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Proper nutrition for a cat after sterilization. Is it possible to feed a sterilized cat regular food? Rating of food for sterilized cats. Choosing a natural diet for a sterilized cat

Animals, no matter how smart and intelligent they may seem to us, are still not people, since their behavior is dominated by instincts laid down by nature many generations ago. Therefore, you shouldn’t count on your cat’s reasonable attitude towards nutritional issues. If she is not used to eating vegetables in any form, then no amount of persuasion, reasoning and begging can change this.

Some breeders call for raising a capricious animal in a certain way, that is, not putting anything in the bowl except foods that you think are healthy. Sometimes this method works, and the hungry purr eventually begins to eat what the owner offers it. But among cats there are such stubborn individuals who organize a real boycott of their unloved food and never touch it, plunging everyone around into despair with their thinness and “pressing on pity.”

Of course, animals should not be blamed for this. Their formed habits and eating habits lie entirely on our conscience, the owner. Indeed, some caring and competent cat owners carefully read the recommendations for drawing up proper diet for pets and therefore those with early age They eat pates with boiled vegetables with great pleasure and do not refuse porridges and soups.

But it also happens that housewives do not have time to think much about the issue of feeding cats and what to do for them. healthy dishes. It’s much easier to pour a handful of store-bought food into a bowl and that’s it: the animal is full and you are free. This type of nutrition is really very convenient, if only the food is chosen correctly and has high class quality. You can diversify drying with wet canned food - the main thing is that both products are produced by the same manufacturer.

The third option is much worse, when they prefer to feed the cat even after sterilization according to the principle “Here, eat, just don’t meow!” In this case, the owners, as a rule, without further hesitation put everything in her bowl: sausage and cheese scraps, raw and boiled fish, sour cream and so on. They also sometimes “pamper” the animal with low-quality dry food. For what? Well, the cat likes it that way! Yes, the purr crunches it with pleasure, but at the same time it does not know that it is eating tasty harmful additives rather than a balanced one. vitamin complex. And you and I know, so let’s not risk the health of our pets and feed them haphazardly. Especially if we're talking about about the nutrition of sterilized cats.

Features of nutrition with industrial feeds

If you do not plan to get offspring from your pet and are tired of home “concerts” demanding love, then it is better to contact a specialized animal clinic, where she will undergo an operation that will once and for all rid your ears and nerves of mournful piercing sounds, and the cat from the torment of unsatisfied desire. Agree, this is much more humane than stuffing an unfortunate animal hormonal pills, causing serious diseases.

But not all owners know that after such manipulation they will have to pay special attention to the diet of sterilized cats. Surely you have met more than once, for example, among acquaintances or friends, very fat purrs. Excess weight was verbally explained simply: “They spayed (castrated), now she eats like a hippopotamus and is getting fat!” Indeed, after the operation, animals with special attention refer to the presence of food in their bowl. Why does it happen that a cat, usually content with a small portion twice a day, suddenly becomes voraciously greedy for food after sterilization?

It's all about the already mentioned instincts. Animals are designed in such a way that the main pleasures and meaning of their existence are the search for food and procreation. By the way, in this we are very similar to them, but since we are also endowed with intelligence, we are accustomed to subordinating the aspirations inherent in nature to it (although for some people this turns out to be very difficult, and in exceptional cases, even impossible). Well, that's it, a sarcastic digression.

Therefore, depriving cats of the opportunity to realize their maternal instinct, it is not surprising that after sterilization they focus all their interest on food. By the way, the feeling of satiety is inaccessible to most of them; it is because of this that healthy animals aim to empty the bowl completely, no matter how much food is in it. And one of the main mistakes owners make is to constantly fill their pet’s empty dishes with food.

This should not be done under any circumstances, because sterilized cats unfamiliar with a sense of proportion experience a sharp weight gain and a risk of obesity. Therefore, one of the first principles of organizing the nutrition of such animals is strict adherence to the regime. You should feed your pet twice a day - morning and evening. If she is also used to having lunch, you should not suddenly exclude this daily meal, but in this case, divide the daily food intake into three times.

