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Fashionable floating procedure - what is it? Sensory deprivation chamber

I’ll say right away that most of the reviews make my eyes bleed; what is described there has nothing to do with floating and is a parody of the real procedure.

I'll tell you about the normal one real floating.

So, let's start with prices.

From 1700 to 2500 rubles per hour of floating in Moscow. I go to the Prana embryo center

What is floating?

Another name for a float tank is a chamber. sensory deprivation, which fully reveals the whole point. The chamber is a sarcophagus with a tightly closing door that does not allow sound and light to pass through. At all. Inside the chamber there is a thick saline solution body temperature, which keeps you on the surface of the water (like in the Dead Sea). The essence of floating is to temporarily turn off all your senses, “reboot” your body and mind, and completely isolate you from the world.

How to find a center with this procedure?

1. Don't see each other low prices, the procedure is very expensive.

2. There must be a float capsule in the treatment room! Very often, scammers offer “floating” in a swimming pool, shower stall, bathtub and other dregs. The main thing in floating is the capsule. There’s no way without her. At all. Otherwise, you will pay a lot of money for swimming in salty water.

This is what the floating room looked like

My experience.

Before the procedure, you must

  1. Visit the restroom
  2. Take a shower with a washcloth and soap, completely wash off your makeup (this is very important, since the slightest ingress of foreign substances into the solution will worsen its quality). Makeup removers, shower gels, shampoo and conditioner must be in the shower; you don’t need to take anything with you)
  3. Remove the lenses (very important!) and all, all, all jewelry, including “non-removable rings (engagement ring, for example)”
  4. Lubricate with Vaseline (also found in the floating room). Give this procedure Special attention, since contact of the solution with the slightest peeling and scratches causes severe discomfort, and most likely you will have to interrupt relaxation and wash the wounds of salt. Therefore, examine yourself very carefully, apply Vaseline to each injury, if your hands are chapped, then lubricate them completely.
  5. Wear earplugs as your ears will be submerged.

That's it, you're ready to float!

The first time diving into the chamber is a little scary, since it is absolutely dark, it’s not even clear how deep it is. but the fear will pass quickly, don’t worry. Next, you need to close the hatch and lie on the surface of the water, close your eyes (though with them open in pitch darkness) and do what your soul tells you to do. At first, most likely, quiet, relaxing music will play underwater, which will turn off after a while. At first it was pleasant for me to swim from side to side, after about 20 minutes I realized that it was most pleasant to do nothing and just lay there for the rest of the time.

Life in rhythm modern city leaves no time for relaxation. For many, the stress of the day does not let go even at night. The ideal way out of stress is floating.

Floating - what is it?

Translated from English it means “to soar” or “swim”. The procedure involves placing a person in a dense saline solution in an isolated chamber. Water saturated with salts pushes the body to the surface, and the person seems to float above the liquid. Comfortable temperature, close to body temperature, silence and darkness allow a person to be alone with himself and experience complete physical and psychological comfort.

Floating is carried out in a special chamber, which is a capsule filled with heated water, with a tight-fitting lightweight door. A person opens and closes this door independently.

Before the session starts and after it ends, you need to take a shower. Duration - 1 hour. Time needs to be planned so that after the session you can do nothing. Floating causes deep relaxation, and working after it is difficult, almost impossible.

Who came up with this?

An American neuroscientist. He studied the effect on a person of the phenomenon or deprivation of all external stimuli. Lilly studied problems of the human psyche, and in the middle of the last century he invented floating. The specialist realized what it was a little later, when this method of deep, quick and safe relaxation turned from a method of treatment into a super popular procedure for everyone.

Initially, Lilly was involved in the rehabilitation of retired officers who suffered many injuries during their service. stressful situations. It was for them that a chamber with warm salt water, isolated from sound and light, was invented. Dr. Lilly's patients floated in this chamber for hours. The attempts were successful and provided a lot of new data on activities human brain. Subsequently, Lilly studied the brain activity of dolphins and tried to teach them to communicate with people. Lilly's research became the basis for best-selling books, and the camera began to be used for commercial purposes.

