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Feeding a German Shepherd Puppy 2. Everything you need to know about feeding a German Shepherd. Minerals and vitamins

We have already done this, now let's talk about nutrition. To a little puppy German Shepherd grew up healthy and powerful, beautiful dog, he must be fed properly. This article is a detailed guide to healthy eating for German Shepherds different stages life.

Breeders pay special attention feeding suckling puppies, since the further development of the baby depends on the quality of the food received. Most nursery owners prefer feed two week old puppies raw ground beef, or ready-made food, which contains all the necessary microelements. In the future, when natural nutrition, dairy products and cereals are introduced into the diet, so that by the time you move to new family The puppy could eat well.

Most often puppies sold from 45 days of age when the activation is completed. At this point, the puppy’s diet includes:

  • two types of meat;
  • rice and oatmeal;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese and kefir.

The baby's stomach is still small and his metabolism is fast. Therefore, kids need every 3 hours give a small portion of food. From 1 to 2 months the most rapid growth: a two-month-old puppy is 2 times larger than a month-old one. This means that the nutritional value and digestibility of the feed must be high.

Raw beef meat, cut into small pieces, is an ideal food for a puppy during this period. It contains the maximum amount of minerals and vitamins, enzymes necessary for digestion.

By receiving raw meat several times a day, the baby will grow before our eyes. Dogs are carnivores. IN wildlife Adults feed their babies raw meat. Therefore, if finances allow, the content of this product in the diet should be maximum.

Boiled meat You can also give it, it is nutritious, it fixes the stool well, so it is useful for minor digestive disorders. Most often, the meat is boiled, porridge is prepared in broth, then the chopped meat is mixed with warm porridge, diluted a little with water if it is too thick, and given to the puppy.

Meat porridge should not be diluted with milk., since casein, which is formed in the stomach during the digestion of milk, slows down the absorption of nutrients.

Milk porridge cooked from Hercules or rice, since semolina is difficult to digest.

Cottage cheese can be diluted with kefir or added raw chicken egg, since puppies choke on viscous or too dry cottage cheese. Many kids don’t like this healthy product, then you can try making cottage cheese yourself from a pack of kefir or pouring fermented baked milk mixed with boiling milk into boiling milk. raw egg. Homemade cottage cheese is more tender, aromatic and tasty.

Volume of food at five times a day feeding should be less than one glass.

Puppy diet at 2 and 3 months

The baby has grown up, and his body is already able to digest the plant fiber contained in vegetables and requires additional minerals. This means that in addition to the usual porridges and meat products, you can start adding boiled carrots And spoon of unrefined vegetable oil.

As mineral supplements and vitamins summer time use only natural products: vegetables and fruits. Many babies love apples and watermelons, which are given to them between feedings. In winter, when there is a shortage sunlight, the puppy should be given vitamin D in oil and raw carrots.

How to give a puppy a toy and a tool for jaw development big marrow bone , which he chews with gusto. For dogs living in an apartment, the bone is pre-boiled, but for puppies who have the opportunity to play in the yard of a private house, it is better to give the bone raw. This is due to the strong unpleasant odor that the improvised toy emits.

The number of feedings is reduced: the baby has enough four times a day food volume about one glass.

Diet of a four month old puppy

Healthy joints and ligaments

At four months, babies' teeth begin to change, and therefore they need increased content calcium. If at this age your ears have not yet stood up, because... Changing teeth has weakened the cartilage, then you need to add foods containing collagen to your diet. This is ordinary gelatin, or products or dietary supplements containing it.

Intensive skeletal growth requires entry into the menu chondoprotectors, and it is not necessary to purchase supplements intended for animals; you can give “Arthra”, sold in a regular pharmacy.

The diet remains the same, but instead of boiled meat you can start using beef head trimmings, which contains a lot of gelatin. The broth should not be made too rich, as this negatively affects the functioning of the pancreas. It is better to add it to porridge daily or dairy nutrition half a bag of gelatin, having previously dissolved it in water.

Still good to chew big bones which help baby teeth fall out.

Calcium during this period the puppy needs, therefore, in addition to regular products, you need to give him Puppy vitamins, calcium gluconate or other vitamin supplements daily.

Pigment enhancement

The accumulation of pigment in a German Shepherd occurs in the first two years of life, and nutrition largely determines whether the color will be bright red or light. Many puppies are born almost black, with gray paws, and only by four months do they acquire the characteristic bright red tan.

Little Germans respond well to food additions grated fresh carrots and dry seaweed. These products enhance the pigment of the coat, making the pet more elegant.

If there is a lack of coloring pigments in products or ready-made food, the dog's coat may look faded. In ready-made dry food intended specifically for German shepherds, they use natural ingredients from beets, turmeric and other natural additives.

At 4 months puppy being fed 3 times a day, the serving volume is increased to 2 glasses, but the amount of food needed for a particular baby is very individual.

A dog who loves to eat eats much more than his peer who has no desire to fill his stomach. Dogs also have little appetites; this quality begins to manifest itself already in childhood, and to increase the appetite of such puppies, considerable ingenuity is required from the owner.

Feeding a German Shepherd up to a year old

Healthy Products

Young dogs up to one year old are fed 3 times a day, and be sure to add foods to the diet that were not offered to the puppy. This raw tripe, which contains a large amount of enzymes and vitamins, offal (liver and heart).

The amount of raw meat can be reduced by replacing it with tripe. Milk is removed from the diet of male dogs; this product is given to females daily.

