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Moles appear on the body in large numbers. The main reasons for the appearance of moles

Moles on the body are such widespread skin formations that there is not a single race, including Negroid, whose representatives would not have these changes in skin pigment. They are different sizes, localizations, are formed by various reasons and can accompany a person throughout his life without causing the slightest concern. But they can also cause the formation of an extremely malignant tumor - melanoma.

The scientific name for moles is pigment spots, or nevi. They are an overgrown accumulation of skin cells that can rise in the form of a growth above the surface of the skin or be located in its plane. What makes moles noticeable is the pigment melanin, which can be contained in pigment spots in varying quantities. It should be said that moles may not contain melanin at all. The location of moles can be very different. Nevus can, for example, appear on index finger, and can also exist at the border of the skin and mucous membrane with a transition to it.

About the types of moles

There are classifications of these formations a large number of, and listing all the details is hardly appropriate. Let's just say that nevi are divided according to:

  • quantity (single, multiple);
  • time of occurrence (congenital, later manifested and acquired);
  • quality of edges and borders (smooth, scalloped);
  • elevation above the surface of the skin (flat, convex);
  • the presence of foci of depigmentation around the formation;
  • color (red, brown, blue, black, etc.);
  • symmetry or the presence of asymmetry (in shape, color);
  • sizes (small, large moles, gigantic);
  • the flow (speed) of the dynamics of change.

In addition to these classifications, which are based on external signs, there are pathohistological classifications according to cellular composition, ultimately determining the degree of danger, as well as many other characteristics.

Reasons for appearance

Why do moles appear on the human body? There are many unequal factors for the formation of nevi, but the most significant of them are the following.

  • Anomalies in the development of the ectoderm (outer germ layer) in local places. Most often, these disorders occur in the last trimester of pregnancy, after all the tissues and organs have already been formed, and minor changes in the skin of the fetus begin. Most often, these “precursors” are so small that they are not visible on the skin of newborns. Their appearance becomes noticeable when the area skin in a child increases significantly. They usually appear in the second or third year of life. This type includes greatest number all moles.
  • Transmission by inheritance. As a rule, this applies to large nevi (birthmarks), as well as “loose type” moles. With a significant length of the DNA chain, statistically different from the standard sizes gene mutationswhite noise"), the probability of inheritance is about 50%. Naturally, this does not include those cases when moles appear in adulthood, because their appearance is most often not associated with hereditary mechanisms, but has acquired causes.
  • Perception of excess amount by melanocytes ultraviolet radiation. Moderate amounts of short-wave radiation from the sun reaching the skin from gradual increase exposure time (according to the rules), taking into account the skin type, leads to an even and beautiful tan. If you abuse exposure to the sun, then its amount is compensated not by the accumulation of melanin, but by the increased reproduction of the cells that produce it - melanocytes. These nevi are always acquired and in a large percentage of cases can become malignant. Therefore, new moles that appear after an intense “beach season” require the closest attention.
  • Traumatic damage to the skin is not the most important, but quite significant factor in the appearance of nevi. If intact skin is injured, there is a risk of new mole not tall. And if an existing nevus is injured (bleeding or partial rupture occurs), then the consequences can be the most unpredictable. Each such case, both in an adult and a child, should not go unnoticed, and at the slightest deviation from normal healing, a dermatologist should be consulted.
  • Relatively safe options include dysmetabolic (hormonal) forms of nevi. The reasons for their appearance are: puberty, pregnancy period. They appear somewhat less frequently during illness endocrine glands, which produce the melanotropic hormone – melatonin, which plays a key role in regulating the frequency of sleep and wakefulness. Hormonal moles are always small and tend to disappear after normalization of hormonal levels and correction of the underlying disease.
  • Infectious causes.

The connection between microbial or viral infection and the development of nevi has not yet been proven. Therefore, it is impossible to say that moles appear on the body after a particular disease. The existence of the human papillomavirus is known, but papilloma is a tumor that is not a nevus.

About the treatment of nevi

Many people have heard that it is not always possible to remove moles from the body. Is it so? Only a doctor can answer this question unequivocally, since in some cases it is vitally important, and in others it is simply the patient’s wish to get rid of a cosmetic defect. In cosmetology and plastic surgery There are several ways to treat these formations.

