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What are the dangers of regular alcohol consumption for the liver? Alcoholic fatty steatosis. Early symptoms of liver disease include

The effect of alcohol on the liver occurs immediately after drinking the first dose. If a person abuses alcoholic beverages, drinks every day already long time, this already indicates possible serious liver damage.

The organ is the body's filter. It is the liver that processes about 95% of ethanol, breaks it down and removes decay products naturally. But if a lot of alcohol is consumed for a long time, fatty liver, necrosis (cirrhosis) and alcoholic hepatitis develops.

Safe dose of alcoholic beverages

Any, even small doses alcoholic drinks have a negative effect - they significantly increase the load on the organ, thereby causing harm.

If a person drinks alcohol in moderation and does not have liver diseases, then ethanol will not harm liver cells.

But if pathologies are present, alcohol consumption occurs frequently, then functioning is impaired.

According to the results of the research, experts concluded that when drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation (1 g of alcohol per 1 kg of human body weight), there is no harm to the organ.

To prevent the development of alcoholism and various liver pathologies, doctors recommend that women take no more than 10 g of alcohol ( daily norm); for men no more than 20 g (10 g of alcohol is 250 ml of beer, 100 ml of wine). Dangerous dosage– drinking more than 2 bottles of beer every day or 150 g of vodka/0.5 l of wine.

In addition, psychiatrists claim that neither alcoholism nor other liver diseases that may arise from drinking alcoholic beverages will be dangerous if a person has 5 sober days during the week.

The liver is affected not only by alcohol, but also by multiple foods. Therefore, in order to prevent the development of diseases, it is necessary to carry out preventive methods.

Take decoctions medicinal herbs, which promote the restoration of organ cells, stop taking harmful products nutrition.

Fatty liver

As mentioned above, the effect of alcohol on the liver is significant. What harm is done?

When drinking alcohol, ethanol accumulates in liver cells and causes liver obesity. The process itself is not dangerous, what is dangerous is that the fabric is untimely treatment heals. After a certain period of time, the organ cannot function normally. Moreover, such fatty degeneration can cause sudden death.

Factors that, when drinking alcohol, will definitely provoke the development of pathology:

  • overweight;
  • poor nutrition;
  • transferred hepatitis C.

It is very difficult to recognize the first signs. The disease proceeds secretly.

The main symptoms include:

  • sudden onset of weakness and fatigue;
  • significant decrease in appetite;
  • impaired concentration;
  • weight loss;
  • frequent attacks of nausea and nervousness;
  • pain in the liver area;
  • enlargement of the right hypochondrium, pain in this place;
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • bitter taste in the mouth.

It should be remembered that on early stage Obesity liver can be completely cured and its functions restored.

To do this, you should adhere to only three rules:

  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • exclude fatty foods from the diet;
  • take phospholipids (milk thistle herb is the most affordable way restoration of liver cells).

By adhering to these rules, after just three months, the organ will be completely rehabilitated!

The harm from alcoholic drinks to the body is colossal and the brain and liver are the first to suffer.

Alcoholic hepatitis is a fairly common pathology today. Represents inflammatory process in the liver. Develops as a consequence systematic reception large doses of alcoholic drinks.

The risk group includes people who drink every day, even in small doses, for more than 5 years!

To understand the harm, as well as the impact on it, it turns out that you should know that complications of hepatitis are necrosis of liver tissue and liver failure. These diseases can cause death.

What are the symptoms of alcoholic hepatitis:

  • slight or moderate enlargement of the liver;
  • emergence pain syndrome in the right hypochondrium;
  • dyspeptic disorders - constipation, diarrhea;
  • weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • regular nausea and vomiting;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • decline sexual desire and erectile dysfunction;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nails become white;
  • on lower limbs capillary stars appear;
  • on late stages liver damage develops jaundice.

Hepatitis is scary because tissue necrosis - cirrhosis - can develop at any moment; cancer cells. But the insidiousness of the pathology is that, like obesity, it does not manifest itself at first.

Therefore, people who abuse alcohol must be examined at least 2 times a year in order to detect the disease in time and prevent the development of more serious complications.

Alcoholic cirrhosis

Consequences of regular alcohol intoxication - alcoholic cirrhosis. Diagnosed in 45% of cases in people who have been drinking for more than 10 years. It is characterized by necrosis of the parenchyma, nodular and fibrosis, tissue necrosis.

