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Reviews of the drug anti-rabies immunoglobulin from human blood serum. Rabies immunoglobulin - a cure for rabies

Rabies - viral disease which amazes nervous system person. In the absence timely treatment ends fatally. Emergency immunoprophylaxis plays a decisive role in preventing the development of the disease after contact with an infected animal. For this purpose, anti-rabies immunoglobulin is used from human blood serum to prevent rabies.

Immunoglobulin from human blood serum for the prevention of rabies: composition and release form

Anti-rabies immunoglobulin produced in the People's Republic of China from the blood serum of donors who have been immunized with rabies vaccine. The rabies vaccine contains the gamma globulin fraction of proteins. These are exactly the substances that are necessary to neutralize the rabies virus. In the production of the drug, purification methods are used. These are cold extraction with ethanol, purification, ultrafiltration. One milliliter of product contains:

  • 150 IU (international units) of specific antibodies to the rabies virus.
  • Stabilizer in the form of glycine.
  • Sodium chloride.
  • Water for injections.

Rabies immunoglobulin is available in bottles of 300 and 150 IU. The vaccination does not contain antibiotics, which significantly reduces the risk of allergic reactions. Externally, the drug has a uniform, light yellow consistency.

Pharmacological action of vaccination

To understand how immunoglobulin works in the human body, you need to find out what kind of substance it is and why it is needed. Immunoglobulins (antibodies) are substances of protein nature. They are synthesized in the human body by special immune cells - plasma cells. Antibodies are a universal way to fight human body with bacterial, viral and other infections. In front of everyone infectious diseases in response to the penetration of a foreign agent into the body, immunoglobulins are produced. These proteins bind to antigens carried by infectious agents and neutralize them. The time required for the production of antibodies is two to three weeks from the moment of infection. This period is quite long. Unfortunately, with rabies, complications occur much faster, which leads to 100% mortality without emergency immunoprophylaxis.

Important! Emergency rabies immunoprophylaxis should be started as soon as possible after infection.

Indications and preparation for drug administration

Rabies vaccination is indicated for all patients suspected of being infected with the virus. It is carried out:

  • For any damage to the skin or mucous membranes caused by wild or domestic animals with signs of rabies.
  • For damage caused by animals that are under veterinary supervision.
  • If the saliva of an infected animal gets on the damaged skin.

The drug is used in parallel with the rabies vaccine. In case of a repeated bite by an infected animal, the drug is not prescribed if the first time the patient received a full dose of immunoglobulin.

Doctor's advice. In case of bites from pets (cats, dogs), even if they do not have obvious symptoms of rabies, it is necessary to show the animal to a veterinarian and establish supervision. If signs of rabies appear in a pet, the patient should consult a doctor.

Method of administration of the vaccine and dose

Before using rabies immunoglobulin, you must consult a doctor and perform a primary surgical treatment wounds. It is carried out for the purpose of prevention wound infection and restoration of integrity skin. The surgical treatment is performed by a surgeon. It must be done as soon as possible from the moment of suspected infection. If necessary, stitches are applied.

After surgical treatment, immunoprophylaxis is immediately started. To do this, the health worker takes a bottle of immunoglobulin and checks its integrity. Pays attention to color, consistency and presence of impurities. If signs of unsuitability of the drug are detected, its use is prohibited. After checking the drug under sterile conditions, open the bottle and inoculate.

Important! When administering human rabies immunoglobulin, unlike a drug made from horse blood serum, a skin test is not required

The dose of the administered drug is calculated individually. For every kilogram of the patient's body weight, 20 international units of the drug must be administered. When administering immunoglobulin, the following rule is observed: most of the dose should be administered into soft fabrics along the perimeter of the wound, the remainder of the drug is administered intramuscularly. For adults this is the gluteal region, for children - the front surface of the thigh.

Doctor's advice. Rabies immunoglobulin is administered strictly before the rabies vaccine (10-15 minutes before)

Prescribing the drug is possible only if no more than 7 days have passed since the bite. Administration of immunoglobulin a week after infection or after rabies vaccine is not allowed.

Side effects, complications, reactions to vaccination

The administration of the drug in some cases is accompanied by the occurrence of adverse reactions. They manifest themselves in the form of swelling and redness of the skin at the injection site. Sometimes there is a slight increase in body temperature, general weakness. These symptoms go away on their own and do not require drug treatment.