Why does this work?

In the course of life, a person experiences a lot of stress. Many of them are literally driven into the subconscious; a person cannot fully “digest” them. This causes multiple or constant spasms to form in the muscles. Staying in a solution supersaturated with salt is comparable to weightlessness; floating is so relaxing for the body. Every person can feel that this is so effective.

Float tanks use either magnesium sulfate, better known as magnesia. This substance natural origin, it is produced from medical drug to lower blood pressure and an excellent laxative. In various concentrations this substance is used as food supplement and also as a fertilizer.

Additional bonuses

Floating gives a person many effects, in addition to deep relaxation. What it is is clear from the properties of magnesium sulfate. This is an improvement in heart function, sleep, increased concentration, weakening various pains, softening and exfoliating the skin and even losing weight.

Magnesium is present in all tissues of the human body. It regulates the transmission of nerve impulses, resists spasms, and improves blood composition. Without magnesium, joint restoration is impossible. Staying in a state of complete physical rest relieves the spine and gives impetus to spontaneous recovery. Floating, reviews of which are always enthusiastic, returns many physiological processes to normal.

Main effect

The fact is that the activity of the brain occurs continuously, but due to external stimuli we are unable to comprehend the signals that it sends us.

During the session, the person does not sleep, but is in a state of complete peace. Floating - reviews say this - can cause unexpected associations. A solution to a confusing life problem may come, an understanding of the need to forgive the offender. New information may be assimilated that previously did not want to fit into your head. In this sense, floating can be compared to a meditative technique, and the state of meditation arises spontaneously and without visible effort. Experts say that an hour of floating replaces 6 hours of sleep.

Who can and who can't?

Almost everyone can use floating.

The contraindications are:

  • epilepsy;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • infectious disease;
  • open wounds;
  • alcohol or drug intoxication.

Pregnancy is not a contraindication. On the contrary, pregnant women feel great after the session. Firstly, their spine is relieved, and secondly, nervous tension goes away.

Floating is useful and enjoyable in all respects. Indications and contraindications are very relative, and this new procedure instant relaxation gains everything larger number fans.

The rhythm of human life in modern conditions promotes the development of various mental disorders under stress. According to statistics, symptoms characteristic of depressive syndrome are observed in more than forty percent of the inhabitants of our planet. There are many ways to solve such problems. Used to treat mild forms of mental disorders various methods psychocorrections, medications And various ways relaxation. In this article we will look at the fashionable floating procedure, which is only gaining popularity in our country.

Sensory deprivation chamber - a chamber that isolates a person from any sensations

Floating, what is it? This relaxation technique allows you to get rid of various disorders. psychological nature, thanks to the improvement of the body. WITH in English, the word Float is translated as “float”. The floating procedure is carried out using a special capsule, which protects the person immersed in it from various external irritants. The deprivation capsule into which a person is immersed is filled with a solution that consists of thirty percent salt. The temperature of the liquid contained in the capsule is thirty-six point six degrees Celsius. This spa procedure allows you to get rid of various worries and get positive emotions thanks to relaxation.

Diving into the capsule can be compared to swimming in the Dead Sea. Thanks to high concentration salts, the solution holds human body afloat in any position. Immersion in a deprivation capsule can be compared to flying in zero gravity. The person undergoing the procedure forgets about gravity, which allows the muscles to fully relax.

What is floating therapy used for?

Immersion in a sensory deprivation chamber allows a person to fully relax and detach from various problems. This is where you can achieve maximum concentration peace and tranquility. The sounds of water, silence and mysterious twilight allow you to fully immerse yourself in oblivion. Such a spa procedure allows you to fully relax your muscles and increase the synthesis of endorphin in the body, which is the hormone of happiness. It is important to note that increasing the level of endrophins can reduce the impact of various stressful situations on the body. Thus, immersion in a floating chamber allows you to restore energy balance and normalize your own psychological health.

