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My lip is swollen, what should I do? Causes of numbness and swelling of the upper lip. Causes of swelling of the lower lip

The most common swelling of the lips is because of allergic reaction . However, this is far from the only cause of the disease.

If certain measures are not taken, more serious consequences may occur.

Main reasons

Swelling of the lips in humans is characterized by their increase in size and volume. This is often accompanied by unpleasant sensations and pain. Both the lower and upper lips can become enlarged.

Experts highlight several causes of illness:

  • Food allergies.
  • Allergy to cosmetics: lipstick, gloss.
  • Infections.
  • Viral diseases.
  • Herpes.
  • Mechanical damage.
  • Dental problems.
  • The bad habit of biting your lips.

Pain occurs if the swelling is caused by an infection. Pus can accumulate in the tissues of the lips, which causes discomfort.

If the mucous membrane swells due to allergies, then the tissue is actively affected by allergen, which causes irritation and itching.

Why is swelling of the lips and oral mucosa dangerous?

Swelling of the lips and oral mucosa may indicate the following diseases:

  • Quincke's edema. If symptoms appear suddenly and continue to worsen, you should call an ambulance.
  • Cheilitis.
  • Stomatitis.
  • Benign and malignant tumors.
  • Allergy.

Severe swelling may interfere with air penetration. This causes a lack of oxygen and dizziness.

If there is pus in the tissues of the lips and the patient does not take serious measures, its amount will increase over time. An infection will arise that will affect healthy tissue, will lead to blood poisoning.

In case of an allergic reaction, the patient’s well-being may be complicated if a lot of allergen enters the body. To withdraw toxic substances from the body, you will have to be treated for several days, take Activated carbon, more serious drugs. You cannot use cosmetics during this period..

Swelling of the oral mucosa can cause dental diseases. Unbearable pain occurs, which prevents you from speaking and eating. This has a negative effect on the entire body.

What to do if a child has swelling?

Swelling in children is usually observed during an allergic reaction (a typical example is in the photo on the left).

Specialists Cetirizine is prescribed.

It eliminates the allergen, strengthens the body, and relieves swelling. It is made in the form of drops and syrup.

The medication must be used at least twice a day. The dosage is indicated in the instructions for the drug.

If swelling observed throughout the oral cavity, it is recommended to use the drug Stomatidin. It is used undiluted as a mouth rinse twice a day.

Stomatidin contains components that eliminate bacteria and infections in the mouth. This leads to reduced swelling and healing.

Helps to heal aloe leaf. It is absolutely safe and quite effective.

The juice is squeezed out of a small leaf of the plant. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting liquid and apply it to the disturbing area for ten minutes. The procedure must be carried out twice a day.

Aloe does not cause allergies and eliminates discomfort. Does not cause harm to the child's body.

To treat a painful area use ice cubes. They are applied to the swelling for 2-3 minutes twice a day. With the help of cold, swelling becomes much less, burning and pain are eliminated.

Ice pieces can be created from medicinal decoctions chamomile, calendula, oak bark. Then the effectiveness of the procedure will increase several times.

Treatment of edema in adults

Adults are recommended to take drugs Suprastin, Tavegil.

They fight allergy symptoms, eliminate swelling, burning, and improve a person’s well-being.

You should not take more than four tablets per day. Take medications for the first five days. Swelling usually subsides in the first days.

Used for treatment baking soda . It is diluted with water to a paste and applied to the painful area for ten minutes. Next, the product is washed off. It is necessary to perform two procedures per day for quick treatment. The disease will be eliminated extremely quickly.

For infections, wounds use 3% hydrogen peroxide on the lips. A cotton pad is moistened in this product and applied to the wound for ten minutes. The drug kills germs and prevents infections from developing.

The volume of the lips gradually decreases. They accept normal sizes. The procedure is carried out twice a day, but especially severe cases It is allowed to perform it three times a day.

Swelling may be caused by herpes. Then use ointments Acyclovir, Gerpevir. They are applied to painful areas two to three times a day in a thin layer. With their help, the illness passes faster and the person recovers.

