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The cat does not get worms. Worms in cats: how to treat. You can also use the simplest try

Cats have become a part of human life since ancient times. They live in our houses, they meet us on the street, in the entrances, anywhere. Few people will remain indifferent to these furry animals. Children especially love to stroke and feed pussy, often forgetting to wash their hands afterwards, not attaching much importance to the consequences of such communication with a street animal.

  • Symptoms helminthic infestation in cats
  • What are the types of helminthiases in cats?
  • How to deworm cats
  • How and what medications to give cats?
  • Conclusion

Meanwhile, cats can very often be infected with various worms, some of which are dangerous to humans. Stray animals have a much greater chance of getting sick, helminth eggs are everywhere in the environment, the kitten receives worms from the mother during childbirth or during the first feeding, and some newborns die from massive infestation of worms.

Attention! Pets can become infected without even leaving home, by examining objects brought from the street, flower bouquets brought from the dacha, or the owner’s clothes and shoes.

Symptoms of helminthic infestation in cats

Helminth infections cause great damage to the animal's body, they reduce immunity, disrupt metabolism, increase allergic mood, cause mechanical damage to organs with the development of inflammation and even rupture of the intestines or gall bladder. The clinical picture is especially pronounced in kittens; adult animals have more hidden symptoms. The main signs of helminthic infestation:

  1. lack of weight gain, even weight loss with preserved appetite, sometimes appetite may be reduced or distorted;
  2. lethargy, refusal to play;
  3. dull, dry hair without shine, prone to falling out; if you take the kitten by the withers, then there will be fur left in your hands;
  4. pallor or yellowness of mucous membranes;
  5. the kitten crawls with its butt on the floor due to severe itching;
  6. frequent diarrhea, which may be mixed with mucus and blood;
  7. larvae or whole worms are visible in the stool;
  8. constantly “flowing eyes”, sometimes coughing.

If your pet exhibits one or more of these symptoms, it must be taken to a veterinarian who will necessary examination to clarify the diagnosis, he will prescribe treatment using the medications that are suitable for your animal (tablets, drops on the withers or suspensions), and teach you how to properly give your cat medicine.

Attention! It is important to remember that to treat pet It is necessary to preserve not only his benefit, but also his health and the health of the children in the family.

What are the types of helminthiasis in cats?

The next type of worms is cestodiasis (diseases caused by tapeworms):

Important! Cats can get seriously ill pathological process usually occurs with high temperatures.

Characteristic signs of the disease are:

  • abdominal pain;
  • vomiting with bile contents;
  • the appetite is sometimes perverted (reduced or increased), the cat can greedily swallow food that is unusual for it, the mucous membranes become yellow.

Attention! Regular tablets against worms for cats are ineffective, complex treatment in a veterinary clinic is advisable.

How to deworm cats

For this there are:

How and what medications to give cats?

Heartworms should be treated every three to six months, as advised by your veterinarian. You must remember to give an anthelmintic two weeks before vaccination. For babies, drugs are produced in the form of a suspension with a dispensing syringe, for example, Prazitel, which contains pyrantel and praziquantel, is taken at the rate of 1 ml per kilogram of the kitten’s weight. This drug has very good feedback both veterinarians and animal owners.

In addition, kittens and adult cats can be given tablets:

  • Drontal is a four kg tablet that can be crushed;
  • Febtal – one tablet per three kg of live weight;
  • Caniquantel plus - 1 tablet per ten kg of weight, as well as Caniverm, Milbemax, etc.

All drugs are broad-spectrum; it is recommended to give the cat the medicine once in the morning on an empty stomach without using laxatives.

From domestic funds The “In-Up complex” has already been mentioned. Well proven imported medicine"Stronghold" is safe and effective in cats of all breeds, helps get rid of fleas, ticks, roundworms, especially with dirofilariasis in cats.

The active ingredient is selamectin. One drop applied to the withers is enough, it dries quickly, has no odor, and after two hours the animal can be bathed. Absorption occurs through the skin into circulatory system animal and spreads throughout the body, where the therapeutic concentration is maintained for up to a month.