  • Surgical method. There is only one requirement for this widespread method - when the slightest sign instability of the nevus requires consultation with an oncologist and taking material for pathohistological examination.
  • Cryodestruction is the “freezing” of a nevus using liquid nitrogen. This method compares favorably with the previous one in the absence cosmetic defects and painlessness. Negative side is the possibility of relapse.
  • Laser coagulation. With this type, the laser “evaporates” all the liquid, and the nevus disappears. Is it possible to remove moles? big size using a laser? Yes, it is possible, but a relapse is possible, since processing a larger area requires manual movement of the beam. Recurrences are also possible if the mole is too large.
  • Diathermo-electrocoagulation. The method is the coagulation of proteins under the influence of high temperatures and electric current. As a rule, small single formations respond well to treatment.

About “dangerous” moles

How to find out if a nevus belongs to the “risk group”? Does it have a high potential for degeneration into cancer, the most dangerous of which is melanoma? Are there general signs, which may be alarming common man and serve as a reason to contact a dermatologist or oncologist? Yes, such criteria exist.

Signs of “suspicious” moles:

  • the mole is blue or black - this applies to both congenital and acquired nevi;
  • any noticeable change with the naked eye– you need to see a doctor if moles grow, change color, shape;
  • the appearance of another surface (for example, the transformation smooth surface into lumpy);
  • change in consistency - compaction of the mole and its thickening are dangerous.
  • the presence of pain, an inflammatory rim around the nevus, as well as the appearance of weeping and bleeding;
  • cracking and chipping of the nevus;
  • the appearance of severe itching;
  • covering the surface with scales, which form again when removed.

If one, or even more several, signs appear, you need to urgently visit a dermatologist and oncologist and undergo necessary research and under no circumstances self-medicate.

When a person is born, there is not a single mole on the body, but as the body develops, they appear in the most unexpected places. Why this happens, why moles appear - this is what needs to be dealt with.

The appearance of moles begins at about one year of a person’s life. Then comes teenage years, in which there is a sharp increase in these spots on the body. Further, moles form on the body due to completely different reasons and ongoing physiological processes, for example, pregnancy.

The birthmark of moles is before the age of 25, but this is not always a true statement. Moles can form due to various reasons:

  • Neoplasms of hereditary type (congenital moles) appear in people thanks to information embedded in DNA inherited from relatives.
  • Educated from sun rays. This type appears from an excess of melanin. In this case, you need to be careful, because with prolonged exposure to sunlight, any mole can turn into a malignant tumor.
  • Formed due to a virus, infection, radiation or injury. These are other reasons for the appearance of moles. According to doctors, any infection or significant dose of radiation, even the bite of an insect, can cause the appearance of tumors.
  • Caused by the pituitary hormone. With a hormonal surge, new age spots may form on the body. During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in the body; in men, neoplasms may appear due to testicular injury or the release of estrogen.
  • Another version, according to alternative medicine, is a strong release of energy in a certain place in the body. This is where neoplasms form.

Why do new moles appear?

The formation of neoplasms depends on many factors. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the causes that cause such a problem are eliminated. If you notice that there are a lot of moles on your body, you need to sunny days, especially in summer, wear closed clothes, hats and, in general, hide in the shadows. Why do moles appear? Most of these formations appear due to stress, excess hormones, or even unfavorable ecology in the city. But a person begins to notice such spots only when it causes some discomfort: it hurts, itches, there is redness, or there is a sharp increase in growth. Contact your doctor who will full examination such education and will tell how dangerous it is.

Where do moles come from?

Nevi appear when the functioning of internal organs is disrupted. Such violations are:

  • Pathologies in the direction of dermatology
  • Colon dysfunction
  • Pancreatic diseases
  • Imbalance of lipid metabolism

If you notice a nevus that has formed, for these reasons, you should immediately consult a doctor. Because you will have to treat not only the tumor, but also the existing disease. Do not delay treatment - this will cause serious consequences.

In fact, the appearance of nevi is caused by the fact that the number of genes such as melanocytes increases in the body. When dangerous varieties neoplasms – dangerous skin diseases, namely melanoma, can develop. Therefore, do not delay treatment, be sure to seek treatment from a specialist.

