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Emergency care for a bruise: what you should pay attention to. Providing primary care for bruises and hematomas at home - algorithm of actions and treatment Pre-hospital medical care for bruises

First health care for soft tissue bruises, it is performed immediately after the injury.

Important: if the head or stomach is injured, vomiting may begin, internal bleeding, loss of consciousness and dizziness. In this case, do not touch the affected area, do not move the victim, and call ambulance.


In most cases, injuries cause damage to the skin, subcutaneous tissue and soft tissue. In this case, internal organs are not damaged.

The main symptoms of bruises are:

  • Swelling, swelling in the area of ​​the bruise;
  • redness, bruising;
  • painful, uncomfortable sensations.

The swelling can last for 7 to 12 days, after which it will begin to subside gradually. If this does not happen or it begins to increase, then you need to consult a doctor.

The pain is usually severe but short-lived; it can be triggered by pressing on the damaged area or by a sudden movement of the limb. Discomfort may be present for 10 days. In case of increased swelling painful sensations will intensify and last.

Interesting fact: A person feels pain differently, it depends on his level of pain defect and the severity of the swelling. At severe swelling compression occurs nerve endings and therefore the pain intensifies.

If there is a rupture of blood vessels, then bruises or bruises occur. This occurs due to internal bleeding. Bruises deliver severe discomfort and increase pain in the area of ​​the bruise. First aid for bruises and sprains, as well as for ruptured blood vessels, occurs in the first 30 minutes to facilitate healing. If a lot of blood accumulates under the skin, a hematoma forms. It goes away within 35 days, but if it is large in area, the healing process may take longer.

Many people don’t know how it should turn out. Seizures can occur when severe bruises in which she was injured muscle. First of all, you should remove the load from the affected muscles (sit down, lie down). To relieve spasm, it is necessary to briefly strain the contracted tissue. This will unlock it.

If this technique does not work, then you can prick the site of the spasm with a disinfected needle. This will also help relieve the spasm. After the seizure has stopped, the victim should be kept at rest.

Need for first aid

A contusion is considered a painful injury that is accompanied by swelling, bruising, or hematoma. There is no damage to muscles, tendons or bones. Therefore, many people treat them with disdain and consider them harmless. This attitude can provoke the development of complications. First aid for severe bruises and abrasions depends on the nature of the injury.

Doctors classify bruises according to severity and area of ​​damage.

  1. First degree bruise. Damage to the skin is minor or absent. There may be scratches or abrasions.
  2. Second degree bruise. An extensive bruise or hematoma forms. Tissue swelling occurs. There is pain and deterioration in well-being.
  3. Third degree bruise. Possible muscle damage and formation severe swelling. IN in rare cases dislocation may occur.
  4. Fourth degree bruise. The damaged limb stops moving and functioning.

Important: if a person hits his head, he may have a concussion. It is not always possible to recognize it on your own, so you should consult a doctor.

It is not always possible to assess the severity and area of ​​damage. Bruises and hematomas are not a reliable indicator for assessment, since they can increase after a short time.

Do you know how it happens? Be sure to read about this in our article.

Treatment and first aid

Providing first aid for bruises involves treating the wound. If necessary, stops bleeding from cuts and abrasions. After which you can begin to prepare the victim for treatment. To do this, remove clothing and jewelry from the area of ​​injury. Treat the bruise antiseptics, but not iodine, as it has a warming effect.

After the first part, you must apply a cold compress to prevent swelling.

Important: ice can only be applied through a layer of fabric, this will help avoid frostbite.

If the victim is hiking or on a sports field, then the limb should be immobilized with a medical splint. You should also apply a pressure bandage to reduce swelling, bruising and hematomas. This can be done using an elastic or gauze bandage. Do not apply too much pressure to the limb to prevent numbness.


You should know how to provide first aid to a bruised person. After all, the subsequent healing of injuries depends on this. If first aid or follow-up care is not correct, the person may experience complications.

