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Polyps of the sigmoid colon. Treatment of sigmoid colon polyp. Postoperative period

Previously, it was believed that removal of polyps in the intestine was advisable only for large or multiple neoplasms. However, the statistics on the degeneration of these benign tumors in malignant (10-30% of cases) showed specialists that to prevent cancer it is important to get rid of even small polyps.

Today, endoscopic treatment is used to remove polyps in the large and small intestine, except in cases where the tumor is located in parts of the intestine inaccessible to the endoscope. Large and multiple polyps with a high risk of degeneration into cancer are an indication for segmental resection surgery.

Treatment tactics

If a small polyp is detected, watchful waiting may be prescribed
a – the doctor monitors the dynamics of tumor growth throughout the year, and if no significant changes are detected, surgery to remove polyps is not performed. However, in this case, it is imperative to continue to be examined regularly in order to eliminate the risk of degeneration in time.

Due to the psychology of Russian patients, in most cases, endoscopic removal is immediately prescribed instead of expectant management. People believe that there is no need to worry about small polyps and ignore doctors’ orders for repeated examinations, so specialists immediately take a radical approach to the problem - this is the safest option. Even a small tumor can quickly become malignant.

There is no conservative treatment for intestinal polyps - it is simply ineffective.

If there are other possible complications of polyps - bleeding, incessant diarrhea, excessive mucus secretion or severe inflammatory processes - expectant management is not used, surgery is prescribed immediately.

Removal of polyps in the colon

In most cases, removal of polyps in the rectum with an uncomplicated course is carried out endoscopically during colonoscopy. The same treatment is used for sigmoid colon polyps. The operation is called polypectomy.

Preparing for surgery

In preparation for surgery, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. To do this, the day before the procedure, the patient is advised to drink at least 3.5 liters of clean water; the diet includes only liquid, light food. You should not eat or drink the evening before the procedure. A cleansing enema may be prescribed.

Sometimes a special solution with water and a laxative is prescribed. Most often this is a solution of polyethylene glycol (4 liters), which is drunk for 180 minutes the evening before surgery, or lactulose preparations (solutions of Duphalac or other medications containing this component). In the second case, 3 liters of liquid are divided into two doses - before lunch on the day before surgery and in the evening. After taking these solutions, you should experience diarrhea, possibly bloating and painful sensations in a stomach.

If the patient is taking blood thinning medications (Aspirin, Warfarin, Ibuprofen, etc.), it is important to inform the attending physician. Most likely, you will have to give them up 1-2 days before the colonoscopy.

Carrying out a polypectomy


Colonoscopy is performed only in specially equipped rooms. The patient lies on the couch with his left side, and anesthetic drugs are administered. Access to the polyps is carried out through the anus; a flexible and thin endoscope (colonoscope) with a small flashlight and a video camera is inserted into it, which allows you to visually monitor the progress of the operation.

If the polyp is flat, a special drug (often adrenaline) is injected into it, which lifts it above the surface of the mucosa. The tumor is removed using an instrument with a diathermic loop at the end. They pick up the base of the polyp and cut it, while simultaneously influencing electric shock to cauterize the damaged area and prevent bleeding.

Important! The excised polyps are necessarily sent for histological analysis, only after which a final diagnosis is made. If atypical cells are detected, indicating tumor malignancy, the patient is prescribed a partial intestinal resection.

IN in rare cases apply laser surgery for polyp removal. It is not as effective as colonoscopy, since it is not possible to obtain tissue material for histology (the polyp is simply burned to the root) and there are difficulties with visual control (due to smoke).

Transanal excision of polyps

If it is impossible to perform colonoscopic surgery, direct surgical intervention through the anus. This treatment is not possible if the polyps are located further than 10 cm from the anus.

Before the operation, local anesthesia is performed according to Vishnevsky, and sometimes general anesthesia is prescribed. A rectal speculum is inserted into the anus. The base/leg of the polyp is excised with special instruments (Billroth clamp), the wound is sutured with 2-3 catgut knots.

If the polyp is located in the interval of 6-10 cm from the hole, then during the operation, after inserting the rectal speculum, the sphincter is relaxed with the fingers, after which a large gynecological speculum is inserted, which is used to move the intestinal wall not affected by polyps to the side. Then a short mirror is inserted and the tumor is removed using the same procedure. Polyps are sent for histology.

Segmental resection of the large intestine

This operation is prescribed only if there is a high risk of malignancy of the colon tumor or the presence of multiple closely located polyps. Conducted under general anesthesia. Depending on the location of the tumors, the type of operation is chosen:

  • Anterior rectal resection. Prescribed for tumors above 12 cm from the anus. The doctor removes the affected parts of the sigmoid and rectum, and then sews the remaining parts of the intestine together. Nerve endings, healthy urination and sexual function are preserved, feces are kept normally in the intestines.
  • Low front. It is used when the tumor is located 6-12 cm from the anus. Part of the sigmoid colon and the entire rectum are removed, but the anus is preserved. A temporary “reservoir” is formed to hold the stool and a stoma (part of the intestine is drained out through the peritoneum) that prevents excrement from entering the healing sutured area of ​​the intestine. After 2-3 months it is carried out reconstructive surgery to close the stoma and return normal bowel function.
  • Abdominal-anal. It is carried out when the tumors are located at a distance of 4-6 cm from the anus. Part of the sigmoid colon, the entire rectum, and possibly part of the anus are removed. A stoma is formed, which is closed after 2-3 months.
  • Abdominoperineal. Indicated when the tumor is located close to the anus. Part of the sigmoid colon, the entire rectum, anus and part of the muscles are removed pelvic floor. A permanent stoma is formed, since it is impossible to maintain the function of normal bowel movement (the sphincter is cut out).

Important! When a permanent stoma is opened, the patient is given recommendations on how to care for it and organize life activities. In most cases, a high quality of life can be achieved despite the inconvenience and aesthetic defect.

Treatment of polyps in the small intestine

Single small pedunculated polyps of the small intestine are removed using enterotomy; in the presence of other neoplasms, resection of the small intestine is indicated.

Performing an enterotomy

This surgery is dangerous and much more serious than endoscopic methods and requires highly qualified surgeons. Stages of implementation:

  1. The patient is placed under general anesthesia.
  2. A transverse incision is made over the desired area of ​​the small intestine with a scalpel or electric knife.
  3. Polyps are excised through the incised area and sent for histology.
  4. All incisions are sutured.

After the operation, the patient must remain in the hospital under the supervision of a surgeon and gastroenterologist. Required bed rest, painkillers are prescribed to relieve pain, and a strict diet is followed. If the doctor is insufficiently professional, narrowing of the small intestine and bleeding may occur.

Segmental resection of the small intestine

The operation is performed open or laparoscopically, the latter is preferable because it has fewer negative consequences - the scars are smaller, the likelihood of infection is lower, and the patient’s recovery is quick. Preparation for the intervention is carried out according to the standard scheme described above. Execution proceeds as follows:

The operation lasts up to 3 hours, after which the patient is gradually removed from anesthesia (up to 2 hours). Recovery requires 3-7 days in hospital. When performing an open resection, one large incision is made in the peritoneum, rehabilitation requires up to 10 days in the hospital, otherwise there are no differences.

Rehabilitation period

Within 2 years after removal of polyps, the risk of relapse and bowel cancer is high. Patients are advised to undergo regular examinations - every 3-6 months. The first examination is scheduled 1-2 months after the operation. Subsequently (from the third year after treatment), examinations are required every 12 months.