If this is not done, herpes will actively develop, which will lead to even more serious consequences.

Traditional methods

Used to treat honey. It is suitable only if the patient is not allergic to it.

Apply honey to painful areas two to three times a day in a thin layer.

The procedure should last no more than ten minutes. Then the honey is washed off. After the first procedures, the lips will decrease in size and become healthy. Honey is natural medicine, which strengthens lip tissue, saturates them with vitamins.

If the cause of the disease is an infection, and the tissues of the oral cavity are inflamed, it is recommended rinse your mouth two to three times a day with infusion of chamomile and calendula. These are soothing herbs that relieve inflammation, itching, and reduce swelling.

A tea bag will eliminate the disease, improve general state patient. It is allowed to carry out this procedure twice a day. With regular use, the patient will recover quickly.

Swelling on the lips appears suddenly and immediately complicates a person’s life: they interfere with chewing food and speaking, they spoil appearance, worsen appetite and mood. If your upper or lower lip is swollen, you do not need to do anything at home - you should immediately consult a doctor to identify and eliminate the cause of this phenomenon, and not the symptoms.

Swollen lip in an adult: causes and treatment

Lips swell various reasons, so set the nature similar phenomenon It's quite problematic on your own.


Lip injury – common occurrence for boxers. But even people who are far from practicing martial arts are not immune from blows and other injuries, after which the lip may swell:

If a traumatic factor causes a sudden increase in volume, thickening, or blueness of the lip, but the skin remains unharmed, it is necessary to apply ice to the sore spot as quickly as possible. The ice cube must be wrapped in cloth or gauze to avoid hypothermia.

Ice compresses are applied to the site of swelling for 10–15 minutes every 2–3 hours in the first two days after injury. This is usually enough to significantly reduce swelling on the lip and reduce painful sensations.

Absorbable ointments, for example, Badyaga, Rescuer, and folk remedies– lotions with aloe, bags of cooled tea leaves, chamomile infusion or oak bark. If the swelling does not subside after a few days, it is better to see a doctor.

At open injury When, after a blow, the upper or lower lip is not only sharply swollen, but also tissue rupture occurs, you urgently need to wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide to clean it of germs and stop the bleeding. Then you need to treat the damaged area disinfectant, for example, Dioxidin. This treatment should be done every 2-3 hours until bleeding occurs.

At deep damage lips, especially if the frenulum is affected, the victim should contact a traumatologist as soon as possible to disinfect the wound and, if necessary, apply sutures.

Dental problems

With some diseases of the teeth and gums, as well as during their treatment, the lips may swell, both from the inside and the outside. Against the background of tooth pain lower jaw The lower lip may swell due to:

  • caries;
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • periostitis;
  • phlegmon;
  • flux;
  • abscess.

With similar processes in upper jaw sometimes the upper lip swells and swells.

The cause of lip swelling can be treatment of dental diseases: accidental damage instrument, reaction to the administration of anesthetic or swelling after complex surgical interventions in the oral cavity.

Another option for why the upper lip hurts, turns red and swells may be associated with a visit not to the dentist, but to a cosmetologist for the purpose of injection lip augmentation. Damage to a blood vessel as a result of an unsuccessful injection can lead to a hematoma with swelling. An individual reaction of the body to the administered drug is also possible.

Allergic reaction

Redness and swelling of the lips - common symptom allergies. The body can react in this way to a variety of allergens:

  • plant pollen;
  • food ingredients;
  • components of medicines, cosmetics and perfumes;
  • insect bites;
  • household chemicals.

As soon as it becomes clear that your lips are swollen due to allergies, you need to take an antihistamine as quickly as possible. Any allergic edema on the face it is dangerous because it can spread towards the throat. This is how life-threatening angioedema develops. Therefore in home medicine cabinet There must be some kind of drug to combat allergies:

  • Diazolin.
  • Suprastin.
  • Tavegil.
  • Zodak.
  • Fenistil.
  • Claritin.
  • Clarotadine.
  • Diphenhydramine.
  • Erius.

