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The dog whines for no reason. The dog is whining: what to do? Lack of sufficient physical activity

Dog - best friend and a full-fledged member of the family. If a pet who is not usually known for being emotional whines from time to time for no apparent reason, a number of troubling questions arise.

What causes these sounds? Is it painful for the dog? How to help in case of danger?

Whining is not always a sign of discomfort in a pet, but every owner should know the cause-and-effect relationships of this phenomenon.

General information

A dog is a pack animal; it does not perceive life alone. Whining for a dog is the same linguistic signal as barking. Whining performs several functions:

  • physical;
  • mental;
  • emotional.

ATTENTION! Whining itself is normal. With the help of this sound, the pet informs its owner about its mood, desires, and problems. If whining precedes a change in the dog’s behavior, the dog behaves chaotically and does not listen to commands, it is important to find out exactly the reason for this phenomenon.

The main reasons that a pet begins to whine are fear of loneliness, emotions (joy or sadness), a sense of danger, the influence of the moon and poor health. Dry nose, glassy eyes, lethargy and whiningdangerous symptoms, in which consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.

How to wean

There are many reasons for whining. Actions and steps to eliminate this phenomenon can be taken only after accurately understanding the causes of your pet’s whining.

Without a reason

It seems that the dog is whining for no reason, but all experienced dog breeders will say that this is not so. A dog cannot whine simply because it likes the sound. To determine the basics of whining, watch your pet:

  • whether he eats and drinks enough;
  • how he behaves on walks and at home;
  • how he goes when he needs to;
  • After what actions does it start whining?

A pet may whine due to poor health or simply to attract the owner’s attention.

How to stop your pet from crying for no reason:

  1. Before taking concrete steps, you need to find the exact reason for this behavior. Give your dog more attention than in the days before the problem appeared, praise your pet for being quiet, do not scold him, or use physical force.
  2. Buy your dog an interesting toy so that the animal does not get bored.
  3. If the dog is healthy and simply lacks attention, the surest way would be.

Always when you leave

When the owner leaves home, the dog experiences extreme stress. Out of sadness and resentment, she begins to whine and, in some cases, howl.

How to stop your dog from complaining when you leave:

  1. Before leaving, try to walk your dog, but increase the usual walking time.
  2. Try to run and play with your pet during your walk.
  3. When you get home, feed your dog.

IMPORTANT! You can train your dog to be absent. To do this, leave the dog in another room, after 5-10 minutes enter this room, but gradually increase the time of absence. As a result, the dog will understand that the owner did not abandon him and will return soon.

At night

If an animal sleeps in another room, it may feel afraid and unwanted by its owner. You can train your dog not to whine at night in stages.

  1. Bring a bedding or lounger into your room (closer to the master's bed).
  2. Gradually move the dog's bed to its usual place.
  3. If it comes to a baby puppy, then you must understand his feelings: he simply misses his mother. The most the best solution will take him closer to him so that he understands that he is not left alone. You definitely need to stop his crying, and not think “it will go away on its own” - don’t create trauma for the baby! Don’t be too lazy to get up at night and pet the dog, talk to him affectionately and you will see that he will begin to behave much calmer.

Often in dreams

Dogs, like people, dream. They may be bad or too emotional if the owner spent a busy active day with his pet the day before. Against this background, the dog may become overexcited and have difficulty sleeping.

Sometimes a dog seems to be running in a dream: it twitches and whines - it’s probably dreaming of a hot chase or something equally exciting!

What to do?

Do not overload your pet with physical activity during an evening walk. Try to take a leisurely walk before bed. Don't yell at your pet, don't scold. Feed before bed.

Remember how absolutely amazing this dog slept in Cinderella?

It started, although this had never happened before

This behavior can be explained by a physical or emotional state:

  • the dog began to whine due to a health problem;
  • stress from moving, long journey, encounters with an aggressive dog;
  • family atmosphere.

YOU must clearly understand that something caused the dog to “give voice.” Of course, the first thing to do is to pay attention to her behavior and take her to the veterinarian to rule out diseases.

Analyze the last couple of days: perhaps your baby was scared of something? And it doesn’t matter that the child is already 5 years old, and he weighs 30 kilos - dogs forever remain clean, bright children who can be scared or upset.

Maybe you were stuck at work and you walked less than usual or petted your handsome man less often? Or maybe you had a quarrel with your husband/wife/child, and your dog reacts nervously to the changed microclimate in the house and tries to reconcile you?

It is necessary to take any action to combat whining only after determining the cause.

By the way, dogs quite often begin to whine out of jealousy and sadness: when you do not devote time to them, but give it to someone else. The dog begins to worry and tries very hard to convey this to you. Do not spare love for your crybaby: she needs it so much

Trembling, shaking and not eating anything

Symptoms are typical for severe stress or fright. In such a situation, you need to pay more attention to your four-legged friend, give depressant(infusion of motherwort, valerian, tablets should be given only according to the regimen prescribed by the veterinarian).

Another situation is if symptoms are added to whining, trembling, shaking and lack of appetite:

These signs indicate illness. The dog must be taken to a veterinarian for examination and diagnosis.

When he gets to his feet

Most often, this situation occurs if the dog has injuries, arthritis, tumors, or other problems related to the spine. If it became visible strange behavior pet, whining appears when he stands on his hind legs, there is also limping, dragging or tangling of paws, Urgently contact a specialist for a full examination - no “it will go away on its own” and no alternative treatment!


The dog began to hide in a secluded place, while she whined. There are several reasons for this behavior.

  1. Emotional state – the dog is afraid. Fear is the reason why your pet hides and whines. He may be afraid of new people, sharp sounds, or punishment for mischief.
  2. Illness, injury. This behavior is accompanied by a number of other symptoms - loss of appetite, rapid or slow breathing, indifference of the dog, change in color of the mucous membrane.
  3. Postpartum or postoperative condition.

How to fight?

  • Try to understand the reason for the animal’s behavior and help it.
  • Provide proper care.
  • If the dog gets scared and runs away to hide, use the “reverse method”: gradually accustom the dog to loud sounds or strangers. The main thing is to do this gradually and be confident: with all your appearance you must demonstrate that there is nothing dangerous for the dog and he is safe.
  • Do not punish your dog for misbehavior, do not raise your voice or use physical punishment- show due patience.

After meal

This problem indicates that after eating the dog experiences painful sensations. There is only one method of control - take your pet to veterinary clinic, do an ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract or x-ray.

Scratching his ear

Both ears need to be treated. Course – 10 days. If there is no recovery effect, contact a veterinarian. The dog needs to clean the damaged surface with a cotton swab, then drip or smear the medicine. Suitable drugs:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • furatsilin solution;
  • boric acid 3%;
  • rivanol (0.1%);

In the car (in other transport)

Exact reason

How to fight?

You can use commands such as: “place”, “lie down”, “sit”. Give a sedative or distract the dog with simple games and favorite treats.

The dog vomits during the trip

Before the trip, give the animal anti-nausea medication and use the “lie down” command.


In this case, the owner can demonstrably cancel the trip at the first sound of whining, while making it clear to the pet that such behavior is unacceptable. Another way is to ignore such behavior.


A pregnant dog requires special care. Whining can appear for a number of reasons:

  • stress;
  • fear;
  • malaise;
  • fatigue;
  • preparing the body for childbirth.

Approximately 1-2 weeks before the expected birth, the dog begins to arrange a place for the offspring. She can scratch the floor with her claws, whine, and steal her favorite toys. Immediately before the birth itself, the dog becomes restless, urinates frequently, looks under its tail and whines.

How to fight?