Like the pathologies described above, it can occur latently and appear only at an advanced stage. But a person should always listen to his body. If there is regular nausea, fatigue, reluctance to eat, general weakness– such symptoms may indicate the development of pathology.

There is a compensated and decompensated form of cirrhosis. The first type of disease still gives a person the opportunity to correct the situation. With decompensated cirrhosis, in most cases, an organ transplant is required, and even then it is not performed on all people. According to statistics, more than half of patients die with this form of liver pathology.

Decompensated cirrhosis is manifested by organ dysfunction, increased body temperature, jaundice, stool disturbances, significant enlargement of the liver and the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.

If these symptoms are present, you should seek medical help immediately. Perhaps the person will still have a chance to survive.

Alcohol harms the entire body, since all organ systems are interconnected. Therefore, in order to avoid harm, you need to take alcoholic drinks in the prescribed safe dosage and carry out disease prevention.

Alcohol abuse is the cause of many diseases of internal organs. Doctors have long described that bad influence which it has on the heart, kidneys, lungs, stomach, bone tissue. But the harm of alcohol to the liver is a topic for a separate article. Why is this happening? What chronic diseases are at risk for a person who drinks alcohol in excessive quantities?

Alcohol and the liver: alcohol starts and wins

The liver is one of the most complex and multifunctional organs. Doctors have calculated that it performs over 500 different functions in our body, while most organs have only 2-3. The liver not only synthesizes and accumulates vital important substances, but also produces bile necessary in the digestion process. That is why a healthy liver and alcohol are absolutely incompatible things.

How does alcohol destroy the liver?

Alcoholic drinks, consumed in any quantity, destroy the membranes of the cells that make up the liver. As a result, this body is increasingly unable to cope with its responsibilities.

One of the main functions of the liver is to neutralize and remove decay products and toxins from the body, for which they produce special enzymes. However, doses of alcohol over a long period of time lead to the fact that the liver produces fewer and fewer enzymes, and toxins gradually poison the body.

Violation normal functioning liver immediately affects the work of all other organs, since they are closely interconnected, and the cessation of liver function means the death of the entire organism.

Acute and chronic liver diseases as a result of alcohol consumption

Alcohol and liver are absolutely incompatible things if you care about your health and do not want to become a regular patient in hospitals and clinics. Most diseases caused by alcohol develop from acute phase into chronic if not started timely treatment and do not reduce your intake of alcoholic beverages.

One of the first alarm bells given by the liver may be alcoholic hepatitis. This inflammatory disease liver with necrosis of individual lobes develops over three to five years, while initial stage there may not be any alarming symptoms. Alcoholic hepatitis in their clinical manifestations looks like normal. Patients complain of:

  • Increased (up to 37 degrees Celsius) temperature;
  • Yellowed whites of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • Cloudy urine and light-colored stool;
  • Nausea, belching with a taste of bile;
  • Weakness, fatigue;
  • Heaviness under the right rib.

Alcoholic hepatitis can be diagnosed by palpation of the liver (it turns out to be enlarged) and a blood test (which will show increased bilirubin). If in doubt, a biopsy is performed.

In two out of ten patients, in case of abstinence from drinking alcohol and maintaining healthy image Alcoholic hepatitis can be cured in life.

If a person continues to abuse alcohol, the next stage begins - the liver begins to malignantly degenerate after alcohol and alcoholic hepatitis leads to cirrhosis of the liver. This disease is diagnosed in a quarter of people who drink alcohol.

Main symptoms of liver cirrhosis

Cirrhosis – incurable disease which can lead to liver cancer. Signs of cirrhosis:

  • A sharp decrease in body weight with a simultaneous increase in the abdomen;
  • Insufficient elasticity and swelling of the skin;
  • Vitamin deficiency and, as a consequence, bleeding gums, slow wound healing, bone fragility;
  • Changes in the color and consistency of stool and urine;
  • Bitter taste in the mouth after belching;
  • Pain in the limbs, including muscles.

Against the background of liver cirrhosis, diseases of other internal organs can develop, for example, chronic pancreatitis. Violation of the activity of the central nervous system in cirrhosis can cause unmotivated aggression, sleep disturbances, delirium tremens.

For liver cirrhosis, the treatment prognosis is extremely unfavorable. At complete refusal from alcohol and timely treatment, only half of the patients survive for five years.