  • Do not ignore preventive examinations, come to the doctor at the appointed time, follow his recommendations.
  • Give up bad habits; smoking and drinking alcohol are extremely undesirable.
  • You should not engage in heavy physical labor or lift weights - this will increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Avoid hypothermia and overheating, do not stay in the sun for a long time, avoid solariums and follow the prescribed hygiene measures.
  • Try to limit stress and prevent overwork. Healthy rest plays a significant role in recovery.

During the rehabilitation period it is necessary to follow a diet. During the first week after endoscopic surgery, you should eat crushed food, purees, and soft liquid porridges. Tough and difficult to digest foods rich in coarse fiber are excluded. Meals should be fractional - eat up to 6 times a day.

Important! After open operations, the diet is prescribed by the doctor; it is very strict and excludes almost all food.

You will need to see a doctor immediately if you have the following complications:

  • Fever, chills;
  • Heaviness in the abdomen, nagging pain;
  • Redness, swelling in the anus;
  • Blackening of the stool, blood during bowel movements, constipation;
  • Nausea, vomiting and other signs of intoxication.

This may indicate dangerous consequences operations, which include bleeding, perforation of the intestinal wall, intestinal obstruction, enterocolitis, formation of fecal stones or malignancy.

Average prices

The cost of operations to remove polyps in the intestines varies greatly depending on the clinic, the qualifications of the doctor and the amount of work. The approximate price range is presented in the table.

Free treatment is possible in public clinics By compulsory medical insurance policy. Help under the VMP program is also possible if the malignancy of the polyp is confirmed.

Patient reviews often mention doubts about the need for surgery to remove polyps in the intestines. However, doctors unanimously argue that its implementation is justified, since it significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer. People who have undergone minimally invasive surgery are satisfied with the results and speed of rehabilitation. The main thing in treatment is to find an experienced and reliable doctor whose help you can rely on.

Video: endoscopic removal of intestinal polyps

Video: colon polyps in the program “About the Most Important Thing”

The sigmoid colon is the part of the large intestine that connects the descending colon to the rectum. Because of its S-shape, it gets its name from the Roman letter that sounds like sigma.

This is a place where polyps are often found - growths on the mucous membrane various shapes and size. Large formations can bring serious trouble to their owner - pain, bleeding, intestinal perforation, complete obstruction. But the worst thing is that after some time some of them become malignant. Recent scientific studies have established the time frame for this process - 8-10 years. It is impossible to say how long it will take for each specific case.

What are they?

There are many types of sigmoid colon polyps, which determine not only their appearance, but also the degree of potential danger. The most common types are:

  1. Hyperplastic. Such formations are just a layering of epithelial cells due to disruption of certain processes. Like a dry callus on the skin. Their coating is smooth, the color blends with the rest of the surface of the mucous membrane of the sigmoid colon. The sizes are small - about 0.5 cm. By themselves they are not capable of becoming oncological tumor, But a large number of together with others negative factors in 1 case out of 100 it can provoke malignancy of surrounding tissues.
  2. Adenomatous from the name pathological condition adenomatosis, which is precancerous. This formation is not just a layer of epithelium - it is a small tumor of glandular tissue. Its cells are predisposed to hyperplasia - rapid reproduction, as well as metaplasia - change. This is why such polyps are so dangerous. Even a non-cancerous growth can lead to serious problems, for example, complete intestinal obstruction.

You should be aware of these concepts:

  • Polyposis - the number of formations is from 10 to 100 pieces, they can be separate, continuous, cluster-like clusters;
  • Diffuse polyposis is a common manifestation of the villous type of polyps, very serious condition, when the formations completely cover large areas of the organ, there are hundreds and thousands of copies. This condition is very dangerous, it is possible heavy bleeding, tissue necrosis of the sigmoid colon, oncology.

Signs of illness

There is no clinical picture of characteristic symptoms for polyposis. All manifestations are a consequence of disruption of the sigmoid colon due to the pathogenic influence of polyps:

  1. Constipation, diarrhea. They replace each other.
  2. Bleeding is manifested by anemia, the presence of blood in the stool.
  3. Irritation of the anus, itching, swelling, redness - all this is the result of mucus secretion from the intestines from the adenomatous polyp.
  4. Pain in the lateral parts of the abdomen, below, in the anal area.
  5. Manifestations of excess gas formation – bloating, belching.
  6. At severe cases increased body temperature, headaches, sharp pains in a stomach.

What causes polyps to appear?

It is impossible to say unequivocally what caused the formation of a polyp on the mucous membrane of the sigmoid colon. As a result of scientific research, the following factors have been identified as provocateurs of polyposis:

  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Nutrition that negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Long-term use of medications;
  • Air and water pollution in the area of ​​residence, as well as work in hazardous industries;
  • Chronic diseases of the sigmoid colon and other gastrointestinal organs;
  • Inflammatory and infectious processes;
  • Alcoholism, smoking;
  • Physical inactivity is a lack of normal activity.

How to find out about the existence of a pathology?

During an appointment with a doctor, he conducts an examination and interviews the patient. Based on all the data and medical history, an assumption may appear that will only be confirmed by instrumental diagnostics:

  1. Irrigoscopy. Method of X-ray examination. The specialist determines the presence of polyps by the pattern of the barium solution in the image.
  2. Sigmoidoscopy. Optical device, which will help to examine the mucous membrane of the rectum, as well as the sigmoid colon.
  3. Colonoscopy. Allows you to view most of the intestine with a special device that displays the image on the monitor. This research method is used for. The downside is that the procedure is painful.
  4. Ultrasound, CT, MRI - these types of diagnostics show any formations. However, they do not provide the opportunity to take biopsy material and remove it, as with a colonoscopy.

Additional research methods may include blood and stool tests. They help detect a lack of hemoglobin and the presence of blood in the stool, which confirms internal bleeding.

Expert opinion

Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk

Doctor, expert

Attention! You cannot diagnose polyps on your own. The presence of the above symptoms only indicates that there are disturbances in the functioning of the intestines.

How to become free from polyps?

It is possible to get rid of sigmoid colon formations. For this, modern medicine offers polypectomy - a quick, low-traumatic method of removal using an endoscope:

  1. The removal instrument is passed through the biopsy channel of the equipment.
  2. This is a loop. She pounces on the polyp and then tightens it.
  3. As soon as the polyp is fixed, a current is applied to the loop, which burns the base of the growth.
  4. They pick him up and take him out.
  5. This material is used for histology to determine the presence of cancer cells and tissue type. Based on this analysis, it is possible to make a prognosis for the further formation and transformation of the tumor.

As a preparation, a cleansing enema is performed. The operation is performed using local or general anesthesia, depending on the case. The wound on the wall of the sigmoid colon is sealed by the burning effect of the current on the endoloop, so it does not need to be sutured. The procedure lasts a couple of tens of minutes and rarely leads to complications.

Important information! For complex cases, when the previous method is not relevant, open cavitary surgery is prescribed.

During the period of observation and rehabilitation, the patient receives drug treatment. This is getting rid of symptoms, inflammation, infection, and other tasks. But there is no medicine that can reverse the development of a polyp or make it fall off.

Important! It is prescribed for the patient during the postoperative period.

How can traditional medicine help?

Despite the unequivocal position of scientific medicine - only to remove, there are many remedies in the arsenal of healers for the treatment of polyps. In some cases, patients are completely cured.

Celandine occupies a leading position in recipes. It is used dry for decoctions and enemas, and tampons are made with diluted plant juice. There are many recipes using bee products, oils, and other ingredients.