Be sure to continue to give chondoprotectors and vitamin supplements, raw carrots and apples. Porridge can be varied introducing buckwheat or whole grains, as well as millet, into the menu. Most often, a mixture of cereals is cooked, which are poured into broth or boiling water in equal quantities.

Damage to bones

Give bones after changing teeth at 5 months stop, since the dog’s powerful jaws easily deal with cartilage and can bite off pieces of hard bone. This injures the esophagus and stomach, clogs the intestines, and leads to various acute conditions requiring surgical intervention.

Gnawing on bones leads to rapid and early grinding of teeth. In nature, animals do not gnaw bones; they leave the skeletons of the animals they kill intact, which means that bones - unnecessary and harmful product for German Shepherd.

Feeding an adult German Shepherd

An adult is a dog that has reached the age of 2 years. By this time, the body has practically formed, the dog is in its best physical shape.

Feeding an adult pet 2 times a day. This granularity of nutrition allows you to make a single serving smaller, bringing it to half a liter. This is a necessity when feeding natural food, especially in the hot season, so as not to stretch the stomach.

Danger of gastric volvulus

The fact is that German Shepherds are at risk among dogs prone to fatal dangerous pathology: gastric volvulus. This condition always begins suddenly and can be diagnosed even in young dogs with systematic overfeeding.

The ligaments on which the stomach is suspended are stretched, the stomach twists around its axis, and digestion stops. Veterinarians note that all dogs with this pathology have a large, distended stomach, filled with porridge or the remains of eaten bones.

To minimize the risk of gastric volvulus, in the summer, in the heat, the dog feed little by little, reduce the amount of cereals that cause fermentation. Elderly animals can be switched to feeding dry food, which does not cause gas formation.

Harmful products

Since German Shepherds are often prone to food allergies, then it is not recommended to give adult pets:

  • Chicken or chicken by-products(liver, stomachs, hearts), as well as heads and paws containing bones;
  • Pork or any fatty meat;
  • Pearl barley, corn, barley and wheat cereals. They are not digestible by animals and cause various digestive disorders;
  • Sugar and sweets.

Differentiated feeding

Stud dogs And puppy bitches fed either high-protein dry food containing all necessary vitamins, or natural food with high content squirrel. This can be either meat trimmings, tripe or offal, as well as cottage cheese and eggs.

Puppy and lactating bitches must be given milk; the number of feedings is increased to 4 per day.

Diet for older dogs, which do not have any metabolic disorders, must contain light food with a predominance of meat products and plant fiber. Boiled vegetables and lean meat are supplemented with a small amount of rice or oatmeal.

Throughout its life, the German Shepherd's diet changes according to the pet's needs. Feeding a puppy or an adult dog is subject to the physiological requirements of the dog. And if during the growth period all the owner’s efforts are aimed at shaping the correct development of the puppy, then adult dog feed, reducing or increasing the caloric content and protein content of food, depending on the time of year, load and other conditions. Proper nutrition can keep your dog healthy and active for many years.

German Shepherds are large dogs that grow slowly from puppies to adults. The formation process takes about 3 years and requires the owner to properly care for the German Shepherd puppy. Today we will tell you how to help your baby get used to a new place of residence, organize feeding, education and training.

Having brought the future defender into the apartment, you need to choose a place that is not in a draft, near a door or radiator. The puppy is given a mattress or rug, preferably with a pillowcase. There should be several of them in order to change and wash them as they get dirty.

How to care for a German Shepherd puppy? At first, the baby will go to the toilet in the apartment. He is gradually taught to relieve himself outside, after feeding or sleeping. You should reward your pet with something tasty. During the first days, a German Shepherd puppy may whine, missing its mother or kennel. You need to calm him down with gentle words, offer him a toy, and not tie him up or lock him in a dark place. But for the benefit of the future proper education Don't constantly pet and cuddle your dog.

Features of feeding

The owner must properly organize the diet of his German. The following feeding methods are practiced: dry food, natural products and combined method. There are features of feeding a puppy and an adult dog at home.


Proper care of a German Shepherd dog is feeding healthy food. For the first 2 weeks in a new place, the baby should receive the food he is used to. For the puppy, purchase a nickel-plated bowl on a stand, which is adjusted to the level of the chest.

As the baby grows, the height of the stand also changes (this way you can avoid problems with the spine). While the puppy is eating, fix its stance by adjusting its paws. The drink in one of the bowls is changed 3 times a day. The food should be crushed, barely warm and smell good. After eating, the baby's face is wiped with a rag.

The daily diet of an adult animal kept at home includes lean, scalded and lightly cooked meat.

It is better to give rabbit, beef, chicken, turkey, but not pork. They continue to cook porridge from millet, buckwheat, oatmeal and rice. It is allowed to give pumpkin, carrots, zucchini and bell pepper. Seasonal vegetables are useful - for example, apples and pears. Lactic acid products are also necessary, 1 tsp. vegetable oil per day, honey. Unlike a puppy, an adult pet over a year old You can give sea fish - twice a week, boneless and boiled. Do not feed dogs fatty meats, smoked meats, tubular bones, or fried foods. Pasta, seasonings, baked goods, chocolate and other sweets, legumes and carbonated drinks are also prohibited.

By 6–10 months, the duration of the walk increases to 2–3 hours. Your pet needs interaction with others. purebred dogs, but it’s better to protect him from strays. It is better to take your pet out during the day so that it receives beneficial ultraviolet light.

