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Who are Spanish Mastiffs? All about the Spanish Mastiff, a giant from the Iberian Peninsula. Spanish Mastiff: description of the breed, character, photos and reviews of owners How many years do Spanish Mastiffs live

Just 10-15 years ago in Russia they knew almost nothing about the Spanish Mastiff dog breed. The photo of these animals is amazing. These are good-natured giants who love their owners. Now the breed is just gaining popularity and is gaining more and more sympathy among both professional dog breeders and ordinary amateurs.

Versions of occurrence

It is believed that the ancestors of these huge dogs lived in Spain 3 thousand years ago. Mentions of them are recorded in ancient manuscripts.

There are several versions of the appearance of this breed. There is an assumption that the ancestors of modern mastiffs were brought to the Iberian Peninsula by Phoenician merchants on ships. According to another version, the breed originates from ancient dogs that came to the Pyrenees with the Roman military legions. But, according to historians, local tribes already had their own large fighting dogs by that time. The next assumption is that the Spanish Mastiff breed originated from large guard dogs that roamed along with the tribes living in Eastern Europe and Asia.

The number of these large animals increased due to the development of wool sheep farming. For good protection of a herd consisting of a thousand heads, 5 dogs were needed. Manuel del Rio wrote about this in his “A Shepherd's Life.” If we take into account the number of sheep in the middle of the 18th century, it turns out that they should have been guarded by at least 20 thousand mastiffs. The largest individuals were found near Lyon and Extremadura.

History of the modern breed

Until the beginning of the 20th century, no one was engaged in breeding mastiffs. Only in 1906, with the birth of the Machako puppy, the history of this breed officially begins. A corresponding entry was made about this in the Spanish breeding book.

The breed was first described in 1929. Then it was called the “mountain Spanish mastiff.” The Trasumancia kennel, owned by Luis Esquiro, whose goal was to find the largest dogs of this breed and improve it as much as possible, explored the mountainous regions of northwestern Spain in the 50s of the last century. As a result, one of the largest specimens was a dog named Navarro, who was presented at the 1959 Madrid Agricultural Exhibition.

In the 60s of the last century, another kennel dedicated to Spanish mastiffs appeared - “El Pinotar” by Amadeo Alejandre. His dogs were very popular in the 80s.

It should be noted that these two kennels over the course of 40 years managed to lay the foundation of the modern breed of Spanish mastiffs. And this despite the fact that their owners had various points view on the issue of ideal standards.

Appearance in Russia

The Spanish Mastiff was first brought into the country in 1995. And for almost six months he was the only representative of this breed. Then, from the Czech Republic, Svetlana Valentinovna Dorogova brought several more animals to the Dorsdorf nursery. It is from this moment that the countdown of Spanish mastiffs in Russia begins. And a year later the first puppies appeared in the kennel club " Rare breeds", which was recorded in the breeding book.

Now the number of these animals in the country is small. Usually no more than three individuals are present at exhibitions. Despite this, we can say that the Spanish Mastiff dog breed is slowly but surely gaining attention and popularity. The day is not far off when its representatives will collect large numbers of rings.


A gentle and cuddly giant. This is what the Spanish Mastiff is like. The description of the breed, perhaps, should begin with how a person feels when he sees this animal for the first time. First of all, what is striking about him is his majesty and dignity. The height of such a dog is more than 77 cm. This is exactly what those who decided to buy this dog say.

She has a proportionally built body, with deep breasts and strong bones. The body is rectangular rather than square. The dog's body must give the impression of enormous strength contained in it. The stomach should not be sunken. Her loin and croup are wide and powerful.

The head is what is considered the main difference between the Spanish Mastiff and other related breeds. In this case, there is no clearly defined transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The skull is quite wide. Feature- loose wrinkles located outside the eyes, which gives the muzzle an unusual expression.

The skin is loose and thick, creating volume around the neck, chest and bottom with its folds. The coat, lying rather tightly to the body, is slightly wavy and has a length of no more than 6 cm. The undercoat is thick and dense. It perfectly protects the animal from frost and cold wind.

The coat color can be any, but the most common are black, brindle and yellow. Interestingly, the latter can vary from almost white to red tones.

It must be said that the Spanish Mastiff, the description of which would be incomplete without mention of their unusual so-called cat's paw, may have 1-2 dewclaws. This feature is very beneficial, as it means the presence of good connections.

