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Pine extract (aqueous thick)

Pine needles have long been known as one of the most valuable gifts of nature; they are a real pearl of pine forests. It is in coniferous forests that the property of needles to disinfect the air is manifested, saturating the atmosphere with phytoncides. Its cleansing effect on the lungs is especially important for patients with tuberculosis.

Therefore, many sanatoriums, recreation centers and other recreational facilities were built in pine forests. The needles contain a whole complex of substances that are healing for human body: tannins, phytohormones, essential oil, carotene, flavonoids, organic acids, minerals and vitamins A, C, PP, group B.

It is vitamin C that explains its strong anti-scorbutic effect, and pine is the record holder for its content among conifers, and in winter its concentration in needles increases. Thanks to this property, the creation of an extract of pine and spruce needles was put into production in post-siege Leningrad.

For preventive and health purposes, both the needle part and young branches, buds, cones, pollen, and resin are used. They become the basis for the creation of natural preparations.

Beneficial properties of pine needle extract

Pine needle extract has a powerful general strengthening, anti-scorbutic, tonic effect - it helps restore strength after illness, antibiotic therapy, prolonged lack of vitamins and weakening of the body in winter period. It also creates a relaxing and calming effect, has a number of beneficial properties, among which:

  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic;
  • wound healing;
  • pain reliever;
  • antibacterial.

The use of preparations based on pine needle extract helps regulate metabolism, improve hematopoiesis, the condition of mucous surfaces and stimulate the secretion of gastric juice.

Areas of application of pine needle extract

Pine needle extract is widely used in folk medicine, cosmetology, pharmacology. For example, pine baths help relieve nervous tension, headache psychosomatic nature, normalize sleep and improve skin condition.

Inhaling the vapors of a decoction or essential oil, using pine extract as part of various drops and sprays for the nose, lozenges for the throat helps relieve inflammation of the nasopharynx, clear the lungs and bronchi of mucus in the presence of a respiratory disease.

It is quite effective even with bronchial asthma and others serious problems respiratory system(tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)). Washing oral cavity pine decoction or rinse can speed up the treatment of infections and/or get rid of bleeding gums.

Considering positive influence on metabolism and secretory function of the stomach, pine needle extract is useful for prevention and complex therapy:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • poor digestion;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gout

It is recommended to use preparations based on pine needle extract for hypertension, varicose veins, circulatory disorders and hypoxia to improve blood circulation and blood composition, better saturation organs and tissues with oxygen. It will also be effective for:

  • cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis;
  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • urinary retention;
  • urolithiasis;
  • dyskinesia of the gallbladder and ducts;
  • clogging bile ducts(clumps);
  • gallstone disease.


Pine extract- a natural product with bioactive substances, regular use of pine extract restores the microflora of the stomach and strengthens the immune system.

It is produced by a special method of extraction from young sprouts of fir and mighty cedar.

All natural ingredients collected in an environmentally friendly manner clean areas Krasnoyarsk Territory and southern regions of Siberia. This is a real coniferous mummy with a bitter aftertaste; it has a uniform consistency of a brown-dark paste.

During scientific research chemical analysis confirmed that the biologically active microelements contained in the healing composition of the thick pine extract have no similar analogues in the world.


The extract is often added to ointments and medicines. Thanks to its soft antiseptic consistency, the drug quickly localizes everything inflammatory processes and removes dead tissue.

Restores damaged skin areas and promotes their rapid healing. Coniferous mumiyo when used externally in the form medicinal ointments relieves pain and eliminates abscesses, accelerates skin renewal.

The natural composition of the drug easily relieves inflammation of the oral mucosa, thereby serving for good disinfection and timely prevention against sore throat, pharyngitis and chronic stomatitis.

The thick extract effectively treats all kinds of small cracks and wounds, removes rough skin and calluses.

At internal use natural remedy It is widely used to remove putrefactive flora and dysentery bacillus, as well as to remove toxins and waste from the body.

Regular use of pine extract promotes recovery acid-base environment in the stomach, healing of ulcerative formations and normalization of the condition during various forms gastritis.

Maximum content of bioactive microelements helps eliminate deficiencies useful vitamins in humans, this is especially important during epidemics of influenza and ARVI.

Constantly drinking this natural mixture provides powerful support for maintaining necessary substances and vital nutritional elements. These are useful compounds: calcium carbonate, silicon, iron and magnesium.

Improvement exchange properties significantly reduces the occurrence of painful symptoms of cardiovascular vascular system, liver diseases and helps eliminate overweight bodies.

