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What is the prevention of respiratory diseases? Diseases of the respiratory system: types and features

Our body is saturated with energy from different nutrients, and in order for it to be supplied in the proper quantity, all these substances must be oxidized. Oxidation processes simply cannot occur without oxygen, which makes a continuous supply of this element vital. Without proper nutrition cells die, so timely prevention of various respiratory diseases is necessary at any age.

The oxidation of substances is accompanied by the formation of carbon dioxide, large quantities of which pose a real threat to human life. To protect ourselves from poisoning by this element, we need to constantly breathe. The actual process of respiration is the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the human body and the environment.

Prevention of respiratory diseases

The respiratory system, however, like other body systems, has its own protective mechanisms of the body, which warn of any malfunctions in their functioning. For example, coughing is a way to remove foreign bodies that have entered the respiratory tract, as well as excess mucus released as a result of the inflammatory process in the body. But, unfortunately, these protection mechanisms are not quite sufficient for complete protection. respiratory organs. Most the best prevention their diseases, it is rightfully considered to regularly ventilate the room and keep it in sufficient level humidity, as well as walks in fresh air.

Drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking tobacco affect the respiratory system in the most negative way. All toxic substances pass through the lungs, damaging the mucous membranes and deeper tissues. Nicotine causes significant breathing difficulties, such as when inhaling, and can also cause lung cancer. Smokers are more likely to experience bronchitis, emphysema and pneumonia. Thus, even refusal bad habits in itself is a wonderful prevention of respiratory diseases.

Plays a special role in preventing such diseases breathing exercises. Human body adapted to the only correct and comfortable breathing - through the nose, which is not accompanied by noise. If this process is carried out through the mouth, it is less natural, since the nose is the first organ in the respiratory system, and the mouth is considered the main one in digestion.

Breathing through the nose is also considered useful because as it passes through the nasal passages, the air warms up somewhat, and the hairs on the mucous membranes effectively trap harmful viruses and microorganisms, which are disinfected by mucus. This effect is possible only if the person is completely healthy and his respiratory functions are not impaired.

Nasal breathing is considered a wonderful stimulant nerve endings in the nasopharynx, and accordingly, it stimulates mental activity. One of the best ways prevention of diseases of the respiratory organs is the correct implementation of the breathing process - through the nose.

Respiratory diseases:

- Tuberculosis. Infection most often occurs by airborne droplets, while anyone can suffer from it. Prevention of this disease is good nutrition and improving immunity. BCG vaccination, routine fluorography and the Mantoux reaction play a special role in the prevention of tuberculosis.

- Congenital laryngeal adhesions. This disease develops even before the baby is born, and can only be cured with surgical intervention.

- Pleurisy. Pus accumulates inside the lungs, it affects the tissues and leads to bleeding and difficulty breathing. Treatment is surgical only.

- Pneumonia or pneumonia. It is an infectious disease during which the mucous membranes swell and anemia develops, since the body simply cannot take in the required amount of oxygen. The first stage of treatment is the elimination of swelling and taking antibiotics to fight microbes.

- Croup. Most common in children, but diphtheria croup can develop at any age. With it, a purulent plaque forms in the pharynx, larynx, and also on the mucous membranes, which significantly complicates breathing.

Prevent a lot serious illnesses respiratory organs can be done using different inhalations. This is the process of inhaling hot steam, which is saturated with healing, easily evaporating substances. For this purpose, various medicinal plants. There are new modern inhalers on sale that carry out this procedure with cold steam. These devices are compact in size, making them suitable for use in hospitals and at home. You can add any medications to such an inhaler and medicinal infusions from herbs that will strengthen therapeutic effect and speed up the healing process.

An excellent means of prevention is inhaling the aromas of juniper and pine. This also helps speed up the recovery process and significantly reduce the likelihood of relapse. For this purpose, you can use aromatic oils by adding them to the bath or using aroma lamps.

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The human respiratory system includes the nasal passages, larynx, trachea, as well as the bronchi and lungs. The system performs important function ensuring gas exchange carried out by the alveoli of the lungs. As a result, body tissues are saturated with oxygen and freed from carbon dioxide. Therefore, in the case of diseases when it is affected lung tissue, the functions of these organs are disrupted, and pathological processes develop in the bloodstream.

