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Reasons why a person sweats a lot and solutions to the problem. Heavy sweating in all forms and forms: how to help a person

People sweat when they are hot and when they are scared - in order to cool down (as sweat evaporates, heat is absorbed).

Why are people hot?

1) High temperature environment and/or warm clothes.

2) People ate and drank hot (or spicy -).

3) The amount of heat generated in the body has increased sharply due to active physical work.

4) Under stress (when it’s scary and/or painful), the body prepares to save its life - that is, fight, bite, run quickly. Obviously, very active physical work is planned (see point 3), so you need to prepare in advance for the fact that it will be very hot.


Why do children sweat?

  • Firstly, the number of sweat glands per square centimeter of skin in children is much greater than in adults.
  • Secondly, children move more actively, i.e. do much more physical work than adults.
  • Thirdly, mothers wrap up their children. Therapists have already confused themselves with the phrase “Dress the child no more than you dress yourself” - nothing helps. Mothers say, “Well, he’s small,” and put an extra T-shirt on the child, and a sweater on top.

Why do fat people sweat?

1) Large body produces heat than thin people - accordingly, in overweight people, as in children, every square centimeter of skin should generate more heat than in normal adults.

2) A thick layer of subcutaneous fat prevents heat from leaving the fat man’s body in other ways (through radiation and heat transfer), only sweating remains.

Why do your palms and feet sweat?

Because there is the highest content of sweat glands - more than 400 pieces per square centimeter.

Why does my skin sweat under synthetic clothing?

Synthetic clothing does not absorb sweat, so it creates impression profuse sweating.

Why do teenage girls and menopausal women sweat?

This is unknown to science (“hormonal imbalance” is no more a clear explanation than “the aura has become distorted” or “toxins have accumulated”), but young and mature women are the last ones who are “allowed” to sweat excessively.


General sweating(sweating all over the body) may be a sign of quite serious illnesses:
  • in children - rickets;
  • at all ages - tuberculosis, as well as diabetes, brain tumors, kidney or glandular disorders internal secretion(primarily the thyroid).

If local sweating(local), then you can relax (“the prognosis for life is favorable, the patients’ complaints are of social origin” - i.e., in Russian, “the patients are ashamed”) - and start the fight.

1) Psychotherapy

Sweat glands, like most internal organs, do not obey consciousness, they are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system - the one that is responsible for stress. During times of stress profuse sweating necessary (see above - point 4 under the heading “Why is the body hot”).

Now imagine that a person is ashamed of his sweaty palms. When thinking about shaking someone’s hand, a person gets worried (that his palms might get sweaty), anxiety is stress, so what? - your palms are sweating, despite the fact that a minute ago they were only slightly damp. It turns out vicious circle.

Since the cause of the “illness” is rooted in the human psyche, the psychotherapist must first of all solve the problem. Doctors who make good money from Botox and sympathectomy (see below) write ironically and contemptuously that “you can make a patient proud of his sweaty palms, but you can’t make him not sweat” - this is only half true. The other half of the truth is that if a person stops with fear think about his sweating, then he will immediately begin to sweat much less.

2) Household chemicals

Alum, oak bark decoction, vinegar- These are ancient folk remedies against sweating. They “dry” the leather (absorb water and denature proteins; alum is also used in tanning leather). Outer layer At the same time, the skin becomes denser, “hardened”, the outlet openings of the sweat glands close (and sweat will no longer be able to “move apart” them with its own pressure when it accumulates in the sweat gland).

Antiperspirants(for example, aluminum chlorohydrate, also known as aluminum chloride hexahydrate) act in almost the same way as alum and oak bark- reduce the secretion of sweat by the sweat glands (“compress the pores” in the language of those who “remove toxins”).

  • Antiperspirants can only be used locally (if you smear them all over, you can die from overheating - after all, you and I remember that sweating is necessary for cooling);
  • Antiperspirants should not be used during active physical work, in the bathhouse, etc. (modern antiperspirants not only stop the release of sweat onto the surface of the skin, but also slow down its production in the sweat gland; slow down- but do not stop, if you use antiperspirants in extreme heat, sweat can accumulate inside the sweat glands and swelling of the skin will occur).

