about smoking, which prevents him from studying and resting normally.
  • As a rule, pocket money intended for food and recreation is spent on cigarettes.
  • Children look for secluded corners where they can smoke, worrying that adults will find them, and often worrying about the unpleasant symptoms that accompany smoking: coughing, burning, nausea.
  • Nicotine, when combined with alcohol, aggravates the effects of the latter.
  • Deterioration physical condition And brain activity will hinder achievement of success in sports and studies.

Children and teenagers smoking – prevention and getting rid of the bad habit

Teenagers usually look down on disease statistics and the moral teachings of adults, and it is not surprising if many adults around children smoke themselves and then try to have conversations about healthy way life. Children tend to inherit the behavior of adults rather than words about decency. On this occasion, when Armen Dzhigarkhanyan aptly spoke, he said: “ Children do not remember words - they remember the actions of adults. If a whole hour give a lecture to a child and then blow your nose in front of him, then he will only remember how you blew your nose.“This idea fully reflects the essence of the problem of teenage smoking. As long as smoking is associated with adulthood, as long as not just adults but successful actors, politicians and businessmen smoke, teenagers will perceive the act of blowing smoke as a sign of “coolness.”

Hence the conclusion about how to prevent smoking or rid a child of it.

  • First of all, it is necessary to build a value system for the teenager; he must understand that smoking can prevent him from doing what he wants to achieve. For example, become a great programmer, buy your own car, take first place in a sports championship, etc.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to try to ensure that among the people whom the teenager wants to imitate there are those who lead a healthy lifestyle, perhaps who have overcome an addiction and speak out about this, or at least who declare negative attitude to smoking. Of course, this cannot always be achieved directly, because some teenagers are often carried away by antisocial elements that drown in drugs, alcohol and nicotine. Teenagers are generally characterized by protest moods. Therefore, the task here is to transfer this protest from the level of “I smoke, I’m cool and I don’t care about anyone” into the category of overcoming one’s weaknesses, in achieving some creative peaks. And let it be a passion for drums or skateboarding, but it must be linked with a healthy lifestyle.
  • Third, it is necessary to protect children as much as possible from the personal bad example of adults. And if you have someone in your family who smokes, for example, a grandfather or father, then you need to put maximum emphasis on Negative consequences this habit, and not on how “cool and adult” it is.
  • And fourth, your child must be self-sufficient, that is, he must be able to go against the crowd of peers, be able to say “no to cigarettes,” not be afraid of ridicule and be motivated by his prospects, which are much brighter than those of those who are drowning in cigarette smoke.
  • And, of course, we should not forget the general points of traditional propaganda, the explanation real harm smoking, organizational methods to prevent the purchase of cigarettes, engaging a teenager in sports, etc.

Please note that if a child already smokes, then in many cases scandals or boring lectures about the dangers of smoking will not help. IN best case scenario the child will lie low for a few days, and then continue to smoke with even greater caution. It is much more effective to understand the root cause of smoking, because very often children themselves do not like it, because at first they feel unpleasant burning sensation, nausea, dizziness, dryness and sore throat, and then no longer feel the active effects of nicotine at all, smoking socially, out of habit or due to painful cravings. Often, the teenager himself is no longer happy that he got involved with cigarettes, but he does not have the willpower to quit them, and here the task of the parents is to actively help him, to push him by all means to a healthy lifestyle.

The problem of nicotine addiction throughout the world is quite acute. Perhaps the most unpleasant thing about this medical and social phenomenon– Children are increasingly becoming smokers. According to statistics, boys smoke their first cigarette at the age of 10, young ladies - closer to 13 years.

And although the initial experience usually does not bring any pleasure, the child continues to smoke “for company”, fearing to stand out among his smoking peers. According to narcologists, addiction forms after the fifth cigarette smoked.

It is not surprising that many parents are concerned about what to do if their teenager starts smoking.

It is not very difficult to identify a smoker in a child, since teenagers usually do not know how to pretend and hide their hobbies. Therefore, the main signs of children who smoke are visible to the naked eye:

And, of course, the most obvious indicator is if you catch a child smoking a cigarette. Here, as they say, you can’t get away with it. But the stories of “well-wishers” who allegedly saw your offspring smoking should be treated with a fair amount of skepticism.

But you shouldn’t discount this information either; you just need to watch your son or daughter more closely.

Why does a child start smoking?

If a teenager is addicted to smoking, first of all, parents need to understand why the addiction arose, where the “legs” of the first cigarette smoked come from. If you have a trusting relationship with your child, it is better to just talk.

In case of secretive behavior of your offspring, you need to analyze your relationship and remember the circle of his friends.