Bathing and grooming

When talking about the care and maintenance of a domestic German Shepherd, it is worth mentioning hygiene. Frequent bathing disrupts the natural protective layer of the skin and harms the health of the coat. It is recommended to completely wash the puppy with a special shampoo from 3 months and no more than 3 times a year. After the procedure, the dog is wiped and dried. You can remove dust or dirt after a walk by rinsing the animal. warm water. Coat cleaning is carried out daily, standing to the left of the pet. How to care for a German Shepherd so that tangles do not appear on the fur? You need to comb your pet as often as possible.

Cleaning ears and teeth

Keeping a German Shepherd also means caring for your pet’s ears and teeth. Teeth cleaning is carried out once every 3 months with powder or toothpaste for dogs. Artificial bones containing fluoride help clean fangs and develop jaws. When studying the question of how to properly care for a German Shepherd, remember that the ears are cleaned with a cotton swab or with a special drug. Regular examination of the ears for inflammation or redness is required.

Education and training

Knowing how to care for a shepherd, you can move on to education and training. Education begins from the first days the baby appears in the house - he is not allowed to jump on the furniture, they show him who is the boss here. When training, a mechanical, imitative method or reward with food is used. Remember the rules of training: commands are pronounced without insistence or threats, choosing the right intonation. Don't be nervous or make sudden movements. The pet is periodically allowed to rest. If possible, change the place of classes and the sequence of exercises. It is better to carry out training in the morning or evening, and this should be done by the person until the results appear.

Currently, many owners prefer to feed their pets traditionally, using fresh meat and cereals rather than ready-made dry and canned food.
All feeding advice and diets should be considered as recommendations. Each animal has its own individual characteristics and preferences.

Approximate composition of home diets

Homemade recipe for a “wet” product:
- minced meat - 315 r
- broken rice, cooked 315 r
- mixture of green beans and carrots - 315 r
- vegetable oils (1 tbsp.) - 20 g
- vitamin-mineral mixture (1 tbsp) -. 20
- dry yeast (1 tbsp.) - 20 r

Homemade recipe for a “semi-moist” product:
- beef pieces - 400 g
- rice flour or cereal flakes - 300 g
- vegetables - 240 g
- vegetable oils (1 tbsp.) - 20 r
- vitamin-mineral mixture (1 tbsp.) - 20 g
- dry yeast (1 tbsp.) - 20 g.

The first 6 months of a German Shepherd puppy's life are defined by maximum growth, and therefore daily need in high-calorie foods is constantly growing. The next 10 months are characterized by a stabilization of the growth rate and a simultaneous increase in the need for food.
After 16 months, the dog is considered an adult; its need for food decreases somewhat and remains constant until old age.
When raising puppies up to a month, you should be guided by the following data: puppies are born weighing an average of 0.5 kg, by the 9th day the puppy’s weight should double - 1.0 kg, by the 18th day - increase 3-4 times: male - 2.0 kg, females - 1.8 kg; by the 25th day, the male should weigh 3 kg, the female - 2.5 kg. One-month-old puppies have a body weight: males - 3.5 - 3.8 kg, females - 3.0 - 3.2 kg. The ideal is average weight between the given values. With too much weight, puppies become loose and lethargic.
Balanced diet nutrition is especially important in the first year of a dog's life. Without this condition, the dog’s bone structure may not form correctly, which will affect dog articles, for example, she may develop weak pasterns, which is a disadvantage according to the standard.
There are several feeding rules:
- you can’t feed your dog meat alone;
- it is necessary to avoid an overdose of calcium, vitamins D and A (excess vitamins lead to various bone abnormalities and predispose to gastric volvulus);
- the diet of a fast-growing dog must contain at least 30% proteins, a lack of them leads to a weakening of the dog’s immune system and is harmful harmonious development skeleton and muscles;
- overfeeding should be avoided, both puppies and older dogs, it should be remembered that the purpose of feeding is to achieve an average growth rate, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the breed: temperament, bone strength, large muscle mass with a dry build, etc. Overfeeding leads to an abnormal growth rate of the dog, obesity, which negatively affects the development of the dog’s muscles and skeletal system, and the following deviations in bone structure and diseases can develop: dysplasia hip joints, subsidence of hock joints, osteochondrosis, subluxation shoulder joints, incorrect positioning of the forelimbs;
- “free”, irregular feeding is strictly contraindicated; from the first days the puppy must be accustomed to certain meal times and a balanced diet.
The following feeding frequency is recommended for a puppy:
- up to 6 weeks - 6 times a day;
- from 6 weeks to 3 months - 3 - 4 times;
- from 3 months to 6 months - 2 - 3 times;
- from 6 months - 2 times.
A puppy that has settled in your home should be fed according to the breeder’s recommendation for at least two weeks. His diet should not change dramatically to avoid stomach upset, regurgitation and food refusal.
A one-month-old puppy is already capable of eating a wide variety of foods and, once in your hands, only needs systematic and proper feeding. Even if the breeder fed him incorrectly, for example boiled meat, replace cooked meat with raw meat carefully and gradually.
Carefully observe the puppy, how he recovers, whether his stool is liquid or normal. The stool should be of medium consistency, brown or yellow, from carrots it can be orange.
The food should be eaten completely or, as dog handlers say, “in a sneaky manner”, when the puppy licks the cup and calmly goes to his place, where, most likely, he will go to bed. An uneaten puppy licks the cup for a long time and does not leave it, asking for more with all its appearance. But at this moment you should not give the supplement, so as not to accustom the puppy to handouts, you need to increase the portion at the next feeding.
The puppy is not fed at night. He must get used to sleeping peacefully until the morning and not disturbing his owner. The first feeding should be timed to coincide with your daily routine, for example 7 o'clock in the morning, and last time feed your pet at 10 p.m.
The last feeding should preferably be meat, then the puppy will sleep more peacefully.