Action Scientists similar procedures on human body, they say that an hour of floating therapy can be compared to five hours of full sleep. Experts also note that this method allows you to set yourself up to achieve various goals both in the professional and personal spheres. This procedure allows you to put in order not only the nervous system, but also has a positive effect on the entire body. Immersion in a highly concentrated saline solution eliminates the lactic acid that accumulates in the muscle tissue. Besides, this procedure has a beneficial effect on the condition skin, restoring elasticity and firmness to the epidermis.

The room in which the spa therapy procedure is carried out is completely isolated from various external stimuli. Thanks to this, the person immersed in the capsule gets the opportunity to be alone with his own “I”. Such temporary isolation in conditions of weightlessness allows you to discover new personal facets in yourself. Often, patients who have undergone floating treatment find solutions to get out of situations that have haunted them for a long time.

A person placed in a tank appears to be in weightlessness.

According to experts, undergoing the procedure allows you to eliminate stress, reduce anxiety and completely get rid of depressive syndrome. An increase in the level of endorphins in the blood allows a person to stay in good mood during whole week after visiting the SPA center.

When immersed in a capsule, the human body gets the opportunity to redistribute its own energy resources. This contributes to the fact that all the main “forces” hidden inside a person are directed towards elimination various ailments. During the session, the need for self-control disappears, which promotes complete relaxation. One of the main advantages of this technique is increased resistance to stress and complete relief from depression syndrome. This effect achieved due to the absence of such external stimuli as:

  • gravity;
  • sounds;
  • light.

Description of the procedure

Before entering the sensory deprivation chamber, a visitor to the SPA center must receive consultation from a specialist. During the consultation, the duration of the session is determined and short lecture dedicated to safety. The sensory deprivation chamber itself is a capsule filled with a highly concentrated saline solution. The level of salt concentration in this liquid is several times higher than the amount of salt in the Dead Sea, which prevents the body from immersing in the liquid. Thanks to this, a person immersed in a capsule is in a state of weightlessness, “floating” above the water.

Please note that the temperature of the solution strictly corresponds to the temperature of the human body. This factor allows the body to practically not feel contact with the liquid. The capsule containing the liquid is equipped with a special door that protects a person from various irritants. At the request of the visitor, the capsule can play various sounds that have a positive effect on the psyche. Such sounds include the sound of the sea, the cries of birds and dolphins.

The average duration of one procedure is about sixty minutes. By plunging into the capsule, a person gets the opportunity to completely relax and detach himself from everyday worries. According to representatives of spa centers, the vast majority of visitors fall asleep within ten minutes after immersion in the chamber.

The sensory deprivation chamber, or floating, is a capsule in the shape of a large egg about 2.5 meters long.

Types of floating

Most specialists from different areas doctors speak positively about this procedure. Reviews of floating say that immersion in a sensory deprivation chamber allows you to have a comprehensive effect on the body. Therapeutic effect applies to both physical and emotional sphere. In addition, the floating technique allows you to influence spiritual development individual.

The capsule itself, into which the patient is immersed, is a large tank, protected from the effects of odors, light and extraneous noise. The main component of the liquid is Epsom salt, which has a density equal to the human body. The “weightlessness” effect, the absence of external stimuli due to the tightness of the chamber and the beneficial effect on the muscles allows you to achieve a state of nirvana. The sensory deprivation chamber is one of the most available ways get rid of stress, depression, sleep problems and other mental disorders. In addition, complete relaxation helps to launch regeneration processes, which has a positive effect on physiological state person.

Just a few years ago, the procedure in question was inaccessible to most ordinary people. Today, in addition to the widespread prevalence of floating, there are methods for carrying out this procedure. “Dry floating” is a technique in which the human body does not directly interact with the salt solution. A special mattress is installed in the sensory deprivation chamber, which envelops the person.

The main advantage of this method is the absence of direct contact with liquid. Thus, people who were previously contraindicated for this procedure have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with it. It is important to note that the cost of dry floating is several times lower than the standard method. The low cost is explained by the absence of the need to constantly sterilize the capsule and frequently change the saline solution.

Many spa centers combine the dry floating technique with various cosmetic procedures. Clay and seaweed wraps are especially popular. The combination of these techniques improves blood circulation, eliminates cellulite and normalizes cellular metabolism.