If your lip is suddenly swollen due to an allergy, you should urgently take an age-appropriate dose of one of these medications and consult a doctor. Allergic reactions are especially dangerous for children, so if a small patient is injured, you should call an ambulance.

You can eliminate lip swelling and get rid of itching using non-hormonal ointments and gels local application With antihistamine effect: Fenistil-gel, Vitaon, Nezulin, Psilo-balm.

Herpetic infection

Failure in work immune system can occur in any person due to hypothermia, viral infection, stress or overwork. And the result of this failure often manifests itself in the form of a herpetic rash that suddenly forms on the lips under the nose.

If the upper lip is swollen and covered with blisters, it means that the herpes virus has become active in the body. Ointments based on acyclovir will help relieve the symptoms of the disease. You can be treated at the same time the folk way– lubricate swollen areas of tissue in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle with oil tea tree, diluted with celandine juice or propolis tincture.

If herpetic vesicles are widespread and the inflammatory process has begun, it is necessary drug treatment which must be prescribed by a doctor.

Herpes can cause serious complications, since the infection spreads not only to the skin of the face and mucous membrane of the oral cavity, but also to internal organs. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, everything must be done to prevent the joining bacterial infection. It is necessary to disinfect the affected areas of the facial skin with antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin) carefully, avoiding opening pimples and pustules.

Why does the lip become inflamed for no apparent reason?

Sometimes it is impossible to understand what caused the sudden swelling of the lip. If there were no bruises, wounds or infections, and allergy medications do not bring relief, only a doctor can answer the question of why the upper lip under the nose is suddenly swollen. Swelling of the lips can be a symptom of internal disorders: endocrine diseases, decreased immunity, pathologies internal organs and systems. Examples of such diagnoses:

  • Crohn's disease;
  • heart or kidney failure;
  • tumors;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • avitaminosis.

If the lips and parts of the face are swollen for one of the reasons listed, it is not the swelling that needs to be treated, but the underlying disease that led to its appearance.

Inflamed and swollen lip during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a condition that is often complicated by fluid retention in the body, which causes swelling of the soft tissues of the face. However, the cause of such symptoms may also be inflammatory diseases, since immunity during this period deteriorates significantly. Therefore, if your lips become swollen during pregnancy, you should definitely inform your doctor about it.

A child's lip is inflamed and swollen

The causes of swelling on the upper and lower lips in children are the same as in adults: bruise, biting, allergies, internal diseases, infections. In newborns and infants, the lips often swell due to teething or the presence of candidal stomatitis(thrush).

Colds are a common companion for preschool and younger children. school age. In a child with a cold, the upper lip may swell due to the development of herpes, especially if the swelling is accompanied by the appearance characteristic rashes on the skin of the face and oral mucosa.

The disease is contagious, so it is necessary to clearly explain to the child why his upper lip under his nose is swollen, why he should not squeeze out pimples that have formed on it, remove scabs, use other people’s toothbrushes and cosmetics, and have close contact with other children during an exacerbation of herpes.

Treatment of edema in children is carried out according to the same scheme as in adults. The only difference is in the dosage of the drugs. Parents should remember the dangers of treating children with folk and using medications without consulting a doctor, especially in cases where the nature of the edema is unknown, or its presence is accompanied by severe inflammation of the epidermis.

For whatever reason, the lips and areas are swollen skin persons, you should not start treatment without consulting a doctor and proper diagnosis. Usually inflammation of the upper or lower lip passes quickly, but in order not to disrupt the course of this process and not to aggravate the condition, it is necessary to follow a number of rules:

  • open wounds cannot be treated with ointments and compresses;
  • at closed injuries You should also not use warm compresses and ointments;
  • in the first hours after injury, you should not eat food;
  • during the period of healing of wounds and treatment of edema, you should eat exclusively warm food, you should not eat salty and spicy foods;
  • If your lip is inflamed, you should not use cosmetics.

The healing of the piercing must be taken responsibly; you must strictly follow the specialist’s instructions and monitor your condition. It is better to be scrupulous when choosing a salon and a specialist: the procedure must be carried out with skillful hands and under sterile conditions.

