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Benign stomach tumor symptoms treatment. Benign stomach tumors

Inna Bereznikova

Reading time: 6 minutes


There are a variety of benign tumors of non-epithelial and epithelial origin. Their clinical manifestations also differ in their morphological characteristics and features. Among them are lipomas, neuromas, neurofibromas and others.

They can be localized in different parts of the stomach: in the cardia, in the stomach cavity, antrum. They differ in their growth: endogastric, exogastric, intramural. Dimensions benign neoplasms depend on the walls of the stomach, the presence of gastric bleeding, and the presence of ulcers. The development is also influenced by the organs that precede this cancer.

There are signs of the clinical picture:

  • disrupted processes in the stomach due to signs of gastritis;
  • acute gastric hemorrhage;
  • general disorders in the body: decreased appetite, organic fatigue, weight loss;
  • passing according to the signs of a stenotic symptom in the pylorus of the stomach;
  • absolute calm flow;
  • completely random detection of a benign formation;
  • palpation of the tumor; observation of anemic and dyspeptic disorders.

Symptomatic picture

Clinical features are manifested by a calm and prolonged course, only dull pain is observed, aching and constant in the epigastric region of the stomach. It doesn't have to be after a meal.


  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • feeling of nausea,
  • belching,
  • vomiting with blood in the masses;
  • tarry stools;
  • decrease in hemoglobin in the blood;
  • general weakness, dizziness.

Weight loss is expected regardless of the degree of appetite. Frequent and important symptom- this is bleeding with a typical clinic. The pain is accompanied by an attack of vomiting.

There are more than one hundred types of benign tumors. The duration of manifestation of the formation can be long or short, even with significant tumor sizes. Patients diagnosed with the presence of a proliferating benign neoplasm experience progression in development. Nonepithelial is classified as solitary.

Reasons for development

All oncological neoplasms have manifestation factors:

  1. exposure to chemical factors;
  2. hereditary factor;
  3. polyps become a side effect of another disease;
  4. biological risks;
  5. presence of viral infections;
  6. exposure to x-rays;
  7. hormonal disbalance.


Among epithelial benign neoplasms there are:

To determine the nature of the neoplasm, the following methods are used:

  1. cytological;
  2. histological;
  3. enzymochemical;
  4. immunocytohistochemical and immunohistochemical;
  5. electron microscopic.

The attending physician must fully reflect in the anamnesis the focus on the data of morphological studies.

If the tumor was removed during surgery, it is necessary to know within what tissue, healthy or diseased, it grew. This is necessary to establish the symptoms of a pre-tumor diagnosis and the response of surrounding tissues.

Benign tumors of the stomach develop as a result of inflammatory and reactive hyperplasia of the gastric mucosa. They are distinguished more often as fibroepithelial, much less often in the form of fibromyomas, neurinomas, angiomas, lipomas, etc. Polyps are considered benign formations and can grow multiple or be solitary.

Polypous formations


  • pathological signs. The classification divides polyps according to symptoms: gastritis complicated by polyps, overgrown polyps in the digestive system;
  • Clinical signs. It is asymptomatic according to the gastritis anemic type. Complications - bleeding formations, their removal into the duodenum; combined disease of the stomach lining with polypous neoplasms and a cancerous area;
  • polyps are distinguished as flat or protruding above the mucosa. The flat shape of the polyps resembles the surface of the cerebral cortex;
  • pathological signs.

Setting factors:

  • general symptoms - increased fatigue and fatigue, loss of ability to work, feeling of fullness in the abdominal area;
  • pain sign;
  • nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dyspeptic disorders;
  • decreased gastric secretion, the presence of blood fibers in the stool, the appearance of anemia;
  • X-ray readings, endoscopic results confirming the presence of a developing tumor in the stomach;

Diagnosis of formations

Polyps in the mucous membrane of the organ are multiple formations protruding above the mucous membrane into the stomach cavity. This type of neoplasm occurs quite often. The presence and development of polyps is very dangerous for the stomach and they indicate disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. They can develop into malignant tumors if they are not removed promptly.

At the beginning of the formation of the disease, polyps do not appear until a certain time. It makes it difficult early diagnosis. Gradually, characteristic specific pain sensations of aching and prolonged nature appear.

There is a feeling of aching in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and lumbar region. It is assumed that pain is caused not by the polyps themselves, but by the changes that occur in the gastric mucosa.

Other symptoms include excessive salivation, loss of appetite, a painful sensation in the pancreas, belching, heartburn, vomiting, broken bowel movements, and weakness throughout the body. The temperature may rise to 39 degrees.

The decisive point in making a diagnosis is endoscopic examination. Often, when treating polyps, emergency medical intervention is performed and surgery is performed to obtain reliable information and take a biopsy for histology.

The introduction of double contrast contrast of the stomach and an x-ray will help clarify the diagnosis. It will reveal the roundness of the formation and its boundaries, and show all the defects. Will give its results ultrasound examination. It will help differentiate the walls of an organ, its mucous membrane, introduce you to a localized formation and provide data on the neoplasm - its shape, type of growth, development, and help predict the patient’s condition.

Endoscopic examination of the stomach

Endoscopy of a benign formation will detect existing polyps on the legs and outline the symptoms of obstruction in the duodenum. But the most accurate diagnosis will be given by histological examination after a biopsy.

Signs of a stomach tumor

On early stage developing cancer education special symptoms doesn't stand out. More often, the patient complains of aching pain in the abdominal area, which makes itself felt immediately or after eating. There may be dizziness chronic gastritis or stomach bleeding. The pain causes sensations similar to those of a stomach ulcer.