Types of moles

There are many types of nevi, these are some of them:

  • Brown or skin-colored ones never cause problems. But, if they begin to grow in size or quantity, you need to contact a specialist.
  • Dark brown in color, have different shape. And also not dangerous, only with intensive changes and growth - consult a doctor.
  • Blue-violet formation - will disappear by adolescence.
  • Hemangiomas. Such formations can be both flat and convex. They can change shape, grow, disappear, sag and much more. During pregnancy, as a rule, they grow rapidly and blur. It is advisable to treat such moles and not delay the process.

Situations when you should consult a doctor immediately

Most often, you will not notice the presence of age spots on your body. But situations rarely arise when it is urgently necessary to remove a tumor:

  • Severe itching and tingling around the spot
  • The mole is very hard or very painful
  • There is redness around the nevus
  • Fluid or blood is released
  • The nevus is covered with cracks and scales
  • Intensive growth

If you notice any of these conditions, contact your dermatologist immediately. He will conduct a full examination and issue a conclusion: to remove the dangerous formation or not. Because it is possible to change the hormonal levels with medications and the formations will disappear on their own. If the specialist prescribes removal, then best methods There will be laser removal and nitrogen removal. But this edge cases. Every doctor will first advise drug treatment, which is completely painless and will quickly help you get rid of unnecessary formations on the body that disfigure the body and bother you.

The appearance of moles is due to various reasons

For example, hanging moles appear in the human body due to the papilloma virus. They look simply terrible, they get in the way, cling to clothes and therefore there is a possibility of injury. This may lead to dire consequences, for example, contracting an infection. If this type of nevus appears, you must immediately seek treatment from a dermatologist.

Red moles may appear due to diseases of internal organs or imbalances in the body. If such dangerous neoplasms appear, consult a doctor and he will prescribe you complex treatment, combining and medications, and subsequently deletion.

Many people worry when there are a large number of moles on the body - and rightly so. Because with prolonged exposure to sunlight on tumors, with constant contact of clothing with stains, with injury, cancer, or more precisely, melanoma, can develop. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to hide from large and constant exposure to the sun, wear soft and pleasant clothes, and in case of any injury, immediately go to the doctor.

There is a circumstance when hair grows from a nevus. There is nothing scary about it, you don’t need to rip it out, just cut it off.

And also with biological aging, a large number of moles appear - this is a proven fact.

Many people have a question: can moles be inherited? Perhaps such hereditary type moles are already registered in your hereditary information in DNA. Therefore, you may well acquire a mole in the same place as your relatives.

It also happens very dangerous look neoplasms – lentigo maligna. Such nevi will definitely develop into melanoma. This appearance most often appears after 50 years. The size of such a neoplasm can reach more than 8 cm. With such a formation, erosion and bleeding may occur. When such dangerous disease– consult a doctor immediately, go necessary examination and start treatment. Otherwise you will get extremely dangerous consequences.

The main factors for the occurrence of nevi

  • Constant exposure to the sun, as well as in a solarium
  • Severe stress and hormonal surges
  • A bite of an insect
  • Trauma, wound or scratch

In this regard, it is necessary to constantly monitor your health. At the first signs of deterioration in health or growth of tumors, you should consult a dermatologist.

Unconventional opinions

Where else can neoplasms come from? For example, in Asian countries it is believed that the appearance of moles is caused by an uncontrolled and very strong release of energy. A nevus appears in the place where it previously leaked inflammatory process. Based on this, it turns out that under the place where the mole appeared, there is a patient internal organ. This is an excellent signal and call for immediate treatment of internal diseases, otherwise dangerous complications are possible.

During pregnancy. The material promotes awareness of the safety of moles for a number of reasons and encourages contacting a doctor if moles begin to behave unusually.

Period of occurrence

Moles appear on the human body from birth, although initially a person is born without any pigment spots at all. Most of them occur during adolescence, when the formation of human body. They can appear and disappear, manifest themselves in very different ways, grow or die, but each inexplicable behavior moles should be perceived as a danger, and a person who notices moles on the body or their change is simply obliged to consult a doctor in order to avoid more serious problems than itching or peeling of a mole.