One of the main indications for undergoing this procedure is the restoration of psycho-emotional balance. Immersion in a sensory deprivation chamber promotes complete relaxation of the body. The level of relaxation experienced by a person can be compared to nirvana. According to experts, this effect allows one to accelerate the regeneration processes occurring in the nervous system and muscle tissue.

The components that are an integral part of the saline solution have a beneficial effect on the body due to the removal excess liquid. Epsom salt helps eliminate harmful toxins and toxic substances. In addition, this component has an anti-cellulite effect, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. It is important that long stay in a sensory deprivation capsule normalizes blood circulation and increases the level of endorphins in the body.

Water with a concentrated saline solution easily pushes a person out so that all parts of the body calmly drift on the surface of the water

An increase in endorphins leads to a decrease in cortisol, better known as the “stress hormone.” Thus, performing a spa procedure allows you to discover the hidden potential of the human body. Many people say that this relaxation technique has helped them completely reconsider their own life priorities. In many European countries, this procedure is used specialized institutions for treatment bad habits and addictions.

Particular attention should be paid to the benefits of floating therapy during pregnancy. During this difficult period of life, many women are under constant stress. Conducting a relaxation session allows you to normalize not only your psycho-emotional balance, but also relax your muscle tissue. In addition, the procedure in question can reduce tissue swelling. Floating therapy for many women is an opportunity to completely renounce personal problems and get a lot of positive emotions. Such changes in mood will have a positive effect on the child’s development.

The floating procedure, which is called “daydream,” allows you to significantly unlock the potential of the human brain. While in the capsule, a person is in a spatial state between sleep and wakefulness. In this state left side brain significantly slows down the speed of computational functions. This one brain section is responsible for ongoing analysis of various life situations. In the “spatial” state, the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain increases, which is responsible for creative thinking, feelings and emotional state. Thus, regular attendance at this procedure allows you to maximize the potential of the human brain.

Experts also note the fact that one hour spent in a sensory deprivation chamber is enough to restore the body’s energy resources. Thanks to isolation from external irritants and positive impact saline solution increases the rate of metabolism and regeneration processes occurring in the body.

Many professional athletes resort to similar techniques in order to relieve muscle fatigue after intense physical activity.

Some compare floating to the womb, others to a cloud, others to the depths of the subconscious


Like many therapeutic procedures, floating has certain contraindications. Persons under the influence of alcoholic beverages and drugs are prohibited from diving into the capsule. Also, experts do not recommend attending spa sessions if there is bleeding. Floating contraindications are as follows:

  • skin diseases that have acute form expressiveness;
  • epilepsy;
  • hearing diseases;
  • asthma;
  • fear of the dark or closed spaces.

Today we will talk about a procedure called floating. Not everyone knows what this is, which makes the topic even more interesting.


People who have managed to go to the Dead Sea are well familiar with the feeling of floating - a body immersed in a highly saturated saline solution floats completely freely. You can stay in this position for as long as you like - the muscles relax, the mind and body rest. If external influence- exclude light and noise, then you can achieve a real meditative state, and much faster than from yoga.

John Lilly (an American neuropsychologist and physician) was the first to study the effects of floating on the body in the fifties of the last century - he created a special sensory deprivation chamber where there were no external stimuli. In this chamber, filled with a solution of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt), a person is as if in weightlessness. This is floating (we will look at what it is in more detail in the article below).

Indications for use

The procedure has a comprehensive effect on the human body, causing relaxation at any level of perception. For this reason, many people are prescribed floating. What are these categories of citizens? What are the main indications for this procedure? These include:

  • recovery after serious physical exertion and injury;
  • muscle pain;
  • psychological and nervous disorders, depression, stress;
  • removal of toxins;
  • warning premature aging skin;
  • high tension of the musculoskeletal system;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • cellulite prevention.

In addition, floating is a procedure that will not interfere with people who want to be alone with themselves and enjoy “weightlessness.”