Proper treatment is not only about giving the cat pills or drops on the withers, it is necessary to protect it from reinfection, do not feed raw fish or meat, bathe on time and watch for the appearance of fleas or ticks, keep the tray clean, do not leave dirty outdoor shoes in a place accessible to the animal. If there is more than one pet in the house, then treatment should be carried out on all animals at the same time, and people must wash their hands after interacting with their pet.

If circumstances are successful, there is a small chance that the worms will go away without outside intervention. But this is only possible if we are talking about the most harmless worms, for example, pinworms, life cycle which are no more than a few months. In addition, it is important to avoid re-infection and strictly follow hygiene rules.

After the death of the last viable individual in the host’s body, it can take up to a year before the last signs of invasion disappear.

  • The simplest rule, the observance of which will help avoid infection, is thorough washing of hands and foods consumed raw;
  • when conducting heat treatment It is important to follow all cooking rules;
  • avoid drinking raw water;
  • do not eat foods that have been in contact with insects (for example, flies) and do not eat vegetables or fruits “from the ground”;
  • swim with caution in fresh water, avoiding water entering the body through the mouth or small wounds on the body;
  • carefully monitor the cleanliness of household items, toys and pets.

How are worms transmitted from person to person? Worms

How worms leave the body after treatment Worms

Worms in children: photo Worms

Living in different parts of the body, they manifest themselves differently. Some species do not make themselves known at all for many years. Sometimes people don’t even realize that someone has taken up residence in their body.

The list of creatures that have the ability to live and reproduce inside a person is very diverse. Nevertheless, almost all of them cause harm in one way: their vital processes are accompanied by a significant release of toxic substances that contribute not only to damage, but also to the destruction of cells of internal organs, lymph, and blood vessels.

They mainly live in the intestines, but it is also possible that they are found in the heart, stomach, blood, under skin and even in the eyes. How human body reacts in every case?

In the human intestine

In cardiac tissue

In muscles and joints

Under the skin

In eyes

Surprisingly, the fact remains: the worm can even be found in the eyeball and eyelids. The disease caused by the larvae of some gadflies is called ophthalmomyasis and comes in two types: external and internal. The most common cases are of the first type.

How to detect this type of invasion in yourself? Easy enough. Myiasis of the eyelids can be suspected by the presence of a so-called boil in this area. The larva, penetrating under the skin, continues its development there. Its habitat becomes inflamed, forming a small knot. There may be several boils, depending on how many larvae have settled under the skin. The patient feels them moving. In addition, this becomes noticeable upon visual inspection: small moving convolutions are a sure sign of creeping myiasis. The approximate speed of movement of the larvae is 1 cm/hour.

There are also certain types worms that can penetrate through the mucous membrane into the inside of the eye. They are usually infected from rodents or cattle. In this case we're talking about about internal myiasis, which is divided into anterior and posterior, depending on where the larva is located.

With external ophthalmomyasis, a person’s vision quickly deteriorates, and with internal ophthalmomyasis, it threatens complete blindness. It is quite possible that in order to get inside the eye the worm moves along optic nerve and blood vessels.

Routes of infection

The fact is that cats and dogs are carriers of many types of worms. The former, by exhaling, spread the infection three meters, and the latter – five meters. In this case, the eggs end up in a person not only if he does not wash his hands after interacting with the animal, but they can also be spread by insects to other household items.

There is a fairly high probability of contracting an infestation through food or unboiled water. For example, under-cooked meat should never be eaten. Unfortunately, many people ignore this rule. It also poses a danger salty fish, if the technology for its preparation was not fully followed.

  • antibiotics;
  • synthetic anthelmintic tablets;
  • preparations containing natural ingredients.

The advantage of the latter is that there are no contraindications for their use, and they are easily tolerated by humans.

The dosage and duration of treatment can only be prescribed by a professional physician.

  1. Levamisole;
  2. Mebendazole;
  3. Pyrantel;
  4. Vermox;
  5. Albendazole;
  6. Wormil.

No less important point compliance with the diet during treatment is considered. The patient is strongly advised to refrain from eating meat and dairy products and any sweets due to the fact that they create an ideal environment for reproduction.

The above is usually consumed orally several times during the day. But enemas are considered no less effective. How to cleanse the body with their help?

As is known, ethnoscience goes as an auxiliary. Methods aimed at expelling helminths are no exception.

