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A hard, immovable lump inside the thigh. Lumps on the thigh under the skin

If a tumor suddenly appears on the thigh, the leg hurts, it becomes difficult to move, a natural question arises - what is happening? Symptoms may indicate a number of pathological conditions– from complications after an incorrectly given injection and a fracture of the femoral neck to a malignant neoplasm.

Any formation on the body can be a cause for concern. Fortunately, not every tumor becomes evidence of a mortal threat. It is important to monitor the appearance of any soft tissue formation in order to correct the situation in time.

One of the reasons why swelling appears is osteomyelitis that has developed in the hip joint. The disease is purulent-inflammatory in nature. The cause is considered to be staphylococcus or salmonella. Less common are cases of joint infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa or streptococcus. With osteomyelitis, the painful process involves bone tissue and joint tissue.

The infection penetrates the hip joint after an open bone fracture, injury to the soft tissues of the leg, or can be a consequence of an injection given in violation of the rules of asepsis. These are external routes of infection. The pathogen can be transmitted in the blood during sore throat, diseases of the oral cavity, and sinusitis.

Main symptoms of osteomyelitis femur And hip joint:

  1. The tumor appears in 3 - 4 days, without first “giving away” itself.
  2. Pain, swelling, and aches in the hip joint appear in the hip area.
  3. Body temperature rises to 40 degrees.
  4. Appears and intensifies while walking.
  5. Rapid increase in clinical picture.
  6. If treatment is not started on time, the disease is often complicated by sepsis.

If a tumor appears on the thigh, pain and fever bother you, you should immediately consult a traumatologist. Experienced doctor will conduct an inspection and assess the local status.

Laboratory and clinical examinations are prescribed. Special attention paid to the number of leukocytes in the blood. A high content indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

The most reliable information about the condition of the limb is obtained after an x-ray examination. The image can determine the degree of damage to the joint and femur. In addition to the usual x-rays is now more often used CT scan, nuclear magnetic resonance. The most accurate results are provided by radioisotope scanning of the affected hip.

Treatment begins with a mandatory antibiotic injection wide range actions. You need to choose a drug individually.

Antibacterial therapy for osteomyelitis is carried out for at least five weeks. Antimicrobials taken orally and injected into the affected area.

When the process is started, it produces surgery. The doctor dissects the muscles and other soft tissues down to the femur, excises necrotic tissue, and removes the purulent contents of the wound.

Tumors - chondroblastoma

Often a benign soft tissue tumor forms on the thigh.

In particular, young men over the age of 20 are characterized by a benign tumor cartilage tissue chondroblastoma. Most often located in the area of ​​the projection of the femoral neck, in the area of ​​the knee or shoulder.

The leading symptoms of chondroblastoma are periodic or constant pain, the appearance of an oval or round swelling. The neoplasm is determined by touch.

To clarify the diagnosis and localization of the affected area, it is indicated to carry out X-ray examination. The image will help determine the extent of tumor growth. Clear, smooth contours are indirect sign that the tumor is benign. To exclude the presence of calcifications in the tissue, computed tomogram. The most accurate diagnostic method counts histological examination, it will help distinguish chondroblastoma from a malignant tumor or tuberculous process.

Treatment of chondroblastoma is exclusively surgical. The affected area of ​​cartilage and bone is excised, and if necessary, an endoprosthesis is then made.


The specified benign tumor of cartilage tissue occupies a tenth of known cases. Typical for children and individuals young. The node can be single or multiple. Cases of malignancy are extremely rare.

Main symptoms: moderate pain soft fabric, thickening of the skin, bone deformation. If the tumor develops in childhood, causes skeletal development disorders. Although chondroma is benign, it can grow into neighboring tissues and provoke a bone fracture.

For diagnosis, an X-ray examination of the affected area is performed, which allows one to discern foci of growth of pathological tissues. The bones appear enlarged and deformed in the image.

A tissue biopsy will determine the nature of the neoplasm.

Treatment of the tumor is surgical. The affected areas of cartilage and bone are excised, then plastic surgery is performed.

Soft tissue tumors – lipoma

Benign tumor of subcutaneous fatty tissue. At first, it is no larger than a pea in diameter, but gradually grows to a significant size and grows into the surrounding tissues. Located among the muscles or directly under the skin. The main manifestation is dull It's a dull pain while walking.