Why do diseases occur? respiratory system people, what are they? How are they treated? Let's talk about this today. We will also consider folk recipes that are useful to use for this or that pathology:

Respiratory system diseases - causes

Factors contributing to the development of diseases are allergens: house and street dust, micro mites, animal hair, pollen of flowering plants, as well as mold fungi and allergens from insect bites.

Also negatively affecting the respiratory system: poor environmental conditions, polluted indoor and outdoor air, smoking and unsuitable climatic conditions.

Pathogenic factors contributing to the development of diseases include alcohol abuse, the presence of chronic pathologies and genetic predisposition.

Treatment of diseases

Respiratory diseases are among the most common diseases in children and adults. Doctors note the importance of them early diagnosis and timely treatment, as well as preventive measures. If you miss the moment and the disease becomes chronic, treatment will be much more difficult and longer.

Therapy is always comprehensive, based on diagnostic results and individual approach to every patient. The treatment regimen includes drug therapy, herbal medicine and physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and etc.

If we talk about medicinal drugs, then they usually prescribe etiotropic, symptomatic remedies, maintenance therapy is used ( vitamin complexes). Moreover, in case bacterial infection, use antibiotics. Drugs of each group should be prescribed by the attending physician, according to the established diagnosis.

Pathologies of the respiratory system and traditional treatment recipes

Let us briefly list the most common diseases. We will also consider effective folk recipes that can complement the treatment prescribed by the doctor:

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchial mucosa (acute, chronic). Less common inflammatory process all layers of their walls.

For this disease, healers recommend using this remedy: mix together half a liter of natural Cahors, 200 g of finely chopped leaves of a century-old aloe or plant extract and 300 g Bee Honey in honeycombs. Mix everything well. Close the jar tightly and leave it in a dark place for 2 weeks. Take 1 tbsp, 3 times throughout the day.

Laryngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx vocal cords. May be chronic catarrhal or chronic hypertrophic.

This recipe is suitable for treatment: mix together half a glass of such a remedy as mineral water Borjomi (warmed) and hot milk. Add 1 tsp to the mixture natural honey, high-quality Armenian cognac 5 stars and butter. Mix and drink twice a day.

Sinusitis is inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinus. Most often it develops against the background (as a complication) of certain infectious diseases.

Complex treatment is supplemented with inhalations. For example, from potatoes. Boil several tubers in their skins, drain the water, and lightly crush them with a masher. Add 1 teaspoon of a product such as propolis tincture with alcohol to the hot potatoes. Then breathe over the steam, covering your head with a towel.

Rhinitis (runny nose) is inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It manifests itself as congestion or, conversely, copious discharge, itching in the nasal ducts.

Try this one folk recipe: prepare an infusion of dried woodlice herb: 1 tsp per glass of boiling water. After an hour, strain. Rinse the nasal passages with warm infusion, sucking it in with one and then the other nostril, spitting out the liquid.

Sore throat is an acute infectious, inflammatory disease of the tonsils, as well as nearby lymph nodes.

Complex therapy can be supplemented with this rinse: dissolve in a glass warm water 1 tbsp natural apple cider vinegar. Gargle with half of the total volume every couple of hours, and drink the other half.

Pneumonia is an infectious inflammatory process of the lungs caused by pathogenic microorganisms. The alveoli, which saturate the blood with oxygen, are damaged. Pneumonia often develops as a complication of other respiratory pathologies.

Treatment is always complex. It is useful to supplement it folk remedies. Healers suggest using the following recipe: pass 300 g of garlic through a garlic press, squeeze out the juice through gauze. Add it to half a liter of Cahors drink from the holy Mount Athos, shake, and remove for 2 weeks.

Then shake the contents and take a small sip several times a day. The infusion must be warmed before use. It is also useful to rub the chest and back with this remedy.

Tuberculosis – infection, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This pathology characterized by cellular allergy, the occurrence of specific granulomas in tissues and organs: lungs, bones, joints, lymph nodes and skin. In the absence of adequate treatment, it ends in the death of a person.

Disease Prevention

To protect yourself from respiratory diseases, simple preventive measures will help to reduce the risk of their development:

Ventilate the room more often, and sleep with the window open in the warm season.