Recently, more and more questions have arisen related to the treatment of worms in cats, cats and kittens, so our project about pets presents an article in which you can find answers to frequently asked questions on this topic.

It would not be superfluous to pay attention to others, no less useful articles, which looks at other common pet illnesses and how to manage them and help your pets at home, as well as veterinary advice.

Worms in cats: prevention, consequences, sizes

After infecting a cat’s body with worms, consequences are possible: metabolic disorders, decreased immunity, intestinal dysbiosis.

What worms do cats have? names, types, hookworms, roundworms, roundworms, tests and treatment, where they come from

Worms are divided into three types: tapeworms, roundworms, and flat flukes.

Worms in domestic cats move quickly, white, small, flat, diagnostics, drontal

Flat-bodied tapeworms are small, white, fast-moving tapeworms. To make a diagnosis, you need to test your cat's stool for the presence of worm eggs.
Worms should be treated with Drontal.

A pregnant cat has worms, what to do, symptoms, cucumber tapeworm

A pregnant cat can get rid of worms at the very beginning of pregnancy using the drug Milbemax, and in the second half of pregnancy - Drontal. Also, febtal tablets will help a cat expecting kittens.

Symptoms of a cat being infected with worms: vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss, bloating, weight loss. Cucumber tapeworm long flatworm barely Pink colour. It takes root well both in the cat’s body and in the human body. Can grow up to 30 cm. Symptoms: severe thinness, vomiting,.

Worms in cats in feces, eyes, stomach, tail, fur

You can become infected with worms in different ways: through the feces of an animal, when the worms are stuck to the cat’s fur or tail, and by licking them, they enter the stomach. Worms are less common. The eyes are an excellent place for worms to live.

Worms in cats are harmful to humans, decaris, fluke. If a cat has worms, can a person become infected?

Worms from cats are easily transmitted to humans and are dangerous to humans. Of the 82 types of cat worms, 32 species can harm the human body. Decaris tablets not only destroy worms, but also increase the animal’s immunity. The fluke is a flatworm that is transmitted through water.

What to do if a cat has worms at home, how to determine the signs

If a cat has a decreased appetite, constant vomiting, diarrhea with blood, or irritability, it means that worms have settled in the animal’s body. To treat a cat for worms, you must weigh him at home. Because anthelmintic drugs are considered potent, and the dose is calculated according to the weight of the animal. If the owner has knowledge in the field of medicine, he can give the cat injections for worms. But, if you don’t have such knowledge, then you can use tablets dissolved in the animal’s food.

If a cat has worms, what to feed, celandine, advanced form, bad breath

To make it easier for your cat to tolerate the removal of worms from her body, you need to switch her to a certain diet. Food should be high in calories, enriched with proteins. Will help you gain strength faster after illness vitamin complexes. If a cat has fleas, in order to prevent the cat from becoming infected with worms, and fleas are their carriers, you need to drip on the animal’s withers special remedy called "celandine". Worms in cats can be easily treated if the disease is not advanced. Unpleasant indicates that the cat has worms.

Worms in cats from the anus, incubation period, what they look like, how to remove them

If your cat has worms, anus, she rubs her butt on the floor. The cat may experience diarrhea and constipation. Incubation period lasts from eight to ten days. Adult worms can be seen with the naked eye and may be white or pink. You can remove it using medications calculated based on the cat’s weight. These are: caniquantel, cestal, febtal, milbemax. Treatment is carried out in two stages, with an interval of 10 days.

Worms in cats: how to treat with folk remedies and broad-spectrum drugs price

Garlic crushed into pulp - excellent remedy to expel worms from the cat's body. Drontal is a broad-spectrum medicine. Price of Drontal, 20 tablets, 85 rubles.

Worms in cats - can a child become infected with them?

If a cat has worms, the child may become infected if hygiene is not maintained and the animal is not isolated from the child.

Worms in cats, vomiting with worms, folk treatment, tablets

Vomiting of worms is serious illness. An infusion of tansy and wormwood expels worms from the cat’s body. Alben-s tablets Get rid of worms with a single use.

Worms in cats are a very common problem. And you shouldn’t be afraid of her. But take a set of measures that will help four-legged friend, the owner of the animal must. The appearance of worms is a disease that can be effectively dealt with with the help of medications and folk remedies. However, to consolidate success, you should not limit yourself to treatment. In order to avoid relapses of the disease, you will have to reconsider some habits not only of the pet, but, first of all, of its owner.