All moles can be radically different from each other and be different color: brown, skin colors, black, pink, white and even purple, and also be different shapes and structures: angular, flat, lumpy and sharp, or generally subcutaneous and almost invisible.


Moles can appear on a person’s body at any time in his life, despite the fact that the main period of their birth occurs before the age of 25 years. Moles can appear anywhere and anyhow, and they can also disappear. Let's look at the various reasons for the appearance of moles:

The appearance of moles in humans may be due to hereditary information embedded in DNA. Hence the name moles, since they are often inherited and appear in the same place as in older relatives.

Emergence from the sun

One of the most effective influences on the appearance and growth of moles is solar radiation. Under its influence, the human body produces quite intensively a certain substance - melanin. It forms the basis of moles. An excess of melanin, which is perfectly produced by the body under ultraviolet rays, forms huge colonies of new moles on the surface of the skin, which is already a risk factor. Each mole increased quantity exposure to the sun can transform into a tumor, and a malignant one.

Moles due to injury and some viruses

At the same time, a huge number of doctors are confident that moles appear due to radiation and x-rays, which every person receives at one time or another. There is another opinion viral infection and insect bites that for a long time leave their marks on human skin. With any of the above effects on the body, a process can be started during which melanocytes group and find their way to the surface of the skin.

Alternative medicine opinion

The appearance of moles on the body is caused by the release of internal energy. Energy accumulates at the site of inflammation, concentrates over time and provokes the appearance of age spots and moles on the skin.

Hormonal surges

It affects the release and formation of melanin, which in turn pigments the mole. strong effect a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. For this reason, any hormonal surge in the human body can lead to multiple births of new moles. This may explain moles during pregnancy or during puberty. Such bursts can lead not only to the birth of moles, but also to their disappearance.

How to prevent the occurrence

After reading everything written above and understanding the causes of moles on the body, you can try to prevent the increase in the number of moles. To do this, according to experts, the most important thing is to refrain from increased consumption of solar radiation, that is, to sunbathe less during the solar zenith and minimize visits to the solarium; this will be enough for a start.

New moles

The appearance of new moles on the body is often explained by the influence unfavorable factors on the body. It could be severe stress, hormonal surge, radiation exposure and unfavorable ecological situation. If the appearance of new moles bothers you precisely because of their number, then you should spend less time in the sun and protect your skin with the help of special creams, lotions and protective filters. Often, moles are a normal behavior of the body until they begin to bother the owner and cause physical or aesthetic discomfort. It is worth paying attention to the growth of the mole, the increase in the number of moles, peeling, itching and other factors of a sharp change in the structure and size of moles on the body.

Variety of birthmarks in children

The appearance of red or any other moles on the child’s body may be due to the most various reasons and be both dangerous and safe. As a rule, only moles that belong to one of the groups appear on the skin of babies:
  • Light brown or skin colored moles that are not too noticeable most often remain for life. If their number increases, then there is cause for concern and you should consult a doctor for advice.
  • Birthmarks dark color and different shapes. They can appear on any part of the body. They are also harmless and can last a lifetime, but if there are any changes in shape, color or quantity, you must consult a doctor.
  • Red moles on the child's face, back of the head and neck. in children is explained by expansion small vessels during childbirth. Single manifestations may remain for a long time, but identical and mirror-image red moles may disappear within the next year.
  • Mongoloid spot. Most often it appears in children with dark skin and is located on the child’s buttocks or lower back. The blue-purple marking does not require any treatment and most often disappears by about 13-15 years of age.
  • Hemangiomas. They can be convex or flat.
Convex moles are a clear indicator that moles form during pregnancy and appear during this period, and sometimes immediately after the birth of the child. They do not bring any negative sensations and can disappear within a few years, but if convex hemangiomas are located in risk areas, where they can be damaged, then it is advisable to cure them. It is necessary to begin treatment at a young age, since convex hemengiomas, if they have not disappeared, can grow, and by the age of 15 they can turn into a huge spot. And finally, flat formations - they are harmless and do not grow over the years, and therefore it is not at all necessary to remove them.

