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Built for Training: History and Care of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog breed: a faithful friend of kings and ordinary people Champions Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

In the article I will consider the conditions of keeping interesting and funny dogs Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed. You will find out if there are varieties of this breed. What kind of character and temperament are representatives of this breed endowed with? Are they trainable?

Many of us have watched the American TV series Sex and the City. His heroine Charlotte was the owner of an entertaining dog with long ears and a charming face. The breed of this little dog was Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

If you dream of such a pet, then you should read this article and become fully acquainted with the conditions of keeping, feeding, care and character of these dogs.

Description and characteristics of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed

They were first mentioned in descriptions dating back to the 13th century.

Initially, the Germans and Austrians sang songs of praise to these dogs. According to historical data, it is generally accepted that they came to Great Britain thanks to the Celts in the 9th century.

At first they were used as hunting dogs, but soon won the hearts of ladies from high society and those close to the royal court and turned into decorative dogs.

But their popularity did not last long. After the reign of the Stuart family, William III of Orange ascended the throne, and since he could not stand spaniels, the Cavaliers were replaced by pugs.

The breed was named in honor of King Charles II. Karl translates to "Charles" in English. The king had nothing to do with the breeding of the breed, but during his reign, royal cocker spaniels were very popular.

Van Dyck, Titian (late Renaissance period), French painter Antoine Watteau and other artists famous in the art world depicted the “Cavalier King Charles spaniel” in their canvases.

The appearance became the way we know it today relatively recently. The American breeder Roswell Eldridge made a huge contribution to making this breed unique and its breeding.

Today, “animals are popular in England, but as for Russia, representatives of this breed can be found very rarely here.

The difference in height between prince cavaliers directly depends on gender. So males reach 35 centimeters in height at the withers, females - 25.

Based on the standards and characteristics of the breed, there are four acceptable colors:

  1. Black with red bright tan.
  2. Ruby, in reality dark red color.
  3. "Tricolor" includes the presence of three colors - piebald, black and fawn.
  4. “Blenheim”, that is, on the white wool with a tint of sea pearls there are specks of a chestnut shade.

On average, they live 10-12 years, but with ideal care they can live up to fifteen years.

Rules of maintenance and care

Wool plays only a decorative function and that is why it does not need to be cut or trimmed. There are also a few more mandatory, but not complicated rules to ensure that your pet always has a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.

  • After every walk Be sure to wipe your paws and face with a damp cloth.
  • Bathing should only be done when the coat becomes dirty, or at intervals of two weeks.
  • Periodically comb the wool, this is especially important during molting (spring and autumn).
  • Particular attention should be paid to the care of the Cavaliers' hanging ears. Gently wipe once every 5-6 days ears cotton pad.
  • Feeding. Cavaliers can be fed in two ways: natural and dry.

If you select natural food, then the dog’s diet (cereals, dairy products, beef, veal, chicken (boneless), vegetables) must include additional feeding with vitamins and minerals. This is required in order to make the diet more balanced.

When feeding ready-made dry food, it is best to give preference specialized feeds premium class. They are more balanced and include essential vitamins and microelements.

The breed is moderately active. One long walk a day, lasting about an hour, is enough for them.

As for the place where the Cavaliers are kept. Keeping such a delicate creature on a chain or in the street is blasphemy. An apartment with a certain place and a feather bed - this is for them.

Dog character

Dogs from the Cavalier breed are companions. From the first minutes of getting into the family, they study the rhythm of life of their owners and join it very quickly. They show special love for small family members.

Animals are quite smart. They are highly trainable. They love everyone. Innate friendliness is precisely the character trait that distinguishes them from other spaniels. There are no enemies for them, only friends and interesting world. Security qualities these dogs have no protection at all, so you shouldn’t expect protection from them.

They feel the mood of their owner, and will never bother if he is not in the mood.

When properly trained, the breed is intelligent and dignified in public. They will never show aggression or disrespect.