  1. Provide your dog with proper care and medical supervision.
  2. Help your dog set up a maternity area where she will stay with the puppies for up to 3 weeks.
  3. Don't yell at your dog if he whines.
  4. Be prepared for a home birth. Stock up on patience, medications, and supplies for childbirth.


Whining in an old dog is only the first symptom of discomfort or pain.

What caused it?

What to do?

Shortness of breath

Symptoms indicate cardiovascular diseases. Contact your veterinarian who will do an ECG and prescribe medications.

Salivation mixed with blood

As dogs age, dental problems appear. Contact a specialist, he will sanitize the cavity, remove tartar and unhealthy teeth.

Difficulty urinating, prostate disease

In such cases, veterinarians castrate male dogs to stop the inflammation process.


In severe cases, the doctor prescribes surgery. Talk to the animal more, do not change the location of objects in the house. Walk along the route your dog is accustomed to.

Osteoarthrosis, arthritis, discopathy

Contact your veterinarian. He will take an X-ray of the spine and make a specific diagnosis, prescribe therapy: physiotherapy, drug treatment, surgery.


A complete examination by a doctor is required.

ATTENTION! If a pet gets old, it becomes slow, irritable, weak, something is constantly bothering it, it expresses its anxiety by whining, and thereby asks for help from the owner. Do not scold the dog, be understanding, pay more attention to your friend.

Seeing others

Dogs use this behavior as signals of reconciliation or familiarity. They have well-developed social communication skills - communication, the ability to prevent and resolve conflicts.

How to fight?

  1. Tune in to a positive mood, the pet will understand the owner’s mood and react in the same way. If previous meetings ended negatively for the dog, it begins to whine and hide, try to distract the dog with a friendly voice and pet it.
  2. If you see that a strange dog is aggressive, grab your dog tightly by the leash, pull it towards you, stand between your dog and the stranger, walk past without stopping.
  3. Your pet whines, wags its tail, opens its mouth - it wants to get to know its neighbor. Don't let your dog off the leash. It is not a fact that the oncoming dog is friendly. Pay attention to the behavior of the oncoming dog, as many signs indicate that it is aggressive. This is stiffness of movements, closed mouth, slightly tilted head, fixed gaze, barking.

By the way, dogs (especially small breeds) love to whine and make unhappy eyes when they simply want to beg you for a forbidden treat! Keep your ears open and don't believe those hungry eyes!

During heat

The dog’s behavior changes during “these days.” Increased or decreased appetite, irritability, apathy, hyperactivity, whining - these phenomena are caused by a surge of hormones.

How to fight?

  • Do not scold the dog, as he is very sensitive during this period.
  • Take precautions: monitor hygiene, do not bathe your pet in bodies of water where you can get an infection, do not take it to exhibitions. Estrus is a strong test for the body and additional stress in the form of exhibitions will have a bad effect on the health of the pet.

To the music

Have you noticed that your dog behaves strangely when music is on? Does she hide or whine? You need to understand your pet’s behavior; to do this, you need to find out the peculiarities of perception of sound vibrations.

  • Hearing threshold. Unlike humans, the hearing threshold in dogs is higher and reaches 35-70 thousand Hz.
  • Sensitive hearing (especially in watchdogs). They hear sounds at a considerable distance.
  • Pitch of sound. The speed of sound reaches 4000 vibrations.
  • A dog can howl to music, simply “singing along” to the melody, but this happens very, very rarely - mostly dogs are irritated by music.

How to fight?

  • Dogs are sensitive to volume, remove the sound source or make it quieter.
  • Distract your pet with a game or a favorite treat.
  • Do not scold your four-legged friend, as he whines because sound vibrations bring him discomfort.

With a toy

If you notice that your dog is running around with a toy, you need to understand the reason.

  1. If we're talking about about whining at a toy with a squeak, then most likely the dog is repeating the sounds made by the toy.
  2. False pregnancy. A toy is a pseudo puppy for your dog, and she communicates with it.
  3. The pet no longer likes the toy.

At false pregnancy The dog acts as if she is really pregnant. By the way, false pregnancy lasts just like real pregnancy: 9 months!

In some cases, you can try to remove the toy from the dog's sight, distract it with a game or treat. If such a reason arises in a female dog, give her a sedative, gradually wean her off the toy, put it away for a while, then give it away, increasing the time of separation.

When you see a certain person or thing

If your dog begins to whine at the sight of a person, you should identify and observe some additional behaviors of the pet.

  • He whines, wags his tail, opens his mouth with his tongue hanging out, rushes to meet him, squeals joyfully. This comes from an overabundance of feelings. The animal shows its love.
  • Whines and hides behind the owner or runs away to a secluded place. These are manifestations of fear.
  • The dog whines, the whole body is tense, the head is slightly tilted, the eyes look intently at the object of irritation. This condition indicates aggression.

What to do? For cases 1 and 3, educational commands are appropriate: “near”, “lie down”, “sit”. In case 2, be patient and try to rid the dog of fear through training and practice, and be sure to monitor the relationship between man and dog: what if you don’t know something and he is cruel to your beloved?

Folk signs

People have many explanations for why a dog whines. Possible versions most often carry a negative mystical meaning.

  • The dog whines at the house. This suggests that trouble will soon happen in the house.
  • The dog whines at the moon. To a change in weather.
  • The dog whines and howls non-stop, while lowering his gaze and looking at the ground. This foreshadows death.
  • The animal howls and looks at the sky. It was believed that this foreshadows an imminent fire.
  • Whines and howls in the morning. The owner is in for trouble.
  • The dog whines with his head on his paws. This is how the animal feels its death.
  • Whines and howls at midnight. Evil spirits ran rampant.

IMPORTANT! There is no need to trust and blindly believe in signs. Scientists have long proven that a dog whines because of physical or emotional conditions that bother him.

Useful videos

What to do if your dog is sad:

If your dog is afraid to ride in a car:

An important task for any owner of a four-legged friend is to understand and find the reason for the dog’s whining. Among the possible ones are illness, fear, joy, inappropriate sound vibrations, happiness or negativity when meeting a person. After an accurate determination, you need to help your friend, be patient and not scold your pet. Otherwise, you may lose the animal’s sincere love and trust.

Whining is an unpleasant phenomenon not only for the breeders themselves, but also for the people around them, in particular neighbors if you live in a multi-story building. Therefore, let's look at how to quickly wean a dog or little puppy whine.

If you are faced with a dog whining problem, it is actually absolutely not difficult to train your dog to stop whining. But to achieve positive result, you need to find out the reason why your beloved pet is whining.

Important! Barking, howling, whining, and other sounds are special means of communication through which a dog conveys its emotions and mood.

Causes of dog whining:

  • nervousness, impatience;
  • emotional overexcitation;
  • fear, fright, strong;
  • joy, delight
  • to attract attention;
  • loneliness;
  • pain, discomfort (heat, cold);
  • feeling of guilt, apology for the wrongdoing;
  • unrealized, overflowing energy;
  • reaction to certain stimuli.

As a rule, the most common whining is from small puppies that have been separated from their littermates and their mother dog. So they call on the mother. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the first time after your baby arrives in your house, the baby will whine, especially at night or when the dog is left alone in the house.

This behavior is explained by the fact that the small pet has not yet adapted and is not accustomed to the new conditions. Time will pass, the dog will get used to the members of his family, and will not disturb you with such unpleasant sounds.

Important! Surround the puppy with attention and care, devote more time to the dog, and do not leave it alone for a long time.

