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Natural diet for dogs. What about meat, poultry and bones? Diet for large dogs

A dog's health depends on its diet. If the daily diet contains the necessary substances, microelements and vitamins, then the pet will be cheerful, cheerful and active.


The following foods should be included in your dog's diet:

  • different types of meat,
  • fermented milk products of medium fat content,
  • some vegetables and fruits,
  • bran of cereal crops.

Moreover animal protein should be most diet.

Only raw foods

Natural dog food should not be subjected to heat treatment. High temperatures destroy many substances necessary for the animal. In short, you cannot feed your pet from the table. You have to buy it specially for him. fresh food and don’t cook them as if for yourself.

Individual approach

Remember that every dog's body is unique. Therefore, you need to formulate a diet based on his needs. For example, it is known that adult dogs do not digest milk well - it is only allowed to be given to puppies up to 3 months. But practice has shown that some pets drink it with pleasure and do not have any digestive problems.

The diet also depends on the activity of the pet. If a dog constantly plays and runs, then it needs more energy. In this case, it is recommended to increase the amount of animal protein.


Breeder Evgeniy Fursov advises:

“Man domesticated the dog a long time ago - back in the Stone Age. Since then, the dog's needs have changed dramatically as the digestive system has adapted to new conditions. Modern dogs They can eat not only raw meat, but also bran, fermented milk products, and vegetables.

All this is healthy and varied food. But the benefits of dry food are questionable. After all, in addition to them necessary substances various preservatives, thickeners and dyes are added. And I often make such food from cheap processed meat products.”


Veterinarian Evgenia Chuiko advises:

“Any dog ​​is a predator, and its digestive system works differently than a human’s. Her stomach and intestines, accustomed to raw food, are not able to break down carbohydrates and fiber. Therefore food plant origin passes through the dog’s digestive system twice as fast as protein.

But the animal’s body needs substances that are only available in plant foods. In nature, wolves obtain them by eating the stomach contents of their victims. A domestic dog that receives natural food has a deficiency of these substances. That’s why many veterinarians recommend balanced ones that contain everything you need.”

What to include in your dog's diet?


It is best to feed a variety of meats:

  • beef,
  • rabbit meat,
  • horse meat,
  • lamb

It is not necessary to buy first-class products. You can get by with by-products if the animal’s body tolerates them well. Meat trimmings, kidneys, trachea, heart, ears, udder are suitable. The main thing is that the meat is not fatty. Therefore, you should not feed your dog pork. Chicken and turkey are also suitable for some pets.

But you need to feed poultry meat carefully. First, you should make sure that it does not cause problems with the digestive system. As already mentioned, meat products are given raw. You don’t have to grind them into minced meat – you can just cut them into pieces. Before feeding, it is allowed to pour boiling water over the meat.

Dairy products

Most adult dogs are unable to digest milk. But their digestive system copes with fermented milk products of medium fat content. Choose cottage cheese with a fat content of 5-9%, kefir 3-3.5% and yogurt with a shelf life of no more than 7 days.

These products contain a lot of protein and are easily digestible. Remember that fermented milk products must be selected individually. Usually, cottage cheese and kefir that are too fatty are not absorbed by the dog’s body. But some pets may be more sensitive. In this case, you need to abandon this type of product or try varieties with lower fat content.


They are rich in protein and various vitamins. This product is perfectly digestible. Both adult dogs and puppies can be given raw eggs chicken and quail. Moreover, the white does not need to be separated from the yolk.

I wonder what heat treatment does not affect the usefulness of the product. But nutritionists say that soft-boiled eggs are absorbed better.

Vegetables and fruits

The most beneficial thing in vegetables and fruits is pectin, which binds salts heavy metals, cholesterol and easily removes them from the body. It is better to give vegetables and herbs separately from the main food in finely chopped form, but if desired, you can grate them and mix them with meat.

It is allowed to feed your pet almost all types of vegetables: cucumbers, beets, pumpkin, cabbage, zucchini, bell pepper. Suitable greens include lettuce, parsley and dill. But dogs can’t eat sweets, so most fruits, especially exotic ones, are not given to your pet. But if the dog eats a few berries on summer cottage or wants to eat an apple, nothing bad will happen.