Exemplary daily ration German Shepherd from 1 to 12 months

1. Puppy is 1 month old
Number of feedings per day - 6
Meat, g - 100-200
Cereals, g - 80-100
Chicken egg - one yolk
Calcined cottage cheese, g - 100-150
Milk, ml - 400-500
Vegetables, g - 130-150
Vegetable oils- 1 tsp.
(preferably olive)

2. Puppy age 2 months

Meat, g - 200-300
Cereals, r - 100-150
Chicken egg - one yolk
Calcined cottage cheese, g - 150
Milk, ml - 350-400
Vegetables, g - 100-200
Vegetable oils - 1 tsp.

3. Puppy age 3 months
Number of feedings per day - 3 - 4
Meat, g - 300-400
Cereals, r - 150
Chicken egg - one yolk
Cottage cheese, g - 200
Milk, ml - 450-500
Vegetables, g - 100-200
Vegetable oils - 1 tsp.

4. Puppy age 4 months
- 3
Meat, g - 400-450
Cereals, r - 200
Chicken egg - one full
Cottage cheese, g - 200
Milk, ml - 500
Vegetables, g - 150

5. Puppy age 5-6 months

Meat, g - 500
Cereals, r - 250
Chicken egg - one full
Cottage cheese, g - 250-300
Milk, ml - 500
Vegetables, g - 200-250
Vegetable oils - 1 tbsp.

6. Puppy age 7 months
Number of feedings per day - 2
Meat, g - 500-700
Cereals, r - 300-400
Cottage cheese, g - 250-300
Milk, ml - only for weakened dogs, little by little
Vegetables, g - 350
Vegetable oils - 1 tbsp.

7. Puppy age 8-12 months
Number of feedings per day - 2
Meat, g - 500-700
Cereals, r - 300-400
Cottage cheese, g - 500
Vegetables, g - 350
Vegetable oils - 1 tbsp.

What to watch out for:
1. Stale, low-quality products (expiration date).
2. Factory products with additives.
3. Overfeeding with minerals and vitamins.
4. Food with spices when feeding from your table.
5. Hot and cold food.
6. Loss of vitamins and other nutrients during cooking.
7. Poor quality water.
8. Give the dog water from puddles, swamps, and small stagnant ponds.
9. Giving your dog something that you consider inedible for yourself (artificial casings of sausages, cheeses, etc.)
10. Whole, unground "Hercules" up to 6 months.
11. Barley and other porridges, boiled until sticky.
12. Boiled potatoes.
13. Poultry, rabbit and boiled bones.
14. Pork meat.
15. Sweets, sausages, smoked meats.
16. Feeding the puppy with friends and strangers.
17. Overfeeding the puppy.

About food

To raise a healthy dog, you must follow the rules of a rational, balanced diet.
Main components food for your dog are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

The main products containing proteins are products of animal origin.
Meat for dogs is the most valuable product. Meat can be given raw or cooked. It is preferable to feed raw meat as it is rich in vitamins. Vitamins are the key to your dog's health. Meat for a puppy up to 2 months is best given scraped - the meat is scraped with the edge of a spoon from a thick piece of lean meat. Meat can also be given in the form of minced meat, but minced meat is not so well digested, since it sticks together in lumps in the stomach, and gastric juice affects only part of the food. One month old puppy You can give beef raw, rabbit and chicken meat cooked, without bones. The daily dose of meat should be divided into three to four servings.
All by-products can be given to a puppy starting from 4 - 6 months.
From 1.5 months of age to 5 months, it is recommended to include large raw beef bones in the diet, which the puppy will happily gnaw on, but is not yet able to chew. It is impossible to give such bones at an older age, after the change of milk teeth, since the jaws become more powerful, and the puppy is already able to chew them. Bone fragments can injure the stomach and intestines.
Sea fish can be given from 4 months, once or twice a week, replacing meat. It is often impossible to give fish, because this destroys B vitamins in the puppy’s body. A lack of B vitamins causes growth retardation, indigestion, dandruff, etc. Cod contains compounds that bind iron, the lack of which weakens immune system body. Can also accumulate in marine fish heavy metals, causing poisoning. The fish is given raw or boiled, after removing all the bones. The norm of sea fish in relation to meat is increased by one and a half times.
river fish it is often infected with worm larvae, dangerous for both animals and humans, so feeding it raw is strictly prohibited.
Eggs in their raw form are poorly digestible, so the raw yolk is given only with milk, porridge or meat, and the white should be boiled and crushed.
Raw egg white destroys vitamin H (biotin), which leads to dermatitis, hair loss, and shedding disorders. Eggs can also be fed as an omelet cooked with milk.
Cottage cheese must be present in the diet, since it is the main source of easily digestible calcium.
Cottage cheese can be made at home.
First method of preparation. You need to take 1 liter of milk, 1 liter of kefir, mix, let it sour, put it on cheesecloth and strain the whey, which you can also give to the puppy to drink.
Second cooking method ( calcined curd). Add 3 - 4 tablespoons of 10% milk to one liter of hot milk. calcium chloride(purchase at a pharmacy). This method is good because the cottage cheese is highly calcified. Such cottage cheese should be prepared immediately before feeding; it should not be stored for a long time.
After separating the whey, the curd is cooled and mixed with a small amount of whey until it becomes mushy before feeding.
Instead of cottage cheese, you can give unleavened Adyghe cheese or thoroughly soaked cheese.
Finely chopped hard cheese can be used when training a puppy.
You should not replace cottage cheese with curd mass or cheese curds - they are not the same thing.
Milk should best be whole, not boiled - cow's or goat's.
Dairy products - milk, cottage cheese, curdled milk, kefir, etc. should be given to the puppy daily, as well as a small amount of dry brewer's yeast - from 0.5 to 1.0 g to normalize the stomach microflora.
Part daily norm milk can be used to prepare milk porridges.