Least likely to recover:

  • among women;
  • patients who are overweight;
  • in the presence of a disease chronic hepatitis type "B" and "C";
  • patients over 50 years of age.

Liver cancer as a result of alcohol consumption

According to medical statistics, in 15% of cases, cirrhosis transforms into liver cancer. There are primary (the tumor is located in the organ itself) and secondary or metastatic cancer. The symptoms are similar to those that occur with cirrhosis, but they are more pronounced, and the pain in the right hypochondrium is stronger. Stomach bleeding may be added to these.

Video about the dangers of alcohol for the liver and more

Video about the dangers of alcohol

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Modern man, despite his apparent knowledge, often believes in popular philistine myths. One of these misconceptions is the statement about the relative safety of weak alcoholic drinks in relation to the pathological effect on the liver.

Unfortunately, in most cases, such products have an even greater negative impact than classic strong alcohol. What are the first symptoms of the negative effects of alcohol on the liver? How serious are they? long term consequences alcoholism? Can they be cured at home? You will read about this and much more in our article.

The first negative symptoms of alcohol influence

As modern global research shows, there are recommended dosages at which any alcoholic product is relatively safe for human health.

Without much fear, you can drink 50 g of vodka or 300 g of beer or one glass of wine once every few days.

Unfortunately, in the overwhelming majority of cases, a person, even one who does not suffer from alcoholism, drinks many times more at a noisy holiday, special event or in any other situation. Primary symptoms of the pathological effect of alcoholic beverages on the liver with regular consumption of ethanol:

  • Significant loss of appetite. A person who likes to drink gradually gives up heavy snacks and limits himself only to alcohol;
  • Pain syndrome. It is formed mainly in the right hypochondrium. The pain occurs periodically, sometimes has no clear localization, usually aching;
  • Nausea and occasional vomiting. With the gradual development of fatty liver, vague dyspeptic disorders in the form of nausea, mild vomiting, flatulence, as well as persistent stool disturbances can often appear;
  • Jaundice. On average, it occurs in every fifth person who regularly violates alcohol consumption standards.

How alcohol affects the liver

The specific effect of ethanol on the above-mentioned organ depends not only on the amount of alcohol consumed, but also on a number of other factors.

  • Gender of a person. As large-scale studies show, women are 50% more likely to suffer from liver disease due to alcoholism than the stronger sex;
  • Body mass. In people who are too thin or obese, additional prerequisites for the development of complications may arise due to toxic liver damage from alcohol;
  • Diet. If a person eats enough food and drinks alcohol only during meals, then the chances of the negative effects of alcoholic beverages are significantly reduced;
  • Presence of a number of diseases. Separate chronic diseases, For example, diabetes, not only complicates the diagnosis and treatment of liver pathologies associated with negative influence alcohol, but also provokes the development of many complications.

After alcohol enters the body orally, it is gradually absorbed into the systemic circulation, after which a number of metabolites are formed. The most dangerous among them is acetaldehyde..

According to modern research acetaldehyde is not only toxic to all organs, including the liver, but also has a mutagenic and carcinogenic effect on the body as a whole, sometimes damaging DNA.

Long-term consumption of alcoholic beverages in significantly higher dosages leads to the development wide range diseases, from gastritis and stomach ulcers, to cirrhosis of the liver and other pathologies.

Diseases associated with alcohol abuse

The problem of alcoholism has long outgrown its status as a classic medical problem and became a real cultural and social disaster. The age of potential consumers of alcoholic beverages is significantly decreasing every year.

Moreover, global statistics indicate that about 40% of all diagnosed cases of liver disease are associated specifically with alcohol intoxication.

In the case of systematic use of alcoholic beverages, they gradually develop characteristic stages alcoholic impairment liver, which can be considered separate syndromes or diseases.