And yet, why does a child start smoking? Psychologists and narcologists highlight following reasons occurrence of something like this:

  • the child takes an example from smoking parents;
  • interest in cigarettes, that is, I simply wanted to try it;
  • imitates smoking friends;
  • smoking is fashionable, from his point of view;
  • started smoking as a bet because his friends claimed that he was a weakling and a mama’s boy;
  • the child focuses on smoking characters in movies and music videos;
  • fell for flashy commercials showing approval of this lifestyle;
  • children protest against parental dictates in this way, that is, the child begins to smoke in spite of his mother or father (this is from the series “no one understands me”);
  • boring and monotonous pastime, lack of other hobbies, for example, playing sports;
  • desire to try the “forbidden fruit”.

As you can see, the list possible reasons quite impressive. However, the most significant and obvious motive is personal example smoking parents.

By the way, if you smoke yourself, this will significantly complicate the process of weaning your child from this harmful habit.

Before discussing the fight against this bad habit, it is necessary to dwell on how harmful nicotine is for the developing human body.

The modern child treats better scientific facts, rather than to hours-long parental lectures, not supported by anything other than emotions.

  1. The greatest danger is nicotine contained in tobacco products, represents for the nervous system. This chemical compound easily depletes nerve cells, which is manifested by overwork, irritability, and excessive excitability. Young smokers are always nervous and irritable.
  2. Suffer from smoking and major mental processes. Memory rapidly deteriorates, thinking also begins to malfunction. And the more a child smokes, the more clearly negative trends appear.
  3. Another suffering side is the respiratory system. The respiratory organs, which are still imperfect, cannot process tobacco smoke and the resin, methane, and nitrogen contained in it. Most of these chemical compounds settle on the lungs, which provokes numerous colds. Then the voice of adolescents who smoke begins to change, shortness of breath and a barking cough appear.
  4. Suffers from smoking and tooth enamel. You've probably noticed that many smokers have yellow teeth. This is due to the temperature difference: the air inhaled by the child is colder than cigarette smoke, which leads to the destruction of tooth enamel.
  5. A teenager who is addicted to cigarettes often worsens the condition of the skin. Numerous pimples appear, the skin begins to become shiny. With excessive enthusiasm for this habit, a distinct yellowness of the skin and nails is observed.

Adults, upon discovering that their child smokes, most often react very sharply and impulsively, even if they themselves are heavy smokers. Consider the most common and controversial parental reactions to childhood smoking.

  1. Advanced adults allow their offspring to smoke at home and even with them, arguing that they do not want him to puff on a cigarette somewhere along the doorways. Some children, embarrassed and feeling guilty, throw the pack away, while others perceive permission as a guide to action and begin to smoke even more, gradually moving on to heavier drugs.
  2. The other extreme is to force the child to smoke the entire pack, so that he literally feels sick afterwards even from the smell of cigarettes. On many forums you can find similar stories: “My father forced me to smoke 20 cigarettes.” However, for some reason such revelations are written heavy smokers who continue to smoke. In addition, this method is simply dangerous for the child’s health; there is a high probability of acute intoxication of the body and even death.
  3. Another method is prohibitive. Parents, demanding that they stop using nicotine, forbid the teenager to communicate with “bad” company, or even go outside, and deprive him of pocket money and other privileges. The most common child’s reaction to such a parental step is demarche, rebellion, that is, the child will do everything out of spite: “They oppress me - I will smoke even more!”

Of course, the likelihood of getting a backlash from a teenager does not mean that adults should not try to resolve the problems that have arisen. Parents just need to use common sense and respect the child’s personality.

The statistics are inexorable - most often children start smoking in those families in which one or both parents also like to smoke a cigarette. Therefore, the very first way to prevent this bad habit is your own parental example. Agree, it is useless and even immoral to talk about the dangers of smoking or undesirable consequences while holding a cigarette in your hand. What else needs to be done?

  1. It would seem like banal advice, but many parents neglect it. It sounds simple - try to spend more time with your teenager, more often and be sincerely interested in his successes and failures. Try to share his hobbies: if he likes cycling, keep him company. Of course, you should not try to replace your peers and become “in the board”; you must remain an authority.
  2. To prevent your child from saying: “No one listens to or respects me,” give him greater freedom in choosing clothes, literature, and musical preferences. This way you will reduce the risk of developing a bad habit due to teenage rebellion and the desire to act out of spite, showing your maturity and independence.
  3. If your child is unsure of himself and tends to act “for the company”, being a follower in life, try to teach him to defend his own point of view and have his own position. Explain that you should not be like your peers and smoke because your friends smoke cigarettes. After all, a mature person knows how to resist the opinion of the crowd.
  4. Conversations about the dangers of nicotine should be started not in adolescence, but in childhood, when kids first ask questions about “smoking sticks”, “rings of smoke coming from their uncle’s mouth.” It is important to observe moderation here, that is, you should not brush off the curious little one, but you should not intimidate him with scary stories and pictures. Consider the age of the child!