When an infection enters the piercing hole, the lips become swollen, painful, and itchy. If such symptoms develop, you should consult a doctor, especially if the temperature rises and swelling appears in the area of ​​the lymph nodes.

Cracks and jams appear as a result of chapped lips, against the background of a cold, and also due to endocrine disorders and a lack of certain vitamins in the body (which ones can only be determined by a doctor based on tests). They are treated with antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Development of vitamin deficiency and predisposition to colds and viral infections will be prevented good nutrition and hardening. The body's ability to restore damaged tissues also directly depends on the immune system. IN winter period Sensitive lip skin should be treated with nourishing balms and masks.

If your lips swell inside without visible reasons, you should immediately consult a doctor. Swelling may indicate the presence of hidden internal pathologies, which only a doctor can identify and cure.

Plump beautiful lips have always been considered the standard female beauty and sexuality. Many girls deliberately increase them, resorting not only to decorative cosmetics, but also to plastic surgery. However, if for some reason the upper lip suddenly begins to swell, this external defect causes psychological and physical discomfort to the woman.

Lip edema (edema) is an enlargement and swelling of the lips caused by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues or an inflammatory process. Often accompanied associated symptoms, such as:

  • change in lip color;
  • cracks;
  • blisters, ulcers, ulcers,
  • excessive dryness and elasticity of the mucous membrane.

In this case, the following may be observed: general deterioration of condition, apathy, increased temperature, eye itching, rhinitis.

Edema does not appear without a reason; provoking factors can be anything, from herpes to an unsuccessful lip tattoo. But be that as it may, this serious problem which should be addressed immediately. The cause of bloating can only be determined by a doctor who, after examination and diagnosis, will make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Inflammatory process as the main cause of swelling of the upper lip

The upper lip may swell due to the inflammatory process occurring in the body. As a rule, swelling is accompanied by bad breath caused by bacteria, suppuration, discharge of blood and ichor, and pain.

The cause of the appearance of a tumor due to the inflammatory process is a rupture blood vessels in tissues. Microtraumas, burns, bruises, cuts, scratches, and injections lead to rupture. It also happens that a person can bite his own lip; this usually happens during a period of strong nervous tension.

Very often microtraumas result from poorly performed piercings, periostitis ( severe inflammation periosteum) after unsuccessful filling or tooth extraction, as well as non-compliance with personal oral hygiene.

The inflammatory process leading to lip swelling may be a consequence of the habit of squeezing pimples on the face, especially in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

If the tumor is associated specifically with inflammation, measures must be taken immediately to eliminate it, especially if it is accompanied by purulent foci. Otherwise you will have to resort to surgical intervention(to prevent pus from entering the brain).

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, but before visiting a specialist, it is recommended to treat the inflamed area with an antiseptic and then rinse thoroughly with water. To do this, wipe the skin around the lips with a swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide, but the mucous membrane itself should not be cauterized, as this can lead to burns.

TO medical drugs, used for swelling of the lip, include Miramistin, Solcoseryl, Actovegin, Chlorhexidine.

Swelling of the upper lip due to an allergic reaction

Lips can swell not only as a result of injury and inflammation, but also after contact with an allergen - food, cosmetics, medicines. For the body to react to a particular allergen, even a light touch to the mucous membrane is enough.

Why do lips swell? Insect bites can also cause swelling. The most dangerous in this regard are bees and wasps; it is their stings that cause severe form allergies that extend not only to the lips, but also to the face and neck. In severe cases, anaphylactic shock may follow.

That is why it is extremely important to always have on hand antiallergenic drugs, such as Suprastin, Zyrtec, Zodak, Claritin, Tavegil or any other drug with a similar spectrum of action. You should also remove all foods that may be a trigger from your diet.

If you feel that your lip is swollen, you should immediately take an allergy pill and unpleasant symptoms will retreat.

Bloating as a consequence of artificial lip augmentation

Lip augmentation - fashionable cosmetic procedure, which girls resort to in order, in their opinion, to become even more attractive in the eyes of others. These are: Botox injections, Dysport, hyaluronic acid, introduction of fillers, contour plastic surgery, augmentation with threads, plastic surgery.

