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Is it possible to cure chronic bronchitis? Cure chronic bronchitis forever – it’s real

A disease called chronic bronchitis is considered. This disease is directly related to chronic and constantly progressive inflammatory processes in the bronchi.

This disease can be either primary or secondary. Primary bronchitis occurs as independent disease, while the secondary form, as a rule, appears against the background of other chronic or infectious diseases, including not only diseases respiratory system, but also problems with cardiovascular system.

Chronic bronchitis: causes. In most cases, this disease appears as a result of constant irritation respiratory tract and bronchi. This may be inhalation of polluted air, dust, toxic substances.

But the largest risk group is smokers, not only active, but also passive.

In addition, chronic bronchitis quite often appears as a result of other disorders, inflammation or other processes in the tissues of the respiratory tract and bronchi.

Chronic and course of the disease. The main symptom of such a disease is the disease is considered chronic if the cough lasts for at least three months a year, and for at least two years in a row.

In order to understand exactly how the disease develops, it is necessary to consider some functional and anatomical features respiratory system. The respiratory tract is covered with ciliated epithelium, which performs protective functions. In addition, the tissues of the bronchi constantly secrete mucus, which is a kind of local defense system, as it retains and neutralizes pathogens.

During development chronic form In this disease, there is an increased formation of this mucus, which leads to sputum production. This is how the body tries to get rid of excreted waste. Over time, as the disease progresses, the composition of the mucus also changes, becoming viscous, making it difficult to expectorate sputum.

Chronic bronchitis is accompanied by intense coughing attacks, which usually intensify during evening time or during sleep. Along with the cough, sputum is also released, which may have purulent character, and sometimes even an admixture of blood.

How to treat chronic bronchitis? Treatment of the chronic form of this disease is a rather lengthy process. First you need to get rid of the cause of the disease. If it is tobacco, then you need to stop smoking.

During an exacerbation of the disease, doctors, as a rule, prescribe drugs that facilitate the removal of mucus, as well as thinning medications.

In addition, the patient needs to do special breathing exercises. Correct breathing exercises can only pick up experienced doctor, who studied all the features of the disease. With regular exercise you can strengthen those muscles that are involved in breathing movements, as well as remove excess mucus from the body.

In addition, regular sessions with an experienced massage therapist are used for the same purpose. A sanatorium-resort holiday is also useful. In any case, treatment methods must be chosen by a doctor.

folk remedies. There are many recipes traditional medicine, which are used to relieve coughing attacks. For example, it is very useful to drink the following mixture before going to bed. Take a glass of milk and boil it. Add a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of vodka. You need to drink the product hot.

Onion juice is also very useful. Peel one large onion, cut into small rings and add sugar. Cover the container with a lid and leave for a day. The resulting juice should be taken three times a day, 25 ml.


Chronic bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, which is accompanied by a cough with sputum, fever and complications. Bronchitis can develop into chronic phase after 3 months of the disease.

A cough occurs because bacteria damage the bronchi and mucus accumulates in the lungs. The body, in an attempt to get rid of phlegm, causes spasms and provokes a cough.

Over time, for patients with chronic bronchitis, coughing becomes the norm, and they stop paying attention to it.

If chronic bronchitis is left untreated, there is a high likelihood of complications, including pneumonia.

Modern medicine has developed many drugs to treat it. They all differ in their characteristics, contraindications and advantages.

Diagnosing the disease

More than 70% of success depends on the accuracy of diagnosis and identification of the pathogen

Before starting treatment for bronchitis, it is necessary to find out the nature of its occurrence. This is done by passing medical tests. Based on the obtained tests, the therapist prescribes the most optimal drug.

Diagnostic methods chronic bronchitis:

  • sputum analysis;
  • chest x-ray;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • blood test (general and biochemical).

More than 70% of success depends on the accuracy of diagnosis and identification of the pathogen. In this case, it is possible to select a targeted treatment method for the pathogen itself.

How to treat chronic bronchitis

Treating chronic bronchitis on your own is very dangerous, since using the wrong medicine can provoke the development of side complications

Therapy is prescribed based on individual characteristics the patient's body.

For adults, medications for chronic bronchitis are prescribed based on the source of the disease.

Treating chronic bronchitis on your own is very dangerous, since using the wrong medicine can cause the development of side complications.