These include:

  • increased swelling;
  • infection of the skin and soft tissues;
  • numbness.

You need to know what kind of medical care is provided in different situations. Try to follow all the rules of treatment and assistance.

Bruise is damage to soft tissue, mainly without violating the integrity of the skin, resulting from direct exposure to a traumatic (often domestic) factor. The cause of the defect is most often a blow or a fall. Damage to the lumbar, chest, and abdomen areas can also affect internal organs (lungs, liver, brain) and lead to hidden bleeding. What to do if you have bruises?


A sign of a defect is pain. The intensity depends on the area of ​​injury and the force of the blow received. Damage to the periosteum creates especially great discomfort. A few hours after the injury, the pain may intensify.

Another symptom is swelling. When the integrity of large vessels changes, a hematoma occurs; small vessels- bruise. If the injury is accompanied by rupture of muscle tissue, the functioning of the injured part of the body is disrupted.

Painful sensations and swelling continue for about 2 days, then the defect begins to resolve.

The bruising goes away within 2-3 weeks. At first it is purple, after 4 days it turns blue, after 7 days it turns green, turns yellow and gradually disappears completely. With a hematoma, the swelling takes about a month to resolve.

There are 4 degrees of severity of injuries received:

  • I – small abrasions or scratches are visible on the skin. The injury resolves within 3-4 days without special treatment;
  • II – muscle tissue ruptures, swelling appears, and a hematoma forms. Worries sharp pain, worsening the general condition;
  • III – tendons and muscles are affected, dislocations are often diagnosed. Various complications arise;
  • IV – large areas of the body are damaged, full functioning of the body is impossible. Pathological condition poses a threat to human life.

Sometimes bruises appear in a different place than where the injury occurred. Bruising around the eyes, nausea, and dizziness indicate a concussion or more serious head injury.

In people with fragile blood vessels, even with a slight injury, large hematomas appear.

If the face or body is injured, damage to the sinuses or lungs may occur, manifested by the accumulation of air under the skin.

First aid

The most common injuries occur to the head and extremities. In case of a bruise, both blood vessels and nerves, as well as muscle tissue, can be damaged. Due to its elasticity skin are less likely to suffer from pathological effects.

First aid for bruises is performed independently or by others. You cannot hesitate, especially if a child has been injured.

What to do if you are injured? The first rule is to ensure a comfortable body position. Depending on the damage, you need to sit or lie down.

The next stage of first aid is the application of a pressure bandage. Thanks to it, the likelihood of infection is minimized (if there is a wound in the area of ​​injury).

Providing first aid for bruised limbs involves positioning them slightly higher in relation to the body.

Cold wrapped in a cloth (snow, ice, food from the freezer) is applied to the damaged area. Every 2 hours for the first day after a bruise, it must be removed from the affected area for 40 minutes. Cooling the injured part of the body constricts blood vessels, stops internal bleeding and reduces swelling.

If an athlete is injured, the injury is treated with a special spray. If there are abrasions or scratches, first aid for a bruise consists of treating them with alcohol or iodine, followed by bandaging. It is not recommended to use cotton wool.

First aid for bruises includes pain relief. It is performed, in the absence of skin damage, with anti-inflammatory ointments (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Ketorol) and taking analgin or aspirin.

For head injuries, first aid consists of keeping the victim as calm as possible and urgent evacuation to medical institution.

At severe injury fingernail, a hematoma may appear underneath it, which will lead to loss nail plate. However, after a few months, a new stratum corneum will form.

First aid for bruises lower limbs(especially the knee and elbow joints) is that you need to take supine position, apply cold to the injury site and, if joint mobility is limited, fix the leg. The injury can be combined with a fracture, dislocation and ligament rupture.

What to do if your eye is severely bruised? The injury can cause vision impairment. Signs most often appear after 1-2 months. First first aid(pmp) for bruises of this kind consists of limiting the mobility of the organ and head, eliminating heavy lifting, and also applying a sterile bandage to the injured area.