Complications associated with improper injection technique very rarely occur. The first group is purulent processes. This is the formation of an abscess at the injection site or the development of local purulent lymphadenitis. Such complications arise when the conditions of asepsis and antisepsis are violated. Purulent processes treated under the supervision of a surgeon. Treatment is often performed surgically. The abscess is opened and the purulent contents are evacuated.

Abscess - purulent complication vaccinations (photo: www.commons.wikimedia.org)

Second group: damage to the neurovascular bundle when performing an injection. A needle entering a nerve is accompanied by a characteristic acute pain along the way nerve endings. When a vessel is damaged, bleeding occurs infrequently. More often accompanied by a small hematoma.

Contraindications to drug administration

Rabies is a disease that, in the absence of treatment and immunoprophylaxis, leads to 100% mortality. In this regard, rabies immunoglobulin and vaccine are administered for health reasons. There are no contraindications to vaccination.

Interaction with other drugs for immunoprophylaxis

The drug is allowed to be administered in parallel with drugs for the prevention of tetanus. All others immunobiological preparations used only three months after the end of the rabies vaccination.

Important! Immunoglobulin and rabies vaccine should be administered different areas bodies. A separate syringe is used for each drug.

Vaccine storage conditions

The drug is stored in specially designed refrigeration equipment. Temperature ranges from two to eight degrees above zero. Freezing of the drug is not allowed. The maximum shelf life is two years.

Analogues of the drug

There are two types of rabies immunoglobulin. The first is obtained from human blood serum. To do this, immunize healthy people, and then anti-rabies antibodies are isolated from their blood. The second type is made from the blood serum of immunized horses. Antibody preparations from human blood serum have a number of advantages:

  • The dosage of human immunoglobulin is half as much.
  • The preparation from the blood serum of immunized horses must be heated to 37⁰ C before administration.
  • The introduction of antibodies obtained from humans is not accompanied by the risk of developing sensitization (allergic reactions).
  • Before administering immunoglobulins obtained from horses, it is necessary to carry out skin test, and after vaccination - prescribe antihistamines.

A drug made from human blood serum similar in composition to rabies immunoglobulin is Rebinolin. It is produced in Israel.

We have selected real reviews about the drug Antirabies Immunoglobulin from human blood serum, which are published by our users. Most often, reviews are written by mothers of young patients, but they also describe their personal history of use. medical product on yourself.

Indications for use

In combination with an anti-rabies vaccine to prevent people from developing hydrophobia due to severe multiple bites by rabid or suspected rabid animals. Repeated prescription: in the event of a repeated multiple bite by an animal with rabies or an animal suspected of rabies, anti-rabies immunoglobulin is not prescribed if, at the first bite, the victim received a full combined course of anti-rabies treatment, but a full course is carried out with the prescription of only the anti-rabies vaccine.

Discussion of the drug Immunoglobulin anti-rabies from human serum in the notes of mothers

Rgical processing. Specific immunotherapy is carried out by administering antistaphylococcal immunoglobulin and antistaphylococcal plasma. Sometimes immunization is carried out with staphylococcal toxoid, which helps the body cope with intoxication. Nonspecific immunomodulators are also used to increase the body's resistance. Treatment is being carried out accompanying symptoms: fever, low blood pressure, allergic reactions, dehydration and others. A special issue for the treatment of any disease is...

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Take!!! You can only boost your immunity and trust that viruses won’t come out. All these allokines, immunoglobulins - all individual, they do not help many people - they do not have a medically proven effect. Only proven antiviral drugs- acyclovir, famvir, valacyclovir. My husband and I went through this, we spent a lot of money to get to a competent immunologist6...

The body's response to the introduction of the virus is assessed by the level of produced antibodies to HSV - Ig (immunoglobulins). IgG reflects the fact of ever having been infected with the herpes virus (the majority of the adult population has it), IgM is a marker of a fresh infection or an exacerbation of a chronic one (if chronic, there must also be IgG). If primary infection occurs during pregnancy, it may have the most serious consequences. Antiviral drugs are used in the treatment of herpes; drugs from the nucleoside group have high antiherpetic activity (prescribe antiviral drugs...

Number of sexually transmitted infections (PCR method, ELISA).5. Determination of immunoglobulins in blood serum to the rubella virus and Toxoplasma Gondi.6. Determination of blood hormones (according to indications).7. Spermogram.8. Medical and hepatic consultation of a married couple. It is good to start such activities 3-4 months before the planned pregnancy. Pregnancy planning. Prevention. During the examination period, in order to prevent the risk of defects (especially neural tube defects), we prescribe the multivitamin preparation “Elevit Pronatal” (pr-...