As a rule, all medications used in the treatment of chronic bronchitis are divided into:

  • antitussives;
  • expectorants;
  • antibacterial;
  • restorative.

Chronic obstructive bronchitis is accompanied by purulent sputum, shortness of breath and cough.

The list of drugs can be expanded if pathologies occur during bronchitis (hypoxemia, cor pulmonale, hypercapnia).

With purulent bronchitis, the disease is accompanied by the release of sputum with pus, which is formed as a result of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

The power of antibiotics

The drugs are most often prescribed to people with serious deterioration in health

Modern medicine is armed with many antibiotics that are aimed at destroying one or another type of bacteria.

For chronic bronchitis, antibacterial drugs are prescribed for:

  1. Serious deterioration in health. If, after a week's course of treatment, the disease does not improve, but rather begins to worsen in the form of increased coughing and sputum production with pus.
  2. Reaching old age. Patients have a weakened immune system and therefore require additional help to combat microorganisms.
  3. Detection of obstructive and purulent bronchitis. In this case, the bacteria can only be destroyed by introducing antibiotics into the body.

Drug treatment of chronic bronchitis

Photos provided different kinds medicines

To cure chronic bronchitis modern medicine uses the following categories of medications:


Medicines have shown their high efficiency due to its long therapeutic effects on the body. The macrolides contained in their composition act on bacteria gradually, as a result of which the microorganisms are not destroyed, but simply stop reproducing.

Macrolides have the disadvantage that bacteria quickly adapt to them. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them constantly.


Medicines in this category are the latest medical developments, show good results during treatment severe consequences bronchitis. These drugs are used as injections. They do not cause allergies and have few contraindications. This group includes: Cefixime, Cefadroxil, Cephalexin, Ceftriaxone, Levofloxacin.


Some of the forefathers have been guarding human health for several decades. Their advantage is that they are inexpensive and have few contraindications.

The disadvantage is that viruses become addictive to the medication and they cannot be used in the treatment of children and pregnant women.

Penicillin medications should not be used in conjunction with birth control pills, since in this case their effectiveness is greatly reduced.


Such drugs are used for exacerbation of chronic bronchitis in adults.

Fluoroquinolones act locally, destroying foci of virus spread, and have no contraindications.

The most common drugs are: Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Sparfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Norfloxacin, Pefloxacin.


Bronchodilators are used to treat chronic bronchitis to help the bronchi get rid of mucus.

Bronchodilators have a relaxing effect on bronchial muscles and open pathways for oxygen access.

These medications relieve mucus accumulations and promote the release of mucus from the lungs, while simultaneously eliminating foci of inflammation. As a rule, they are produced in the form of aerosols.

Aerosols are more effective than tablets. This is due to the fact that active substances The medicine penetrates directly into pathogenic foci and quickly stops the pathology.


During treatment severe cough mucolytics are an integral part of therapy.

They help thin and remove mucus from the bronchi, preventing new ones from forming. Mucolytics must be used carefully.


  • unacceptable when treating dry cough;
  • they cannot be combined with other antitussive medications to avoid blockage of the bronchi with mucus;
  • when taking them, the patient must drink at least 3 liters of water per day.

The most common drugs in this category are:

Lazolvan, Mukobene, Halixol, Bromhexine, Mucodin, Bronchicum,

How to use

The main task in the treatment of chronic bronchitis is to stop coughing.

For this, pharmacists have developed various categories of medications:

Antitussives: Paxeladin, Stoptussin, Bronholitin. Used in the treatment of non-productive and dry cough.

Expectorants: Flavamed, Mucaltin, ACC, Pertussin, Pectolvan, Bromhexine, plantain syrups and Alteyka. They act directly on the source of cough, improve the functioning of the bronchi by removing mucus.

Combined: Codelac Phyto, Bronchicum, Herbion, Sinekod, Bronholitin. They contain special components to suppress the cough reflex. At the same time, they eliminate foci of inflammation in the bronchi and improve the functioning of the respiratory system.


Without inhalation it is very difficult to recover from chronic bronchitis. They are highly effective, since the active substances act directly on the foci of infection in the body.

Steam inhalation for chronic bronchitis can be done at home.

To do this, the medicine is brought to the boiling point and then this steam is inhaled for 5-8 minutes.