Benign neoplasms form detachment of epithelial cells, and as a result, bleeding. It can be detected by the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia. The most dangerous tumors are of the intramural type, which can be accompanied by massive, life-threatening internal bleeding.

Histology data, examination, endoscopic examination, research. Benign formations in the stomach are divided into:

  1. polypous formations;
  2. hyperplastic gastropathy, such as Ménétrier's disease, pseudolymphoma;
  3. intramural formations;
  4. eosinophilic gastritis, tuberculosis, syphilis, Crohn's disease, sarcoid, contributing to the development of gastric tumors;
  5. mucosal cysts;
  6. mixed forms.

According to the signs of neoplasm, they reach big size, which allows them to be diagnosed by palpation. If a polyp develops on a stalk, it can penetrate through the pylorus of the stomach into the duodenum and thereby cause obstruction.


The doctors’ task is to prescribe a full treatment course, which will include:

  • local removal of the tumor;
  • resection of an organ in whole or in part;
  • chemotherapy;
  • course of radiation.

If the tumor is microscopic in size and has affected only one gastric mucosa, endoscopic removal can be used. In addition, the tumor must not be cancerous.

The surgical operation solves more global issues of removing not only the organ, but also nearby lymph nodes, to prevent the metastatic process to regional organs. To restore patency in the digestive tract, plastic surgery is performed on the small or large intestine. At the same time, the possibility of entry of bile acid and pancreatic secretion into the organ should remain.

Surgery to remove a stomach tumor

An “artificial” stomach also solves digestion issues and preserves nutrients for the body. But not every sick person leaves the hospital with a favorable outcome. Cancerous ones remain cellular structures, leading to relapses and degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Immunotherapy is one of the promising directions in the treatment of neoplasms. It is able to suppress the formation of metastases and helps organs cope with their protective function on their own. The course is conducted on the basis natural ingredients, which is why there are no side effects.

The immunotherapy method includes:

  1. anti-cancer vaccination;
  2. injection of antibodies into organs;
  3. immunotherapy of cellular structures;
  4. introduction of immunomodulators.

This is a powerful stimulating effect on the body as a whole. Causes readiness to increase its activity and the patient’s immune system. The method is especially good for patients who are planning to fast growth neoplasms.

Benign stomach tumors usually do not cause symptoms or make a person feel unwell. Some, however, bleed or become malignant.

About 99% of malignant gastric tumors are adenocarcinomas; leiomyosarcoma (malignant smooth muscle tumors) and lymphoma are also found.

Malignant stomach tumors develop more often in older people. In less than 25% of cases they occur in people under 50 years of age. This disease is very common in Russia, Japan, China, Chile, and Iceland.


Early gastric cancer is usually asymptomatic and is usually discovered during an endoscopy performed for another reason. Sometimes vague symptoms are observed, such as epigastric discomfort and nausea.

In North America, most patients consult a doctor with complaints characteristic of advanced gastric cancer.

In these cases, abdominal pain and weight loss come to the fore; Loss of appetite, weakness, gastrointestinal bleeding, signs of pyloric stenosis - rapid satiety and vomiting - are also possible.
Physical examination reveals a mass formation in the epigastrium, an enlarged liver (with metastases to it), and ascites. Tumor node in umbilical region, known as Nurse Joseph's metastasis, is rare. Metastases to the ovaries, so-called Krukenberg metastases, are possible, although this name is also applied to other ovarian metastases.

Source sweli.ru


Stomach cancer stage 0. Characterized by the presence of atypical cells in the superficial inner layer of the gastric mucosa. These cells are prone to forming a malignant tumor, which then spreads to healthy tissue. Stage zero is also called intraepithelial cancer.

Stomach cancer stage 1. At this stage, the neoplasm has already been formed. Depending on the degree of stomach cancer, this stage is divided into two stages: IA and IB. Stage IA: complete spread of cancer to the mucous membrane of the gastric wall. Stage IB: the tumor has completely affected the mucous epithelium of the gastric wall and has penetrated several lymph nodes (1 - 6) in the tumor area, or has spread to the middle muscular layer of the gastric wall.

Stomach cancer stage 2. The mucous membrane of the stomach wall is completely affected and the cancer is already located in the tumor area, in several lymph nodes (7-15). Or the cancer has affected the middle muscle layer of the stomach wall and 1 to 6 lymph nodes in the tumor area. Or the disease progresses in the serous (outer) layer of the stomach wall, but is not detected in the lymph nodes or other organs.

Stomach cancer stage 3. Depending on the extent of spread, it is divided into stage IIIA and stage IIIB. Stage IIIA: cancer is located in the muscular (middle) layer of the gastric wall, in the lymph nodes (7-15), or in the serous (outer) layer of the gastric wall and in 1 - 6 lymph nodes in the area where the tumor develops, or in organs located near the stomach, but it is not found in the lymph nodes or other parts of the body. Stage IIIB: The tumor develops in the serous (outer) layer of the gastric wall and in 7 to 15 lymph nodes in the tumor area.

Stomach cancer stage 4. At this stage, the cancer has affected organs near the stomach and at least one or more than 15 lymph nodes or other parts of the body. Symptoms of stage 4 stomach cancer are especially acute and painful.

Source bez-posrednukov.ru


A malignant tumor of the stomach is a tumor that develops from the gastric mucosa. In economically developed countries, the incidence (prevalence) of stomach cancer has decreased markedly, mainly due to changes in the quality of nutrition.