He opens his mouth slightly. Research shows that mother's milk also contains lactoferin, immunoglobulins A and G, which inhibit the development of s.mutants (a streptococcal bacterium that causes dental caries). On this topic, I highly recommend reading the article posted on the La Leche League website. It is very clearly explained here, with links to studies, why long-term breastfeeding in itself cannot be the cause of caries in children. If we return to the reasons, then, undoubtedly, there is a whole complex of prerequisites. Baby teeth begin...

High particles entering the lungs. High concentration in sputum antimicrobial substances (immunoglobulins, lysozyme) - one of the most important ways combating pathogens that enter the respiratory tract. Like any other liquid, sputum has certain physical and chemical characteristics - density, viscosity, fluidity, etc. The combination of all these parameters is realized in such a concept as sputum rheology, i.e. sputum with normal rheology performs the functions described above, but with abnormal rheology, of course, it does not. If only she didn’t do it, then...

Immunological agents similar to embryo transfer (probably referring to LITs and immunoglobulins), but most doctors will not use them due to toxicity during pregnancy. The best product used in the study mentioned above is Wobenzym N. This is the only systemic enzyme product that has been studied and used during pregnancy. You can also use this study if you want to talk to your doctor about using...

Tend to pass large volumes of liquid. It is also known that colostrum is rich in vitamin A, immunoglobulins, growth factors and has a laxative effect 1. During phototherapy - contraindications to breastfeeding no, but there are some difficulties. For example, the difficulty is that sometimes the baby must be exposed to a special therapeutic light continuously (very severe cases this helps to avoid replacement blood transfusions) and therefore the mother does not always have the opportunity to hold the child in her arms. In some cases, methods are used that allow...

If a blood test reveals antibodies? An injection of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin can correct the situation. Its effect is that, when it enters the blood, the drug binds antibodies that threaten the life of the unborn baby and removes them. Doctors also recommend taking safe ones during pregnancy. antihistamines, capable of removing toxins from the body. To be on the safe side and prevent it from appearing in the blood expectant mother antibodies, gynecologists recommend getting the first vaccine at 28 weeks of pregnancy...

Eta. Specific protection is caused by locally formed antibodies of the class of secretory immunoglobulins type A (IgA), which prevent the fixation and reproduction of infectious agents on the mucosa. Nonspecific immunoprotection manifests itself in an increase in the phagocytic activity of macrophages, an increase in the content of lysozyme. Pharmacokinetics The drug primarily acts in the area upper sections respiratory tract; There is currently no data on its systemic absorption. Indications - prevention chronic diseases upper respiratory tract and bronchi; - treatment of acute...

Enka, correct formation its organs and systems. They do not contain enzymes and do not contain secretory immunoglobulin, which protects the walls of the stomach and intestines from pathogenic bacteria. IN intestinal microflora bifidobacteria predominate in infants. In artificially fed babies, the number of bifidobacteria in the intestinal microflora is reduced. “One bottle of the mixture won’t hurt” - or will it? *Breastfed and formula-fed babies have different gut flora. *Breastfed babies have a lower pH (acidic environment) in the intestines approximately 5.1-5.4 pH during the first...

If you feel like you are suddenly getting sick (especially in autumn and winter), immediately start an IV with immunoglobulin. You will immediately feel completely healthy (at this time, nothing strong drugs cannot be accepted). 8. Almost everyone has the feeling that their period is about to start. Don't get upset under any circumstances. This can happen even with a successful attempt; this is not an indicator. We must wait for the results of hCG and then everything will be clear. And not a minute sooner. How to behave and what rules to follow after transferring embryos into the uterine cavity. Embryo transfer is the final procedure of the course...

I am also Rh negative, my husband is “+”. True, first pregnancy. When the time came and the question arose about administering immunoglobulin, I doubted it for a long time; I didn’t want to inject myself with anything, because... pregnancy, pah-pah, is going well, there are no antibodies. I already wanted to write a refusal letter (at the housing complex the doctor insisted that it was necessary to do so). Then they recommended a good obstetrician who specializes in Rh conflicts. She said it would be better to do it. But, in principle, if you haven’t entered it now, there’s nothing to worry about - just get tested more often. If a Rh-positive baby is born, then within 72 hours...

Or viburnum, mashed with sugar. In case of insufficiency of immunity, treatment with immunoglobulins is also used. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe you one of the herbal immunostimulants (ginseng, eleutherococcus, echinacea) and B vitamins, or dietary supplements. There is evidence that the amino acid lysine, found in vegetables, fruits, fish, legumes, eggs, chicken...