Cereals and bran

Cereals are used as a supplement to the main diet. They are needed to regulate intestinal microflora and improve peristalsis. They are usually mixed with milk.

Consults Breeder Sergey Ivanov

The basis of a dog's diet natural nutrition should consist of meat and dairy products. But the intake of this food must be divided. At one feeding you can give meat with vegetable oil and some vegetables at last, and in another - kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, which can be mixed with bran or raw egg 2-3 times a week.

Prohibited foods: what not to give to dogs

Meat of unknown origin

River fish

Low-fat dairy products

Even 2% fat cottage cheese can cause diarrhea and vomiting in your pet. And low-fat milk-based products are completely contraindicated.

One of important issues Keeping pets is food. The owner’s compliance with the regimen and type of feeding depends on general state And appearance dogs. A well-chosen puppy diet lays the foundation for a healthy skeleton, correct posture, beautiful wool, proper operation internal organs in an adult animal. The life expectancy of an elderly pet depends on timely correction of the diet.

Read in this article

Dog nutrition systems

Experienced breeders, dog handlers and veterinary specialists distinguish between several types of feeding their four-legged friends. Depending on the set of products, taking into account their caloric and nutritional content, and the method of processing raw materials, natural, balanced, mixed and dietary nutrition are distinguished.


Compiling your pet's diet exclusively from natural products is the most preferable in terms of taste variety. The basis of nutrition in such a system is proteins. The best source of complete protein for dogs is meat. The owner should give preference to beef.

It is allowed to include horse meat, lamb, poultry (chicken, turkey), as well as rabbit meat in the diet. Don't feed your pet fatty varieties pork. It is preferable to serve meat raw, after preliminary freezing.

Offal is a good source of protein, as well as vitamins and microelements. It is useful to include liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, and udder in your dog’s diet. Veterinary experts recommend giving offal in a boiled form in order to avoid infection with dangerous helminths.

Unprocessed beef tripe is beneficial for dogs, as it has a beneficial effect on digestion. This unique by-product is most often used when switching a pet to a natural type of food.

Natural nutrition is not complete without fermented milk products. It is useful to give your dog cottage cheese, kefir, and yogurt. Fat sour cream, cream, and sweet yoghurts are excluded from the diet.

With absence allergic reaction can be used in feeding the dog chicken eggs. To eliminate the risk of infection with salmonellosis, eggs are given to the animal only in boiled form. Puppies, sick and elderly pets, on the recommendation of a veterinarian, can be given quail eggs, rich in vitamins and microelements.

The natural type of nutrition also includes carbohydrate foods. The source of energy substances are cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. The share of grain products should not exceed 25% of the diet.

Vegetables and even fruits must be included in the dog’s menu. Vegetables supply the dog’s body with vitamins and microelements and are a source of fiber. Carrots, turnips, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, greens should be present in the dog’s bowl starting from puppy age. You can give both raw and boiled vegetables.

For better absorption fat-soluble vitamins vegetable portions must be flavored with vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, pumpkin). You should not feed your dog high-calorie and starchy potatoes, as well as exotic fruits.

Bones (preference should be given to cartilage and bones) should only be present in a dog's diet in raw form. Heat-treated bones pose a danger to the animal: indigestion, development of gastritis and ulcers, injuries digestive tract, intestinal obstruction.

Natural nutrition means only fresh and high-quality products. It is strictly forbidden to feed your pet “from the table”. Soups, food waste, sausages and bakery products, canned and pickled foods, sweets are contraindicated for dogs. They even exist for encouragement specialized feed, not harmful to the health of the pet.

A significant disadvantage of the natural type of nutrition is its imbalance. It is difficult for the owner to provide for all the body’s needs for nutrients and nutrients and their content in products. An imbalance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals can lead to indigestion and metabolic diseases.

Preparing natural products not only requires serious material costs from the owner, but also takes a lot of time.