Where do cats get worms?

Mice are also carriers of worms

For many cat owners, the news of the appearance of worms comes as a shock. Where did you get it from? pet who spends his days in a city apartment, has worms started?

Alas, there is where to come from. Especially in the summer, when the apartment (even if there is mosquito nets on the windows) carriers of helminths fly in - flies that go straight to the food, including, as if specially prepared for them, bowls with cat food.

Flies are a much lesser evil compared to how much infection the animal owner brings into the house on his shoes and clothes. The mustachioed striped one is always interested in sniffing the feet of an owner who has been missing all day. And the animal, of course, is completely unaware of the threat - entire colonies (up to a thousand eggs) of helminths, which a person collects everywhere during the day: from public transport to the supermarket.

As a result, the eggs and larvae of worms “move” onto the cat’s fur coat. And then - when licking the fur - the animal becomes infected.

The total number of reasons for the appearance of worms in domestic cat- several at once. Among them:

  • Infection through raw fish and meat.
  • Insect bites (such as mosquitoes), which can lead to heartworms.
  • Even the shortest walk in the yard, which is accompanied by contact with grass, sand and waste products of other pets.
  • Worms are “inherited” - the result of intrauterine transmission from the mother cat.


There are many types of worms that affect cats.

By the way, a person is not immune from such worms if poorly prepared seafood gets into his diet.

Another type of worms that affects four-legged animals is called flukes. Fortunately, they are not that common. Dangerous for the liver and pancreas of the animal. May affect gastrointestinal tract intestinal tract and heart, sometimes lead to very difficult conditions for the pet and even its death.

In some cases, worms can be detected after the animal goes to the toilet. They are usually white, a little less than a centimeter in length and shaped like a tree leaf.

How to determine if a cat has worms

A cat's cough can be a symptom not only of worms, but also of other diseases.

A sudden and inexplicable change in the mood of a cat (which usually plays, purrs, runs around the apartment and eats well) should be alarming. The four-legged one will have to measure the temperature, which is in good condition equal to 37.5 - 39 degrees.

You should pay attention to other behavioral features. For example, for suddenly appearing hiccups. Other signs include changes in the cat's coat (becoming faded), shortness of breath or extreme thirst.

An alarming sign is active secretion of saliva. And also a sharp change in the way the animal goes to the toilet: prolonged constipation is suddenly replaced by incessant diarrhea.

Sometimes the worms themselves come out with waste products. But these are already the most complex cases when an animal needs help “here and now.”

For some types of worms, special research is required (not just analysis of animal feces). A blood test will indicate the presence of heartworm. And the fact that a cat is suffering from lungworms can be clearly understood not only by the animal’s debilitating cough, but also thanks to an X-ray of the cat’s chest cavity.

A separate topic is worms in the eyes of cats. According to science, such a lesion is called thelaziosis. It doesn't happen often. In most cases, the cause is infection brought in by the wind. Such worms have White color. Their habitat is tear ducts. The owner of the animal can see them without even resorting to any equipment: at the moments when the worms begin to move around eyeball, while squirming very unpleasantly.

Why are they dangerous?

It is important to start treatment on time so as not to worsen the animal’s condition.

Worms are dangerous not only because they “drink” the blood of an animal. But also by what they inflict serious harm throughout the cat's body. Often, a large number of worms in the body simply does not allow the animal to empty its intestines. Metabolic processes are disrupted, weakens the immune system, begin allergic reactions, are released into the body toxic substances, which lead, among other things, to the most tragic consequences- lethal outcome.

Pet owners are interested in whether they can catch a disease from a four-legged animal while being in constant contact with it? Yes, this can happen. There is only one way out (besides treating the pet): compliance with generally accepted standards of hygiene. If you pet your pet, wash your hands.

It is believed that helminths in cats and kittens pose a particular danger to children and pregnant women.


Only a veterinarian can correctly determine what worms a cat has and how to combat them.

If similar symptoms are detected and the cat’s condition changes, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian and begin treatment. To solve this problem there are various drugs And folk remedies.