The animal's cheerful disposition predisposes it to games and a great time, whether within the walls of the house or on a walk.

Previously, high society ladies used to treat nervousness and depression by interacting with these dogs. In other words, “Cavalier” is a living antidepressant dog.


Since “Cavaliers” are companion dogs, and they are highly oriented toward their owner, they are very trainable. To teach a dog good manners, you don’t need to turn to specialists, but just read a couple of books on training and teach the dog yourself.


The most common disease among representatives of the breed is heart disease. Mainly:

  1. Chronic valve disease.
  2. Legg-Perthes disease. This disease affects miniature breeds dogs. It is accompanied by necrosis of the femoral head.
  3. Disease intervertebral discs.
  4. Hydrocephalus. Rarely seen. Suffer from this disease small breeds dogs.
  5. seizures.
  6. There may be problems with respiratory system because of the slightly flat muzzle. In old age, dogs snore.

Due to the lack of activity, the Cavaliers can gain excess weight, which affects the functioning of the heart.

To avoid buying a problematic, sick Cavalier puppy, you should first of all pay attention to medical documents his parents and ancestry.

The first vaccination against distemper is carried out in two one month old, only after deworming. Initially, you should not vaccinate yourself; it is better to contact veterinary clinic. And then follow the veterinarian's instructions.

Puppy cost

Since these dogs are not popular in our country, there are few nurseries specializing in breeding. Baby "Cavaliers" are quite expensive.

A puppy without documents that will not participate in exhibitions is estimated at 45,000, but an exhibition copy with a full package of documents costs from 85,000 rubles or more.

The most famous nurseries for breeding Cavaliers are:

  1. "Tomhof", Moscow;
  2. “Russian Pride”, Lipetsk;
  3. "H'yutown" Dubna village (Tula region);
  4. "Carlin Bright from Tsarskoe Selo", St. Petersburg.


The age for mating is different for males and females.

For girls, it is best to start breeding after the 3rd heat, when the dog is about 2 years old. The boys are 2 months later.

That's all the wisdom of breeding "Cavaliers". Otherwise, they mate naturally.

"Cavalier King Charles Spaniels" are amazingly bright and sunny dogs that always arrive at good location spirit. They are ready to communicate and learn new things. Their love for their owner has a special aura, because “Cavaliers” are companions until the end of their days.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel









Tendency to train


Attitude towards children


It is believed that cats have the ability to relieve stress. But among dogs there is also a breed that has the same gift. It's about about the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. In England, these animals are called “comfort animals.” They are royal pets and are kept by many royal families.

In ancient times, the Cavalier King went hunting with his owner, picking up a bird in the undergrowth, but now everything has changed. These miniature animals have completely evolved into companion dogs and pets.

History of the breed

It’s hard to believe that in the distant past, cute Cavalier Kings were used as hunting dogs and fearlessly chased game. Of course, we didn’t go hunting wild boars with them, but it was easy to hunt birds with such an assistant. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed is considered to be very ancient. During its formation, representatives of the species have changed in terms of appearance and purpose.

The homeland of Charles Spaniels is Great Britain. The first mention of this breed was noted in the thirteenth century. Two centuries later, small dogs were at the peak of popularity. The exact origin and appearance of the first representatives of the species in Britain is unknown; there are several versions on this matter:

  1. In the ninth century small spaniels with Iberian Peninsula The Celts brought them with them to Britain.
  2. It is believed that Toy Spaniels are descendants of Pekingese. They came to Britain from China in the same ninth century.
  3. In the thirteenth century, toy spaniels were brought to Britain from Italy.

It was commonly said that the Cavalier King breed was created by the king himself, but the first representatives of the species were far from the royal chambers. Charles Spaniels were originally bred as hunting dogs for tracking small game, such as rabbits, ducks, grouse, etc. At that time, these dogs were larger and more resilient. They were valued for their agility, fearlessness and keen sense of smell.