Not all owners know another side of the problem, in which the cat constantly asks for food. The fact is that her food should be nutritious, then your mustachioed glutton will feel full and will not spend most time near the bowl. In the case of cheap industrial food, which manufacturers and sellers call economy-class food for the sake of beauty, you cannot count on the required amount of protein.

I wonder what we are encouraged to save on? On the cost of keeping pets? But no one will argue with the fact that quality treatment Is there no economy class? And it will definitely be needed by those animals that commercials urge to feed with cheap food. That is why cats that eat such food constantly feel hungry. Hence the conclusion: choose food for your pets according to the principle baby food. Do not look at the beautiful packaging, but carefully read what is written in small print on the back side.

To have an idea of ​​the composition of food labeled “economy”, “premium” and “super-premium”, simply compare the labels about what these “crackers” consist of in the three proposed options. This way you will quickly understand the essence of such frugality. Also, don't choose industrial food based on fish protein, because it can provoke in an animal malignant processes in the reproductive system and digestive tract.

Industrial feeds with special markings

Now it’s worth paying a little attention to foods marked “Anti-obesity in cats after sterilization.” This is also a kind of trick by the manufacturers. After all, for a higher price you simply get less calorie food. This is intended for those owners who cannot limit the increased appetites of their pet or pet and simply put less usual food in his bowl. But in this case, the choice depends only on you, because the cunning and sweetness of meowing beggars can melt away any inflexibility.

Therefore, if you like to often sprinkle your pet’s favorite croquettes after sterilization, then in this case it is better to choose those that contain fewer calories. Then both the animal and you will be satisfied. After all, your pet will always receive a little of the adored drying without much damage to health, and you will not be haunted by guilt because of the hungry eyes of a pitifully meowing beggar.

There are also special preventive foods to prevent sterilized cats and female cats. urolithiasis. As a rule, they have a significantly reduced content of phosphorus and magnesium, but more vitamins A, C and E. There is an opinion that only males are susceptible to the disease, but those who think so are mistaken. The female half of the meowing class can also get sick, although to a greater extent mild form due to the structural features of the genitourinary system.

Most often, “urolithiasis” occurs in those sterilized cats that eat cheap food or improperly selected homemade food. As a rule, the lack of constant access to fresh water, fish or industrial food based on it as the main diet are the factors that provoke this dangerous illness. After surgery to eliminate the function of procreation, cats visit the toilet less, so stagnation occurs and stones form. How to avoid this?

The entry of additional fluid into the body can stimulate urination. That is why it is so necessary for a cat to always quench its thirst without hindrance. If you notice that even if fresh water is available, she rarely drinks, then try putting pre-soaked food in the bowl. It is especially important to try this method after sterilization. And, of course, give preference quality feed, because the substances included in their composition contribute to the acidification of urine, so struvite (the most common type of stones) dissolves and does not harm the animal.

Everyone knows that better disease prevent rather than treat later. Therefore, pay attention to industrial nutrition with the prevention of urolithiasis. But only with prevention, not with treatment! After all, there is no need to buy special dietary or medicinal food, which costs much more than usual, for cats after sterilization in the absence of any indications or pathologies.

Natural nutrition cats deprived of procreation function

According to everyone's belief the best food for all representatives of the mustachioed meowing class is fish and its derivatives. Moreover, some owners give it directly in its raw form, without any heat treatment. And others prefer to mix boiled hake, pollock or capelin with oatmeal, glad that they know how to properly feed their cats. It is necessary to immediately place emphasis: such a menu is destructive for most representatives of this family, and especially after sterilization. And that's why.

The formation of kidney stones is promoted by phosphorus, which is abundant in fish, and magnesium, which is rich in oatmeal, which is so beneficial for humans. Therefore, if your pet is still on such a diet, immediately change its diet so as not to subsequently watch the animal suffer and not to engage in expensive and often unsuccessful treatment for urolithiasis. What should you give preference to when feeding sterilized cats natural food?

First of all, never mix industrial and natural food prepared at home. This is one of the most important rules on creating a diet for all purrs and not only after sterilization. True, it only concerns drying, but feeding a cat wet canned food as some variety is quite acceptable. Since your pet is still a descendant of predators, her menu needs to be organized accordingly. Therefore, focus on meat, but choose low-fat varieties: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef.