No matter what, the chosen treatment method for combating polyps should first of all be conveyed to your doctor. He will evaluate contraindications, dosage, and safety for a particular case.

Useful addition! will greatly enhance the effectiveness of any product!


Polyps that are localized in the sigmoid colon are dangerous precisely because of their location. Large formations on the bends of the intestine are often injured; if large, they can cause complete or partial obstruction. Regular general examinations, treatment, active image life, giving up bad habits, healthy eating- this is what will help you avoid serious problems due to polyps.

During the examination, the doctor may discover a hyperplastic polyp of the sigmoid colon in the patient. This is the name for a benign growth that is formed from the epithelial tissue lining the intestinal wall. A polyp appears when they begin to grow inside the lumen of an organ.

A polyp can have absolutely any shape. It has a small leg with which it manages to attach to the diseased organ. If timely treatment is not started, the neoplasm can degenerate into malignant tumor.

Types of polyps

Polyps that grow in the sigmoid colon are divided into several types:

  • Hyperplastic. Most often diagnosed. Due to their light color, neoplasms are clearly visible on the mucous membrane. Only in rare cases does such a polyp develop into a malignant tumor.
  • Adenomatous. They quickly become malignant. Degeneration of polyps, as a rule, occurs in the first 10 years after their appearance in the intestines. They grow very quickly, thereby causing a person a lot of problems and pain.
  • Diffuse. They arise as a result of hereditary diseases. A large number of such polyps are often found even in the intestines of a child. They develop rapidly and spread throughout the entire organ.

Regardless of the type of pathology, if such a disease is detected, you must be under the close supervision of a doctor.

Reasons for the formation of watering in the intestine

Polyps are formed under the influence of a number of factors.

Typically, such neoplasms in the intestine occur for the following reasons:

  • Progression chronic illness intestines.
  • Frequent cases of dysbacteriosis.
  • Hereditary factor.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Lack of balanced nutrition.

It is worth noting that polyps in the sigmoid colon are often found in men, not women. Therefore, another reason for the development of the disease can be called belonging to male.

Symptoms of the disease

A polyp of the sigmoid colon is revealed by the small symptoms that are characteristic of it. Unfortunately, there are very few signs of pathology, especially if there is only one neoplasm in the intestine, and it is just beginning to develop. Therefore, for a long time a person does not even realize that he needs qualified help.

Significant discomfort appears when several polyps begin to form in the intestine. Clinical signs In this case, the diseases show themselves after the formation reaches 3 cm in size.

The advanced form of the disease can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • Feeling of sharp pain and itching in the lower abdomen.
  • The appearance of blood impurities in the stool. In rare cases, blood loss can be so great that it becomes life-threatening.
  • Discharge of a huge amount of mucus, which is noticed in the stool.
  • Alternating cases of diarrhea and constipation.
  • False urge to go to the toilet.
  • The appearance of heartburn, bloating and belching for no obvious reason.

At the last stage, the patient's condition deteriorates greatly. He has intestinal obstruction, constant weakness in the body, temperature and headache. In this condition, the patient urgently needs to consult a specialist.

Diagnosis of polyps

If polyps do not make themselves felt in any way, then a person may well live with them until old age and not even know about their existence. After all, benign neoplasms are extremely rarely detected. If the patient exhibits alarming symptoms, he will have to undergo examination at the clinic.

The doctor will offer the patient the following diagnostic options:

  • History taking. At this stage, the specialist will ask the patient about his complaints and the presence of hereditary diseases.
  • Digital examination of the rectum. This way the doctor will be convinced of the presence or absence of tumors in the lower part of the organ.
  • Colonoscopy. The device makes it possible to study in detail the intestine, which could be affected by polyps.
  • Sigmoidoscopy. During the procedure, the doctor examines the patient's rectum and sigmoid colon.
  • Sigmoidoscopy. The procedure is necessary to study the intestinal mucous membranes.
  • Irrigoscopy. A type of x-ray that shows the location of polyps in the intestine.
  • Stool analysis for the presence of blood.

Taken together, these diagnostic methods will help the doctor understand a clear picture of the disease in order to select effective treatment for the patient based on it.

Features of treatment

The only way to completely get rid of polyps in the intestinal area is through surgery.

The patient should have about six meals a day after surgery. You need to eat at regular intervals. One serving should not be more than a handful of food that would fit in your fist.

The diet involves eating dishes that have been boiled, steamed or stewed without adding vegetable oil. Fried foods should be avoided as they are too fatty for a diseased intestine.

If the patient strictly follows all the rules of a gentle diet for the intestines, then within a month he will feel a significant improvement in his condition. If during the re-examination the doctor does not notice any abnormalities, then he will soften a number of requirements on which the postoperative diet is based.

Polyps of the sigmoid colon are benign neoplasms consisting of tissues glandular epithelium, lining the intestinal walls and growing inside the intestinal lumen.

Having mushroom-shaped, spherical and grape-shaped outlines, they are attached to the walls of the affected organ using a narrow stalk or wide base and can eventually degenerate into malignant tumors.


Polyps localized in the sigmoid colon are:

  • Hyperplastic. Neoplasms of this type, not exceeding five millimeters in diameter, are most often found in the intestines. The light color of hyperplastic polyps, resembling flat spherical plaques, makes them clearly visible against the background of darker mucosa. Despite the fact that hyperplastic polyps become malignant extremely rarely (despite multiple manifestations), the course of the tumor process should be under the supervision of a qualified specialist.
  • Adenomatous– extremely dangerous neoplasms that have a high potential for malignant degeneration within the first ten years (which is why doctors consider them precancerous condition). The size of adenomatous polyps ranges from one to five centimeters. Adenomatous polyps, in turn, are divided into tubular neoplasms, villous tumors and tubular-villous polyps. Although they do not cause any problems to the patient in the initial stages of their development, all of them can eventually reach large sizes and become the cause of acute intestinal obstruction, and easily injured villous tumors can become a source of constant bleeding.
  • Diffuse, caused by the presence of hereditary diseases represented by Peutz-Jeghers, Cowden, Lynch, Turcot syndromes, as well as juvenile and familial adenomatous polyposis. In the intestines of even very young patients who have inherited this disease, an incredible number of rapidly developing neoplasms, numbering in the hundreds and even thousands, are found.

Causes of the disease

Polyps of the sigmoid colon belong to the category of polyetiological diseases that develop under the influence of several factors. Most often their appearance is due to:

  • The presence of chronic intestinal diseases (and nonspecific).
  • leading to imbalance of intestinal microflora.
  • Intervention of a hereditary factor: according to medical statistics, 35% of patients who have been diagnosed with intestinal polyposis have close relatives suffering from a similar pathology.
  • Belonging to the male sex: statistical data support the fact that polyps in the sigmoid colon are found in the stronger sex three times more often than in women.
  • Sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity. Due to this factor, obesity develops and a significant deterioration in intestinal motility occurs, fraught with the occurrence of frequent constipation and inflammatory processes in the tissues of the mucous membrane of the sigmoid colon.
  • An unbalanced diet containing an insufficient amount of plant fiber, as a result of which intestinal motility decreases and the exposure time of carcinogenic substances contained in stagnant feces on the tissue of the mucous membrane of the sigmoid colon increases. The amount of carcinogens, which are bile acids and substances derived from them, increases significantly in the body of people who consume too many fatty foods, meat and confectionery products, which require a significant amount of bile to digest.