Over time, spaniel lovers paid attention to the beautiful long hair of these animals, to the ideal curves of the body, to beautiful eyes. Cynologists came up with the idea of ​​​​improving representatives of the species. As a result, the Cavalier Kings became smaller, more gentle, their muzzle became shorter, their nose became more noticeably flattened, their eyes were wide-set, and their skull became domed. The exquisite animals were now unsuitable for hunting.

Now the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was a purely decorative pet. It can be seen in paintings painted by famous artists. He took a confident place in the royal chambers and in the living rooms of wealthy nobles. IN prestigious institutions It was fashionable to keep cute spaniels that looked great on armchairs and on sofa cushions.

For some time, larger hunting Charles Spaniels were still found in houses located on the outskirts. But there were fewer and fewer of them, and with the advent of the twentieth century they completely gave way to miniature indoor Cavalier Kings.

Breed standard

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a small dog breed with a well-proportioned build. Adult height 25-35 cm., with weight 5-9 kg.

The head rests on a not too long neck round shape. Ears are drooping. The ear flap is long and covered with elongated hair. Large, beautiful, round eyes set wide apart, they are distinctive feature breeds Preference is given to dark eye color. The small muzzle tapers towards the nose. Black or brown nose with wide, open nostrils. The teeth are sharp and have a scissor bite.

The body is stretched. The short, straight back forms an arch at the withers. Rib cage oval shape, deep. The tail is long, fluffy, and not set high. Cupping is allowed. The forelimbs are straight, short, strong. Placed in parallel. Hind legs with moderately developed muscles and pronounced knee joints. Round paws are compact and small.

The long coat is straight, with slight waviness allowed. Curly coat is not allowed. The fur is silky to the touch. The decorative hair on the neck, tail, ears, and limbs forms lush fringes. The following colors are allowed: blenheim, ruby, tricolor, black and tan.

Kings should be kept indoors. They get along well in an apartment or in a private house, do not take up much space and do not cause much trouble to the owners. The main thing is to raise your pet correctly and teach it the rules of behavior in the house. From the first day, give your dog a place to sleep and rest, provide bowls for water and food, and provide toys and a bed. Does not require much physical activity. It is enough to walk the dog every day.

It is recommended to comb the luxurious King Charles coat 3-4 times every 6-8 days. To do this, use a slicker brush and a stiff brush. Particular attention during this procedure is paid to long hair on the limbs and behind the ears. If tangles have formed due to the owner’s oversight, they should be dealt with using a special conditioner. At the same time, it is unacceptable for the dog to lick the product from the fur.

If you are preparing a Charles Spaniel for a show career, he will not need a haircut. If the dog does not participate in shows, it is recommended to shorten the long decorative hair from time to time. It is also recommended to trim the fur in the area of ​​the pads. It is better to resort to the services of a groomer.

The dog needs to be bathed occasionally. During water procedures make sure that the water and detergents do not get into the pet's ears, mouth or eyes. Afterwards, dry the coat, keeping the dog away from drafts and cold.

In addition to coat care, you need following procedures, promoting the beauty and health of the dog:

  • Spaniel ears are weakness. They need careful care. The fact is that the ears of this type of dog are poorly ventilated. Because of this, otitis media often develops and infectious diseases. Ear care involves weekly cleaning using special solutions recommended veterinarian. You also need to carefully examine for inflammation or excessive ear discharge. If you find this, immediately show your pet to a specialist.
  • Eyes require special attention. The spaniel's teeth are large, which is why they are often injured during walks, for example, by branches or grass. Happens often eye inflammation, conjunctivitis. On strong wind Possible excessive tearing. Eye problems in spaniels are due to too narrow tear ducts and a short muzzle. An eye examination should be done daily after returning from a walk. If you notice purulent discharge, go to the vet immediately.
  • We clean the dog's teeth with a special paste and brush. It is also recommended to buy bones made from natural beef tendons and give your pet carrots and apples to chew on.
  • Once every 25-35 days we trim the spaniel's claws. Due to the light weight, apartment living and relative inactivity, the dog is not able to grind them off on his own. It is advisable to entrust this procedure to a specialist. The owner must also ensure that the claws do not peel off; this phenomenon signals a lack of vitamins in the dog’s body. After consulting with a specialist, add appropriate supplements to your pet's diet.