Deworming medications for cats

If you can’t give your cat a pill, you can disguise it in the animal’s favorite treat.

Treatment should be carried out exclusively by a specialist - amateur performance is unacceptable. Of course, on the shelves of veterinary stores you can find a variety of “super remedies” that, according to the labels, will quickly help a four-legged patient get back on his paws. However, you should not take them without the advice of a veterinarian and without a diagnosis.

Before you begin treatment, you need to understand exactly what you have to fight. The cat owner will have to collect the pet's feces, place them in a special jar for analysis and take them to veterinary clinic for research. In the laboratory, it will be possible to determine what type of worms is interfering with the pet’s life, which will allow prescribing the right medicine for treatment, and also calculate the dosage.

It is important to remember that such treatment is best carried out on fresh air and away from flammable objects

Folk remedies

Some folk remedies for worms that people use are also suitable for cats

Those who do not like “chemistry” hope that folk remedies will be more effective when treating animals. Including those that people use to fight worms. And here it is very important to note: caring owner will never try to help his cat with “homemade” medicine that contains celandine. After all, what is good for humans is really dangerous for animals. An overdose of celandine can result in fatal for the mustachioed-striped one.

Other medicines In many ways they resemble folk remedies used by humans. For example:

  • Pumpkin seeds. They must be crushed into powder, mixed with sunflower oil or pork fat, and then give to the animal for five days.
  • Tansy infusion. Dried flowers of the plant are infused in boiling water (one hour is enough). The product must be injected into the mouth using a syringe without a needle a couple of times a day. The course is designed for a week.
  • Anthelmintics are prescribed to newborns no earlier than 21 days of life.

    Treatment of pregnant cats also has its own characteristics. Many drugs can harm future offspring. Veterinarians note that medications are most dangerous in the first stage of pregnancy, when the main organs and all systems of the kitten are formed. The veterinarian will be able to select the right drug.


    It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the animal and do not forget about vaccination

    The process is not limited to one treatment. It is important to carry out regular prevention. Give to cats once every three to four months complex preparations. Usually preventive procedures for domestic animals, they are carried out twice a year - in autumn and spring.

    It is necessary to fight worms in cats, and this should not be put off for later. Also, for the benefit of the pet and yourself, you need to regularly carry out general cleaning in the apartment, which will affect even the farthest corners of the house. It is important to clean up the litter tray on time. After this procedure, the owner of the four-legged dog should not forget to wash their hands.

    And, of course, it will be useful to radically change your diet: exclude raw fish and cheese. Organize a healthy and varied diet for your pet, which will contain vitamins, boiled meat, eggs, and healthy food for them. olive oil(carefully added to cat food).

The most common disease among cats is worms or helminthic diseases of cats.

Cats during walks, in close contact with environment, expose themselves to the danger of becoming infected with helminth eggs located in large quantities on a variety of subjects. A particularly great danger in this regard is provided by the direct contact of your cat with other homeless, stray animals.

Being essentially predators, cats never refuse raw fish or meat offered to them, which in our time of market relations can be infected with helminthic infestation.

Some types of worms cause characteristic, pronounced symptoms of helminthic disease, while other worms, for a long period of time, hiding in the muscles or liver of the cat do not show themselves in any way.

Taking into account the above, cat owners need to carry out preventive deworming with anthelmintic drugs.

What types of worms that infect cats are there?

There are several types of helminthiasis in cats, which are classified by experts depending on the type of worm that caused the helminthiasis in the cat.

Larvae migrating throughout the cat’s body can be found not only in the liver and lungs. Some of the larvae, quickly making their way through the lungs, enter the big circle blood circulation, and from there - into various fabrics animal, where a shell forms around them. Light nodules appear in the kidneys, liver, heart muscle and other muscles, with larvae located in the center.

Such nodules are also formed during internal organs, accidentally infected mice and rats. A cat that eats a sick mouse also becomes ill.

In kittens, intrauterine infection is also possible through the systemic circulation, when they are introduced into the fetus through the placenta. The larvae linger in the liver and lungs of the fetus, and in the first days of the kittens’ life, they penetrate their intestines.