Histological examination helps determine the nature of the tumor. Treatment is often surgical, less commonly used laser removal hearth.


This is a benign tumor on the thigh made of muscle tissue. It is quite rarely localized in the thigh area. Gradually, rhabdomyoma sometimes degenerates into cancer. WITH therapeutic purpose Surgical excision of the affected muscle areas is performed.


A benign tumor of blood vessels, often growing in the thickness of muscles, soft tissues or under the skin. Externally it appears as swelling. There is pain in the area where the hemangioma is located or in the femoral neck when walking.

For diagnostic purposes, x-rays and biopsies are performed.

Treatment is carried out in the department of vascular surgery. If the painful process is accompanied by soaking of soft tissues with blood, bleeding develops from the slightest injection or rough touch.


This tumor develops on back surface right or left thigh. In this case, the affected limb hurts greatly, not only at the localization site, but throughout the entire leg along the sciatic nerve. Palpation reveals a dense, mobile formation in the thickness of the thigh muscles.

Localization is very deep. There may be loss of sensitivity; the skin does not feel touch or prick.

Treatment is carried out surgically. Sciatic nerve is opened, the neoplasm is excised to healthy tissue. Due to severe pain, an additional nerve block is sometimes performed using an anesthetic injection.

Fractures of the femur and femoral neck

According to medical statistics such a fracture occupies a leading place among others traumatic injuries. There are three types of fracture, each of which is characterized by the location and degree of damage.

Femoral neck fractures are most severe in older people. Recovery processes in old age slow down, bones grow together extremely slowly. Often such a fracture ends in permanent disability and confines the person to bed. Children and young people have a much better chance of restoring the integrity and normalizing function of the femoral neck.

A fracture of the proximal femur can be intra-articular, affecting the neck and head of the femur. An extra-articular fracture may involve the lesser and greater trochanters.

Occurs due to direct mechanical trauma. Strong traction of the femoral muscles often leads to displacement of bone fragments. If the fracture occurs in the upper third of the diaphysis, the central fragment is displaced anteriorly under the action of the anterior group of muscles. If a fracture occurs in the middle third, the fragment moves anteriorly and outward. The leg becomes swollen and deformed due to severe swelling muscles and other soft tissues. Bone fragments can damage neurovascular bundles, leading to bleeding and loss of sensitivity. The victim does not feel touch or pain from the injection.

Each fracture shows distinctive symptoms:

  1. If the neck or head of the femur is damaged, severe pain, soft tissue swelling and impaired limb function occur. The injured leg is shortened. Upon examination, the length of the right and left thighs is not the same. The affected limb is in an abducted position and does not rise.
  2. If the greater trochanter is damaged, swelling and pain occur during palpation or attempts to move. When palpating the greater trochanter, mobility and crepitus are noted.
  3. Characteristic symptoms of a diaphysis fracture are hip deformity, muscle swelling and bleeding from damaged vessels.
  4. In the event of a distal fracture, the function of the limb is impaired. The leg can be abducted inward or outward, depending on the location of the injury

The victim must be provided emergency assistance. The injured limb must be kept at rest. It is possible to apply a transport splint. For pain relief, an injection of an analgesic drug is sufficient. After this, hospitalization is required.

Fractures are treated by a traumatologist. To this end it is superimposed gypsum bandage or skeletal traction is applied. Typically, hip fractures require long-term therapy and rehabilitation.

A lump on the hip is a sign of injury or some disease. A lump is a lump under the skin. It may result from malignant pathology, and a harmless phenomenon.

Main causes

The formation on the thigh may turn out to be a lipoma. Lipoma is a benign tumor of adipose tissue. Its sizes can be very different. In most cases, it does not bring discomfort to a person. The color of the skin does not change. If the tumor is young, then over the course of 1–2 years it practically does not change in size. If, after some time, it begins to actively grow, then this is a reason for surgical intervention. Lipoma can become infected and also develop into cancer. Most often, a lump on the thigh occurs due to an abscess. It occurs as a result of infection and inflammation.
The skin at the site of the lesion is painful and is characterized by redness. Often a sick person's temperature rises. The abscess may contain a large number of pus. Another reason for the appearance of a lump is a hernia. It is a compaction, painless on palpation. A hernia can occur as a result of injury or muscle strain. This pathology most often observed in women. It is localized in the femoral triangle. In the event that it is infringed, it may appear strong pain. The cause of the formation of lumps on the thigh can be atheroma or cancer.