When it comes to food, the Cavalier King is completely unpretentious. The portions required are not large, the main thing is that the nutrition is balanced. Feeding is allowed as natural food, and dry food. In any case, the food must be of high quality and not expired. Adult dogs are fed twice a day, puppies three to five times, depending on age. Water should always be available, clean and cool.


Nature rewarded the Cavalier Kings good health. If such a dog is properly cared for and kept in the required conditions, it can live 10-14 years. There are known cases of longevity of 15-16 years. The owner of a spaniel should know what congenital or acquired diseases his pet is predisposed to. Most common following problems with health:

Epilepsy- disruption of brain activity, accompanied by epileptic seizures, cramps, involuntary urination.
Patella dislocation- displacement of bones.
Otitis– accompanied by severe pain, secretions.
Herniated discs– most often occurs in the lumbosacral region, but can also appear in the thoracic or cervical spine spine.
Heart failure.
Hydrocephalus– excessive accumulation in the cerebral ventricles cerebrospinal fluid.
Eye diseases.
Cryptorchidism– hiding one or two testicles in male dogs.
Hanging Tongue Syndrome- a genetically transmitted disease.
Breathing problems.

The main goal of a Cavalier King's life is to be close to his owner. This little dog is very attached to all family members, she loves to be the center of attention, needs communication and big company. Loneliness is unacceptable for the friendly Charles Spaniel. The ideal environment for representatives of the species is a large large family.

The gentleman gets along well with children. He patiently endures everything that kids do to him, even if it's riding in a doll's stroller. Gets along with pets. Treats strangers with caution and distrust. In order for a friendly disposition to develop, the spaniel must get used to a stranger. Aggression is not in the nature of this species.

No guard from the Cavalier King. He cannot be a guard due to his lack of aggressiveness and friendliness. Although, if you are rude to him, the dog may bite. The spaniel barks loudly and for a long time if he is left alone in the house. So, if possible, provide company for your pet or take it with you. It is worth noting that representatives of the breed love to travel and tolerate moving well.

Training and education

It would be hard to find a more diligent student than the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Representatives of the breed do not show stubbornness during training. They are happy to learn commands and try to carry them out correctly. The main thing is to encourage them with treats and praise, to avoid punishment and rude attitude.

Early socialization is very important for gentlemen. A small dog needs to be accustomed to the world around it. So that she is not afraid of strangers, animals, cars... The decorative dog does not require serious training, but it must undergo a general obedience course. Thanks to OKP, the pet will learn to behave correctly in the house, on the street, in in public places. He will also master the simplest but important commands: sit, can’t, next to, place, etc.

  • In California, there lives a Charles Spaniel named Duke, who is famous for his ability to heal people.
  • Cavalier King, being Mary Stuart's favorite dog, accompanied his famous owner to her execution. Two days after the execution, the faithful dog died of melancholy.
  • The spaniel spent many months in prison with King Charles the First. He was next to the owner until his execution, which he attended. After the execution, the rebels dealt with the fate of the faithful dog.
  • Cavalier Kings are depicted in many paintings. In addition, figurines of these dogs are sculpted from clay. Nowadays these clay figurines are used in great demand from collectors.
  • Charles Spaniels were bred right in the royal palaces. There they gave birth to puppies, after which the babies were handed over to specially trained people for raising and raising. They prepared the dogs for life with royalty and taught them good manners.
  • In France, representatives of the breed were called “consolator”, which means “comforter”.

