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Underwater hydromassage is an elixir of health, youth and beauty

The effect of massage and water on the body at the same time brings very great benefits. Hydromassage is a procedure during which massage is carried out using water jets. Water temperature and jet pressure are determined individually. It is not recommended to perform hydromassage in the area of ​​the mammary glands and groin area. When hydromassaging the abdomen, the water pressure should not exceed 100 kPa (1 atm).

To carry out this type of massage, use a special bath filled with warm water, or a specially equipped small swimming pool. The water temperature usually ranges from 35 to 37 degrees. The temperature of the massage jet should be the same as the temperature of the water in the bath itself. In some cases, to achieve desired effect alternate massaging with jets of water with colder and hotter temperatures.

The pressure of the massaging jet ranges from 1 to 4 at. To get results you need 15-30 massage sessions. Warm water causes muscle relaxation and allows mechanical influence on deeper tissues. This massage improves blood and lymph circulation, promotes better nutrition tissue and stimulates metabolism. Underwater shower massage helps to reduce excess weight, recover from injuries to the musculoskeletal system, relieve residual effects polio. This massage is prescribed for swelling, some gynecological pathologies, diseases of peripheral nervous system, vasospasms, etc.

Underwater shower massage for injuries of the musculoskeletal system is performed after removing the plaster (if there are no contraindications). In this case, for the first 2-3 days, massage only the area located above the injury site, and then carefully begin massaging the damaged area.

The damaged area should not be immediately exposed to intense impact; in the first days, stroking, gentle kneading and vibration movements with a stream of water are sufficient. The duration of the massage procedure in this case does not exceed 15 minutes.

Underwater shower massage for injuries and diseases of the peripheral nervous system (radiculitis, neuritis, etc., prescribed in chronic period In this case, hydromassage restores motor functions well and prevents muscle atrophy and joint immobility.

During an underwater shower massage for hypertension according to the method of L.A. Komarova affects reflexogenic zones at a water jet pressure of 101-202 kPa. The first massage procedures are carried out only using a rain head with stroking movements.

The next 2-3 procedures, in addition to the rain nozzle, use a slotted spatula with which deep stroking techniques are performed. A slit spatula is used to massage the lumbosacral region, back, paravergebral zones, limbs, collar area. For each massaged area use special reception massage. When carrying out the following procedures, different massage techniques are used with a variety of attachments.

Currently, shower massage is often used in cosmetology practice to improve skin condition, get rid of cellulite, restore body contours, increase tone and improve general condition.

Whirlwind underwater massage

One of the types of hydromassage is whirlpool underwater massage. It is carried out in special baths in which a circular flow of water is created. For the first time, such a massage began to be used in France, mainly for the treatment of serious injuries and wounds.

An elastic vibrating vortex jet of water produces a deep massage of the entire human body, which massage gives tone to tissues and muscles, promotes better blood circulation, metabolism, reduces excess weight, accelerates recovery processes, relieves stress, etc.

Whirlwind underwater massage will be beneficial for injuries of the musculoskeletal system and vascular diseases lower limbs. Both general and local whirlpool massage is possible, for example, for massaging the limbs. For this purpose, small containers are used, allowing the use of a small amount of water and high jet pressure.

The temperature of the water in a whirlpool bath can be very varied; it is determined by the condition and disease of the person. The duration of the Procedure also varies widely and can range from 10 to 30 minutes.

Hydromassage- This is a body massage with a stream of water supplied under pressure. The operating principle of hydromassage is based on the therapeutic effect of pressure, temperature and chemical composition water flow on the human body. Air is often introduced into the water flow and bubbles form. Water can be mineral or plain. Hydromassage helps improve blood circulation, relax muscles, relieve muscle pain and tension.

By using medical research It has been found that water massage accelerates metabolic reactions in the body. Water jet massage does not injure the surface of the body and causes pleasant sensations in a person. This massage accelerates the flow of blood and lymph through the vessels. Hydromassage also has an analgesic effect for muscle pain and joint inflammation, and has a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Muscle tone increases. Hydromassage helps remove excess fat in the thighs and abdomen and get rid of the appearance of cellulite. Just a few water massage procedures will allow you to get rid of extra pounds.