Often the causes of whining are purely physiological in nature:

  • Dogs are quite inquisitive and impatient animals, so they whine before eating, begging you for a treat or asking for a walk, especially in the morning.
  • The dog whines if he “needs” to go to the toilet, for example, due to an upset stomach. In this way, he informs the owner about his physiological desires.
  • Puppies and young dogs often whine due to acute pain syndrome, if they experience severe discomfort or are very frightened by something.

Another reason for dog whining is prolonged separation from the owner. Dogs are social animals that consider their family to be a pack.. In addition, the dog is very attached and devoted to his owner.

Therefore, if you leave or leave your dog for a long time in an enclosure or cage, the animal becomes very sad and feels abandoned and lonely. A dog can also whine out of simple boredom if the dog has nothing to do when he is left alone at home.

If your dog often whines at night, it may be lacking physical activity . This is especially true for young, energetic active dogs, individuals with an agile psyche. This behavior may be caused by lack of attention during the day.

Read also: How and what to feed Miniature Pinscher: rules for a healthy diet

Shy, fearful young dogs often whine when they sense danger emanating from their relatives or humans. Pampered pets whine when they don't have enough attention, they are left alone at home, they demand a treat, or they want you to fulfill their whims. Therefore, in addition to care, pay attention to education. A dog may whine due to stress, severe emotional overexcitation, for example, on training area, looking forward to the game.

What to do if your dog whines at night

As a rule, adult dogs sleep at night if their day has been eventful and active, the pet is well-fed and healthy. Therefore, most often small puppies make cutting, unpleasant sounds at night, and this is most often explained not only by a sharp change in their usual environment, but also by fear and loneliness.

Important! If the puppy is not yet three months old, the baby howls and whines at night when he is left alone or locked alone in a room, never use physical violence or yell at the small pet. But encouraging such behavior is unacceptable. Act consistently and persistently.

During the first few days, whining is quite normal. He is frightened by new surroundings, smells, sounds. Some dog breeders recommend taking your pet to the bed. But dog experts do not recommend doing this. The puppy will get used to sleeping with you and it will be difficult to accustom an older pet to a place.

To stop your puppy from whining:

  • Organize a comfortable bed or house for the new member of your family.
  • If possible, do not leave the dog alone for a long time, and especially do not lock the puppy in a crate or in another room.
  • Protect your dog from stress and negative emotions. The period of adaptation and socialization should be as calm and favorable as possible.

If the puppy is a little over a month old, at this age it is not advisable to separate him from his mother. But if this happens, place the dog bed near your bed and as soon as the baby whines, calm him down and pet him. Once the puppy calms down, praise him.

Gradually move the lounger further away from the bed and react less to whining. Pay more attention to your pet so that he quickly gets used to his new home and can more easily endure separation from his mother. To help the puppy better tolerate separation from his mother-dog, ask the breeders for toys, a cloth, things that have retained familiar smells. Place them near the bed or in the house where your small pet sleeps, and he will behave more confidently and calmly. You can also use a heating pad or a bottle filled with warm water. Wrap it in soft cloth and place it near the puppy.

If the puppy, having adapted to new conditions, continues to howl and whine at night, leave the light or night lamp on. Approach the dog and calm it down in a gentle tone. If the whining does not stop, perhaps the puppy does not want to sleep and is bored. Place toys and tooth sharpeners near the baby. After playing enough, the dog will get tired and sleep peacefully.

Gradually accustom the dog to the command "", "Fu", "" or any other prohibition commands. Give the command in a strict tone, and as soon as the dog has shown obedience, reward it with a gentle intonation or a treat. To prevent the puppy from getting bored when you are not at home, leave him various toys. Otherwise, the dog will not only howl, but will also begin to damage furniture and wallpaper.

Read also: Monge dog food

Physical activity is equally important. After quarantine, walk your dog several times a day, gradually increasing the walking time. Accustom your puppy to communicate with his relatives, so that he then reacts normally to other dogs and animals.

The puppy promises when he sits in another room

If the puppy has become accustomed to you and its new habitat, but continues to disturb you or makes heart-rending sounds when locked in another room, you need to be strict in your upbringing. If you constantly indulge in such behavior, pity or calm the dog, whining will become a habit, and the dog will howl for any reason.

You can ignore whining if this is how your pet attracts attention. Over time, the dog will understand that such behavior only displeases the owners. If the whining really bothers you, open the door. In a stern tone, send the dog to its place, give the command “Fu.” Repeat similar actions until the dog calms down. If all else fails, the dog continues to howl as soon as you close the door, increase the punishment, find a method that will achieve results.

The dog whines in the absence of its owners

There is nothing worse when a dog howls or whines under the doors, throws tantrums when he is left alone at home. The problem needs to be solved gradually.

To begin with, you can teach him to lock the dog in one of the rooms. Close the door and don't pay attention if he scratches the door or whines. After a while, open the door, scold your pet and give the forbidden command in a stern tone. You can lightly lift your pet by the scruff of the neck and slap him on the rump with a newspaper.

Once the dog calms down, praise him. Don't constantly run to your dog when he starts to tantrum and don't teach him to reward him with treats. The dog will quickly understand that whining effective remedy attracting attention and receiving treats. Repeat the exercise several times a day, increasing the time amplitude until you achieve results. If the dog starts whining as soon as you leave the house, come back and scold the dog. Give the command “Get in place!” and take him to the litter.

Advice! Do not let your dog out of the house or enclosure for a walk if the dog begins to howl. Don't open the door if he scratches or whines. Don't follow the animal's lead.

Do the same when leaving home. So that the dog doesn't get bored:

  • Leave a bone, toys, teeth sharpeners.
  • Before leaving, organize a long active walk and engage in training.
  • Feed before leaving. A tired and well-fed dog will sleep and rest when you leave home.
  • When leaving the dog alone, give the command “Place”. As soon as your pet goes to his bed, reward him.

Owners of four-legged pets are often faced with a situation where the dog whines. Animals use this method of transmitting information and expressing their emotional state both when communicating with relatives and to attract attention from humans. There are many reasons for whining - from basic boredom to serious pathology associated with pain.

Read in this article

Reasons why a dog whines

Knowing the reasons why a dog whines and squeals will help the owner understand the seriousness of the unusual behavior of an emotional pet:

  • First of all, whining is typical for puppies. Babies who have just been taken from their mother experience fear, uncertainty, and stress. Finding itself in an unfamiliar environment, a young animal yearns for its brothers and sisters and its mother’s warm side. Puppies often whine when they are hungry, cold or hot. In this way, defenseless young animals call for help or signal their well-being.
  • Test stressful situation maybe adult dog, whose puppies were taken away. In this way, the pet notifies others about its emotional state. There are frequent cases of whining in females during estrus. In such situations, breeders recommend that owners redirect the dog’s attention, occupy it with new games, and walks in unknown places.
  • Experienced dog breeders recommend paying attention to the reason for whining, such as the hunting instinct. Even breeds that are far from being used for hunting can indulge in natural desire. A dog may squeal and whine at the sight of “game” in the form of a cat, a hamster, game birds, or a squirrel in a tree.
  • Gambling pets of hunting breeds are emotional not only in the forest or on the field, but also at home when they see that the owner is getting ready to hunt. Fighting breeds behave similarly before a fight, anticipating the upcoming fight.
  • The reason that a dog whines and squeals is often the emotionality of his four-legged friend. The animal can thus inform the owner that his presence brings him joy. Overly sensitive pets whine and squeal even if the separation from their beloved owner was short-lived. This feature is typical for representatives of miniature breeds, characterized by nervousness and emotionality.
  • A dog can whine, thus expressing its impatience or some kind of request. Most often, the use of puppy whining by an adult dog is observed when begging for a treat, tasty morsel or supplement. It is difficult to wean an animal from such behavior. To do this, the owner and all household members need to ignore whining and not encourage the pet to take such actions, fulfilling his request.
  • The reason that a dog whines is often his desire to relieve himself. In such a situation, you cannot ignore the dog. During a walk, whining may be due to the fact that when communicating with its relatives, the pet expresses submission, obeying the norm of behavior in the pack. If the walk is interrupted by the owner at some point that is interesting from the dog’s point of view, then the dog can express its unfulfilled desire by whining.
  • Both adult and young animals can suffer from loneliness if the owner leaves them alone for long periods of time. In this case, whining is regarded by experienced dog breeders as an expression negative emotion due to the absence of his beloved owner. A variety of toys will help to wean your pet from whining in this situation, as well as a long walk when the owner returns and active games with a pet.
  • Whining can be observed not only for physiological, behavioral or emotional reasons. In this way, the animal can signal the owner about its health problems. In addition to obvious pathologies, when a dog is wounded, injured, or limping, whining can be a symptom of hidden damage.