Such manipulations do not always have positive impact on the woman’s body, especially if the augmentation procedure was carried out with violations. In these cases, swelling of the upper or lower lip, depending on the area affected, is not uncommon.

If the swelling does not subside 6-8 days after the procedure, you should consult a doctor who will choose the method of tumor removal - surgically or with the help of drugs local action.

Lip enlargement due to herpes

The herpes virus is present in 95% of the world's population. At favorable conditions, for example, hypothermia, it begins to activate. Therefore, having caught a cold in the cold, you should not be surprised that after a few days blisters with a translucent liquid inside form on the lips, which not only do not add attractiveness to the image, but also cause pain and itching.

Herpes can appear on both the upper and lower lips, but most often the virus appears in the corners of the mouth. Under no circumstances should you open or squeeze the blisters - this is dangerous, as infection can enter the wounds.

In severe stages, herpes may be accompanied by fever, chills, and a general deterioration of the condition. By the way, lips are not the only area where herpes can appear.

You should not self-medicate, as herpes is much more dangerous than it might seem at first glance. His deceit in serious complications, for example, in pregnant women it can even lead to miscarriage. At the first symptoms indicating that your lip is swollen, you should contact a dermatologist who will prescribe appropriate treatment.

As a rule, drugs such as Acyclovir, Zovirax, Gerpevir are prescribed, containing active ingredients, destroying herpes bacteria. They reduce itching, inflammation and promote healing. As practice shows, the sooner you start using them, the more effective the treatment will be.

Ointments are applied to the affected areas of the lips in a thin layer several times a day. You need to use them until the bubbles disappear. If the drug recommended by the doctor does not help, you need to contact a specialist again to prescribe adequate therapy.

The use of multivitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system is also indicated.

Swelling after anesthesia

Majority dental procedures requires the use of anesthesia so that the person does not feel pain. However, cases of allergic reactions and, as a result, swelling upper lip after injections are not uncommon.

Typically, the swelling subsides immediately after the anesthesia wears off. Due to the action of the drug, the patient does not see the changes that have occurred in his appearance, but they are visible to the dentist, who will take appropriate measures.

If the swelling does not subside within 24 hours, the lip is pulled to the side, and pain appears at the injection site, then most likely there is an infectious infection. The swelling is hot and dense to the touch; in severe cases, fever, nausea, and headaches are possible. Under no circumstances should you try to get rid of such a tumor on your own; treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

How to relieve swelling of the upper lip at home

Many people faced with this problem ask questions: why is the upper lip swollen and what to do in this case? Edema is a cause for concern, but there is no need to panic; every home has remedies that are effective for edema.

The most in a simple way reduce swelling is cold compress, which should be kept on the swollen lip for at least 15 minutes.

A plant such as aloe is found in almost every home. Useful properties it has many, including antibacterial, so it is advisable to use it for swelling of the upper lip of inflammatory origin. You need to take an aloe leaf, make a longitudinal cut and apply the cut side with the gel-like mass to the inflamed area. After some time, aloe will relieve swelling and pain.

Regular black tea has approximately the same effect. The bag must be placed in hot water, remove, cool slightly and apply to the swollen area.

If the swelling is due to a hematoma or bruise, you can pour it into a bottle cold water, put it in the freezer to form ice. Then wrap it in a clean towel and apply it to the injured area for a few minutes. The procedure must be repeated several times until the swelling subsides. However, this method must be used with caution to prevent hypothermia.

In order to understand why the lip is swollen, it is necessary to analyze the cause of the tumor. For example, you ate some product that you had never tried before, you were bitten by an unknown insect, etc. In fact, there can be a huge number of reasons.

Causes of lip swelling

To the reasons causing the appearance tumors on the lip include:

An allergic reaction to something;

The appearance of an inflammatory process, infectious or viral diseases;

Traumatic injury;

Inflammation of the gums;

Dental intervention.

You will not be able to diagnose the disease yourself. Therefore, the best option is to consult a specialist, and you can start with a therapist. If you know that you have allergies and notice that your lip is swollen, you need to take an allergy medicine. When you choose it, carefully study any contraindications and instructions for use. Otherwise it can't be avoided side effects.