Dogs need animal fats, dairy and vegetable oils in their food.
Daily requirement young animals are 2.6 g of fat per 1 kg of live weight. When feeding lean meat Beef fat or butter should be added to the soup: up to 3 months of age - 10 - 15 g, from 3 - 6 months of age - 20 - 25 g per day.
Vegetable oils are the main source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, which are low in milk fats and fats of animal origin.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially linolenic acid, are not synthesized by the body and must be supplied with food. Polyunsaturated fatty acids promote the growth of the puppy, increase its resistance to infections, and have a normalizing effect on the walls blood vessels, participate in metabolism.
In milk fats (butter, cow's milk„ margarine, sour cream) contain vitamins A and D2, carotene, tocopherol, phosphatides, choline.
With a lack of fat, the following are observed: growth retardation, hypovitaminosis, dermatitis, hyperkeratosis, peeling of the skin, depigmentation of the coat. One of the signs of sufficient fat in the diet is a smooth, shiny coat.
Excess fat leads to disruption of many natural functions of the body, unattractiveness, lethargy and laziness.

Carbohydrates - sugar, starch, fiber, etc. - are an important source of energy in the dog's body. Fiber stimulates intestinal function. Carbohydrates are found in flour products, cereals and sweets. There are fewer of them in vegetables. The less fat in the food, the more carbohydrates there should be.
The need for carbohydrates in puppies is 16 g per 1 kg of live weight, including fiber - 1.5 g per 1 kg of live weight.
The main sources of carbohydrates are food of plant origin: flour - rye, wheat, barley; bread - wheat, rye; crackers, biscuits; cereals - oatmeal, semolina, rice, millet, barley, pearl barley, buckwheat, corn; bran, fresh potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage and greens; berries and fruits, honey.
Bread. By 1.5 months, you can add a little black bread to the meat for volume, after soaking it in bone broth, which is weak and low-fat.
White fresh bread forms a sticky mass in the puppy’s stomach, which inhibits digestion. White bread can be given in the form of crackers from two months.
The dog eats everything. The issue of semolina is controversial. So pay attention to how your dog feels after feeding it.
For a puppy up to 2 months old, it is better to grind buckwheat and rolled oats
in a coffee grinder. Pour boiling water, milk or hot broth over the rolled oats flour, stir thoroughly and let it brew. For little puppy We recommend crushed cereals or chopped rolled oats, oatmeal, rice, millet and buckwheat.
Whole grain porridge "Hercules" should not be given to puppies under 6 months of age. Do not feed your puppy "rolled oats" every day - this can lead to inflammation of the anal glands.
It is very useful to give sprouted wheat or oats 1 tablespoon per day. Wash the grain, spread it between two layers of gauze or a thin cloth, well soaked in warm water. Moisten the top with water at room temperature until the sprouts begin to hatch. Dry the sprouted grain in this way and grind it in a coffee grinder. Add the resulting vitamin flour to the feed.
Cereals and legumes - peas, beans, lentils, etc. - are rarely used to feed dogs. They are difficult to digest and their nutrients are poorly absorbed.
The exception is ground soybeans as food additives to the main diet.

Vegetables and fruits
The puppy should be given grated carrots with the addition of vegetable fat or sour cream, grated apple, all seedless berries that your pet does not refuse. Puppies readily eat raspberries, apricots, strawberries, pears, cherries (without seeds), watermelon (without seeds), etc.
Lemon and other citrus fruits, grapes and grape juice should not be given.
It is especially useful to give tomatoes to your puppy, in winter - as vitamins to improve color, and to adult dogs - to clean teeth from plaque and stones. The puppy should regularly receive a crushed clove of garlic to prevent worms and as a vitamin supplement - this is especially useful in winter.
You can give your puppy almost all vegetables: carrots, cabbage, rutabaga, turnips, radishes, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini - both raw and boiled. Potatoes should only be given raw as a treat. It is better to give beets and pumpkin boiled with porridges, and pumpkin seeds– an excellent anthelmintic - give without husk based on the puppy’s weight.

The puppy can be given vitamin supplements from cultivated and wild herbs: parsley, spinach, young onions, radish tops, salads, dandelion leaves, previously soaked in salt water; nettles, crushed and scalded.

Eliminate sorrel. Acute gastritis occurs in dogs, leading to chronic diseases and even death.

Mineral feeding
With a meat beggar at the tailbone of a knife, you can sometimes give pharmaceutical sulfur to improve the structure of the coat. And to improve color - seaweed: dry pharmaceutical grade on the tip of a knife, and raw - a teaspoon a day - as a source of natural iodine and many trace elements. Sea kale is a mild laxative and is good for intestinal function. By six months, the dose of dry cabbage is increased to 0.5 teaspoon.
In addition, you can give finely crushed egg shells after frying them in the oven. At the age of 1 - 2 months - 0.5 teaspoon per day; 2 - 3 months - 0.5 teaspoon - three times a day; 3 - 4 months - 1 teaspoon 2 times a day; 4 - 12 months - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Egg shells are an excellent tool for strengthening bones and cartilage.
If the puppy eats with increased greed mineral fertilizing, increase its dose.
Meat and bone meal is made from the by-products of farm animals, discarded carcasses unsuitable for human consumption, as well as from the carcasses of animals that have died from non-contagious diseases. Meat and bone meal contains up to 50% proteins and up to 25% minerals, especially phosphorus. It is useful to add this supplement to your puppy’s soups no more than twice a week. bone meal placed next to the bowl, and the puppy at will eats it.