The owner should pay attention to the exact moment the animal whines. If squealing accompanies the act of urination, this may be a signal of urolithiasis or the presence of inflammation in the genitourinary area. Squealing when leaning on a limb is evidence of a splinter, dislocation or more serious injury. Dental diseases, chronic diseases, diseases of internal organs are often accompanied by pain.

The owner's attentive attitude to the pet's behavior will help to identify the disease in time.

If at night, in a dream

Quite often the owner can hear whining when the animal is sleeping. In a dream, dogs can whine, squeal, and bark. As a rule, at this moment the animal moves its paws, “runs” somewhere, and twitching of the muscles of the body and muzzle is observed. This behavior is most often caused by dreams.

Scientists believe that our four-legged friends experience emotional states that were experienced in real life. Therefore, in dreams, dogs often chase game, hunt, or, conversely, run away from a stronger enemy.

A dog may whine even if it is bored and lonely on its bed. In this case, the owner needs to spend more time with the pet before bed, caress it, and calm it down. If an animal experiences anxiety or psychological discomfort from not seeing its beloved owner in sight, you should consider moving the bed closer to the owner’s sleeping place. Seeing a human friend, the dog will calm down and will not whine.

Why does the dog whine, tremble, hide?

The reason that the dog not only whines, but also trembles, may be a violation of the conditions of detention. Keeping your pet in a cold and damp room or walking for too long in bad weather can cause physiological discomfort.

Similar behavior may be associated with fear. Emotional individuals do not only whine and squeal. During a nervous breakdown or excessive nervousness, dogs may experience trembling throughout the body, which is due to the choleric type of temperament. Out of fear, such dogs can hide in a corner, seek refuge under the sofa and in other hard-to-reach places.

The owner should be aware that the cause of the pet's squealing and desire to hide from prying eyes can also be malaise. Often this behavior is associated with sudden pain - the animal does not understand what is happening to its body, and this scares it.

If behavior changes for no reason

In case if apparent reason There is no concern, the owner should carefully observe the dog. If the squeal wears short-term nature and it doesn’t happen again – there’s no reason to worry.

If the unreasonable whining continues, despite measures taken to calm it down, then the pet should be shown to a veterinarian. Often only a clinical examination, additional diagnostics in the form of blood and urine tests, ultrasound or X-ray diagnostics will help determine the cause inappropriate behavior animal.

Pets often communicate with humans through voice. Whining and squealing, dogs not only ask to go outside, beg for a tasty morsel, but also show other psycho-emotional feelings - joy, fear, uncertainty, submission, etc. The reason your dog is whining and squealing may be a health problem. It is important for the owner to be able to recognize what information his four-legged friend wants to convey.

Useful video

To learn what an owner should do if a dog whines and barks for no reason, watch this video:

Puppies are funny creatures, their appearance in the house is not only a joy, it is associated with troubles and worries, especially if the dog often (or constantly) whines. If the person is not an animal psychologist, a dog trainer or an experienced breeder, it will be difficult to establish the cause of the puppy’s whining. Remember, a dog is a pack animal, and whining (barking and other sounds made by animals) are vocal messages. Dogs have developed vocal communication.

Puppies don't whine, they communicate

A dog whines, which means it communicates information to the pack - we are talking about the family in which the puppy is being raised and raised. Puppies often whine to attract their mother's attention. Whining has a calming and calming effect on adult dogs; dogs do not touch or offend children. The puppy whines from excitement, fear, and inability to get what he wants. The idea that dogs whine in pain is incorrect - animals often silently endure pain or moan.

They whine at night and alone

The puppy is capable of whining at night or when left alone. The puppy's whining at night disturbs the sleep of those around him; if the puppy whines loudly, the neighbors complain, it is better to wean the baby off bad habit. Your puppy's whining in the middle of the night should be ignored. Suppress the desire to caress and feel sorry for your pet - otherwise the animal will begin to whine louder.

If the puppy whines persistently, without stopping, resort to the command “fu!” Say the command in a firm, loud, stern voice.

They use the command as much as necessary so that the puppy listens to the owner and stops whining. The command worked, the puppy fell silent - praise the baby.

Punishing a puppy physically and resorting to beatings is the worst tactic. Voice influence is quite effective. The main rule is persistence and patience. Encourage your puppy to behave correctly.

Anxiety is the cause of whining

The reason for a puppy's whining is the owners leaving and being alone. Instinctively, babies experience anxiety and discomfort when they are left alone; whining is a clear message “I want to come to you.” A surefire way to prevent the behavior is to take care of your puppy's needs while you're away. The pet should feel safe.

Often the puppy tries to convey to family members excitement and a desire to act. Excitable dogs whine in anticipation of interesting events (games, walks), anticipating incidents. Unusual situations encourage the puppy to whine. For example, traveling in a car. Try to transport your dogs in a special crate-transport, and have your favorite toy and treat ready for the trip in order to distract and occupy your pet (passengers, not the driver, take care of the puppy).

The reason for whining lies in individual differences between breeds. Representatives of some are noisier and more talkative than others. Universal rules have been adopted to help resolve whining and noise:

  1. Take care of timely quality walking of the baby (satisfied dogs are less likely to make noise, preferring sleep).
  2. Provide access to water and food (on a full stomach you want to whine much less).
  3. Leave toys and teeth sharpeners within sight of the puppy, giving the puppy something to do during his alone time.

How can you tell if your dog is unhealthy?

There are common symptoms that help distinguish a sick animal from a healthy one. A sick dog behaves differently than a healthy dog. This is the result of the effects of the disorders caused by the disease. Sometimes various external manifestations of the disease are immediately noticeable.

How does a dog's behavior change?
Often, a sick dog becomes sad and lethargic, moves less, strives to find a quiet, dark place to hide, and can hardly be called to you. The opposite behavior is just as common: the animal is extremely excited and even aggressive, whines pitifully, cannot find a place for itself, restlessly moving around the apartment. Sometimes a sick dog loses coordination of movements and becomes awkward. Does your dog have a poor appetite, drowsiness or insomnia, or does the animal get tired quickly? This may also indicate illness.

Discharge and fur
The coat of an unhealthy dog ​​becomes dull, looks disheveled, and may begin to shed heavily. The skin may change color (yellowish tint) and lose elasticity. Mucous, purulent and other discharge from the eyes, nose, mouth and other organs of the dog’s body signal diseases. Yellowish discharge appears when the liver is damaged, colorless discharge indicates the possibility of anemia, bluish discharge is a sign of dysfunction circulatory system, bloody - speak of poisoning or serious infection.