Clinical symptoms of polyps in the sigmoid colon

Symptoms that directly indicate the presence of polyps in the sigmoid colon (this is especially true for single tumors that rarely cause discomfort) are so scarce that a sick person may not even be aware of his illness for a long time.

The practical absence of external manifestations is the reason that the disease is most often detected during an examination undertaken for a completely different ailment.

The presence of multiple tumors can be a source of significant discomfort. The first clinical symptoms appear after the polyp has reached a significant (more than 3 cm) size.

Advanced sigmoid colon polyposis is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • Every attempt by the patient to sit down or perform a sudden movement may be accompanied by severe itching and sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
  • In the presence of villous polyps, penetrated by many blood vessels and having a tendency to be damaged even by slight contact with feces passing through the intestine affected by them, the patient notices the appearance of blood threads or blood clots in his own feces. With severe ulceration of villous tumors, significant bleeding may develop during defecation. In rare cases, when blood loss is up to one and a half liters, it can even threaten the life of a sick person.
  • Glandular polyps provoke the appearance of large amounts of mucus in the stool. Sometimes the stool may consist of only mucus.
  • Because the individual species polyposis is accompanied by copious release of fluid into the lumen of the sigmoid colon, for clinical course The disease is characterized by constant alternation of constipation and bouts of diarrhea. Symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia are often complemented by false urges to bowel movement.
  • A sick person notices constant belching, heartburn, bloating and increased flatulence.
  • Large neoplasms that have reached impressive sizes can fall out of the body of a sick person through anus.
  • The last stages of polyposis are accompanied by a significant deterioration in the patient’s condition: he develops acute, increased fatigue and emergency muscle weakness, severe headaches and elevated body temperature are common.


When complete absence clinical manifestations of polyposis, a person can live to an old age without even knowing about the presence. Most likely, benign neoplasms will never be detected in him.

If the patient has any problems with proctology, he will definitely be prescribed a diagnostic examination, which consists of a number of laboratory and instrumental studies.

The first step in diagnosing sigmoid colon polyps is a physical examination of the patient, consisting of:

  • Taking an anamnesis, during which the doctor asks the patient about the presence of complaints, previously previous diseases, his lifestyle and diet. The patient will definitely be asked about the presence of close relatives who have ever suffered from intestinal diseases.
  • Digital examination of the lower part of the rectum, allowing to identify neoplasms present in it or to ensure their absence.

Instrumental diagnostics are carried out using the following methods:

  • Colonoscopy– endoscopic examination performed using a colonoscope. This instrument is a flexible and very thin metal tube equipped with a light and a fiber-optic video camera that allows you to display the image on a monitor. The length of the device, inserted into the patient’s body through the anus, allows for a visual inspection of all parts of the intestine - from the anal canal to the cecum. To improve the quality of the examination and straighten the folds of the intestine, using a special tube, the doctor pumps air into the cavity of the intestinal section being examined. Having discovered any neoplasm, the specialist takes a biopsy - pinches off a tiny piece of tissue from it, using biopsy forceps. The resulting samples are immediately sent to the laboratory to exclude the presence of cancer cells. Small benign tumors can be removed during diagnostic study, in this case, colonoscopy simultaneously plays the role of surgical intervention. Given the high pain of the procedure, the patient must be anesthetized.
  • Less informative method is an almost identical procedure to sigmoidoscopy, performed using a sigmoidoscope (this device also has a video camera, a lighting device and forceps for performing a biopsy). allows you to examine a limited area of ​​the intestine, including the entire rectum and the initial part of the sigmoid.
  • A sigmoidoscopy procedure may be prescribed to examine the mucous membranes of the rectum and sigmoid colon., carried out by carefully inserting a sigmoidoscope into the patient’s intestines (through the anus, at a distance not exceeding 60 cm). This test, which is considered more gentle than colonoscopy, detects almost 90% of pathological processes, occurring in the cavity of the rectum and sigmoid colon. The main disadvantage of this method is the inability to detect tumors not exceeding one centimeter in diameter.
  • Irrigoscopy- X-ray examination, consisting of the introduction of a radiopaque substance - barium sulfate into the cavity of the large intestine and x-rays. The double contrast method, which involves the simultaneous introduction of a barium suspension and the pumping of air into the intestinal lumen, straightening the folds of the mucosa, can significantly improve the quality of the obtained radiographs. Neoplasms located on the walls of the intestine look like defects in its filling on x-rays.

Stool analysis occult blood is an indirect confirmation of the presence of polyps in the patient’s body, so it must be included in the diagnostic examination program.

Treatment of polyps in the sigmoid colon

Since drug treatment for sigmoid colon polyposis does not produce any results, the only way to get rid of neoplasms in the intestine is through them.

Modern surgeons do this using the following methods:

  • Colonoscopic or sigmoidoscopy polypectomy followed by electrocoagulation of the bed;
  • Transanal excision;
  • Endoscopic removal;
  • Resection of a section of the sigmoid colon;
  • Radical removal.


The essence of this technique is as follows: a loop electrode is applied to the detected tumor, which is attached to the intestinal wall with a thin stalk, through a special channel of the operating endoscope.

By tightly grasping the leg of the polyp and tightening it with a loop, a complete cessation of blood flow is achieved, after which a high-frequency current is passed through the electrode.

A few seconds of exposure is usually enough to cut off the head of the polyp and char its stem. The body of the removed polyp is immediately removed from the patient’s body by suction to the endoscope or using grab forceps, and the bed of the removed tumor is additionally cauterized.

This is not the case with neoplasms. large sizes on a thin leg. If the stalk of the polyp turns out to be quite thick, the surgeon cuts off the polyp gradually, changing the cutting tactics and coagulation modes.

Diet after tumor removal

After removal of sigmoid colon polyps, the key to a quick and successful recovery of the patient, eliminating the possibility of relapses, is to follow a gentle diet. Its main purpose is to prevent constipation and conditions that provoke irritation of the intestinal walls.

How to organize nutrition for a patient who has undergone polypectomy surgery?

  • His daily diet should contain at least six meals, eaten at regular intervals. The volume of one serving should be such that the product consumed fits into a handful.
  • All dishes are prepared by boiling, stewing and steaming. Fried foods are strictly prohibited.
  • The amount of table salt added to dishes is significantly limited.
  • It is unacceptable to consume excessively hot or too cold food and drinks.
  • The consumption of spicy, sour and salty foods is strictly prohibited.
  • Solid food should be passed through a meat grinder or fine grater.
  • Any porridge should be rubbed through a sieve or crushed in a blender.

A person suffering from polyposis is strictly prohibited from consuming:

  • Fatty fish, poultry and meat.
  • Any cabbage.
  • Radishes and radishes.
  • Canned food and marinades.
  • Store-bought sauces (especially ketchup and mayonnaise).
  • Strong coffee.

Strict adherence to the diet is recommended for the patient during the first month after surgery. Positive result control endoscopic examination is the basis for some mitigation of the nutritional requirements for the operated person.

Consequences of the disease

Polyps of the sigmoid colon are capable of:

  • Reborn into .
  • Become the culprits of anorectal bleeding due to traumatization of neoplasms (especially villous tumors).
  • Provoke an acute intestinal obstruction, caused by blockage of the lumen of the affected intestine by an overgrown neoplasm.
  • Lead to the development of an acute - dangerous condition characterized by inflammation of the intestinal wall. In case of rapid progression, enterocolitis can result in the death of the sick person.
  • Cause anemia due to constant bleeding.

A polypectomy operation with electrocoagulation of the bed of a removed tumor can lead to perforation of the intestinal wall. Despite the fact that in the intestines of a patient who has undergone special preoperative preparation, contain only gases, if this complication occurs, they take a set of measures aimed at preventing peritonitis - inflammation of the peritoneum.