The causes of a malignant tumor of the stomach, or rather, the factors contributing to its development, are quite diverse. The main group of reasons consists of nutritional and environmental features:

Dietary features: predominance of flour foods; reducing vitamin C intake; lack of fruits and vegetables; increased consumption of smoked and heavily fried foods, high consumption of animal fats, canned food.

Increased alcohol consumption, as well as alcohol consumption on an empty stomach. Smoking also contributes to the development of stomach cancer.

Excessive intake of nitrates, nitrites and especially nitrosamines from food.

Infectious factor (H. Pylor i- Helicobacter or Campylobacter, whose favorite habitat is the stomach).

Source treatmentabroad.ru


All benign tumors of the stomach are divided into two categories: tumors originating from the mucous membrane of the organ (or epithelial), and nonepithelial tumors (or intramural, or intramural).

Epithelial tumors are presented in the form of polyps, formed as a result of regenerative processes occurring in the layers of the gastric mucosa. According to studies, epithelial tumors arise due to improper embryonic formation of the mucous membrane. A polyp appears on the site of the remains of heterotopic tissue preserved in the mucosa after the process of its embryonic formation. All known gastric polyps are divided into polyposis, multiple and single polyps. Typically, these benign stomach tumors are observed in people 50-60 years old, occurring in approximately 7-12% of cases among all tumors of this organ. Polyps often appear in the lower third of the stomach.

In half of the cases, polyps do not reveal themselves, that is, the disease is asymptomatic. It is possible to see polyps by chance during gastroscopy or x-ray examination. However, there are often situations when the patient complains of pain similar to the pain of gastritis: every time after eating, an aching or dull pain appears in the epigastric region, sometimes accompanied by bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, unpleasant belching, etc. At running forms Polyposis includes dizziness, general malaise, weakness, ringing in the head and ears, pale skin, etc.

There is a threat of the polyp turning into a malignant tumor of the stomach, and all this happens unnoticed and asymptomatic.

Treatment of benign gastric tumors includes gastrectomy, endoscopic polypectomy, or gastrectomy (rarely).

Non-epithelial tumors include fibromyomas, neurofibromas and gastric fibromas, lipomas, neuromas and neurilemmomas, as well as chondromas, choristomas, osteochondromas, osteomas, hemangiomas, endotheliomas and lymphangiomas.

Treatment of such tumors is exclusively surgical.

Source rakoncologia.ru


The treatment for excessive cell growth is to stop the growth. This result can be achieved surgically (removing cells). It is possible to destroy tumor cells by treating them with any substances that are harmful to them (this method is called chemotherapy) or with radioactive radiation that is lethal to all living things (radiotherapy, radiation therapy).

Surgical treatment of stomach tumors is the most effective method. And the most difficult. The inability to isolate tumor cells from organ tissue leads to the removal of part or the entire organ along with the tumor. Gastric resection is performed ( partial removal) or extirpation (complete removal). The traumatic consequences of surgical intervention are amplified by the need for chemotherapy and radiation treatment to prevent tumor recurrence. Efficiency surgical treatment gastric neoplasms, the likelihood of tumor metastasis is greatly reduced. Metastases are secondary tumors that arise from cells spreading from the primary site.

Chemotherapy treatment involves the use of drugs that inhibit the growth of cancer. These drugs (cytostatics) act on cells and stop the division process. The problem with using cytostatics is that they affect all cells of the body. Due to the fact that tumor growth is pathologically enhanced, the destructive effect of the cytostatic manifests itself on tumor cells relatively faster than on cells of healthy tissues. To simplify, we can say that it has a destructive effect on the entire body, in the hope that the death of diseased cells will occur before healthy ones die.

Radiation therapy is a very effective treatment method. The cancer cell is destroyed quickly and irrevocably. The problem with this type of treatment is that medicine is not yet able to bring the targeting of radiation to the size of a cell. Radiation destroys both tumor cells and healthy cells. Due to the difficulty of accurately focusing the effects of radiation healthy cells Many times more are destroyed.

Stomach tumors are part of the problem of cancer. Modern medicine so far practically unable to resist these pathologies.

Source stomachum.ru


The type of operation that is performed to remove a cancerous tumor from the stomach depends on its location inside the organ. It is possible to remove part or all of the stomach. If the tumor is located near the junction of the esophagus with the stomach, then part of the esophagus is often removed. All of these operations are serious and extensive.

What happens after the stomach is removed?

If only part of the stomach is removed, the patient will have to eat more often in the future, as at least, at first, until the gastrointestinal tract adapts to the small volume of the stomach.

If the entire stomach is removed, you will eventually be able to return to a normal diet, but it will take longer. You will also need to take vitamin B12 injections for the rest of your life to prevent anemia and neurological problems.

Factors that influence surgery

Any surgery for stomach cancer is a major surgical procedure and requires time to recover. The doctor must be sure that your physical state will allow you to endure anesthesia and a long operation and ensure adequate recovery.

The surgery that will be performed to remove the cancer depends on its location inside the stomach. If the tumor has metastasized to another organ, surgery is usually not performed as it will not cure the cancer. However, it is possible to perform an operation to remove part of the tumor that blocks the passage (that is, movement) of food masses through the esophagus or stomach.

A disease that affects the layers of the stomach refers to a benign or malignant tumor of the stomach, which affects the health of both children and adults in different ways. Recently, the dynamics of tumor development has decreased. The disease is characterized by such basic symptoms as general weakness, sudden weight loss, a feeling of discomfort when digesting food, obstruction of the pylorus, and a state of depression. In medicine there are many diagnostic methods(biopsy, endoscopy), which will help to identify the tumor in time.