For improvement therapeutic effect you can add components such as:

  • expectorant herbs - sage, mint, oregano, coltsfoot, elderberry, raspberry, linden blossom;
  • vegetable oils of sea buckthorn, olive, camphor, peach;
  • essential oils of thyme, ginger, cinnamon, lemongrass, rosemary, eucalyptus, tea tree, cloves, lavender, eucalyptus, immortelle.

Decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants and they can give herbs positive result patient, but they are not recommended for use without a doctor's approval

Traditional methods Treatments for chronic bronchitis bring positive results only with the prior approval of a doctor.

For this purpose:

Decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants and herbs.

Compresses. Warming is carried out using honey, animal fat, butter, boiled potatoes, alcohol and cabbage leaves.

To prepare warming ointments at home, propolis, animal fat, wax, and honey are used.

Medicinal potions are prepared for internal use, which consist of aloe, honey, lemon, onion, lard, animal fat, radish, milk, butter, and breast herbal preparations.


Physical exercise is very useful for chronic bronchitis

To avoid the development of complications, it is necessary to prevent contact with irritating factors: dust, smoking, polluted air.

The most effective preventive measures include:

  • walks in the open air;
  • proper nutrition;
  • hardening of the body;
  • vaccination;
  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • use of PPE when working in hazardous industries.

Remember, before treating chronic bronchitis, it is easier to prevent it. Self-medication is not recommended, as there is a high probability of additional complications. With the right method, you can recover from chronic bronchitis and avoid its occurrence in the future.

Long-term inflammation of the bronchi, accompanied by a cough, is called chronic bronchitis. The disease most often develops in adults. The choice of drug treatment and the prescription of the necessary medications depend on the correct assessment of the symptoms of bronchitis. Unfortunately, to permanently cure chronic bronchitis with late stage impossible. But in the absence of therapy, the disease progresses and leads to the development of COPD, emphysema, bronchiectasis, cor pulmonale and others. severe complications.

The bronchi conduct air from the upper respiratory tract to the pulmonary alveoli. Their walls contain glands that secrete mucus, muscle cells that can contract and narrow the lumen of the bronchus, and connective tissue. The surface of the bronchi is lined with epithelium, which cleans it and removes mucus with particles of dust and other contaminants. This process is carried out using microscopic oscillating cilia.

Development of cough with bronchitis

Factors that cause chronic bronchitis damage the ciliated epithelium of large and medium bronchi. His cells begin to break down. In response, they develop defensive reactions body:

  • inflammation, necessary for the delivery of immune cells to the lesion, cleansing it and restoring the integrity of the bronchial wall;
  • excessive production of mucus by the bronchial glands to remove products inflammatory reaction;
  • caused by constant irritation of sensitive nerve endings in the wall of the bronchi and is necessary for removing the resulting mucus (sputum).

Long-term inflammation causes depletion of defenses, a deficiency of macrophage cells that absorb dirt and microorganisms occurs, and the cough reflex weakens. The local production of immunoglobulins A and G is inhibited, which is accompanied by mucociliary insufficiency (impaired functioning of the epithelial cilia). Pathogenic microorganisms, for example, pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, and moraxella, multiply on the surface of the bronchi.

The damaged wall of the bronchi is replaced by connective tissue and thickens, which leads to a narrowing of their lumen ( bronchial obstruction). Disruption of normal air flow leads to the appearance of emphysema. Damage to all layers of the bronchial wall is accompanied by their local expansion and the formation of bronchiectasis - “sacs” in which purulent sputum stagnates.

The blood supply to the alveoli is disrupted. To ensure normal oxygen levels in the blood, blood pressure increases. pulmonary vessels, develops pulmonary hypertension. The right parts of the heart gradually cease to cope with the increased load, and their contractility decreases. Cor pulmonale is formed, accompanied by impaired pumping function and blood stagnation. Symptoms such as swelling, enlarged liver, and dilation of large veins appear.

Violation of oxygen supply to the alveoli causes.

Initially, the disease is not accompanied by obstruction. This is a simple form of the disease. Depending on the nature of the inflammation and the sputum produced, it can be catarrhal (the mildest) or mucopurulent. With the advent of bronchial obstruction, it develops, which refers to. This group also includes chronic bronchitis with an asthmatic component or broncho-obstructive syndrome.