Spanish mastiffs mature quite late: females at 2-3 years, and males a year later. As the owners testify, the dogs have excellent health, but there are diseases that occur specifically in this breed. To keep your animal in good shape, you should constantly give it physical activity. Life expectancy is on average 10-12 years.

The dog tolerates almost any climate well; the only limitation is that keeping him in a standard Russian apartment is simply unrealistic. Which, in fact, is confirmed by numerous reviews from owners.


Mastiffs are very kind by nature. They completely lack unmotivated aggression. At night, their protective instincts become somewhat aggravated, which is not surprising, since their ancestors protected huge herds of sheep from attacks by packs of wolves. But it should be noted that mastiffs will never attack without warning. The signal to attack can be a growl or a deep, low bark.

Loyalty is another character trait of these dogs. As the owners say, mastiffs react very subtly to the manifestation of love and affection towards them. They try to protect those who are weaker than them, for example, children or the elderly.

Mastiffs are freedom-loving. They need more space. They are not suitable for living in apartments, even if they are large enough. It's best if it's private house with a nice yard.


As mentioned above, a wonderful and good-natured character is the main distinguishing feature representatives of the Spanish Mastiff breed. also plays an important role. It is thanks to him that the animal gets along well with all household members, including cats, decorative rodents and birds.

At proper education these dogs can become not only reliable friends, but also excellent protectors for children. Those who have this dog in their home unanimously claim that mastiffs are very careful nannies. For example, if the child will fall, they try very carefully to lift him or serve him as a support. These good-natured giants can allow children to do anything, tolerate even the most unimaginable antics.

Dogs need to be trained and trained to various teams. But you shouldn’t demand that they fulfill them literally. Usually they intuitively sense what the owner wants from him and act as they see fit. Also, don't forget that mastiffs love to be praised for following commands.


Both professionals and dog lovers call the process of caring for hair grooming. By constantly carrying out such a procedure for their pet, the owners care not only about its beauty, but also about its health. Grooming promotes good growth fur, and also maintains the tone of the animal’s skin.

Despite the fact that the Spanish Mastiff is a fairly clean dog that does not allow itself to get into mud and puddles, its paws must be washed and wiped dry after walking.

Usually their fur does not mat, so they do not need to be brushed every day. But if your dog gets caught in the rain, you should still comb it thoroughly upon returning home. This is done with a special brush or comb in the direction of hair growth, starting from the head. As for puppies, they are practically not combed, but adult dogs simply need it.


Professionals do not advise doing this too often. It will be enough to bathe the mastiff as it gets dirty. Or no more than once every two weeks. As is known, frequent water treatments lead to the washing away of the natural fat layer, as a result of which skin glands begin to produce it in more. This can lead to dry skin, dandruff on the coat, and sometimes even various dermatological diseases. That's why frequent bathing can bring more harm than good.

In the cold season, when frost sets in, it is better not to bathe the dog at all. It is necessary to wait until it warms up until the molting period stops.

Preparation for the exhibition

Some owners lead very eventful lives with their pets. It's about about visiting exhibitions. In order for the dog's coat to look well-groomed, they should be bathed well in advance of the event, since the fatty lubricant is restored only after 2-3 days. In addition, a few hours before the exhibition, it is recommended to treat the wool with a spray texture specially designed for this purpose. It significantly improves appearance fur, gives it shine, restores volume and refreshes.

In winter, when exhibitions are held frequently and it is not recommended to bathe dogs, the Spanish Mastiff with its thick coat really needs to be thoroughly cleansed from various types of contaminants. In such cases, dry shampoo is used. It is very convenient to use, in addition, it does not cause any harmful effects on the skin of the animal, has a fairly pleasant smell.

This shampoo is sold in the form of a spray, powder or powder. After using it, you just need to comb the fur thoroughly. It must be said that shampoos that contain conditioner or protein are preferable to choose. After using it, the dog will look neat and well-groomed, and the coat will gain volume and a beautiful shine.

And finally, advice: you need to start caring for dogs of the Spanish Mastiff breed, photos of which are presented in this article. early age so that, as puppies, they get used to different cosmetic procedures. Then the animals will be calm, and their owners will be happy.