Injuries internal organs They are dangerous due to their rupture, cardiac and respiratory arrest, and bleeding. Recognizing damage is more difficult than others. First aid for bruises of this kind is not provided. It is necessary to transport the person to a medical facility. There, specialists will be able to diagnose the nature and severity of the injury and decide what to do.

Treatment Options

First medical aid for bruises is to differentiate them from fractures, dislocations and injuries to internal organs. After an external examination, palpation and percussion, radiography is prescribed and the diagnosis is clarified. Next, treatment begins.

According to the sequence of first aid for bruises of this kind, a day after the injury is received, cooling is no longer performed. Warming procedures are prescribed (warm baths, lotions, compresses). They are able to have a resolving effect and help remove swelling.

After another day, you can use warming ointments: Espol, Fastum-gel, Capsicam.

Reduce discomfort, stop inflammatory process and swelling, painkillers will help: “Deep Relief”, “Dolgit”, “Ketonal”, “Valtaren”, “Indovazin”.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are considered an effective method for treating moderate or severe defects: UHF therapy, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, lidases.

For injuries to bones or internal organs, treatment appropriate to the situation is prescribed.

Not recommended within 4-5 days after receiving damage thermal procedures(sauna, bathhouse, reception hot bath), massage and compresses.

Providing first aid for bruises contributes to the disappearance of pathological formations on average within 10 days. If healing is slower, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Treatment with folk remedies also helps to speed up the disappearance of a bruise.

In case of damage good results provides therapy apple cider vinegar. It is necessary to heat 0.5 l in a water bath, add 2 tsp. salt and 4 drops of iodine. Soak a cloth in this mixture and apply to the injured area for 15-20 minutes.

Wonderful remedy Garlic also helps with bruises. Two crushed heads of a bulbous plant are mixed with 0.5 liters of 6% table vinegar and infused for 24 hours. Rub the mixture onto the painful area.

When you bruise your knee, cottage cheese has a good effect. 200 g of the product must be tied to the sore spot. This compress needs to be changed once a day.

A good remedy is also to apply onion juice or pulp to the knee.

For chest trauma it is used alcohol tincture arnica If there are lesions on the skin, use a solution in pure form. If there are no scratches or abrasions, then the medicine is diluted in proportions of 1:10 with water.

If the bruise has lightened, but hardening is palpable and there is swelling, you should consult a doctor.

A bruise is an unpleasant, but most often harmless and fleeting pathology. Possible treatment at home using products traditional medicine or anti-inflammatory ointments. However, consultation with a specialist is necessary for bruises of any degree. The doctor will be able to diagnose the nature of the damage, check the condition of the internal organs, and also identify other possible consequences injuries.

Do not delay diagnosis and treatment of the disease!

Make an appointment with a doctor!

Severe bruise knee joint and characteristic hematoma

Bruise – closed injury, in which there is no visible violation of tissue integrity. Head bruises chest, spine, organs abdominal cavity can have serious consequences in the form of a concussion, fractures, ruptures of internal organs. Therefore, every adult, and even a child, needs to know how first aid is provided for a bruise.

Basically, this type of injury occurs from impacts on a hard surface. Bruises are characterized by primary (main) and secondary symptoms.

Primary signs of injury:

  • the appearance of pain, sometimes very intense;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages - hematomas, or bruises.

Headache combined with nausea due to a bruise is one of the symptoms of a concussion

Secondary signs:

  • disruption of the functioning of the affected organ;
  • restriction of movement in joints;
  • decreased vision;
  • headache.

First aid for bruises

The algorithm for providing assistance depends on the type and severity of bruises. Let's consider the sequence of care for bruises of soft tissues, internal organs and limbs.