The best “vaccination” against smoking is exercise.

Firstly, the child develops a negative attitude towards cigarettes, which can ruin his sports career. Secondly, physical exercise promote the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness, which also resemble a kind of drug, but, of course, are good for health. And thirdly, sports activities accelerate physical development, so there is no need to show your maturity with a cigarette.

What to do if a teenager starts smoking?

So, you found out that the child tried to smoke. What might your reaction be? Of course, this news will upset you, and even more likely, you will fall into irritation and even rage. The most common reaction is a quarrel, scandal, hysteria (if the mother starts the conversation), spanks and slaps in the face. However, as psychologists assure, shouting will not help.

First of all, accept this news, try to “digest” it, calm down a little, and only then start talking with your offspring and thinking about what to do in such a situation. And there are, in fact, a huge variety of behavior options. The choice of the most appropriate one depends on several factors: the characteristics of the teenager, the reasons for his action, the psychological atmosphere in the family. What to do if a child tries to smoke?

  1. First of all, try to find out why he started smoking, what became the main motive for such behavior. However, it is important not only to get an answer from the child, but to find out whether he himself understands what caused smoking, how dangerous it is for his health.
  2. No need to start a serious conversation with an appeal to his age, they say, "you are still too young to smoke and generally decide something." This is the most unproductive beginning of the conversation, as the child will start doing out of spite to prove his adulthood. On the contrary, talk to him like an adult, giving arguments.
  3. If the reason is the desire to appear more mature, then try to prove that this is possible without nicotine addiction. An example could be any authoritative character - a musician, actor or great athlete who does not smoke and actively spreads the word about it.
  4. If you yourself are constantly smoking, it is time to end your addiction to cigarettes. You can offer your child to do it together - quitting smoking is always easier in the company. Tell him that it is much easier to give up the habit at first, give examples of acquaintances who successfully coped with addiction, discuss that the unwillingness of adults to fight the habit shows a weakness of character.
  5. Present reliable medical data that clearly show the dangers of nicotine for children's lungs and other organs. Look documentaries, look at the pictures (it is advisable to do without the “chernukha”). The word "cancer" doesn't mean anything for kids yet, so focus on the implications for vocal cords, skin and tooth enamel.
  6. If your child started smoking out of boredom, find something to do with him that will take up most of his free time, so that there will be no time for the desire to raise a cigarette. Be sure to find out what the teenager himself is interested in - for example, music, drawing. The best way out, as we wrote above, go in for sports, since athletes simply cannot smoke. And the time left from training can be spent on joint trips and travels.
  7. Be sure to keep track of your offspring's friendships. However, you should not forbid seeing the company, otherwise you will achieve the opposite result. Find out better what attracts a child to communicate with these specific children. By finding out why he strives specifically for them, you can direct his energy in the right direction and along the way change your behavior. It is no secret that it is parental employment that often pushes teenagers to try something new and the desire to stand out in the crowd of peers.
  8. An alternative way is to give the teenager full responsibility for their own health. Did you find out that your child has started smoking? Pretend you don't care and let him make the decision to smoke cigarettes. Usually children, having heard such words from adults, almost immediately refuse bad habit, because now it has become permitted, open, which means that now this fruit is no longer so forbidden and sweet.
  9. Analyze the family environment, since emotional distress in the home is often manifested by children's addiction to cigarettes. Even with an external gloss, the child feels his uselessness, dissatisfaction with his role in the cell of society. He probably started smoking or is just trying to smoke to get your attention. This is a kind of return to early childhood, when the baby is outrageous in order to stay longer with you.
  10. If, after a constructive conversation, a teenager has promised to quit smoking, give full support. Regularly ask how he feels, if he wants to pick up a cigarette again. Encourage and praise your child for every day they go without nicotine. This is his and your small victory!
  11. If none of the suggested recommendations help and you are afraid that the child may become addicted to more than just cigarettes, do not hesitate to seek qualified psychotherapeutic help. The psychologist will analyze your situation and give specific advice that is right for you. Just do everything carefully so that the child does not perceive your desire negatively.

Only a friendly attitude and your patience will help you find the right approach to a teenager who smokes. Give up shouting and scandals, punishments and curses, it is better to establish the cause, and then begin to eliminate the consequences.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.