To learn how to properly feed your dog natural food, watch this video:


The disadvantages of natural food can be corrected by switching your pet to balanced diet. A veterinarian can help solve the problem. As a rule, to solve a problem it is carried out biochemical analysis dog's blood, allowing you to identify imbalances in nutrients and vitamins.

A study of the diet in terms of the content of proteins, energy substances, vitamins and minerals, carried out by a veterinarian, will help to adjust the diet. Multivitamin complexes are used for this purpose.

Necessary for dogs minerals in food

Most often, dogs suffer from a lack of B vitamins and ascorbic acid. For puppies and young animals, it is important to balance the diet with phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. These useful components should be used in the form of a mineral feed additive with 2 one month old animal.

Fish fat, meat and bone meal and fish meal are excellent sources of nutrients for a young pet, helping to strengthen bones and muscular system animal.

  • As a dry component of a mixed diet, choose high-quality food from trusted manufacturers.
  • The best additions to dry food are vegetables, herbs, dairy products, eggs and raw meat. Porridge should not be used for feeding due to the overload of the diet with grain and ballast substances.

Many breeders and experienced dog breeders use dry food for natural nutrition during trips, at exhibitions, for complementary feeding during walks and training.


A therapeutic diet is prescribed to a pet, as a rule, for any disease, as well as after surgical intervention. In each individual case, the veterinarian develops an individual diet. For example, when chronic constipation The dog's diet is enriched with vegetables and lactic acid products. If the dog often suffers from diarrhea, then the basis of nutrition is low-fat food.

After surgery on organs abdominal cavity The veterinarian also prescribes a gentle diet. The dog is prescribed easily digestible foods that prevent flatulence and constipation.

Feeding a pet is of particular importance in cases of kidney disease, liver disease, and metabolic disorders. Often as dietary nutrition The sick animal is prescribed special medicinal dry food.

To learn how and what to feed your dog, watch this video:

Dog's diet

Health digestive system and the whole organism as a whole depends not only on what foods the four-legged friend consumes, but also on the diet. Uncontrolled, chaotic feeding worsens digestion processes, leads to constipation, flatulence, diarrhea, and adversely affects the health of all dog systems. Veterinarians and experienced breeders recommend following rules feeding:

  • Meals should be eaten at the same time whenever possible. This regimen promotes proper digestion and regular bowel movements.
  • The dog must have a strictly designated place for eating.
  • Portion - match physiological norm taking into account age and breed. Overfeeding your pet is not allowed.
  • Products must be fresh and of high quality.
  • Under no circumstances should you feed your dog hot or cold food.

For the purpose of prevention food poisoning After each feeding, you should empty the bowl of food debris and wash it thoroughly.

For a puppy

As a rule, a puppy appears in the house at the age of 2 months. By this time, the responsible breeder had taught the baby to eat on his own. At the age of 2 - 4 months, the animal should receive food at least 5 times a day. Taking into account the physiological characteristics, the pet’s diet during this period should consist of 50% dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, kefir). The source of protein for the puppy should be meat - raw beef or boiled chicken.

At the age of 4 - 6 months, veterinarians recommend feeding your pet 3 - 4 times. Gradually, the structure of the diet should change. The share of dairy products decreases to 20 - 30%, the meat content increases to 50 - 70%. At the age of 4 months, the puppy can begin to be given boiled offal.

Once the dog reaches 6 - 10 months of age, experienced dog breeders recommend feeding the young animal three times a day. Apply industrial feed Veterinarians do not advise before 10 - 12 months.

For an adult dog

By the age of one year, the pet is transferred to two meals a day. The animal should be fed morning and evening at the same time. If the owner decides to use ready-made industrial mixtures for feeding, then the dog should be accustomed to dry food no earlier than 10 - 12 months. An adult dog's diet should contain 25% protein. It is important to maintain an optimal balance of calcium and phosphorus, avoiding an excess of the latter.

Proper nutrition for an elderly animal

As a result of decreased metabolism and low physical activity With age, the aging dog's need for energy substances decreases. In this regard, the amount of carbohydrates in the diet for pets over 7 years old should be reduced by 10 - 15%.