Doctors' warnings

All doctors insist on the same thing. Removing moles is not at all a mandatory process, since they themselves do not cause any harm, except moles on the face, which can spoil a person’s appearance, or those moles that are located on dangerous areas of the body: on the neck, on the eyelids, on the toes and so on. These moles can be easily damaged and cause some anxiety. In addition, the appearance of moles on the body most often does not cause any harm to the body, except in cases where you notice signs of transformation of the mole, which are the first reason for visiting a doctor:

  • compaction and sudden change in the size of the mole;
  • change in color of the mole, sharp pigmentation in dark color;
  • cracks in the mole, peeling, bleeding;
  • inflammation of a mole or its areola;
  • disruption of the structure of the skin pattern on the surface of moles.
Having considered all the warnings of doctors, the reasons for the appearance of moles, we can conclude that if a mole does not behave unusually and does not cause problems discomfort, then the only reason for its removal may be aesthetic and emotional reasons and, if this must happen, then we recommend laser mole removal or removal with nitrogen.
The procedures are virtually painless and leave no visible marks on the skin, but should only be performed by qualified professionals.

IN medical practice There are 2 types of moles:

  • melanoma-hazardous;
  • not dangerous.

The first type poses a threat to human health, as it can degenerate into malignancy, requiring further surgical treatment. In contrast, the second type of nevi is very in rare cases can lead to cancer skin disease. However frequent damage, exposure to the sun can provoke skin cancer even on the skin itself. Therefore, care must be taken to avoid direct sun exposure.

Basically, if many moles appear on the body at one time, this is in all cases due to the influence of internal and external factors. The most common reasons are:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • heredity;
  • tanning or prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • skin injury;
  • liver dysfunction.

Hormonal imbalance is observed in the period after childbirth, during puberty, hormone therapy or in case of illness thyroid gland. It is these reasons that can influence the origin of moles in large quantities.

When one of the parents has a body covered with multiple pigment spots, then the child will have the same. Often associated with sunburn. Under the influence sunlight the skin of any person begins to produce melanin, which has protective functions. With excessive insolation, it accumulates in the form of moles. In this regard, moles often form in summer in those areas of the body that are open. Experts recommend that those who have a lot of moles avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, and also visit a solarium. All this can serve as a reason for the formation of melanoma.

In some cases, you may notice that a nevus has arisen where the skin has been damaged. This phenomenon is usually attributed to defensive reaction body. However, such formations occur extremely rarely and are isolated.

When a person has many red moles, it is necessary to examine the liver. As you know, these are not moles, but dilated small skin capillaries. Their occurrence is due to the influence of hormones that are neutralized by the liver. With its pathology, there is a disruption in the functioning of the organ, as a result of which they arise. They should also not be combed or damaged, otherwise consequences may occur.

2 Formation of nevi in ​​a short time

Many people become worried when multiple nevi appear on their body at the same time. They classify this as a malignant tumor. However, this fact can be perceived as reality, or not given much importance.

Those people who have more than 40 moles on their body are at high risk of developing cancer skin. However, doctors note that the most important thing is not their number, but their external data. You need to examine the mole as best as possible and note for yourself any questionable pigment elements. It is better to contact an oncodermatologist who can assess the condition of moles using a dermatoscope designed to study the characteristics of a nevus.

Signs of a dangerous mole:

  • asymmetrical formation (if a mole is conditionally divided into two equal halves, they will be different in size);
  • uneven borders of a mole;
  • blood discharge from the formation;
  • big size;
  • the presence of itching, discoloration, hyperemia or swelling of the skin layer under the mole, etc.

Is it necessary to remove nevi that appear suddenly in both an adult and a child, and in large numbers? Only an experienced oncodermatologist can answer such a question based on the results of an examination of each mole. If any of the above phenomena are detected, the doctor will prescribe removal of the mole, since there is a significant risk of its degeneration. The doctor will determine the appropriate removal option, based on its structure and depth of penetration into the skin layer.

3 When to see a doctor

It is worth noting that the appearance of many small moles is not a valid reason for undue concern. Especially when they appear in a child as early as childhood from birth. It’s worth starting to worry if a person’s number increases more and more over time, since this is a sign of probable melanoma - a tumor that has cancer cells. To prevent education from degenerating into malignant tumor, it should be “mothballed”. You don’t have to deal with removing nevi; it’s enough just to stop their systematic occurrence.