Impressions about the breed

A good character, a reliable protector, a loving and gentle animal - all this is the Spanish mastiff. Reviews from dog owners are generally positive. People claim that more loyal than a friend just can't be found. In addition, they are excellent watchdogs, but they don’t just bark for no reason. And if you can still hear your pet’s voice, it’s better to go and check if anyone has violated the boundaries of your private property.


As mentioned above, the Spanish Mastiff, whose price on the supply market fluctuates all the time, is not a cheap dog. Average cost a puppy of this breed ranges from 65 to 90 thousand rubles. Get yourself such a big and kind animal. AND positive emotions you will be guaranteed.

You can buy a Spanish Mastiff puppy by reading private advertisements, as well as directly from nurseries that breed this breed.

Spanish Mastiff- The dog is truly gigantic in size. And the first impression she makes is terrifying. But getting to know her better and listening to the owners’ reviews, you understand that in reality the animal has a very gentle and balanced character, it is devoted to its owner and takes care of children. Photos of mastiffs being led on a leash by small children are very touching.

Their homeland is Spain

The Spanish Mastiff is a breed that emerged through a long process of breeding. Her ancestors are various breeds, used by pastoralists for centuries to protect and herd their herds. Certain requirements were imposed on such dogs: they had to be calm so as not to scare away the herd, self-confident and independent, because at night they guarded the animals without a person; they must also be strong and be able to protect the herd from attack. The Spanish Mastiff has absorbed all these qualities and for his character he was called an excellent companion and shepherd. In their homeland, animals of this breed are highly respected. And there are reasons for this: mastiffs are able to graze and lead a herd for several days even without food; under pain of starvation, they will not allow themselves to kill sheep.

Modern Spanish mastiffs differ from their ancestors in being larger in size (see photo). This is due to the fact that in the mid-twentieth century, breeders began to select larger dogs. The goal was a success. Today, the dog, weighing up to 80 kg and up to 77 cm tall, inspires fear in strangers and is a source of pride for its owners.

What does a mastiff from Spain look like?

  • The Spanish Mastiff is a fairly large dog. Males reach a height of 77 cm at the withers, females - up to 72. The weight of the animal is from 50 (females) and 60 (males) kg and above.
  • The animal's fur is hard, medium-length, and the undercoat is thick. The description of the breed provides several color options: brindle and wolf, fawn and red, black and white and black and red (see photo).
  • The head is large and square-shaped. The eyes are dark hazel in color and somewhat triangular in shape. The look is melancholic (see video).
  • The ears are drooping and triangular. The chest is wide and convex. The tail is thick. The limbs of the animal are massive. Movements are free and measured.

Spanish mastiffs that meet “pedigreed” standards participate in various exhibitions. It’s interesting to watch the video to see how gracefully and nobly these huge dogs behave.

Calm and strong - these are the main differences between mastiffs

If someone is confident and strong, he has no reason to prove anything to anyone. The same can be said for mastiffs. Dogs of this breed are not characterized by aggressiveness. They are absolutely confident in themselves, and their character is calm and melancholy. And at the same time, animals are very observant. Mastiffs are sensitive to the mood of the owner; they always know when the owner is stressed and when everything is fine.

The Mastiff can be safely left with children as a nanny. The animal perceives babies as part of the herd that needs to be protected and protected. They also have a special caring attitude to the old people.

Although the Spanish Mastiff is naturally very intelligent, like any animal, it requires training. Coping with an ill-mannered dog of such dimensions will be a real problem. Therefore, puppies need to be trained and socialized from an early age.

Keeping and caring for a pet

Due to its large size, keeping a mastiff in an apartment is not very convenient. The conditions of a private home would be more acceptable for the dog. He is unpretentious and will happily live in an enclosure. Moreover, he needs space and fresh air. Thanks to the dense coat and thick undercoat, the animal will not be afraid of frost. In excessive heat, the dog will need shade - this should be taken into account when building an enclosure.

Despite its impressive size and scary appearance, the mastiff is sensitive to the approval of its owner and requires a lot of his attention.

This large dog needs exercise and long walks. But only in adulthood. There is no need to overdo it with puppies. They gain weight very quickly, and excessive stress can cause diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Particular attention should be paid to the animal’s nutrition, although mastiffs are particularly unpretentious in food. An adult animal eats twice a day. The size of your daily portion may depend on the time of year. In summer, 0.5 kg of feed is enough, and in winter, the dose can reach up to a kilogram. Mastiff needs to be fed special feeds(dry and wet) from well-known manufacturers. The price of the food may be high, but it contains everything necessary elements for food like this large dog. Also, do not forget about the necessary vitamin and mineral complexes.