Composition of mineral supplement

Occasionally there are picky dogs among dogs. After consulting with a veterinarian and not identifying any diseases, just be patient. Offer your dog a variety of diets, give a little brewer's yeast, salted herring or sprat before eating (not large quantities), sauerkraut- it stimulates the appetite. Bring another dog to visit who is not anorexic. IN as a last resort, hand feed, but don’t let it become a habit. It's possible that poor appetite your puppy is a hereditary phenomenon.
From two months old, the puppy should already receive meat cut into small pieces. From this age, lamb and fish (boiled, boneless) can be included in the puppy’s diet; fish provide 1.5 times more meat.
By four months, the number of feedings can be reduced to three by increasing the volume. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the puppy. In addition, you need to gradually include soft, raw bones in your diet.
By four it's been months active formation of the puppy - teeth change, the main characteristics of the breed appear.
From three months, the diet can include such an offal as the heart, and from six months - lungs, spleen, kidneys, brains, tongue, tripe, abomasum, fly, diaphragm, trachea, head, udder, meat trimmings, legs, tails, fetlocks joints, lips, ears and liver (limited).
There are often germs of worms in the liver. and therefore it is recommended to feed it boiled.
The heart is a good source of complete proteins and contains B vitamins. The kidneys are rich in vitamins A and B. The brains are rich in lipids (fats) and cholines. Brains are recommended for lipid metabolism disorders.
The udder contains a large amount of fat. Spleen by content essential amino acids close to muscle meat and liver. It contains antibodies and enzymes.
Early sign damage to the spleen - darkening of the color when cut. Excess spleen in the diet causes black diarrhea. The lungs contain large amounts connective tissue, they can be fed in large quantities, gradually introduced into the diet in a well-chopped form to avoid vomiting. The most valuable parts of the stomach are the tripe and abomasum. Dogs should not be fed intestines that have not been cleared of contents; they are washed well and fed boiled.
The heads of farm animals are half composed of bones; the proteins of the heads have low digestibility. The heads contain a lot of fat, which provides the young animals with abundant nutrition when fed. Legs, ears, lips, tails contain few complete proteins. They are used as additives to the basic diet, as a source of calcium and phosphorus.
Meat can be replaced with offal no more than two to three times a week, increasing the dose by one and a half to two times compared to pure meat.
By-products are used only in boiled form. Complete replacement of meat with offal can lead to malnutrition and poor results in the development of the dog.
When the puppy reaches six months of age, he is gradually transferred to feeding standards adult- twice in the morning and in the evening.
In case of stress or heavy physical activity, it is recommended to temporarily add a third feeding.
The puppy is growing unevenly. It is believed that the shape and proportions of a healthy 4-week-old puppy are very close to what an adult animal should have.
We must remember that the 8th and 20th weeks are the most important stages in the formation of the sliver.
Breeders are advised to feed puppies separately, despite the time and expense involved, in order to achieve a more accurate dosage of calcium and phosphorus in food.
After changing teeth, the puppy begins to rapidly grow in the bones of the spinal skeleton: vertebrae, ribs, while the growth of the limbs slows down. This period lasts up to 6 months. Then it begins active growth limbs, which lasts up to 8 - 8.5 months. By 12 months, the height at the withers reaches its final size.
The head of males is fully formed by 2.5 - 3 years, and in females - by 2 years.
After the dog reaches the age of 1.5 years, the amount of food should be reduced while maintaining the same diet.

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German Shepherd – popular breed among dog breeders. In order for the animal to be as attached to a person as possible, it is best to buy a puppy and raise it from an early age. The main thing here is to feed the baby properly. Below we will tell you what to feed your German Shepherd puppy so that he grows into a healthy and strong dog.

You need to know that feeding a German Shepherd puppy depends on its age. pet. Moreover, each age has its own nuances. Thus, newborn puppies drink their mother’s milk at least 10 times a day. Remember that breastfeeding mothers should also be given the right foods.

However, the mother cannot always feed the babies (the cubs were weaned, the animal died, the puppies are too weak, etc.). In all these cases, the following points must be taken into account:

  • The shepherd puppy should be fed milk for the first 2 weeks. Feeding is carried out from a bottle, pipette or syringe;
  • You can use goat's, sheep's, or cow's milk;
  • volume per day – up to 2/3 cup. After 2 weeks, the volume of food should be increased to 2 glasses. In this case, the number of feedings is reduced to 6–7 times;
  • milk temperature – +27–32 degrees.

As soon as babies' eyes open, they should be taught to eat from a saucer. By the end of 1 month, you need to introduce porridge, soups, meat, cottage cheese and vegetable purees. Now you understand how to feed a German Shepherd puppy that has been weaned from its mother.

Diet by month

The diet for a German Shepherd puppy is determined depending on age. Therefore, you should know how to properly feed a baby up to a year. Otherwise, you can ruin the digestive system of a growing dog.

A month and a half

From 1 month onwards, the animals’ diet includes dairy products such as cottage cheese, yogurt, etc. The diet for German Shepherd puppies necessarily includes oatmeal, a couple of types of meat and rice.

At the age of two to three months, puppies can already be given large bones (brains). While gnawing on them, they will develop their jaws. This feeding of puppies continues until the end of the third month. Children at this age should not be given various options dry food. For puppies, such food will still be very heavy.