Pros and cons of the breed

Many dog ​​lovers like spaniels not only for their appearance, but also for the lack of aggression, excellent character. But you shouldn’t think that such a pet is suitable exclusively for all people. A list of the main pros and cons of the breed will help you decide whether this is your dog or you should pay attention to another species:


1. Ideal dogs for apartment living.
2. They do not require much physical activity or long walks.
3. They get along well with children and pets.
4. Not aggressive.
5. Easy to care for and undemanding in nutrition.
6. Beautiful appearance.
7. Travels are easy.


1. Can't stand loneliness.
2. Excessive manifestation of the hunting instinct.
3. Common problems with the eyes (inflammation, conjunctivitis).

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is easily recognized by its bright color and penetrating gaze with a sad expression. These decorative dogs were favorites of the royals and pleased them with good manners. Today, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have not lost their popularity, but continue to win the hearts of people.

Height at withers: 30-33 cm;
Weight: 5.4-8 kg.

  • Colors: black and tan, blenheim, ruby, tricolor.
  • Eye color: dark (brown).
  • Nose color: black.
  • General form: small dog with silky fur, long ears and a wedge-shaped muzzle.

Disqualifying signs in this breed are any serious deviations from the standard. The degree of non-compliance is assessed by a qualified expert.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has close relativeking charles spaniel. The first ones differ in the following characteristics:

  • Long muzzle;
  • Scissor bite;
  • High set ears;
  • Flat skull;
  • Greater height and weight;
  • Calm character.

These two breeds have completely different facial expressions and looks.

History of the breed

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an English breed. The ancestors are considered to be toy spaniels, who lived en masse in the territory Western Europe even before the 10th century AD. They were suitable for hunting and barked loudly at strangers.

Over time, small dogs with a bright appearance were noticed by kings and those close to them. So toy spaniels settled in palaces, houses of the nobility in Italy, Holland, and also France.

A little later, the breed was brought to England, where the first owner was King Charles II. Due to fashion, the muzzles of small spaniels have been shortened, and their appearance has changed beyond recognition. Over the course of several centuries, such individuals replaced the previous toy spaniels and received the name King Charles spaniels.

Van Dyck, Portrait of the Three Eldest Children of Charles I

This continued until the 20th century. Activists from England decided to restore the breed and for this they used old-type dogs with a narrow muzzle. The difficult task required large quantity time and costs. Enthusiasts established relationships with breeders and selected non-standard King puppies. In the 20s, a competition was founded where dogs with a wedge-shaped muzzle and spotted color took part.

The efforts of the breeders were crowned with success and by the 40s, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels received recognition from the English canine community, and then from the world. Puppies with long ears, beautiful wool exported to the USA and Eastern Europe.

Today, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a numerous breed; more than 300 representatives gather at major exhibitions. The current edition of the ICF standard was adopted in 2009. IN modern Russia Cavaliers were brought in in the 80s. It was a couple of dogs from Germany.

Interesting facts about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels:

  • According to legend, a dog of this breed accompanied Mary Stuart to the place of execution, and before that she was her favorite.
  • Cavaliers were allowed into parliamentary meetings, where they behaved sedately and with dignity.
  • At the princess's Anastasia Romanova I had a personal dog, a gentleman.
  • At a relative's place Sir Winston Churchill there was a gentleman. He bred a population with a new color “Bleinheim”, and dedicated the name to the victory in the battle of the same name.

Temperament and character

Positive traits of gentlemen:

  • Good nature;
  • Devotion;
  • Playfulness;
  • Stress resistance;
  • Activity;
  • Patience;
  • Responsiveness;
  • Communication skills.

Negative features:

  • Extremely curious;
  • Fearless.

Negative traits can be classified as positive if they are not exaggerated and do not interfere with the dog’s life.

Who is the dog suitable for?