Antiperspirant deodorants- these are the majority of modern “deodorants”, abundantly advertised on TV. They contain three main components:

  • antiperspirants (see above);
  • deodorants - i.e. perfume fragrances that mask the smell of sweat;
  • as well as bactericidal substances; after all, it is bacteria that lead to the appearance of the “sweat smell,” and sweat itself (everywhere except) has almost no smell.

Pasta Teymurova its action is similar to television antiperspirant deodorants, it has the same antiseptic (kills bacteria), drying (reduces sweat) and deodorizing effect, only its components are more powerful.

3) Medicine

Botox- This is a highly diluted botulinum toxin poison. It disrupts the transmission of excitation inside nervous system and from nerves to muscles. People who eat improperly prepared canned food die from respiratory paralysis or cardiac arrest (a condition called botulism). In people who have highly diluted botulinum toxin injected into their skin, the conduction of nerve impulses from nerves to sweat glands - therefore, the secretion of sweat stops (and the conduction of nerve impulses from the nerves to the small muscles of the skin is also disrupted - therefore, wrinkles are smoothed out). One Botox injection lasts 4-6 months.

Sympathectomy- this is cutting or pinching the sympathetic nerves going to the sweat glands of the skin (of course, not to all, but only in one, the most problematic area - for example, on the palms). It helps in 95% of cases, most patients are satisfied, despite the fact that half of them develop compensatory hyperhidrosis - other areas of the body begin to sweat more.

Curettage Usually done in the armpits: a special instrument (curette) is inserted under the skin through a small incision and the skin is scraped from the inside, which damages the small nerves leading to the sweat glands. Compared to sympathectomy, curettage is more local, but also more traumatic.

Our expert - candidate medical sciences, presenter Researcher State Scientific Research Center preventive medicine Galina Kholmogorova.

Reason #1: Stress

If, due to strong excitement, fear or depression, local areas of the body begin to sweat heavily (palms, armpits, nasolabial triangle on the face, feet, back), then the reason is the easily excitable nervous system. There are times when your palms begin to sweat just from the thought of an upcoming handshake.

What to do: A psychotherapist and a neurologist will help you. First, specialists will find out the provoking factors, then prescribe sedatives and herbs, will conduct psychotherapy sessions. How aid You can use special drying lotions and liquid talc.

Reason No. 2: increased body weight

It is known that fat people sweat more often and more intensely. Big body produces a lot of heat, and a thick layer of fat does not allow it to escape, which means that the only way to cool is through sweating.

What to do: Lose weight, but until this happens, take a shower at least twice a day and use antiperspirants and folk remedies(alum and oak bark decoction).

Reason #3: Menopause or adolescence

These two periods are characterized by changes in hormonal levels. Because of this, the brain transmits the wrong signal about the state of the environment and the body, even in hot weather, obediently dilates blood vessels to warm up.

What to do: Woman in menopause It is necessary to take medications that reduce the symptoms of menopause. Your doctor will tell you which ones exactly. You just need to wait out teenage sweating, carefully observing the rules of personal hygiene.

Reason #4: Increased thyroid function

This disease is called thyrotoxicosis, and its first signs are a feeling of heat even in cold weather. Then insomnia sets in, severe irritability, general weakness and other symptoms.

What to do: Contact an endocrinologist and undergo a course of treatment.

Reason No. 5: vegetative-vascular dystonia

This disease is characterized by errors in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Not only the balance in the vascular, digestive, respiratory systems, but also heat transfer.

What to do: Contact a neurologist, do fitness, exclude from your diet foods that provoke increased sweating - spicy foods, coffee, spices, honey, alcohol.

Reason #6: Long-term use of antibiotics

The sharp change in intestinal microflora that develops against this background causes severe sweating.

What to do: Restore normal microflora intestines - natural kefir will help you or microbial preparations, containing a live culture of bacteria, as well as multivitamins.

Reason #7: Pregnancy

During the first trimester of pregnancy, the body only “adapts” to the changed hormonal levels, and this may be accompanied by excessive sweating. But in the second and third trimesters, the volume of circulating blood steadily increases (by 30-40%), which, rushing to the skin, can also cause sweating, although not as strong.