At the stage simple inflammation(catarrhal chronic bronchitis) the course of the disease is reversible, that is, a cure is possible. If obstruction has formed and a persistent infection has occurred (mucopurulent bronchitis), recovery is no longer possible, and treatment is aimed only at eliminating the symptoms of the pathology and preventing complications.

The main sign that allows you to identify the disease is a cough with sputum. This symptom should bother the patient on most days of one month for at least 3 months a year for two or more years. The disease occurs with alternating exacerbations and remissions, when the patient feels better. When episodes of paroxysmal cough appear at least three times during the year, we can talk about the transformation of simple chronic bronchitis into COPD.

When the process worsens, when the cough intensifies, the patient secretes external environment pathogenic microorganisms. They usually do not harm others with healthy immune systems. Chronic bronchitis itself is not contagious, it is not transmitted by sharing utensils, kissing, etc., but it is still dangerous for children, the weak and elderly people around the patient.

Every year, about 400 people out of 100 thousand adults get sick. Most often affected are middle-aged and older men, who usually experience “smoker's bronchitis.”

Causes of chronic bronchitis

Chronical bronchitis - non-communicable disease. He is called:

  • smoking;
  • contact with occupational hazards: dust, hydrocarbon combustion products, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur oxides, ozone;
  • pollution of the surrounding air with harmful gases and dust;
  • frequent colds.

Risk factors for development chronic inflammation bronchi:

  • dysfunctional social status, poverty;
  • elderly age;
  • poor nutrition, lack of proteins, vitamins;
  • alcoholism.

Symptoms of bronchitis in adults

The main symptom of simple chronic bronchitis is cough. It appears in the morning and is accompanied by expectoration large quantity light, yellow or greenish sputum. This condition can persist for years. Pain in chest Uncharacteristic for chronic bronchitis.

With the development of obstructive bronchial lesions, the following signs of bronchitis appear in adults:

  • constant cough with thick sputum, worse in cold weather;
  • shortness of breath, limiting physical activity(first when climbing stairs, then during fast, and subsequently during normal walking and even with minimal household load);
  • cyanosis of the skin, lips, swelling of the legs;
  • headache;
  • prolongation of exhalation, during which wheezing may be heard.

If too much sputum is produced, there is a high probability of infection of the lower respiratory tract and the development of symptoms.

How does chronic bronchitis manifest during examination: when listening, the doctor determines hard breathing, numerous dry wheezing, in lower sections Moist rales may appear, disappearing after clearing the throat.

Symptoms that require immediate medical consultation:

  • duration of cough more than 3 weeks;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • fever above 38˚C;
  • shortness of breath or suffocation;
  • when breathing or coughing.

Complications of chronic bronchitis develop gradually, with a long course of the disease, but lead to adverse consequences:

  • emphysema;
  • atelectasis (areas of collapsed dense tissue in the lungs);
  • pneumosclerosis (proliferation connective tissue, replacing normal lung cells);
  • expiratory tracheal stenosis (collapse of its walls during exhalation with the development of paroxysmal barking cough);
  • respiratory failure;
  • chronic pulmonary heart disease, heart failure.

Chronic bronchitis: diagnosis

If cough occurs regularly, you should consult a physician. In a clinic setting, the following studies are usually prescribed:

  • clinical blood test;
  • to exclude pneumonia;
  • consultation with an ENT doctor for pathologies of the throat, nose or hearing organ.

At purulent form or bronchiectasis, the patient may be hospitalized. The hospital provides diagnostic and treatment services. When chronic pulmonary heart disease develops, echocardiography is necessary; in severe respiratory failure– determination of blood gas composition.

An examination is necessary to distinguish chronic bronchitis from other diseases, such as:

  • bronchiectasis;

How to distinguish chronic bronchitis from asthma:

  • with bronchitis, the cough is constant or in the morning; with asthma, it occurs upon contact with an allergen;
  • asthma is a disease of young people, bronchitis occurs with prolonged smoking;
  • When studying FVD in asthma, the indicators are usually normal; in chronic bronchitis, bronchial patency is always impaired, and the FEV1 indicator is reduced.

There are other differences, but these are the simplest differentiators.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis

Therapy for simple chronic inflammation of the bronchi is carried out on an outpatient basis. The most important role Smoking cessation plays a role in treatment. Getting rid of this bad habit may result in symptomatic relief or recovery even without treatment.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude other causes of the disease - dust, contact with harmful gases, and so on.