General algorithm for bruises of the limbs

Assess the situation, the extent of the injury, and if you suspect serious damage to internal organs, find the opportunity to immediately call an ambulance.
With a severe bruise of the spine or tailbone, it is impossible to immediately determine the presence of a fracture.
Therefore, in any case, create a comfortable body position - lay the victim down - and ensure peace.
Apply cold to the site of the injury (ice, a napkin moistened cold water and wrapped in oilcloth, any frozen product from the refrigerator.
Cold reduces the sensation of pain and slows down internal bleeding, which can occur with a severe bruise.
The cold is applied for 15-20 minutes, then removed. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. The total compress time is no more than 2 hours.
If you bruise your arm or leg, apply a pressure bandage and create an elevated position for the injured joint (place a towel, blanket, rolled-up clothing under the joint).
If there is severe pain, swelling, or the possibility of a fracture, do not allow the victim to straighten or bend the joint or apply a warm compress.
Find an opportunity to take the person to the hospital immediately if the victim exhibits symptoms of internal organ damage or bleeding:
- weakness, dizziness;
- short-term loss of consciousness;
- cold sweat;
- pale skin.
In order not to aggravate possible complications after a bruise, do not give the victim painkillers, drinks, or food.

For minor injuries, the “Emergency for bruises and contusions” ointment is used as a pain reliever, according to the instructions.

What to do if you have a head injury

These injuries require careful monitoring of the patient's condition, as they may be accompanied by a concussion. Determine whether there is a concussion or not, in this way:

  • Ask the victim to follow the assistant's fingers in front of his eyes.
  • In the absence of a concussion, the eyes move smoothly.
  • During a concussion, twitching and intermittent movements are observed.

Let's look at the sequence of emergency care for a head injury.

Place in horizontal position the victim.
Apply cold to the injury site
If nausea, vomiting, or deterioration in health occur, call an ambulance - the victim needs urgent Care specialists
Attention: You should not give analgesics in the first hour after a bruise, so as not to blur the clinical picture of a serious injury.

Actions for a bruised nose

When hitting a hard surface, sharp pain, hematoma, swelling, and difficulty breathing occur. Sometimes bruises are accompanied by nosebleeds and concussions.

First aid instructions:

Calm and sit the victim.
In case of nosebleeds, tilt the victim's head down and insert cotton swabs soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide into the nasal passages. After 10-30 minutes they need to be removed
More details
If there is no nosebleed, tilt your head back to reduce swelling and reduce pain.
Apply a cold compress to the bridge of your nose and the back of your head for 15 minutes.
If there are abrasions, treat the injured areas with an antiseptic. Hydrogen peroxide is most often used as a disinfectant.
Apply a sterile bandage or bactericidal patch to your nose.
For severe pain, take an analgesic tablet.
Attention: non-steroidal drugs(Nurofen, Aspirin, Ketanov) do not drink, as they can increase bleeding
Be sure to consult a doctor.

Help for eye injuries

Bruises eyeball– very dangerous injuries that can lead to loss of vision. Therefore, competent provision of first aid is the key to maintaining the quality of vision of the world around us.

Explain to the victim that it is advisable not to twist his head and avoid putting stress on the injured eye.
Apply a cold compress to the injured eye for no more than 20 minutes. As cold, you can use a napkin or cotton wool moistened with cold water.
Cover the eye with a sterile gauze bandage
After providing first aid for an eye injury, you must contact an ophthalmologist - the doctor will conduct a thorough examination to choose a treatment method.

How dangerous is an ordinary bruise for the body?

The video in this article briefly talks about the rules of first aid for bruises.

As life shows mild bruises And moderate severity first aid is enough. When providing first aid for a bruise, you should not panic - a quick response, the correct procedure guarantees the preservation of health and life. In order not to get confused in an extreme situation, you just need to follow the instructions above on how to provide first aid for bruises. If you have the slightest doubt about the seriousness of the injury, you should definitely contact a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and further treatment. Avoid injury, stay healthy.

First aid for bruises is an important set of rules that even ordinary people should know. Urgently provided first aid can eliminate the risks of developing subsequent complications and side effects.