Nose, eyes and mouth: what to pay attention to?
A sick dog has a hot, dry, often cracked nose. This nose is called “asphalt”. Dry crusts form on it, and purulent mucous discharge appears from the nostrils.

The eyes of a dog suffering from the disease are often squinted, with itchy eyelids and yellowed mucous membranes. The eyelids itch, pus discharges from the eyes, and the third eyelid may close the eye halfway.

The gums and tongue of an unhealthy animal may become covered with ulcers or plaque. Noticeable bad smell from the mouth, salivation is profuse. The mucous membranes turn pale and may become yellowish or bluish.

Disorders of the digestive and genitourinary systems
Frequent companions of diseases are constipation or diarrhea, vomiting, accumulation of intestinal gases, painful defecation. Feces may contain inclusions: worms, wool and others. If your dog's feces come out with drops of blood, this is a sign serious problems with health. Black stool indicates intestinal or stomach bleeding.

A sick dog begins to urinate more often, may not hold urine, or, conversely, stop urinating altogether. The act of urination may become painful. Normal color urine (yellowish) and its quantity change. Purulent-mucous discharge from the genitals and an unpleasant smell of urine may appear. The dog may experience pain when the lower back is touched, the gait becomes stiff, and the back becomes hunched. A sweetish odor from the mouth may indicate kidney disease.

Often diseases that cause problems with the passage of food and urination are cystitis, tumor, and prostate hypertrophy.

Breathing and lymphatic system dogs with illnesses
The frequency of breathing changes: it becomes shallow, rare (painful breathing), or, conversely, frequent. The dog coughs, barks hoarsely, and sniffles. Shortness of breath or cough appears. Shortness of breath is a frequent accompaniment of excessive physical exertion, emphysema (the result of poisoning) or pneumonia. Heartworms, anemia, pleurisy, and heart failure cause difficulty breathing. Coughing is common in older dogs with heart failure.

Lymph nodes that are enlarged in size indicate that there is an inflammatory process in the body. The brightest indicators are the lymph nodes under the jaw; you need to be able to find and palpate them.

Thirst, vomiting, jaundice and profuse salivation: what do they point to?
Increased thirst is typical for dogs with dropsy, diabetes, renal failure and other kidney diseases. The dog may have a cold. If thirst is accompanied by physical weakness and an unpleasant odor from the mouth, the dog most likely has uremia.

Vomiting is a result of poisoning, e.g. poisonous herbs, worm infections. Sometimes vomiting is caused by traveling in public transport. If constipation and vomiting occur along with physical weakness, these are signs of intestinal obstruction and the presence of a foreign body in it.

Hepatitis, leptospirosis, poisoning and piroplasmosis cause yellowness of the mucous membranes.

Excessive salivation accompanies the entry of a foreign body into the dog’s esophagus, damage to the mouth and tongue, sunstroke and heatstroke, poisoning and certain liver diseases. The most terrible disease in which saliva flows profusely is rabies.

What does the dog's pose tell you?

Remember that a healthy dog ​​will sleep or rest in a relaxed position, with elongated limbs and a straightened body. A sick animal tries to take a position that will reduce painful or discomfort. To ease breathing, which is difficult due to heart disease, the dog stands with its front legs spread wide. Urolithiasis disease cause lameness in the left right hind leg, depending on which kidney is affected. If the limbs are damaged, the dog holds the injured part of the body suspended.

How can you tell if your dog is getting better?
There are many signs of disease, but usually they do not appear all at once. There is always the brightest signal of illness, surrounded by associated symptoms. The dog’s well-being improves and its complete recovery occurs when all painful manifestations of the disease disappear.

If you notice that your dog begins to behave differently, or the functioning of its organs has somehow changed, contact your veterinarian or clinic. Maybe a telephone consultation will help solve the problem. To help your dog yourself before visiting the doctor, always keep a veterinary first aid kit on hand.

Source: povodok.by


Dog Owner's Veterinary Guide, 1970
By G.W. Stamm
Translation by S.G. Litvinova

It is usually easy to notice that a dog is sick, but very often it is difficult to determine what is wrong. Some people believe that it is difficult to make a diagnosis because the dog cannot tell where it hurts. But, although the dog will not tell about the symptoms, it does not give a lot of false information, as, for example, children do, in order to avoid going to school, or an old granny does, causing compassion and sympathy for their exaggerated ailments.

The difficulty of diagnosis lies in the fact that many diseases have similar symptoms, and some diseases are not always accompanied by the same symptoms. For example, fever, loss of appetite, weakness are signs of many diseases, and distemper has the most different symptoms depending on which organs are affected.

Dogs have their "days off"

Dogs, like people, have their off days. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, they feel unwell. Therefore, if your dog just lies all day, do not rush to give him any diagnosis.

And one more thing: dogs running freely on the streets often have mild stomach upsets. Sometimes they may even vomit when in good condition health. And the same thing would happen to a person if he gnawed at old bones and picked up the remains of rotten meat in garbage dumps. Therefore, do not attach too serious importance to such mild gastric disorders, if, of course, they go away safely.

What types of symptoms are there?

From a practical point of view, symptoms can be divided into three types: observable, determined by simple techniques - measuring temperature, pulse, detected only by laboratory methods - chemical analysis, examination under a microscope, etc.

About temperature

Rising temperature is one of early signs acute illness caused by microbes. Of the other causes, severe injuries and tumors rank first.

Normal rectal temperature dogs 38.8-39°C. Since a dog, unlike many other animals, does not sweat, and therefore cannot get rid of excess heat, its body temperature rises from any physical stress.

It is known, for example, that in hound dogs the temperature after running rises to 40.3°C. An increase in ambient temperature to 30°C or higher also causes an increase in the dog's body temperature. Small increase also occurs after eating. By the end of pregnancy, bitches have a higher than normal temperature. All this normal phenomena and they must be taken into account.

Signs of a real illness are abnormally high temperature, loss of appetite, hot dry skin, thirst, indigestion, rapid heartbeat and rapid breathing. Microbial toxins entering the bloodstream often cause bouts of chills, causing the hair to rise and the skin to become cold.

Sharp rise temperature by a few degrees, if it soon drops to normal, is less dangerous than a gradual, without decline, increase of 1.5 ° C. To make a diagnosis, it is not enough to take the temperature once. Usually measurements are taken twice a day, and in acute cases - 4 times.

How to measure temperature

Shake the thermometer thoroughly and lubricate the tip with Vaseline or any other neutral ointment. Carefully insert the thermometer into the anus and hold it there for at least 3 minutes.

What does the pulse show?

Pulse shows the frequency, rhythm and strength of the heartbeat. All this makes it possible to judge the physical condition of the animal.

Increased heart rate is caused by temperature, inflammatory processes, hemorrhages, paralysis and disruption of the heart valves. The pulse also increases due to physical exertion, overexcitation, fear, heat, severe pain, when digesting food, but quickly returns to normal as soon as the action of these factors stops.

In anemia and leukemia, the pulse is usually weak. During loss of consciousness, the pulse is almost not palpable. With meningitis and peritonitis, the pulse is usually hard, that is, the artery under the fingers is hard or does not compress at all.

A dog's normal heart rate ranges from 70-120 beats per minute, depending on age and breed. Old animals and large breeds tend to have a slower pulse than young and small ones. Thus, the normal pulse of a healthy adult Great Dane can be 60-70 beats per minute, while in an adult Pekingese it reaches 120. But in both large and small dogs, the pulse becomes sluggish in old age.

A pulse of 120 for a large woman and 180 for a small one indicates a serious illness.