No one is immune from the occurrence of polyps in the sigmoid colon, however, performing a number of simple rules can reduce this risk significantly:

  • If symptoms of polyposis appear (the admixture of mucus and blood in the stool should be especially alarming), each person should immediately consult a proctologist and undergo a diagnostic examination.
  • If benign tumors are detected, it is necessary to go through the procedure for their removal as soon as possible.
  • A complete abstinence from alcohol will reduce the content of carcinogenic substances that enter the human body and contribute to the development of polyposis.
  • Of great importance in the prevention of polyposis is proper nutrition, replete with fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits containing large amounts of plant fiber. Go to category healthy products include lean varieties of fish and meat, whole grain bread and vegetable oils. People seeking to prevent the development of polyposis should once and for all exclude from their diet spicy, smoked, fatty and fried foods, fast food (especially fast food), canned food and pickles, coffee and carbonated drinks, fresh baked goods and high-calorie confectionery .
  • Drinking large amounts (up to 1.5 liters) of drinking water, green tea and juices, which helps normalize digestion, is also a good prevention of the occurrence of benign tumors.
  • Every person should strive to normalize weight and prevent obesity.

Diseases lead to disruption of the digestive system and the performance of nearby organs.

Polyp in the sigmoid colon is a common ailment that represents a growth on inner wall. The tumor tissue is glandular epithelium, which is covered by a mucous layer. There are 2 types: spherical with a stem, flat with a wide base. Polyps can be single or multiple. The average size of the formation is 1-2 cm.

Based on statistical data, polyposis more often affects men after 40 years of age. A fifth of the population suffers from growths in the sigmoid colon. The large intestine left side, including the sigmoid region, suffers more often. Finding growths on the right side of the intestine is less likely. Polyps in the small intestine are rare.

A polyp is a benign growth. The danger is that some species transform into a malignant growth. The villous subtype of the adenomatous type of polyps has a tendency to malignancy.

Three types of polyps are diagnosed in the sigmoid colon:

  • The hyperplastic appearance is characterized by a diameter of half a centimeter. The formation is similar to round, light-colored plaques. This species is not dangerous because it does not turn into a malignant tumor. The development of the disease should be monitored by a doctor.
  • A dangerous growth that gradually develops into cancer is called the adenomatous type. These polyps are divided into 3 subtypes: villous, tubular, mixed. At first, development is asymptomatic. It can reach impressive sizes that block the intestinal lumen, leading to obstruction. The villous subspecies is characterized by a red color, with splashing blood vessels, upon mechanical action of which bleeding occurs. Blood in the stool is a sign of a bleeding adenomatous polyp.
  • Diffuse polyps are a consequence of hereditary diseases. This type is observed in adults, elderly, and young people. The type is characterized by small multiple growths, numbering in the hundreds. People with Lynch, Turko, and Cowden syndrome are at risk.


The listed types of polyps in the first stages have scanty symptoms. For this reason, it is difficult to diagnose the disease. The formation is found by chance during an examination for another reason. Symptoms begin to appear with multiple polyposis, a single growth exceeding three centimeters in size.

  • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen is the first clinical symptom, manifested by sudden movement or flexion of the abdomen.
  • Stool with blood clots. The cause of this phenomenon is a bleeding villous polyp. Severe ulceration of the polyp leads to significant blood loss.
  • A large amount of mucus is released with feces, which covers the glandular polyps.
  • False urge to defecate, alternating diarrhea with constipation - the cause is the release of fluid from growths located in the sigmoid part of the large intestine.
  • Loss of formations that have reached large sizes from the rectum.
  • Flatulence, bloating, accompanied by heartburn, belching.
  • Polyposis appears in later stages general weakness, fatigue, headache and increased body temperature of the patient.


Neoplasm in the sigmoid colon is due to several reasons. There is no clear reason for the appearance of growths. The formation of polyps is influenced by some factors, the unambiguousness of which has not been proven.

  • The cause of growths in the sigmoid region is an unbalanced diet. Eating large amounts of fatty, sweet, and meat foods leads to an increase in carcinogens in the human body. An insufficient amount of plant fiber in the body leads to a decrease in the level of intestinal motility. Stagnation resulting from decreased intestinal activity results in increased exposure of the intestinal lining to fecal carcinogens.
  • A low level of human activity leads to periodic constipation and obesity, which leads to a decrease in the level of activity of intestinal peristalsis.
  • The influence of genetic predisposition.
  • Bowel disease in chronic form(UC, Crohn's disease, diverticulosis).


Polypoid formation of the sigmoid colon is rarely diagnosed in the first stages. Growths that do not manifest symptoms are never detected. Colonic polyposis is diagnosed randomly. Diagnosis consists of a physical examination of the patient and diagnostics using instruments.

The first thing to start with the examination is a conversation with the patient. The patient talks about symptoms, previous illnesses, and nutrition. The doctor will also ask about any history of intestinal diseases in your immediate family. After the conversation, the doctor performs palpation lower section rectum for the presence of growths.

Diagnostics using special tools:

  1. Colonoscopy. A colonoscope examination helps detect tumors in the sigmoid and examine the colon. A thin and flexible metal tube allows you to examine the entire colon - right up to the cecum. The colonoscope is inserted through the anus. To improve visibility, the intestine is straightened using air flow. If a growth is detected, a biopsy is taken. Small benign growths are removed immediately.
  2. Sigmoidoscopy. Inspection with a sigmoidoscope is possible in the rectum and part of the sigmoid colon. The device has a camera and biopsy forceps.
  3. Sigmoidoscopy. The sigmoidoscope is gentle compared to the colonoscope. Inspection allows us to put accurate diagnosis. The limitations of the sigmoidoscope are that it cannot detect polyps with a diameter of 1 cm.
  4. Irrigoscopy. The point of the study is to introduce barium sulfate into the human colon. A contrast agent allows you to take x-rays that allow you to see tumors.


Surgery to remove growths is the only effective way. Treatment with medications and folk ways are not effective.

Surgical intervention

Polypectomy is a method that involves removing a polyp using an instrument with a loop electrode. After the bleeding stops, the site of the former growth is cauterized. This method is suitable for formations of any size.

The next method is transanal excision. The growths are removed by inserting a rectal speculum, a clamp or a scalpel. The site of formation is sutured.

The endoscopic method is carried out using a rectoscope. The formations are removed no higher than 20 cm from the anus.

Resection is carried out in the worst case, with multiple ulcerated growths. Part of the sigmoid colon is removed, and an anastomosis is placed between the healthy edges of the section.

If the department finds cancerous tumors, the sigmoid colon is removed, after which a colostomy is formed. This method is called radical removal.

Diet after surgery

After the operation, the patient will have to change his diet. Reduce portions, but increase the number of meals to five. It's worth doing so gastric juice was not produced, for this purpose one should not allow feelings of hunger. Eat food at least every 3 hours. Food is not hotter than 40 degrees, not colder than 20.

Eating more protein and whole milk will help stabilize and strengthen immune system person. It is recommended to eat soups with meat and vegetable broths. Eat vegetables in the form of puree, include dairy products in your diet. Fresh bread exclude, give preference to yesterday's or whole grain. Avoid sour berries, fruits, and those with hard skins. Add to diet boiled eggs soft-boiled

Polyps of the sigmoid colon

If a person is diagnosed with a “sigmoid colon polyp,” this means that pathological processes are occurring in the body that affect the development of this type of neoplasm. Will the method of removing a tumor help to completely get rid of polyposis, what complication does the disease cause and what preventive measures will help avoid relapse?