What to do: This is a completely safe phenomenon and does not require treatment. Regular enough hygiene procedures. I can recommend something very simple, but effective remedy: in 0.5 l cold boiled water add one tablespoon each of 9% vinegar and salt. Stir and wipe sweaty areas. Store the prepared solution in the refrigerator.

Everyone enjoys communicating with an intelligent and handsome interlocutor. You can fall in love with him, you want to do business with him, but one little thing is enough to ruin everything. positive traits. The smell of sweat is a nightmare that haunts many people. And naturally, the question of why a person sweats interests everyone who has at least once found themselves in a situation where sweating creates discomfort.

The human body is created in such a way that all its systems are interconnected and the slightest failure in one immediately causes a response in the other. So the normal human body temperature is 36.6 ℃. Hypothermia, like overheating, negatively affects all systems, and the brain urgently sends signals for recovery normal temperature. The fact that a person sweats in order to cool down has been known since school days.

Having received a signal from the brain, sweat glands They start working and, when opened, release sweat, which consists of water, salts, creatine and urea. It is the latter that is responsible for that bad smell, which makes those standing nearby wrinkle their noses. And don’t forget that sweat mixes with secretions from sebaceous glands, which adds “spirituality”.

When sweat is needed

Normally, a person sweats when the body overheats:

  • In the heat. If the street thermometer goes beyond 30-40 ℃, then it is absolutely normal that human body everyone is trying to cool down possible ways. The brain cannot allow overheating, because there are critical temperatures for it too.
  • During physical activity. During exercise in the gym, internal warming up of the muscles begins and the sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system turns on. Thus, she reacts to a situation that seems unusual to her.
  • During illness and fever. High temperature is detrimental to bacteria and viruses, and this is how the body tries to cope on its own. But high temperature is useful only up to a certain limit, so when it is exceeded, sweating starts. Its job is to cool the body and remove through the skin all the toxins that were formed when the bacteria died.

Hyperhidrosis is a dangerous sign

But sweating can cause a lot of trouble and even require treatment. Hyperhidrosis is the name of a disease in which sweating increases. However, even doctors cannot give an exact answer to the question of why a person sweats a lot without a full examination.

There are a number of diseases whose symptoms include excessive sweating:

  • Endocrine disorders
  • Neurological problems
  • Stress.
  • Infectious diseases
  • Tumors

Problems with the endocrine system

The endocrine system is responsible for producing hormones for the body to function properly. When a person sweats a lot, this may be a malfunction of the internal secretion organs, such as:

  • Diabetes. The problem with the disease is that in the blood increased content glucose, which negatively affects the entire human body. With diabetes, a person sweats only from the waist up. This feature often helps diagnose the disease on early stage. In addition to sweating, the patient experiences constant thirst and urinates frequently at night. The combination of symptoms should alert a person to visit an endocrinologist.
  • Obesity is also a problem with endocrine system. Of course, in addition to this, factors such as sedentary lifestyle life, absence physical activity, plentiful food. But, one way or another, people with overweight most often suffer from hyperhidrosis.
  • Hyperthyroidism. This disease causes increased secretion of hormones by the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones cause the body to constantly overheat, and therefore the brain immediately starts the cooling function. If, in addition to sweating, any formation is felt on the neck, then you should immediately run to the doctor. The disease is treatable, especially if caught at an early stage


Many doctors claim that most of problems in our life from nerves and, in general, they are right. But it is worth separating serious neurological pathologies from stress, which is easier to get rid of.

A stroke that affects the brain often disrupts all systems in the body. And thermoregulation is no exception. This requires serious treatment.

Parkinson's disease is also characterized by sweating on the face.

However, when a person sweats a lot, stress may be the cause. This is especially noticeable in sweating hands and armpits. The release of adrenaline during stress warms up the body and the thermoregulation system starts up again. But those who have encountered wet palms at an important business meeting remember very well how uncomfortable it is. True, when the stress trigger disappears, the person calms down and everything returns to normal. But a sweaty shirt doesn’t go away, so it’s worth keeping a spare one at work.