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are active and inquisitive dogs and are absolutely non-aggressive. Therefore suitable for:

  • Young and elderly people with an active lifestyle;
  • Married couples, including those with children;
  • Athletes;
  • Teenagers.

Cavaliers need to be kept busy periodically. For example, learn commands with them, play, teach search work. Therefore, homebodies or people who are too busy with work will not be able to cope with this breed. In addition, communication for them is the most important part life.

Cavaliers quickly adapt to a new home and conditions, accepting the rules of the pack if there are already animals in the house. Despite hunting instincts, as an inheritance from the ancestors of toy spaniels, they do not harm cats or rodents.

In families, these dogs gladly take part in children's pranks, entertaining children with their behavior and performing tricks. Thanks to small size And with a friendly disposition, gentlemen are neat, do not push children and are always ready to communicate.

Breed I've never been a watchdog, they do not have such an instinct, but a ringing bark will tell about the approach of a stranger.

They take up little space, do not destroy furniture, do not spoil the interior, and sleep or play with other pets without their owner. Therefore, the gentleman is easy to keep in the apartment. It is enough to arrange a bed and provide your pet with suitable toys.

Modest dimensions (up to 8 kg) allow you to move freely on foot around the city or by transport. It's easy to travel with on planes, as airlines often accommodate dogs of this size in the cabin. They don't need a muzzle if there is no aggression.

heat resistant, but during the intense summer heat you should avoid daytime walks. In winter, a slight drop in temperature below zero is not scary for these dogs. They love to play in the snow and long wool protects from precipitation. However, in severe frosts, dog clothes will come in handy.

They walk with gentlemen for a long time, twice a day, at least 2 hours a day for both outputs. More often with puppies, as they need to relieve themselves several times a day and move a lot.


Exemplary daily ration for an adult Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:

  • Meat and offal (beef, turkey, chicken) – 150-200 g;
  • Fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir) – 50-100 g;
  • Vegetables (raw or steamed) – 70-100 g;
  • Porridge (rice and buckwheat) – 100 g.

In addition to the above, the diet of these dogs includes:

  • Chicken or quail egg – once a week;
  • Sea fish - several times a month;
  • Boiled beef, raisins, biscuits, low-fat cheese - occasionally, as a treat;
  • Chicken necks – 1-2 times a week.

Little gentlemen do not need serious mineral or vitamin supplements. Only during active growth or, as prescribed by the veterinarian, they are given complex remedies.

Selected for small and active pets, low fat. There are many dogs in the breed with a tendency to obesity and an excellent appetite. To avoid health problems, cavaliers are fed at least 2 times a day in small portions. Dogs are also regularly weighed to monitor their condition and adjust the menu.


Daily grooming for this spaniel takes little time. They shed 2 times a year, which coincides with the change of seasons. Therefore, between molts, their fur is combed every day, tangles are sorted out, and washed once a month with a suitable shampoo and conditioner. During the period of shedding old fur, it is enough to increase the time for combing and do it more thoroughly.

Unlike short-haired dogs, Cavaliers leave little hair on furniture. When caring, pay special attention to the areas at the base of the ears, armpits and groin. There are formed tangles. If you run them, the dog will feel pain, and the skin under them will peel off and severe irritation will appear.

Exhibition grooming Cavalier is a special art. First, comb it, wash it with shampoo, which enhances shine, and apply masks or other means to brighten the color. White spots are treated with special powders. Grooming is not provided for show dogs. For convenience, the hair on the ears is slightly shortened if entering the ring is not expected.

Much attention is paid ears. Due to their length, they quickly become untidy and debris gets stuck. That’s why they sew hats for gentlemen to protect their ears. Inner part regularly treated with lotions to remove plaque and prevent inflammation.

Teeth cleared of stone in the clinic. At home, it is necessary to include cartilage and chicken necks, they help slow down plaque formation and soften the jaws. Sometimes in adolescents, baby teeth interfere with the growth of molars; to do this, they are removed by a veterinarian using a mechanical method.