A polyp of the sigmoid colon in the initial stages may seem like a banal digestive disorder.


A polyp of the sigmoid colon is a tumor that has a benign etiology and affects the mucous tissue of the descending sigmoid colon. The sigmoid colon is on the left side abdominal cavity and looks like the letter S. In this organ, the final formation of feces occurs, the final process of absorption nutrients and moisture. If a polyp has formed in this organ, the patient experiences symptoms that are initially similar to symptoms of indigestion, but as the tumor grows, the patient develops pain, which requires consulting a doctor.


Depending on the number of polyps formed on the organ, there are types:

  • single and multiple;
  • densely localized or located along the entire length of the descending sigmoid colon;
  • rising above the tissues on a stalk or located on a wide base.

Polyp sizes range from 1 to 50 mm. Depending on the tissue from which the tumor formed, there is the following classification:

  1. Adenomatous glandular is an unsafe tumor that is initially benign, but for certain reasons becomes malignant. Adenomatous glandular polyp ranges in size from 10 to 50 mm. The adenomatous type of polyp is tubular and villous. Tubular-villous pathology is also distinguished. At first, the formation of such a polyp does not affect a person’s well-being, but as it grows, it begins to cause discomfort, problems with bowel movements and poor digestion. If the polypnoid neoplasm is not removed in time, then there is a danger of the disease degenerating into a malignant formation.
  2. Hyperplastic formation is the most common type of polyposis. Such tumors rarely develop into a malignant form, however, when diagnosing, their condition and size must be constantly monitored.
  3. Diffuse polyps appear in people who have a family predisposition to this disease. Tumors form during the formation of organs and tissues of the fetus, and in childhood or in teenage years manifest themselves. If a person is diagnosed with a diffuse polyp, then in most cases the neoplasm is removed, since there is a high risk of the polyp degenerating into a cancerous form.

Ulcers, inflammation, and dysbiosis in the intestines can lead to the formation of polyps.

Causes of sigmoid colon polyp

If a patient develops polyps of the sigmoid colon, then the reasons for this process are varied. These are chronic inflammatory processes in the rectum, dysbacteriosis and ulcerative lesion. Heredity and the presence of the disease in the family automatically makes a person a potential patient diagnosed with polyposis. Violation of dietary rules, a sedentary lifestyle and abuse of bad habits also lead to an increased risk of developing the disease.


Colon polyps do not manifest themselves at all at the initial stage of development. This makes their timely diagnosis and treatment difficult. When a person develops discomfort, pain and stool disturbances, this means that the polyp is large and interferes with the organ’s normal functioning. If the intestine is affected by multiple polyposis, a person experiences severe discomfort and problems with defecation. Enlarged polyps manifest themselves as follows:

  • painful sensations in the left side of the abdomen in an uncomfortable position;
  • blood and mucous inclusions appear in the stool due to constant damage to the polyps by excrement;
  • the process of bowel movement is disrupted when constipation is replaced by diarrhea and vice versa;
  • The digestion process is disrupted, appetite disappears, belching, heartburn, reflux attacks, and excessive gas formation appear;
  • if the polyp is located on a stalk, then due to its constant damage it breaks off and falls out along with the feces;
  • when the polyp becomes large, a person develops intestinal obstruction, inflammation develops and the temperature rises, he becomes lethargic and weak.


If a person does not have any symptoms, discomfort and cases of exacerbation, then polyps of the sigmoid colon may not manifest themselves until old age, then remove them and resort to special treatment there is no need, since they are benign and do not pose any danger. But if the patient is bothered by any symptoms, the disease constantly manifests itself and brings discomfort, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe diagnostic procedures.

First, the doctor asks the patient what complaints bother him, how the disease manifests itself, what has changed, and whether there are any cases in the family where a diagnosis of “colon polyposis” was made. Next, the doctor conducts a digital diagnosis, thanks to which the primary picture of the disease will become clearer. To confirm or refute the diagnosis and begin treatment, the patient is sent for the following diagnostic procedures:

Most often, if polyps in the sigmoid colon are suspected, they resort to colonoscopy, rectomanoscopy or irrigoscopy.

  1. Colonoscopy, which uses a colonoscope machine. It is a flexible tube, the tip of which is equipped with a microvideo camera. With its help, the doctor sees on the monitor the mucous membrane of the sigmoid colon, whether there are any pathologies or changes. Using a colonoscopy, a fragment of the tumor is taken for a more detailed study. Colonoscopy allows you to perform an operation during which small polyps are removed.
  2. Sigmoidoscopy is similar in principle to colonoscopy; during the procedure, a sigmoidoscope is used, which is equipped with a video camera and allows you to assess the degree of pathological damage to the organ. However, if the compaction is less than 10 mm, then this diagnostic method will not allow identifying the disease, which makes the diagnosis ineffective.
  3. Irrigoscopy is a radiological research method that uses contrast agent, coloring internal organs, this allows you to take more accurate and clear pictures.

What treatment is indicated?


If the neoplasm is attached to the epithelium with a thin stalk, a special electrode is passed to it, which has a loop at the end. The polyp is wrapped in a loop, the leg is pulled tightly and a high-frequency electric current is applied to it. Thus, the head is cut off and the remaining part is cauterized. If there are a large number of polyps, the operation is performed in several stages, with a break between them of at least 2 weeks.

How is it removed?

  1. Transanal. To perform this type of operation, local anesthesia is required. A rectal speculum is inserted into the anus to widen the opening. Next, a clamp is inserted into the intestine, which encircles the polyp, then it is cut off, and a suture is placed on the wound. If the polypoid neoplasm is large, it is removed with a scalpel.
  2. Endoscopic. This type of treatment to remove the growth is carried out using a proctoscope, which contains two eyepieces and microsurgical instruments. This method allows you to remove polyps from the intestine different structures and development together with the affected tissue. The integrity of the organ is restored during surgery.
  3. Resection. The affected tissues along with the polyp must be removed, and an anastomosis is placed in place of the removed section of the intestine, which connects the normal tissues of the intestine. This type of surgery is used for extensive and multiple lesions organ polyps.
  4. Radical removal. If tests indicate that the polyp has every chance of degenerating into a cancerous tumor, then in this case the sigmoid colon and nearby lymph nodes are completely removed. A colostomy is formed at the site of removal. After such surgery, the risk of relapse is minimal, but the patient will have to be under medical supervision for some time.

You can try to cure the disease with folk remedies. Such folk remedies as an enema with celandine juice, an enema with an infusion of celandine, an infusion from the golden mustache plant help. however, before using folk remedies, you should consult your doctor.

The main danger of complications from intestinal polyps is the transition to oncology.

Types of complications

  • polyps have the ability to degenerate into a cancerous tumor;
  • if damaged, call profuse bleeding, which is life-threatening;
  • cause the formation of intestinal obstruction;
  • cause severe inflammatory processes that lead to more dangerous complications;
  • provoke the development of anemia and weakness.

Predictions and prevention

If a patient exhibits symptoms of the disease, you should urgently consult a doctor, adjust your diet and agree on the principles of diet with your doctor. The diet excludes junk food, alcohol and cigarettes. The menu includes foods rich in fiber (fresh and cooked vegetables and fruits), cereals, low-fat varieties meat and fish. Replace sweet pastries and candies with dried fruits, honey, marshmallows and marshmallows. Following a diet will help the patient quickly establish digestion and regulate stool function, which is important for such a disease. Drink enough clean water, maybe mineral, which is suitable for a particular case. Study physical therapy, take walks in the fresh air, lead an active lifestyle.