How to measure your pulse

In all arteries - blood vessels, coming from the heart, the pulse beats, by which the heart rate can be measured. Dogs have the most convenient place to measure the pulse is the femoral artery; it is relatively large and easy to find. This artery runs along the inner surface of the hind paw and is best felt where it leaves the groin.

Feeling with your fingers the place where the pulse beats most clearly, start counting. Don't use thumb, since it beats its own pulse, and you can mistake it for the pulse of a dog. You don't have to count a full minute. You can multiply the number of beats in half a minute by 2, or the number of beats in 15 seconds by 4.

It is often difficult to make a diagnosis

It is known that symptoms themselves are not a disease. They only indicate its existence. Diagnosis - the art of identifying a disease by its symptoms - is perhaps the most difficult task in veterinary practice. In most cases, treatment is relatively simple if the nature of the disease is precisely determined.

Only knowledge and experience can make a person a good diagnostician.

About dog temperature

An increase in temperature is one of the early signs of an acute illness caused by microbes or severe wounds or tumors.

The normal temperature of a dog is 38.8-39 °C. Since a dog, unlike many other animals, does not sweat, and therefore cannot get rid of excess heat, its body temperature rises from any physical stress. It is known, for example, that in hound dogs the temperature after running rises to 40.3 °C. An increase in ambient temperature to 30 °C and above causes an increase in the dog’s body temperature. A slight increase in temperature also occurs after eating. By the end of pregnancy, bitches also have a higher than normal temperature. All these are normal phenomena and should be taken into account.

Signs of a real illness are high fever, loss of appetite, hot dry skin, thirst, indigestion, rapid heartbeat and rapid breathing. Microbial toxins entering the bloodstream often cause bouts of chills, causing the hair to rise and the skin to become cold.

A sharp increase in temperature of several degrees, if it soon drops to normal, is less dangerous than a gradual, without decline, increase of 1.5 ° C. To make a diagnosis, it is not enough to take the temperature once. Typically measurements are taken twice a day, and in acute cases - four times.

Source: Zoo-house

How can you tell if your dog is sick?

Most dog diseases can be cured much easier if you notice them at an early stage. But animals cannot tell their owner about their illness, or show what and where it hurts. How to determine that your dog is sick in order to provide timely help to your pet?
The first sign that a dog is sick is most often changes in behavior. The dog becomes lethargic, apathetic, inactive, loses interest in previously favorite games, and is reluctant to go for a walk. Often sick dogs try to hide in a dark, secluded corner, moaning or squealing. They do not respond to nicknames, and if they do, they are reluctant to get up. Sometimes the dog, on the contrary, becomes more aggressive and does not even let familiar people near it.
Another sign of illness may be loss of appetite. Although not always: sometimes dogs kept in urban environments may not eat for about a day. This is due to the fact that city dogs are sometimes overfed, and they move little, so in this way the animal simply arranges a voluntary “fasting day”. An abnormally increased appetite, by the way, may also indicate that the dog is sick.
In a sick dog, instead of being smooth and shiny, the coat becomes disheveled and dull, and the animal often loses weight during illness. You can also determine that your dog is sick by looking at his nose. In a healthy dog nose is cold and wet, and the sick one is dry and hot. But you can’t be guided only by this sign. When a dog sleeps, and also in the first minutes after waking up, its nose may be dry and hot. And at first, after the temperature rises, it sometimes remains cold.
By the way, about temperature. Normally, a dog’s body temperature is higher than that of a person and is 38-38.9°C. If your animal's body temperature is 39.5°C or higher, you should contact a veterinarian as soon as possible, because an increase in temperature may be a sign of an infectious disease.
Dogs' temperature is measured rectally. You can use a regular veterinary medical thermometer for these purposes. It needs to be lubricated with something greasy - oil, Vaseline or cream. Holding the dog in the groin area, you need to carefully insert the tip of the thermometer into the anus. This must be done very carefully and patiently. After 2-3 minutes the thermometer can be taken out.
After the procedure, you must praise and caress the dog. If she does not refuse food and there are no problems with digestion, you can treat the dog with some kind of treat - this way you will reinforce a calm reaction to measuring the temperature.
Please note that an elevated temperature does not always mean that the dog is sick. It can increase with fear and excitement, in the heat, after physical activity. So it’s best to measure the temperature of a healthy dog ​​at rest several times and then compare it with this figure.
Two more objective indicators of a dog’s health are pulse and respiratory rate. To change the pulse, you need to place your fingers on the femoral artery of the animal, it is located on the inside of the thigh. Normal pulse is 70-120 beats per minute. In large and calm dogs it may be less, and in dogs small breeds- more, reaching 160 beats per minute. Here, as with temperature, you need to compare with normal pulse your dog is at rest.
The breathing rate is determined by the movement of the dog's abdomen, chest, or wings of the nose. Normal indicator- 10-30 breaths per minute. Males breathe less frequently than females, and adult dogs breathe less frequently than puppies and young animals. In the heat, during overexcitation and physical exertion, breathing becomes more frequent, but in a healthy dog ​​it quickly recovers.
Signs that your dog is sick may include indigestion, diarrhea, constipation or vomiting. In principle, a minor stomach upset may simply be the result of overfeeding or eating food that is unusual for the dog. So here you need to look at the “scale of the disaster” and the presence accompanying symptoms. For example, diarrhea with blood can hardly be called a “minor disorder”.
Another sign that your dog is sick may be:
discharge from the nose, eyes and other organs (transparent mucous or purulent);
strong thirst;
difficulty swallowing;
craving for eating inedible objects;
increased shedding;
yellowness or cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes;
problems with urination, change in urine color;
unnatural pose.
In general, many of the signs that a dog is sick are the same as those in cats. These symptoms can be observed in a variety of combinations. If something in appearance or your dog's behavior worries you, it is better to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. Many animals were saved precisely because the owner noticed in time that his dog was sick and came to the aid of his pet.

How to measure a dog's body temperature

Undoubtedly, body temperature is one of the main indicators of the body’s condition.

Many serious illnesses dogs are accompanied by an increase in temperature, and if you manage to catch the trend in time, then the chances of recovery increase many times over.

A timely diagnosis and correctly prescribed treatment will help extinguish even the most serious illnesses at the initial stage and avoid complications.

If the dog refuses food or water, if the nose becomes dry and hot, if there is lethargy, etc., then the first thing you must do is measure the temperature.

For a dog, the process of measuring temperature does not cause any particular trouble, so it will not be superfluous to accustom your pet to this simple procedure from childhood. In addition, like people, each dog’s normal temperature is individual. Therefore, the sooner you recognize it, the easier it will be to navigate in case of any troubles.

A normal temperature for dogs is considered to be between 37.5 and 39.0 °C, and the heart rate ranges from 60 to 120 beats per minute.

The temperature depends on the age of your pet (for puppies it can be half a degree higher), breed, weight, size, etc. In general, unlike people, dogs do not sweat, so in order to lower their blood temperature and get rid of excess heat, they have to stick out their tongues and breathe intensely. It follows from this that the dog’s body temperature instantly rises from any physical stress. It is also necessary to take into account that dogs do not tolerate heat well and if it is +30 °C outside the window, then the body temperature will be slightly elevated.

If signs of illness appear, measurements should be taken every hour and be sure to record the results to assess the trend.

A slow, without decline, increase in temperature by 1.5-2.0 degrees is dangerous.

You can measure your dog's temperature as usual. mercury thermometer, but this is very inconvenient, because This process will take at least three to five minutes.

The right decision would be to purchase an electronic thermometer that will belong only to your pet.