What is meant by the formation of tumors in the stomach?

By their nature, tumors develop rapidly, having certain development factors and the degree of growth. Less common benign formations(fibroids, fibromas, etc.), presented in the form of polyps. In other cases, malignant neoplasms such as cancer develop. The disease is more often diagnosed in men; women suffer 1.5 times less often. At the same time, among patients, most people are over 50 years old; rare cases are possible among children.

According to statistics, the level of tumor development has decreased over the past 10 years. Doctors cite timely detection and treatment of tumors as factors in the development of this phenomenon. It is believed that this is due to the cleansing of the body from Helicobacter pylori. The bacterium easily causes peptic ulcers, which over time develop into stomach tumors.

Classification of benign and malignant tumors and their sizes

Depending on the degree of differentiation, tumors are divided into two types. The first type includes benign stomach tumors, which have two subtypes - epithelial and non-epithelial. The epithelial type includes polyps and tubular adenoma of the stomach, which have different shapes and sizes. If there are a large number of polyps, they speak of the development of polyposis. The disease is characterized by the appearance of such manifestations as with gastritis. Patients suffer from severe pain, which spread to the entire abdominal area. Benign stomach tumors of this type can only be cured through surgery, since this is the only way the body can be cleansed of unnecessary growths.

The second subtype includes fibroids, gastric lipoma, fibroma, hemangioma, choristoma, which are least often diagnosed in patients. Myoma is more common. When examining fibroids, attention is paid to the history and clinical data. The course of the disease and the appearance of symptoms depend on which area is affected by the disease. Pain in the epigastric zone intensifies if the patient changes body position. Thanks to x-rays, the degree of development of the disease and its shape are determined.

In the classification, in addition to benign tumors, malignant tumors are distinguished, which are divided into two types. The epithelial type includes cancerous tumors, which occupy first place among oncological diseases. According to statistics, cancer symptoms are more common in men than in women. Manifestations directly depend on the stage and form of development of the disease, what is the cause of development. The following subtypes of the disease are distinguished: exophytic growths, flattened and ulcerative. Exophytic and ulcerative forms of the disease, spreading to neighboring organs, lead to fusion of tumors with each other. For example, scirrhus, melanoma, and blastoma spread throughout the mucous membrane at a rapid pace, capturing a large gastric area.

Another type is malignant non-epithelial manifestations, among which sarcoma is most often distinguished. The disease spreads 1.5 times less often in women than in men. At the same time there appear different kinds sarcomas, which are characterized by pain that turns into left hypochondrium. The tumor becomes very large, making it difficult healing process.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

One of the causes of the disease is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

The problem of factors in the development of stomach tumors has not been fully studied. However, there are predisposing factors, which include:

  • chronic gastritis, in which the mucous membrane becomes inflamed;
  • entry into the body of Helicobacter pylori, which increases the secretion of gastric juice and reduces the protective properties of the body;
  • genetic predisposition in which parents passed on genes to the child;
  • Availability bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • an unbalanced diet that lacks vegetables and fruits and contains a large amount of fatty, salty and spicy foods;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions, consisting of polluted ecology;
  • a sharp or gradual decrease in immunity due to a number of factors.

For each type of pathology, symptoms manifest differently. Most benign tumors are asymptomatic and are detected during examination of other ailments. If the polyps are large, the patient feels aching pain after eating, nausea and vomiting appear, in which blood streaks. Manifestations include belching, heartburn, weakness, dizziness, constipation, followed by diarrhea.

Symptoms of a malignant disease occur against the background general health or develop together with another pathology, for example, chronic gastritis. In the first stages, the patient's appetite decreases, after eating, pain and a feeling of oversaturation begin. A person loses weight at a rapid pace, his taste is distorted, resulting in greater intolerance to certain foods. Further stages are characterized by the development of cancer intoxication, increased pain, enlarged lymph nodes, and frequent vomiting. With cancerous tumors, the regional system of lymph nodes ceases to function normally. The further the disease develops, the more the regional lymph nodes grow.

IN severe cases Peritonitis may develop.

In severe cases, the walls of the stomach can grow into a tumor, resulting in peritonitis. Tumors of the stomach block the food passage, which subsequently serves as a factor in the obstruction of the food coma in the pylorus. Pyloric obstruction can lead to serious complications. In addition, a disintegrating tumor may appear, which bleeds and poses a threat to the patient’s life. A common type of malignant tumor is the neuroendocrine form, in which a person's taste preferences change. With the neuroendocrine type, diarrhea, comparable weight loss, increased or reduced level insulin.

Benign formations are observed mainly in middle age and are most often localized in the antrum or body of the stomach. A stomach tumor can be superficial, originating from the cells of the mucous membrane, and intramural, benign and malignant

Signs of stomach tumors

In the early stage of the disease, benign tumors occur without symptoms or manifest signs against the background of which they arise. Typically, patients with stomach tumors complain of aching pain in the epigastric region, appearing immediately or 1-3 hours after eating, loss of appetite, belching, and unstable stool. Sometimes weakness and dizziness are observed, caused by chronic atrophic gastritis or hidden bleeding due to ulceration of the polyp. Vomiting with blood is rare.

However, with ulceration there may be complaints of heaviness and dull pain in the epigastrium. In some patients, the pain may be more severe, difficult to distinguish from the pain observed with peptic ulcer.

Tumors located superficially in the submucosal layer tend to cause ulceration of the mucosal epithelium, resulting in occult bleeding. It usually manifests as iron deficiency anemia. Signs of ulceration of intramural type stomach tumors are more dangerous, as they are often accompanied by obvious, massive bleeding.