Treatment methods

If the cause of this pathology is a lipoma, then they resort to surgical removal. This is done using a laser or simple surgery. With the development of atheroma, in addition to surgical treatment You can use traditional methods. Use a mixture of garlic and vegetable oil. The crushed mixture is rubbed into the area of ​​the cone until it is completely absorbed. You can remove a lump from an abscess by opening it. The abscess cavity is drained, removing the pus, and washed with antiseptic solutions. The patient is given antibacterial drugs. For resolving lumps good effect provide herbs such as burdock and clover. They are applied to the affected area of ​​the thigh. Hernia treatment involves the use of physical therapy in combination with local anti-inflammatory drugs. medicines. If ineffective, it is recommended surgery. Due to all this, we can say that a lump on the hip can be removed only if the underlying disease is eliminated. Therefore, in any case, it is better not to delay going to the doctor, because he is the one who will prescribe adequate therapy, which will avoid many complications.

Various formations, balls, lumps, lumps, and tumors, may appear under the skin. They can be benign or malignant. Often such formations are safe for the body, but in some cases they are required emergency treatment, most often surgical. The lump can form on any part of the body, it is hidden in the folds of the skin, grows slowly, long time goes unnoticed. Very often the ball is discovered when it reaches a large size.

Seal on inside hips that cause pain or discomfort when walking, may be accompanied elevated temperature body, or local hyperemia of the skin. This causes weakness, dizziness, headache, deterioration general well-being. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, such seals can be treated well and disappear without a trace. Less commonly, there are malignant skin lumps on the thigh that can be noticed on your own. This also serves as a reason to contact a specialist.

Lipoma or wen

This is a benign tumor consisting of fat cells. The seal does not hurt, the ball is soft and movable to the touch, located close to the surface of the skin.

Wen can also appear on various organs located in abdominal cavity, they are external and internal . The lump on the inner side of the thigh can be single or small multiple balls. Heredity plays a major role in the formation of wen.

Main reasons:

  1. Metabolic disorder, which is associated with a lack of protein;
  2. Severe slagging in the body;
  3. Blockage of the duct sebaceous gland;
  4. Impaired function of the liver and bile ducts;
  5. A predisposition that is inherited.

Often lipomas begin to appear in youth. There are cases of formation of wen on the skin when alcohol addiction against the background of poor nutrition and alcohol poisoning. Sometimes a wen can appear when diabetes mellitus, with hypothyroidism, with dysfunction of the pancreas and pituitary gland.

Atheroma of the thigh

Atheroma is cystic formation in the form of a bag, which is formed due to blockage of the duct sebaceous glands. It can occur anywhere in the body where there are sebaceous glands. Painful lump on the inner side of the thigh occurs with a large cyst. In this case, the mass may interfere with movement or walking. There is no redness of the skin in the affected area. Hip injuries can provoke the development of atheroma.

There are few sebaceous glands located on the thigh, so it is necessary to differential diagnosis from other types of formations. If the diagnosis is confirmed, apply surgery. Conservative methods treatments do not bring results, since the atheroma is a failed sebaceous duct. Even puncture and squeezing out the cyst secretion does not completely remove the seal. The remaining capsule again becomes the cause of atheroma.


The seal on the inner side of the thigh can be formed from connective or fibrous cellular structures cells. Fibroma has a benign course, but in the absence therapeutic measures she can be reborn into malignant forms. Fibrous growths can be hard or soft. Soft forms more common in women groin area and on the inside of the thigh. With fibromatosis, multiple tumors can occur.

The most common cause is hereditary factor. Fibroids can also occur:

  • due to the inflammatory process;
  • traumatic injury;
  • hormonal disorder.

The lump on the inner side of the thigh is pedunculated or fits tightly to the surface of the thigh. The color of the fibroma does not differ from the surface of the skin, but over time the color of the growth may change and become pink or dark brown. The formation does not cause discomfort and does not bother the patient. Pain can occur when fibroids are irritated, rubbed by clothing, or rubbed during movement.

Lump on the inner thigh photo


Hygroma on the leg is a tumor-like neoplasm under the skin, which is characterized by the accumulation of serous or mucous fluid in the bursa near the joint or muscle tendon.

  • inflammatory processes tendons and muscles;
  • inflammation in the joint capsule;
  • heavy load on the muscles and joints of the lower extremities;
  • frequent joint injuries;
  • poorly treated lower extremity injuries;
  • hereditary disposition.