It is recommended to drink more fluid. It is useful to eat more lemons, honey, almonds, garlic, and also use them for cooking Bay leaf. To improve sputum discharge, you can use semi-alcohol compresses on the interscapular area, but only at normal temperature.

The diet for chronic bronchitis is normal; table No. 10, enriched with protein and fermented milk products, is recommended.

About symptoms and treatment acute bronchitis can be read.

Drug treatment of bronchitis in adults: drugs

You can read about the use of nebulizers and other inhalers for chronic bronchitis.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis

If it develops, it is carried out according to generally accepted schemes. Bronchodilator drugs used:

  • M-anticholinergics (ipratropium bromide);
  • beta-agonists (fenoterol).

Theophylline preparations (Theotard) may be prescribed, but they do not play a leading role in treatment.


Surgery is possible if complications develop. For example, with bullous disease, the affected areas are removed. If symptoms of severe respiratory failure occur, indications for long-term oxygen therapy or lung transplantation arise.


To improve the health of patients with chronic bronchitis, methods of physiotherapy, breathing exercises, and physical therapy are used.

Physiotherapy for chronic bronchitis: UHF currents, microwaves, inductothermy, electrophoresis of calcium chloride, heparin, potassium iodide, aminophylline are used. During the period of remission, mud procedures are indicated, pine baths, stay on sea ​​resorts, visiting special salt caves.

In case of exacerbation, inhalation of mucolytic drugs and drugs, for example, salbutamol and lazolvan, is used in treatment. They can be carried out using. A general practitioner should prescribe medications and determine the dosage.

In chronic bronchitis, large and medium bronchi are affected, so regular bronchi will also be effective. steam inhalations with soda or alkaline mineral water. They can be done twice a day for 5 – 7 days.

From methods physical therapy For patients with simple chronic bronchitis, Nordic walking is best suited. In addition, swimming and yoga are beneficial for them. Classes should be held at least three times a week for half an hour. For purulent bronchitis, exercises that improve bronchial drainage and vibration massage of the chest are indicated.

Some simple exercises Exercise therapy for the treatment of chronic bronchitis at home:

  • body turns with arms spread to the sides;
  • tilting the body forward while sitting on a chair;
  • circular rotations with arms bent at the elbows;
  • tilting the head forward as you exhale, while inhaling – straightening the chest;
  • various turns and bends with a gymnastic stick held with outstretched arms;
  • breathing with inhalation through the nose and slow exhalation through half-closed lips.

This set of exercises for bronchitis can be repeated daily 1 – 2 times a day.

Gymnastics for bronchitis (video)

Prognosis and prevention

Simple (non-obstructive) chronic bronchitis has a relatively favorable prognosis. It rarely causes severe complications. They develop after a long course of the disease. Quitting smoking significantly increases the likelihood of restoration of damaged bronchial mucosa. Half former smokers stops coughing after a month.

Forecast at obstructive bronchitis depends on the degree of bronchial obstruction and its reversibility. If, under the influence of drugs that dilate the bronchi, their lumen increases, the likelihood of severe complications is low, especially with permanent treatment. If lung function is significantly and/or irreversibly impaired, the prognosis is poor. Why is chronic bronchitis dangerous: the disease leads to disability, severe pulmonary heart failure and death.

Measures to prevent chronic bronchitis:

  • to give up smoking;
  • respiratory protection during contact with occupational hazards;
  • strengthening the immune system, if necessary surgery sinusitis, tonsillitis and other foci of chronic infection;
  • regular preventive examinations of persons in certain professions with mandatory research FVD for early detection impaired bronchial obstruction;
  • annual flu vaccination.

Medicinal herbs and folk remedies for chronic bronchitis

Medicine has long learned to cope with chronic bronchitis; drugs for its treatment can be found in any pharmacy. But the wide choice of means leads to confusion.

How not to get confused about medications and choose the right ones? Before you buy medicines, you should find out about features of the disease.

Chronical bronchitis- low-grade inflammation of the bronchi, accompanied by painful cough with sputum, sometimes fever and breathing problems.