Symptoms. With severe infestation, the cat loses a lot of weight, even with good appetite. A sick cat vomits, sometimes with blood, and gastrointestinal upset occurs - diarrhea. Kittens infected in utero may die from blockage or rupture small intestine. In young cats, we also note gastrointestinal tract disorders.

Treatment. When carrying out deworming for toxascariasis, the following anthelmintics are used: pyrantel, ditrazine, fembendazole according to the instructions for their use.

Hookworm– Ankylostomosis. Whitish nematode with a reddish tint. In her mouth she has a capsule in which there are three pairs of symmetrically located teeth. The teeth are curved inward, like hooks, and those on the sides are larger than the rest.

Hookworms - males reach 9-12 mm in length, females do not grow more than 21 mm. Eggs oval shape stand out in external environment with feces. One hookworm lays about 16 thousand eggs every day. The lifespan of hookworms is from 43 to 100 weeks. In the cat's body, the larvae develop into adult worms after 17 days. Adults are localized in the intestines and feed on blood, causing anemia in the cat. A cat is infected in two ways - orally (swallowing eggs) and through the skin (larvae enter the circulatory system through the skin).

Pathogenesis. Hookworms in the cat's body cause mechanical damage tissues, leading to intestinal bleeding and general intoxication of the body.

Symptoms. A sick cat eats poorly, drinks a lot, and becomes inactive. We note that the cat has a disorder gastrointestinal tract accompanied by vomiting blood and diarrhea mixed with blood.

Treatment. For deworming, pyrantel, fembendazole, febantel are used in accordance with the available instructions for the use of these drugs.

Signs of roundworm infection in cats are as follows:

  • Frequent vomiting, sometimes worms come out along with vomit and feces.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Increased thirst.
  • Constant diarrhea.
  • Lethargy, loss of strength, decreased activity.

Tapeworms in cats

Alveococcosis- Alveococcosis is a helminthic disease. With this disease, small worms in a cat are localized in thin section intestines. Intermediate hosts are rodents. A cat becomes infected by ingesting the larvae by eating an infected mouse, rat, etc.

In most cases, there are no symptoms of the disease in cats.

It must be borne in mind that this helminthic disease is very dangerous for a cat, as it can be fatal.

Treatment. The following anthelmintic drugs are used in treatment: cetovex, fenasal, filixan according to the instructions for their use.

Symptoms. A sick cat develops apathy, eats poorly, and becomes inactive. There is damage to the gastrointestinal tract - rumbling in the stomach, diarrhea, the cat vomits.

Treatment. For deworming, phenosal, skoben, and praziquantel are used. These drugs are used according to the instructions for their use.

The development cycle occurs with the participation of intermediate hosts - cyclops crustaceans, diaptomus, etc. and additional hosts - pike, perch, catfish and other fish.

Cats become infected when they eat raw, dried or poorly cooked fish that contain diphyllobothriasis larvae in their bodies.

Symptoms. An infected cat loses its appetite, becomes weaker, and its fur becomes dull. The cat often vomits, sometimes mixed with blood. In cats, owners note disturbances in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by both diarrhea and constipation. With prolonged invasion, anemia is recorded, the number of leukocytes increases, the amount of sodium and potassium in the blood serum decreases, and protein appears in the urine. Defeat from the side nervous system– in a cat it is accompanied by convulsions, intestinal blockage is possible.

Diagnosis diagnosed in a veterinary laboratory based on fecal ovoscopy.

Treatment. Praziquantel, phenalidone, phenosal are used for deworming. These drugs are used according to the instructions for their use.

Signs of tapeworm infection in a cat:

  • Indigestion is accompanied by alternation loose stool with constipation.
  • Lost appetite.
  • Poor hair condition, sometimes hair loss.
  • Anemia develops.
  • Drowsiness, apathy.

After a cat is infected with tapeworms, they do not manifest themselves in any way; the disease is asymptomatic. Tapeworms are very dangerous to human health, as they can be fatal.

Flatworms in cats

Flatworms(trematodes and flukes). Flatworms in cats are quite rare. Flatworms cause diseases in cats such as:

Symptoms. The disease is chronic, the sick cat coughs, sometimes with severe wheezing, eats poorly, shakes, body temperature may be elevated, sometimes the cat has a fever, the cat develops foamy vomiting, and diarrhea.

Diagnosis A cat is diagnosed with a disease based on the results of fecal ovoscopy.