When a German Shepherd reaches the age of 4-5 months, it is necessary to feed it so that the animal has the opportunity to develop its joints and ligaments. During this period, puppies experience a change in teeth. As a result, they need large quantities calcium. Therefore, at this age it is important to know what food to feed pet dog. Such animals eat 4 times a day. One serving should be 300–400 g.

For the full development of the “German” during this period, collagen and chondroprotectors should be added to food. At the same time, the main power supply remains the same.

Puppies should also be fed beef head cuts rather than boiled meat. You can give them broth made from chicken, veal or beef. However, you should not make it too rich.

The diet of animals up to 6 months should include calcium supplements, which are sold at any pet store.

Six to twelve

At 6 months, you can give porridges made not only from regular meat, but also from offal (for example, stomach, liver, etc.). With good owners, German Shepherds aged 6–12 months eat 3 times a day. At the same time, the size of one serving increases to 450 g.

Every month you should reduce the amount of cottage cheese you add to your breakfast. At the same time, the share of meat increases. If you are raising a male dog, then at this age milk is completely excluded from his diet. For females, this product continues to be applied daily.

Animals must be given minerals and vitamins. Between meals, puppies need to be fed fruits and vegetables. They are also given porridges: wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, etc. They can be combined with boiled and raw offal/meat.

Twice a week it is better to feed puppies river or sea ​​fish. However, this product should not be overused. Feeding a German Shepherd with dry food usually starts at one year of age.

As you can see, the dog and its diet should be monitored very carefully during this period to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

What is useful to feed

When getting a dog of any breed, you need to find out in advance what kind of diet the animal needs for good nutrition. To be in excellent health, a German Shepherd should eat the following foods:

  • meat: chicken, beef, turkey. Meat must be cleaned of skin, fat and bones. It is given both raw and boiled. However, raw meat must be treated with boiling water;
  • bones - given during the period of teeth change;
  • offal;
  • eggs. Protein is introduced in the form of an omelet or simply boiled. The yolk can be mixed with milk or given raw. This product should be given to puppies no more than 2 times a week;
  • fish and fish broth;
  • porridge (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, etc.);
  • dairy products. Some animals are lactose intolerant, which results in intestinal upset. Therefore, you need to interact with this product carefully;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • vegetable oil.

What you should absolutely not give

In addition to the foods allowed for German Shepherds, there are some food taboos when raising this breed. So, puppies are strictly forbidden to give chicken bones, especially “soft” broilers. Such bones, even if the animal was able to survive them, are not digested. Once in the stomach and digestive tract, they can cause damage that leads to internal bleeding.

You should also not give dogs vertebrae, tails or necks. They get stuck in the teeth, which leads to suffocation with vomit and saliva. It is not recommended to overuse boiled potatoes. It can cause diarrhea in animals.

Knowing what kind of nutrition a German Shepherd puppy should have, you can not only avoid problems with his health, but also raise yourself great friend and defender.

Video “Training a German Shepherd puppy”

In this video you will learn how to start training your German Shepherd puppy.

The German Shepherd is, one might say, a classic breed of dog kept at home. If you have a need for such a strong, smart and true friend, as a “German”, it is better to raise him from a puppy.

You need to prepare for the arrival of a baby in the house. Pre-purchase feeding utensils (at least two bowls for food and water), a grooming brush, special shampoo and, if possible, toys.

Think about and choose a place for your pet to sleep and rest, and also take care of such an important point as feeding the animal. You need to decide whether the dog will eat artificial (dry or wet) or natural food. If it’s natural, then figure out when and what kind of food can be given to the puppy. The issue of feeding the animal must be taken seriously. A dog, even one as strong as a shepherd, is not a wolf. And her stomach is not tinned. He cannot digest “everything.” A German Shepherd, especially at a tender age, needs to be fed correctly, a certain number of times a day, in order to raise a healthy and full-fledged dog.

The stomach of a small shepherd is not so picky, but some important conditions when feeding you still have to comply

Choosing food

It is recommended to take puppies from their mother no earlier than one and a half months of age. This is largely due to the fact that dogs are mammals, meaning newborn babies need breast milk. When the puppy is switched to solid food, he can be taken away. But before that, you need to decide what to feed him:

  • artificial food (dry and wet options);
  • natural products.

If you choose the first option, then you need to choose high-quality feed. It is advisable to obtain recommendations from the breeder and veterinarian. Modern experts for large breeds most often recommend the Royal Canin line of food, which has balanced versions for each age stage.

These foods are balanced taking into account the growth and development of the dog over a given period of time. They can be given to your pet starting from two months.

In the second case, the owner takes care of the cooking. And he must remember that the puppy’s diet must be selected according to the age and requirements of the animal’s growing body. As he grows up, the need for certain products will change.

Dry or wet food Royal Canin is an excellent option for puppy nutrition, it contains the necessary daily requirement of vitamins and minerals

Feeding frequency

  • one and a half months – 6 times/day;
  • three – 4 times/day;
  • six – 3 times/day;
  • after 7 - you can transfer your pet to twice feeding.

Diet is no less important than the choice of food or dry food. You need to feed your baby at regular intervals, that is, at the same time and in the same place, so that he gets used to the regime. It is especially important to maintain intervals for the smallest puppies. Violation of the regime is fraught intestinal disorders and errors in raising a dog. Food must be fresh. If your pet leaves something on the plate, the remains should be removed immediately after finishing the meal. The dog should always have fresh water. Under no circumstances should you feed your pet from your table. You can’t pamper your baby with sausages and smoked meats from your table, even during school hours. These products are bad for him digestive system.

