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Reasons for the appearance of subcutaneous bumps on the human body

Cones are popularly called any dense subcutaneous formations. They can be localized in different places- on the head, neck, arms and legs, in the groin, on the back or chest, appearing as a result of injury or for no apparent reason. To recognize symptoms in time dangerous diseases, let's learn to recognize the types of bumps and the reasons for their appearance.

Bump from a bruise

The most harmless and familiar option from childhood is bumps from a bruise. They usually appear on the head or knees, replacing a hematoma. In these places under the skin there is almost completely no fatty tissue, where, after an injury, blood from burst capillaries enters. After an injury, fluid remains in the space between the skull and the skin, and on the outside it looks like a dense pinkish swelling.

As a rule, swelling subsides 3-5 days after injury. You can speed up this process with the help of cold compresses, decongestant gels and ointments. If the lump does not go away for more than a week, consult a doctor: this may indicate calcification of the hematoma.

Lymph nodes are located on the neck, under the collarbones, armpits, under the breasts, on inside elbows and under the knees, in the groin and on the stomach. They are round nodules located near blood vessels.

For immune, infectious and tumor diseases The lymph nodes increase. This process is called lymphadenitis. have the appearance of cones, the size of which depends on the intensity of the inflammatory process.

Lymph nodes that are enlarged during ARVI or influenza disappear as soon as the body overcomes the infection. But if lymphadenitis is accompanied high temperature or is asymptomatic - this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.


Another common reason for the appearance of lumps on the skin. This benign growth develops under the skin due to metabolic changes, and appears as a soft, mobile lump, not painful upon palpation. Lipomas are typically located on the upper back, shoulders and hips.

The lipoma grows slowly, but reaches large sizes, peels surgically, because it looks unaesthetic and can interfere with the functioning of other organs.

Epidermal (sebaceous) cyst

This type of skin cyst is formed when the sebaceous glands become clogged. The size of round cones can vary from 0.5 to 5 cm. in good condition this atheroma is painless, but if infected, it can thicken, become larger and even break into the dermis, which can lead to an abscess. Epidermal cysts are localized in the scalp, face, back, hips and shoulders.

The sebaceous cyst is removed by laser enucleation or surgically, opening at the most protruding place and removing the sebaceous capsule. The wound is then sutured and covered with an antiseptic bandage.


The mechanism of formation of this benign tumor is not known, but doctors have found that it can be triggered by injury or chronic illness skin. Dermatofibroma cones are small in size (up to 1 cm), smooth and dense, brownish; can occur throughout the body but are most common on the shoulders and lower back.

These tumors never become cancerous and rarely require treatment. If the patient does not like the appearance of the dermatofibroma, it is removed surgically or burned with liquid nitrogen.


Liposarcoma - affecting fat cells. It is localized mainly in the thighs and legs. Occurs, as a rule, in older patients. The liposarcoma lump is round, soft, elastic, the skin color is not changed.

The tumor rarely metastasizes, which gives a favorable prognosis for treatment. Full recovery after complex treatment observed in 30-40% of patients.


This tumor of soft connective tissues occurs quite rarely, affecting mainly women aged 30-40 years. May be localized on the shoulders, hips or neck. Fibrosarcoma develops in the thickness of the muscles, so it takes on the shape of a lump when it has already reached a fairly large size. To the touch the tumor is hard, round, painless. Small bumps may be felt.

Compared to other soft tissue tumors, the prognosis for complete recovery in this case is favorable.

If you feel a lump under the skin and are firmly convinced that you did not have any bruise in this place, make an appointment with a doctor. Only full examination can confirm the safety of this formation.

Background: Two weeks ago, my 2.7-year-old son fell ill, the local doctor diagnosed him with an acute respiratory infection, and treated him with Biseptol. After being discharged, a red rash appeared on the child’s legs, followed by the formation of hard bumps, the doctor diagnosed an allergy, they gave him medication, and ruled out all possible allergens. Last Friday evening the temperature rose to 41 degrees. The ambulance took me to the hospital and they put me in the infectious diseases unit. The next morning the temperature dropped to normal and remained constant until yesterday...


yersiniosis. Is very similar. We once lay in the same room with a boy with such a disease (but he, unlike your child, could not be diagnosed for a long time). Yersiniosis is treated with antibiotics of a specific class. Long and tedious. Its other name is pseudotuberculosis. In our case, that sick boy ate unwashed parsley from his grandmother’s garden straight from the garden. Doctors said the pathogen can be transmitted by dirty hands and unwashed vegetables.

Inexpensive holiday at the most famous resort in France

Girls, please recommend a good dermatologist. And in general, maybe someone knows what this could be. A year ago, red spots appeared on my legs from the knees down to the ankles, oval, similar to small burns, the edges are red, the inside is paler, they don’t hurt, they don’t itch, but this is clearly something wrong. I visited several dermatologists over the year, everyone shrugged their shoulders, prescribed different ointments, pills, to no avail. I was already completely tormented, and all sorts of thoughts were creeping into my head. I will be very grateful for your...