Increase your walking time fresh air, go out into nature more often, try to spend your vacation outside the city.

Don't lead a sedentary lifestyle, lead active image life, move more, play sports, such as swimming.

Smoking and alcohol have a very negative impact on the condition of the respiratory system. Harmful carcinogens that are found in tobacco and alcoholic beverages injure mucous membranes and disrupt normal work organs. Therefore, you need to get rid of these bad habits. It is advisable to stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

If you are prone to diseases of the respiratory system, start growing house plants that will increase the level of oxygen in the house and cleanse the air of harmful substances.

If you do get sick, without wasting valuable time, consult a doctor for timely diagnosis And professional treatment. Be healthy!

Breathing diseases

The respiratory system contains the nasal passages, trachea, larynx, bronchi and lungs. The lungs are surrounded by a thin connective membrane called the pleura. The left and right lungs are located in the middle chest. They are extremely important body, because they affect blood flow in the body. For this reason, in diseases when the lung tissue is affected, in addition to a failure in respiratory functions Pathological changes also occur in the bloodstream.

The action of the respiratory organs is coordinated by the respiratory center located in the medulla oblongata. Let's move on to familiarize ourselves with respiratory diseases.


There are cases when the disease is caused by a single type of pathogen. This is a so-called monoinfection - it is diagnosed much more often. But much less often, mixed infections occur in people, which are provoked by a certain number of varieties of pathogens.

In addition to the above reasons, external allergens can be special factors that provoke diseases of the respiratory organs. In this case, we are talking about everyday household allergens, they are ordinary dust, and also house mites, which most often become the main cause of bronchial asthma. Also, the human respiratory organs may well be seriously damaged by yeast and mold spores, fungi, allergens from animals, pollen of certain types of vegetation, and also from allergens of various insects.

Very negative impact individual occupational stressors affect the state of these organs. For example, during electric welding, nickel and steel salt fumes are released. In addition, some medications and food allergens cause respiratory diseases.

Also negative action polluted air affects the respiratory organs of people, it is observed increased content individual chemical compositions; household dirt in residential premises, climate conditions undesirable for humans; smoking is active and also passive.

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, other chronic diseases human, pathogens of chronic infection in the body, genetic factor.


If each is available specific disease respiratory organs, certain symptoms appear. But experts highlight individual signs, which are characteristic of a number of diseases.

One of these types of signs is this. It can be subjective (then the person especially complains of difficulty breathing in the presence of attacks of hysteria or neurosis), objective (people change the rate of breathing, as well as the duration of inhalation and exhalation) and combined (obvious shortness of breath with the presence of a separate component, in which, Respiration rate increases with certain types of diseases). When there are diseases of the larynx and trachea, inspiratory shortness of breath occurs, with it it is extremely difficult to inhale. If the bronchi are affected, expiratory shortness of breath is obvious, making it difficult to exhale. Mixed shortness of breath occurs with thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery.

The most severe form of such shortness of breath is suffocation, which occurs when there is acute edema lungs. Sudden attacks of this suffocation are very characteristic of asthma.

It is the second of the more defining signs of respiratory disease. This cough appears in people as a reflex to the presence of mucus in the larynx, bronchi or trachea. Another cough occurs when a foreign organism suddenly enters the respiratory system. Cough occurs with various ailments various types. With dry pleurisy or laryngitis, people suffer from attacks of dry cough, then no sputum is produced.

A wet cough, during which varying amounts of characteristic sputum is released, occurs with chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, oncological diseases respiratory organs.

In the presence of inflammatory processes in the larynx or bronchi, the cough is mostly regular. A person sick with the flu, pneumonia or acute respiratory infection coughs periodically.

In certain diseases of the respiratory organs, the patient has obvious hemoptysis, then blood is released simultaneously with sputum when coughing. This symptom It is quite possible due to severe diseases of the entire respiratory system, and also due to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In addition to the symptoms listed above, patients with respiratory diseases may complain of pain. Pain is possible in different areas the body, in some cases, it is directly related to bouts of severe coughing, breathing, or a specific location of the body.