The puppy must know his bowl and eat only from it. Responsibility for eating behavior the pet is entirely the responsibility of the owners

Nutrients in a dog's diet

When choosing a diet for a German Shepherd puppy, it is important to follow the principles of nutrition and variety. All essential nutrients must be contained in foods in the required proportions:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins.

According to modern principles veterinary medicine, proteins should account for at least 30% of the total daily amount of feed. Protein deficiency leads to impaired development of the animal's muscle corset and joints. Its low content affects the animal’s immunity for the worse; it weakens and may get sick.

A significant part natural diet should be protein products. As for factory feeds, good producers they are also made taking into account the needs of the dog

Fats of plant and animal origin must be present in the food of a German Shepherd puppy in the amount of two and a half grams per kilogram of the animal’s weight. The daily norm of carbohydrates in dog food is sixteen grams per kilogram of the baby’s weight.

Vitamins and minerals must be added to dogs' food if they are naturally fed. You should ask your veterinarian about the amount and type of medications your animal should receive.

In the case of nutrients, it is important not only to avoid their deficiency, but also their excess. An overdose of calcium and vitamins D and A, for example, can cause disruption in the development of the dog’s skeletal system.

How to feed a one-month-old puppy?

IN one month old In a normal situation, puppies are still fed on their mother's milk. Starting from two weeks, breeders introduce complementary foods. The first complementary food is an egg (one piece per liter of milk). Then they are given thinly sliced ​​meat (beef). Then porridge (buckwheat, semolina and Hercules) is added to the diet. At three weeks of age, puppies are fed broths and liquid soups. Supplementary feeding can be offered to puppies four times a day, but only after feeding with mother's milk.

By 1 month, puppies are already eating a variety of foods. If such a baby gets to the owner, he must keep the diet that the puppy received from the breeder for up to two months. The baby should receive one hundred grams of meat per day, about two hundred grams of dairy products per feeding. With properly organized feeding, the puppy gains 150-170 grams per day.

When feeding German Shepherd puppies, you can also use dry food. Although experienced breeders prefer natural products for babies, artificial feed It is recommended to introduce it from two months.

Dry food is also suitable for this breed of dog, but it is better to introduce it only from two months or give it to an adult dog

Rules for feeding a one and a half month old puppy

  • food should be at room temperature;
  • the puppy must eat the entire portion;
  • everything that he hasn’t finished eating must be removed;
  • The dog should be fed in a strictly designated place;
  • fresh water should be available to the puppy around the clock.

You can pamper your pet with soft bones, but only after the puppy has eaten the main dish. This is both a delicacy and a useful mineral supplement to food. To avoid rickets, it is customary to add fish oil to puppies’ food, just a few drops. Gradually the amount of this tasteless, but very useful product It will be possible to increase it, but you need to start small, a couple of drops.

Fish oil very useful not only for people, but also for dogs. When administering it, you must follow a strict dosage

Baby's diet at 2 months

  • cottage cheese two hundred grams + kefir in a small amount;
  • two hundred grams of porridge (buckwheat, millet, rice) with milk;
  • two hundred grams of porridge in water + finely chopped meat (beef) up to 50 grams + boiled vegetables;
  • boiled poultry or beef + one hundred grams of porridge;
  • repeat any item of your choice + vitamin supplement (pharmacy option).

This menu can be offered to a shepherd puppy at 2 months old. You can change it at your discretion, change the order of products, but as a basis it is better to stick to it. Nutrients With such a diet, the baby will have enough for full growth and development.

Cottage cheese and kefir contain calcium, which is necessary for the healthy development of the dog’s skeletal system.

How to properly organize food for a 4-month-old dog?

The puppy is growing rapidly, getting stronger, moving more and more actively. Therefore, it is very important to continue to feed him properly. A four-month-old puppy weighs about 20 kg. This is already a fairly large and developed teenager. Not all puppies grow the same, so your pet may weigh slightly differently than stated.

By four months, puppies begin to shed, “adult” hair grows, and teeth change. The animal grows rapidly, so the diet must be rich in nutrients and contain all the necessary nutrients.

Otherwise, deviations in the dog’s development will begin. If the dog does not eat dry food, then it should receive one chicken egg per day and boiled vegetables with each meal. Vegetables should not be a separate dish, but should be offered to the animal along with the main food.

Nutrition of a five-month-old shepherd dog

When the pet turns 5 months old, the frequency of its feedings is reduced to three times. A single serving should already be quite large and reach half a kilogram. Eggs should be included in the diet no more than twice a week. The food of a five-month-old puppy consists of approximately the following products:

  • cottage cheese with kefir + vitamins;
  • porridge with meat and egg;
  • porridge with meat and vegetables.

Porridge and meat products account for approximately the same amount by weight; you can even add a little more meat. Vegetables should not be a separate dish - they are mixed with porridge or meat products. It should be added to the feed as follows: vitamin supplement, and microelements.

By five months, each portion should be at least 0.5 kg so that the dog can eat

Six months - what and how do we feed?

How many times and what should you feed your pet every six months? He eats three times a day. The main products are still meat and cereals. Diversify your diet fermented milk products, eggs, milk, vegetable oil.

After six months, the puppy is fed twice a day, and the portions become larger. Feeding - important part animal care. It may seem that organizing the feeding process for a German Shepherd puppy is a tedious and troublesome task. But we are responsible for those we have tamed. Therefore, if you have adopted a puppy, you need to take these troubles philosophically. healthy, faithful dog who will grow up from a well-groomed puppy will repay your care a hundredfold.