Today I discovered on my right leg, just above the ankle, 2 lumps the size of a pea, centimeters apart. Hard, mobile, painless, they are not visible visually, only by touch... What could this be? Who has encountered this? Where to go? surgeon? Is ultrasound informative in such cases? Could this be somehow related to pregnancy()?

Tell me if anything can be done about the bump on the foot (in the area of ​​the big toe). Appeared recently, only on one leg. If you run actively during the day, it starts to ache. Actually, what is this? Salt deposits, bone deformation or what? Yes, narrow shoes/ high heels I don `t wear.

Shake is the most common disease in children.

Some diseases, such as chickenpox, leave immunity for the rest of your life, so often only children get these diseases. Symptoms Red itchy spots or blisters are usually scattered throughout the body, spreading to the arms, legs and face. Conditions caused by the varicella zoster virus most often occur during the first decade of life. The child has a mild fever and mild flu-like symptoms with an obvious rash. This may happen to some children, so...

I’ve never seen anything like this - well, for the bone on the leg to protrude SO much, really perpendicular to the foot and about 3 centimeters. He’s about to operate - it’s not like they crush it with a laser, and then everything grows again for 30 thousand, but it’s just an operation, it’s impossible to get expensive, with screws some kind and so on. Maybe I did, we need to help her find a proven place that gives absolute results, otherwise every sandpiper praises its own swamp, but she hasn’t found any specific reviews yet: (I really want to help - I’m really scared of this and...


I also found horror))) my mother was sawed off in the simplest city provincial hospital back in the 80s. Since then everything has been fine. I wish you that this will be the worst thing you will have to face in life)))

05/19/2012 19:10:10, Echidna

On my feet, it seems to me, bumps are starting to grow - on the inside of the foot (below that place, thumb on the foot). What is this called and what to do with it? Is this padagra? Thank you

Have you ever had surgery to remove a bunion on your foot? Consult a doctor or clinic, recommendations after surgery, recovery period Which? Please. Thank you in advance.

Actually the whole question. Should I go to a gynecologist (in the area he is a minus)?

Maybe someone has encountered such a phenomenon... Today the child is covered with red spots, and on the feet and ankles there are spots with bumps, like some kind of itching, as if from a bruise. Could this be a reaction to dysbacteriosis? On Wednesday he fell ill with something intestinal, had a high fever for 2 days, completely refused to eat, slept a lot, and on the 4th day he began to eat slowly. Dad got infected. Our pediatrician said gastroenteritis, my therapist said it was a virus. They gave and continue to give enterofuril, Linex... They smeared the spots...


I called the doctor. We wait.

We had similar bumps with spots, only all over the body. It turned out to be a super allergic reaction to Nurofen syrup (I gave it to lower the rate). I called an ambulance. While we were driving, I gave her suprastin. When we arrived (40 minutes: () - only swelling remained...

About a month ago, my daughter seriously hit the front of her shin. I went sledding. There was swelling and pain. They applied it with a rescuer, the bruise went away, but a lump remained on the front of the shin on the bone: (((Now I’m worried, what if it’s some kind of tumor or something else. Which doctor should I go to? To a surgeon? Will an x-ray at least clarify something?


We had one, we went to the surgeon, he said that it takes a long time for the lower leg to dissolve, about 1.5 years, but go and see it to calm down.

Katya got a swing on my forehead. The usual lump quickly disappeared, but the hard lump at the site of the impact remained for about a year.

Treatment of varicose veins: sclerotherapy, laser, compression hosiery, gymnastics

It's about about the so-called “bumps on the legs.” My sister has a long-term problem that seems to have been resolved by surgery. Girls, has anyone encountered this? Almost everyone is interested in this issue: what they did, how the operation went, what rehabilitation period etc. *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: Gatherings"


My colleague’s mother did it in hospital 31. By to a regular policy However, I needed a referral from a surgeon at my place of residence. Well, they also paid for self-absorbing screws or knitting needles. Everything is tolerable....I didn’t climb the wall.

My friend did it a month ago.
She says that the first days after the operation there were wild, terrible pains, she was crying, but now everything seems to be normal.
I don’t know where and how much I did it yet, if necessary, I can ask.

Girls, talk to me about the pain in your legs: (somehow it began to bother me seriously. To be honest, I always thought that it was creeping varicose veins. But after listening to myself and reading doctors on the Internet, I understand that this is very similar to pain with flat feet. It’s very similar! ...


I suffer from standing work severe pain in the legs. A friend advised me to do contrasting foot baths, first immerse my feet in hot water, and then cold, then the same thing. I advised you to finish the procedure cold water. Every evening after work I give contrast baths to my feet. After the procedure I feel relief, but after a while my legs begin to hurt again.

If your fingers and feet hurt, maybe, really, transverse flatfoot. Special insoles help a lot, but I wouldn’t rule out varicose veins - everything usually goes together, in a complex. For two years I suffered from the same thing until I went to the doctor - insoles + Normaven for swelling and for the prevention of varicose veins - did their job, I wear heels without problems...