A bruise is a closed injury, as often happens with dislocations. But in this case we're talking about about deformation of tissues or internal organs without significant destabilization of their structure. It is believed that bruises are the most common types of household injuries. And if in case of fractures it is not possible to manage with self-provided help, then with these types of injuries the same is possible.

Main classification

In order for the provision of assistance to give effective results, doctors recommend first understanding what was the original source of the lesion. Often, medical assistance may be needed for those who have suffered as a result of strong blow with a blunt object, but did not damage the integrity of the skin.

This happens in case of an accidental fall, in case of icy conditions and in case of injuries of a domestic nature when a stool falls on a finger. Despite the fact that the skin remains almost intact, as happens with sprains, this does not mean permission to ignore the lesion.

At the site of the impact, a swelling first appears, which quickly gives way to a hematoma, and then begins to give off pain, especially when pressing on the problem area.

Most often, doctors record soft tissue bruises. The most dangerous of them is a head blow, since there is still a percentage chance of damage to the stable brain activity. No less often, specialists working in the trampoline have to deal with injuries to the periosteum or joint.

In the latter case, you can feel the side effects of carelessness within a couple of hours. When the joint activity of the limbs is affected, this is expressed not only in limiting the functionality of the body part. The victim has to suffer from an increase in the size of the joint itself, as well as increased pain, which is especially acute during even minor movements.

If there is a pathology of the knee, then it will not be possible to fully straighten the sore leg, as this brings real suffering. In this case, it is necessary to correctly distinguish a bruise from a dislocation, which is characterized by the preservation of former mobility.

Among other areas of the body, the following are most often subject to bruises:

  • back;
  • rib cage;
  • spine.

But if at mild degree damage to the finger half-cleaned neutralize everything unpleasant consequences independently, having the proper skills, then in case of a brain injury, delaying a visit to the doctor is strictly prohibited. This even extends to situations where the victims feel like everything is fine with them. Latent development of side effects is commonplace, so after dangerous situation You should immediately consult a doctor.

Outwardly, only a small swelling, which is popularly called a lump, can cause discomfort. But an irreversible mechanism may start inside, which will begin to signal itself a little later:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • weakness.

All of the above indicate more severe damage, which may even include a concussion. For injuries of this kind, provide qualified assistance can only experienced specialists with appropriate diagnostic equipment in conditions inpatient department hospitals.

No less dangerous in practice are neck bruises, which are often accompanied by disturbances in the stable activity of blood flow in nearby vessels, which slows down the usual blood supply to brain cells.

Almost the same goes for spinal bruises, due to which the blood supply spinal cord will be in question. This complication can be identified using a leg sensitivity test and upper limbs, as well as functional testing of muscle activity.

The severity of a sternum contusion depends on the area affected and the pressure applied. Usually only soft tissues are affected. But if there was a fall from high altitude, then stopping the heart muscle or breathing is a common thing. Other internal organs are often affected, which ideally describes the clinical situation with bleeding due to rupture of the spleen and liver.

Features of bruises

Before providing assistance to the victim, you need to understand the principle of the impact of a bruise in order to emergency situations promptly make only correct decisions.

A bruise involves a violation of the integrity of:

  • skin and subcutaneous fat;
  • muscle fibers;
  • blood vessels;
  • nerve endings.

Sometimes this happens all together, if there was extensive damage due to burns followed by a fall out of the window, or separately. But in any case, the most obvious characteristic feature The presented injury becomes swollen even with abrasions and internal hemorrhages.

If blood accumulates, it will saturate the surrounding healthy tissue, which will be externally expressed in the formation of a bruise. But sometimes, depending on physiological characteristics problem area, it is capable of pouring into neighboring cavities. Most often, the joint cavity is subject to “flooding”, which in medical terminology called hemarthrosis.