Infectious diseases

About the fact that a person sweats when he has the flu or another viral infection has already been said. Here, sweating is not a symptom, but rather a consequence of the problem. But there are a number of diseases in which hyperhidrosis will be one of the important symptoms.

So night sweats can be one of the signs of tuberculosis. Everyone knows that there is a hidden form of the disease, and in the absence of proper diagnosis, a person may not even suspect that he has such dangerous disease. And what's even worse is that it can infect its surroundings.


This one is very serious problem, since the temperature rises and the person sweats very much at the stage of metastasis formation. The disease is especially severe when affected lymph nodes and lymphoid tissue.

Women's troubles

Despite the fact that it has been proven that men are more susceptible to sweating, women are also not spared from this scourge. In addition to all the above reasons, there are two more that are associated exclusively with the female body:

  • pregnancy;
  • menopause.

During pregnancy, hormone levels go through the roof, and the body has difficulty coping with such a load. And the weight increases rapidly, so you have to produce more sweat to cool down. The autonomic nervous system bears the brunt, because it is responsible for both blood pressure, which often increases in pregnant women, and a rapid heartbeat. If sweating bothers you, you should tell your doctor about it, because it may be a symptom of an illness.

Menopause is the most unpleasant stage in a woman's life. Her reproductive function fades away and the hormones that have been steadily produced for so many years are no longer needed and the body experiences real stress. Many women during menopause complain of so-called hot flashes. Heat engulfs the body unexpectedly and does not depend on any external factors.

If you can deal with hot flashes at night, no matter how much they interfere with sleep, by getting yourself in order before going to work, then during the day the problem creates a lot of trouble. A sweaty person experiences embarrassment, which only aggravates the already serious condition. The best way out There will be a visit to the gynecologist, who will prescribe gentle therapy.

Ways to reduce sweating

In the first place, undoubtedly, is hygiene and the use of antiperspirant deodorants, which prevent sweating and remove unpleasant odors. If you have a problem with hyperhidrosis, then you will have to shower twice a day and you should hang a spare shirt in your work closet just in case

Since excess weight is also the cause of excess sweating, it is worth thinking about losing weight. Of course, this is not an easy process and often cannot be done without the help of doctors, but the result is worth it.

Advice to worry less may be perceived by many as a mockery, but if it is impossible to remove stress from life, then you need to weaken its effect. This is where mild sedatives will come to the rescue.

You will have to remove all synthetic items from your wardrobe. It is better to leave a couple of blouses made of natural fabrics than to suffer every day in synthetics, which do not allow the skin to breathe at all.

It is also better to limit strong tea or coffee, hot and spicy foods. For those who cannot refuse such gastronomic excesses, they will have to enjoy them at home in order to be able to put themselves in order.

The human body has a certain temperature, when it changes up or down, the person’s health begins to deteriorate. Remember yourself with high temperature body, how did you feel at that moment? The higher the body temperature, the higher the load on the body, the more more likely to occur various complications. The human body is quite versatile and well adapted to different conditions life. Perhaps you already understand why a person sweats, no? So, sweating is protective function body from overheating. The secreted sweat begins to dry out and cool the body, with the help of which the body maintains a certain temperature.


The reasons why a person starts to sweat is not only due to sweating to cool the body, but also for a number of other reasons. So some people sweat due to stress, hot tea, body disease Hyperhidrosis, etc.

STRESS: Some people have the problem of sweating profusely when under great or even minor stress. Typically, sweat appears under the arms, which manifests itself in the form of wet clothing in the armpit area, the smell of sweat, which further increases the stress and sweating of a person.

WHY DO PEOPLE SWEAT IN THEIR SLEEP? Night sweats can be caused for various reasons, for example, hyperhidrosis, or overheating of the body under a warm blanket, or a heavy dinner before bed, since digesting food can cause a slight rise in body temperature.

WHY DO PEOPLE'S PALM SWEAT? A large number of sweat glands are concentrated in the palms, why are they needed there, everything is very simple, when the palms are clenched, there is no air circulation in them, and, naturally, the temperature rises, it is to reduce the temperature of the palms that they sweat, they can also sweat under stress or then when a person tells a lie.