Can pregnant women walk in heels: advice from an orthopedist
...Every third expectant mother has a similar diagnosis.
Flat feet are not the only problem. The heel redistributes the load from the heel raised by it to the forefoot. Excessive pressure causes rough calluses - calluses. Gradually, the big toe deviates outward, a so-called bump is formed, putting an end to the addiction to elegant dress shoes. Still want to wear stiletto heels? Then think about the aesthetic consequences. A pregnant woman’s center of gravity is already shifted forward, and standing on heels makes the situation worse. This in turn causes even greater protrusion and sagging of the abdomen. Due to excessive stretching of the skin, st......Still want to wear stilettos? Then think about the aesthetic consequences. A pregnant woman’s center of gravity is already shifted forward, and standing on heels makes the situation worse. This in turn causes even greater protrusion and sagging of the abdomen. Due to excessive stretching of the skin, stretch marks are guaranteed.

Every month there are more and more blue and pale purple veins on the legs. The process is natural: weight increases, and accordingly, the load on the muscles and blood vessels of the legs increases, and the risk of developing varicose veins increases. If you had signs of this disease before pregnancy, then high heels will only worsen the problem. Leg fatigue will increase, the risk of dislocations will increase, and swelling will appear or worsen. At a later date calf muscles h... It doesn’t look like a lymph node, much lower, hard, scary and I’m really panicking, my son Last year not just sick, but became medical reference book

for doctors, diabetes was in question, then hypoglycemia is still not resolved, now it is in question bronchial asthma, now this bump. I'd like to run, eh? I'm tired of doctors who can't explain anything (((*** Topic moved from the conference "SP: get-togethers", sometimes covered with hairs, can appear on any part of the body. They also last a lifetime and are usually no hassle. You should consult your doctor if they begin to change shape or grow. Red birthmarks sometimes appear in newborns on the forehead, sides of the nose, eyelids, lips or on the back of the head. Their reason is expansion small vessels

at the moment of birth of the baby. If such formations are located symmetrically, for example on both eyelids or on the wings of the nose, they will most likely disappear within a year. And spots that appear one by one can remain for life.


Mongoloid spot is a blue-purple mark on the lower back or butt...

girls, I recently adopted a boy, the child is very active, he initially had a bump on his forehead, I thought it was the result of a blow, but after several months the bump does not go away, yesterday a friend came to visit and scared me that this is not normal, that I I urgently need to see a doctor (but which one), does anyone know what it could be??? p.s. BIOMama had spontaneous ones, maybe this has something to do with this!?

My 2-year-old son developed a lump and redness between his eyebrows yesterday, and today the swelling has increased a little, it seems like it hasn’t gone down or it’s an insect bite, I don’t know exactly what he would recommend?
02/14/2019 08:30:27, Guest

Hello! Unfortunately I came across this discussion a bit late. I’m 29 years old, and for as long as I can remember I’ve been having a complex because of a bump like this ((once Mom decided to cover it up with bangs, and it’s not visible at all, but as a result, all my life I haven’t had the opportunity to bare my forehead. Girls often change their hairstyles, but I can only envy... (As soon as a breeze blows, I panic, especially if I’m in male company. The question is terribly offending and irritating - what is it about you, bump?

Dear Mothers, do everything possible so that your child does not experience such embarrassment, because the bump is ON THE FOREHEAD! 07/04/2012 11:42:26, ​​Alisa Adamova Our girl, our favorite Lanochka died, completely unexpectedly and quickly, and she was only 11 years old, she could have lived longer. And we still cannot understand the cause of her death. Can anyone comment or express their opinion? The background is this: 2.5 months ago Lana began to limp heavily


hind leg
my first dog developed soft lumps, first on her paws at the joints, then on her back... she died in 3 days... the veterinarian (a good friend who looked after her from the moment she came to us) took blood tests from a vein on the first day illness... the tests came when she was no longer with us... the diagnosis was sarcoma.

I sympathize and understand you very much. Ours also didn’t pick up anything on the street, he just sniffed it. And April 13th became a black day. The puppy was 11 months old (((. This is definitely poison! And regarding the bump on Martin’s leg, it appeared after he bitten by a dog. And from a small ball it grew to the size of a chicken egg. We called a veterinarian, and he performed an operation at home - he cut off the bump. The dog was 10 years old. Now he is 12, he feels great. Hang in there, it’s very hard to lose a friend. I’m still I still don’t believe it and I’m crying.

I hope they won’t moderate it, because... no one in medicine... and the question is serious for me. 2 months ago I was hit very hard on the shin, there was a very large bruise, it gradually went away, but in this place (right on the big tibia) a large hard lump..Dear mom, I somehow wasn’t paying attention, but then I touched it and I naturally felt bad. Such a hard big lump. We don’t ask the age-old question “who is to blame”, the other one remains - “What should I do???” guys. , this is fraught and where should we run?? friend with her eyes bulging...


When I was 14 years old, I fell on the step of a bus, I remember that there was a big bruise, it hurt for a long time. Then a seal formed at the site of the impact... well, that’s how I live with it. I’m 45. I show this to every new surgeon, they say that the hematoma is overgrown with vessels and it’s better not to touch it.

11/20/2016 20:58:59, same garbage.

I had a lump that resolved itself within 3 years.