Microelements important for the animal’s body are found in chicken offal. True, recently some experts have warned people against eating the liver of chickens raised on feed additives. Indeed, this organ is essentially a filter that retains harmful substances. Whether to agree with such arguments or not is a purely individual matter. But earlier recommendations for formulating a diet for sterilized cats included chicken liver, stomachs, tongue.

Choose low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, but it is better not to give milk, cream and sour cream to your pet. Porridges are very useful for her, especially buckwheat and millet. You can occasionally offer oatmeal, but do not forget about the magnesium it contains. It is very good if the cat eats vegetables before and after sterilization. She simply needs cabbage, beets and boiled carrots for balance. But don’t be upset if your pet doesn’t like the plant-based menu. Try to outwit her and prepare a pate from boiled meat and vegetables. Perhaps the appetizing aroma of your favorite beef will make a capricious lady eat even a carrot.

Products that are dangerous for cats deprived of reproductive function

Avoid feeding your neutered cat food from your table. You may not know, but duck, goose, pork and lamb, in view high fat content, are poorly absorbed by the animal’s body. By the way, you can give raw meat, but only after pre-freezing. But the steam room is a direct path to helminthic infestations and others unpleasant infections. You should not feed your purr chicken bones, because they can get stuck in the teeth or throat.

Some cat breeds are known for their strange eating habits, so they often strive to enjoy sweets from the hands of their owners. But sugar is very harmful for them, because it weakens the immune system and disrupts metabolism, causing obesity. Prepare all the food you are going to feed your mustachioed pet without salt and other spices - they are not digested, but simply settle in the body, retaining liquid. And this is generally unacceptable for cats after sterilization.

A variety of smoked meats, sausages and fried meats are completely contraindicated for the entire meowing family. First of all, they suffer from digestive system animals. Purrs show lethargy, dull coat, painful appearance. All this indicates a violation metabolic processes in organism. Potatoes and legumes, with the exception of asparagus, can cause bloating and indigestion because they are foods that cats cannot digest.

If your pet suddenly develops a health disorder, under no circumstances treat it with drugs for humans at your own peril and risk. It is better to immediately seek help from a veterinarian and purchase special medications. The same applies to vitamin-mineral complexes, which cats simply need after sterilization. They should also be used only after consultation with a specialist.

Clean eyes, thick coat with a characteristic healthy shine, teeth without plaque - all this speaks of feeling good cats and about proper nutrition. It is not difficult to determine the presence or absence of excess weight. Just run your hands along the back and sides of the pet; if the ribs and spine can be easily felt, then there is no threat of obesity. But keep the cat in good health after sterilization physical fitness is possible not only by regulating nutrition.

Buy different toys so that the animal can have fun both with you and alone, and not just alternate between naps and approaches to the bowl. Remember that the health and happy appearance of any domestic cat depends entirely on the love of its owners. Therefore, always find time to communicate with your pet, and then food will not become the only way for her to enjoy life after sterilization.

Cat owners who are not prepared for an endless stream of kittens in the house are forced to resort to... extreme measures and limit the basic instinct of your pets. In this case, the problem naturally arises of what to feed a sterilized cat. After all, surgical procedures, even minor ones, leave certain consequences.

Before setting a date for surgery at the clinic, talk to your veterinarian about the specifics of spaying and neutering.

Historically, cats are usually called sterilized, and males are called neutered. However, this is not entirely correct. These are two completely different interventions. They are made for cats and cats:

  1. Castration involves removal of organs reproductive system. Cats have their ovaries removed. Sometimes with the uterus. Cats have testes. Sex hormones are not produced in such animals. In heat or sexual desire are simply absent as a phenomenon, not to mention offspring.
  2. Sterilization is more gentle. The spermatic cords are tied up for cats, fallopian tubes. The organs remain in place. Animals are simply limited in their ability to reproduce. Hormonal system continues to function. So the mournful screams at night have not been canceled.