In this case, the temperature measurement process will take only a minute, and when it is completed, the thermometer will notify you about this with a sound signal.

So: lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline or cream, lay the dog on its side, lift the tail with your left hand, grasping its base confidently, but not roughly. Right hand, - carefully insert the thermometer into the rectum to a depth of 1.5-2.0 centimeters. Wait 3-5 minutes if using a mercury thermometer or wait for a sound signal if the thermometer is electronic.

During the procedure, talk kindly to the dog. Come up with a non-standard command for this case, for example, “he is being treated,” and before the procedure, be sure to give it, and at the end, for your patience, reward your pet with a treat every time.

Disinfect the thermometer by washing it thoroughly with soap

The owner's “handicrafts” or manipulations when helping a dog
Source link: © MalamutAlaska.com

Quite often this situation happens: a pet is sick, first aid is provided, treatment is prescribed and.. and then there is a choice.. either go to the veterinarian for each injection/call to the house or look for someone who knows how to give injections. What if the injections are scheduled by the hour? What if you also monitor the temperature? What about an enema? And then many people start to get scared. But in vain. Even as a child, I was told that a person is usually afraid of what he does not know. Therefore, you need to understand the sequence of actions when different situations. And think not about what you can’t do, but about the fact that tomorrow this knowledge can in a critical situation or already at home treatment save the life of a dog, your own or someone else's.
Let's consider the most common manipulations that it is advisable to be able to perform independently, without consulting a doctor. 1. Measuring the dog's body temperature.
As in humans, an increase in body temperature is a serious cause for concern. In the case of a dog, you need to keep the following in mind: body temperature is considered normal from 37.5 to 39 degrees Celsius; in puppies it can be half a degree higher. Just like a person, normal temperature body is individual, and, in addition, depends on age, breed, weight; the dog’s body temperature rises at high air temperatures, as well as under the influence of physical activity, etc. Therefore, it would be useful to find out the value of normal temperature specifically for your pet, and not wait until a critical situation and focus on average indicators. And for this you need to measure the temperature. As in the situation with nail trimming, it is advisable to accustom the dog to measuring temperature from puppy age. Special problems The dog does not benefit from this procedure. The choice of a thermometer (conventional (mercury) or electronic) is up to the owner. A mercury thermometer takes a little longer to measure temperature.
Let's move on to measurement. To do this, you need to lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline, lay the dog on its side, raise the tail with your left hand, grasping its base. This must be done confidently, but not rudely. With your right hand, carefully insert the thermometer to a depth of 2 cm into the rectum and wait (or the allotted time for measuring mercury thermometer, and with rectal measurement it is shortened, or the signal of an electronic thermometer). We remove the thermometer, disinfect it, and it is advisable to record the results. It is possible to accustom oneself to a specific command for measuring temperature, with subsequent reward with a treat for correct behavior.
2. Measurement of respiratory rate.
It's pretty simple. The owner, armed with a stopwatch, times 1 minute and counts the number of breaths during this time. The breathing rate can be detected by the rise/fall of the chest, abdomen, or the movement of the wings of the nose. The norm is 10-30 times per minute. Don't forget that small dogs breathe more often, unlike large ones.
3. Pulse measurement.
The pulse is best felt on the femoral artery - on the inner part of the thigh, approximately in the middle, an elastic cord is felt upon palpation. You can also listen to your heartbeat by placing your palm on the chest From the left side. The norm for a healthy dog ​​is 70 – 120 beats per minute. As with the respiratory rate, small breeds have a higher pulse rate.
4. Cleansing enema.
Let me make a reservation right away: in this article I will only explain the standard mechanism of action. Medications and other details should be discussed with your doctor. For example, the volume of the enema, medications, the number of washes, the position of the dog during the enema - all this may vary depending on the specific case. Basically, a cleansing enema is given for poisoning or constipation. Average sizes: small pears - for dogs with small stature, pears 200-300 grams for dogs, approximately the size of a spaniel, for large dogs you can use an Esmarch mug. Before the procedure, the pear (or the tip, in the case of Esmarch’s mug) is sterilized (boiled). The water for the enema should be boiled and at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Typically, the dog is in a lateral position. After filling the bulb with liquid, it must be slightly squeezed to release excess air. When the excess air comes out, water will flow out of the pear slightly. Next, the enema tip is lubricated with Vaseline and, as in point 1 “measuring the dog’s body temperature,” is inserted into the rectum. You should not make sudden movements either when inserting the bulb or when introducing liquid - only smooth, soft movements.
5. How to induce vomiting.
This is an alternative action in case of poisoning or, if necessary, remove ingested small foreign body. I emphasize that if a dog has swallowed something large, it is strictly forbidden to induce vomiting (possible suffocation) or give a laxative. To induce vomiting in a dog, it is enough to either give it something to drink a large number of water (this is a gentle method) or, if more is needed emergency measures, drink a solution of 1 teaspoon from a syringe (without a needle) table salt half a liter warm boiled water.
6. Injections.
For most owners, this is the worst thing. In addition to understanding the very essence of the process, you need to remember a number of simple and logical rules: always wash your hands thoroughly with soap before taking the injection and giving the injection itself; check the expiration dates of syringes and medications; Before administering the injection, be sure to read the instructions for the medication, which may indicate the duration of administration, dosage, contraindications and side effects.
Let's start with the most difficult ones - intravenous injections. I’ll say right away that I won’t describe these injections here and I don’t recommend them to you. These are injections for specialists. Profanity here is very dangerous.
The most common - intramuscular injections. You can and should be able to do them yourself. You can do it to any large muscle, I like it most to the hind leg, and more specifically, to the thigh. What exactly I like about this particular muscle: there is room for maneuver when holding a dog in place that does not like injections, the muscle is large and can be easily felt. The simplest thing, during a normal, regular visit to your veterinarian, is to ask him to show you how the muscle on the thigh is identified. Once you feel it, you will already know the right feeling. Or, as an option, palpate the thigh in advance healthy dog. The easiest way is to grab your thigh with both hands on both sides and gradually move closer to the center. There is no need to apply force, act easily and quickly - it is hardly possible to miss such a muscle. With an intramuscular injection, the needle is inserted into the muscle 2/3 of the length into the area located between the knee and hip joints. It is important not to hit the sciatic nerve or major blood vessel.
Subcutaneous injections. This is the simplest type - the most convenient - to inject into the withers area, lifting the skin in this area with your left hand. The injection is given at the bottom of this skin fold and along its direction at a slight angle, so that the needle penetrates deeply under the skin. Despite the apparent detail of the above, I once again advise you, before the need arises, to consult with your doctor, simultaneously clarifying all the questions that you have as you read. Perhaps by printing out this material and supplementing it with the notes that the attending physician will give (the size of the pear and the volume of the enema, the normal body temperature of your dog, as well as the pulse and breathing rate), in order to create a “cheat sheet” for yourself in case You need to act calmly and quickly, which is not helped by remembering notes or frantically searching for the right page on the Internet.
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© MalamutAlaska.com

Almost every dog ​​owner experiences problems with their dog's health during the life of their pet. Self-medication can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Without placing correct diagnosis, you can not only not cure the underlying disease, but also aggravate it by adding others to it. Therefore, if you have any problems, you should call the veterinarian you trust, and sometimes several, if the diagnosis seems doubtful or the treatment does not help. However, there are cases when minutes and hours count, and emergency assistance The owner must provide it on the spot, before going to the veterinarian or calling him at home.
Let's look at the main signs that a dog needs urgent help, as well as the owner’s procedure in these cases.