In order for the patient to be diagnosed correctly, the doctor needs to find out what the patient is complaining about, carry out an examination and perform an examination using auscultation, palpation and percussion. These methods allow you to find out about additional symptoms, allowing you to accurately and correctly make the appropriate diagnosis.

During the examination, you can find out the pathology in the shape of the chest, as well as the characteristics of breathing - type, frequency, rhythm, depth.

When palpation is performed, it is possible to assess the degree of vocal tremors, which can intensify in the presence of pneumonia, and in the presence of pleurisy - weaken.

During an examination using percussion, it is possible to determine a decrease in the amount of total air in the lungs in the presence of edema or fibrosis. If there is an abscess in a certain lobe or part of a lobe of the lungs, there is no air at all; in patients with emphysema, the amount of available air increases. In addition, percussion makes it possible to determine clear boundaries in the patient’s lungs.

Auscultation helps to assess the existing breathing, and also to hear wheezing, their nature differs depending on the type of disease.

In addition to these research methods, instrumental and laboratory methods are also used. The most informative are considered different types X-ray methods.

With the intervention of endoscopic methods, such as thoracoscopy and bronchoscopy, it is possible to identify individual purulent ailments and also detect the presence of tumors. Bronchoscopy will also help eliminate foreign organisms, getting inside.

In addition, functional diagnostic methods are used, which can be used to identify the presence of respiratory failure. Moreover, in some cases, it is detected before the first symptoms of the disease appear. Therefore, lung volume is measured using a method called spirography. The intensity of pulmonary ventilation is also examined.

The use of these laboratory research methods during diagnosis makes it possible to determine the component of sputum, and this provides excellent information when studying the diagnosis of the disease. In the presence of acute bronchitis, sputum is viscous, has no color, and has a mucous character. In the presence of pulmonary edema , sputum appears in the form of foam, colorless, and serous in nature. In the presence , chronic bronchitis, the sputum has a greenish tint and is very viscous, having a mucopurulent character. If there is a mild abscess , the sputum is completely purulent, greenish in color, half liquid. When present serious illnesses lungs , Blood is evident in the sputum produced.

Microscopic analysis of sputum reveals its cell structure. Blood and urine tests are also used. All these research methods make it possible to diagnose ailments that severely affect the respiratory organs and prescribe the necessary treatment process.


Considering the established fact that diseases of the respiratory organs are the most common diseases in adults and children, their healing process and the implementation of prevention must be completely clear and completely adequate. Diseases of the respiratory organs that are not diagnosed in a timely manner will subsequently need to be seriously treated more long time, and the therapeutic system will be more complex.

How medicinal methods therapy, some drugs are prescribed in a complex manner. In this case, etiotropic therapy is used (these are medications that can eliminate the main cause of the disease), symptomatic treatment (eliminates the main symptoms), supportive therapy (means for recovery individual functions disturbed during the progression of the disease). But only a doctor is required to prescribe any kind of medication, after completing a comprehensive appropriate examination. IN more cases of practice of using antibiotics, which are particularly effective against a specific pathogen.

In addition, other methods are used in the treatment of diseases: inhalations, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, manual therapy, reflexology, breathing exercises, chest massage, etc.

To prevent diseases of the respiratory organs, taking into account their structure and special properties transfers dangerous pathogens, respiratory protection is used. It is extremely important to use personal protective equipment (these are special cotton-gauze bandages) when in direct contact with the person who has been diagnosed with a viral infection.

As bronchitis progresses, the disease becomes inflammatory. acute process in the bronchial mucosa; in extremely rare situations, inflammation of all layers of the bronchial walls occurs. The progression of the disease is caused by influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, a lot of bacteria and also mycoplasmas. Rarely, bronchitis is caused by certain physical stressors. Bronchitis can develop against the background of respiratory acute illness, and also, in parallel with it. The development of bronchitis occurs due to the impairment of the ability to filter air particles by breathing the upper paths. In addition, bronchitis affects those who smoke, people with chronic inflammation nasopharynx, and also with complete deformation of the chest cavity.