Yesterday morning we got up and my daughter had red dots on her face that felt like pimples. I found the same thing on my hands. A friend reassured me that it was mosquitoes that had bitten me; in fact, I killed two bloodsuckers in the bedroom. But for some reason they didn’t bite us? Or my husband and I sleep like the dead and hear nothing. I'm afraid it might be some kind of "disease". In favor of the theory about mosquito bites: my daughter has these pimples only on her face and hands, i.e. on open areas of skin. But for some reason they don't work...


Looks like insect bites (mosquitoes, midges, or maybe a flea jumped off an animal), especially if pimples are visible only in open areas. It didn’t take us more than a week, although I lubricated it with Psilo-Balm, after it the itching was less and the swelling began to subside. And I also gave “Fenistil” in drops inside to enhance the effect.

I really need help or good advice! The dog is 11.5 years old, two months ago she had surgery on her leg, during the operation the doctor removed the wen, sent the analysis for histology, and later said that everything was fine. Recently I discovered bumps on my dog’s body, there are quite a lot of them on the back and on the withers, they are dense. What could it be? What to prepare for?


fatty bumps that can develop into you-know-what.
Mine is 13 years old, she already has 3 of them, one huge.
A colleague’s dog is now dying - he had these bumps all over his body, but now it turned out that there was one tumor right on his liver...

And there were these in our yard. Lived with them until old age(almost 19 years old) and died, so to speak, a natural death.

Cuperosis: treatment and prevention. How to achieve a flawless complexion: anti-rosacea cosmetics - test it on yourself.

Size Clarks UK. Blog of user IrinaM on 7ya.ru

7.5 clearly fit a size 41 foot. - Alpine Clover shoes [link-1] Size 5.5 - English. The insole is 24.3 cm. The heel is 6 cm. - Halloween Fun model on the foot is 25.5 cm excellent, size 6 Fullness D is a bit tight for a high instep - I will stretch it [link-1] - 7 ka Clarks at 40.5 perfect! - Sneakers d/m, as per the link: [link-1] r.1 – 21cm and r.2 – 22cm. - Shoes d/d size 1.5 - 21.5 cm. - Children's sneakers size 7 - 15cm. - Children's boots size 7.5 (European 25) - 15.5 cm. - Child r.8...


Clarks boots - oversized [link-1] Leather/suede, fabric lining, leather insole. Marking 5.5, I measured 25.5 cm on the insole, but the insole cannot be removed. 25 cm too big for me.

My foot is 24.5 cm, I usually wear size 38. I ordered sandals:
[link-1] (soft pillows in the heels and toes), 25.5 cm along the insole and moccasins, 25 cm along the insole [link-2], size 5D. Everything fit perfectly. The quality is top notch.

Did they get bitten by mosquitoes or something more serious? The type of rash and location on the body can tell a lot about its origin. What do rashes look like due to childhood infections? allergic reactions, scabies, prickly heat and what should be the treatment? Insect bites What does it look like? In late spring, summer and early autumn, children often suffer from insect bites. The skin becomes covered with bumps and spots. Usually only affected open areas


body and face. Most often the rash is... Why among possible reasons

no roseola? Two of my three children were sick. Or maybe the eldest was also sick, but that was a long time ago, and then I relied entirely on the doctors. And they often also “forget” some diseases.

Allergies don’t always arise to new foods; my nephew has a terrible rash to dairy, but at first it didn’t show up, he ate porridge with milk - everything was fine, but then. Once he feeds on the same porridge, he has spots all over his face, tears and snot flow, apparently there is an accumulation in the body... The doctor prescribed Zyrtec and a diet - exclude all dairy for six months, they should outgrow it, he says, wait and see, I hope so and it will turn out

08/14/2013 16:12:39, Verochka09

Varicose veins: symptoms, treatment, prevention. Can a phlebologist help?

Prevention of varicose veins, or you can’t sit cross-legged. Phlebologist's advice.

Produced either as a result of illness or after vaccination. Children whose mothers had chickenpox or were vaccinated against it are immune to chicken pox transmitted from the mother in utero and persists for the first 6-12 months of life. Incubation period: from 10 to 23 days. Infectious period: the entire period of the rash + 5 days after the last rash. Manifestations: red dots appear simultaneously with a rise in temperature. However, sometimes the temperature may remain normal or rise slightly. The spots very quickly turn into single vesicles filled with a transparent yellowish liquid. Soon they dry out and become crusty.
Distinctive feature chickenpox - a rash on the head under the hair and on the mucous membranes (in the mouth on the eyelid, etc......The temperature rises extremely rarely. Treatment: special antiviral ointments , for example with acyclovir, etc. Important: use immediately after itching and soreness occurs, even before blisters appear. In this case, rashes may not occur at all.


Hand-foot-mouth syndrome (from

English name

Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease (HFMD), or enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthema.

We forget that it is ours who must adapt to the shape of our feet, and not vice versa. In addition, it is not only the feet that suffer from improperly chosen shoes - high heels increase the load on the knees and spine, causing pain in the back and neck.