Sometimes the Spaniard can be fed with natural food. He will be delighted with lamb and rabbit meat. But pork meat should be completely excluded from his diet.

Puppies are ready to eat on their own at one and a half months. They eat about 6 times a day. Even if you feed dry factory food, you must add fresh meat, cottage cheese or kefir, steamed vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits to the diet.

The Spanish Mastiff is a dog with a distinctive good health. But it is susceptible to some diseases, among them the “scourge” of large animals - articular dysplasia, as well as heart problems. Puppies of this breed can also suffer from growing pains, so proper proportional feeding is very important during this period.

Features of choosing a puppy

Before buying a Spanish Mastiff puppy, you need to talk to the breeders and find out their reviews. Still, the dog is large and requires some care. Despite the fact that the nature of the breed differs only positive qualities, this animal requires a lot of attention and training to become an obedient and balanced dog in adulthood. Also, be sure to consult with breeders whether a novice dog breeder should get a mastiff.

You also need to adequately assess your financial capabilities. The Spanish Mastiff is a dog most often purchased to guard large mansions. She must live in space, and even the most large apartment It's unlikely to suit her.

If you are sure that the Spanish Mastiff is exactly what you need, start looking for a puppy. First, decide who you need: a boy or a girl. Males are larger and more active, females are calmer. In a family with small children, it is better to get a bitch who will be more affectionate and obedient than a dog.

On the Internet you can find advertisements for the sale of puppies. Description of the litter and parents, price, photo - this is what is usually included in such advertisements. It is necessary to evaluate the character of the puppies and their parents. They should not be aggressive, but they must be active and inquisitive. This short description will help determine the baby's health: sparkling eyes, soft fur, clean ears, moist nose, its mucous membranes should be pink.

You can find a puppy in a specialized club. Today, almost all clubs and nurseries have websites with photos of their pets, videos of training, and there you can also find advertisements for the sale of puppies of this breed.

It is risky to buy a puppy from a poultry market. The price for it may be significantly lower, but if the animal does not have documents, it is not known for certain whether it is purebred. You cannot buy puppies from resellers. You definitely need to see your parents, not just in photos or videos.

Buying a puppy of this breed is a serious matter. You need to weigh the pros and cons. Chat with the owners, find out their reviews. Read information on the Internet, read a description of the breed, visit various exhibitions and, of course, meet the dog in person. After all, seeing an animal in a photo or video on the Internet is one thing, but live is a completely different matter.

The price of a Spanish Mastiff can vary. There are advertisements that list prices from $500 to $4,000. It all depends on the availability of documents, vaccinations, characteristics of the parents (if they participate in exhibitions, have awards, then the price of their puppies increases) and on the seller himself (for some, selling puppies is a business).

The Spanish Mastiff is a dog for wealthy people who are ready to invest in it not only money, but also strength and attention. Dogs of this breed will be grateful to their owners all their lives for their care and care. They will take custody of the kids, guard the home of strangers and delight the owners. They look very cute in the photo. You can find various pictures on the Internet: a photo of a Spanish mastiff standing on hind legs and a head taller than its owner, or a photo of a baby next to a dog of this breed. In general, the Spanish Mastiff will never let anyone get bored!

At the first glance at a dog of the Spanish Mastiff breed, thoughts immediately appear that this pet is clearly not created for living in families with small children. It seems only because of his enormous height and menacing appearance. What kind of character do these dogs have? A description of the breed and the characteristics of its content are waiting for you in the article.


Breed overview

The Spanish Mastiff is quite heavy and huge dog. However, his character and behavior do not at all correspond to his external image. This is one of the most obedient dogs, which requires special training and training in order to avoid troubles and problems in the future. According to reviews from the owners, this is a very discreet friend who will always remain faithful to his owner in any situation.


Already, judging by the name, you can understand that the country of origin is Spain. The Spanish Mastiff appeared thanks to quite a long selection work. On the Iberian Peninsula, due to climatic conditions, animal owners were forced to move their pets from one place to another, even hundreds of kilometers. Of course, there was danger in attacks by predators (lynxes, bears, especially wolves) on livestock.