Treatment for swollen lips

It directly depends on the cause that caused this phenomenon. If swelling occurs due to internal problems in the body, treatment should begin with eliminating these same problems. When the lip is swollen due to any injury, the simplest thing, but effective treatment- lubricate the affected area with a soothing ointment and apply an anti-inflammatory drug.

Swollen upper lip: treatment

If you notice that in addition to the swelling there is also redness with slight numbness, this indicates that, most likely, the cause of this condition is an allergic reaction. In this case, lips often become dry and slightly cracked. When ulcers or blisters appear on the tumor, this is evidence of a viral infection. After you cure the disease itself, the swelling of the lip should also go away.

Is the swelling caused by an allergy? Then take an antihistamine. And to relieve dryness and reduce the number of cracks on your lips, you can apply a soothing hypoallergenic ointment to them.

If your lip is swollen and you don’t have any medicines, the main thing is not to panic. After all, there are many home methods that help cope with this problem. For example, a hot and cold compress. Take a couple of ice cubes and wrap them in a napkin. Now apply it to the area of ​​swelling. Or this option: take an ordinary spoon, put it in the freezer and after 20 minutes apply it to the area of ​​​​the swelling. Moreover, you need to hold it NEAR your lips, but without touching it.

You can try the completely opposite option - hot compresses. To do this, place a towel in hot water and then hold it near the swelling on your lip for 15 minutes. The body reduces the accumulation of blood in the affected area and thereby reduces swelling. The same remedies can be used if the lip is swollen after an injury.

Another useful remedy- use a mixture of water, Fuller's earth and turmeric powder. Aloe gel relieves swelling very well. If you don’t have such products on hand, you can use regular tea bags. To do this, you just need to apply them to the affected area. Leave it in for a few minutes warm water tea bag. Then take it out and let it cool down. Now all that remains is to apply it to your lips for just a few minutes. This works great to relieve swelling.

Be sure to make sure that the lipsticks and balms you use do not cause allergic reactions. Otherwise, you will use these products and get swollen lips every time. You don't need this, do you?

In addition, to remove swelling from your lips, you need to drink a lot of water. This prevents dryness and leaves the area hydrated.

A seemingly harmless swelling of the lip, which has happened to every person in their lifetime, sometimes indicates serious dental diseases or defects that require immediate treatment. If the swelling does not subside for several days, then a diagnosis should be made by doctors such as a therapist, dentist or dermatologist for the presence of infectious or inflammatory processes, or microtrauma of the mucous membrane.

In this article we will look at what causes lip swelling, the main causes and treatment of this disease. We will also find out why a similar problem can occur in childhood.

All in all, this pathology can cause a number of different reasons:

Treatment of this cosmetic or pathological defect will directly depend on the cause of its appearance. If the patient was not the cause of the disease and has no idea about its occurrence, then he should promptly contact the clinic and rule out systemic or dental diseases.

When the cause is inflammatory processes

In addition to the above symptom, inflammatory process may cause pain and discomfort in the area, bad smell from mouth. The patient may also observe other damage and defects of the mucous membrane, as well as possible accumulation of pathological fluid or pus in the formations.

Many people are interested in what to do if the lip is swollen due to mechanical damage.

Swelling of the lip after squeezing a pimple

As a rule, inflammation develops after household interventions in the mucous membrane (aggressive oral hygiene, squeezing pimples, biting lips), as well as as a result of injuries (cuts, punctures, dissection, tissue rupture). Often purulent inflammation develops precisely after cosmetic procedures– injections of hyaluronic acid and Botox, area piercing, permanent makeup, etc.

Sometimes ordinary things help solve a problem. alcohol tinctures , antibacterial compresses and healing ointments. However, in case of development purulent abscesses and their illiterate puncture, pathological fluid can enter the blood, causing intoxication of the body.

As soon as you notice ulcers or defects on the surface of the skin, wipe it with peroxide or a weak solution of iodine, furatsilin.

To reduce pain, apply a compress with menthol or propolis, novocaine solution.