It turns out that our feet inevitably take revenge on us for our love of stilettos, and when in the evening you literally fall off your feet, nothing makes you happy. No matter how much time you spend on your appearance, if your legs hurt, you won't be able to look and feel good. Heels and everything connected with them There are three types of heels in height. A low heel is considered to be up to 4 centimeters high, a medium one is from 4 to 6 cm. And a high heel is from 6 cm and above. Please note... Normal structure stop is very important for correct position spine. So please pay attention Special attention on the child’s feet, so as not to miss such a common ailment as flat feet. Usually it is discovered



, but you can determine flat feet at home.

Dear Natalya Stepanovna! I read your article with pleasure and decided to turn to you for help. I am 28 years old. I have never suffered from flat feet... but starting last year, I encountered the problem of “bumps” on my feet. It's terribly not beautiful. Now I’m embarrassed to wear shoes because they stick out. What should I do? I really count on your help. Thank you in advance! Sincerely, Julia... 02/21/2007 12:40:45, Julia Hello dear Natalya Stepanovna! I am writing to you from sunny Tajikistan and I would like to know your opinion about my child. Doctors recently diagnosed my 1 year old daughter with flat feet, please tell me

correct treatment

My daughter hasn’t walked about this yet, but how she puts her feet up seems to me like they don’t completely touch the floor. I urge you to answer my letter, I’m looking forward to it. With respect to you, mother.
07/11/2006 10:27:04, Nasiba Why ? Because this is a vascular tumor that requires observation and, if there is a tendency to grow, removal. Such a serious attitude towards her is due to her ability to grow widely. In such cases, serious problems may form..., as well as hyperplastic transformations of the epidermis.


Lateral or lateral vascular nevi. They are a common lesion of the skin capillaries with a characteristic localization: they occupy half of the face, the lateral surfaces of the neck, torso and legs on one side. Extensive lateral nevi or nevi of Unna are always observed from birth and do not change throughout life. The color intensity changes with pressure and changes in temperature.

Osler-Rendu disease - multiple hereditary telangiectasias with hemorrhages characterized by the presence of Osler's "papules" on the mucous membranes...

06.12.2007 17:45:47, Natasha

Today we went to remove the hemangioma to the hospital, which is located near Filatovskaya. We had a hemangiomas on the head, at first it was like a scratch, and then it grew to 1 cm in a month, so we had to not put off removing it, and remove it. I read a lot of information on this, looked for the best place to do this, and as a result settled on the Filatov Hospital. My husband and I were very worried, but the procedure turned out to be very quick and painless, we probably spent about 5 minutes in total, so you shouldn’t delay it, it’s better to remove it earlier and not remember about it. By the way, there were a lot of children in the hospital who had hemangiomas removed, it’s unclear where hemangiomas appear from, many of them have this.

06.12.2007 17:45:41, Natasha
...Firstly, this is the cost of motherhood - during pregnancy, the growing fetus compresses the veins and prevents the reverse flow of blood, and the natural increase in the amount of the hormone progesterone during this period weakens the walls of blood vessels (by the way, the disease can be caused by taking hormonal contraceptives containing progesterone). There is one consolation here: for most women, some time after giving birth, the knots and bumps on their legs disappear.

Secondly, the desire of every woman to be the most charming and attractive is usually not as harmless as many people think: high heels, narrow Varicose veins: how the disease occurs, symptoms, possible complications . Prevention, diagnosis and treatment varicose veins



I wear short pants in hot weather. Today in the middle of the day I noticed that the exposed parts of my legs from the ankle to the middle of the calf were covered with red blurry spots, as if they had been scalded with boiling water. It doesn’t itch, there’s no sensation at all, but if I hadn’t looked at it by chance, I wouldn’t have noticed all this beauty. Very similar to the patch allergy I recently discovered. I was on a hike, I rubbed my feet, covered them with a band-aid, and all the skin under the band-aid and around it swollen and turned purple. But this time...
There may be a reaction to the sun. Have you changed your soap recently? Or maybe some kind of cream they applied to their feet? Some cosmetic additives increase sensitivity to the sun.

About the patch - this is sensitivity to latex, many people have it. Buy a latex-free patch.

Allergies are an unpredictable thing. For example, my hives primarily appear on my elbows and knees. Then, if no action is taken, it spreads throughout the body, but first the elbows and knees turn red.

My daughter (7 years old) complains that the bump on her head has been hurting for a week now, even if she doesn’t touch it. The other day another one appeared. It hurts too. What could it be and can the bumps be treated? A person’s life is filled with events that subsequently affect well-being. The legs mainly feel the load during the day, gradually too active image life affects the condition of the limbs. Veins begin to appear, suddenly appeared soft bump

on the leg under the skin, the joints periodically hurt. Common on the legs modern man seals become in the form of cones, quite soft to the touch. In most cases, at first a person does not attach any importance to the formations, considering them simply a cosmetic defect - until they begin to cause discomfort. Go to the doctor already, when the lump begins to rapidly increase in size, it creates pain.

Often, such bumps under the skin develop into serious accumulations of pus, causing the development of a serious inflammatory process. The reasons for the appearance of lumps under the skin are varied; they can be enlarged lymph nodes or vein nodules. The formations become a sign of skin cancer or eczema, cysts, or other disorders. Treatment primarily depends on the nature of the occurrence.