It was in such situations that the Spanish Mastiff served as an excellent companion and guarded the entire herd, while at the same time absolutely not intimidating the pets with its behavior. Thanks to the protective instinct, these dogs have never been taught security work; it is in their blood. At home, this breed of dog is treated with great respect in the same way as shepherds.


The Spanish Mastiff breed is distinguished by a very large and powerful build and quite heavy weight. According to the description, his head rectangular shape, its width and length are proportional. The forehead is flat, and the muzzle is deep and quite long.

Medium-sized, triangular-shaped eyes slightly slanted. Eye color is most often brown or hazel; the eyelids have a rather dense texture, thick, black, and droop slightly. The dog has a confident look, but at the same time the look is quite calm.

Large white teeth with a scissor bite. Short neck, which is quite muscular, slightly arched and set high. The skin on the neck is thick and elastic and sags. The whole body is muscular and powerful, the paws and the whole body are very strong, but not overloaded.

The tail does not curl and, according to the description, should not be thrown over the back. However, during excitement it can rise and bend into a sickle shape. The base of the tail is quite dense and thick.

Height, on average, is from 72 cm, and weight is from 50 kg. However, it is worth considering that the weight of the male dog should be greater. The photo shows how powerful this dog is.


How long do Spanish Mastiffs live? Average duration life is 10-11 years. This is not such a high figure, because it is 13-15 years. At good care and with enough attention, a Spanish Mastiff dog will live its entire full life.


Perhaps character is one of the most interesting topics to talk about this dog breed. And all because the character does not match the appearance at all pet.

Having learned his character traits, it immediately becomes clear that this is one of the most loyal and friendly dogs.

A dog of this breed is very confident in itself, confident in its strength. The Spanish Mastiff is literally overflowing with love, friendliness, loyalty and nobility. However, an interesting fact is that earlier these dogs had a more formidable character, but over time these pets began to be used exclusively for domestic purposes. Accordingly, the character also changed to a more modest and homely one.

According to owners, these dogs are always very calm and very rarely show anger. Moreover, there have never been any cases of aggression, which means this dog deserves great trust. Also, according to reviews from many owners, this is quite smart and intelligent dog, which is distinguished by decisiveness, but at the same time nobility. In any case, most character traits depend not only on genetics, but also on the owner himself, who must teach his pet to be calm towards loved ones and angry towards enemies.

If you have children at home, even small ones, then the Spanish Mastiff is one of the most suitable options. You don't have to worry about your height and enormous weight. In fact, the Spanish Mastiff is very friendly and behaves well with children.

Content Features

Dogs of this breed are absolutely not picky about food. It is enough to feed the dog twice a day. Dry or wet food. However, do not forget about minerals and vitamins, which should also be present in the dog’s diet if you feed him food homemade. However, puppies of this breed need to be fed according to a different principle, namely six times a day. Important in caring for Spanish dogs is the availability of always fresh water.

Also important in maintenance is the care of the coat: it needs to be combed regularly, because the dog climbs quite a lot and otherwise the entire home will be filled with hair. Constant training is also important. Due to its large and muscular body structure, the Spanish Mastiff needs daily training and frequent walks, otherwise the pet can throw out all its emotions on loved ones. In summer, in hot climates, the dog needs to have a bath or shower, but without soap or shampoo.

We invite you to watch a video that contains tips on caring for the Spanish Mastiff. Also in the video you can see how huge the body and muscles of this dog breed are.

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> Spanish Mastiff Spanish Mastiff is a dog breed of the second group according to the international classification of breeds. The origin of the breed is the result of a mixture of fighting, guarding and herding dogs. The main goals of selection are the protection of large cattle and farm plots, hunting for large animals - wild boars, bears. Nowadays, they are often used to protect private homes and large open areas. The homeland of these animals is Spain.


Spanish Mastiffs are one of the most... large breeds dogs. Bitches fewer males, have an average size of 69 to 88 centimeters in height at the withers, a body length of more than 80 centimeters and a weight of 65 to 100 kilograms. Males grow from 77 to 90 centimeters in height, have a body length of more than 85 centimeters, and weigh from 80 to 120 kilograms. These dogs have a long fluffy tail - from 40 to 60 centimeters.

Mastiffs have light, cream-colored fur. medium length. Allowed, but less common - white, black or brindle color. The maximum length of the coat is at the nape of the neck and is about 6 centimeters. The coat is thick and dense, and fits quite tightly to the body, which protects the animal from cold and mechanical damage.