Impact of systemic diseases

Sometimes patients are surprised what it can be if the lip is swollen due to influenza, ARVI, herpes, etc.

All viral and infectious diseases, including those associated with illiterate dental intervention, cause a general deterioration of the condition, weakening of the immune system, and therefore the body can react in a variety of ways.

If the infection was caused by surgery in the jaw area or any dental procedures (even installing a filling), then the appearance purulent discharge and swelling of the lips will not surprise anyone.

Diseases such as herpes, candidiasis, lichen planus and stomatitis are always accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane, as well as the appearance of ulcers, erosions, nodules and blisters, which cause numbness and swelling of the lips.

In this case, only targeted anti-inflammatory, antiviral or antifungal treatment will help eliminate swelling.

Zovirax cream

If your lip is swollen from herpes or another viral disease oral cavity, it will help local drugs based on acyclovir, as well as Zovirax and Gerpevir. Additionally, you should take antiviral tablets orally, which will help quickly reduce the concentration of the virus in the body.

Stomatitis and candidiasis are treated with antifungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory medications, including local ones. Regular rinsing with a soda-salt solution, a weak solution of manganese, furatsilin, or a decoction of oak or sage bark is also required. Additionally, immunomodulators are prescribed.

Purulent infectious diseases of a dental nature (periostitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis and others) require a trip to the dentist for re-treatment. The doctor puts potent medications into the resulting pockets or cavities, performs dental fillings, cleans the canals, and prescribes anti-inflammatory therapy.

If swelling is an allergic reaction

The reasons why the lips on the face are swollen are often allergic individual reactions to some food, cosmetic or household irritant.

In addition to swelling of the mucous membrane, the patient may experience numbness in the area and loss of sensitivity. Also, the oral cavity becomes very red, and local rashes in the form of blisters filled with liquid are possible. The skin in the mucous membrane area becomes irritated and cracks.

If you find yourself with the above symptoms, then you should find a sensitizing irritant. This could be a food component, animal hair, dust in the apartment, pollen indoor plants, poplar fluff, dental rinse or toothpaste, other cosmetic product.

In some cases, allergies are caused by orthodontic structures in the oral cavity - braces, dentures, implants, or even an ordinary filling that contains an allergen.

F4 Quincke's edema

If the upper and lower lips are swollen due to an allergic reaction, then treatment will be aimed primarily at eliminating the influencing factor (removing dental structures, changing hygiene products or cosmetics, changing diet, etc.). Antihistamines are also required, and also sorbents (preferably on the direction of the attending physician).

The child's lips are swollen

Young children regularly explore the world, so they put dirty hands and objects, toys, unwashed fruits and vegetables into their mouths.

Any microcrack in the oral cavity or simply a weakened immune system leads to the baby contracting an infection, bacteria or fungus.

Often the reason that a child has a swollen upper lip is thrush (especially for infants), as well as stomatitis ( aphthous appearance), herpes (rare).

If we're talking about about aphthous stomatitis, the disease is accompanied not only by swelling, but also by the appearance of erosions and ulcers in the oral cavity. The child begins to be capricious, refuses to eat, sleeps poorly, and is very lethargic. Also, the disease is often accompanied by a slight increase in temperature.

Parents should promptly wipe oral cavity child with a decoction of herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect (for example, collecting calendula, chamomile, sage, pine needles). It is also recommended to apply compresses based on furatsilin, stomatidine, chlorophyllipt, gevalex and other drugs. Then you should immediately contact your local pediatrician.

Stomatitis in a child

Sometimes the lips become numb and swollen due to a bruise from a fall or blow, as well as in the case of difficult and long teething. The cause may also be allergies, insect bites and other factors that are also observed in adults.

Surgical actions for lip swelling

If it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, then you should use home methods to eliminate the problem.

So, we found out that in the treatment of this disease important role is devoted to the search for a reliable reason. It is necessary to strictly distinguish between damage to the lips in case of hypothermia or biting by the patient and swelling due to mechanical trauma or dental disease. A timely response to this symptom will help prevent the development of many pathological processes, both in adults and children.