History of hydromassage

Water procedures were used for healing back in Ancient Greece and Rome and are described in the works of Hippocrates. The upper strata of Roman society and free citizens enjoyed water treatments with hot and cold water, as well as massage.

French neurologist Jean Martin Charcot created a procedure based on the contrasting effects of water jets applied under pressure to the desired areas of the body from a distance of 3 meters. Charcot's shower helps to cope with cellulite, rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, eliminate excess belly fat, improve metabolism, relieve stress and reduce pain. It is impossible to use Charcot's shower at home; this balneological procedure is carried out under the supervision of a doctor in clinics and sanatoriums.

The first hydromassage bath was created by Candido Jacuzzi in the 20th century to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It was quite primitive - a pump supplied air to the bath and bubbles formed. Over the past decades, technology has stepped forward, and now the Jacuzzi company creates high-tech hydromassage baths and is a trendsetter in the spa industry.

Previously, hydromassage was available only to the very rich. But now even people with low incomes can afford this pleasure. Many holiday homes and spas offer water massage in their range of services. What are the benefits of water massage?

The benefits of hydromassage

Such a powerful factor as the pressure of a stream of water has a healing effect on the human body. A person sits in a bath with water whose temperature is 35-37 degrees. Before the hydromassage begins, a person needs to stay in the bath for several minutes to allow the muscles to relax. Then a stream of water is directed onto the body. You can carry out the water massage procedure every other day or every day. Hydromassage can last 15-30 minutes, the course requires only 15-20 procedures.

Hydromassage is useful in the treatment of many diseases:

  • weakened immunity,
  • arthritis,
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system,
  • sports injuries, muscle pain (soreness),
  • insomnia, depression,
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • spondylosis,
  • gastrointestinal diseases,
  • lupus,
  • obesity, cellulite,
  • erectile disfunction,
  • chronic fatigue syndrome and many other ailments.

To better understand the healing effects of hydromassage, let's look at all its positive aspects in order.

1. Water massage significantly improves sleep.

In our time of continuous stress, a person is in constant mental tension. As a result, each of us often feels chronic fatigue, irritability and emotional instability. Well, what kind of healthy and deep sleep in this condition? As a result, chronic sleep deprivation further exacerbates bad feeling. In such situations, hydromassage allows you to relax tense muscles, calm the nervous system, and stabilize breathing and heart rate. Hydromassage smoothly prepares a person for a sound, deep and fulfilling sleep.

2. Hydromassage improves the color and condition of the skin.

Poor quality food, air pollution, and excessive exposure to the sun significantly accelerate natural process aging skin and the appearance of wrinkles. the site recommends regular hydromassage procedures, and then a lot can be corrected. Water massage expands the capillaries of the skin, thereby improving the supply of essential nutrients and accelerating the elimination of harmful elements. As a result of such processes, the skin is moisturized, becomes elastic and radiant, and its color improves.

3. Hydromassage reduces chronic pain.

Many of us are familiar with situations in which something constantly hurts or aches. This is the result of long-past injuries or illnesses. And here, too, water massage can come to the rescue. The fact is that the effect of hydromassage causes an increased release of endorphins in the human brain. Endorphins have an analgesic, sedative, that is, calming effect. Thus, you can do without expensive and far from harmless painkillers. In addition to the analgesic effect, water massage promotes faster healing of chronic diseases.

4. Water massage normalizes blood circulation.

If a person is very tired physically or mentally, then it is difficult for him to relax; his muscles seem to be in constant voltage. An overly tense muscle is like a compressed sponge, that is, it cannot pass or retain much fluid. For this reason, blood circulation deteriorates significantly, and the load on the heart increases greatly. But after taking hydromassage procedures, the contracted muscles are released and promote faster movement of venous blood to the heart. The better the blood circulation, the more oxygen, nutrients, everyone will receive energy human organs. Also, residual products will be removed from the cells at a faster rate.

5. Hydromassage strengthens the immune system.

Of primary importance in preventing inflammation is lymphatic system. Most people lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is one of the reasons for the sluggish flow of lymph and, as a consequence, weak immunity. Water massage not only improves blood circulation, but also increases the circulation of lymph flow. Therefore, it is easier for the body to fight inflammatory processes, and wounds heal faster. In general, a person develops a more stable immune system.