A hard lump on the inner side of the thigh can be easily felt, the consistency is dense and elastic, the surface is smooth. The ball does not move under the skin when palpated, as it is attached to the surrounding tissues. The seal does not hurt, does not cause discomfort or unpleasant sensations, the patient’s well-being does not change, the temperature is within normal limits. Treatment of hygroma can be conservative or surgical; punctures are often used in which the contents of the formation are sucked out. Sometimes a hygroma can burst on its own due to accidental crushing, in which case it occurs sharp pain. If a bag of hygroma is crushed, the entire contents leak into the nearest tissue. However, the possibility of infection and further relapses cannot be excluded.

Malignant lumps

The formation under the skin can be malignant; such tumors also occur. Growth on early stage usually doesn't cause painful sensations. Its surface can be regular color, or the shade differs from the skin. The affected area may peel or have a crust.

Signs malignant formation the following:

  • uneven, unclear boundary of the growth;
  • growth and ;
  • rapid growth of the tumor;
  • immobility, adhesion to the skin.

IN severe cases bleeding and ulcers are observed throughout the entire area of ​​the growth. The tumor can form at the site of a mole or lymph node. If there is even the slightest suspicion of a malignant tumor of the skin of the thigh, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist as soon as possible.

The appearance of a lump on the inner side of the thigh in women may be accompanied by pain, hyperemia of the skin, and elevated body temperature. But often a subcutaneous lump does not manifest itself with any symptoms and does not cause discomfort. It occurs more often after 30 years. In 90% of cases, it has a benign course, causing no harm to health and being only a visible cosmetic defect.


A lump on the inner side of the thigh in women is formed against the background of damage to the soft or bone tissues of the extremities, the etiology of which boils down to the influence of such factors:

  • the presence of foci of inflammation in the body;
  • oncological processes;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • ignoring the rules of personal hygiene;
  • infectious lesion;
  • blockage of the sebaceous glands and their ducts;
  • reaction to mechanical damage ( intramuscular injection etc.);
  • hypothermia.

Dense subcutaneous formations on the inner side of the thigh are often a symptom of serious pathologies.

Lump on the inner thigh in women photo


When forming benign tumor, which is a proliferation of vascular tissue, a protruding seal with jagged edges appears on the inner side of the thigh. The color of the neoplasm can vary from red to bluish. The appearance of a dense lump is accompanied by pain and swelling in the hip joint, and manifestations of lameness. Treatment of hemangioma is carried out by surgical intervention.


Subcutaneous neoplasm formed by fibrous and connective tissues, is localized in the upper layers of the skin. This compaction resembles a dense oval or round bump rising above the surface of the dermis. Dimensions can reach up to 3 cm in diameter, color changes are observed only when the tumor enlarges. Fibrous growths on the inner thigh are most often soft, may be pedunculated or adhere tightly to the surface of the skin.

The appearance of fibroma is not accompanied by pain and discomfort (only possible if mechanical damage or irritation of the tumor), but in the absence of proper therapy it is prone to degeneration into malignancy. Such seals must be removed surgically.


A soft, mobile subcutaneous formation consisting of fat cells is localized close to the surface of the dermis. Both single and small multiple wen can form on the inner side of the thigh. A painful lump on the inner side of the thigh can be benign in nature, but over time, without proper treatment, it can transform into a malignant tumor. You can get rid of lipoma using surgical removal neoplasms.


When the outflow of sebaceous secretion is disrupted and subsequent blockage of the sebaceous glands, a cystic sac-like seal is formed - atheroma. Pain in the lesion is observed with significant tumor growth, as well as with inflammation of the neoplasm tissue. Removal of atheromas is carried out by surgical or laser excision of damaged skin surfaces.


Well perceptible upon palpation hard lump on the inner side of the thigh indicates the formation of a subcutaneous tumor-like neoplasm filled with mucous or serous contents. A stationary ball of elastic, dense consistency with a smooth surface begins to develop in the periarticular bursa or muscle tendons.

Usually, hygroma does not hurt or cause discomfort. The neoplasm is susceptible to mechanical trauma, which creates a risk of infection of nearby tissues. Therefore, doctors recommend removing the lump by puncturing the contents of the lump or surgical excision of the affected tissue.