Signs of acute bronchitis arise due to prolonged runny nose or laryngitis. The patient is worried frequent attacks dry or wet cough, presence of weakness. The body temperature rises, if the disease is severe, then given temperature very high. Breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath appears. Due to continuous tension due to coughing, pain in the chest and also in the abdominal wall can be bothersome. After a certain period of time, a wet cough begins and sputum is released. Mostly, acute signs the diseases subside after approximately four days; if the course of the disease is favorable, treatment can be done on the 10th day. And if bronchospasm is also added to the malaise, bronchitis can become chronic.


During the period of acute tracheitis, the patient experiences a process of inflammation of the mucous membrane. It is formed under the influence of viral, bacterial, or viral-bacterial infections. Inflammation can also develop under the influence of chemicals and physical factors. And the patient’s tracheal mucosa swells, a dry cough occurs, the voice becomes hoarse, and breathing becomes difficult. I am also worried about coughing fits, which cause headaches. The cough occurs in the morning and also at night, the temperature rises slightly, general ailment poorly expressed. Acute tracheitis can sometimes become chronic.


When laryngitis is present, inflammation can affect the mucous membrane of the larynx and also the vocal cords. Doctors divide this disease into catarrhal, chronic and hypertrophic chronic. If the pathological process spreads actively, then a specific clinical picture appears. Patients often complain of hoarseness, dryness and soreness in the throat, a constant sensation of a foreign body in the throat, and a cough with sputum that is difficult to separate.


When there is sinusitis , then an inflammatory process is formed in the adnexa maxillary sinus nose Thus, complications occur in the presence of certain infectious diseases. Sinusitis spreads through the action of bacteria or viruses that penetrate through the blood or nasal cavity into the maxillary sinus. Then the patient is concerned about the continuously increasing unpleasant sensation in the nose and in the area around the nose. Painful colic becomes more intense in the evening, gradually turning into a headache. Often sinusitis forms from one part. Nasal breathing becomes difficult, the voice changes - it becomes nasal. At some points, the patient notices that the nostrils are alternately blocked. Discharge in the nose can be either mucous and transparent, or purulent, with a greenish tint. And if the nose is very clogged, then mucus does not come out. The temperature sometimes rises to 38°C, sometimes higher.

It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity. As a result, nasal congestion and irritation and discharge are obvious. Rhinitis occurs as a result of severe hypothermia, under the influence of viruses or bacteria. Separately, allergic rhinitis appears, which manifests itself in people prone to allergies. The disease develops under the influence of various allergens - mites, plant pollen, animal hair, etc. Chronic and acute form ailments. Chronic rhinitis is a consequence of external influences that disrupt the nutrition of the membrane. The disease can also become chronic if there are frequent inflammations in the nasal cavity. Only a doctor is required to diagnose this disease, because chronic rhinitis can turn into sinusitis or sinusitis.


Sore throat is an acute infectious disease, during which the tonsils also form. The pathogen spreads to the tonsils, after which it often moves to other organs and causes complications of the disease. As a result of streptococcal tonsillitis, a person’s immunity stops developing. The disease begins with weakness, headache, chills. There is pain when swallowing and pain in the joints. The temperature can rise to 39°C. Then the sore throat intensifies. The submandibular lymph nodes enlarge and begin to hurt. Redness of the palatine arches and tonsils is noticeable. There are also ulcers on the tonsils or areas where pus collects.


Pneumonia is accompanied by inflammation of the lungs due to infection. The alveoli, which are responsible for supplying the blood with oxygen, are affected. The disease is provoked by a wide range of individual pathogens. It is often detected as a complication of other respiratory diseases. The disease often occurs in older people, children, and people with weak defenses in the body. Pathogens end up among the lungs, passing through the respiratory tract. Signs of the disease appear very sharply and unexpectedly: the body temperature rises to 39-40°C, pain develops in the chest area and also a cough with purulent sputum. The patient is worried at night copious discharge sweat, during the day – slight weakness. Needs to be done timely treatment, otherwise he faces death.


Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The patient develops a cellular allergy, specific granulomas in various fabrics and organs. Slowly the bones, lungs, joints, skin, lymph nodes, and other systems and organs are affected. If there is no appropriate treatment, the disease is fatal. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is very resistant to various actions. Infection is carried out by airborne droplets. If a tuberculosis infection is detected in a person, then he is prescribed a general therapeutic course of drugs to counteract tuberculosis. Treatment takes about 8 months. In advanced cases it is carried out surgery– a particle of the lung is eliminated.