There are many reasons for the appearance of compaction under the skin. Appear on the leg and other parts of the body. Let's consider the reasons that can provoke the appearance of bumps under the skin:

Some reasons for the formation of lumps on the legs under the skin are listed. If a red lump appears on the leg, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor to determine the nature of the formation and prescribe the only correct treatment.

How to get rid of lumps

If a pathology is detected, you should immediately contact a therapist. Having prescribed a known number of tests and procedures, the doctor will see results that help correctly establish the diagnosis and the nature of the tumor. The doctor has the right to base himself on the results when prescribing treatment. Each type of lump under the skin has its own treatment.

Let's consider popular therapy options:

  • If the lump appears as a result of an infectious disease, a course is prescribed medications, primarily consisting of antibiotics, antifungal agents. It is important to monitor the hygiene of the areas where the bumps have formed and to eliminate friction between the affected areas and clothing.
  • If the lump is diagnosed as a cyst under the skin, treatment is often not required. The cyst resolves on its own; during periods of inflammation, cortisone injections are prescribed. Periodically, after examinations, the doctor prescribes surgery by removal.
  • Cones after lipoma are not required surgical intervention, do not damage neighboring tissues. Removal occurs at the request of the patient and if the formation has become an impressive cosmetic defect.
  • At cancer the cones are removed along with the adjacent affected tissues.
  • To treat warts, which sometimes appear as lumps under the skin, a method that is appropriate in the opinion of the doctor in a particular case is used. Sometimes removal is carried out using medicines or exposure to a laser beam.
  • Lumps caused by blows, especially in children. First of all, it is worth attaching cold compress. After stopping the formation of swelling, a cream or gel is applied to the damaged area of ​​​​the skin, designed to relieve swelling and resolve hematomas.

It is important to choose a highly qualified doctor with experience in performing surgeries to surgically remove lumps under the skin. If the formation is not completely removed, the violation will reappear and repeated removal will be required.

Often, if there is no movement in growth, or if the lump under the skin does not cause discomfort to the owner, the doctor leaves the formation without treatment. Tumors often disappear on their own. The above applies to moles, small cysts, and lipomas.

Often, bumps on the skin appear due to insect bites; it is recommended to use special mosquito repellents before going outside.

Traditional medicine recipes

Recipes from grandmothers’ bins will not help with all types of lumps under the skin. Sometimes solutions work. From bumps on the legs and pain caused by tumors can be eliminated in simple ways:

Carry out procedures traditional medicine costs regularly, not occasionally. This is the only treatment folk remedies will give results. Basically, the course lasts a month for compresses and baths, often performed at night just before bedtime. Achieve maximum effect This will be possible by reducing the load on the legs and performing procedures several times a day, but for a modern person this is not always possible.

During the treatment period, doctors recommend adhering to a diet that strictly prohibits the use of salted, smoked, and fried foods. The diet is based on dairy and herbal products. If possible, you should eat more stone fruits and blueberries to provide your body with drinking plenty of fluids, at least 2 liters per day.

It is worth forgetting about bad habits, first of all, about using alcoholic drinks. Replace ethanol with vitamin-rich cocktails. Such a diet will help fight the resulting disease with greater force and help get rid of extra pounds in the presence of.

The article is intended for informational purposes only. Without the consent of the doctor, you should not resort to any of these methods of treatment; the consequences can become a difficult test for the body. Only a doctor, after conducting diagnostic examinations, will be able to identify the structure of neoplasms under the skin and prescribe the correct treatment, taking into account the characteristics of the body and possible consequences and complications. Any lump requires immediate examination to determine the nature of its occurrence and appropriate treatment.

Every person has encountered a lump under the skin at least once in their life. Sometimes they appear as suddenly as they go away, they do not cause discomfort, in other cases the bumps may not go away for a long time, increase and create an explicit cosmetic defect, and sometimes even become inflamed.

In any case, if the bumps appear quite often, or do not go away for a long time and cause any inconvenience, you should seek qualified medical help and undergo an examination. We must not forget that any disease in neglected form Those pathologies that were discovered in the formative stage are much more difficult to treat.

A lump under the skin can occur at the most various reasons, sometimes it indicates a serious pathology, but it is possible that the formation arose due to some kind of malfunction in the body. Lumps can appear in various places: on the face and neck, back, arms or legs, even in the groin, buttock or thigh.

Let's look at the most common causes subcutaneous lumps on the human body:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes due to inflammation;
  • The appearance of various types of tumors, this includes oncological formations of a benign and malignant nature;
  • Violation of fat metabolism in the body;
  • Infectious pathologies and progressive inflammation in soft tissues;
  • Increased physical activity, stress, overwork;
  • Sometimes the cause is a birthmark;
  • A lump may be a sign of growth sebaceous gland;
  • Skin pathologies.

We should not exclude the fact that lumps under the skin can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, drinking alcohol and poor nutrition. As well as a passive lifestyle, untimely sanitation of infectious diseases and hereditary predisposition to pathology.

Let's look at the most common diseases that can cause a lump to form on the leg under the skin, or on other parts of the body.