In case of injury inner surface thighs, an elastic seal can form under the skin, which does not cause discomfort. Doctors' recommendations for the removal of hernial protrusion are dictated by the susceptibility of the lesion to frequent mechanical influences, which are fraught with suppuration of the neoplasm.

Malignant tumors

The appearance of painless growths under the skin may indicate the development of an oncological process in the body. For malignant tumors The tumor is characterized by a rapid increase in size, uneven edges and adhesion to skin, inflammation and enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes, the appearance of ulcers and bleeding at the neglected stage.

The appropriate therapy for oncological tumors is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the stage of tumor development, the clinical picture of the disease and individual characteristics the patient's body.

If detected, consult a doctor. Before examination by a specialist, the source of damage must be protected from mechanical injury. Only timely diagnosis And effective treatment help to completely get rid of the pathogenic factor that provoked the appearance of the lump.

A buttock bump is harmless, but can cause discomfort. Can be caused by various factors: infection, injury, cold, etc. Divided into different types: lipoma, abscess, atheroma, cancer tumor, hernia. It is often painless, but discomfort, redness, warmth and itching may be felt. It's better not to ignore these skin manifestations, and contact a surgeon. Only when laboratory tests You can make sure that the growth is benign and does not require a visit to an oncologist.

Lumps under the skin on the thighs can occur for a number of reasons and cause discomfort.

Causes of subcutaneous compaction on the thigh

A lump on the thigh is a lump under the skin that is often asymptomatic and harmless. A subcutaneous formation in the thigh area with a diameter of 5 mm to 45 mm can cause discomfort and unpleasant sensations. The compaction is easily palpable and is not attached to the tissues, so there is a feeling of a “walking” ball. Subcutaneous bumps the following factors are formed on the buttocks:

  • reaction to injections;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • clogging of the sebaceous glands;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • reaction to infection.

The nature of the wen and the danger to the body can only be determined by a doctor after diagnosis.

A lipoma on the thigh can fester under the skin, and its removal will involve surgery or laser therapy.

Lipoma like a lump

Lipoma is a type of benign growth that is not harmful body. It is formed from adipose tissue and placed under the skin. Round form, the boundaries are clear and not blurred. It has different sizes, growth is possible. Does not change skin color or structure. Movable on palpation. Being on the buttock can cause both external and physical discomfort. Injury to a lipoma due to a blow, burn or other mechanical impact can cause the development of cancer. There is a possibility of suppuration inside the wen. It can be removed using laser or surgery.

Abscess like growth

The cause of an abscess is inflammatory processes in the body. At the same time, the lump hurts, the skin around it and on it turns red, weakness, fatigue appear and body temperature rises. Suppuration is a common manifestation of an abscess. Such diseases need to be eliminated only in a hospital, without resorting to self-medication. After examining the formation, the doctor cleans out the contents, after making an incision. Antibacterial drugs and medications are often prescribed to restore immunity. In the case of an abscess, it is the cause of the appearance that needs to be treated, and not the growth itself. Efficiency traditional methods with baked onion or cabbage leaves, not confirmed.

Enlargement of the sebaceous glands can cause a lump under the skin on the thighs.

Seal of atheroma

This often painful formation appears due to the expansion of the sebaceous gland. Often accompanied by acne or seborrhea. Small in size, dense structure, “walks” under the skin upon palpation. The reason for its appearance is a violation of the outflow of sebum from the gland. It often forms a compaction of nearby connective tissues around itself. Often accompanied by inflammation and secretion of sebum, epidermal flakes, microorganisms, hairs and bacteria. Most cases are benign, but cause physical discomfort. They are treated by cutting out or pulling out with ointment. ethnoscience offers recipes based on garlic or lamb fat.

Cancer as a cause

A lump on the buttock may be a manifestation of cancer. This is rare, but it does happen. Only an oncologist can diagnose such a disease through analysis. To make a diagnosis, blood is taken from the patient, an ultrasound examination is performed, and sometimes a biopsy is used. Self-treatment impossible and strictly prohibited. Ignoring the ball in the gluteal area leads to the development of cancer and widespread metastasis. Subsequently, the functioning of the entire body is disrupted and the immune system does not perform its functions. It is impossible to visually determine this nature of the disease; the diagnosis is made only after laboratory research. The doctor chooses the treatment method according to clinical picture diseases and conditions of the patient.

A hernia in the thigh under the skin can develop due to injury or other exposure.