The simplest but in an important way Prevention of these diseases is to increase the period a person spends outdoors.

It is necessary to completely give up smoking and regular drinking, because such habits have a negative impact on the respiratory system. Harmful elements present in tobacco are alcoholic drinks, penetrate into the environment of the lungs, injure, and have a bad effect on the mucous membranes. Smokers are much more likely to have lung cancer, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.

Other methods of preventing respiratory organs are breathing exercises, preventive inhalations from medicinal herbs, and using essential oils. Those prone to respiratory diseases are advised to keep many indoor flowers in the room that produce oxygen.

Lecture 2: Prevention of respiratory diseasesEnd of form

Respiratory diseases are traditionally one of the most widespread: their share in the total morbidity is up to 53%, and previously this percentage was even higher. A terrible type of malignant neoplasm - lung cancer - in the vast majority of cases (90% in developed countries) is associated with smoking; More than 3 thousand people became its victims in our country last year. However, the overall incidence of this organ system in our country is even more impressive: up to 60% of the population last year suffered from various respiratory diseases. In addition, respiratory diseases are insidious: for example, pneumonia ranks first on the list of causes of death from infectious diseases and sixth on the list of all causes of death. That is why timely diagnosis and competent treatment, and, of course, prevention of respiratory system diseases.

THE MOST COMMON DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Chronical bronchitis. It is a very common disease and occurs in 3-8% of adults. Pneumonia. Last year, 2% of our country's population suffered from pneumonia. Bronchial asthma. Currently, at least 1% of the population of our country suffers from asthma; in the world, the overall incidence varies depending on the place and living conditions. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic progressive lung disease, the main cause of which is tobacco smoke. Lungs' cancer. The disease, unfortunately, needs no introduction: the mortality rate from this type of cancer in our country for the year was 2.4%. RISK FACTORS Risk factors can also be divided into two types according to the effectiveness of their elimination: irreducible and removable. Fatal risk factors are a given, something that must be taken into account, something that you cannot change. Removable Risk factors, on the other hand, are things that you can change by taking action or making adjustments to your lifestyle. FATAL Heredity. Some diseases of the respiratory system are caused by hereditary factors. Such diseases include, for example, bronchial asthma. REMOVABLE Smoking. Moreover, both active and passive. In people who smoke, the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exceeds 80-90%; all other diseases of the respiratory system are also provoked by smoking. Exposure to allergens. Increasing the list and actual presence of allergens in environment leads to the fact that every 10 years the incidence of bronchial asthma increases by one and a half times or more. Exposure to occupational hazards (dust, vapors of acids, alkalis, etc.). The risk of respiratory system diseases when working in industries associated with working with substances potentially harmful to breathing (coal, asbestos, mining, engineering, woodworking and textile production) is significantly increased. Air pollution. Household air pollution (dust, smoke, smog, fibers, cleaning products, microparticles of various materials) causes the development of diseases of the respiratory system and contributes to their more severe course. Overweight and obesity. Excess weight causes shortness of breath, requires increased work not only of the heart, but also of the lungs, and, in addition, is one of the main causes of sleep apnea. Poor nutrition. Lack or acute deficiency of such beneficial elements as vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, flavonoids, magnesium, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids can be one of the catalysts for asthma. Weakening of the immune system. A weak body, not protected by a strong immune system, is more susceptible to infections. The risk of getting sick is always higher for those whose immunity is weak. PREVENTION

Prevention of diseases of the respiratory system consists of preventing the development of these pathologies. However, the tasks of prevention do not end there, because even if a respiratory disease has already occurred, everything must be done to make it as easy as possible and to avoid the development of complications.

Due to such a variety of tasks, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of respiratory diseases are distinguished.

Primary prevention

Primary prevention of respiratory diseases is a synonym healthy image life. Giving up bad habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol, regular physical activity, hardening, avoiding stress, occupational hazards associated with inhaling various harmful substances, living in ecologically clean areas - all this helps prevent the development of respiratory diseases.