In an elderly animal, digestion processes deteriorate, motor function decreases, and intestinal motility slows down, which is accompanied by constipation. In this regard, the dog’s diet should include fermented milk products and vegetables as an important source of fiber. If you have problems with gums and teeth, dry food should be soaked in water or broth.

An aging dog should be fed small portions 3 to 4 times a day. Wherein daily norm should be reduced by 5 - 10% of the recommended dose for an adult animal.

Pros and cons of dry food

Before choosing one or another type of feeding a pet, the owner should know the positive and negative points concentrated nutrition. The advantages of dry food are:

  • There is no need for heat treatment, which significantly saves the owner’s time.
  • Convenient to use while traveling.
  • The manufacturers' line includes different foods for any age, breed, physiological state pet. There is a wide selection of medicinal mixtures.
  • Dry food is easier to dose, since the dosage is indicated on the package.
  • Industrial mixtures are balanced in energy and nutrients.
  • Cheaper than natural food.

Dry mixtures also have negative sides:

  • Animals often have an allergic reaction to certain components of the food.
  • Cheap mass-market products are made from low-quality raw materials and lead to metabolic disorders and digestive diseases.
  • Non-compliance drinking regime leads to serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

The owner must decide whether to switch the dog to dry food, taking into account the pet’s taste preferences and his or her capabilities.

Proper nutrition four-legged friend- This is a diet balanced in energy and nutrients. To maintain a healthy digestive system, the owner should adhere to the recommended veterinarians and experienced dog breeders feeding regime.

The specifics of feeding puppies, adults and elderly pets are dictated physiological characteristics. Before switching your dog to dry food, you need to carefully study the positive and negative aspects of such nutrition.

Useful video

To learn how to feed your dog dry food, watch this video:

The dog belongs to the predatory animals. This should never be forgotten. Predators, when killing other animals, devour not only meat and bones, but also entrails and stomach contents.

They often eat until they vomit, and then devour what they vomit again. They return to their inedible prey even when it becomes stinking carrion. If your dog does the same or worse, it's not bad habit, but only the manifesting instinct of a predatory beast.

Many predators eat more than just meat. Badgers, foxes, bears and others happily eat grass, berries, and fruits. This mixed nutrition This is also true for dogs. This must be taken into account when feeding her. Raw food is healthier for a dog than boiled food, as it is best absorbed by the dog’s body. However, if a dog is given too much raw food, it will develop a specific odor.

In this case, she should be fed boiled meat. The dog does not have a refined taste. She, like many other animals, can be content with the same food every day. But if you accustom her to various foods, she will become picky and picky.

Dogs' food should consist of 2/3 meat and 1/3 plant products. The dog can be fed innards such as:

  • heart,
  • stomach,
  • liver,
  • lungs,
  • kidneys

Horse meat, beef, lamb, goat meat and mammal heads are also suitable for her. Dogs love to eat various veins and everything that is cut and removed when preparing dinner for people.

Then sea ​​fish, but not salty. Large fish bones should be removed. Lean, slightly stale meat is more easily absorbed by the dog’s body. Plant products- rye, oats, semolina, millet, as well as fruits and vegetables. Dog food should be prepared as follows:

  1. cut the meat into small pieces or pass through a coarse meat grinder,
  2. cut the bones into pieces of such size that the dog can easily handle them.
  3. Meat of questionable origin should be cooked for at least an hour.
  4. The resulting broth is given to the dog along with the meat.
  5. Flour products - cereals, oat or barley flakes, bran - must be soaked in water for several hours and then scalded.
  6. Rice must either be boiled or steamed.
  7. Vegetables should be given pureed or finely chopped raw, with animal fats.

What you should not feed your dog: important dietary rules

  • Under no circumstances should you feed vegetable tops or cabbage.
  • Fruits should be chopped and pitted if necessary.
  • Dog food should be warm and mushy in appearance. A thermometer can be your finger. The mushy state of food is obtained by itself when it is well mixed.