Rhone 500,000. And that's it. Now I don’t know what to do. I don't understand anything! The immunologist prescribed immunoglobulins. The infectious disease specialist and gynecologist are categorically against it. Because infection is not primary. And according to them, the harm from treatment is greater than from reactivation of the virus. Head of department in Perinatal center in Sevastopol, when I heard about Viferon for cytomegalovirus, she told me “it won’t get worse, it won’t get better.” The medications don't seem to help. In general, I will soon go crazy;) I don’t understand at all what...

Immunoglobulin In some cases, when a woman has problems with pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe IVs or injections with immunoglobulin. Active substance This drug was isolated from human plasma and then purified and concentrated. The drug is an immunomodulatory and immunostimulating agent: it helps to resist viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. The drug also replenishes the number of missing IgG antibodies, which significantly reduces the risk of infection in persons with...

Immunological agents similar to embryo transfer (probably referring to LITs and immunoglobulins), but most doctors will not use them due to toxicity during pregnancy. The best product used in the study mentioned above is Wobenzym N. This is the only systemic enzyme product that has been studied and used during pregnancy. You can also use this study if you want to talk to your doctor about...

During my first pregnancy, I was prescribed human immunoglobulin, I had to drop it 3 times, each time I had to buy the drug myself, in those days, almost 3 years ago, each bottle cost about 5-6 thousand. Moreover, it was difficult to get it, I found it only in one pharmacy on Novoslobodskaya: (But the most interesting thing was that another doctor completely forbade taking the medicine, he said that such strong drugs They give it a maximum of three times in a person’s life, and pregnancy is not at all a critical case when it needs to be taken....

Rabies immunoglobulin from blood serum

human 150 IU/ml

Unit of measurement: fl.
Country: China
Manufacturer: FC Sichuan Yuanda Shuyang LLC
Release form: 2 ml bottle

Instructions for the use of rabies immunoglobulin from human blood serum,

injection solution 150 IU/ml Registration number: LSR-010494/08-241208.

GROUP NAME Anti-rabies immunoglobulin. Rabies immunoglobulin

from human blood serum, solution for injection, is a concentrated

solution of purified gamma globulin fraction of human blood serum isolated by

Cold extraction with ethanol and subjected to a process of ultrafiltration, purification and viral

Inactivation at a pH value of 4.0 and a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C for 21 days.

COMPOSITION (per 1 ml) Specific antibodies to the rabies virus, not less than 150 IU; stabilizer glycine (glycocol)

from 20 to 25 mg; sodium chloride 7 mg; water for injections. The drug does not contain antibiotics. HBsAg,

antibodies to HIV-1, HIV-2 and hepatitis C virus are absent.

DESCRIPTION Transparent or slightly opalescent liquid, colorless or light yellow.

IMMUNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES The drug contains specific antibodies, capable

neutralize the rabies virus.

PHARMACOKINETICS Maximum concentration antibodies are achieved 2-3 days after

intramuscular injection of anti-rabies immunoglobulin. Antibody half-life

is from 3 to 4 weeks.

PURPOSE Used in combination with rabies vaccine to prevent the disease

people with hydrophobia with severe multiple bites from rabies or suspected rabies

animals. In case of repeated multiple bites by a patient with rabies or suspected of rabies

Anti-rabies immunoglobulin is not prescribed to animals if the victim received

DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Immediately or as soon as possible after the bite or injury

carry out mandatory local treatment of the wound. Wounds are washed generously with soap and water or any

Detergent and treated with 40-70% alcohol or tincture of iodine. In cases where there is evidence,

surgical treatment of the wound is performed. After local processing the wound begins immediately

specific treatment. Before injection, check the integrity of the bottle and the presence of markings on it.

The drug is unsuitable for use in bottles with damaged integrity, markings, or when

changing it physical properties(color, transparency, etc.), with expired suitability, upon

Storage violations. The opening of the bottles and the procedure for administering the drug are carried out

At strict adherence rules of asepsis and antiseptics. Performing a skin test before administration

not required. The drug is administered as much as possible early dates after treatment once in a dose

20 IU/kg body weight of an adult or child. An example of calculating the dose of immunoglobulin Body weight

victim - 60 kg. For example, the actual activity of the immunoglobulin of a given series, indicated

on the bottle label or on the packaging is 200 IU/ml. In order to determine the required