Polyps of the sigmoid colon

Sigmoid colon polyps are benign tumor-like formations, which are abnormal tissue growths in the area of ​​the mucous membrane of the sigmoid colon. More often they are asymptomatic. May manifest as abdominal pain, stool disorders and pathological impurities in the stool. Large polyps of the sigmoid colon can cause intestinal obstruction with the development of intestinal obstruction. There is a risk of malignancy. Diagnosed based on finger examination, irrigoscopy, rectosigmoidoscopy and biopsy. Surgical treatment is surgical excision, endoscopic polypectomy or resection of the affected area of ​​the intestine.

Polyps of the sigmoid colon

A polyp of the sigmoid colon is a growth of the wall of the sigmoid colon, originating from its mucous membrane. It is a widespread pathology. According to researchers, polyps of the sigmoid colon are detected in 20% of the population, while in the small intestine these formations are rare, and left half of the large intestine, which includes the sigmoid colon, is affected more often than the right one. There is a slight predominance of male patients. Polyps of the sigmoid colon can vary in size and structure, have a wide base or a narrow stalk, be single or multiple, and have a high or low tendency to malignancy. The most dangerous in terms of degeneration into a malignant tumor are villous polyps. Treatment is carried out by specialists in the field of proctology and oncology.

Causes of sigmoid colon polyps

The causes of intestinal polyps have not been reliably elucidated. Most researchers believe that sigmoid colon polyps usually form in areas of chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane. Factors contributing to the development of a chronic inflammatory process are acute infectious diseases, stagnation of intestinal contents due to constipation, trauma to the mucous membrane from solid feces and consumption of foods that have an adverse effect on the condition of the intestinal wall.

All factors that increase the likelihood of the formation of sigmoid colon polyps arise as a result of poor nutrition - consumption of large amounts of processed foods, easily digestible animal fats and refined foods with insufficient amounts of coarse plant fiber. The contents in the left parts of the intestine are denser than in the right, while the sigmoid colon has several bends, which are especially susceptible to injury during the passage of feces, so when poor nutrition this section suffers from polyps more often than other parts of the intestine.

There is also an embryonic theory according to which polyps of the sigmoid colon and other parts of the intestine arise when the formation of the intestinal wall is disrupted in the prenatal period. There is a connection between polyps and diverticulosis, as well as between polyps and chronic disorders of the blood supply to the large intestine of various origins. A hereditary predisposition to the development of some polyps has been established, including hereditary familial polyposis, which is an obligate precancer.

Classification of sigmoid colon polyps

Taking into account the number, single and multiple polyps are distinguished, taking into account localization - located in groups or diffusely distributed throughout the sigmoid colon. Polyps of the sigmoid colon may have a narrow stalk or a wide base (“sessile” polyps). The size of the formations ranges from 1-2 millimeters to 5 or more centimeters. Taking into account the features histological structure allocate the following types polyps of the sigmoid colon.

  • Glandular (adenomatous). They make up more than 50% of the total number of such formations. They usually do not exceed 2-3 cm in size. They are pinkish or reddish nodules that resemble an adenoma in appearance.
  • Glandular-villous. They are a transitional form between adenomatous and villous polyps of the sigmoid colon.
  • Villous. They are lobular formations covered with villi. They have branched capillary networks and often bleed. May ulcerate. More often than other types of sigmoid colon polyps, they transform into malignant tumors. The likelihood of malignancy increases sharply with increasing size of the formations.
  • Hyperplastic. They are epithelial growths up to 0.5 cm in size. They are often detected against the background of chronic inflammatory processes. They can transform into other types of polyps.

A separate group includes the so-called juvenile polyps sigmoid colon - formations detected in childhood and adolescence. The size of such polyps can exceed 5 cm, but there are no signs of cellular atypia and proliferation of glandular epithelium. Malignancy is extremely rare.

Symptoms of sigmoid colon polyps

In most cases, intestinal polyps are asymptomatic. Some patients experience stool disturbances (diarrhea, diarrhea) and pain in the left half of the abdomen. When bleeding from a damaged polyp, blood may appear in the stool. Villous polyps of the sigmoid colon can produce large quantities mucus, which is also found in feces as impurities. With repeated bleeding from large polyps (usually multiple), anemia sometimes develops. With prolonged secretion of large amounts of mucus, water-salt metabolism disorders may occur.

Large polyps of the sigmoid colon can block the intestinal lumen and cause the development of intestinal obstruction. This complication is manifested by cramping pain in the left half of the abdomen and left iliac region, bloating and asymmetry of the abdomen, difficulty passing gases and feces, nausea and vomiting. With absence timely treatment the condition of a patient with a polyp of the sigmoid colon worsens, intestinal paresis, dehydration, hypovolemia and oliguria develop. Emergency surgery is required.

Diagnosis of sigmoid colon polyps

The diagnosis is established by a proctologist taking into account the patient’s complaints and data additional research. On initial stage palpation of the abdomen and digital rectal examination are performed. On palpation, tenderness may be detected in the left half of the abdomen. With a low location of the sigmoid colon polyp, the formation can sometimes be palpated during a rectal examination. The result of a fecal occult blood test for villous polyps is often positive. For single adenomatous polyps, the test may be negative.

During irrigoscopy, it is usually possible to detect polyps of the sigmoid colon larger than 1 cm. To identify formations of a smaller size, endoscopic examination is necessary - sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. Colonoscopy is prescribed if there is a suspicion of the presence of polyps and other pathological processes not only in the sigmoid colon, but also in the overlying parts of the intestine. Endoscopic techniques allow you to visually assess the number, location, size and type of sigmoid colon polyps. During the study, the doctor takes tissue samples for subsequent study of the histological structure of the formations. In some cases, endoscopy is of a therapeutic and diagnostic nature.

Treatment of sigmoid colon polyps

Treatment of polyps is surgical. Depending on the diameter, number, type and cause of the nodes, endoscopic polypectomy, removal of the sigmoid colon polyp by laparotomy, or resection of the affected part of the intestine with the formation of a direct anastomosis between the remaining areas is performed. The operation is carried out as planned after appropriate examination. Endoscopic polypectomy can be performed on an outpatient basis or in a hospital setting, traditional surgical interventions performed only in a specialized surgical department.

Endoscopic removal of sigmoid colon polyps is possible in the presence of small formations that do not show signs of malignancy. The polyp along with the pedicle is excised using a special loop, which simultaneously serves as an instrument for electrocoagulation of bleeding vessels. Large polyps of the sigmoid colon are removed in parts. Due to technical difficulties, endoscopic polypectomy for large lesions is associated with a higher level of risk for the patient. Complications are possible in the form of a gas explosion in the intestinal lumen, bleeding and perforation of the colon during surgery.

Taking into account these complications, traditional surgical techniques are usually used to remove large polyps of the sigmoid colon. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon opens the intestinal wall, resects the polyp along with the pedicle, and then sutures the intestine and sutures the anterior abdominal wall. In case of multiple and complicated polyps of the sigmoid colon, resection of a section of intestine may be required, which is also performed under general anesthesia. After abdominal operations patients are prescribed bed rest, special diet, painkillers and antibiotic therapy.