Meditation and relaxation

At the moment, floating (which we discussed in the article above) is used to get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome and stress. It provides an opportunity to restore strength and also helps to restore peace of mind. Attending sessions of these procedures increases stress resistance and general tone body, normalizes the functioning nervous system. During floating, the human body actively produces endorphins - hormones of happiness, while the level of the stress hormone (cortisol) decreases - due to these factors, an hour-long session of procedures is similar in its restorative effect to several hours of full-fledged deep sleep.

In addition, floating is extremely beneficial for the skin (reviews numerous people this is confirmed) - a concentrated salt solution helps its healing and rejuvenation. Lymphatic drainage also improves and normalizes arterial pressure and muscle pain goes away.


Pregnancy is an amazing period in the life of every woman - changes at this time occur in the body as a whole, and it is the spine that gets the most huge pressure. The expanding belly of the expectant mother changes the center of gravity, which causes displacement of the pelvic bones, vertebrae, as well as exacerbation of osteochondrosis - during pregnancy, therefore, it is very important to give your back rest.

Most expectant mothers experience a state of general fatigue throughout pregnancy. It is worth noting that swimming in a simple pool is a great way to keep your spine healthy, but you can only truly relax in water saturated with salt, which supports the body on the surface.

If pregnancy is underway without complications, then there are no contraindications for floating. The state of weightlessness allows the muscles of the body to relax, while the twilight and quiet music create a unique atmosphere of space. There is a particularly subtle sense of unity with the baby. If the session takes place in the pool, it may to the expectant mother Dad can join too, as there is enough room for two. In case of contraindications, you can consider dry floating - it does not involve contact with salt solutions and water. With this type of procedure, the body is separated from the water by thin matter.

Impact on the body

It should be noted that the state of weightlessness into which a floating chamber allows you to immerse yourself allows you to relax all groups of joints and muscles, reduce discomfort and pain in the lower back and spine, improve blood circulation. People who experience constant physical exercise, these procedures will help get rid of tension and muscle pain. They are also recommended for post-traumatic rehabilitation.

These sessions improve the condition and physical fitness body, and also stimulate the functioning of the brain. This can help in solving difficult work and educational tasks, in addition, it will open up new opportunities for creativity. With the help of floating, maximum success can be achieved if it is combined with yoga and massages.

How does this happen?

After taking a shower, the client lies down in a special chamber or pool filled with a salt solution. During the session, soft music is heard to help you relax, while the absence of distractions and external noise allows your body and brain to rest. It is worth noting that after the procedure, special equipment sterilizes and filters the water - the solution is prepared individually for each visitor.

To ensure that liquid does not get into your ears and that the session is as comfortable as possible, you need to use earplugs. In addition, there is no need to make sudden and fast movements when floating. The capsule allows you to do this, but you need to understand that salt drops in the eyes are not the greatest pleasure. If this happens, you need to pat your eyes dry with a towel or take a shower. Those who are afraid to fall asleep during the procedure have nothing to worry about - the liquid supports the head on the surface, therefore, it will not be possible to drown. The session usually lasts 60 minutes, after which the music changes and the lighting intensifies - it immediately becomes clear that it is time to get out of the pool.

After floating, the state is usually peaceful and relaxed. It is advisable then not to rush anywhere, calmly drink green tea, and also not think about business for some time. A course of floating will reduce stress levels and help cope with the syndrome chronic fatigue.


If you have scratches or cuts on your body, you must refrain from procedures until complete healing. Of course, nothing terrible will happen, only a strong burning sensation will be felt in the areas of damage. In addition, floating is not recommended for women during their menstrual periods.

Where to go?

It is possible today to fully rest, relax and achieve a meditative state during floating in almost any Russian city, since sensory deprivation chambers are available in many SPA centers.

It is worth noting that while in Russia floating is not as widespread as in Europe or America, it has already proven itself to be effective and quick way getting rid of accumulated fatigue and stress, which is incredibly important when living in a metropolis, overloaded with stress. Do you want to relieve fatigue and get new sensations? In that case, go ahead! Moreover, the procedure is absolutely safe for you! Find a sensory deprivation chamber in your city and hurry to enjoy real, complete relaxation!