  • Alcoholic hepatomegaly of adaptive type. Persistent disturbances of protein metabolism in the liver, which develop against the background of its regular toxic damage by ethanol metabolism products, lead to enlargement of the organ. In this case, visual external and subjective symptoms are usually not observed. However, the problem is quickly diagnosed through electron microscopy and ultrasound;
  • Fatty steatosis. This disease is diagnosed on average in 60% of all people who regularly drink alcohol for recreational purposes. In the presence of pathology, the transport of lipids from the organ is disrupted, the utilization of a number of fatty acids and triglycerides, other important local processes change, including at the morphological level. 2/3 of patients with this disease complain of discomfort in the area gastrointestinal tract, regular pain in the epigastric region, decreased performance, appetite, general irritability and weakness. The problem can already be seen not only on ultrasound examination or in cancer, electron microscopy studies, but also by palpation;
  • Alcoholic hepatitis. It is an acute inflammatory and degenerative lesion liver due to the systemic effects of alcohol on it. On average, it is diagnosed in almost 40% of people suffering from alcoholism. With hepatitis of the alcoholic type, an extensive pathological complex of symptoms is observed, the disease is detected in all available tests, including liver tests;
  • Cirrhosis. Liver cirrhosis is chronic disease, accompanied by irreversible destruction of organ tissue with the formation of a fibrous connective structure.

The most severe consequences of frequent alcohol abuse

Chronic long-term alcoholism is fraught with a huge number of unpleasant consequences for the body. It should be understood that refusal of qualified medical care, as well as the lack of control over the consumption of alcoholic beverages ultimately lead to liver dystrophy, the development liver failure up to the stage of decompensation, irreversible damage to organ tissue.

As modern statistics show, up to 30% of all alcoholics who develop cirrhosis of the liver die within 5 years– as from actual disintegration liver structure and mass necrosis, as well as from various oncological processes. Even if it was started complex treatment, and the patient has gotten rid of the bad habit, the prognosis for recovery is very disappointing.

Everyone knows that drunkenness does not lead to good things. But still, strong drinks are consumed with or without reason. But every breast stroke is a blow to your liver and other internal organs. Of course, a lot depends on the dosage and frequency of use. strong drinks. If a person has “too much” once, then the body can easily cope with it. But if this happens regularly, the consequences accumulate and multiply. Usually, heaviness in the stomach soon begins to bother you. The effect of alcohol on the liver is quite well studied by doctors, but this does not reduce the amount of drinking. Therefore, today we will examine this issue again.

Alcohol tolerance

This question is often asked to doctors. Why can a neighbor drink alcohol in almost any quantity and always feel great in the morning? The fact is that alcohol and liver can for a long time"live in harmony" But when the damage to liver cells becomes critical, all the symptoms will bloom wildly. Moreover, the effect of alcohol on the liver cannot be calculated in advance. That is, it will definitely be toxic, but when a person crosses that line, then the affected organ will no longer be able to perform the functions assigned to it.

How quickly this happens depends on many factors. This may include the types of alcohol consumed, the frequency of feasts and the amount daily consumption alcohol. Add to this the person’s age, presence concomitant diseases and the initial condition of the liver. The effect of alcohol on this organ cannot be positive, because its cells have to process strong toxins to their detriment.

Mechanism of action

Any drink that includes ethanol is harmful to liver cells. This also applies to medicinal tinctures on alcohol. Another thing is that we consume them in small doses. That is, the body will not notice the effect of ethanol in this case. Moderate consumption alcohol is also not a big tragedy. The liver is prone to regeneration. That is, a small number of its cells will die, but they will be replaced by others. The effect of alcohol on the liver increases as a person begins to drink more often.

Liver damage

Having tried alcohol for the first time, a person will not even notice the morning hangover. The effect of alcohol on the liver increases gradually. Over and over again, more and more serious damage to its cells will occur. Despite their ability to regenerate, the number of functioning ones is becoming smaller.

Doctors distinguish 4 stages of damage:

  • Alcohol entering the body is sent to the liver for disposal. At the same time, hepatocytes convert ethanol into acetaldehyde, which the body is able to process at the cellular level and excrete through the kidneys. But the liver cells themselves are exposed to it, which leads to the destruction of their membrane. That is, the effect of alcohol on the human liver is direct, and all other tissues suffer from its derivative.
  • Increasing the dose leads to the following unpleasant consequences. The liver is no longer able to block some of the alcohol, and it enters directly into the blood. This causes damage to the nervous system.
  • When liver cells are no longer capable of regeneration, serious changes occur in this large organ. Violated metabolic processes and fat accumulation begins.
  • Liver cirrhosis develops. From alcohol, cells not only lose the ability to function properly, but also die quite quickly.

The dangers of alcoholism

All these processes take place hidden from humans. The liver is a very “patient” organ. Until the last moment, he will diligently dispose of the poison, which a person consumes completely voluntarily. And only when her strength is running out, you will feel the symptoms of severe intoxication.