Spanish Mastiffs have a powerful figure: large paws, wide back, thick neck and massive head. The ears hang freely along the muzzle, sloping towards the nose. There is an area of ​​loose skin on the neck that perfectly protects vital vessels from bites and scratches.

There are 5 toes and 5 claws on the dog's front paws, while on the hind paws, as a rule, there are 4 of them. The physique of males is more muscular and they larger than bitches of the same breed. The bones are thick and strong.


Spanish Mastiffs tend to live less than more small dogs. The average life expectancy is from 9 to 11 years. The final maturation of dogs of this breed occurs at the age of 3-4 years. The lifespan is decisively influenced by the quality of nutrition and volume physical activity animal.

To create conditions for a long life for your pet, it is imperative to provide medical support: timely vaccinations against the most common diseases, regularly inspecting the fur and skin for irritations, fleas and ticks.

Features of maintenance and care

The best option for keeping a Spanish mastiff, both for its owner and for the animal itself, is a private house with a plot and an enclosure for the dog. There should be a bowl of water in the enclosure, but it should not be placed on the floor, but on a special stand that is adjusted to the height of the animal - this is necessary to avoid curvature of the animal’s spine. The same rule applies to food bowls. They feed the dog on the command “eat” or “you can” - this trains the animal’s endurance.

The Mastiff needs regular and hard training to develop its natural abilities - strength, reaction, intelligence. The dog's temperament is a bit lazy when it comes to training, so it is important to be patient and persistent in this matter. It is recommended to teach the dog commands with the help of a professional dog handler who will monitor the process at first.

To make life easier for both yourself and the dog, you need to brush it with a rubber brush several times a day. You can also wash your dog, but without soap and shampoo, but with the goal of giving it a “refresh” on a hot summer day. It is important to regularly remove dirt from the corners of the eyes with a napkin, and wipe the eyes and the skin around them with antibacterial lotion every few days to prevent inflammation of the dog’s eye mucosa.

They feed the dog meat, give him bones and cartilage, porridge for meat broth, fermented milk products, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits. Be sure to add minerals and vitamins to your food. Once every six months, it is advisable to have an examination by a veterinarian.


Dogs of this breed are predisposed to a number of specific diseases: eczema, dysplasia hip joint, bursitis, gastric volvulus syndrome. Therefore, it is important to know all the nuances of caring for an animal and be sure to consult with the breeders.

Suitable for

The Spanish Mastiff is the best choice for a pet for those who are willing to devote a lot of time and effort to caring for and training such a large dog. In return, his owner receives devotion, excellent security qualities, calm and good-natured character.

How to choose the right one

Since an adult dog of this breed reaches large sizes, it is important to choose the right puppy: it must have the correct proportions, healthy coat, strong paws, dense tail. It is better to take a puppy with its tail raised up.

Until recently, 10-20 years ago, little was known about the Spanish Mastiff. Today he is known as an excellent guard and affectionate pet. Despite large sizes, you can safely leave him with the children. These dogs are gentle, they will not attack a creature weaker or smaller than them. Spanish mastiffs have managed to gain popularity among professional dog breeders, as well as ordinary amateurs.

Description and appearance

The dog's homeland is Spain. Representatives of the breed are used for guarding and grazing. If unbalanced or cowardly individuals are encountered, then such dogs are not used for further breeding. They have a clear appearance characteristic. Any deviation from it is considered a disadvantage.

Representatives of the breed are used for guarding and grazing

The Spanish Mastiff breed is said to be large, powerful, but at the same time affectionate dog. Although the dog looks a little scary, he is kind and loyal to his owner.

Breed standards

The Spanish Mastiff dog breed is quite large. Her height at the withers reaches 72 cm in a female. For a male dog, it is 77 cm. As for weight, it ranges from 50 to 60 kg for adult.

The breed standards stipulate the following characteristics of the dog's appearance:

  • the head is big. The skull is square, the forehead is flat. The muzzle is long and deep. The nose is always black and the nostrils are wide;
  • The eyes are relatively small, of a very beautiful shade - hazel or brown. His look is calm, peaceful;
  • A characteristic feature of the Spanish Mastiff dog is drooping thick eyelids;
  • the ears are small and triangular in shape;
  • the neck is short, but very muscular, set high, and has a beautiful curve;
  • The body is quite powerful. He is well developed and muscular. Interesting fact– the chest circumference is greater than the dog’s height at the withers, but the belly is tucked in;
  • paws are powerful, angular. The gait of such dogs is soft, proud, and stately, which complements the image of the Spanish mastiff;
  • the tail is quite thick.