Claws should not interfere with free movements. Cavaliers are very active and can damage their paw pads in play or when running. Special pliers will help you shorten your claws.

Education and training

Stanley Coren, who created a rating of dog breeds by intelligence, classifies Cavalier King Charles Spaniels as a group of average abilities. This means that to teach a new command, it is repeated from 25 to 40 times. The first time, gentlemen obey their owner half the time.

Good results from representatives of this English breed shown in agility and dance forms of canisport. They also go on short hunts with them. The small and nimble Englishman is designed for small animals, mainly rodents.

The best motivation for such dogs is delicacy. A good appetite forces the gentleman to be concentrated and attentive. Over time, treats are replaced with praise and petting.

In a home with adult animals, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel quickly learns commands and learns how to behave in society. These pets are often trained by teenagers and children.

Health and life expectancy

Common diseases in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed.


Origin: Great Britain

Class: according to FCI classification– Group 9 (Toys and companion dogs), Section 7 (English Toy Spaniels)

Usage: hunting dog, companion

Color: black and tan, blenheim, ruby, tricolor

Dimensions: height at withers: from 31 to 33 cm; weight: from 5.4 to 8.5 kg

Lifespan: from 9 to 14 years

Do you want to have a dog that is ideal in terms of character, training and care? Then you will definitely like the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel!

The price of these dogs, although relatively high, is completely justified.

Moreover, the sea of ​​positivity, kindness and affection that this dog gives is simply impossible to squeeze into the framework of any cost.

History of the breed

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog received official world recognition only in the twentieth century, but the history of the breed began a very long time ago.

Similar dogs were brought to Britain by the Celts back in the 9th century. Most likely they were Tibetan spaniels and common in Asia.

Through selection, the British obtained a variety of small dogs, which by the 15th century gained enormous popularity among the nobility.

All the doors of the royal court were open to these pretty kids, especially during the reign of the Stuart dynasty.

Over time, another breed began to gain popularity -.

Therefore, the appearance of toy spaniels has changed a little - the head has become rounder, the muzzle is shorter, and the ears are set lower.

In the 20th century, a group of enthusiasts decided to restore the previous parameters royal breed, and as a result we have two varieties of toy spaniels: the King Charles and the Cavalier King Charles.

In Great Britain, the first cavalier standard was established in 1928, and in 1955 they were assigned the FCI standard.


Initially, the Toy Spaniel breed was bred more to create a comfortable home environment than for hunting.

Therefore, these dogs are an ideal lively and smart toy, like and.

  • Lack of aggression . This does not mean that you can do whatever you want with the dog. In defense of herself, she can bite. However, the dog, like a real gentleman, will try his best possible methods avoid an undesirable situation.
  • Playfulness . They really like to tinker with children, participating in various fun things with them.
  • Devotion . The toy spaniel becomes very attached to all family members, but only one of them becomes his greatest love.
  • Friendliness . The dog gets along well with other pets. TO strangers She won’t immediately go for affection, but she won’t show any wariness either.
  • Calm . Excessive fuss and noise is something that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will try with all his might to avoid. Buying this dog is worth it for those who strive for peace in the home.
  • Obedience . The toy spaniel will try with all its might to please and please its owner. Therefore, these dogs are very simple.
  • Easy to learn . A dog of this breed often brings great pleasure to learning various tricks, and not just basic commands.
  • Sociality


In the past, the toy spaniel was used for hunting, as, however, in modern world he became an excellent companion.

Unpretentious to care for, with a gentle and kind disposition, playful and sometimes so funny, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, photos and videos confirm this, is suitable for people who have no experience in raising dogs.

How to choose a dog

If Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies show any kind of anger or some kind of funny malice, refuse to buy them.

Also take a closer look at their mother; she, too, should not show excessive wariness and, especially, aggression, even towards strangers.

The sign of a real gentleman is “cavalier” behavior, this a true gentleman in the world of dogs.