A clear answer to the question of how quickly bleeding can stop without outside help, not even the most experienced expert will give. The difficulty lies in the individual characteristics of the body, since some people tend to poor clotting blood, which aggravates the overall clinical picture.

The average statistical time for spontaneous stopping of bleeding from capillaries, which is suitable for a finger, is about 5-10 minutes. If we are talking about large vessels with bone deformation, then it is possible to prolong the process up to a day.

The color of the hematoma is also directly related to the age of its formation:

  • a fresh mark has a purplish-bluish tint, which is especially visible in the abdominal area;
  • on days 3-4 the color changes to blue-yellow;
  • on days 5-6 the shade gradually becomes yellower.

There is its own sequence for other typical symptoms. So, a person will immediately notice extensive swelling and begin to complain of pain. But after a few days the swelling will begin to subside. Although the pain will not go away immediately, but will still be palpable with pressure for about a week, its reduction indicates successful therapy.

Severe shocks may involve destabilization of nearby organs. To eliminate such serious risks, you will have to use a number of diagnostic tools. Checking the severity of the lesion consists of providing imaging obtained through radiography, magnetic resonance therapy, computed tomography, ultrasound examination.

When the blow covers the feet or legs, the skin, along with the adjacent subcutaneous tissue may begin to gradually die off, which will cause subsequent rejection.

This happens due to the fact that specified zones belong to the camp of poorly protected soft tissues. Here, pain often exceeds standard indicators, and detachment of the periosteum or even the formation of cracks and fractures is a common occurrence.

Much less common are so-called oblique bruises, which occur at an angle. But if this happens, then you cannot do without peeling off the upper layers of the skin of the hand. And the empty cavity will almost instantly be filled with blood and lymph.

Hidden danger

Regardless of what part of the body was bruised, the victim should be shown to a doctor who will conduct a detailed diagnosis of his condition. This is the only way to prevent the development of the saddest scenario.

Signs that the injury includes not only a bruise, but also a fracture, cover too severe pain. If in the first minutes the pain was acute, and then gradually began to subside, then this indicates a classic manifestation of a bruise. In a couple of hours she will return with renewed vigor.

Changeability painful in nature is explained by increased traumatic edema, which includes hemorrhage and hematoma growth. The same picture can be seen in children and adults. The latter often become victims of a joint impact, which results in the initial preservation of the natural activity of the connecting mechanism. But after some time, it becomes unbearable to move the limb due to increasing swelling, hemorrhage and incipient hemarthrosis.

It is all of the above that makes it possible to distinguish bruises at home from traditional fractures or classic dislocations while maintaining the usual activity in movements.

If we talk briefly about why you should seek help right away, then you need to remember high probability development painful shock due to severe pain. Adding to the complexity are hemorrhages, which include:

  • punctate, which is characteristic of both the skin itself and the subcutaneous tissue;
  • in the form of bruises;
  • accumulation of blood in the underlying tissue, which forms a hematoma.

If medical assistance is not provided in time, then bleeding deep in the tissues will provoke additional injury. healthy cells due to their tight compression. Externally, the manifestation of the process will be expressed in increased pain and disruption of the functional regime.

If a person escapes with only a skin bruise, then he can expect a bruise to appear in the first few hours. But in next case, when the muscles with the periosteum are affected, the hematoma appears on the 2-3rd day, and not even always right next to the lesion.

Late bruising indicates a more serious course of the disease, when consultation with a traumatologist cannot be avoided. You should rush to see him even if you get a blow to the eyes.

First aid

Having understood how a bruise affects the patient’s health, you can begin to study measures to provide pre-medical support.

The first point of the basic rule is to ensure a state of complete rest. For this, the patient is placed or seated in comfortable position, and then apply a pressure bandage.

It is better to make sure in advance that the unhealthy part is slightly higher in relation to the rest of the body. It would be a good idea to look for ice cubes or something cold. Even water from the freezer in a bottle will do, but the container itself will need to be wrapped in a towel first to avoid excessive cooling, which affects blood flow.