If we talk about the primary prevention of respiratory diseases, we cannot fail to mention a well-balanced diet. The role of microorganisms in the development of many diseases of the respiratory system has been proven. If a person consumes enough protein, vitamins and microelements, then his immune system will be normal and will be able to resist pathogens.

Secondary prevention

Secondary prevention consists of early detection of diseases and their treatment.

Many diseases develop against the background of other pathologies. So, the ground for development bronchial asthma may become an allergy. And if you already have hypersensitivity to any substances, for example, animal hair, plant pollen, household chemicals, then it is necessary to minimize and, if possible, completely stop contact with substances that provoke allergic reactions.

You don’t have to endure allergy symptoms or hope that they will go away on their own, it won’t happen that way. On the contrary, if the allergy is not treated, it can be complicated by bronchial asthma.

Tertiary prevention

The task of tertiary prevention of respiratory diseases is to prevent the disease from worsening and the occurrence of complications. And the main assistant to such prevention is correctly selected treatment, which the patient will strictly follow.

Sometimes tertiary prevention of respiratory diseases can last for many years.

MEDICAL CONTROL Diseases of the respiratory system are diseases that require regular medical monitoring, including monitoring of the state of the respiratory system (fluorography) and preventive measures (vaccinations). The mandatory list of medical monitoring of the respiratory system includes the following measures:

Examination by a general practitioner once a year. - Fluorography - once a year.

Perhaps the main indicator of human vitality is the continuous exchange of gases between the body and its environment, that is, breathing. Diseases of the respiratory system lead to a decrease in the excitability of the respiratory center with the further appearance of breathing problems (pain when inhaling, exhaling, shortness of breath, cough, etc.).

The structure of the human respiratory system (RS) consists of upper and lower respiratory tract:

  • Air-conducting organs - nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi;
  • The lungs, in the alveoli of which gas exchange takes place.

It follows from this that pathogenic factors disease-causing respiratory system of the person, can multiply not only in the respiratory part - the lungs, but also in the nasopharynx.

The individuality of the structure and state of the protective system of the DS, age characteristics And a large number of etiological factors characterize a variety of clinical and morphological manifestations, which in turn determine respiratory diseases.


To the factors that determine character pathological process, include:

  • Pathogens of infectious diseases;
  • Chemical and physical agents.

In the first group, the leading role is given to such pathogens as pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci, mycobacterium tuberculosis, influenza viruses, a group of morphologically and clinically similar acute inflammatory diseases respiratory organs.

Diseases and injuries to the respiratory system can occur from contact with household allergens and plant pollen. Injuries can be caused by occupational factors, for example, electric welding - nickel salts, steel fumes; entry of a foreign body.

In general, diseases of the respiratory system are classified into groups, depending on the cause of their occurrence:

  • Infectious. Once in the body, a pathogenic factor causes an inflammatory process (pneumonia, bronchitis);
  • Allergic. The body's reaction to contact with an allergen (bronchial asthma);
  • Autoimmune. Often refer to hereditary destruction of organs and tissues under the influence of one’s own immune system(cystic fibrosis, idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis).

Considering the causes of diseases of the human respiratory system, one cannot help but note the current lifestyle: smoking, alcohol abuse, workaholism. Most spend their working days in unventilated, crowded rooms and breathe air from air conditioners. An improperly organized daily routine contributes to a decrease in protective functions body, provoking the development of allergic, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.

Respiratory diseases in children

Respiratory diseases occupy a leading place among pathologies developing in childhood. The body of a child, just like an adult, can encounter infectious pathogens that multiply in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, causing various types of ailments. Let's look at the main respiratory diseases in children.

Rhinitis is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses. There are three forms of the disease:

  • acute;
  • chronic;
  • allergic.

Allergic rhinitis is a violation of vascular tone in the nasal mucosa, caused by irritation of reflexogenic zones under the influence of allergens of various natures.

The acute form usually manifests itself against the background of respiratory infections (ARVI, measles, diphtheria, etc.). The reason for the appearance chronic form is long-term or recurrent acute rhinitis.

Respiratory diseases in children include tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, which often have a cause-and-effect relationship with each other. If tracheitis is combined with laryngitis or bronchitis, it is laryngotracheitis and tracheobronchitis, respectively.