Based on histological characteristics, benign stomach tumors are usually divided into:

polyps arising from the mucous membrane;

benign hyperplastic gastropathy (Menetrier's disease, pseudolymphoma, etc.);

intramural tumors of the stomach (leiomyoma, adenomyoma, lipoma, neurogenic or vascular tumors, heterotopic pancreatic islets, fibromas);

inflammatory tumors (zosinophilic gastritis, tuberculosis, syphilis, Crohn's disease, sarcoid);

cysts of the mucous membrane - mucocele, submucosal cysts;

mixed group.

Leiomyomas, neurogenic and other intramural tumors of the stomach can reach significant sizes and become accessible to palpation. Tumors on a long stalk in the prepyloric part of the stomach sometimes prolapse through the pylorus into duodenum and cause intermittent obstruction as the tumor acts as a spherical valve moving in and out of the duodenum.

Diagnosis of stomach tumors

To diagnose the disease, endoscopic examination is most often used, which makes it possible to detect even asymptomatic tumors and, in combination with a biopsy, to identify the malignancy of polyps and other tumors. Difficulties arise with deeply located intramural formations. They cannot be grasped with forceps to obtain material for histological study.

Great help endoscopic examination may help in diagnosing signs of a stomach tumor ultrasonography. It allows you to differentiate one layer of the stomach wall from another, clearly imagine in which layer the tumor is located, and gives a characteristic of the formation (shape, infiltrating or non-infiltrating type of growth, etc.). Instrumental diagnostics benign tumors of the stomach allows us to detect pedunculated adenomatous polyps, which can prolapse into the duodenum and cause symptoms of obstruction.

An X-ray examination with double contrast of the stomach helps to clarify the diagnosis, which reveals round or oval filling defects of various sizes with clear, even contours. Most precise method Diagnosis of stomach tumors is gastroscopy with biopsy or polyp removal followed by histological examination..

If the mentioned diagnostic methods remain in doubt and it is not possible to exclude cancer, it is necessary to undertake surgical intervention with cytological and histological examination of the removed tumor.

Features of treatment of benign and malignant stomach tumors

The main goal of treatment always remains complete removal tumors and, if possible, metastases. For this purpose, the following methods are used:

endoscopic (local) removal of the tumor (or its predecessor),



radiation therapy.

Only extremely small tumors that affect only the gastric mucosa can be sparingly removed using endoscopic techniques. The same applies to changes classified as a precancerous stage. In these cases, the doctor must be convinced that the tumor does not extend beyond the mucous membrane of the organ. Unfortunately, the disease is rarely detected at this stage.

Surgical removal of stomach tumors

Surgery is most often the method of choice, with the goal being to completely remove the tumor and nearby lymph nodes. Depending on the location of the tumor, the stomach may be completely or partially removed. To restore the patency of the digestive tract, a section of the small or large intestine is used, while trying to create conditions for bile acid and pancreatic secretions to enter it.

Thus, the “artificial stomach” may well solve important tasks conservation of energy and nutrients to restore the patient’s strength. Not every patient has a successful surgical intervention. Even with radical removal tumors can remain in the surrounding (outwardly completely healthy) tissues, cancer cells leading to relapse of the malignant neoplasm. To avoid this, additional treatment for stomach tumors is often prescribed.

Treatment of malignant stomach tumors with immunotherapy

This method is one of the most promising areas in cancer treatment. It is known that the human body has a number of effective ways of protecting itself from cancer and other diseases. This makes it possible in many cases to suppress emerging cancer foci and prevent the formation of metastases. Naturally, scientists want to make natural defense mechanisms more effective and thereby help the body cope with the disease itself. To achieve results, attempts have long been made to stimulate the immune system, that is, they use immunotherapy in the treatment of stomach tumors. The attractiveness of the idea of ​​this method lies in the fight against disease natural means what makes the danger side effects minimal.

Modern immunotherapy includes several areas:

cancer vaccines,

antibody treatment,

cellular immunotherapy,


Mechanism of action of cancer vaccines, competing infections, other immunostimulants, including herbal preparations and vitamin C, in the treatment of stomach tumors has been quite well studied. They have a powerful stimulating effect, causing an increase in the production of immunoglobulins and lymphocytes and thereby increasing the readiness and effectiveness of the immune system. It was noted that those patients whose tumors are rapidly growing respond better to this type of treatment. However, when prescribing radiation and chemotherapy, the more aggressive the tumor, the higher the chances of treatment success.

The search for immunotherapy treatment methods that stimulate the body's defenses is carried out in several directions. The most promising treatment is with monoclonal antibodies. This method is based on the detection of a specific protein in cancer cells - an antigen, to which the human immune system produces specific antibodies. The latter, combining with the antigen, lead to the destruction of the cancer cell. Similar defensive reaction The body depends on the state of the immune system, since when it weakens, the tumor begins to grow.

Cellular immunotherapy refers to the creation of killer cells that can actively act on cancer cells. The search is being conducted in several directions using various blood cells activated outside the body. Since these methods are at the stage of experimental clinical research, their widespread introduction into practice is still ahead.

Currently, more than a dozen biological products are being tested for the treatment of stomach tumors that can specifically target metabolic processes in cancer cells and block the appearance of new vessels feeding the tumor. This is, for example, the drug SU11248, used for stomach cancer. Scientists hope that over time it will be possible to abandon radiation and chemotherapy.