Important. A doctor diagnoses chronic bronchitis when a cough accompanies a person for about 3 months annually without diagnosing other problems with the respiratory system.

Cause of cough - copious sputum, which is formed due to damage to the bronchi. Abundant mucus clogs the lumens, causing the desire to cough.

With chronic bronchitis, people are so get used to coughing that they do not pay attention to the inconvenience. And the emerging additional symptoms refer to mild colds.

AND making a big mistake. If you do not treat chronic bronchitis and take appropriate medications, the disease provokes dangerous complications including pneumonia and complete blockage of the airways.

Diagnosing the disease

Put accurate diagnosis Maybe therapist or pulmonologist. Previously, the patient is observed by a specialist for about 2 years. This period is necessary because chronic bronchitis is similar to asthma, which is treated with other drugs. For diagnosis confirmation is carried out the following studies:

  • bronchoscopy;
  • chest x-ray;
  • blood test (biochemical and general);

Accurate diagnosis is important; examination results help identify the pathogen and select the right suitable drugs for the treatment of chronic bronchitis.

What medications treat chronic bronchitis

People often ask how to treat chronic bronchitis in adults with medications? Next we will answer this question.

Therapy is carried out individual courses. The doctor prescribes medications for chronic bronchitis in adults, based on the type of disease:

Simple. This pathology is characterized by disturbances in the functioning of the lungs and profuse sputum. For treatment, antiviral, expectorant, antitussive and antimicrobial drugs are prescribed.

Obstructive. Such bronchitis is manifested by pronounced breathing problems, shortness of breath and purulent sputum. During treatment, doctors prescribe a course of antibiotics, expectorants, bronchodilators, and mucolytics.

The list expands significantly if, with obstructive chronic bronchitis complications are identified(pulmonary heart, hypercapnia, hypoxemia).

Purulent. Pathology manifests itself as a change expectorant sputum(it becomes purulent, acquires a yellowish-green tint and bad smell). Purulent chronic bronchitis can be treated with properly selected antibiotics, mucolytics and expectorants for chronic bronchitis.

The power of antibiotics

Antibacterial drugs available in abundance in any pharmacy, some frivolous citizens, trying to spend self-treatment chronic bronchitis, take inappropriate remedies, aggravating the situation.

Attention. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe medications to your child or carry out treatment without the knowledge of the doctor. Children's the immune system is not yet strong enough, and uncontrolled use of medications leads to dangerous consequences, especially in chronic bronchitis.

The pediatrician develops an individual course of therapy with the inclusion of antibiotics, mucolytic and expectorant drugs. The child is also prescribed physiotherapy: massage, exercise therapy, breathing exercises, inhalations.

In the treatment of chronic bronchitis in adults and children, importance is given not only to medicines, but also preventive measures

Preventive actions

To avoid and prevent the development of relapses of chronic bronchitis, everything should be eliminated irritating factors leading to exacerbation of the disease: smoking, house dust, polluted air.

To the main preventive measures include and the following measures:

  • playing sports;
  • healthy eating;
  • daily walks;
  • hardening of the body;
  • preventing hypothermia of the body;
  • timely vaccination during epidemics;
  • use of personal protection when working in hazardous industries;

Remember, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. And if you engage in therapy, then only with the help of a doctor, with well-chosen drugs. Only in this case will chronic bronchitis disappear forever.

Good health!

Video on chronic bronchitis

Doctors will tell you how to properly treat chronic bronchitis.

Chronic bronchitis is inflammatory disease bronchial tree, characterized by cough with sputum and shortness of breath. The inflammatory process occurs with constant exacerbations and remissions.

Chronic bronchitis should be treated only conservatively. What methods apply to conservative treatment? These are all non-invasive treatment methods, namely drug treatment, treatment using inhalations using inhalers, folk and physiotherapeutic treatment.

It should be noted that drug treatment is the most effective means against chronic bronchitis. IN this treatment includes both tablet and injection forms of drugs. Typically, to treat the disease in adults, medications such as antibiotics and antiviral drugs

, and only followed by anti-inflammatory drugs, mucolytics, antitussives, antihistamines, hormones and bronchodilators.

has not improved, and the temperature has not returned to normal, then you need to prescribe another antibiotic, since this one did not give the desired effect.