Understanding this specificity determines how to feed a cat after sterilization. Physiologically, the animal remained almost unchanged. However, any intervention still has its consequences. Especially in breeds prone to diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, cats also experience adhesions, post-operative healing, infections and complications.

Feeding after surgery

To sterilize a cat, veterinarians perform abdominal surgery. She recovers after surgery much more difficult and longer than a cat. On complete rehabilitation may take 10-14 days. The cat returns to normal life in just a couple of days.

At this time, it is necessary to provide for sterilized cats correct mode nutrition. Food should be light and not complicate the process of bowel movements. Any tension in the abdominal muscles while visiting the tray will negatively affect the tissue healing process.

Immediately after the procedure, it is better not to feed the animal at all. It is recommended to give water after 5-6 hours, not earlier. After anesthesia, it can take up to 12 hours for the cat to come to its senses and ask for food. By this time, you already need to decide how to properly feed a sterilized cat. Don't be surprised if your appetite is poor or doesn't appear at all for about two days.

The diet for the rehabilitation period is selected according to the following principles:

  • food should be nutritious and easily digestible, facilitating easy bowel movement;
  • consistency – mushy;
  • You can only give your pet food at room temperature;
  • constant availability of water near the place of eating.

With a natural diet, ground boiled chicken, low-fat broths and natural fermented milk products are recommended. You can give boiled yolk. Vegetables and cereals should only be well boiled and pureed to reduce the risk of excess gas formation. Please check with the clinic in advance whether your cat can be given a natural diet.

For this period, premium and dietary canned food is usually recommended. super premium class from medicinal lines of cat food. Usually all major manufacturers have wet food, which provide the least painful recovery period and contain the components necessary for the furry patient.

Feeding with industrial feed

There are no fundamental changes in the physiology of a cat after sterilization. However, a history surgery primarily endangers the organs of the genitourinary system.

This means that the diet of a sterilized cat should be based on the principle of minimal ash content. The level of magnesium and phosphorus salts is especially important. High protein content also creates unnecessary stress on the kidneys.

If you fed your cat holistically before sterilization, read the ingredients and consult a specialist. Usually their protein levels are off the charts. You may be recommended a less heavy food.

Switch to special dietary ration For sterilized cats, veterinarians associate it with a threat or predisposition to KSD. Sterilized food is a good prevention of these problems. Just choose quality ones. Premium or super premium. Make sure your cat drinks more.

Natural nutrition

When feeding sterilized cats natural products It is important to maintain a balance of nutrients. It makes no sense to change the existing diet. If a domestic predator has already developed its own eating habits, there is no need to even reduce the portions after sterilization. In this case, sublimation of the basic instinct for food usually does not occur. Therefore, the question of what to feed a cat is not as pressing as after castration.

The animal still needs:

  • lean meat;
  • vegetables, herbs, fruits;
  • fermented milk products;
  • vegetable oil;
  • low-carb porridges;
  • boiled yolk once a week.

True, the level of protein in the diet may have to be reconsidered. With a constant calorie content, it should not be more than 40%.

A significant change may affect vitamin and mineral supplements, which should be periodically added to the main diet. Be sure to check the level of macro- and microelements with a specialist.

What not to feed

The basic rules for feeding sterilized cats differ little from the recommendations for feeding ordinary animals, but the prohibitions must be observed more carefully. If earlier you could give your pet fish or feed him table scraps, then after sterilization you need to get rid of such habits. A sterilized cat cannot:

  1. Cheap feed. There is nothing useful in them, and the percentage of ash content can be alarmingly high.
  2. Human food. Products that have undergone special processing: smoked, pickled, salted, fried. Cats should not be given baked goods, sugar, chocolate, or canned food. Any, even children's.
  3. Medicines. Animals are treated only veterinary products. Whether a furry patient can take medication should be decided by a professional.

The following ingredients should not be included in the diet:

  • fat meat;
  • fish. Despite the fact that the strict restriction only applies to river water, it is also better to refuse sea water;
  • cow's milk - unprocessed;
  • raw eggs;
  • bones: left over from fish or chicken.

Among the products plant origin for sterilized cats, as well as for other categories of domestic purrs, the following cannot be added to the diet:

  • mushrooms;
  • nightshades (tomatoes and potatoes);
  • citruses;
  • rhubarb;
  • beans;
  • onion and garlic.