Now, as for the exterior of the babies, it should be assessed when the puppies are two months old. They look like this:

  • between the ears the head is almost flat, the forehead is sloping;
  • the nostrils are well developed, and a pink nose with small nostrils is a serious defect;
  • the outline of the head is soft, the cheekbones are sloping;
  • the eyes are widely spaced, large, but not protruding;
  • scissor bite;
  • the neck is slightly arched, of medium length for small dogs;
  • good muscle tone;
  • vertebrae of moderate length, intervertebral discs thick.

Features of care


For gentlemen, a one-time weekly brushing is sufficient.

During this procedure Special attention It is worth paying attention to the fur behind the ears, between the hind legs and on the elbows.

Bathing procedures using shampoo and conditioner are recommended for them once every one to two months.

But the face should be washed or wiped at least every day to remove discharge from the eyes and food debris.

Important! The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel's ears are poorly ventilated and need to be given extra attention, often inspected and washed as necessary. Otherwise, there is a high risk of any inflammation and otitis media.

Along with trimming the nails, the hair between the toes or on the surface of the foot should also be trimmed every couple of weeks.


The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel does not need intense exercise. physical activity type

The gentleman will be satisfied with a short daily one-time trip outside.

However, the dog must be kept in good shape, but in order to walk with him longer, accustom him to this gradually.


Feeding regimen by age:

  • from 8 to 12 weeks – 3 times a day
  • from 12 weeks to 9-12 months – 2 times
  • from 12 months onwards – 1 time

The daily intake of an adult toy spaniel can be divided into two approaches.

The easiest way to feed your cavalier is with professional dry food.

There are a couple of requirements in this case - these are high quality products and their suitability for the pet’s age.

Excessive fuss and noise is something that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will try with all his might to avoid. Buying this dog is worth it for those who strive for peace in their home.



It is reasonable to untie a male at 22 months, and a female at 20 months - after the second or third.

It is better to plan the action in the male’s territory; before this, the dogs need to be walked, but not fed.

The couple needs to organize privacy, without outside observers. Let the dogs get acquainted and play a little.

The presence of a “lock” is mandatory; its duration depends on the physiological compatibility of the animals, usually lasting from several minutes to an hour.

The baby toy spaniel belongs to the category of problem-free dogs. But this does not exclude the responsibility to raise a dog.

However, he himself will willingly learn to please his owner, radiating love and tenderness with his entire canine being.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: a true gentleman in the world of dogs

Sweet and funny, noble and calm - this is how the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel appears before us. Unpretentious in care and food, he has earned a reputation as a trouble-free dog.

Needs the attention of its owner, without which it may lose all interest in food and walks

Due to the small size of the King Charles Spaniel, dogs of this breed can be kept even in a small apartment. They get along well with both other animals and small children. But the English Toy Spaniel needs the attention of its owner, without which it may lose all interest in food and walks. Therefore, you should have enough time for your pet. In caring for this decorative breed there is nothing complicated. All you need to do is brush and wash it weekly when it gets dirty.

Origin and history

Country of origin: Great Britain

The King Charles Spaniel breed is considered truly “royal”; it has a centuries-old history. It owes its name to Charles (Charles) II, king of England, Scotland and Ireland, who ruled in the 17th century. The monarch was very fond of these elegant, energetic dogs with a proud head carriage, gracefully arched neck and loose active movements. The ancestors of these dogs were used by the English nobility for hunting. However, gradually King Charles Spaniels turned into companions of their wealthy owners and took pride of place in aristocratic living rooms. As a result of crossings with oriental breeds and the preference of pets of ever smaller sizes, this favorite has taken on its modern appearance.

How does the breed characterize the owner?

Looking at the description of the King Charles Spaniel breed, you can say a lot about the person who chose this dog. Most likely, he is distinguished by kindness and great love for his pet. In addition, he should have enough time to spend with his pet.