The following antibiotics are used to treat chronic bronchitis: Antibiotics penicillin series : Amoxicillin (Amoxil, Flemoxin), Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid (Augmentin, Flemoxin Solutab), which have antibacterial activity actions, i.e. effective against gram-positive (staphylococcal, streptococcal, pneumococcal flora) and gram-negative (legionella, proteus, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) infections. Penicillin antibiotics are prescribed at a dose of 1000 mg, they must be taken 2 times a day. They need to treat chronic bronchitis for 7–14 days.

Cephalosporin antibiotics - Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin - have a pronounced antibacterial and bacteriostatic effect only for gram-negative flora; such a narrow focus on bacteria makes their effect much stronger than antibacterial drugs just a wide spectrum of action. For adults, the drug is prescribed 200 mg 2 times a day. The course of treatment is on average 10–14 days.

Antibiotics from the macrolide group - Klabax, Fromilid, Azithromycin, Rovamycin - have a bacteriostatic effect and are effective primarily for intracellular forms of infections, which makes them indispensable in the treatment of chronic bronchitis. For adults, the drugs are prescribed at a dose of 500 mg; it should be taken at the same time, on an empty stomach, 1-2 times a day. This disease needs to be treated for 3–7 days.

Antibiotics from the fluoroquinolone group - Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Lefloc - are broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs, but these drugs are effectively used only for treatment bronchopulmonary system, another name for this group is respiratory fluoroquinolones. Chronic bronchitis in adults should be treated with these drugs for no more than 7 days at a dose of 500 mg once a day. Leflock has an injection form of release, which allows intravenous or intramuscular injections. It is also necessary to remember that antibiotic injections should only be taken for severe exacerbations.

  • If viruses have contributed to the exacerbation of the disease, then medications against viruses are prescribed:
  • Mucolytics are substances that promote expectoration of sputum. Depending on which cough predominates in the patient, different drugs are prescribed:

When a dry cough predominates, medications are prescribed that help thin the sputum, i.e. reduce its viscosity - this is Acetylcysteine ​​(Acysteine, Mukobene, Mukonex) 200 mg 4 times a day, 400 mg 2 times a day or 800 mg 1 time a day. You can also use plantain syrup, which you take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The cough first becomes unproductive, and then productive with the release of a large amount of sputum. It takes quite a long time to treat a cough, up to 10–15 days.

When the disease appears immediately moist cough, for adults, drugs from the ambroxol group are prescribed (Flavamed, Abrol, Ambroxol). The drugs are prescribed at 75 mg 1 time per day or 30 mg 3 times per day. If the cough is big amount sputum, then to this group of drugs it is necessary to add Erespal, which is taken 1 tablet 2 times a day, if the cough is with a small amount of sputum, then such a drug is not needed. The cough must be treated for 10–20 days.

One of the representatives of this group, Lazolvan, has an injection form of release and allows intramuscular injections. Due to the speed of action medicinal substance, injections are considered more effective.

Inhalation therapy

Inhalations with delivery medicinal substances through inhalers directly into the bronchi are one of effective methods treatment of chronic bronchitis.

Inhalations are done with medicines– hormones, antihistamines, mucolytics and bronchodilators. By inhalation active ingredients enter in sufficient quantities directly into the hearth inflammatory process, and do not require initial passage gastrointestinal tract and absorption into the blood. Inhalations deliver unchanged medications in active forms.

Inhalations can also be carried out with soda and aromatic oils, which have an antibacterial and bronchodilator effect. The following oils are suitable for inhalation: pine, lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus and thyme.

For inhalations, you can use special inhalers - nebulizers, as well as, although less effective, inhalers, but at home from a saucepan or kettle.

Unconventional methods

Traditional methods of treatment are well suited for chronic bronchitis during remission. Traditional methods reduce the frequency of exacerbations of the disease, and also improve general health, increase immunity and give strength.

Traditional methods of treatment using decoctions and infusions of herbs help the body fight cough and reduce the amount of sputum secreted by the bronchi. Suitable for decoctions: plantain herb, medicinal chamomile, licorice root, sage, mint, linden leaves, marshmallow root.

Traditional methods of treatment using rubbing help better cleansing bronchi from bacteria, viruses and sputum, normalize the function of the lungs and bronchi in general. Honey, goose, lamb or badger fat are suitable for rubbing.

Video: Chronic bronchitis. Description, symptoms and treatment