Treatment with oils and juices for stomach tumors

Let's consider how justified treatment with oil therapy and juices is. Vegetable oils have a healing effect in the treatment of cancer. Naturally, we're talking about about non-toxic oils that have high concentration useful substances. Great importance for the treatment of stomach tumors with oil therapy has preparation for oil therapy, which combines proper nutrition, juice and aromatherapy and other healing factors. Before starting therapy, it is advisable to carry out cleaning internal organs and skin to improve absorption and assimilation of healing substances. It has been proven that the method of rubbing oil into the skin is more effective, since the drug retains its properties. At internal use oils are destroyed by digestion. For the treatment of cancer patients, oils of avocado, peanut, basil, geranium, buckwheat, ginger, fig, cocoa, chestnut, cedar, lily, flax, lemon balm, juniper, mint, sea buckthorn, fir, wormwood, rosemary, rose, chamomile, lilac, soybean, pine, caraway, Jerusalem artichoke, dill, fennel, horseradish, chicory, thyme, garlic, lentils, sage, eucalyptus and a number of others.

Treatment with sunflower oil for stomach tumors

There is a method of treating stomach cancer with sunflower oil. The method is not easy and requires enormous patience and endurance from the patient and relatives. Its author, N.V. Shevchenko, believes that a mixture of unrefined sunflower oil and alcohol (vodka) has an effective effect on malignant tumors. As proof, he gives specific examples of cures. The recipe is as follows: pour 30–40 ml of unrefined sunflower oil and 30 ml of 40% alcohol (vodka) into a jar, close the lid tightly and shake vigorously for several minutes, then quickly pour the entire mixture into a glass, exhale and quickly drink the contents.

To treat stomach tumors, take the mixture 3 times a day (do not eat anything 2 hours before) 15–20 minutes before meals, if possible at regular intervals, for example at 7, 14 and 21 hours. For better absorption, the medicine should not be washed down or eaten with anything. It is not recommended to change the dose, since the result of treatment depends on it. You can rinse your mouth with water and spit out the contents without swallowing. Drink the medicine for 10 days with five-day breaks after the first and second decades of use. After the third decade - a break of 2 weeks. The duration of the course depends on the time required for healing. During treatment, the patient must be under the supervision of doctors. It is recommended to carry out blood tests, body weight measurements, ultrasound, X-ray, endoscopic and other research methods during breaks. The oil should be stored in a dark place.

The author warns that is strictly prohibited at the same time or during breaks, be treated using any other method when treating stomach tumors with oil therapy, take other antitumor drugs, herbs, use chemotherapy, antitumor antibiotics, hormonal drugs except in cases necessary to save life. Urine therapy is also contraindicated. You cannot be treated by psychics and bioenergy therapists at this time.

Treatment of stomach tumors with polyphyte oil

Polyphyte oil is obtained from plants, the mere listing of which indicates its value. These are cinnamon rose hips, sea buckthorn, stinging nettle, licorice, thyme (creeping thyme) and lemon balm. The oil has useful qualities due to the presence of a complex of biologically active compounds, which includes carotenoids, vitamins, enzymes, microelements, phytoncides, organic acids, balms and other substances necessary for the body.

It is believed that this drug is very useful for the treatment of stomach tumors because it has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, and anti-cholesterol properties. Its antioxidant (anti-oxidant) effect on cancer cells and cellular metabolism allows us to hope for an antitumor effect. The drug is non-toxic and has no side effect, has a pleasant taste and smell. It is especially recommended to take it when radiation therapy. Usually take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. Considering the wound-healing properties of the oil (5–7 times higher than sea buckthorn), it can be used for local therapy in the form of ointments, irrigations, dressings, and even in the form of microenemas and suppositories.

Side effects of treating stomach tumors with oil

Of course, the treatment process is not easy. At first, the patient may experience a number of unpleasant sensations. Already on the second day from the start of treatment, pain appears or intensifies in the areas of the disease. Sometimes adhesions in the area of ​​postoperative scars or places of former injuries ache. These pains weaken and disappear within a few days. It takes a lot of courage and patience to complete the course of treatment.

In the first days of treatment of tumors, attacks of renal and hepatic colic, passage of sand and fairly large stones, as well as bleeding from disintegrating tumors on the 4th–6th day of the first or second decade are possible, which can be stopped with the help of hemostatic agents such as Vikasol and etc.

It is not recommended to take a break from tumor treatment. You should not be concerned about a noticeable decrease in urination, red coloration of urine, temporary looseness of stool, nausea, or heartburn. These symptoms are relieved by sucking a piece of lemon before meals after taking the medicine. If you still cannot avoid vomiting, you don’t have to take the medicine for a couple of days. However, if vomiting occurs regularly 1–2 times a day within 4 hours after remedy, you need to take the medicine again, 30 minutes after vomiting, after cooling the oil and alcohol in the refrigerator to stop the spasms.

During the treatment of stomach tumors with oils, several other side effects may occur. This:

weakness caused by intoxication during the disintegration of tumors,

loss of appetite,

feeling of a lump in the throat,

shortness of breath for several days.

Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) is also possible.

These phenomena with signs of tumors are associated with the restructuring of the parathyroid glands. The appearance or increase in edema, especially around tumors and metastases, in the first two decades of treatment depends on what is due to hormonal changes removal of fluid from the body is difficult. However, the swelling disappears over time.

Nutrition during treatment of stomach tumors with oil therapy

There are a number of dietary recommendations. First of all, from the first day of tumor treatment and for a year after its completion, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol in any form or quantity, and smoking is contraindicated. Special diet when treating tumors they do not adhere to, but there are certain rules power supply:

It is necessary to reduce the consumption of animal fats, meat and dairy products, pure sugar and salt.