The main problem is that symptoms begin to appear only in the very late stages of the disease. The person does not worry about liver damage and does not consult a doctor. Periodic pain in the right side, belching and other dyspeptic symptoms can be considered as indigestion. Moreover, they often cope with them by taking another dose of alcohol.

Light alcohol or your worst enemy?

The liver suffers in any case when drinking alcohol. It doesn't matter if it's beer, schnapps or whiskey on your table. Of course, if you compare a bottle of vodka or a glass of beer, it is obvious which drink will do less harm. But usually the opposite happens. It is customary to drink beer by the liter. Of course, this doesn't apply to everyone. If you buy yourself a bottle of cold drink once a week after a bath, it is unlikely that this will greatly affect your health or your figure.

Expressed diuretic effect This drink leads to the fact that all the liquid is replaced by a toxic product. Such a volume is not able to process liver cells, and alcohol enters the bloodstream, affecting everything internal organs. We should not forget that non-alcoholic beer is also not safe for humans. In addition, the drink disrupts metabolism and leads to weight gain.

Vodka or beer

What is more harmful? All strong drinks contain alcohol to a greater or lesser extent. But depression of consciousness occurs much faster when drinking vodka. That is, it is physically impossible to drink several liters. In the case of beer, a dosage of 2-3 liters per evening is considered quite normal for many. In addition, beer today is made using preservatives, which are quite harmful to the entire body. Surely you have heard the concept of “beer alcoholism”. A person cannot see a day without beer, and he considers this normal. The further, the more quantity. And when you don’t have enough for beer, then vodka will do, and lard as a snack. Double punch for her poor liver, which will be very difficult for her to survive. Don't be surprised by how you feel.

Safe dose

Briefly, the effect of alcohol on the liver can be described as follows. Any amount of ethanol is harmful. But if small dose If the liver neutralizes and then recovers quite quickly, then a large amount kills it. The cells are reborn and become ordinary connective tissue. Anatomically, the organ is in place, but can no longer perform its functions. Based on this, the question arises: how much can you drink so as not to put your body at risk?

Based on numerous studies, experts conclude that a dose of 1 g per 1 kg of weight is safe for human health. It's hard to know how much it will end up being.

  • For a woman this is 150 ml of wine, 330 ml of beer, 30 ml of cognac or vodka.
  • For a man - up to 250 ml of wine, up to 500 ml of beer and up to 50 ml of strong alcohol.

It doesn’t have much in common with the usual “between the first and second”, but this is exactly the framework that allows you to maintain your health and not break away from the team.

Alcohol and gastrointestinal tract

Every person should know the effect of alcohol on the pancreas and liver. This will allow right moment consciously say “no.” The liver is a natural barrier that is designed to neutralize toxins. Other organs of the gastrointestinal tract are much more sensitive to such effects.

Comparing the effect of alcohol on the liver and pancreas, it should be noted that the development of pancreatitis under its influence occurs much faster than cirrhosis. In more than 50% of cases the development chronic pancreatitis caused by alcohol abuse. Alcohol causes through which the contents of the gland are released into duodenum. These enzymes do not participate in digestion, but continue to digest the organ from the inside.

Signs of pancreatic damage

The following symptoms are characteristic of pancreatitis:

Recovery and treatment

The first task is to treat alcoholism. If a person continues to drink, the disease will progress. In the most severe cases When alcohol intoxication is very severe, blood cleansing may be required. For this purpose the patient is placed in special institution where special solutions are injected.

If a person is ready to give up drinking himself, then this moment can be skipped. Then you need to help the body cleanse itself. To do this you need to drink a lot. Water, weak brines and juices will do. About a week after drinking alcohol, you can begin a course of treatment. It includes adsorbents and drugs to restore liver function. These are “Karsil”, “Essentiale” and many other hepaprotectors. Facilities traditional medicine also work very well. In particular, try oatmeal jelly. And of course, you need to follow a strict diet throughout your life. Sweet, fatty, fried - only in minimal quantities, occasionally, during the period of remission.

Instead of a conclusion

Health and alcohol are poorly compatible concepts. If you use it occasionally and in minimal quantities, then great harm he won't. Our biological filter neutralizes ethanol. But while drinking in large doses and regularly, you expose your body to very serious stress. Digestive and metabolic disorders, dry skin and hair problems, constant fatigue And bad feeling- this is what you have to pay for bad habits. Add to this problems with blood vessels and heart, reproductive functions, disruption of the urinary system, and you will understand that it is much better to give up alcohol completely.