The Spanish Mastiff dog is quite large.

As for the wool, it is coarse and of medium length. The undercoat is rough. In some places the pet's fur is slightly longer: on the tail, chest and shoulders.

They say about a dog's height that the bigger it is, the better. The minimum height of a bitch at the withers allowed by the standard is 72 cm, but it is desirable that it be at least 75 cm. As for the height of a dog, it should be at least 77 cm.


The Spanish Mastiff dog can be of almost any color. The standard provides many options for describing color, but deviation from them is considered a defect. Most often, it is yellow shades that are found, which is why many breeders are so eager to get puppies that are more rare color. The following colors are widespread:

  • pale yellow;
  • ginger;
  • white with black;
  • brindle;
  • black.

In the photo you can see adult individuals, as well as Spanish Mastiff puppies of various colors.


Such pets are distinguished by their flexibility and reliability. It is because of their nature that they are used to protect pastures. Thanks to their kindness, they are able to protect weaker creatures from predators. But, despite everything, such a dog is calm, never attacks without warning, which has created a stereotype about the Spanish Mastiff pet as a good-natured mattress. Before attacking, it will warn the enemy by barking or growling.

One of the traits for which these animals are most valued is loyalty. They will faithfully serve their owner, especially if they feel affection. Another characteristic of the Spanish Mastiff is its love of freedom. They feel uncomfortable in apartments; there is nowhere to move, even if the area is huge. A private house with a large yard is much better suited.

The flexible nature makes it easy to raise a pet. He will get along with other pets, including cats. With proper upbringing, you will find a friend, as well as a reliable one. The species is distinguished by its kindness towards the weaker. Families who sometimes entrust their children to them say that the pets treat the child very carefully and do not get angry at the little pranks of the little ones.

Complaisant character makes it easy to raise a pet

Mastiffs are highly trainable, so they are easy to teach a variety of commands. But you shouldn’t demand precise execution from them after the start of training. To help him learn faster, praise him, because everyone loves encouragement.


The Spanish Mastiff in the photo looks like a large plush toy. It is recommended to carefully examine your future pet before purchasing. Puppies must match the breed description.

Spanish Mastiff puppies


The average lifespan of these gentle giants is approximately 10-11 years. This is the norm for all large dogs.

At the same time, they begin to grow up relatively late. For example, a female is considered fully formed in the second or third year of life, and a male in the third or fourth.

The place of residence is of great importance for the maintenance of a puppy and an adult Spanish Mastiff. It is impossible to raise and raise a dog correctly only in an apartment or house, since walking must be complete, and this is impossible with small areas of buildings. The best option for keeping this breed is a private area with a large, securely fenced yard, enclosure, warm booth. This way your pet can move as much as he needs.

Can't keep him tied for a long time. Constant stay in an enclosure is also harmful. Designate a designated area for your dog, but only place him there for short periods of time if necessary. Allow your pet to move freely around the area.

Do not forget: animals need constant communication with humans. An additional walk for the dog outside your property will be helpful. This will allow him to get acquainted with the world around him, learn to perceive other, unusual smells or sounds.

Care and hygiene

Dogs require careful care. Compliance with hygiene rules will make the dog’s living near people as comfortable as possible. At the same time, care is completely simple, it does not take much time:

  • Representatives of this species require regular brushing of their fur. For puppies similar procedures no need to do it. Special brushes are used for combing. The procedure is especially important during molting. Be sure to brush your dog if he gets caught in the rain;
  • After walks, be sure to wash your pet’s paws. Although the breed is quite clean, due to their natural laziness, they still get very dirty;

Compliance with hygiene rules will make the dog’s living near people as comfortable as possible.
  • The dog does not need frequent bathing. Only 2-3 times a year is enough. But in the summer, when your pet suffers from the heat, you can cool it down with a shower. This is done without the use of soap or shampoo;
  • It’s worth checking your pet’s ears weekly. If necessary, they need to be cleaned;
  • About once every couple of months you need to trim your nails. This can be done absolutely calmly, since he is amenable to such manipulations without showing aggression.