Lipoma is a common benign neoplasm, at which it may appear hard lump. Lipoma consists of fatty and connective tissue, it usually has a size of about 1.5 cm, but can increase depending on the characteristics of the patient; it is localized in various places, for example, on the back, neck, buttock. A lipoma is removed if it creates an obvious cosmetic defect or compresses surrounding tissue.

Monitor your health. The risk of tumors is higher in people with immune disorders, endocrine system, so it is very important to treat on time infectious diseases, hormonal imbalances. In order to detect pathology in time, it is necessary to undergo a full examination at least once a year. medical checkup. And if any unpleasant symptoms see a therapist rather than self-medicate.

People who lead correct image life and monitor their health in general, are less susceptible to the appearance of tumors, and generally get sick less. Sports and healthy eating- these are the foundations of longevity, therefore, if a lump appears on your body, you urgently need to change something in your life, otherwise the consequences of an incorrect lifestyle may become irreversible.

The appearance of subcutaneous lumps on the human body can be due to several reasons: hematomas due to injury, changes in connective tissue, blockage skin glands. Greatest danger present malignant formations. Benign tumors are similar in appearance, but a careful examination at home can identify them. Treatment of such cones is done by removing them.

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    Lump under the skin - what is it?

    Subcutaneous bumps can be several types of formations:

    1. Benign tumors:
      • atheroma;
      • hygroma;
      • lipoma;
      • fibroxanthoma;
      • hematoma;
      • cyst.
    2. Malignant (cancerous) tumors:
      • lymphoma;
      • metastases of cancerous tumors of internal organs.

    The formation of dark red bumps with a blue tint on the inflamed area of ​​the skin indicates the appearance of a boil. Most benign tumors are harmless to humans and are removed surgically. In any case, if formations appear under the skin, you need to contact a dermatologist to diagnose accurate diagnosis and for exclusion malignant process.


    Dermatofibroma (fibroxanthoma) most often appears in adults on the arms, legs and body. The most typical locations are the following:

    • shins;
    • soles of feet;
    • forearms;
    • torso;
    • head;
    • palms of hands


    Externally, this intradermal benign node looks like a button, has a dense consistency, and when pressed it hurts. The size of the cone is 0.3-1 cm in diameter. It blends in color with the surrounding tissues, but is clearly palpable. Sometimes the skin over the ball is pigmented (due to constant trauma) or has a brownish color. The form of formation is of two types - in the form of a tubercle or depressed. The surface is shiny or covered with scales. When damaged by scratching or shaving, crusts form.

    A characteristic sign of dermatofibroma is that it sinks when squeezed between two fingers, as the lump goes deeper under the skin. Usually the bumps appear in large quantities, but some people have several dozen of them, located chaotically in various localizations. Rebirths in cancerous tumor does not occur, the bump is only a cosmetic defect.

    Dermatofibroma appears as a result of the proliferation of connective tissue. The reasons for its formation are unknown. It grows slowly over several years, but may remain unchanged for many years. In some cases, the formations resolve on their own. If the tumor is constantly injured or represents a serious cosmetic defect, then it is removed either surgically or with liquid nitrogen. It should be noted that after excision with a scalpel, a scar remains.


    If a lump has formed in the joint area, then one can suspect the presence of a hygroma - a cyst with liquid contents. Most often, hygroma appears in the following places:

    • wrist joint on the hand;
    • shins;
    • phalanges of fingers;
    • feet


    Lumps can form in the area of ​​any joints, including the sternocostal joint. Risk factors include the following:

    • monotonous loads on the joint;
    • hereditary predisposition;
    • superficial location of the tendon sheath;
    • frequently recurring injuries;
    • incomplete removal of the hygroma membrane during a previous operation;
    • inflammatory diseases of the joints.

    Hygroma can be identified by the following signs:

    • characteristic location near the tendons;
    • increase after physical activity;
    • mobility relative to surrounding tissues;
    • slow growth;
    • unchanged color;
    • in some cases – peeling and redness of the surface of the lump;
    • in the area of ​​a large tumor - numbness and tingling;
    • V advanced cases– soreness.

    Accurate diagnosis of this benign education carried out using ultrasound. Hygroma is not dangerous, but it causes discomfort and leads to limited mobility. The bumps should be removed surgically (this is done with local anesthesia), since the contents of the cyst, when damaged, spill into the surrounding tissues and cause inflammation. If a secondary bacterial infection occurs, then suppuration begins. Self-removal of hygroma by squeezing it out is ineffective, since a capsule remains under the skin, which over time fills with liquid again.

    It is also possible to divide the capsule with the formation of many daughter hygromas. With a decrease in physical activity, a temporary decrease or complete disappearance of the hygroma occurs.

    Lipoma Lipoma (wen, lipoblastoma) is benign tumor subcutaneous fat layer of tissue.

    • The formation of wen is caused by several predisposing factors:
    • genetic inheritance (familial lipomatosis);
    • liver diseases; endocrine diseases (, diabetes incorrect operation thyroid gland
    • , pituitary gland and others);
    • obesity;
    • polyps in the intestines;
    • helminthic infestations;
    • impaired kidney function, leading to the accumulation of toxins in the body;
    • frequent injury to the skin area;


    constant mechanical friction.