To administer a dose of immunoglobulin in ml, you need to multiply the weight of the victim (60 kg) by 20 IU and

divide the resulting number by the activity of the drug (200 IU/ml), i.e.: 60x20/200 = 6 ml How can

the majority of the calculated dose should be infiltrated around the wound if possible

anatomically. The rest should be injected intramuscularly into the external superior gluteal

area for adults, or in the anterolateral area of ​​the thigh for children. In children (especially those who have

multiple wounds) a dose of anti-rabies immunoglobulin from human blood serum can

be diluted 2-3 times with 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection to a volume that provides

complete infiltration of the affected areas of the body. Administration of rabies immunoglobulin from

human blood serum should be carried out 10-15 minutes before the rabies vaccine.

The sequence of administration of anti-rabies drugs must be strictly observed.

In cases where the victim seeks anti-rabies help late, anti-rabies

immunoglobulin from human blood serum can be administered no later than 7 days after contact

with an animal suffering from rabies or an animal suspected of rabies. Introduction of anti-rabies

Immunoglobulin in more late dates, and also after the administration of rabies vaccine is not allowed.

The dosage of immunoglobulin should not be exceeded under any circumstances, since the administration

An increased dose of immunoglobulin may partially suppress the production of antibodies. Immunoglobulin

Rabies and rabies vaccines should be administered to different areas of the body using

various syringes. If necessary emergency prevention tetanus the latter is carried out

after the administration of rabies immunoglobulin and the first vaccination of rabies vaccine.

INTERACTIONS WITH DRUGS Administration of rabies immunoglobulin may

be carried out simultaneously with emergency tetanus prophylaxis. Introduction of others

combined anti-rabies treatment.

CONTRAINDICATIONS Since immunoglobulin from human blood serum is used for vital

(vital) indications, there are no contraindications to its use.

Persons with hypersensitivity to human blood preparations and pregnant women

Rabies immunoglobulin is a drug that is used to immunize the population against rabies.

About the drug

At its core, this drug is a solution of purified and concentrated gamma globulin fraction of serum. It is released from the blood. The cold ethanol extraction method is used. After this, so-called ultrafiltration is carried out, cleaning from viruses occurs. The preparation contains special substances that can fight the common rabies virus if such activity occurs.

After consuming immunoglobulin, the highest level of antibodies in the blood is observed for approximately two to three days. Administration should be intramuscular. The half-life of antibodies is approximately a month or a slightly shorter period of time, depending on the characteristic nuances of the individual organism.

A little more valuable information about immunoglobulin:

Release form

The drug is traditionally available in the form of a solution intended for injection. It is predominantly transparent, although it can be slightly opalescent. It is packaged in bottles - 1, 2 or 5 ml.


The described drug is used in traditional combination with an anti-rabies vaccine, so that people who have been bitten by animals with rabies or, alternatively, with suspected rabies do not develop hydrophobia. If repeated bites occur, there is no need to re-administer the drug if the first treatment was successful. Rabies vaccine, which is used for combination therapy, it’s worth re-entering.


The drug in question has no significant contraindications; it can be administered to almost everyone. But if a person has a special sensitivity to human blood products, and also if the woman is pregnant, then the drug should be administered in a hospital, under the supervision of exclusively qualified doctors who can take prompt measures if necessary. But this does not mean that these people are prohibited from doing this medicine in principle.

Side effects

Sometimes rabies immunoglobulin can cause certain side effects, but, however, not for all people. Often on the first day, hyperemia and swelling may appear. Sometimes body temperature rises. Very in rare cases manifestation of pronounced allergic reaction, in particular:

  • anaphylactic shock;
  • hives;
  • Quincke's edema.

To minimize problems from side effects, it is necessary to remain under the supervision of a specialist for at least half an hour after administering the drug. Then the risk that any, even minimal complications, will be almost zero.


The instructions for using the drug are not very complicated, but a number of subtleties must be taken into account. After a bite, you must first wash the surface of the wound. It is best to treat the wound with iodine solution or alcohol. If necessary, surgical treatment may be performed, depending on the severity of the bite. Next, you need to check the vial in which the vaccine is located for integrity, whether it is damaged, or whether the markings are missing.

The drug must be administered as quickly as possible after receiving the wound. The maximum you can wait if an animal has rabies, or there is the slightest suspicion of it, is seven days, no more. The dose is 20 IU per kilogram of a person’s weight, and it does not matter whether we are talking about a child or an adult. It is better to have a qualified doctor calculate the dose. Most of the dose is infiltrated both around the wound and into its depth. The rest must be administered to the person intramuscularly. If we are talking about an adult, what needs to be injected into the buttocks, a child can be injected into the thigh.