What to feed (by month)?

Nutrition plays an important role in the life of the Spanish Mastiff. Representatives of this breed are unpretentious to food. They eat almost everything. The menu selection is huge - you can feed as well as natural food. These are quite large animals, so they eat a lot.

When preparing your puppy’s diet, include a sufficient amount of protein; minerals and vitamins are also necessary for healthy development. Such heavyweights cannot be raised on cereals alone. Such feeding will lead to abnormal development of the puppy. It will be unstable to a variety of diseases. Regulate the protein-carbohydrate balance of your pet's diet. Overdoing will lead to accumulation excess weight. Health problems may soon follow.

The menu choice is huge - you can feed them with artificial as well as natural food.

The formation of a puppy’s body occurs over the course of about two years. Some dog owners feed their pets with dry food, with an already calculated ratio useful substances. “” and ““ feeds remain popular today. Those owners who feed their pets natural food need to additionally give the dog the necessary nutrients. For optimal development of the puppy, you must adhere to the following feeding schedule:

  • in the first month of life, the puppy requires regular feeding, approximately 5-6 times, it is advisable to feed small portions every three hours;
  • at 2-3 months the puppy needs 5 meals, portions need to be increased;
  • 4-5 month old puppies should eat 4 times a day;
  • at 6-7 months the number of meals can be reduced to three times.

One-year-old puppies can eat twice a day, like adults. The basis of nutrition should be meat products– fresh or cooked meat. Feeding with meat waste is possible. But constant eating like this can lead to health problems. To avoid this, it is recommended to occasionally feed fresh raw meat. It is easier to digest.

One-year-old puppies can eat twice a day, like adults.

Diseases and breed defects

In general, the breed is considered safe, however, there are serious illnesses, due to which the mastiff’s quality of life deteriorates. The most common pathologies are the following:

  • gastric volvulus;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • cataract;
  • third eyelid adenoma;
  • turning of the eyelids;
  • gonarthrosis;
  • eczema.

Pathologies can often be inherited

In the description of the “marriage” of the Spanish Mastiff breed, there are defects due to which the dog can be disqualified during the exhibition:

  • cowardly behavior of an individual or, conversely, excessive aggressiveness;
  • malocclusion;
  • light colored eyes;
  • lack of pigmentation of the nose or mucous membranes.

Naturally, a dog with such defects should not reproduce.


Only absolutely healthy representatives without burdened heredity are suitable for breeding. Nervous, aggressive individuals are dangerous to others, so they should not breed. Illiterate breeding is dangerous for the lives of puppies. It also negatively affects the status of the breed among its admirers.

Nervous, aggressive individuals are dangerous to others, so they should not breed

Many specialized nurseries are engaged in breeding Spanish Mastiff puppies, which can be found even here. The purity of the dog breed offered by breeders is not in doubt, because professionals supervise the breeding, as well as compliance with all rules. And if necessary, the kids receive veterinary care.

Purchase and price

If you decide to buy a puppy, then look for a conscientious breeder. You can ask your friends, collect real reviews. View the pedigree of your future pet. Study its appearance carefully. Choose a puppy that is more than 2 months old.

The baby should have soft fur, clean ears, and a wet nose. Observe his behavior. The dog should be active, but without showing aggression.

The cost is quite high - from 600 US dollars for the simplest representatives without a pedigree. There are also more expensive pets, the price of which exceeds $1,000. Such puppies have a good pedigree, they can participate in exhibitions and also in breeding

The baby should have soft fur, clean ears, and a wet nose.


The kindest creatures of the Spanish Mastiff breed are mainly collected positive reviews. They deserve this attitude due to their impeccable characteristics as a friend, companion, nanny, and also a guard. Before deciding to purchase such a dog, it is recommended that you read the owners’ comments on the following websites:

Marina: “Friends gave us a puppy for our wedding. We were incredibly happy because we bought a house and were going to get a guard dog. True, my husband had doubts about our Henry’s abilities, he believed that purebred dogs are not intended for this. But we soon became convinced that our boy is a wonderful protector and a very loyal friend!”

Pavel: “Since childhood I was fascinated by the breed. Naturally, when I could afford it, I bought such a dog. He lives in my apartment. There is not enough space, but I try to walk with him for a long time, as often as possible. He eats very well, mostly meat. Therefore, think a hundred times whether you can feed such a giant.”