To summarize, we can say that hydromassage makes us more resistant to various stressful situations at work and at home. It helps get rid of chronic pain, increase immunity, normalize sleep, improve overall health.

You can do a water massage procedure in your bath. Of course, you won’t have the required water jet pressure, but in any case, water procedures will help relieve stress and improve well-being.


Before the hydromassage procedure, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. Among the contraindications for hydromassage, it should be noted: thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, tuberculosis, hemorrhages, benign and malignant tumors, stage 3 hypertension, urolithiasis disease, skin inflammation and infections, myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease.

We are accustomed to the fact that the fight against kilograms is impossible without a fair dose of deprivation, restrictions, stress and self-torture. But this process can cause not only positive emotions and deliver true pleasure! The method is simple - choose water massage for weight loss. This magical remedy improves the skin, strengthens the body, at the same time relaxes and tightens the muscles, improves well-being, lifts the mood and corrects the figure.

What is it and how does it work

The essence of the procedure is simple: various parts of the body are treated not with the hands of a massage therapist, but with rather powerful jets of water. In this case, it is desirable that the strength, direction and temperature of the flow be adjusted in accordance with each specific zone.

The technique and methodology involves a wide selection of equipment: showers and panels, Jacuzzis, swimming pools. This allows for both a home and professional approach. But the most popular, effective and truly high-quality is considered to be underwater hydromassage for weight loss, carried out on the basis of treatment and prevention or cosmetology centers. The key to success is not only the quality of technical equipment, but also the combination of three impact effects:

  • zonal massage;
  • restorative health bath;
  • thermotherapy.

Equally important is the correct sequence of the process, taking into account the characteristics of each stage:

  1. General relaxation in a warm bath with air bubbles (it is acceptable to use fresh or sea ​​water, will not interfere and essential oils).
  2. Gradual deep, intense, pleasant and painless impact of an “underwater” jet on individual (problem) areas.
  3. If necessary, a more rigid “surface” method is not excluded. It is carried out fragmentarily, from a short distance (15-20 centimeters).

Features of water massage

To make a pleasant stay in a “jacuzzi” as useful and productive as possible, you need experienced specialist, appropriate conditions and compliance with basic rules.

  • The bath should be spacious enough (about 2 x 1 x 0.8 m). The more space, the freer the massage therapist’s movements, and the likelihood of injuring the patient with the hose nozzles is small.
  • Movements, regardless of the pattern, are directed from the limbs to the back or stomach.
  • The water supply pressure is selected individually and can range from 2 to 4 atmospheres (for abdominal wall– no more than 1 atm.). In this case, it is not recommended to touch the areas of the heart, mammary glands, groin and genital organs.
  • The intensity of the pressure can be adjusted using the diameter of the nozzles, the distance from the body surface and the feed angle.
  • Properly selected temperature regime, changing during the session within 30 - 38°C.
  • To enhance the effect, if possible, come to the procedure on foot and refrain from overeating beforehand.
  • At the end of the session, you should not get up suddenly (most likely, you simply won’t be able to do this).
  • A full course usually consists of 10-20 procedures, prescribed every other day. Each duration is from 30 minutes. up to an hour.

How does weight loss happen?

Water massage is beneficial for weight loss for several reasons:

  • Mechanically affecting the body, it changes the structure subcutaneous tissue. That is why it is recommended for hypoid lipodystrophy (more commonly called “cellulite”). After the first three times, swelling noticeably decreases, unevenness subsides, the skin becomes smoother and fresher.
  • Each session relieves stress, increases blood circulation, activates metabolism, speeds up metabolism, and works to remove waste, toxins and unnecessary fluid.
  • Resisting water attacks, the muscles involuntarily tense and become toned. Spasms disappear.