    • Most often, lipomas form there, there is a fatty layer:
    • back of the neck;
    • stomach;
    • hips;
    • area under the jaw;
    • collarbone (often with pulmonary tuberculosis);
    • hands;
    • legs;
    • back;
    • axillary region;
    • breast;
    • face;

    buttocks. In more in rare cases Wen appears on the palms. Lipomas can also form in tissues knee joint against the background of chronic inflammatory processes. Characteristic Features

    • lipomas are:
    • soft consistency;
    • unchanged skin color;
    • round form;
    • when palpating, you can feel the lobules;
    • absence of inflammatory processes;

    good mobility relative to surrounding tissues. Usually the size of the lipoma does not exceed 2-3 cm, but in rare cases it reaches significant sizes. When growing in muscle tissue she becomes painful and inactive. Pain also appears if the wen is massive and compresses.nerve endings In most people, wen appears under the skin as single entities , but there are two hereditary forms

    Multiple lipomas

    Wen removal is performed surgically; self-squeezing is not recommended, since the remaining capsule under the skin leads to the process of lipoma formation resuming. Under the influence of injuries, a lipoma can degenerate into a malignant tumor.


    Atheromas are cysts of the sebaceous gland and come in two types, which do not differ from each other in appearance:

    • congenital in nature with abnormal embryonic development;
    • acquired, appearing as a result of blockage of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland. Such atheromas can be a complication of acne.

    Congenital atheromas are numerous. The localization of the cones is as follows:

    • acquired - on the scalp, shoulder, back and face;
    • congenital - on the face, neck and scrotum.

    External signs atherom:

    • unchanged skin color;
    • size 0.5-4 cm or more;
    • elastic consistency;
    • painlessness;
    • slow increase;
    • color – flesh or yellowish;
    • when squeezed, a thick milky mass with an unpleasant odor is released from the cone;
    • mobility when palpated.

    Lipomas are very similar to atheromas. External differences are as follows:

    • lipomas are soft to the touch, atheromas are harder;
    • the skin over the lipoma can be easily folded;
    • in atheroma, the skin is “fused” with the formation;
    • lipomas do not fester.

    Inside the atheroma there are sebum, breakdown products of sebaceous cells and the protein keratin. If the atheroma becomes infected, then it suppurates, it becomes painful and spontaneously opens. In rare cases it happens malignant degeneration. Elimination of atheroma is carried out only surgically, and it is important to remove the entire capsule of the formation so that a relapse does not occur.


    Hematoma is one of the most common forms of formation of compactions under the skin. An “ordinary” bump that occurs upon impact is a hematoma. The signs of this subcutaneous formation are the following:

    • swelling at the site of formation;
    • soreness;
    • compaction;
    • color - from bright red to purple, color is heterogeneous.

    A hematoma is formed when there is a burst under the skin. blood vessels. Blood flows into subcutaneous tissue, and the skin itself remains intact. Trauma occurs as a result of bruise, squeezing, pinching, or impact. The size of the lump depends on how many vessels are damaged.

    The lump appears within 12-24 hours after injury. Small hematomas resolve on their own. Extensive hematomas require surgical treatment. “First aid” for a hematoma is a cold compress (ice, a bottle of cold water, etc.). Cold stops internal subcutaneous bleeding and helps reduce swelling. For extensive hematomas, you should consult a doctor.

    Skin cyst

    A cyst is an intradermal or subcutaneous cavity, the walls of which are lined with epithelial cells. Its content depends on the location of the formation:

    • face (on the forehead, cheekbones);
    • torso;
    • collarbone (often with pulmonary tuberculosis);
    • scalp area;
    • oral cavity;
    • axillary region;
    • upper back;
    • scrotum and other parts of the body.

    Cysts appear as a result of blockage of the skin glands (sweat, sebaceous, hair follicles), injuries, or are congenital. The external signs of this formation are as follows:

    • size 0.5-5 cm;
    • unchanged skin color;
    • elasticity when feeling;
    • the skin over the bump is the same color as in other areas;
    • thin wall;
    • clear boundaries of the bump;
    • hair loss in the area of ​​the large cyst;
    • no pain.

    Upon joining bacterial infection redness occurs, signaling the onset of the inflammatory process. The contents of the cyst entering the subcutaneous layer lead to inflammation, the cyst enlarges and becomes very painful. The appearance of a cyst at the base of the nail leads to its death. Therefore, it is necessary to remove it surgically by excision and drainage of the cavity contents.


    Manifestation of lymphoma - malignant disease lymphatic tissue- begin with skin rashes of various shapes that resemble dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, red lichen planus and others dermatological diseases. These rashes can exist on the skin for years and disappear for a while. At the last, third stage of the disease, tumors appear in the form of bumps, which evolve on the site of other types of rashes or appear on healthy areas of the skin. The last symptom is a sign of metastasis. Bumps most often appear on the following areas of the body:

    • on the face;
    • on the neck;
    • on the elbow;
    • in the inguinal folds.

    The bumps may resolve on their own, but this does not mean the end of the malignant process in humans.