If a child has multiple wounds, you can dilute the drug with a solution of sodium chloride until the volume is reached at which the most complete infiltration of the wounds can be achieved.

Sometimes there is a need to implement combination treatment. Then this drug must be administered first, only then another rabies vaccine is administered. On the contrary, you cannot do it, as the instructions say, otherwise there may be negative consequences. Moreover, these substances must be administered to different types of locations in the body.


No information available about negative effects in case of an overdose of the drug, but another consequence can occur, which is also not very pleasant - partial suppression of antibody production in case of a noticeable excess of the dose. So you must try to comply with it.


When bitten by an animal that causes even the slightest suspicion of rabies, this drug is necessary. Moreover, it is very safe.

Side effects human rabies vaccinations Vaccination against rabies in humans prevents death

Rabies vaccination


Pasteurized human immunoglobulin for rabies vaccinations. Buffer isotonic solution of specific human immunoglobulin obtained from blood plasma of immunized donors inactivated vaccine for the prevention of rabies (based on the Wistar strain grown on human diploid cell culture) and containing high level specific antibodies.

Composition and release form

1 ml of injection solution contains human immunoglobulin for the prevention of rabies with a specific activity greater than or equivalent to 150 IU; thiomersal no more than 0.1 mg, glycine and sodium chloride - q.s. (to ensure isotonicity, pH and stability), water for injection q.s. up to 1 ml; in ampoules of 2 or 10 ml, in a box 1 ampoule.

Pharmacological action

Rabies vaccine contains specific antibodies and forms passive immunity to the rabies virus.

Clinical pharmacology

Compared with heterospecific passive immunotherapy, the use of Imogama Razh for seroprophylactic purposes has the following advantages: there is no risk of sensitization (homologous antibodies), is well tolerated (in the vast majority of cases), creates a longer duration of presence of antibodies and the ability to achieve more high efficiency when using smaller therapeutic doses. Administration immediately after infection provides passive immunity to the rabies virus, increases the duration of the incubation period and thereby contributes to effective vaccination during comprehensive rabies immunoprophylaxis.


Therapeutic and prophylactic immunization for rabies or suspected cases of rabies: it is recommended to immediately begin rabies vaccinations (especially in children younger age), for any damage to the skin - bites (minor, significant, multiple), any wounds and deep scratches on the face, head, neck, hands, feet, body, caused by animals (patients with rabies, suspected of rabies, under veterinary supervision and outside it, wild).


No (one hundred percent mortality rate for rabies disease outweighs any contraindications).

Rabies vaccination and doses

Half (10 IU/kg) of the dose should be administered intramuscularly, the other half (another 10 IU/kg) should be infiltrated around the bite sites (the ampoule is pre-warmed to room temperature). Recommended as much as possible early introduction(no later than 48 hours after the suspected infection). At the same time, the vaccine begins to be administered: in this case, the site of vaccine administration should be as far as possible from the site of immunoglobulin administration. If immunoglobulin was not administered at the same time as the vaccine, it must be administered within the next 8 days.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding



Increases the effect of (mutually) anti-rabies vaccines and is used in combination with them. The combination with an inactivated rabies vaccine prepared on human diploid cell culture (manufactured by Pasteur Merrier Connaught) is especially recommended, since the latter is highly immunogenic and induces active antiviral immunity. Can be used regardless of the time that has passed since infection, up to the 8th day after the first injection of rabies vaccine ( incubation period rabies lasts an average of 1 month, although sometimes its duration is 3–4 days). Compatible with antitetanus serum and antibiotics.


In case of hypersensitivity to blood products (history), antihistamines should be used (careful monitoring of the patient is necessary). Before using attenuated live viral vaccines, it is recommended to maintain an interval of at least 6 weeks (preferably three months) after the administration of immunoglobulin. IV administration of immunoglobulin is contraindicated (due to the risk of shock), therefore, when injecting, you must make sure that the needle does not penetrate into the blood vessel. The wound should be thoroughly and gently washed, first using soap or sodium hypochlorite solution, then clean water. For disinfection, solutions of quaternary ammonium derivatives can be used, since they are characterized by high neutralizing activity against rabies viruses. Immediate suturing of the wound is contraindicated; if necessary, a simple connection of its edges is permissible.

Side effects

Local soreness is possible. Less commonly, minor systemic reactions with increased body temperature.

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