All this ultimately affects body fat. It’s worth making a reservation right away: “impacts” does not mean “destroys”! You can’t argue against the laws of physics, and the entire accumulated “strategic reserve” will not go away until the energy consumed is less than the energy wasted. And for this you need a system of actions and A complex approach. Not a single physiotherapeutic procedure in the world can overcome excess weight on its own! But in certain areas of battle with hated kilograms, it can become a powerful “guerrilla movement.” Therefore, in overall strategy In the battle for slimness, water massage for weight loss is an integral and essential component that can significantly speed up the approach of complete victory.

Reason for popularity

The second and third places in the basic three hydromassage techniques are occupied by:

  • (stress massage with gushing water from a hose). Held qualified specialists exclusively in clinics or salons. Causes a strong rush of blood to the skin, stimulates the formation of collagen. With a sufficiently strong impact on adipose tissue, alas, the method is sometimes so aggressive that it leaves bright and extensive bruises.
  • Home Jacuzzi baths and specially equipped showers. Due to the relatively low power of the equipment, they provide a relaxing rather than therapeutic effect. For tangible results, it is better to combine the use of these products with self-massage of problem areas.

The options are interesting and proven, but too “borderline”. Against their background, underwater hydromassage for weight loss is a comprehensive and universal golden mean that rightfully holds the leadership.

Video of the procedure

Precautionary measures

While admiring the benefits of water procedures, it is worth remembering some limitations. Hydromassage baths are contraindicated if the patient:

  • any disease in the acute stage;
  • thrombosis and hemorrhage;
  • skin inflammations and infections;
  • tuberculosis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, hypertension;
  • oncology.

There are also hygienic problems associated with poor cleaning and disinfection of equipment. Unfortunately, the presence of fungi, intestinal bacteria and staphylococci in pipes cannot be determined by sight. Therefore, it is better for allergy sufferers and people with low immunity to be extremely careful.

Results and feelings

Opinions and reviews about hydromassage for weight loss, as usual, are heterogeneous. But it is clearly recognized that:

  • Already in the middle of the course, lightness sets in, swelling goes away, fatigue and heaviness in the legs are forgotten.
  • The elasticity, color and structure of the skin are noticeably improved.
  • The flexibility of the spine and joint mobility are restored.
  • Sleep normalizes, headaches recede, back problems disappear.
  • Immunity is strengthened.

Guaranteeing a quantitative result of lost kilograms is a thankless task. But a well-structured course (with the support proper nutrition and reasonable loads) can remove up to 6 kg of weight and “sharpen” the volume of the waist and hips by two or three centimeters. And if you also take into account the associated healing moments against the backdrop of general pleasure, then you simply cannot find a better procedure!

WITH medical point For each person, there is an optimal weight, exceeding or decreasing which is fraught with consequences. Doctors at a consultation most often encounter overweight bodies. Today it is not fashionable not to take care of oneself, so both men and women try to do everything possible ways bring the figure to the desired parameters.

Organized weight loss requires an integrated approach. At the Cellulite medical center we use various techniques for figure correction: manual, hardware, injection liposuction. Hydromassage is an excellent way to combat excess weight. During the manipulation, the breakdown of fat cells is triggered, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage are activated, digestion is normalized, thereby regulating appetite and reducing the amount of calories consumed. Toxins and excess fluid are removed, metabolism improves.

Indications for water procedures

Hydromassage is performed when:

  • overweight for weight loss;
  • obvious signs of cellulite: sagging skin, “orange peel”, decreased tissue turgor;
  • neuropsychic stress;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • presence of edema, lymphostasis;
  • recovery period after operations and injuries.

A distinctive advantage of this method of weight loss is the combination of massage itself and balneotherapy. Balneotherapy consists of using mineral water natural or artificial origin. Water allows the use of hydromassage in patients with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, digestion and blood. The effect of weight loss is especially clearly visible in patients with gynecological diseases: pathological menopause, cycle disorders.

When adding seaweed the result of treatment improves. Algae contain vitamins and microelements, which, when absorbed, further enhance weight loss: metabolic processes and endocrine glands are normalized.