Fish is very good for a dog healthy food. As a rule, heads and bones present no difficulty or danger to the dog. U big fish It is recommended, however, to first remove the upper fin and the strong and sharp lower front and rear fins.

Dog biscuits are a complete food for dogs. They contain the most important nutrients, necessary to strengthen and maintain the body in proper condition, lime and fish oil. However, biscuits should only be an addition to the dog’s food and not part of its diet. Bones contain lime, protein and other substances necessary for the body. In addition, chewing bones is good for teeth and gums.

You should not give bones to puppies between 4 and 6 months of age. The most useful are the bones of young animals with big amount cartilage and leftover meat, such as ribs. Boiled bones are not suitable for food; raw bones are dangerous because they are fragile and produce fragments that can injure the throat and esophagus so much that immediate veterinary intervention is required.

Raw and sharp bird bones should be burned, but never thrown into the compost. When the dog turns 4-5 years old, it is necessary to reduce the daily bone ration. Eating bones contributes to the creation of a “hard stomach,” i.e., the formation of dry feces.

By observing the feces, you can determine whether the composition of your dog's food needs to be changed. Potatoes, legumes and maize are not suitable for feeding a dog. Pods and maize (corn) often cause nausea. Potatoes are thrown away by the dog's body without any benefit.

Candies, cookies and chocolate, as well as other treats should not be given in large quantities. Dogs love all this very much, but their excess prevents us from controlling the amount of food. The dog becomes excessively fat. It is absolutely necessary to add fish oil and fish oil to your food from time to time.

However, this should only be done in consultation with a veterinarian. Fish oil is always beneficial for puppies and young dogs. The remains of dinner, even if it is slightly spiced or sour, spoiled food, etc., should not be given to the dog.

Anything that your dog shouldn't or shouldn't eat, don't throw it into your garden compost pile. A dog running freely around the garden, out of curiosity, may begin to rummage through this pile and eat something that is not suitable for it. At the same time, we lose control over nutrition.

How many times should you feed a dog: norms and meal times

The dog's daily diet should correspond to the energy it expends, breed, and age.

  • Large dogs eat more, but the caloric content of the food may be lower.
  • Puppies and young dogs whose growth has not stopped require food almost three times more than indicated in the given standards.
  • Dogs that have to run a lot or work hard (hunting, sled dogs, etc.), of course, should receive more food than dogs that primarily stay at home. A cleanly licked bowl is an indicator that the amount of food is sufficient.
  • There should be nothing left uneaten in the bowl. If the dog, after eating, looks at you with a pleading look and barks at the same time, the next day the amount of food should be increased slightly.

If the dog begins to gain weight, the amount of food should be reduced. This reduction, however, must be done gradually, but firmly and persistently and for as long as possible until the dog is in proper shape. It is very difficult or even impossible to apply this method to dogs accustomed to receiving various tidbits at the table.

Feeding hours should be observed as accurately as possible. Feed a puppy up to three months every 4 hours (for example, at 7, 11, 15, 19 hours), a young dog up to seven months of age - three times a day (for example, at 8, 14, 18 hours), then twice a day , and for an adult dog - once a day.

The dog quickly gets used to this regime and knows it down to the clock. A break of 24 hours between two feedings is most beneficial for proper digestion. One day of complete fasting a week is only good for the dog, and if he fasts a little more, it will not harm him either.

A predatory animal does not get food for itself every day and at times is forced to abstain from it for even longer periods of time. But, having killed an animal, he eats to his fill.

Features of feeding puppies and young dogs

Puppies and young dogs should always be given the best food possible. The more nutritious the food, the more it meets the standards, the better the bones and muscles are strengthened. This is achieved not by quantity, but by the composition of food. The food of a puppy or young dog should consist of raw meat, vegetables, milk and bread.

It is better to grate the puppy meat, fry the bun, and finely chop the vegetables. From six months onwards, a young dog should be given meat in small pieces, and instead of a toasted bun Rye bread. You can feed dog biscuits at the same time.