Difficult, hoarse breathing of the dog, shortness of breath. If your dog is standing in an unusual position, for example, the neck is stretched out or the dog cannot lie down, is restless, makes some unusual sounds (whistles, wheezing) when breathing, if breathing is frequent or difficult, if the dog makes an effort when inhaling or exhaling - this is cause for concern. Any difficulty breathing in dogs can become life-threatening, especially if the gums and lips become discolored. purple, and breathing is even more difficult and frequent. In this case, the veterinarian may simply not have time. What help can be provided in this case? Calm the dog, try to avoid overheating and physical exertion, open the window for oxygen flow. There is no need to try to force the dog down or give it water - this can be dangerous to its health. It is necessary to check whether there is a foreign body in oral cavity or visible part of the upper respiratory tract. The dog must be taken to the doctor immediately. On the way, remember if there were any injuries or bruises (perhaps a damaged lung), when these symptoms appeared, if the dog could have swallowed something dangerous or choked on something (including food).

Blue mucous membranes and tongue. Scientifically this is called “cyanosis”. This symptom may indicate various diseases. What the owner needs to know: if the mucous membranes are blue, it means that the blood is not saturated with oxygen to the required extent. In normal condition, the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, gums and lips have pink color. Cyanosis is a symptom of such terrible diseases, such as pneumothorax, pulmonary edema, congenital heart disease, hypertrophy of the velum palatine, tracheal collapse, poisoning, etc. In this case, we do not waste time, it is necessary to deliver the dog to the clinic as quickly as possible. Calling a doctor to your home can only result in a waste of time. Since it will most likely be necessary additional examination, and possibly surgery.

Cough. It can have a lot of reasons: a foreign body in the throat, injury to the throat mucosa, respiratory diseases and much more. What are we doing? First, we examine the oral cavity and visible upper respiratory tract. Then we measure the dog's body temperature. Determine the nature of the cough (dry, wet, barking, loud, presence or absence of sputum), and also pay attention to the dog’s behavior during coughing. Remember as much as possible what preceded the coughing attack - perhaps the dog choked, inhaled dust, perhaps there was a fever before that. All collected information will significantly reduce the time for diagnosis. If your dog, in addition to coughing, has bleeding from the nose or mouth, or symptoms from points 1 or 2, you should visit a doctor immediately.

Snake bite. This information will be relevant for those who like to take their pet with them on walks in the forest, to the country, as well as for hunters. So, how can you suspect that a bite took place? Mostly the dog can get bitten on the nose, upper lip, front legs. If the dog is limping, if there is swelling of the muzzle, especially the lips, the dog is worried and it is clear that it is in pain, there is a high probability snake bite. The dog should be examined, although it is very difficult to see a bite on unshaven skin. Usually the lesion looks like 2 red dots on a swollen area of ​​skin. It's on early stage. If your suspicions become stronger, it is necessary to limit the dog’s movement; if a limb is affected, it is a good idea to tape it loosely to a splint. Veterinarians advise administering prednisolone intramuscularly at a dose of 1-2 mg per kg of weight, some antihistamine in tablets or solution, for example, suprastin at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg per dose, and analgin 50% intramuscularly at a dose of 1 mg/kg. If possible, call your veterinarian, he may change the medications. There are breeds that are more prone to the risk of poisoning, these are Molossians, as well as breeds with fair skin. In any case, I would not experiment with your dog’s sensitivity, but would go to the clinic.

Tick ​​bite. We have already talked about this in the article “Caution!!! Ticks!”, I would especially like to note the need to monitor the condition of the dog if you have removed an attached tick. At the slightest change in the dog’s condition, it is worth measuring the temperature and also taking tests for piroplasmosis.

Sudden swelling of the muzzle, blistering of the skin. These symptoms most often indicate allergic reaction or Quincke's edema. An allergy can occur to almost any substance that a dog comes into contact with. In this case, it would be a good idea to eliminate the allergen, and you also need to contact a veterinarian who will rule out other diseases with similar manifestations and prescribe treatment.

Hypothermia. When hypothermia occurs, the dog's body temperature drops below 37.5°C. When hypothermia occurs, the dog tries to curl up in a ball and lie down in a warm place, which may cause muscle tremors, the skin becomes cooler due to vasoconstriction. In case of hypothermia, the dog is transferred to a warm room, wrapped up, it can be covered with heating pads or bottles of water heated to 40 ° C, it is necessary to drink warm liquid, and monitor changes in body temperature. If the temperature drops below 36°C, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary.

Despite the fact that the dog’s fur protects him well, at low temperatures his limbs, ears and the tip of his tail can freeze. And if the dog gets wet at low temperatures, no amount of wool will warm him up. Initially, the skin exposed to frostbite is cold, later redness and inflammation develop, pain appears, and even later total loss sensitivity. The principles of first aid in such a situation are similar for all warm-blooded animals: wrap them up, warm them up. However, you should not folk technique rub frostbitten areas, especially with alcohol. It is much more effective to apply gauze bandage from 7-10 layers of gauze. Then the process of warming the frostbitten area will slow down, which is more beneficial for the dog’s health, and the rest of the body will warm up more intensely. If the body temperature decreases and the dog is unconscious, it needs to be wrapped in a warm blanket, covered with heating pads with water at about 40 ° C, avoiding insulating frostbitten areas, and immediately go to the veterinarian.

Heatstroke. This is a state of overheating in a dog when its body temperature rises above 40.5°C. This usually happens if the dog is left in a closed car, or in another place where, at high temperatures, it is difficult to find shade. Such cases are very common at exhibitions. It's harder for a dog to cool down than for a person - sweat glands they are located on the pads of their paws, so when overheated, the animal often breathes to cool itself. Let's add to this “walking in a fur coat” in winter and summer. If you know that an animal could overheat and observe high temperature, rapid breathing, redness of mucous membranes - you need to use first aid for heatstroke. I emphasize - if it is known that the dog is overheated. Because, for example, if a dog just has a fever, it could be a completely different disease in which it is impossible to cool the dog. What should an owner do in case of heatstroke? You need to gradually cool the pet - move it to a cool place, moisten the fur with water, apply cool compresses to the armpits and inner thighs.

Eye injuries. This, unfortunately, is a very common occurrence. If your pet suddenly closes his eye, or if purulent or tearful discharge appears from the eye, there is cause for concern. It is necessary to examine the surface of the eye - perhaps a foreign body has entered. An unevenness may appear on the cornea, its shiny surface - this also indicates an injury. In cases of eye injury, in order to avoid loss of the latter, you should consult a doctor. Before visiting a doctor, you can wash your eyes and mucous membranes with boiled water or furatsilin solution from a syringe (without a needle). Antibiotics can be used eye drops"Tobrex", "Normax". Drops that contain corticosteroids for self-medication are prohibited! If one eye suddenly becomes larger than the other, or if the eyeball falls out, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary.

Electric shock. A very common injury in young, curious dogs. Also, when walking with your pet, you should be careful when passing by street stalls, construction sites, etc. – there is a high probability of power supply wires being abandoned nearby. The most common symptoms are burn marks, loss of consciousness, and convulsions. What to do? Let's remember school lessons first aid. You need to unplug the cord from the outlet (carefully so as not to get hurt yourself), remove the wire from the dog’s mouth (use non-conducting objects, such as wood), examine the animal’s mouth, pull out the tongue, make sure that breathing is not difficult, feel for the presence of a pulse on the inner thigh. If there is no breathing, start artificial respiration, and in the absence of heart contractions - cardiac massage. The dog urgently needs to be taken to a veterinary clinic. These are not all the possible situations your pet may find themselves in. But we hope the above information will equip you. We hope you never have to put this knowledge into practice! Link to