The benefits of hydromassage for the treatment of cellulite

Hydromassage for weight loss has a number of advantages:

  1. Eliminates tissue swelling.
  2. Activates metabolism at the cellular level, which prevents the recurrence of cellulite.
  3. Helps restore the water balance of the skin: the skin returns to its natural healthy shine, elasticity, and smoothness.
  4. It has an effect on the body as a whole, all areas of the body are worked out, especially problematic ones.
  5. Stimulates blood circulation and lymph outflow.
  6. Water, acting on nerve synapses, has a calming effect: relieves pain, fatigue, and hypertonicity of individual muscle fibers.
  7. Increases immunity.

The price of hydromassage varies depending on the chosen technique, which will allow you to achieve a long-term effect in combination with other methods of body correction. Proper Use water massage technician specialized equipment can sharpen a figure beyond recognition.

It is especially important to note that the sound of water affects the pleasure zones of the brain. As a result, patients note an improvement in mood and well-being. There is no need to consume “endorphins” in the form of chocolate, bananas, or high-calorie foods, which further contributes to weight loss.

Methods of execution

Water massage can be performed in a box, bath, swimming pool, or using a shower. In any case, the patient is exposed to a stream of water under pressure, the strength of which is determined by a specialist depending on personal characteristics, the area of ​​exposure and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Particular attention is paid to problem areas: sides, stomach, thighs. During the procedure, lymphatic drainage technique is used to stimulate the removal of toxins from the body. The doctor directs the stream of water on the hose independently, which ensures proper drainage. The movement begins from the limbs to the head.

For each part of the body there are acceptable water jet pressure parameters. Insufficient fluid pressure will not have the proper fat-burning effect for weight loss. Optimal implementation of the procedure by highly qualified specialists of the Cellulite medical center allows you to achieve desired results. Monitoring and taking into account all indicators contributes to the necessary muscle contraction in response to the impact of a stream of water. As a result of the procedures, blood flow and lymphatic drainage improves; energy is spent on muscle work, which the body takes from fat deposits.

The duration of one procedure is 45 minutes. To achieve the desired weight loss effect from hydromassage, you need to complete a course of 10 sessions. Baths for weight loss are used every other day. It will be possible to repeat the course of water procedures in six months.


Hydromassage is not performed if:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathology;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • serious disorders of the cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous systems;
  • skin rashes, dermatitis;
  • pregnancy, postpartum recovery and lactation.

Hydromassage helps improve well-being and eliminate symptoms of many chronic diseases, especially in combination with balneotherapy. The influence of water flows has a stimulating effect on muscles, normalizes metabolic processes, restores skin elasticity, improves blood flow. When combining massage with other methods of figure correction, the orange cellulite peel disappears after a course of procedures.

You can learn in detail about various procedures, the possibility of combining and alternating a figure correction complex, and sign up for hydromassage in Moscow at the Cellulite medical center. If you follow doctors' recommendations, you can lose weight quickly enough without stress or harm to the body.

  • Service Price before discount Price
  • Hydromassage (Underwater shower massage) 2,500 rub.
  • With added seaweed 3,700 rub.

Every child knows that water is synonymous with life. Without it, a person will die within 5 days. A person consists of 70% of it; water is involved in all important processes of the body. This liquid has unique properties, many of which scientists still cannot explain. It’s probably not for nothing that water jet massage has been considered amazing since ancient times. remedy. The frescoes testify to this Egyptian pyramids and the works of ancient healers Hippocrates and Avicenna. Today, water treatments remain just as popular, and thanks to the latest achievements science and technology have become even more perfect, simpler and more accessible.

Hydromassage is a special therapeutic and prophylactic procedure during which certain areas of the human body are exposed to a jet of water of a certain power.

Strong pressure contributes to the jewelry treatment of such deep layers of tissue and muscles that even the most skillful fingers of a massage therapist cannot reach.

Warmth and healing properties water greatly increases the effectiveness of the manipulations performed. As a result:

  • spasms, pain and tension in the muscles go away, as the fibers relax and stretch, becoming more elastic and mobile;
  • blood circulation and lymph flow improves, which promotes the unhindered flow of nutrients and oxygen to internal organs and removes decay products, waste and toxins;
  • the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is normalized: stabilized arterial pressure, education is suspended cholesterol plaques, symptoms of autonomic disorders disappear;
  • metabolic processes are activated;
  • tissues and joints get rid of excess liquid, causing swelling and inflammation, and restore their motor function;
  • the production of endorphins – natural anesthetics – is stimulated, resulting in a significant reduction in pain;
  • removed nervous tension, the body reacts more softly to stress, a person gets rid of insomnia;
  • condition improves skin, scars and adhesions resolve due to the expansion of capillaries and increased removal of waste and toxins;
  • rises immune defense body.

This massage has one more thing useful property, which makes the procedure especially popular among women. It’s amazing how easily under the influence of water jets subcutaneous fat deposits are broken down, waste products come out through open pores, and the appearance of cellulite decreases or disappears completely. The figure becomes slimmer and more toned. Any problem area can be treated: thighs, abdomen, buttocks, shoulders and arms.


There are a number of conditions in which even taking a regular bath becomes absolute contraindication, and even more so hydromassage, which involves an active and sometimes aggressive effect on the human body. In the case of hydromassage, these include:

  • oncological processes;
  • previous heart attack;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • persistent hypertension;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • fever and high temperature;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • pregnancy, uterine and menstrual bleeding, recent childbirth or abortion;
  • acute stage of chronic, inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • some skin pathologies.

A relative contraindication to the use of hydromassage is varicose veins veins This means that in each specific case, permission for the procedure must be given by the attending physician based on the patient’s condition. Most likely, he will not allow you to massage the problem area, so as not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Where to choose

Today, every self-respecting balneological resort, SPA complex and even beauty salon is ready to offer a number of varieties of water massage, ranging from ordinary enemas for prostate problems to procedures using sophisticated equipment. Which one to choose is up to you, but only after a preliminary medical examination and consultation with your doctor.

Sharko's shower

The procedure owes its appearance to the famous psychiatrist from France J.M. Charcot. The professor widely used this massage technique in his practice to treat nervous system disorders. Observations showed that patients quickly recovered emotional condition, and at the same time got rid of many chronic diseases and excess weight. Effective and affordable, the technique has become very popular all over the world. It is prescribed for:

  • diseases of the spine,
  • neuroses,
  • depression,
  • chronic fatigue syndrome,
  • metabolic disorders,
  • obesity,
  • endocrine pathologies,
  • allergies,
  • muscle tension and spasms of various origins.

This type of hydromassage does not require special devices or special preparatory work. A swimsuit, cap, flip-flops and a towel are all you need. During the session:

  • From a distance of 3-4 meters, the patient is watered from hoses with two powerful jets of water, pressure up to 4 atmospheres, at a temperature of 20–40 0 C.
  • First, use a fan shower, pouring it over the entire body.
  • Then, under strong pressure, individual areas are treated: stomach, sides, arms, legs, back; it is prohibited to direct the stream to the head, spine, mammary glands and genitals; The strength of the impact is regulated by the massage therapist: he can come closer, increasing the load, or, conversely, move away - it all depends on the patient’s condition and the threshold of his pain sensitivity.
  • The limbs are treated along the line of large vessels, the abdomen - clockwise.
  • With each procedure, the water temperature decreases, and the pressure, on the contrary, increases.
  • The so-called Scottish shower involves the use of contrasting temperatures, from 10 to 40 0 ​​C, during one procedure.
  • The session lasts 10–15 minutes and ends with a fan dousing.

According to reviews, after a massage, many people, as a rule, feel extraordinary lightness and sometimes drowsiness. This indicates relaxation of the nervous system and elimination of spastic conditions. Muscle pain may appear, as if physical activity, especially in an untrained person. Hematomas and bruises indicate high sensitivity of the patient’s skin or insufficient professionalism of the massage therapist and ideally should be absent.

This technique is used in salons and at home to relieve the patient of fatigue, pain in the joints, back and muscles, relieve nervous tension, eliminate congestion in the body and intestinal problems. But most often this massage is used for weight loss and the fight against cellulite and puffiness, and also as an excellent detox remedy. How the procedure works:

  1. The patient is immersed in a special bath filled with warm water.
  2. 5 minutes the body gets used to the new environment, relaxes and rests.
  3. After this, the massage therapist picks up the hose and, using different attachments, performs an underwater massage. problem areas body: abdomen, thighs, arms, calf muscles. It is even possible to treat the patient’s face and neck.
  4. The jet is supplied under pressure from 1 to 5 atmospheres, but the thickness of the water softens the impact, excluding discomfort.
  5. Massage movements are performed up and down or in a circular path.

In some cases, vacuum underwater hydromassage is used. The special mechanism of the nozzle slightly draws the skin into itself, while simultaneously acting on the side with a strong jet. This is how they get rid of the hated " orange peel", hitting her twice. It is useful to combine such a massage with therapeutic wraps, anti-wrinkle masks and other physiotherapeutic procedures.

Thematic material:

The duration of the session is determined by the doctor based on medical indications, on average it is 10-15 minutes. At the end of the therapy, you should not immediately leave the bath: it is better to lie down for a few more minutes and enjoy the extraordinary lightness in your body and peace of mind.

The developer of this therapeutic technique Italian inventor Roy Jacuzzi is considered. It was he who, back in 1968, guessed to attach an electric pump that generates air bubbles to the edge of an ordinary bathtub. The bubbling water provided a wonderful massage and therapeutic effect, much needed by Roy's nephew, who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. The design of modern units has changed noticeably. Now the jacuzzi is designed in such a way that:

This procedure does not require the constant presence of a massage therapist nearby, so it will allow you to completely relax, rest, restore physical and emotional strength and spend a little time alone, away from the noise and bustle.

Today, vortex automatic hydromassage, which came from France, has gained particular popularity. In special baths, a water cycle is created, which provides a deep body massage for 20 minutes without causing painful sensations. This technique is widely used as part of therapy for serious injuries and wounds, and the effect can be exerted both on the whole body at once and on its individual problem areas. And this technique fights signs of cellulite better than the newfangled cryomassage.

I wonder what similar procedures It is also useful for very young children with abdominal pain, intestinal colic, anxiety and excitability of the nervous system.

This device makes possible to carry out hydromassage at home. A special nozzle for a household shower was created by inventor Andrey Alekseev. Thanks to the special non-standard design of the holes, the energy of water pressure is converted into kinetic energy, reducing consumption and at the same time increasing the force of impact on the human body. Standard kit includes:

  • the shower itself;
  • two nozzles with different numbers of holes that change the nature of the water supply and the type of massage: a mesh with 19 holes for an invigorating and dynamic effect, and with 61 for relaxation;
  • a pair of replacement gaskets;
  • instructions for use and technical data sheet with training video.

If desired, you can purchase additional attachments for lymphatic drainage, underwater massage, facial cleansing or shock wave therapy. The number of holes on the mesh will vary from 1 to 17.

It is important to know that there are specially developed rules for conducting hydromassage using Alekseev’s shower:

  1. The strongest jet is intended for the back, because only a powerful pressure can work out muscle mass and deep tissues of this zone.
  2. The abdomen is treated in a circular motion, moving the nozzle to a distance of 50 cm.
  3. You can even influence scalp heads. Such manipulations stop hair loss, stimulate new growth, and get rid of dandruff.
  4. To prevent varicose veins, we make circular movements from the foot to the thigh. The water flows, causing a slight tingling sensation.
  5. To get rid of cellulite, we massage the problem area for a long time, changing the nozzles, pressure power and water temperature. A feeling of warmth spreading throughout the body and redness of the skin are good signs.

The disadvantages of this device include a rather high price - about 4,000 rubles - and a not very modern, simple design.

Air hydromassage or pearl baths

The patient is immersed in a specially designed bathtub. A special compressor pumps air that is high pressure erupts from numerous nozzles built into the surface and creates many small bubbles. They completely cover the human body and look like pearls shimmering in the sun. This is where the romantic name for the procedure came from. Such a dense air cloud of bubbles:

  • promotes muscle relaxation;
  • reduces stress on bones and joints;
  • stimulates the work of sensitive endings;
  • cleanses pores, saturating tissues with oxygen;
  • gives relief from back and joint pain.

This kind underwater hydromassage is considered the most gentle, therefore it is recommended even for people with sensitive skin and those suffering from hypertension V initial stage its manifestations.

The temperature of the water in the bathroom is very comfortable - about 36 0 C, and the added decoctions medicinal herbs, pine needle extracts, mineral mixtures or sea salt significantly enhance the therapeutic and prophylactic effect. The 15-minute procedure is prescribed daily, and it will give tangible results after the first sessions (in total there are from 14 to 28).

Dry massage

Surprisingly, this technique allows you to conduct a session completely eliminating contact with water. For the procedure, an aquacapsule is used - a bathtub that looks like a bed, since its surface is covered with a thin and very durable membrane. A high-pressure jet is supplied from built-in nozzles. A person lying on top of the membrane feels the slightest vibrations of the liquid and feels its full impact. This technique allows you to save everything medicinal effects balneotherapy and at the same time reduces the number of contraindications. Dry hydromassage makes it possible for people with cardiovascular and some diseases to undergo the procedure. skin diseases. During the session, the patient experiences extraordinary convenience and comfort:

  • His head lies on a comfortable pillow.
  • The water temperature is maintained by a built-in heating system.
  • A special remote control allows you to select a massage area: the effect can be directed to the buttocks, legs, back, shoulder girdle or the whole body at once.
  • 5 massage modes: relaxation, intense, power, pulsating and manual - easily switched during the procedure.

Dry or non-contact massage brings particular benefits to patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system: intervertebral hernias and protrusions, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, kyphosis, lumbago, radiculitis, sciatica.

Vichy is a famous French resort, which has been famous for its thermal springs. It was here that at the beginning of the 19th century they first used unique procedure, which is still very popular among vacationers who want to improve their health, among athletes to maintain physical fitness and for women who want to lose weight and look young and beautiful. Its essence is as follows:

  • The patient lies on his stomach on a plastic massage couch, covering his head with a special protective screen.
  • Above it is a shower rail with nozzles arranged in two rows and covering the entire body.
  • For the procedure, different water is used: thermal, mineral, sea or heated.
  • The jet pressure is adjusted depending on the massaged area and the patient’s health condition.
  • Depending on the delivery method, you can choose a rain, needle or dust type of massage or combine them in one procedure.

The Vichy shower does not hurt even with the strongest pressure, so it is suitable for people with sensitive skin. Using a special bedspread creates the effect steam bath and strengthens therapeutic effect therapy.

Which equipment to choose

Once having experienced all the delights of water massage, a person falls in love with this procedure forever.

I must say that this pleasure is quite expensive: in the salon average cost one session ranges from 500 to 2000 rubles. So why spend extra money and kill time on the road to the salon and back, if massage room can you organize it at home, even in the smallest bathroom? To do this, you just need to correctly select the appropriate equipment. It can be:

The modern market of hydromassage devices surprises with its diversity, including: showers, bathtubs, bottom geysers, cascading waterfalls and water cannons for swimming pools. What to buy depends on your desires and capabilities. But in any case, be careful, choose only certified products, and entrust the installation to specialists.

How to perform hydromassage at home

In a sanatorium, clinic or salon, a specialist is always closely monitoring the procedure. He sets up the hydromassage installation and carefully monitors the time and condition of the patient during the session. At home, you yourself must control all these parameters. To avoid harm to health and avoid side effects, you need to remember the golden rules of water massage:

  1. The jet should not hit the body at a right angle: this will cause you discomfort and even pain. It is better if it is along a tangential trajectory.
  2. The water pressure needs to be adjusted depending on the area of ​​the intended massage: the back will withstand up to 5 atmospheres, the thigh surface - no more than four.
  3. The hotter the water, the shorter the exposure time. The optimal bath temperature is 36-38 0 C.
  4. Don’t get carried away with the process: a half-hour session will be quite enough.
  5. You can add it to water sea ​​salt, herbal extracts, mineral compounds, essential oils. This will enhance the therapeutic effect of the procedure.
  6. Avoid letting the spray splash onto your face, otherwise there is a risk of injury to your eyes and ears.
  7. The massage is done on empty stomach. Immediately before the procedure, you should not drink alcohol.

After the first sessions, you will feel how strength and energy return, how the skin cleanses and improves. And when, two weeks later, you step on the scale, your joy will know no bounds. It turns out that being healthy and happy is not so difficult, you just need to really want it.

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