To prevent milk from curdling in the stomach, it is useful to add a tablespoon of honey to a cup of milk. Milk should be given regularly, but not too much. Feeding a puppy should be accompanied by its upbringing. A young dog always wants to eat tasty food and is not averse to begging. Her nose unmistakably tells her what is happening in the dining room, what is happening in the kitchen, at the table during meals.

If we give in to her even once, we will lose control over the observance of a single diet. Whether we feed the dog correctly can be judged by its feces. At proper nutrition the stool is soft, sausage-shaped, and brown or light brown in color. Hard stool white or light yellow color indicates that we are giving the dog too many bones. Almost black feces - too much meat. Mushy, shapeless feces - the food is not nutritious enough.

What else do you need to know to feed your dog correctly?

When a dog eats, there is no need to disturb it. She should not be stroked or called to you, since in this case her ancient instinct is aroused - to protect her prey. Therefore, it happens that she grumbles even at her owner. You shouldn't pay attention to this. Let the dog continue his lunch calmly. After lunch, the dog should rest quietly for 1 - 2 hours. This is necessary for the body to fully absorb the food taken and is especially important for a young dog.

With increased movement, not all the food eaten is absorbed by the body. The attraction to carrion is not a vice, but only an innate property of a wild animal. If a dog buries a meat-covered bone in the ground and a day later pulls it out again, already smelling and green, he is doing what many predators do, who return to their prey even when it has already significantly decomposed.

Meat that has been stale or has begun to deteriorate is especially easy to digest. Predators are not susceptible to the so-called corpse poison. You should not prevent your dog from burying the remains of his lunch in the ground. This is an ancient instinct that forces the animal to create reserves for itself. In most cases, the dog is not interested in what is buried in the future.

If such instillation occurs regularly, it means that we are overfeeding the dog, and its diet should be reduced. Hunting dogs they should not be allowed to bury food, as they may then bury the shot game instead of bringing it to the owner. They say about such dogs that they become “grave diggers.”

If a dog eats feces it finds, it cannot be punished for it. In most cases, predatory animals first tear the peritoneum of the prey they kill and devour the entrails with all their contents. This content, as well as feces, contain substances that are useful or even necessary for predators. The same applies to our dogs.

There should be a water bowl next to the food bowl, always filled with fresh water. Although the dog takes it with food a large number of liquid, she should be given the opportunity to quench her thirst at will. If an adult dog is given milk, it reduces its water intake to the same extent.

What, how much and how to feed your dog correctly? Approximate diet feeding

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What can you feed your dog? The most popular question of many owners who buy a pet. Some people know approximate nutrition for a dog, but still, how to feed a dog correctly at home?

How to feed your dog natural food?

A very important dish for a dog in its diet is porridge with added vegetables or meat. It is very important to prepare each product separately, and only then mix it into one dish. As a rule, vegetables and meat are first boiled or scalded with boiling water. You can also give your dog these products separately and not mix them with porridge.

Basic dog food


Before serving, it is necessary to cook or scald with boiling water. Allowed to give:

Also include by-products in your diet: raw heart, boiled spleen and liver. It is not recommended to give broth and kidneys.

Boiled cereals

Give it to your dog the following cereals:

  • buckwheat;
  • mixture of cereals;


  • turkey;
  • chicken;
  • chicken by-products.

Chicken feet and long bones are prohibited. It is also not recommended to frequently pamper your dog with any bones.


Healthy fruits for dogs are:

  • plums;
  • kiwi;
  • apples;
  • apricots;
  • bananas;
  • melon;
  • watermelon.

It should be given only in small doses and not too often. Dried fruits are allowed to include dried apricots or prunes.

Dairy products

  • milk for puppies;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • sour cream;
  • calcined cottage cheese.


Vegetables for dogs count useful product. Recommended to add to food:

  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage of all kinds;
  • broccoli;
  • grated raw carrots.

Dogs should not be given spinach, potatoes or beets. It is also recommended to give your dog no more than 1 tbsp regularly or every day. olive, corn, vegetable, flax or sunflower oil.

How to feed your dog dry food?