Only a pediatrician can make a diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment.

ARVI with untimely treatment always cause complications associated with damage to the respiratory system, and pneumonia in a child is also not uncommon.

Children in younger age exposed to the influence of so-called childhood diseases, accompanied by disruptions in the respiratory system: whooping cough, diphtheria, croup.

It should be noted that the respiratory tract in a child is smaller and has narrower passages than in adults, therefore it is more susceptible to various factors that contribute to the development of respiratory diseases and their prevention must be timely.

Prevention of respiratory diseases

The respiratory system is a set of organs that supply oxygen to the body and have their own defense mechanisms that prevent malfunctions in the functioning of system processes.

Preventing respiratory diseases - essential support needed physiological processes for normal functioning.

Preventive actions primarily consist of hardening the body, and it does not matter whether it is an adult or a child. Includes a number of procedures aimed at increasing the body’s resistance to sudden changes temperature (hypothermia, overheating).

Activities related to the mobilization of a person’s internal forces increase immunity and develop resistance to influence unfavorable factors environment.

Prevention of respiratory diseases consists of simple general actions:

  • organization the right image life;
  • adherence to diet;
  • playing sports;
  • hardening procedures;
  • breathing exercises.

If signs of a cold have been noticed, in order to avoid exacerbations, inhalations will be a good prevention of diseases of the respiratory system. And it’s not at all necessary to sit for hours over a pan of boiled potatoes, breathing in their vapors. Modern inhalers (nebulizers) are small in size and provide spraying of the drug in small fractions into the most remote areas of the respiratory tract, where the best results are achieved.

The variety of models allows you to choose the necessary device that can become an indispensable assistant for the prevention of bronchial asthma, treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, etc. Medicines prescribed by a doctor or regular saline are used as medicine.

Prevention of respiratory diseases in children consists of timely and proper treatment colds. That is, you should not neglect the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections/ARVI; you need to provide proper care for the child, ventilate the room, and follow the recommendations of the pediatrician. If there is no high temperature, be sure to take a walk in the fresh air and organize a drinking regimen.

Treatment of respiratory diseases

Diseases affecting the human respiratory system have different nature occurrence. The source of inflammation and its extent extend to the areas of the airways, lungs and pleura.

Despite the similarity of the symptoms of each disease, its correct interpretation will ensure an accurate diagnosis with subsequent prescription complex treatment respiratory diseases:

  • etiotropic therapy is aimed at eliminating the main cause of the disease;
  • symptomatic treatment (reduction of the manifestations of the main symptoms);
  • maintenance therapy (restoration of individual body functions disturbed during the pathological process).

Depending on the nature of the occurrence, the nature of the course, the scale of the lesion and the age of the patient, the following types medications:

  • antibacterial;
  • antipyretics;
  • mucolytic;
  • bronchodilators;
  • antihistamines;
  • diuretics;
  • respiratory stimulants.

In addition, the complex of measures aimed at recovery includes breathing exercises and massage for respiratory diseases.

Exercises are divided into three main groups:

  • dynamic;
  • static;
  • special.

The goal is to provide a tonic effect with further normalization of respiratory functions.

Massaging the nose and nasolabial triangle stimulates a reflex that promotes deeper breathing. Chest massage strengthens the respiratory muscle, increasing its elasticity and eliminating congestion.

Physiotherapy for respiratory diseases is prescribed depending on their type and stage of progression.

Main goals:

  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • stimulation of blood and lymph circulation;
  • elimination of bronchospasms;
  • preventing the progression of the disease.

Activities of this kind also have their contraindications, in particular purulent processes, complex course, pulmonary heart failure. Anyway A complex approach An experienced doctor prescribes for recovery.

Read more about respiratory diseases

Respiratory diseases table

The respiratory complex of organs includes the airways and the respiratory section. Depending on the location of the pathological process, three main groups of ailments are distinguished.

Classification of respiratory system diseases:

1. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Throat diseases:

Diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses:

  • Rhinitis;
  • Sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis);

2. Diseases lower sections respiratory tract

  • Bronchitis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Bronchiectasis;

3. Lung diseases

  • Pneumonia;
  • Pleurisy;
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Diseases of the respiratory system - table: