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Lamp for the treatment of ear, throat, nose. Using a blue lamp: indications and instructions

The physiotherapeutic device was used as an anesthetic in dentistry. The anti-inflammatory and restorative effect of the blue lamp has made it popular among therapists and ophthalmologists. At the moment, Minin’s reflector is blue lamp for warming up, is one of the most popular devices for treatment respiratory diseases, otitis and runny nose in both adults and children.

A reflector known to many is a lamp that has a metal shade with a mirror coating. Inside the lampshade there is an incandescent lamp with a blue bulb. The lamp, whose power is 60 watts, has a tungsten filament. What distinguishes such a reflector from a regular lamp is its unusual lampshade, which serves to direct the light flux. Thanks to the mirror coating inside the lampshade, the blue lamp works on the principle of a reflector - it reflects light, collects it and concentrates it.

Blue lamp treatment uses infrared radiation and dry heat. A directed beam of infrared radiation is absorbed by the skin, turning into thermal energy. Infrared rays, penetrating into the skin, activate blood circulation and metabolism, fight inflammatory processes and have a detrimental effect on various types of bacteria and viruses.

Use of the Minin reflector for various diseases

For a runny nose, a blue lamp is directed to the sinuses at a distance of cm. It is necessary to adjust this distance so that during the session you experience a pronounced but pleasant warmth. Continue the session for 5-20 minutes. Repeat 1-2 times a day until recovery. Usually after 2-3 warm-ups there is a significant improvement.

Dry heat when coughing is used to warm the chest. It is necessary to turn on the lamp and point it at the back, chest, and lung area.

For sinusitis, a blue lamp is directed to the frontal sinus and the projection of the maxillary sinuses next to the nose.

Use dry heat for arthrosis, pointing a blue lamp at the diseased joint.

For otitis media, a blue lamp is directed to each ear in turn.

How to use the blue lamp?

The device is plugged in and directed to the diseased area of ​​the body at a distance of no more than 60 cm from the skin. Continue the session for no longer than 20 minutes. It is recommended to do several sessions a day lasting minutes. While the lamp is operating, you must close your eyes. The procedure itself should only call positive feelings. After a warm-up session with the Minin reflector, you should not go out into the cold.

Thanks to the blue color of the lamp, the following therapeutic effect is achieved:

  • Reducing pain.
  • Metabolism regulation.
  • The regeneration effect is achieved when various kinds damage.
  • Improving external respiration functions.
  • The conductivity of nerve impulses improves.
  • The process of delivery and removal of oxygen to the cells and tissues of the body improves.
  • Stimulating energy synthesis at the cellular level.
  • Blood viscosity decreases.
  • Regulation of the hemostatic system.
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improving microcirculation.
  • Has an immunomodulating effect.
  • Treatment of candidiasis.
  • Treatment of acute respiratory diseases.
Contraindications to the use of a blue lamp

The blue lamp for warming up has the following contraindications:

  • Any acute forms of inflammatory processes.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Phases of exacerbations of severe diseases.
  • Insufficiency of cerebral circulation.
  • Sympathalgia.
  • Autonomic dysfunctions.
  • Acute purulent diseases.
  • Severe forms of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Heat.
  • Active tuberculosis.
  • Stones in the kidneys.

Also, you should not warm up areas of the body with varicose veins, the projection area thyroid gland, thrombophlebitis, large lymph nodes.

Reflector Clear Sun

The reflector blue lamp “Clear Sun” is a compact, lightweight device that is designed for effective treatment dry heat. This is a modern and convenient analogue of the Minin reflector. Proven for decades, easy to use, it will become an indispensable device for treating colds and other inflammatory diseases the whole family.

“Clear Sun” helps with the following diseases:

  • Otolaryngeal diseases such as laryngitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, ARVI, sinusitis, colds without fever.
  • Achieved positive effect in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system with a blue lamp: plexitis, neuritis, radiculitis, neuroses. Excellent in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, decreased performance, and migraines.
  • Diseases musculoskeletal system: osteoporosis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, pain and swelling during sprains, ligament ruptures.
  • The Minin reflector has a positive effect on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the liver: hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice of newborns. It also effectively helps with heart diseases, including coronary artery disease.

To buy a Minin reflector blue lamp “Clear Sun” in Moscow, Lyubertsy, Lytkarino, Zhukovsky, Ramensky, Bronnitsy, Voskresensk, Kolomna, go to the catalog section “Light therapy (reflectors)” and place an order.

The blue lamp is used for installation in the body of the "Clear Sun" reflector.

Minin's reflector "Clear Sun" is the most famous and popular device for treatment among people. various diseases using dry heat. Thanks to its simple design, the device is very easy to use and reliable!

Blue lamp - a remedy for many diseases

In Soviet times, a blue lamp was used to treat many diseases. It was first used by the doctor Minin, so the device has a second name - the Minin reflector. At one time, the lamp was popular with therapists. It was used as a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent. Today this device is used to treat runny nose, respiratory diseases, otitis media and other phenomena.

Design and operating principle

This reflector consists of a coated metal shade for good light reflection. The lampshade contains a 60-watt incandescent lamp in a blue bulb. There is a tungsten filament inside it. Unlike a regular lamp, this one has a special lampshade, which is designed to direct the light flux in the right direction.

The blue lamp heals using dry heat and infrared radiation. The skin absorbs light, which is converted into thermal energy. Rays entering the body activate metabolism and blood circulation. They also eliminate inflammatory processes. At the same time, the rays have a detrimental effect on viruses and various bacteria.

How to use the device

The blue lamp turns on. A stream of light is directed to the area that needs to be treated. The distance from the lamp to the skin should not be more than 60 cm. The duration of the session should not exceed 20 minutes. To get results, doctors recommend using the device several times a day. While the lamp is on, you must close your eyes. After completing the procedures, you cannot go out into the cold. The warming up process should leave only positive impressions.

A blue warm-up lamp helps with the problems listed below:

  • reduces pain;
  • improves metabolism in tissues;
  • treats respiratory diseases;
  • supports the immune system;
  • produces a regenerating effect;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • improves respiratory function;
  • thins viscous blood;
  • regulates the hemostatic system;
  • improves the functioning of the oxygen delivery and removal system to cells;
  • normalizes the conduction of nerve impulses.

Blue lamp: medical applications

This device is usually used for a runny nose. To do this, heat is directed at a distance of cm to the nasal sinuses. The distance must be adjusted so that the patient feels a pleasant warmth, but at the same time pronounced. Significant improvements can be experienced after just three warm-ups.

If sinusitis is a concern, the heat is focused on the frontal sinus and the sinus near the base of the nose.

Also, a blue warming lamp is used during coughing. In this case, the heat must be directed to chest on both sides (back and chest). The lung area is selected.

When a person suffers from arthrosis, the light of the lamp is directed one at a time to the affected joints.

The principle of treatment is to direct heat to the area that is affected by the disease.

Contraindications and precautions

Like any other type of treatment, this one also has its contraindications. Heating sore spots with a blue lamp is prohibited in the following cases:

  • with autonomic dysfunction;
  • during exacerbations of severe forms of diseases;
  • with sympathalgia;
  • with autonomic dysfunction;
  • for purulent diseases;
  • with active tuberculosis;
  • during pregnancy;
  • if the temperature is elevated;
  • at severe forms cardiovascular diseases;
  • if there are kidney stones;
  • with cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • in oncology.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is not recommended to warm up those areas where there is varicose veins veins, enlarged lymph nodes, thrombophlebitis occurs, and it is also impossible to direct light to the area of ​​projection of the thyroid gland.


Some people are interested in whether it is possible to do warm-ups if a blue lamp from the times of the Soviet Union is used. If this device is in working order, it can be used in medicinal purposes.

Also, some people may advise doing warm-ups with a simple lamp. But it is worth considering that, unlike blue ones, ordinary devices can cause burns. And if the face is warmed up, this light affects the eyes, the patient begins to squint excessively.

When choosing reflectors, some people notice that these devices may have different reflector diameters. You need to choose it depending on your needs. For example, it is easier to warm up the back with equipment with a large diameter, but a small diameter helps to focus on the diseased organ.

Blue warming lamp

The use of a blue lamp (Minin reflector) can be called physiotherapy at home. This fairly simple, by modern standards, device was first used by the Russian military doctor A. Minin back in the century before last. In Soviet times, the blue lamp was actively used for warming up in almost every family, but even today it does not lose its popularity and is produced by manufacturers of medical equipment. Let's look at what diseases a blue lamp is used for, as well as how to use it correctly.

Functions and effect of blue lamp

The Minin reflector is an incandescent lamp made of blue glass placed in a mirrored hemispherical lampshade. This device has the following functions:

  • emits infrared (thermal) radiation, which, due to the blue color of the bulb, does not heat the surface of the skin as intensely as normal, but is able to penetrate into deeper tissues;
  • Thanks to a special lampshade, the lamp reflects, collects and concentrates radiation on a specific area of ​​the body.

The emission of a blue lamp promotes:

  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • relieving pain;
  • destruction of certain types of bacteria;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • improving external respiration function;
  • improving the conductivity of nerve impulses, etc.

For what diseases is treatment with a blue lamp effective?

The blue lamp can be used to treat diseases for which dry heat is indicated. Moreover, its effect will be much better than when using a water heating pad, a bag of hot salt, a boiled egg and other homemade warming remedies. This is explained by the special therapeutic effect of blue spectrum rays on processes occurring in the human body.

So, the Minin reflector is used for:

  • diseases of the ENT organs (runny nose, otitis media, sinusitis);
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia);
  • injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • inflammatory muscle diseases (myositis);
  • pain syndromes accompanying diseases of the peripheral nervous system (myalgia, neuralgia, sciatica), etc.

According to reviews, a blue heating lamp is most often used for the nose in acute respiratory diseases, both in children and adults. Many note that thanks to the use of the lamp immediately after the first symptoms of the disease appear, their well-being improves, and recovery occurs much faster.

Blue lamp for a runny nose

Now let’s take a closer look at how to warm your nose with a blue lamp. In principle, the warming procedure for different parts of the body is standard. However, if heating is carried out in the head area, then you should definitely protect your eyes using a fabric bandage.

When you have a runny nose, you should warm up the area of ​​the bridge of your nose. The reflector must be kept at a distance of 20–60 cm from the surface of the skin, adjusting the distance so as to feel a pronounced but not burning heat. In this case, the lamp rays should not fall at a right angle, but at an angle to the surface of the skin.

The duration of one session is 10 - 20 minutes, the number of procedures per day is 2 - 3. The full course of treatment for a runny nose is 3 - 4 days.

Can a blue lamp be used for acne?

This question interests many people suffering from problem skin. In fact, the blue lamp itself cannot get rid of acne. However, it can complement the complex cosmetic procedures, having a drying effect on the skin and helping to relieve inflammation.

Contraindications to the use of a blue lamp:

  • high body temperature;
  • purulent processes;
  • bleeding;
  • cancer;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy.

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Blue lamp for warming up the nose, for what diseases is it used?

A severe runny nose causes a lot of trouble in the form of complications. It is especially difficult to treat a runny nose in children; washing and treating the nose causes them discomfort, so these procedures at home are quite difficult to carry out efficiently. Clogged nose interferes with normal sleep, and constantly flowing snot greatly irritates the skin near the nose.

For the treatment of runny nose in adults and children in combination with medicines warming up the nose is recommended different ways. For this, dry heat is used, which significantly alleviates the symptoms of a runny nose at the beginning of its appearance.

The effectiveness of warming up for a runny nose

Warming up the nose is possible only in the first days, when nasal discharge is abundant and clear. At this time, the nose is very congested, and heating will help reduce secretions and help the nose to breathe.

How warming the nose helps with a runny nose:

  • The blood vessels of the nose dilate, blood circulation improves.
  • The tissues of the nasopharyngeal mucosa are regenerated, swelling subsides.
  • Nasal congestion goes away.
  • Microbes reproduce more slowly.
  • Breathing is normalized.
  • Pain and itching goes away

Warming the nose should be done regularly. Recovery cannot be expected from one procedure. It is necessary to warm your nose at least twice a day during the first three days of a runny nose. After the procedure, you should not walk on the street for some time (1-3 hours), be in a draft and cold, it is better to lie down in bed and drink a warming drink (tea or fruit drink) to enhance the effect.

If warming does not help get rid of a runny nose, and your health condition worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor who can detect more serious diseases in time.

When should you not warm your nose?

Warming up the nose - effective help in the treatment of a runny nose, but the procedure has a number of contraindications, in which heating can cause serious harm.

  • An increase in body temperature, warming up can cause a serious inflammatory process
  • Purulent nasal discharge, exacerbation of sinusitis
  • Acute otitis
  • Adenoiditis

For pregnant women, warming up the nose is not dangerous for the child, so if there are no general contraindications, local thermal exposure will not lead to dangerous consequences.

Minin's blue lamp: design and principle of operation

The Minin reflector was created in 1891, this device is usually called the “blue lamp” and is used to warm the ears, nose and chest to treat acute respiratory diseases.

The reflector is designed very simply. The reflective shade with mirror coating contains a blue incandescent lamp with a tungsten filament with a power of 60 W. The reflector handle allows you to easily and safely use the device at the desired distance.

The mirror lamp allows you to focus the light, concentrate it, and release dry heat for warming up. The targeted infrared beam is absorbed by the skin and turns into heat, which improves blood circulation and metabolism, fights inflammation and bacteria.

This simple device is widely used not only by doctors in hospitals and clinics, but most often - ordinary people, for treatment at home.

In what cases should the lamp be used?

The process of warming up with a blue lamp is quite simple, but you need to know when and how it should be used:

  • when treating a runny nose, the light flux from the lamp is directed to the area of ​​the nasal sinuses
  • the lamp is placed at a distance of 30 to 60 cm from the face
  • the heat should feel good on the skin and be pleasant
  • exposure time – minutes
  • The procedure can be performed one to three times a day
  • After the second procedure, you feel better.
  1. Cough treatment. Direct the device to the back and chest, frequency and time of procedures as for a runny nose.
  2. Sinusitis (except during exacerbation of the disease). Warming the frontal and maxillary sinuses allows the patient to feel much better.
  3. Treatment of otitis media. Warming up the ears helps quick treatment otitis media and reduction of ear pain.
  4. Arthrosis. Sore joints become less painful with the help of heating.
  5. Treatment of neuroses and depression. The lamp is also effective for severe migraines and chronic fatigue syndrome.
  6. Post-traumatic treatment of ligaments, joints and muscles.

The versatility of the lamp explains it wide use in the treatment of respiratory diseases early stage their development.

Are there any contraindications for using a blue lamp?

The device cannot be used:

  1. During exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  2. If your body temperature is elevated.
  3. With discharge purulent in nature.
  4. With active tuberculosis.
  5. If malignant tumors are detected.
  6. For serious heart diseases vascular system and poor blood clotting.
  7. In case of skin damage at the site of heating.
  8. During pregnancy - use with caution.

Instructions for use

The blue lamp should be used carefully and strictly according to the attached instructions. An important point safe use The reflector is the need to close your eyes during the session. Children can cover their eyes with a towel and warm up while the child sleeps.

The distance from the lamp to the place of heating is adjusted individually according to the tactile sensation of heat. The lamp should not burn the skin. It is recommended to keep the lamp at a distance of cm.

Warming with a blue lamp can be done up to three times a day. The patient's condition usually improves on the second or third day. The number of warm-ups per course of treatment cannot be more than 20 procedures.

The next course of treatment with a reflector can be carried out only a month after the end of the previous course. Best time for warming up - evening, since after the procedure it is forbidden to go outside for 1-3 hours.

During the procedure, the lamp body becomes very hot, and you should be careful not to get burned.

The use of a lamp for treating children must be agreed with a doctor. During warming up, an adult needs to periodically monitor the heating of the child's skin to prevent it from getting burned. The procedure time is no more than 15 minutes.

Detailed information about the reflector with a blue lamp and its application is in the video:

Other ways to warm up the nose

To warm up your nose, you can use other means:

  1. Salt. Salt calcined in a frying pan is wrapped in cloth and applied to the sinuses of the nose.
  2. Iodine. The iodine mesh warms the nose well. The mesh is drawn on the sinuses of the nose, including the frontal one.
  3. Buckwheat grain. It is heated by calcination and the nose is warmed in the same way as using salt.
  4. Egg. You can warm your nose well with a boiled hot egg, wrapping it in a towel or diaper.

Warming the nose will be more effective if you warm your feet at the same time. To do this, you can use iodine, dry mustard (pour into socks) or dissolve mustard powder in very warm (almost hot) water and keep your feet in it.

A runny nose appears at any time of the year and is difficult to treat. Nasal congestion is especially annoying when it becomes impossible to breathe normally. Warming up is quite effective; they can, at least for a while, reduce swelling and relieve nasal congestion.

The blue lamp for warming up the nose is simple in design and is often used for home treatment colds accompanied by a runny nose. With its help, you can quickly and safely carry out the warming procedure even at home.

The Minin reflector is intended for the treatment of many diseases - from respiratory to neuralgic. The device can be used for children and adults.

Re: Blue lamp for warming up the nose, for what diseases.

This is a discovery for me that a blue lamp can be used for arthritis and injuries. I have such a miracle of technology at home, but I have always used this lamp only for colds. Thank you, now I will know that it has a wider effect.

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How to treat a cough with a blue lamp?

Physiotherapy for cough is deservedly popular, especially in pediatric practice. Exposure to the body by physical factors activates the protective potential, improves blood circulation, stimulates regeneration processes, and reduces the resistance of strains to the effects of drugs.