You can't go hungry.

Half an hour after taking the medicine, you must eat something and only then drink, otherwise the nausea will worsen.

During the treatment of stomach tumors with oils, you should not take glucose.

Medications prescribed by doctors (sedatives, diuretics, non-narcotic painkillers, sleeping pills, to improve cardiac activity) are not contraindicated.

Excess vitamins A and C with signs of stomach tumors are harmful, so it is also not recommended to abuse vegetable juices. The method is not easy to implement and is unlikely to be tolerated by seriously ill patients.

Juice treatment for stomach tumors

Enrichment of the body with almost always deficient vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances- This is the treatment of stomach tumors with juices. At the same time, the body, resting from the hard work associated with digesting food, gets the opportunity to “pump” energy to the organs that most need help.

Even tiny doses of juice (1-3 tablespoons) should not be neglected, especially in spring, when young leaves of nettle, dandelion, plantain, and burdock appear. If you regularly take this juice before meals, just once a day, your performance will noticeably increase and your body’s adaptability to the external environment will improve. Nettle juice can normalize metabolism, enhance the activity of the digestive organs, activate kidney function, increase the flow of urine, cleanse the blood, and help the process of blood formation. When the period of spring “drowsiness and laziness” begins, nettle and dandelion are irreplaceable. This helps to significantly increase the body’s defenses, and therefore helps in the treatment of stomach tumors with juices.

This is facilitated by the presence in plant juices of a large amount of antioxidants and anthocyanins, which have an antitumor effect. If there are signs of tumors, naturopathic nutritionists recommend replacing juices with a glass of juice for early breakfast, when the body is still well-fed nutrients from what you ate the day before.

Prevention of gastric tumors

Today, risk factors for the development of cancer have been studied quite well. This allows for targeted prevention of stomach tumors. It is of great importance balanced diet. There is no need to look for a special “anti-cancer diet”, since there are fairly well-founded recommendations from leading international cancer research centers. If you follow them, then with the help of nutrition alone you can reduce the risk of developing most cancers by a third.

The environment (exposure to radiation, harmful substances in production and at home, various food additives) and lifestyle ( physical activity, smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.).

However, all this knowledge will not bring any benefit if timely examination is avoided to detect the early stages of cancer, in which it can be successfully used. modern technologies treatment of stomach tumors.

It is very important to listen to your body, pay attention to changes in its condition, and strive to get an explanation from your doctor about the reasons for the symptoms that appear. Everything is essential in the prevention of stomach tumors:

prolonged low temperature, which many people get used to without thinking about its origin,

unexplained weight loss,

change in taste habits (for example, an incomprehensible aversion to meat),


dysfunction of the intestines (constipation, diarrhea, changes in the shape and color of stool, and even more so the appearance of blood in it).

Over time, such signs can lead to unfavorable clinical picture tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. All these deviations in health require clarification and appropriate examination to clarify the diagnosis.

Tumors in the stomach are one of the most dangerous and common cancers, ranking second after lung cancer. In ninety-five percent of all cases, these are malignant tumors that can affect people of any gender and age.

Men are at increased risk of morbidity; the disease especially often occurs after the age of forty-five. When stomach tumors develop, the symptoms are not specific, which is why they can often be confused with other diseases, such as gastritis. To make an accurate diagnosis, a number of laboratory and instrumental studies.

The etiology of tumors in the stomach has not been fully studied, but nevertheless, scientists in the field of gastroenterology identify some factors due to which a stomach tumor can form. Possible causes of tumors of this organ include:

  • stomach diseases, for example, chronic gastritis, ulcers;
  • presence of bad habits (smoking, alcoholism);
  • heredity and genetic predisposition;
  • diseases associated with deterioration of functionality immune systems body;
  • unfavorable ecological environment;
  • foods containing a large amount of fat combined with a low amount of fiber;
  • damage to the stomach during any surgical procedures;
  • Ménétrier's disease;
  • work during which a person is in frequent and prolonged contact with toxic and chemical substances.

Obesity can also be attributed to the main causes, since the disease is often detected in overweight people. Malignant transformation may also occur if gastric polyps are present.


According to the degree of differentiation, malignant and benign formations are distinguished. Subsequent classification is based on the type of tissue from which a particular neoplasm originates. In most benign gastric formations, glandular lesions in the form of polyps with a rounded shape, the growth of which is directed into the gastric lumen.

Predominant number malignant neoplasms(about ninety percent) are of epithelial origin - gastric adnocarcinomas. Sometimes there are more rare species, such as gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), which account for no more than one percent of all cases of neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract. In seventy percent of cases, a stromal tumor develops in the stomach area, but can also occur in the area small intestine and esophagus.


Forming benign tumors in the stomach differ slow growth with a conditionally favorable outcome, since in some cases there is a risk of malignant transformation. Tumors with a benign nature include:

  • Polyps - both isolated cases and multiple growths (polyposis) are detected. They can be hyperplastic, fibromatous and adenomatous, the latter having a high risk of malignant transformation.
  • Fibroids are formed from connective tissues. Fibroma is the most common of the mesenchymal tumors.
  • Lipomas are submucosal formations of the stomach.
  • Angiomas are formed from vessels and capillaries of the circulatory system.
  • - originate from muscle tissue.
  • Neuromas contain nerve tissue.

Despite the fact that the above-described formations are benign, during their development they can exert significant pressure on surrounding structures, therefore treatment of such tumors should be carried out in a timely manner under the strict supervision of clinic doctors.