All removed polyps of the sigmoid colon are sent for histological examination. If signs of malignancy are detected, further examination of the patient is indicated to determine the extent of the oncological process in the intestine and identify regional and distant metastases. After the examination, extended surgical intervention is performed. For polyps of the sigmoid colon without signs of malignancy, the prognosis is favorable. After surgery, patients are advised to undergo regular monitoring. For adenomatous polyps, endoscopic examination is performed first every six months, then annually. For patients with villous polyps of the sigmoid colon, sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy is performed quarterly during the first year, and annually thereafter.

sigma polyp (sigmoid colon)

A polyp of the sigmoid colon is a disease in which a benign meat growth forms on the walls of a hollow organ, on its mucous layer. The reasons for its appearance have not yet been fully studied, but those at risk include those who have a hereditary predisposition, those who eat poorly, abuse alcohol, and who have chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. IN International Classification Diseases (ICD 10) polyp of the sigmoid colon has its own code designation. Pathology is assigned class 11, it is located in section ICD 10 K55-K63 “Other intestinal diseases”.

The sigmoid section begins from the upper amplitude of the small pelvis and ends with the beginning of the rectum. The unusual shape of the described organ (part of it looks like latin letters sigma) and gave it its name. It performs the functions of the large intestine; it is here that moisture is most actively absorbed along with all micronutrients. Due to the fact that the amount of liquid is noticeably reduced, stool quickly hardens. After passing through this section, whatever remains of undigested food passes into the rectum and is then excreted during bowel movements.

Disorders in the digestion and absorption of nutrients contribute to normal operation Total digestive tract. Often, dysfunction of the sigmoid region leads to death, so even a benign sigmoid polyp must be considered as a serious pathology. Any neoplasm is constantly growing, and even if there is no risk of its degeneration into a malignant tumor, a large polyp can block the passage of a solid feces and cause intestinal obstruction. Therefore, it is so important to learn to recognize the signs, diagnose the disease in time and take adequate treatment.

Symptoms of sigmoid colon polyp

In the first stages of growth, the sigma polyp does not manifest itself in any way. The first symptoms appear when benign neoplasms grow to large sizes and partially cover the internal space of a hollow organ. The patient suffers from prolonged constipation, a small amount of blood comes out with the stool, and rectal bleeding can be severe if the sigma polyp becomes inflamed. A large amount of mucus comes out along with the blood, the person constantly feels the urge to defecate, he loses weight, even despite a good appetite. Due to constant small bleeding, anemia may develop.

Any polyp of the sigmoid colon can be very dangerous; symptoms do not appear immediately, but hints of pathology nevertheless manifest themselves in advance. Nobody pays attention to:

But they are the ones who indicate problems in the intestines. And if anyone who, having discovered at least one of the listed symptoms, consults a doctor in time, he will be able to take correct treatment and achieve complete recovery with less losses for the body.

How are sigma polyps treated?

Conservative therapy turns out to be ineffective; only removal of polyps in the sigmoid colon helps to completely eliminate the described pathology. The operation can be performed in different ways. Access to the polyp is carried out either through the dilated anal canal or through an incision in the wall of the large intestine. The choice of method depends on where exactly the polyp is located. If the tumor is located closer to the anus, the first method is chosen; in other cases, endoscopy or conventional surgery is used.

Endoscopic removal of polyps in the sigmoid colon is used when a small growth (up to 2 cm) on a long thin stalk is diagnosed. Surgery is used when the histology of the neoplasm shows the presence of its transformation into a malignant tumor. In this case, the patient may have the affected part of the sigmoid colon removed. Resection is also performed when polyposis is detected.

How is surgery performed for sigmoid colon polyps?

If polyps are detected in the sigmoid colon, treatment is only surgical. It is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, the patient's intestines are thoroughly cleansed.
  2. Then a set of diagnostic measures is carried out. It allows you to determine how many tumors there are on the walls of a hollow organ. If single growths are detected, endoscopic removal is used, when the diagnosis of sigmoid colon polyposis is confirmed, resection of the affected area is performed.

Endoscopy of a polyp in the sigmoid colon

Endoscopic removal is a minimally invasive operation; it is performed in a state of medicinal sleep in a hospital setting. The patient is placed in the knee-elbow position. A lead plate is secured to his lower back using several layers of gauze. The plate will act as a free electrode. After all these manipulations, an endoscope is inserted into the rectum through the anus - a flexible hose with a camera attached to the end. It allows you to display a recorded image on the monitor, so the surgeon does not act blindly.

There is a thin channel inside the hose through which the necessary instruments (iron loop or forceps) are introduced to the operation site. If the polyp has a long stalk and a large head, you can use a loop. She attacks the sigma polyp, and then tightens it on the stalk. The neoplasm is removed using current or laser; they not only allow cutting, but also sealing the ends of the vessels, preventing postoperative bleeding.

The flat tumor is pinched off piece by piece with forceps. If a cluster of several neoplasms (polyposis) is detected, the intestinal wall or a separate section is removed. In this case, access to the organ is through an incision in the abdominal wall.

Rehabilitation period

The duration of the rehabilitation period depends on the chosen method. When undergoing endoscopy, the patient can leave the hospital after three days. Bowel resection is a more complex operation, the recovery from it is long. The patient is discharged from the hospital only on the eleventh day, accompanied by separate recommendations.

When a sigmoid colon polyp is removed, diet is the main medicine in the postoperative period. It should be gentle, the diet should be designed in such a way as to try to avoid constipation and phenomena that contribute to irritation of the intestinal walls. Therapeutic diet involves giving up fried, salty, sour, flour, pickled, canned, alcoholic and tobacco products.

Sigmoid colon polyp - removal surgery

Most colon polyps (including the sigmoid colon polyp) appear completely unnoticed by their owner, do not cause immediate harm to their well-being or health, and extremely rarely pose any threat to life. Well, maybe occasionally there will be a little bleeding or problems with intestinal patency. However, despite their benign nature, polyps must be removed, since no one can tell in advance whether they are going to become malignant or not.

Polyp of the sigmoid colon and its features

It must be said that colon polyps are detected in more than 50% of all cases of visits to doctors with complaints about proctology. And most often polyps affect the rectum and sigmoid colon.

Main symptoms of sigmoid colon polyp

The polyp of the sigmoid colon is very scarce in its clinical manifestations and most often it is found when the patient is sent for examination for a completely different reason. But most characteristic symptoms A polyp of the sigmoid colon is characterized by mucous and bloody discharge, periodic constipation, bloating and abdominal pain without a specific localization.

However, such symptoms are most typical for multiple polyposis. A single polyp of the sigmoid colon does not have a characteristic picture and can only be detected as a result of a routine examination.

Unfortunately, it should be noted that at the time of discovery, approximately 5% of sigmoid colon polyps are already malignant. But the process of malignancy benign education lasts quite a long time, usually for several years. Therefore, removing polyps effectively helps prevent cancer.

Features of the operation to remove a polyp of the sigmoid colon

Modern surgery does this using the endoscopy method. A special instrument called a colonoscope is inserted into the rectum, a diathermy loop is passed through it, which is thrown onto the polyp and tightened around its stalk. Using a tight loop through which a current is passed, the sigmoid colon polyp is cut off and at the same time the removal site is cauterized.

After the sigmoid colon polyp is removed and extracted, it must be sent to the laboratory for morphological examination.

Depending on its results, further tactics for treating the sigmoid colon polyp are selected.

If the benignity of the polyp is beyond doubt, the patient is considered healthy, but he must undergo mandatory examination at least once a year. If the process of malignancy has been started, then depending on where its focus was located - in the polyp or in its leg - the patient is either left under close observation or a decision is made on intestinal resection.