If the pet was absolutely healthy before sterilization, rehabilitation took place without complications, and the passport contains no prerequisites for problems with genitourinary system, then you don’t have to revise your diet. However, you need to carefully monitor your health: regularly take it to the veterinarian for examinations and have tests done. At the slightest suspicion, make adjustments to your diet.

If you have decided to deprive your pet cat reproductive functions– keep in mind that now you will have to more closely monitor her diet. After such an operation, the animal begins to eat several times more, but moves less. To prevent your beloved pet from suffering from obesity, read our article and learn about the features of feeding sterilized cats.

It is necessary to exclude magnesium and phosphorus as much as possible from the diet of a sterilized cat. Therefore, if before the operation you fed the animal natural food and are not going to switch it to dry food, first of all, stop giving your purr fish. It’s better to feed her beef, chicken, offal, milk porridges, fermented milk products and vegetables. If before surgery your cat’s diet consisted of store-bought food, then switch her to premium food (for example, Hill’s or Royal Canin). Consult your veterinarian to help you choose a food that will suit your animal's needs. Many people make the same mistake - immediately after sterilization they begin to feed cats dietary food in the hope of preventing them from developing urolithiasis. However, in reality, such a “diet” will not bring any benefit to a healthy animal, so it is not worth switching to such a specific diet.

Keep a close eye on your cat's weight. After sterilization, she will begin to get better in any case, but your task is to prevent her from becoming obese. Veterinarians advise reducing food portions and feeding the animal on a schedule several times a day, rather than constantly leaving a bowl filled with food. And here is the bowl with clean water should always be full so that the cat can quench its thirst at any time. And finally, I would like to remind you of two basic rules regarding feeding: first, never interfere with industrial.

Many owners, when choosing a girl kitten as a pet, begin to think about how to prevent the appearance of offspring, as well as unwanted diseases. The best solution in this case is sterilization. But after it has been done, many people wonder what to feed a sterilized cat? How to choose the right diet for her to avoid obesity and much more. To begin with, it is worth remembering that there is nothing complicated in feeding a sterilized cat, the main thing is to follow the simplest tips.

Recovery period after surgery

A cat's recovery after anesthesia can take from 8 to 12 hours, during which time it may require special care. Compared to them, cats come to their senses after castration much faster, and immediately after recovering from anesthesia they return to their previous lives.

But as soon as the cat begins to hold its head up and move around on its own, it will need to be put on a special vest.

First of all, you need to monitor the condition of the seam, avoiding unnecessary tension, and of course, do not forget to feed the sterilized cat correctly. In the first three days, food should be very soft or semi-liquid to avoid constipation. Such a diet may include

  • Low-fat dairy products
  • Lenten broths
  • Canned food intended for cats after surgery or illness

If on the first day a sterilized cat refuses food, there is no need to worry, but rather provide your pet with full access to water. The next day, the pet's food should be liquid.

Organized nutrition for a sterilized cat

After sterilization, there is no need to radically change the diet; the cat needs to be fed everything that it is already accustomed to. Therefore, if your pet ate only natural products before the operation, you should not try to suddenly switch it to specialized feed. TO industrial look food should be treated with special attention, and choose only one that is intended for sterilized cats.

Also, do not forget that sterilized cats lose their sense of satiety, and they will try to eat everything in the bowl without leaving a trace.

Specialized food for sterilized cats will help solve this problem. Since they are saturated with vitamins and proteins, which allow the cat to temporarily forget about the desire to eat.

To avoid obesity, a sterilized cat, like people, needs to follow its feeding regime. Try to teach her to eat only at certain times of the day. For example, pour food only in the morning and evening. The rest of the time, keep your cat's bowl empty. If your cat's routine consists of three feedings a day, simply divide the food into three equal portions.

How to choose the right ready-made food

Owners of sterilized cats who are faced with a choice for the first time ready-made feed, should follow some tips so as not to make mistakes with nutrition. First of all Don’t pay attention to economy class food, because it is he who is no different high quality. Therefore, if you decide to sterilize your cat, then you should not save on it.