First of all, they remember his toxic effect to the liver. Statistics show, in particular, that people who abuse alcohol have liver cirrhosis occurs seven times more often than in non-drinkers.

It is not for nothing that the liver is called the main chemical laboratory of our body. It passes about 720 liters of blood per day. Moreover, this process is far from mechanical: 300 billion liver cells—hepatocytes—tirelessly process chemical and biological “raw materials,” transforming one substance into another. Here, in the liver cells, many toxic substances produced in the body or entering it from the outside are neutralized. Major chemical transformations take place here constituent elements food; All substances absorbed into the blood from the stomach and intestines are processed by liver enzymes before entering the general bloodstream.

Alcohol is no exception: the entire cycle of its chemical transformations is carried out with the participation of cellular liver enzymes. But the breakdown products of alcohol, formed during its oxidation, interfere with the finely balanced metabolic processes occurring in hepatocytes and disrupt them, in particular, fat metabolism is grossly distorted.

By using special methods research was able to establish that even a single dose of alcohol leads to serious changes in liver cell function. True, in a healthy body, thanks to its high compensatory capabilities, these disorders are quickly eliminated.

But if a person drinks regularly, pathological changes become permanent. And the more frequent and massive the attacks of alcohol, the more larger number hepatocytes are involved in pathological process. The first phase of alcoholic liver damage begins - obesity.

Fatty Liver Cells ( fatty degeneration) is observed quite often in people addicted to alcohol.

All structural components—cell organelles—are deformed, the cytoplasm is almost entirely filled with fat, and the nucleus shifts to the periphery. The cell increases in size, but its useful, working area decreases. Obese hepatocytes are unable to perform their duties.

If in initial stages liver damage is observed increased activity alcohol dehydrogenase, the main enzyme that decomposes alcohol, subsequently decreases, which is explained by cell depletion. In the liver, not only metabolic processes deteriorate, but its barrier function also suffers.

Clinicians know of cases where fatty degeneration of liver cells caused sudden death.

Fatty liver, as a rule, is accompanied by inflammatory processes in its tissue - a favorable background is created for the development of alcoholic hepatitis.

Dull, painful, aching pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, vomiting, loose stool, aversion to food. At an early stage, when the inflammatory process has not gone too far, it is possible to achieve partial and sometimes complete normalization of the structure and function of the organ (this equally applies to obesity).

Quite a lot important role The time factor plays a role: the shorter the experience of alcohol abuse, the more hope for a cure. The main thing in tactics to combat alcoholic hepatitis- elimination of the root cause of the disease. This means a categorical refusal of alcohol, including wine and beer.

If a person continues to drink (even occasionally and little by little), liver cells, unable to withstand chronic alcohol intoxication, die. Developing cirrhosis of the liver. The place of dead cells is taken by connective tissue, the liver becomes covered with scars.

Connective tissue cords deform the liver lobules, the architecture of the vascular bed changes, and the liver capacity decreases. The blood begins to stagnate in blood vessels stomach, esophagus, intestines, pancreas: preconditions are created for rupture of the walls of blood vessels and internal bleeding.

The liver affected by cirrhosis ceases to be “the body’s most faithful guardian.” Its functional potential drops sharply, which leads to various pathological changes metabolism, digestion, blood circulation, because these very complex processes The vital functions of the body are directly dependent on the activity of the liver.

Studies have shown that when the liver is damaged by cirrhosis, protein metabolism is disrupted, and this has the most adverse effect on the composition of the blood. The body's defenses decrease and its susceptibility to various diseases increases.

Suffering and carbohydrate metabolism, due to which the blood sugar level increases, less glycogen is formed in the liver, and the absorption of carbohydrates by body tissues becomes more difficult.

It is known that the liver plays an important role in the regulation of blood coagulation and anticoagulation systems. In alcoholics, the imbalance of these systems is expressed in different ways: some experience bleeding easily, others experience blood clots, which leads to blockage of blood vessels.

Research recent years allow us to trace a direct connection between light but systematic drinking and liver damage. Numerous data indicate that fatty liver develops on average after 5-10 years of alcohol abuse, cirrhosis - after 15-20 years. This is worth thinking about...