You can buy natural food for your dog. It is advisable to buy high-quality ones from well-known manufacturers. Natural food should be given to the dog based on the weight of the animal. Typically, adult dogs should eat no more than 5% of their body weight in food per day. In addition, consider the individuality of your animal, he may be very active and energetic, so he needs to be given more products With great source vitamins and nutrients.

Real natural food for dogs it should be given with a small percentage of meat, fruits, vegetables and berries. It is important to choose carefully good food for your pet. It is better to opt for premium food, they have good quality, and also include all the necessary useful material for the dog.

List of premium dog foods:

  • Hills (Hills);
  • Pro Plan (ProPlan);
  • Purina ONE;
  • Dog Chow
  • Nature's Protection;
  • RosDog;
  • Chicopee.

What should you not feed your dog?

It is strictly forbidden to give the dog any confectionery, sugar, chocolate, dried and smoked meat, dishes with hot spices, sausages, juices, pickles, carbonated drinks, various sauces and alcohol. These products may cause severe poisoning or completely shorten the animal’s life. It is best to give your dog the foods that were written above, mainly meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals and natural, high-quality food.

To avoid health problems: - Pork. Firstly, this meat is fatty, which will not have the best effect on the condition of the dog’s liver and pancreas. Secondly, eating raw pork risks infection with helminths;
- Potatoes and legumes. The dog, in its own way, does not digest them well;
- Fried foods. They are not very useful to people either, but dog may lead to chronic diseases pancreas;
-Sausage. For the same, or even money, you can buy offal for your pet. The benefits from them are much greater than from fatty sausages.
- Sweets. They are absolutely unnecessary for the dog and are harmful to the teeth. Of course, you can give a cookie, but there should be no sweets or chocolate in the animal’s diet. After all, we don’t brush our dogs’ teeth twice a day! The best treat for a dog is a piece of meat. And there are now plenty of special treats for four-legged animals in pet stores.
- There is an opinion that a dog’s favorite treat is a bone! Yes, if it's a sugar bone. But under no circumstances should you give your animal tubular chicken bones, which easily injure the esophagus and stomach. Boiled bones also should not be given to the animal to chew on - they easily flake off and clog the stomach.

While the puppy is still small, he, like a child, needs to eat little by little, but often and varied. The animal's diet must include dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir. Milk too, of course, but adult dog absorbs calcium from fermented milk products better. Give your baby semolina porridge - it is nutritious and promotes good weight gain. It is better to give meat to the puppy at night - this way he will be full and will not wake up from hunger in the middle of the night. A two-month-old baby needs to be fed 5 times a day. But the portion should be small. Over time, the amount of food in one increases, and the number of feedings decreases. By the age of one, two times are enough - in the morning and in the evening, although many owners and breeders feed their pets once in the middle of the day.

You can cook a variety of porridges, but it’s better to cook them easily: rice, buckwheat, wheat groats. And here it is corn porridge Dogs don't digest very well. In principle, a dog can eat one type of porridge for the rest of its life. But you can diversify your diet and alternate cereals. The meat doesn’t have to be tenderloin, but cooking the broth on just the bones isn’t too satisfying. A variety of offal products are best for dogs. Beef kidneys, (aka tripe), head meat. Of course, cooking tripe and kidneys is not a very pleasant task - they are terrible. In addition, tripe often has to be washed and cut into pieces in advance the right size- it is not always possible to find it clean and cut in the market. But these products contain a huge amount useful microelements. There have been cases when, with the introduction of kidneys into the diet, the dog stopped chewing shoes and picking up everything on the street.

Meat products you can boil and add broth to the porridge, bringing it to the consistency of a thick soup. Or you can give them raw. It is even better. True, in summer, boiled foods are preferable, because meat quickly spoils in hot weather. If your dog is not large, then it is not necessary to prepare its food separately. Many foods from your table will do. Porridge, soups, borscht. Just remove from soups. But if the dog is large, then you will have to cook separate and rather large portions. Be prepared for 5-liter pots of dog food to boil in your kitchen every day.