In order to make it clearer what the differences are between the various categories, it is worth paying attention to the composition. Sometimes the fine print makes it clear in an instant why this particular food should not be chosen, especially for a sterilized cat. After all, by saving on food, you can later spend quite a lot of money on a trip to the veterinarian. Very often, premium food from some manufacturers is similar in characteristics to super premium. That is why it is worth choosing it as carefully as possible. The diet of sterilized cats must include food with a special mark.

If you suddenly notice that a sterilized cat has begun to gain a lot of weight, you should pay attention to food labeled “Anti-obesity.”

This food is low in calories, and therefore you can add a small portion of your favorite treats to the diet of a sterilized cat, but the most important thing is that this does not harm her health.

Also, do not forget about the simplest rules when ready-made food is included in the diet of a sterilized cat:

  • Water must be constantly available and always fresh
  • When choosing food, be sure to look for the presence of such an inscription as “Prevention”
  • Medicinal food should not be purchased without a doctor’s recommendation.

Very often, sterilized cats are diagnosed with urolithiasis; in such cases, specialized food is also produced. They contain more essential vitamins, but the content of phosphorus and magnesium is reduced.

It is best to give your preference to canned food, since they have a great advantage over dry food. For example, with its dosed moisture content, which does not require additional fluid intake.

If you have any doubts when choosing food for a sterilized cat, you should consult with your veterinarian, because very often factors such as the age of your pet and its breed can play a role in making a decision.

Choosing a natural diet for a sterilized cat

Diet from human food is the most optimal choice for feeding your pet, since you always know what exactly is included in its menu. After all, sometimes the composition of many foods is not always described truthfully. Also always adjust the salt dosage, which is very important for your pet.

Feeding a sterilized cat at home is very simple, but if you decide to include only natural food in its diet, you should not treat it ready-made food. The only exception may be some types of canned food, which are used only as a treat or an attempt to add a little variety to the pet’s menu.

Try to ensure that the majority of your sterilized pet's diet consists of meat, because she is by nature a carnivore, albeit a very small one.

Despite the fact that you can choose absolutely any type of meat, it should not be very fatty. You should also remember that if you decide to feed raw meat, in order to avoid the appearance of worms, it must be frozen. Canned food homemade will become an excellent treat that no sterilized pet will refuse, and preparing them will be as easy as shelling pears:

  • The most commonly used are chicken necks and wings. pig ears and cartilage, you don’t need to cook them, but you should keep them in the freezer for about 3-4 days
  • Don't forget about by-products, which contain a lot useful vitamins, here are chicken livers, hearts and stomachs
  • After which everything meat products passed through a meat grinder
  • You can add vitamin B12 to canned food
  • Divide into bags or glass jars, then freeze

Any supplements must be calculated strictly based on the weight of your pet. Rice or buckwheat is also often added to canned food.

Don't forget to feed your pet a variety of vegetables, as they are rich in vitamins. They can be added to dishes either boiled or raw in a pureed state. And of course, don’t leave your pet without dairy products, such as cottage cheese, kefir and even cheese.

Try to ensure that the menu of a sterilized pet is always varied, and one product is not repeated too often.

Foods that need to be excluded from the diet

Sterilized pets need a special selection of their diet, as many changes occur in the body. First of all, a slow metabolism occurs. Energy requirements are reduced and appetite increases significantly, so it is necessary to carefully monitor her diet in order to avoid obesity. After sterilization, many pets experience a decrease in the frequency of urination, which exposes them to urolithiasis.

That is why, never feed your cat such foods as:

  • Fish, since phosphorus has a negative effect on the body
  • Oatmeal contains large amounts of unwanted magnesium
  • Semolina porridge is a source of carbohydrates
  • Any dairy products whose fat content is above 10%, this can be sour cream or cream
  • You should definitely forget about smoked, fried or pickled foods.
  • Legumes and potatoes are high in calories and can cause diarrhea.

Never feed your cat fresh meat, as this can cause not only the appearance of worms, but also protein intoxication. Do not try to use medications from your medicine cabinet to treat your pet, even if indigestion or bloating occurs.