Currently there are many effective ways for this. For these purposes, you can use special soap sold in pharmacy points, or simple, through the use of creams and ointments, taking vitamin complexes. it is important to take care of your health endocrine system, and when the slightest symptoms thyroid dysfunction, urgently contact an endocrinologist. This should also be done if unpleasant changes occur on the surface of the skin. Swollen nevi, itching or deformation are the primary factors requiring special attention. If you have these symptoms, you are at risk of developing melanoma.

It is forbidden to remove moles yourself. This procedure will cause bleeding, which may result in blood poisoning. Big problems will arise later. Therefore, to treat swollen or itchy moles, you need to consult a doctor who has experience in this field. After the inspection, he will assess the condition of the stains and make recommendations for their removal, if necessary. Each removal method is considered strictly based on the characteristics of the human body, as well as on the superficial appearance of the mole itself.

4 Methods for removing moles

Various methods are practiced, but often they carry risks or do not bring results. Initially cauterization and other methods are used traditional medicine. However, these unconventional methods cannot be considered useful. Traditional medicine There are a variety of techniques for removing moles from the human body.

Laser mole removal is a method during which nevi are erased from the skin layer along with its surface layer. The laser does not affect the healthy epithelial layer; it has an effect only where there are pigment spots. By using modern technologies similar procedures are done in a matter of minutes and do not cause pain or discomfort. Side effects minor: several days with hyperemia, not causing discomfort. Doctors recommend upon completion laser removal nevus use moisturizers. However, in some cases this is not permissible, based on the type of skin and the nature of dense formations.

Surgical removal of moles is considered classical method, implying the use surgical scalpel And local anesthesia. The disadvantage of this method is the presence of scars within 2-3 days. Sometimes this method is the only one in eliminating age spots from the body in both adults and children. Also, if the tumor is malignant, only surgical intervention, since the laser will not help in this case.

Radio wave removal of moles is not known, but often gives good result. Its action is carried out through radio waves that are directed at the skin. The advantages of this method are clear: due to the waves, excess can be eliminated, and the skin can also be disinfected. At the same time this method inexpensive.

Thus, knowing why many moles appear on the body, you can stop worrying and start controlling them throughout the body. If any unfavorable signs occur, you should definitely consult a doctor and get examined thyroid gland. After the examination, the doctor will be able to assess the risk of developing melanoma and select further treatment tactics.

Self-removal of nevi is strictly prohibited.

The most important thing is that you should not scratch or damage the mole area, otherwise adverse consequences are likely. If age spot located in a place of the skin where there is strong friction with clothing, looser clothing should be worn to prevent frequent contact with the nevus.

Despite the fact that most people have a fairly large number of similar epidermal structures on the face and body, often the appearance of a nevus becomes an unpleasant surprise, which makes its owner wonder why moles appear. Let's try to figure out what a pigmented neoplasm on the skin is and how moles appear on the body and face.

What are moles?

In order to determine what becomes the etiotropic factor in the formation of a mole, it is necessary first of all to understand what a nevus is on physiological level. In fact, a mole consists of epidermal cells that contain an excessive amount of the natural pigment melanin, which is responsible in the body for the color parameters of hair, eyes and skin color.

An accumulation of pigmented particles can be located at any level of the dermis, which will directly affect the shape and structure of the nevus. Depending on this factor, the following forms of pigmented formations are distinguished:

  • Flat;
  • Lumpy;
  • Hanging;
  • Subcutaneous;
  • Angular;
  • Spicy, etc.

In addition, the color of such an epidermal structure may also be different. The most common moles are brown, black, red, flesh-colored, pink and blue, but in in this regard There are no restrictions and depending on the amount and type of melanin, nevi can have any color.

Moles on the body: reasons for their appearance

Become trigger mechanism For the formation of a mole on the body, several factors can occur, each of which is characteristic of a particular period in a person’s life. Dermatologists say that the vast majority of moles in people appear as a result of the following conditions:

    Exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
    Under the influence of intense sun or ultraviolet rays of a solarium, human skin begins to actively produce a pigment - melanin, which accumulates in cells, causing a phenomenon such as tanning. When there is an excess of such radiation, an accumulation of melanin in the cells of a certain area can occur. Cluster of pigmented cellular structures and will appear on the human body as an epidermal mole.