Treatment. Praziquantel is used for deworming.

Opisthorchises develop with the participation of an intermediate host - a freshwater gill mollusk and additional hosts - carp fish (ide, dace, chebak, roach, bream, rudd, etc.). From the eggs swallowed by the mollusk, larvae develop - cercariae, which enter the water and actively penetrate the body of carp fish, encysting in their subcutaneous tissue, muscles, turning into metacercariae. Cats become infected by eating raw fish infested with metacercariae. The duration of development of opisthorchis from egg to the mature stage is about 4 months.

Symptoms. With severe intoxication, the cat is exhausted, has sharply tousled fur and big belly, development of dropsy, during examination of the cat due to the presence pain syndrome prevents the owner from touching the belly. When palpating the liver, you can detect a sharp thickening of the liver, the presence of tubercles on it various shapes and magnitude. We note jaundice in a sick cat. Appears poor appetite, which alternates with periods of “gluttony,” during which the cat greedily swallows food in whole pieces. Periodically, the cat vomits yellow masses and diarrhea. A sick cat sometimes has a fever.

Diagnosis placed on the basis of clinical and epizootic data and the results of helminthocoprological studies.

Treatment. The use of conventional anthelmintic drugs for cats is not very effective. Required complex treatment under the supervision of veterinary clinic specialists.

How to deworm a cat for worms?

IN veterinary pharmacies sold for deworming cats the following drugs: panakur, febtal, dirofen, pyrantel, polyvercan, prazitel, profender.

How to properly deworm an adult cat?

How to remove worms from a kitten?

The kitten's body is more vulnerable and more susceptible to helminthic diseases. When kittens are infected with helminths, they weaken faster and their bodies become exhausted more quickly. Based on this, you need to start treating them for worms as early as possible. Veterinary pharmacies sell special gentle medications for kittens that do not injure the delicate gastrointestinal kitten tract. These drugs include: milbemax, polyvercan, prazicide, pyrantel, dirofen suspension.

What should you consider when treating your cat for worms?

  1. Only healthy cats should be treated.
  2. When treating cats for helminths, it is necessary to additionally administer Gamavit.
  3. After giving the medicine, the cat must be given an adsorbent drug ( Activated carbon, enterosgel).
  4. After using an anthelmintic, you will need to carefully monitor his toilet. It is necessary for the cat to go about its business, otherwise intoxication of the body will occur. If this does not happen within the first 3-4 hours, then the cat will need to be given a laxative syrup or a little Vaseline oil.
  5. Repeated deworming must be done after 2 weeks. If you carry out preventive treatment rather than treatment, then once will be enough.

Additionally you should keep in mind that:

  • A nursing or pregnant cat should not be dewormed (an exception can be carried out in case of urgent need).
  • Kittens infected in the womb of a cat can be dewormed no earlier than 3 weeks after birth.
  • Before vaccinating a cat against one or another infectious disease needs to be treated for worms.
  • Drugs intended for humans should not be used on cats.

Possible complications in cats from the use of helminthic drugs

There are cases when a cat may have an individual intolerance to the drug used.

If your cat’s intoxication continues to increase, then you urgently need to take your pet to a veterinary clinic.

Most cats, when being treated for worms when given a tablet, begin to break free from you, scratch and spit out the given tablet. As a result, after several unsuccessful attempts to set the tablet, it becomes unusable and has to be thrown away.

To still give your cat a pill, there are several cunning tricks:

  • You need to take the cat on your lap, placing it with its back to you. After this, the cat will need to unclench its jaws and place the tablet in its mouth, without allowing it to spit it out. After this, the cat must be stroked on the throat so that it swallows the tablet given to it. As aid You can give the cat some water.
  • We grind the tablet into powder and mix it with the cat’s favorite treat and give it to the cat, making sure that she eats everything.
  • Grind the tablet into powder and stir in a small amount of water. We collect all this into a disposable syringe without a needle, and slowly pour it into the cat’s mouth. During the procedure, it is necessary to hold the cat's muzzle so that it does not spit out the given medicine.
  • We wrap the cat in a towel or any piece of thick fabric like a baby, laying it with its back up so that it cannot choke. Then pour the solution containing water and the crushed tablet into your mouth a little at a time.