Place for eating

As with humans, feeding space for neutered cats is very important, as is the use of special utensils. It must be kept clean at all times, and winded or Dried food should be thrown away otherwise it can cause poisoning. A sterilized cat's fluid intake needs are especially high, so it is worth giving her a very deep bowl, or even a small basin. Try to change it as often as possible to avoid accumulation of large quantity salts

The feeding place itself should be very comfortable so that the sterilized cat feels comfortable while eating, and no one should disturb her at this moment. Afterwards you need to give her some time to rest, avoiding various games.


Feeding a sterilized pet is quite simple, you just need to spend a little more time choosing her menu than before, adjust her portion and the number of meals to avoid overeating. And if you do everything correctly, your pet will be healthy, cheerful and very cheerful, will not be subject to any diseases, including obesity, and will always be grateful to you.

More and more owners are opting for sterilization of domestic cats: no matter what opponents say surgical intervention, it almost doubles the pet's life expectancy. Castration prevents negative manifestations sexual instinct: aggression and fights, marks, vagrancy, serves as a prevention of many dangerous diseases ().

But there is also back side medals. In order for sterilization to bring only benefits to your pet, after the operation it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the cat’s body. This also applies to catering.

Features of the body of sterilized animals

Genitourinary system

A cat that has to mark its territory has an almost always empty bladder. Afterwards cats and cats urinate rarely: 1-4 times a day, which is why urine stagnates in bladder. This contributes to the formation in it, as well as the development of infection.

Hormonal background

Removal of the glands that secrete sex hormones (testes in males and ovaries in cats) causes a permanent cessation of sexual estrus. In sterilized cats hormonal background even and calm (like ordinary cat in the period between).

After the operation, the animals actually move less: they do not want to fight with rivals, run to look for a partner, or walk around their territory, renewing their territory. It cannot be said that castrated cats only sleep and eat: they will play the same way as before, but their activity decreases.

Metabolic slowdown

Testosterone is responsible for increased metabolism. This hormone has a real “anti-fat” effect, stimulating muscle growth and development. Testosterone is not specific male hormone, in females it is produced in the ovaries, although in smaller quantities.

In cats, estrogens also suppress appetite. Afterwards, the level of these sex hormones decreases, and the amount of prolactin increases. This inevitably leads to the deposition of subcutaneous fat.

Increased appetite

During heat, a cat may completely refuse to eat. The rest of the time, eat little by little, visiting the bowl several times a day, without finishing the food completely. After sterilization, the behavior changes: the pet will eat everything you put in the bowl and ask for more.

An increase in appetite is not a psychological “eating” of grief, as some owners naively believe. It is due hormonal changes, and appears already on the second day after surgery.

Feeding tactics

The main task is to prevent obesity in a neutered pet, which in turn will reduce the risk of urolithiasis, arthrosis, and others. serious problems. To do this, follow the feeding regimen:

  1. Weigh your pet.

The first thing you need to do is find out the approximate needs of your pet. nutrients Oh. While the exact weight of the cat is unknown, food is poured into the bowl “by eye”, most often in excess. Periodic weighings help to detect obesity in furry and independent animals in a timely manner.

When feeding a commercial diet, use special signs on the food packaging, which indicate the exact serving size for the cat depending on its weight and body condition (thin, normal, fat).

  1. Feeding frequency.

The worst thing an owner can do if they find their pet has excess weight– feed him less often. The minimum number of meals for an adult cat is 2 times a day. For obese animals, split meals are recommended: often, but little by little. This helps cope with hunger, speeds up metabolism and promotes stable digestion. It is better to feed at the same time.

  1. Diet.

The owner should decide what he plans to feed the cat after sterilization. The battles between supporters and admirers do not subside. But in fact, the only important thing is a responsible attitude to the issue:

  • "Natural" can be table scraps and cheap fish, not balanced diet, prepared separately for your furry pet.
  • Likewise, industrial food can be high-quality, professional, or it can be a cheap flavored mixture from the nearest supermarket.

Advantages of Industrial Power

Many veterinarians They feed their cats dry food not because it is terribly healthy. It just saves a lot of time and money.