WHY DO PEOPLE'S FEET SWEAT? The reason for sweating of the legs (feet) is the same as in all other cases, given that the feet are in shoes all day, the temperature rises, and so the human body has developed a protective reflex of sweating the feet. We recommend that you read

WHY DO OBVIOUS PEOPLE SWEAT MORE? It’s simple, the larger the person, the more energy is spent on the body’s work and movement, while body temperature increases more intensely than skinny people, which leads to more intense sweating.

WHY DO ARMPITS AND GROUND AREA SWEAT? Take a closer look at such places, these are the warmest and hottest places on the body; naturally, the body temperature rises faster there, which again leads to profuse sweating.


Sweat is a fluid secreted by the body, consisting of 98-99% water, the rest is sulfates, phosphates, chlorides, uric acid salts, urea, creatine, ester sulfuric acids, depending on lifestyle and medications taken, quinine, iodine compounds are released with sweat , acids and other harmful substances. Precisely because they are released with sweat harmful substances, it is recommended to go to the baths and sweat profusely to cleanse the body of toxins.


Sweating performs the most important function protecting the body from overheating. Sweat glands are located over the entire surface of the body, their work is regulated sympathetic division autonomic nervous system. Intensity normal discharge fluids from the sweat glands different people not the same. Therefore o increased sweating(hyperhidrosis) is said only in cases when copious discharge sweat causes constant discomfort, significantly reducing the quality of life.

Today we will talk about the conditions that cause hyperhidrosis.

Changes in the level of female sex hormones

Hyperhidrosis is often one of the manifestations climacteric syndrome. A woman periodically experiences hot flashes to the face, neck and upper chest, accompanied by increased heart rate and sweating. This can happen at any time of the day or night. If attacks occur no more than 20 times a day, the situation is considered normal and does not require medical intervention. When others join hyperhidrosis unpleasant symptoms(pain in the head or chest area, increased blood pressure, numbness of the hands, urinary incontinence, dry mucous membranes, etc.), the woman should consult a gynecologist regarding compensatory therapy.

Increased sweating of the whole body is also typical for the first two trimesters of pregnancy. It appears in the background hormonal changes and is considered normal. Hyperhidrosis in the third trimester is associated with accelerated metabolism, accumulation large quantity fluids in the body or a set excess weight. Warning signs may include an ammonia-like odor in sweat and the appearance of white marks on clothing, indicating kidney problems.

Source: depositphotos.com

Thyroid pathologies

Hyperhidrosis is one of the symptoms of abnormally high hormone production thyroid gland(hyperthyroidism). It occurs with the following diseases:

  • nodular toxic goiter;
  • Graves' disease (diffuse goiter);
  • subacute thyroiditis.

Increased sweating caused by malfunction thyroid gland, sometimes manifests itself in pituitary tumors. If hyperhidrosis is combined with sudden weight loss due to increased appetite, hand tremors, disturbances heart rate, irritability and anxiety, you should urgently consult an endocrinologist.

Source: depositphotos.com

Fluctuations in blood glucose levels

Excessive sweating often occurs with diabetes. In this case, it is associated with a violation of thermoregulation. Diabetes of any type leads to destruction nerve endings, as a result of which adequate transmission of signals to the sweat glands becomes impossible. In diabetics, hyperhidrosis primarily affects the upper half of the body: face, neck, chest and abdomen. Characterized by increased fluid secretion at night.

Hyperhidrosis may also indicate insufficient levels of glucose in the blood (hypoglycemia). In patients diabetes mellitus The cause of the problem is usually a violation of the diet or an overdose of glucose-lowering drugs medicines. Healthy people sometimes experience a lack of glucose after heavy physical activity. With hypoglycemia, cold, sticky sweat appears mainly on the back of the head and the back of the neck. The attack may be accompanied by dizziness, nausea, trembling and blurred vision. To quickly get rid of illness, you need to eat something sweet (banana, candy, etc.).

Source: depositphotos.com

Problems with the heart and blood vessels

Almost all diseases of cardio-vascular system to one degree or another accompanied by hyperhidrosis. Increased sweating is inherent in the following pathologies:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • transient ischemic attack;
  • vascular thrombosis.

In addition, sweat glands are overworked in people suffering from pericarditis or myocarditis.