Separately, you will have to take care of maintaining the interval between approaches with the application of cold. Every half hour you need to put the cold container aside for a while to give the sore spot a rest. But lubricating the affected area with pain-relieving ointment on your own or taking analgesics without prior consultation is prohibited. It is better to immediately contact an ambulance, and if there is an urgent need, ask the doctor over the phone what medications are best to take right now.

After examination by a surgeon or traumatologist, if the outcome is favorable, the victim will be sent home immediately, prescribed bed rest. Many people are already allowed to use it on the second day. dry heat to reduce pain.

At the main recovery stage, specialized physiological procedures and warming ointments are of great help.

But the most important point in treating a bruise is still visiting a doctor for early stages development of complications. This will protect you from a number of side effects and will help you maintain your health in the future.

A bruise is a closed injury to tissues or internal organs while maintaining the integrity of the skin. As a rule, such an injury is a consequence of the mechanical influence of some damaging agent.

Bruises can occur when falling from a height, when struck by a hard blunt object, or when squeezed between objects.

Clinic and symptoms of bruises

The bruise manifests itself with a number of symptoms:

  1. Swelling. It appears by moving inflammatory fluid, blood, lymph in subcutaneous fat. The more of the latter there is at the site of damage, the more extensive the swelling will be.
  2. Bruising (bruise). Their prevalence will depend on the strength of the damaging agent. They can be either in the form of pinpoint hemorrhages or in the form of a hematoma.
  3. Pain. It is a consequence of tissue compression by inflammatory exudate.
  4. Impaired function.

Based on the color of the bruise, one can judge the time that has passed since the injury occurred. In the first hours, the bruise site has a purplish-red color, which then gives way to purplish-blue. After 5-6 days, this color changes first to brown-green and then to yellowish.

Severity of bruises

Bruises can be classified according to severity:

  • I degree. Clinical manifestations weakly expressed, do not deliver to humans discomfort. Recovery occurs in 3-4 days.
  • II degree. A bruise of this degree changes normal functioning person. The pain is sharp, soft tissue injury leads to swelling and hemorrhage.
  • III and IV degrees. A bruise sharply limits the function of the damaged area. Muscles and tendons are severely injured.

First aid for bruises

First aid is a set of measures aimed at saving a person’s health and even life. Any person who was nearby when the victim was injured should be able to provide such assistance.

First aid for bruises is as follows:

  1. Cool the injured area. The cooling object can be frozen food from the refrigerator, ice, snow, a towel soaked in cold water etc.
  2. If there are various damages to the skin - abrasions, scratches, they must be treated with antiseptic solutions - hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine solution.
  3. Limb immobilization. In case of damage to the joint, it is necessary to immobilize the limb, for example, using a splint.
  4. Place the injured limb in an elevated position.
  5. Anesthesia. With strong pain syndrome the patient can take a pain reliever from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Since the procedure for providing care for bruises depends on the location of the injury, it is necessary to consider each individual case.

Soft tissue bruise

Soft tissue refers to the muscle, subcutaneous fat layer and skin. In case of injury, the appearance of bruise and swelling is characteristic, since in soft tissues blood and inflammatory exudate tend to spread.

First aid for soft tissue bruises is to apply a cold compress. If the victim has scratches and abrasions, then the skin is treated and a sterile bandage is applied. Painkillers - NSAIDs - are used to reduce pain. They can be used internally in the form of tablets or topically in the form of ointments.

After the pain has decreased, you can do light self-massage to reduce swelling. To resolve hematomas, ointments containing heparin or leech extract are used.

If your health worsens, or if there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor for specialized assistance.

Bruised limbs

Such damage is characterized by pain when moving, increasing swelling and bruising.

First aid for feet or legs includes cooling the injury site. Cold compress applied immediately after injury for 10-15 minutes to prevent the formation of edema. Damaged skin is treated with any antiseptic solution and takes cover sterile bandage. The injured limb is placed in an elevated position.

In case of pain, measures to reduce pain are necessary - taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The bruise site is treated with ointments based on NSAIDs and heparin.

If you suspect a violation of the integrity of the ligaments or damage to the joints, it is necessary to immobilize the limb and contact a trauma center or surgery department.

Head contusion

Head injury is a fairly serious pathology, as there is a high risk of brain damage.

With a normal bruise of soft tissues, so-called lumps are formed, which arise due to the impregnation of subcutaneous fatty tissue with an inflammatory infiltrate. First aid for a head injury of this nature is to apply a cooling compress.

With strong exposure to a damaging agent, more serious damage is possible - subgaleal and subperiosteal hematomas, skull fractures, intracranial hematomas. Therefore, in case of severe bruises, you should always contact a specialist.

A serious consequence of a bruise is brain damage. Any disturbance of consciousness and well-being should be the reason for going to the hospital.

Brain contusion

This damage is a consequence of traumatic brain injury, during which trauma to brain structures occurs. The frontal and temporal lobes are most susceptible to damage.

Brain contusion is dangerous, as cerebral edema forms, which leads to the development of such syndromes as herniation of the cerebellar tonsils into the foramen magnum, temporotentorial displacement, and others.

The main brain injuries depend on the degree of injury.

  • Mild degree. Damage of this severity is characterized by loss or clouding of consciousness. The patient is in a stupor and cannot describe the events that led to the injury. Against the background of edema, it increases intracranial pressure, which leads to dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Focal symptoms not expressed, nystagmus and anisocoria occur.
  • Average degree. As a rule, consciousness is absent for several hours. After consciousness has returned, the patient is practically in stupor, in a stunned state. General cerebral symptoms are characteristic - headache, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, meningeal symptoms, as well as focal disorders. The patient may experience impaired sensitivity in certain areas of the body. There are deviations in the regulation of vital vital functions - impaired breathing, heart rate.
  • Severe degree. The patient remains unconscious for several days. Violation of vital functions - breathing, heartbeat, thermoregulation - is characteristic.

First aid for a brain injury is immediate hospitalization. While waiting for help, if the patient is unconscious, it is better to turn him over and lay him on his side. This action will also prevent aspiration of vomit. To reduce the rate at which swelling increases, it is advisable to elevate the head. Be sure to monitor your breathing, pulse and blood pressure.

Internal organ bruise

Damage to internal organs is also a fairly serious pathology. Such damage is often the result of car accidents or falls from heights.

Internal organs can be damaged both in the abdominal cavity and in the chest.

Help for the patient in this case will consist of urgent hospitalization. Before the ambulance arrives, the patient should be placed on his back, a tight bandage applied, and cold applied. Before the arrival of specialists, it is better to refuse drug pain relief, since taking drugs can change the clinical picture.

Bruised joints

The main symptom of joint damage is impaired mobility. This is due to the fact that the inflammatory infiltrate penetrates into the joint cavity. Due to swelling, the joint increases in size, taking on an elliptical shape. In order to reduce pain, the victim involuntarily bends the limb, fixing it in a forced position.

First aid for uncomplicated bruises is to apply a cold compress to the injury site. With more severe conditions It is necessary to immobilize the limb and cool the injury site. If necessary, give a pain reliever and contact a medical facility.

Providing first aid for severe bruises

As a rule, treatment of severe bruises involves contacting a specialist. Damage of this severity may be accompanied by accumulation of blood in the joints (hemarthrosis) and extensive hematomas. Then a puncture will be required to suck out the blood. Sometimes it is possible to use incisions to remove accumulated fluid.

First aid for a severe bruise is to ensure rest, apply a cold compress, and relieve pain.

Also, with severe bruises, detachment of the skin from the underlying fascia and aponeuroses is possible. With this pathology, it is necessary to use a pressure bandage.

After pain has been reduced, it is used to resolve swelling. massotherapy, warming up, therapeutic exercises.