The use of a blue warming lamp for coughs has not lost its popularity. For a positive result, you need to know under what conditions and how to use the device correctly at home.

How does the blue lamp work?

In otolaryngology, respiratory infections occupy key positions among the causes of cough. Under the influence biological factors external environment (viruses, bacteria, fungi), an inflammatory process develops, mucociliary transport decreases, the qualitative composition of the bronchial secretion changes, it becomes viscous, which worsens its ductility, and stimulates congestion.

Against the background of disturbances, catarrhal phenomena develop: cough, runny nose, lacrimation, weakness, hyperemia of the palatine tonsils, which change the patient’s condition.

At the initial stages of recovery, drugs for etiotropic and symptomatic therapy are important. In parallel with the main regimen, physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out, partly treatment of cough in children with a blue lamp.

The author of the invention of the reflector is military doctor A.V. Minin, who first used the device in practice in 1891. The Minin reflector or blue lamp is a regular incandescent lamp with infrared radiation (power 60 W) with a blue bulb. The device is equipped with a special lampshade with a mirror coating, which makes it possible to absorb and focus the heat flow, and an electric drive for connecting to the power supply.

For reference! The blue color of the lamp does not affect the retina of the eye, does not blind, and prevents overheating of the skin and subcutaneous tissues.

The device reproduces dry heat, which acts exclusively on the upper layers of the skin and has an overall beneficial effect on the body:

  • increases local immunological protection;
  • reduces the body’s sensitivity to the perception of information from the environment (pain reliever);
  • improves blood microcirculation indicators;
  • relieves inflammation and swelling;
  • speeds up metabolism.

Dry heat treatment is prescribed for pathologies of various compressor organs and systems:

  1. ENT organs and upper respiratory tract (not purulent forms sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, otitis, pulmonary diseases accompanied by cough).
  2. Locomotor system (inflammation of skeletal muscles, sprain of joints, ligaments, muscles).
  3. Nervous system (neurosis, plexitis, neuritis, radiculitis).
  4. Digestive tract (jaundice, cirrhosis, hepatitis).
  5. Skin.

In the treatment of cold coughs, warming with a blue lamp is part of complex therapy. The targeted action of dry heat eliminates hyperemia of the mucous membranes, reduces sore throat and sore throat, the amount of discharge, reduces the frequency and intensity of coughing, and improves the quality of breathing.

The use of the Minin reflector at the early stage of ARI accelerates the recovery process, prevents complications and relapses, and prevents chronicity of the pathology.


Before starting physiotherapeutic procedures, it is necessary to consult a specialist, as there is a list of indications that limit the use of a blue lamp.

The risk group includes patients whose medical history contains the following information:

  • tuberculosis;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • purulent or serous-purulent inflammatory processes.

For reference! A direct contraindication to the procedure is a change in low-grade fever, since in this condition the thermal effect enhances the inflammatory process.

Technique of the procedure

When a cough occurs, it is necessary to warm up the chest and back area. When you have a cold, the reflector acts on bottom part legs (foot), where concentrated biological points internal organs. If subjective health indicators, in addition to cough attacks, change nasal congestion and runny nose, then the sinuses are additionally warmed up.

Nuance! The appearance of yellow-green snot indicates the addition of a bacterial infection and requires cessation of physical procedures.

How to treat a cough with a blue lamp:

  1. Accept comfortable position. The child can undergo the procedure while sleeping.
  2. Plug in the lamp and point it at the chest at a distance of cm. (focus on tactile sensations, they should not cause discomfort).
  3. The first session lasts from 5-7 minutes depending on age gradual increase duration up to minutes.
  4. The daily frequency of procedures varies from 1 to 3. The total number of sessions per month should not exceed 20.
  5. After warming up the sternum similar actions repeat from the back.
  6. Once completed, do not go outside for an hour. It is optimal if the last warm-up is performed immediately before bed, after which you wrap the heated areas with a woolen scarf and lie down under a warm blanket. A glass of warm milk with honey and butter will help enhance the effect.

If necessary, a repeated course of cough treatment with a blue lamp is allowed at intervals of 1 month.


The Minin reflector is intended for adults and children for the treatment of various pathologies from respiratory to neurological. The device is easy to use, knowing the algorithm of actions, there should be no difficulties in how to warm a child with a blue lamp when coughing.

Directory of main ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim absolute accuracy. medical point vision. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!

How to use and what does a blue heating lamp treat?

The blue heating lamp has found wide application in medicine. It refers to physiotherapeutic procedures that treat diseases of the ear, nose and throat in children and adults. Such a light bulb has not ultraviolet, but infrared radiation, and helps to significantly reduce the duration of the pathology and effectively eliminates unpleasant symptoms. The big advantage of this medical device is that it can be used at home, but after consulting a doctor.

What does the blue lamp represent?

A blue light bulb, or otherwise called a Minin reflector (Clear Sun), represents effective remedy for the treatment of many ENT diseases, including the common cold, sore throat and bronchitis.

It contains a regular lamp with tungsten wire, painted in Blue colour. It is believed that this shade does not irritate the eyes and promotes good heating of the affected area. And a lampshade attached to a light bulb helps direct blue light and rays to a specific place, thereby increasing the effect of therapy.

Blue warming lamp - varieties. On the left on the clothespin, in the middle with metal frame, on the right is a glow in the dark.

The blue-violet light bulb does not produce ultraviolet radiation, so it is not harmful to health, and is electric.

  • The heating device is considered old, it was invented medical product Soviet doctor Minin during the war years. In the USSR and after, a light bulb with blue light was widely used not only for medicinal purposes, but in crop production and animal husbandry to replace the clear sun.
  • The principle of operation of the device is based on the fact that the reflector first heats up and infrared rays act directly on the skin, sometimes penetrating deeper into the subcutaneous fat layer.
  • Currently, various analogues of the Minin medical reflector are being marketed, which have different diameters and color intensities, and can be from light blue to dark blue. With their help, it is very convenient to treat not only ENT organs, but also the back, large areas of the body and limbs.

Blue lamp efficiency

A blue lamp and ultraviolet are completely different things, and they have different effects medicinal properties. It is believed that Minin's reflex device reflects infrared radiation and is used to warm up the superficial areas of the skin.

The blue lamp is harmless to children and is widely used in treatment

How is a lamp useful? If you use a blue lamp for treatment, you can achieve the following therapeutic effects:

  1. There is accelerated blood circulation and improved metabolism in the affected area.
  2. Swelling of soft tissues is reduced.
  3. Pain sensations are relieved.
  4. Infiltrates and other compactions resolve.
  5. The immune status increases.
  6. The condition and mobility of joints and bones improves when they are damaged.

The benefits of using a reflector for a child or an adult are enormous. Thanks to the warm color of the lamp, it does not dazzle the eyes and does not cause skin burns, which cannot be said about a regular light bulb. But before you start warming your ears, nose and throat, you should definitely consult your doctor to rule out contraindications.

Indications for use

What does the blue lamp treat and what is it for? Main indications for use infrared lamp The following pathological conditions are:

The blue lamp is needed to warm the nose, ears and throat

  1. Acute respiratory viral infections and various colds that occur without fever.
  2. Dermatological diseases.
  3. Otitis.
  4. Pathological processes of the ENT organs (sinusitis, sinusitis, runny nose, etc.).
  5. Inflammatory muscle conditions.
  6. Damage to the musculoskeletal system due to bruise, blow, fall (sprains, torn ligaments).
  7. Pain in muscles and joints.
  8. Cough, bronchitis.


Treatment with a blue lamp is possible only in the absence of the following contraindications:

  1. Exacerbations of chronic diseases.
  2. Having a high body temperature.
  3. Purulent diseases.
  4. Tuberculosis.
  5. Poor blood clotting, high risk of bleeding.
  6. Neuralgic and heart diseases.
  7. Oncological processes in the body of any localization.
  8. Violation of skin integrity.
  9. Serious injury or injury.
  10. Pregnancy period.

Also, according to the instructions for use, it is not advisable to use a blue lamp with the parallel use of hormonal, immunomodulating drugs, and in the area of ​​​​lymph nodes, varicose veins, as well as in the thyroid gland.

Instructions for using the blue lamp

To achieve positive results from using a blue lamp, you must follow certain rules and use the device correctly.

  1. If the warming area is the eyes, then they should be kept closed or covered with a thick cloth. If you have contact lenses, they should be removed during the procedure to prevent overheating of the eyeballs.
  2. The blue lamp is connected to electricity and installed in the correct position. It is believed that the optimal workplace is an angle of 60° and in rare cases 90°.
  3. During the manipulation, it is recommended to place the blue lamp away from the surface of the skin.
  4. The duration of use of the blue lamp for any disease is 3 days.
  5. After warming up the skin area, you should not go outside for an hour.
  6. For children and adults, the duration of the session may differ in time.

When manipulating a blue lamp, you must avoid drafts and follow safety rules, since the device heats up to high temperatures. to contents

How to use a blue lamp for children

To use a blue lamp to treat children at home, you must consult a doctor. The main indications for taking a blue lamp may be cough, runny nose, bronchitis, ear, nose and throat diseases. The duration of the session should not exceed 15 minutes. And, as a rule, children are given a blue lamp with a large diameter and reduced intensity of infrared radiation.

To avoid burns, you need to be present with your child during the entire procedure and check the heating of the skin with your hand. You should also know that the blue lamp is only suitable for use by children over 3 years of age.

Warming the nose with a blue lamp

It is believed that only mild forms of nasal disease can be treated with a blue lamp. The most common indications are runny nose and sinusitis.

How to use the device in this case? For a positive outcome of therapy, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Cover the eyes with a thick cloth or make a bandage to prevent burns.
  2. 2-4 sessions must be repeated per day, with a total duration of no more than 20 minutes.
  3. You need to keep the blue lamp at a distance of about cm from your nose.
  4. The full course of nasal treatment with a blue lamp can last up to 3-4 days.

Using a blue lamp for sinusitis

How to warm your nose and is it possible to do this for sinusitis? Although the blue lamp does not produce UV radiation, it can also negatively affect health. Since sinusitis, in most cases, is purulent disease, then in this case the use of heat is contraindicated or can only be prescribed as directed by a doctor. Therefore, to avoid complications, it is better not to self-medicate.

Using a blue lamp during pregnancy

Can pregnant women use a blue lamp for warming up?

This period in a woman’s life is considered a contraindication, so the use of a reflector is prohibited.

Warming up the ears with a blue lamp

The blue lamp is also widely used for otitis media, congestion or inflammatory processes in the ear area of ​​a non-purulent nature. To warm up the affected ear, it is pulled back and up and treated with the Minin device.

How long should you warm your ear? In terms of time, the warming up procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. Treatment should take place in sessions and last about 7 days.

Treatment of a runny nose with a blue lamp

An infrared lamp is widely used to treat runny nose in children and adults. To do this, the device is positioned from the nasal septum and warmed up. this area no more than 7 minutes. At first, the procedure lasts a minute, and 1 minute is added every day if the patient has no unpleasant symptoms.

For a runny nose, the duration of use of the blue lamp is 5-6 days.

Per day, if the patient’s condition is satisfactory and there is no reaction to infrared irradiation, 1-2 sessions can be performed after the first day.

Duration of blue lamp use

According to doctors, the optimal duration of using a blue lamp is 2-3 sessions per day with a total duration of minutes. But the procedure time may vary depending on the patient’s age and type of disease. For small children, as a rule, 5-7 minutes per session is enough. The total duration of therapy is 3-7 days.

Blue lamp cost

A spare blue lamp for the Minin reflector (Clear Sun) costs approximately

The blue lamp produces good infrared radiation, which helps with many diseases. Since I was born in the Soviet Union, I know firsthand about positive properties such a device. I use it for a runny nose, otitis media, and to treat coughs and back pain.

The blue lamp is good remedy. I used it to treat my child’s runny nose, the results came quickly and I was very pleased. The main thing is to follow the instructions and consult your doctor first.

I also used a blue lamp to warm up my ear when it was congested. The light is soft, I liked it and the main thing is that the improvement came already on the 2nd day.

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A forgotten unit called the Minin reflector is a device from the field of heat therapy that can cope well with many diseases. This device was popular in Soviet times; it was most often used in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the ENT organs. Today we will remember or find out for those who have not heard what it is for warming up, reviews about it, as well as the price of this device.

Minin unit - what is it?

Another name for this device is the Minin reflector; it was first used by a Russian military doctor, whose name you already know. This device is a directing reflector with an infrared emitter - an ordinary lamp with a blue bulb. This effective remedy, with which you can cure the following ailments:

Principle of operation

This device collects rays on a small area of ​​skin, causing local hyperemia in it. And this acts as an analgesic and also a resolving agent.

Such a directing flow of rays contributes to the rapid recovery of the patient.

The Minin reflector is an excellent heat therapy device, the effect of which is to treat with dry heat. The radiation in the unit is infrared, not ultraviolet, as many people believe. The influence of the reflector on the human body leads to a lightning-fast increase in metabolic processes, during which the rate of healing and tissue restoration increases several times. The effect of the device leads to improved blood circulation, as a result of which every cell of the patient’s body will be supplied with oxygen, and this will lead to a sharp increase in the energy of the entire immune system.

Use of the Minin reflector in the treatment of the nose

A blue heating lamp, the use of which is appropriate not only for adults, but also for children, is most often used to treat a runny nose. Now let’s find out how to use it correctly.

  1. Before turning on the device, you need to protect your eyes, and to do this you need to cover them with some kind of thick bandage or rag.
  2. If you have a runny nose, you need to hold the lamp at the level of the bridge of your nose at a distance of 20-60 cm from the skin. In this case, you need to maintain a distance in such a way as to feel a pronounced, but not burning, heat. The beams of the device should fall at an angle, and not at a right angle.
  3. The duration of one procedure should be no more than 20 minutes. The number of daily sessions should be limited to two or three. A full course of treatment for a runny nose should not exceed 4 days.

The Minin lamp is used by many parents not only to warm up the baby’s nose. Some mothers and fathers use the device instead of mustard plasters and cans, pointing the device at the back. They also use the lamp, replacing it with socks with mustard or steaming their feet, using the unit on the child’s heels.

Contraindications for using the Minin reflector

There are restrictions under which you cannot use a device called a blue warming lamp. Its use is unacceptable in the following cases:

High basal temperature;


Malignant formations;


Various purulent processes (this includes heating during sinusitis);


Cerebrovascular accident.

Preparing the lamp for use

  1. Pull the device out of the box and carefully straighten the cord.
  2. Screw the blue lamp into the socket.
  3. Connect the device to the network.
  4. Turn on the blue lamp with the switch.

Upon completion of work

When the procedure is completed, the device must be folded, and for this:

  1. Turn off the device with the switch, unplug the cord from the socket.
  2. Do not place objects that could catch fire near the lamp.
  3. Under no circumstances should you disassemble the reflector while it is plugged in.
  4. Do not allow moisture to come into contact with the lamp while it is operating.

Rules for using the lamp for small children

Children aged 0 to 3 years are not prohibited from doing healing procedures using a device such as a Minin reflector. And the rules for using the equipment in this case are as follows:

The blue lamp is an ultraviolet device

Many people mistakenly believe that the Minin reflector emits radiation. To some extent, they are right, but this device does not produce ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is fundamentally wrong to think that you can disinfect the air with such a unit or sunbathe under it. There is another type of device that can be used to disinfect a room, but it is not a blue lamp at all. “Sun” is an ultraviolet irradiator that is used to disinfect the air in an apartment or house. Therefore, it is wrong to confuse these two completely different units. If the Minin warming lamp acts directly on human organs, then the “Sun” irradiator is used only in relation to the elimination of microbes in the room.

Using the Minin reflector for sinusitis

Many parents ask the question: “Is it possible to warm sinusitis with a blue lamp?” Answer: no on your own. Treatment with a blue lamp can even complicate the situation, and instead of helping the patient, you will only make the situation worse. The use of such a device can only eliminate external signs illness, but it does not eliminate the causes. Only experienced doctor after the examination he will be able to prescribe effective therapy. Therefore, it is impossible to self-medicate, let alone warm up sinusitis with a Minin reflector.


The cost of a blue lamp depends on the manufacturer. Thus, the Russian-Chinese manufacturing company Armed sets prices for this device at 1000-1500 rubles. For a similar product Russian company“Key-Golden” price is also about the same - 1100-1600 rubles. And the cost itself will be 140-200 rubles. If you buy in bulk, then such a product will naturally be cheaper by about 200-300 rubles. That is, you can save on the incandescent lamp itself, so if you want to save some money, you can put together an order (perhaps your family, friends, and acquaintances also need such a unit) and buy the device cheaper than it is sold at retail.

Positive reviews

Minin's reflector has mostly positive echoes. This lamp has received the greatest praise for the treatment of runny nose, as well as acute respiratory diseases in both children and adults. Many people note the fact that thanks to the use of such a device, immediately after the first symptoms of an illness appear, the patient’s well-being immediately improves, the person spends less time being sick and recovers faster.

Also, for mothers whose children suffered from otitis media, such a lamp was a real salvation, since it is capable of the shortest possible time remove incredible ear pain, and the child quickly calmed down.

An important advantage of this unit is the simplicity of its operation, which parents also could not help but note. I plugged the device into the outlet, warmed up the desired area of ​​the body, following the instructions for use, and then unplugged the device from the outlet. It is very easy to use, which is why the blue warming lamp has flattering and approving reviews.

Negative reviews from parents about the device

The blue lamp has not only positive but also negative reviews. Some moms and dads are disappointed with the build quality of the unit. Like, in the old Soviet times, such lamps had a heat-resistant black rubber band around the perimeter, which served protective function. And today they are starting to produce Chinese counterfeits, which are unsafe and there is a high risk of getting burned.

To avoid disastrous consequences, it is necessary to choose this unit correctly. Firstly, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer - if a Chinese device is in doubt, then take a closer look at the Russian or Ukrainian versions of the reflector. Secondly, check the build quality, thirdly, pay attention to the presence of a quality certificate, and fourthly, the warranty.

People also note the fact that it is sometimes difficult to purchase the device due to its lack of availability in pharmacies. There are a lot of blue incandescent lamps, but there are no devices themselves. However, there is the Internet, where you can find absolutely everything, including the Minin reflector. When ordering this product online, upon its arrival, make sure that it is intact, safe, has a quality certificate, and a warranty card.

Also, the blue warming lamp has unflattering reviews from parents who treated it incorrectly. They say they warmed it up and the child felt even worse after the procedure. Or, for example, they did warm-ups for sinusitis, but the next day the patient became worse and had to go to the doctor. Such reviews need to be filtered, and only illiterate people who have not read the instructions for use can do and write such things. After all, the manual clearly states in what situations it is impossible to use the Minin reflector without a doctor’s prescription. Also, if you have any doubts about whether to warm up the affected area of ​​the skin or not, it’s better to first go to a doctor who will help you decide. He certainly knows how and with what to treat a specific ailment. And you shouldn’t self-medicate, because it’s too expensive.

Now you know what a blue warming lamp is, reviews of which are mostly positive. We learned when to use it and when to put the device aside. We also realized that before being treated with such a device, you need to carefully read the operating instructions, which clearly and correctly indicate how long you need to hold the device, at what distance and for how long you can carry out therapy with the Minin reflector. And one more very important point: before you start heating the affected area of ​​the skin, do not neglect the recommendation and visit a doctor who will or will not allow you to use the device.

The blue lamp, used in the treatment of runny nose and colds, is familiar to many from childhood - and is just as good as the usual mustard plasters in combination with hot foot baths. The procedure has gained wide popularity because it does not require complex manipulations with complex instruments; it can even be carried out to a small child, and the session duration does not exceed 20 minutes. To warm up, you only need a special lamp installed in a reflective lampshade. The blue lamp is used when large quantities diseases, is indicated mainly in the case of inflammatory processes of different localization. Warming up with a blue lamp for a runny nose will be useful in treatment if you know about the rules of use and contraindications.

The essence of the method

Many people know about the blue lamp, but not everyone understands what it is and how it works. Can a throat lamp really help with a runny nose? Does this treatment method have side effects and contraindications? How to warm your nose with a blue lamp correctly? Of course, before you start using the device, you should find out the answers to all these questions.

A blue lamp for warming up the nose is called a Minin emitter, or reflector, named after the doctor who first proposed its use in the treatment of various pathologies. It is used not only in otolaryngology - warming is useful for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bronchopulmonary and genitourinary system. The device is a source of such types of radiation as:

  • visible;
  • infrared.

Visible radiation can be perceived by the organ of vision, while infrared radiation remains unnoticed, but has a thermal effect - in many cases quite noticeable. The degree of penetration (the ability to heat superficial and deep tissues) depends on the radiation range. In this case, short-wave radiation can reach deep tissue structures.

The maximum radiation of the blue lamp corresponds to the border of the short-wave and medium-wave ranges.

This means that the reflector is used mainly to warm up the surface layers of the skin. The device includes a lampshade with a mirror surface and a handle to be held in the palm, as well as an incandescent lamp with a blue color. It consists of cobalt glass, its power ranges from 25 to 60 W.

Which beneficial effects inherent in a reflector? A blue lamp for a runny nose has the following effect:

  1. Anti-inflammatory (in particular, anti-edematous).
  2. Local analgesic (helps eliminate pain).
  3. Metabolic (intensification of metabolic processes in tissues exposed to light).

Blue phototherapy lamps are also believed to have a bactericidal effect.

Under the influence of radiation, the local temperature increases skin– they heat up by about 1–2 degrees. The consequence of this is, first of all, dilation of blood vessels and increased blood flow in the irradiated area. Sometimes you can come across the opinion that a lamp for warming up the nose is an alternative to dry heat, the source of which is using improvised means - bags of salt, boiled eggs.

Rules of application

Diseases of the ENT organs are not an absolute indication for the use of the Minin reflector. However, the device may be effective for some of them. It is often purchased by families with small children. Many parents speak positively about the reflector, but it cannot be considered an alternative to treatment prescribed by a doctor. Before starting the procedures, it is best to consult with a pediatrician - the method has contraindications, the presence or absence of which must be verified by a specialist.

How to properly warm your nose with a blue lamp? Most often, the device is used in case of colds caused by a respiratory virus. To use the lamp, you must:

  • connect the device to the electrical network;
  • wait for heating;
  • keep at a distance of 15–20 cm from the affected area;
  • Continue heating for 5 to 20 minutes.

Eyes should be protected from radiation by covering them with cardboard glasses.

During warming up, do not touch the lamp directly. The procedure can be repeated several times during the day. In this case, you should pay attention to the heating of the skin. The main requirement is a feeling of moderate, pleasant warmth. Severe heat should not be allowed. This is especially important when treating children, who cannot always formulate specific complaints. Therefore, you should remember in advance how to use a blue lamp when you have a runny nose and stop the procedure if you suspect too much heating.


Is it possible to warm your nose with a blue lamp when you have a runny nose? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. It all depends on the etiology of the runny nose (rhinitis), that is, a disease that is manifested by nasal congestion and nasal secretion. The lamp eases the course of colds, but it cannot be used in the following cases:

  1. Purulent sinusitis.
  2. Acute purulent inflammation in the area next to the nasal cavity.
  3. Suspicion of a neoplasm.
  4. Increased blood pressure.
  5. Severe fever.
  6. Bleeding.

Purulent inflammation - absolute contraindication for warming up.

Sinusitis of any localization (in particular, sinusitis) is usually provoked by bacterial agents and is characterized by the presence of pus in the paranasal sinuses nose Heat exposure is strictly prohibited. Instead of relieving the condition, the patient may face serious complications that are life-threatening.

Heat should not be used if there is a severe fever.

IN acute phase inflammatory process, when body temperature is significantly elevated, any warming procedures are prohibited. This is worth remembering when treating a patient of any age. During a fever, the body strives to “shed” excess heat; you should not artificially increase body temperature, even locally.

Ultraviolet lamps

Warming the nose with a blue lamp is not the only way to be exposed to radiation when various options respiratory infections. A UV lamp for the treatment of runny nose is part of an emitter device equipped with a tube. There are portable (portable, home) lamps, but most often UV devices can be found in physical therapy rooms. They are also called quartz lamps, are used in medical institutions not only in a complex of physiotherapeutic measures, but also when treating premises in order to prevent the spread of pathogens of infectious diseases.

The principle of operation of a portable UV lamp is to direct required area body ultraviolet radiation. The tube is inserted into the nostrils (and, if necessary, into the throat) one by one for a certain, strictly limited time. Start with 1 minute, then gradually increase the duration of contact to 3–5 minutes. It’s worth clarifying right away that these are general recommendations. The exact duration of exposure to UV rays must be determined by a doctor, and irradiation is prescribed according to indications.

The UV lamp does not warm up the nose.

Ultraviolet radiation has no thermal effect. It has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. UV rays also contribute to more fast healing wounds, reducing the severity of pain.

During the procedure, the patient should limit motor activity, breathe calmly and evenly. Before using the lamp, you must read the instructions and study the rules for processing tubes after irradiation. The device is not an alternative medicines, medical procedures.

Eye protection is a must.

The radiation should affect only certain areas of the mucous membranes - this is what the tubes are designed for. The lamp should not shine directly into your eyes. It is strictly not recommended to look into the housing while the device is turned on.

Until now, many families use the old, proven method of treating a runny nose using a blue lamp for colds and runny noses. This simple device, created more than a hundred years ago, often turns out to be more effective than many medicines. This simplest physiotherapeutic remedy can be used to treat both adults and children.

What is the blue lamp?

Scientifically, this device is called a Minin reflector, named after the scientist who created it. But among the people the name “blue lamp” has long been assigned to it. The device has a simple structure: a metal body with a reflector, a handle and an incandescent lamp.

This design ensures that light is focused on a specific area of ​​the body and creates a warming effect. The most commonly used universal lamp is 16 centimeters in diameter.

The blue lamp emits infrared thermal radiation, which does not heat the skin, but penetrates into its deeper layers. The effectiveness of the device for a runny nose is ensured by the color of the light bulb - blue color prevents burns and does not dazzle the eyes.

What effect does the Minin reflector have?

Why is it so popular to treat a runny nose with this device? Experience shows that after a few days the patient’s breathing is restored and the runny nose goes away.

Based on research, it has been proven that warming the sinuses with a blue lamp has the following effect:

  • Expands blood vessels and improves blood circulation;
  • Eliminates venous stasis and swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • Facilitates breathing and saturates tissues with oxygen;
  • Strengthens capillaries in the nose;
  • Destroys many bacteria and reduces the rate of virus reproduction;
  • Improves metabolism and restores mucous membranes;
  • Calms nervous system and strengthens the immune system.

Such warming turns out to be more effective for a runny nose than any other methods. The use of a blue lamp speeds up recovery. This treatment is also popular because it does not have side effects and can be used even in small children.

When can the device be used?

Despite the fact that this device is simple, not everyone is allowed to use it. Warming up the face area is contraindicated for sinusitis and other purulent processes, with elevated temperature, tendency to bleeding and impaired cerebral circulation. It makes no sense to warm the nose with allergic, vasomotor and atrophic rhinitis.

But the use of a blue lamp is effective for the following diseases:

  • For a cold;
  • For rhinitis;
  • With ARVI occurring without fever;
  • For sore throat.
Doctors recommend using warming only for initial stages disease while nasal discharge is clear. At purulent runny nose the procedure will not only be useless, but may also cause harm.

How to use the lamp correctly?

For treatment, just turn on the device and direct the light to the bridge of the nose. The distance from the blue lamp to the body should be from 20 to 60 centimeters in order to feel a pleasant, non-burning warmth.

The device must be positioned so that the rays fall on the body at an angle. If the patient feels discomfort, the lamp should be moved further away.

The duration of the procedure depends on the age of the patient, usually from 5 to 15 minutes for children, 20–25 minutes for adults. Warming can be done 2-3 times a day. In most cases, a runny nose goes away within a few days.

In order for warming to have only a positive effect, you need to follow some rules during the procedure:

  • You can use the blue lamp only after consulting a doctor;
  • The eyes must be covered with a napkin, and if the patient wears contact lenses, they must be removed;
  • After the procedure, you should not immediately go outside or be in a draft;
  • It is not recommended to use a blue lamp to treat a runny nose for longer than 15 days.

Features of treatment for children

Warming with a blue lamp is a very effective and safe way to get rid of a runny nose at any age. The procedure can be carried out while the child is sleeping. It is advisable to cover your eyes with a piece of thick fabric, and adjust the distance to the lamp by constantly checking the degree of heating of the body with your hand.

You can also relieve nasal congestion by heating the areas behind the ears. It is not advisable to carry out the procedure for young children longer than 10 minutes. If you follow these simple rules, you can cure a child’s runny nose in a few days.

Quite often in complex treatment For colds, warming with a blue lamp is used. This is convenient to do at home, since the device is compact and easy to use.

Dry heating of the sinuses alleviates the patient's condition and speeds up recovery. And if you resort to this method when the first symptoms of ARVI appear, you can ensure that the disease will proceed in a milder form.