Prevention of worms in cats

In order for your cat to be healthy and not be able to infect your children, who are constantly hanging around a common pet, it is necessary to promptly prevent the appearance of worms in the cat. In order to prevent helminthiases in cats, you need to fight:

  • Raw fish and meat should be excluded from your cat's diet.
  • Avoid contact of your cat with stray animals.
  • Disinfect your cat's litter box periodically.
  • Store your clothes and shoes in closed cabinets and cabinets.
  • After contact with a cat, especially children, they need to wash their hands thoroughly with soap.

Carry out deworming regularly.

  1. Roundworms, otherwise called nematodes.
  2. Tapeworms are cestodes.
  3. Sucking worms or flukes.

How to understand that a purr is infected with tapeworms?

Symptoms of cestode infection.

  1. A sharp increase or, conversely, decrease in body weight in a cat.
  2. The pet refuses to take food or, on the contrary, cannot get enough.
  3. The animal's fur falls out.
  4. Increase in abdominal size.
  5. The cat often licks the anus area.


Nematodes or roundworms up to 5 cm long are the most common worms in kittens. Kittens become infected with these types of helminths, usually through mother's milk. An adult cat runs the risk of becoming infected by eating raw meat or rodents that already have worms in their bodies, as well as by contacting other infected cats. Roundworms in a cat (photo below) can nest in almost all of its organs, causing allergies and intoxication.

How to find out if there are nematodes in your pet's body?

Symptoms of roundworms in a kitten:

  1. Weakness.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. "Inflated" belly.
  4. Weight loss.


Symptoms of trematode disease.

  1. Animal weight loss.
  2. Temperature increase.
  3. Increased liver size.
  4. Diarrhea
  5. Yellowed mucous membrane.

Treatment of helminthiasis

What to do if a kitten has worms? Many unreasonable cat owners deworm their pets on their own, unprofessionally and, as a result, incorrectly. In such cases, purrs can easily become poisoned and die. The fact is that drugs intended for removing roundworms will not have any effect on tapeworms. The use of quite toxic drugs with wide range actions (from various types of helminths) can cause poisoning of a furry pet. Entrust the treatment of animals exclusively to a qualified aibolit, who, after identifying all the symptoms and subsequent appropriate diagnostics, will be able to accurately determine the type of helminths in the cat’s body, and at the same time identify all side diseases. Only after this the doctor will be able to tell how to treat the animal and prescribe the right recipe. You should not give your cat medicines purchased at markets to avoid purchasing counterfeits. Buy deworming medications for cats exclusively at veterinary pharmacies. Anthelmintics Available for both kittens and adults. Therefore, owners should be careful, since an overdose of anthelmintic drugs can cost your kitten his life. It is not recommended to remove worms from kittens, as well as old and sick animals, with deworming drops for cats on the withers, due to their increased toxicity. It is best to remove worms from a kitten with a suspension rather than a tablet. It is permissible to deworm small kittens starting from the age of two months. When you are treating worms in kittens, before using the medications, carefully read the instructions to avoid overdoses. To calculate the required dose of a tablet or suspension for cats, you simply need to weigh the animal. If there are several representatives of the cat family in the house, deworming medication should be given to everyone.

How to give deworming tablets to cats? - Very simple. Fix the animal's head, move it away lower jaw, then put an anti-worming tablet on the cat’s tongue. Then you should stroke the purr's neck, and he will automatically swallow the pill. Now you can pour silent water into your pussy’s mouth for better passage of the pill.

Prevention of helminthiasis

Since there are many sources of infection for pets, it is advisable to adhere to certain rules to prevent infection.

  1. Never feed your cat raw, unprocessed fish and meat.
  2. At least once a quarter, buy deworming tablets for cats and worm the animal, especially if it is allowed to spend time in the fresh air often.
  3. The cat needs to be given anthelmintic half a month before the planned mating, and also approximately 10 days before the expected birth.
  4. There should be a closed shoe storage box in the house.
  5. Before stroking your pussy after returning home, you should wash your hands thoroughly first.
  6. Cat owners need to keep the cat's bedding and litter box clean.
  7. Periodically treat your pet with anti-flea medications.
  8. Remove the cat from contact with infected relatives.