    This factor most often provokes the formation of small, nodular nevi, which often form colonies consisting of several similar structures located in one area of ​​​​the body. Doctors say that most moles formed as a result of intense solar radiation are melanoma-hazardous, that is, they are prone to oncological degeneration and the development of skin cancer;

    Hormonal imbalance.
    Being natural regulators that control the flow of all physiological processes in the body, hormones can provoke the formation or disappearance of nevi. It has been proven that pituitary hormones have a particularly strong influence on the process of formation of moles on the body, which can also lead to changes in the color, shape and size of pigmented structures. Determining why moles appear during pregnancy, puberty, or taking hormonal hormones medications, special attention should be paid to hormonal mechanism their education;

    Hereditary predisposition.
    Based on the results of many studies, regarding true reasons the appearance of moles on the body, it was possible to establish the role of the genetic component in the process of formation of pigmented nevi. In this case, heredity influences not only the number and nature of pigmented formations, but can also affect the localization of the structure. Thus, if a mother or father has a fairly large epidermal formation in a certain place on the body or face, then there is a high probability that a similar structure will appear in their child;

    Viral agents.
    This factor is especially relevant if it is necessary to determine why hanging moles appear on the body. The fact is that approximately half of all cases of the formation of hanging nevi are associated with the penetration of the human papillomavirus (HPV) into the patient’s blood, which provokes the division of epidermal cells, forming a convex skin formation;

    Injury to epidermal structures or other moles.
    When answering the question why moles appear on the body of an adult, the correct answer quite often is mechanical damage skin, which may be accompanied by the release of pigment and its accumulation in a certain epidermal zone. In addition, doctors have noticed that when a long-formed mole is torn off or injured, new nevi often form in the area of ​​nearby tissue;

    Vascular pathologies.
    Operational disruptions of cardio-vascular system, as well as morphological changes in large and small vessels, can be the reason why red moles appear on the body. The color features of such nevi are associated precisely with this feature of their etiology.

Sometimes it is not possible to identify a clear cause for the formation of a nevus on human skin. In this case, you should be especially careful external characteristics such a structure of idiopathic origin.

Why did moles begin to appear on the body?

Many patients note that the appearance of multiple moles on the body often occurs during a certain period of life. So it should be understood that a newborn baby does not have nevi on his body, while by 6 months the first manifestations of pigmented skin structures may appear on his skin. During childhood, the appearance of new moles is normal reaction epidermal structures on active growth child and exposure environment.

The next peak of intensification of the process of nevus formation different types and size occur during puberty, which is understandable from the point of view hormonal changes, which is typical for this time period. Most often, the process of constant formation of new pigmented spots is completed at the age of about 24 years, after which the appearance of moles is the exception rather than the rule. Representatives of the fair sex often face education hanging moles while carrying a child, breastfeeding or entering the phase of menopausal restructuring of the body.

At the same time, with age, not only does the likelihood of the appearance of new structures decrease, but also the natural discoloration and elimination of those moles that are already present on the human body occur. Thus, doctors say that when a person reaches the age of about 80 years, not a single nevus will be found on his skin. Interestingly, the skin does not lose its ability to produce melanin, which is manifested by age-related hyperpigmentation, the foci of which should not be confused with the appearance of moles.

Reasons for changes in moles

Regardless of the reason for the formation of a pigmented area of ​​the epidermis, attention should be paid to any changes that occur with nevi localized on the body or face. The fact is that the answer to the question of why moles grow, why a nevus itches or hurts, often becomes the likelihood of its malignant transformation, which can end up like this for the patient. the most dangerous condition like skin cancer.

That is why, noticing any aesthetic or physiological changes pigmented structures, you should immediately contact a specialist dermatologist or oncologist, who will determine the need to remove such a mole, and also carry out a diagnostic study of its tissues.

The NEOMED clinic offers its clients the services of highly qualified specialists who are ready to diagnose and remove moles, regardless of their nature, size and location, using the modern high-tech hardware of the medical center.