With regular internal use of pine extract, it helps to quickly heal bones during fractures, and cleansing the lymphatic system reduces inflammation lymph nodes and thoroughly enhances immune protection person. Natural product reduces blood sugar levels in patients as much as possible diabetes mellitus who are not insulin dependent.


When taken orally, the initial dose should correspond to ¼ teaspoon per faceted glass boiled water. It is better to consume the composition 40 minutes before breakfast. Over time, the dose can be increased to 1 teaspoon.


Not detected, coniferous mummy can be used by women during pregnancy and lactation. The product should not be used only when allergic reaction or intolerance to individual components.

Packaging 200 ml. Manufacturer: Irkusk. "Power of Nature".

Many parents dream of not only raising their child correctly, but also maximizing his health. One way is bathing. And many people wonder: is it possible to add oils or other substances to a baby’s bath?
It's always worth remembering that Small child from the first days of life - already a separate personality.

Don't rely on your friends' advice. First of all, you should ask all questions to the pediatrician who is observing him. And he, in accordance with the state of health and other characteristics of the child, will advise what can be added during bathing. But still, baths with pine extract will be very useful for anyone, even babies.

Can it be used for a child?

Baths with the addition of this product are equally beneficial for all ages. Most spas offer their clients such baths, medicinal properties which will be useful for the child from birth. This procedure will help:

  1. Relax and calm down.
  2. Remove toxins from the body.
  3. Get rid of many skin problems and also prevent their occurrence.
  4. Raises your mood and well-being.

Indications for taking baths with pine needle extract

  • To calm the child.
  • To relieve muscle tone.
  • To get rid of insomnia.
  • Render positive impact to the entire cardiovascular system.
  • To restore metabolism.
  • Raises the child's mood.

But coniferous-salt water procedures will become prevention, or accelerate the recovery process after birth trauma. Baths with the addition of the extract are an excellent preventive measure.

Such a wide range of effects is associated with the presence of tannins in the composition, essential oils, trace elements and a huge number of mineral salts.

Instructions for use

To obtain maximum effect from the procedure, it should be carried out in accordance with all the rules. The main conditions for a good bath are:

  1. Comfortable water temperature in the room.
  2. The baby is in a good mood.
  3. Feeding should be an hour before bathing.

During bathing, it is important to ensure that the baby does not swallow any water. The whole procedure is about 7-10 minutes. To bathe a child, add 2 milliliters of pine needle extract to 10 liters of water. Such baths should not be given to your baby every day. It is better to alternate them with regular baths. The break must be at least one day. The course is 10-15 minutes.


You should not bathe small children in such baths if the baby has problems with work of cardio-vascular system, as well as for other diseases, for example:

  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Bleeding.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Formations of a malignant nature.
  • Bleeding.
  • Skin diseases of an inflammatory and infectious nature.

Release form

Pine needle extract is produced and sold in two versions:

  1. Vegetable raw materials in packages of 50 g.
  2. Liquid extract in bottles of 250 g and 500 g.

Side effects

Among side effects that may appear after using baths with pine needle extract are allergic reactions.

How is pine extract useful for children, how to prepare it at home, when to use it and who should avoid it? We'll talk about this further.

Pine baths - beneficial properties

The essential oils contained in pine needles are very beneficial for the human body. They have a positive effect on many organs, but above all on the central nervous system.

Thanks to the particularly soft sedative effect pine needle esters can quickly calm a person, suppress excessive aggressiveness, improve mood, and give a charge of vigor.

The child’s body is also susceptible to stress: the influence of negative external factors, illnesses, conflicts in the family, increased mental stress, hard work at school and much more.

It is quite clear that the younger generation, regardless of age, can also benefit from bathing in pine baths. True, completely infancy should be given Special attention extract concentration.

Coniferous extracts are a storehouse of phytoncides. This is true. Under the influence of these biologically active substances, regeneration processes are stimulated, growth and development are suppressed pathogenic microflora, the bacterial composition of the skin is normalized.

IN childhood, especially in infancy, pine extract for a bath will bring a lot of benefits. Firstly, the baby’s skin does not yet have the ability to effectively resist the onslaught of bacteria and viruses and it would not be amiss to help the child’s body.

When inhaling coniferous phytoncides, the condition of the mucous membrane is normalized respiratory tract, which reduces the likelihood of developing colds. Such procedures are very effective, especially in combination with measures of nonspecific prevention of influenza and ARVI.

Another important characteristic is the presence high concentrations antioxidants - substances that can inactivate the ability of some highly active particles to damage biological membranes.

Under the influence of antioxidants, factors that contribute to the development of very serious illnesses, including oncological ones. Maximum effectiveness from such procedures is expected when combined with general strengthening measures.

Indications for pine baths

Coniferous extract is very useful for infants, as for many of us, but the maximum therapeutic and preventive effect can be expected in the following cases:

Sleep disorders;
Frequent inflammatory diseases respiratory organs;
Allergic diseases;
Treatment of consequences sunburn;
Recovery after illnesses.

In addition, carrying out general tonic activities.

Contraindications for use

None special contraindications there is no requirement for taking pine baths. However, in case of individual intolerance, as well as in the presence of violations of the integrity of the skin, it is better to refrain from such procedures.

How to make pine extract at home?

Of course, you can buy pine extract for bathing babies at a pharmacy or store, but such a drug must be purchased. We will not waste money on this. It’s much more fun to cook everything ourselves, especially since we don’t need something exotic or incredibly complicated for this.

The first step in the preparation of this drug is the collection of raw materials. Not all spruce branches are suitable for making extract. They should be collected only away from busy highways, settlements or industrial zones.

It is better not to break off light green branches, let the tree grow further. In addition, the content of biologically active substances in such needles is lower, therefore, they are less useful.

In addition to pine needles, you can collect cones, twigs, and pieces of bark. Besides this, you shouldn’t get stuck on this. The raw materials of pine, fir, cedar, as well as all other coniferous species are ideal.

The collected raw materials must be chopped using a knife or large scissors, placed on the bottom of a large pan and filled with boiling water. The pan should be closed with a lid and preferably wrapped in a blanket (to save heat). You need to infuse the twigs in this container for at least ten hours. As a matter of fact, the healing potion is ready.

Half a liter of pine extract is enough to take a bath. Of course, the water will not become intensely colored. green color, as when using an industrial concentrate. By the way, this coloring does not come from spruce extract, but is created by dyes.

Nevertheless, the intense spruce smell will be present, and this is exactly what we need. Time to take a bath.

Pine tincture

The word tincture eloquently hints at the presence of an alcohol base. This is true. To prepare this drug you will need about 2 liters of strong alcohol, preferably vodka.

The procurement of raw materials is carried out using the previously announced method. Twigs, cones and bark are crushed and placed inside a three-liter jar. Next, this container must be filled to the brim with alcohol and left for at least 3 days. Optimally - a week.

Using this tincture is very simple. Half a glass of the drug will be enough for a bath.


When bathing your baby in pine baths, especially at first, attention should be paid to the condition of the child’s skin. If rashes, redness or peeling occur, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Natural pine needle extract is made from pine and spruce using water extraction. Herbal product contains a number of vitamins, mainly C, as well as B1, B2, B6, nicotinic acid, N, folic acid, phenolic and nitrogen-containing compounds, carbohydrates; serves as a source of micro- and macroelements (Zn, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Cu, Co, Mn, Fe, Se) and phytohormones.

Baths made from natural extract needles have a temperature and mechanical effect on the body. Active components, penetrate through the layers of the skin, irritating receptors and causing reflex changes in the human body. Tannins from pine extract are natural antiseptic compounds and coagulants, which, due to their unique properties, cleanse the mucous membranes and surface layer of skin from pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms, and are also able to stop minor bleeding and participate in the healing of small cracks, abrasions and the formation of a healthy epidermis.

Vitamins, polysaccharides and amino acids of pine needles moisturize and nourish the skin, restore protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, giving it softness, elasticity and velvety. Flavonoids from pine extract strengthen the walls of capillaries and blood vessels. Phytoncides of pine needles are natural antibiotics from pine and spruce leaves, which have a beneficial effect not only on skin covering, but also on the mucous membranes of the ear, throat, and nose.

That is why this extract is an excellent prophylactic during flu epidemics and other infectious diseases. Coniferous extract has a beneficial effect on the state of the vegetative-vascular nervous system, has a general strengthening and tonic effect, stimulates the function of the cardiovascular system, normalizes metabolic processes, has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, fungicidal effect.

Pine needle extract normalizes sleep, calms, improves performance and increases the body's resistance to exposure unfavorable factors environment. The use of pine extract is recommended not only for adults, but even for children of any age, in order to relieve nervous overexcitation and improve sleep.

The drug can be bought at the pharmacy, but preparing pine extract at home is a very simple and aromatic task. You will need a thread for this coniferous tree(preferably young) with cones and buds. It must be thoroughly rinsed in running water, boiled for about 40 minutes and allowed to brew overnight.

Use as follows: for 200 liters of water 100 ml active substance. Take a bath at a comfort temperature of 35 - 37 degrees for 20 - 30 minutes every other day for a month. Repeat the course several times a year. Coniferous extract for children during the procedure should be diluted in a lower concentration: 30 ml per 200 liters of water.