Most of the detected tumors in the stomach are malignant neoplasms characterized by high speed development and unfavorable prognosis. High frequency deaths is explained by the fact that such oncological diseases can develop for a long time without causing clinical symptoms, which is why patients seek treatment medical care already on developed stage. A malignant tumor in the stomach can only be detected at an early stage by chance, when people go to the hospital for other reasons. Among the malignant type formations there are:

  • Adenocarcinomas - tumors of this type are diagnosed in ninety percent of cases of malignant tumors. This disease is also called glandular cancer.
  • Leiomyoblastomas are formations that form from smooth muscle tissue.
  • Lymphomas - originate from lymphatic tissues.
  • Carcinoid neoplasms - formed from nerve cells. These tumors are also called neuroendocrine tumors.
  • Leiomyosarcoma.

Most often, tumor cells form in the cardiac part of the stomach, since it is located closest to the esophagus. In the presence of diseases of this organ, the development of benign or malignant neoplasms is possible. Secondary formations in the stomach can occur due to cancer of the esophagus or other organs.


Features of the manifestation of symptoms of stomach tumors depend on a number of factors:
  • type of neoplasm;
  • tumor size;
  • presence or absence of ulceration.

In the case of benign formations, clinical manifestations are absent for a long time. Such tumors can only be identified through instrumental studies, which are prescribed when other diseases are suspected. Signs of benign stomach tumors may include:

  • pain in the upper abdomen when eating or some time after eating;
  • nausea and vomiting, which temporarily alleviates the patient’s condition;
  • increased acidity, belching with a sour odor;
  • flatulence;
  • general weakness and decreased ability to work;
  • constant dizziness;
  • rapid decrease in body weight;
  • pale skin.

The above symptoms are not specific and may also appear in other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so the patient needs to undergo some diagnostic measures to make an accurate diagnosis.

The signs of malignant neoplasms are somewhat different, and can cause specific manifestations characteristic of the original disease, which most often is gastritis or an ulcer. In this case, on early stages the following symptoms are possible:

  • discomfort in the stomach and a feeling of fullness;
  • changes in taste preferences;
  • heaviness accompanied pain syndrome, especially after meals;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss.

Gradually, during the development of the tumor, the pathology may manifest itself with other characteristic signs:

  • weakness of the whole body;
  • emotional disorders, including depression;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • increased body temperature;
  • copious amounts of saliva and sweat;
  • frequent attacks of nausea and vomiting.

Based on clinical symptoms It is impossible to accurately determine the presence of a tumor, so the patient must undergo full diagnostics. Cancer treatment methods are determined only after examination results are obtained, and depend on the location of the tumor, the stage of the disease and general condition patient.


If there is a suspicion of the development of a stomach tumor, diagnosis is carried out in gastroenterology, with endoscopy being the main research method. First of all, the doctor must carefully study the medical history and collect an anamnesis of the patient’s life, as well as conduct a physical examination. The patient may be prescribed the following diagnostic procedures:

  • general clinical and biochemical analysis blood and urine;
  • fecal examinations;
  • tumor marker test;
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound);
  • computed tomography (CT);
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • biopsy followed by histological examination;
  • radiography using contrast agents.

During diagnostics in gastroenterology, ultrasound, computed tomography and radiography make it possible to determine the area where the stomach tumor is localized, as well as to determine the extent of damage to other organs and surrounding structures.


After an accurate diagnosis of stomach tumors, treatment is determined by classification according to the form of growth, but most often therapy is carried out through gastric surgery. If there are gastric polyps or other benign formations of the stomach, patients are prescribed partial or complete excision of the organ. IN postoperative period patients need to:

  • drug therapy, which involves taking antibacterial drugs and proton pump inhibitors;
  • diet therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

When identifying malignant formation, treatment involves surgery through laparoscopy or laparotomy. In this case, not only the affected organ is excised, but also nearby structures, which helps prevent relapses. Patients are also prescribed a course of radiation and chemotherapy, which can be carried out both in the preoperative and postoperative periods. If patients have contraindications to surgical intervention, the prescription of chemotherapy and radiation treatment can be taken as the main method to combat the cancer process.

Possible complications

Malignant and benign formations during their development can cause serious complications, life threatening person. For benign tumors, the consequences may be as follows:

  • high risk of relapse;
  • malignant degeneration;
  • stenosis and perforation;
  • formation of ulcerations on the surface of the tumor and gastric mucosa;
  • bleeding and other gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • peritonitis and anemia.

Stomach cancer can cause:

  • spread of metastases to the liver and other distant organs;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • patient exhaustion;
  • stenosis and formation of an opening in the stomach.

The effectiveness of prescribed therapy and the risk of complications depend on the degree of tumor development at the time of diagnosis.

Prognosis and prevention

If a benign stomach tumor is diagnosed, the prognosis of the disease is often favorable. However, due to high probability reappearance of the tumor, patients remain under dispensary observation. When a malignant tumor is detected, effective treatment perhaps before the appearance of metastases, only in this case can patients count on a conditionally favorable outcome.

There is no specific prevention that could protect against the development of stomach cancer, but you can reduce the risk of cancer if you follow some simple rules:

  • adhere to a healthy diet;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • lead active image life;
  • undergo regular medical examinations and treat gastrointestinal diseases.

Often, patients are diagnosed with oncological processes, the cause of which is heredity. Therefore, if there is a family predisposition, it is recommended to regularly conduct endoscopic examinations, and after the age of fifty, be examined by a gastroenterologist annually.