The feed recipe is developed taking into account the needs of the animal and is known in advance. The owner knows exactly how much protein and carbohydrates his charges received. When feeding homemade food, these standards are difficult to establish. Cats tend to be picky, eating only their favorite foods. It is impossible to force a cat to eat porridge and vegetables if he doesn’t want to, but in the food all the ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mass.

Unlike porridge, dry food will not dry out or turn sour in a bowl if the animal does not finish the portion immediately. It is easy to take with you to the country house or to another place, providing the pussy with its usual diet. A cat that eats dry food or canned food can be treated with with a light heart leave it in the care of friends when going on vacation.

In case of health problems therapeutic diets It’s easier to give to cats that have already eaten ready-made food.

Regardless of the type of feeding, nutrition should be balanced:

  • Proteins – 30-40%.
  • Fats – 10-12% (in regular food there are 15-20% of them).
  • Carbohydrates – 30-45% (including fiber 5-7%).

Choosing dry food

If the owner prefers to feed the cat with industrial food, it remains. In this matter, you cannot rely on advertising or a beautiful label. The inscriptions “Recommended by veterinarians”, “No. 1 in Europe”, “Organic” are marketing tricks. It's better to spend a little time on your own.

First, you can decide on a price segment that seems acceptable. Abrupt change diet is dangerous for pets. If today the owner buys a super-premium holistic product, and next month - Kitekat, this will not benefit the cat. It makes more sense, after weighing your options, to focus on food in the middle price segment.

It is unacceptable to feed sterilized animals with economy class diets that are not divided into physiological groups:

  • Kitekat,
  • Friskies,
  • Whiskas,
  • Our Brand,
  • Happy Cat.

A good option are professional premium diets, which differ little in quality and price:

This food will have a special marking indicating that it is intended for castrated animals: Sterilized. The Royal Canin line even takes into account the gender and age of the pet, offering a wide range of products (there is even a diet for neutered animals under one year of age, that is, kittens).

More expensive foods may not be labeled “for sterilized cats,” but their composition and properties are suitable for feeding such animals due to their high protein level:

  • Now Natural

Product characteristics are compared among similar manufacturers:

  1. Compound.

The shorter the ingredient list, the better. The names of the components must be understandable to a person without chemical education. They are listed in descending order, the source of protein (meat) should come first.

High-quality food does not contain dyes, flavors, and looks like inconspicuous brown granules.

  1. Digestibility.

The lower daily norm feed, the higher its nutritional value. In relation to dry food - what smaller cat If he eats it, so much the better. “Drying” must be washed down big amount water, a. If one manufacturer recommends giving a cat weighing 3 kg 60 g of food per day, and another - 40 g, then it is better to choose the second one.

Feed without empty filling will be well digested - this can be assessed by the quality and quantity of feces (there should not be too much of it).

  1. Special needs of sterilized animals.
  • Prevention of urolithiasis.

The food should promote regular urination and maintain optimal urine pH. For this purpose, diets are used low level magnesium and the right ratio phosphorus and calcium. High levels of protein acidify urine, preventing the formation of stones.

  • Prevention of obesity.

Weight gain – the main problem castrated animals. You cannot simply reduce the amount of food in case of obesity, because in this case the cat will not receive enough important nutrients. By limiting the total amount of calories and fat, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient supply of protein, vitamins and microelements. Fiber and high level Protein in food helps maintain satiety.

L-carnitine can be added to the feed, which stimulates growth muscle mass and fat burning.

Signs that food is suitable for your pet

  1. Eats with gusto.
  2. The coat is shiny and smooth (the cat is “shiny”), but not excessively.
  3. Stable digestion, regular stool.
  4. Healthy body condition.

Individuality cannot be denied to cats: every living organism may have its own needs and preferences. Some people like to crunch on crackers, others adore them, and still others eat only natural food.

There is no specific “best” food for sterilized cats. Sometimes a more expensive option turns out to be unsuitable, but a simple one provides a long, quiet life. You need to focus not on theory and other people’s opinions, but on your own impression. If your pet, eating Royal Canin, is healthy, does not gain weight and is happy with life, there is no need to switch it to a more “elite” food.


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