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Underwater hydromassage is an elixir of health, youth and beauty. Water massage for weight loss: is it possible to “wash off” extra pounds?

It is believed that the hydromassage procedure was invented in Germany, back in the 30s of the 20th century, and at first it was used in the treatment of patients with various injuries - both experimental method. It turned out that the control group of patients recovered faster than those who did not take such water procedures: they had more a short time wounds and fractures healed, swelling went away, sleep returned to normal, condition improved skin etc.

After this, hydromassage was relegated to the category medical procedures. This procedure combines the effects of massage, therapeutic baths and thermotherapy - heat treatment that has long been used in complex therapy many chronic diseases. All these methods are used separately and have excellent therapeutic effect, however, the results of their use in the form of a combined procedure such as hydromassage are several times more effective.

What is it like?

Hydromassage, as we most often imagine it, is performed in a bathtub, in which special nozzles are installed in certain combinations. Combinations of nozzles create different air-water flows: they differ in intensity and are directed at different angles, so that the body of a person in this bath is affected differently.

You can sit in the bath as needed so that these flows affect only certain areas, or almost the entire body, and you can also adjust the strength of the water and air flows according to your feelings.

We like to bathe even in a regular bath, but in a hydromassage bath we get much more pleasure and benefit from water procedures; Today, not only bathtubs, but also showers can be hydromassage.

Several treatments can be performed in a hot tub. For example, you can immerse yourself in a bathtub with jets every day, and there is no need for a massage therapist. However, there are procedures that must be carried out by a massage therapist using a special hose - water comes out of it under pressure from 1 to 4 atmospheres.

In this case, the procedure acts in a targeted manner - the massage therapist himself directs the jet to certain areas of the patient’s body, and the therapeutic effect is more pronounced.

What are the benefits for the body?

The benefits of hydromassage for the human body are very great. Let's talk about this in more detail. So:

Hydromassage allows you to successfully not only prevent diseases, but also improve your well-being and treat many chronic diseases.

With the help of hydromassage you can relieve muscle spasms and other painful symptoms; strengthen fragile blood vessels; treat varicose veins, ligament tears and fractures, restore mobility of injured joints.

When water-air jets affect the skin, metabolism improves, blood circulation is stimulated, digestion and intestinal transport function return to normal.

After a working day, hydromassage helps relieve tension and heaviness, softens and relaxes the body, facilitates the work of joints. During the procedure, you feel freshness and a surge of new strength, but this does not prevent you from falling asleep peacefully, even if you previously suffered from insomnia.

Impaired motor functions are restored faster after hydromassage baths - arms and legs work better, and the spine becomes more flexible. Adhesions and scars, if any, soften; lymphatic drainage improves. The walls of blood vessels become more elastic, excess fluid, toxins and waste are quickly removed from the body, and congestion disappears.

All these improvements in the body restore the structure of the skin: it is more actively saturated nutrients and oxygen, it becomes smooth and acquires a healthy color.

What effect does it have on the figure?

It is clear that the breakdown of fat is also accelerated, and the appearance of cellulite is reduced - which is why hydromassage is a popular method of losing weight today. Of course, it must be used in combination with other methods: you cannot expect that water procedures will help you lose weight if you do not follow at least the most simple recommendations proper nutrition and don’t even do morning exercises.

Hydromassage itself does not burn fat, and cannot destroy any fat layers: it relieves stress, relaxes, improves blood and lymph flow, and thus actively promotes weight loss. Its anti-stress effect is especially important - it is this that often helps women get rid of extra pounds, as they become calmer and stop using “goodies” as a sedative.

Therefore, for those who are forced to work in a tense environment, hydromassage is simply necessary. But hydromassage in a bath with mineral water– for example, iodine-containing.

If you follow all the recommendations, using hydromassage in combination with other weight loss methods, you can lose weight quite quickly, and without harm to the skin - there will be no sagging, since the water-air jets will simultaneously tighten the skin and strengthen muscle tone.

Which modern procedures Are they based on hydromassage technology?

A course of salon or resort procedures can be taken every 3-4 months: Charcot shower - 12-15 procedures, underwater massage - up to 20 procedures, every other day. During the day, cells and tissues that have received stress have time to “rest”, and there is no strain on the heart - hydromassage can be performed at this rhythm even for people with cardiovascular diseases - of course, after consulting with a doctor.

Stress hydromassage Charcot shower

Hydromassage procedures can be divided into several types. For example, the well-known Charcot shower is also a hydromassage; it is also called stress massage. During the procedure adipose tissue there really is a strong effect due to the rush of blood to the skin, as well as due to stress, albeit moderate - this natural reaction body for massage with water jets under high pressure.

Charcot's shower stimulates the formation of protein, and therefore collagen fibers, so it is effective even with severe manifestations of cellulite. Accept this procedure should only be done in special clinics or trusted salons where qualified specialists work: if you want to save money, you can get not only a bunch of bruises, but also microtraumas on the skin, and this does not contribute to either health or beauty. Charcot's shower is recommended for overweight people, but chronic diseases liver, kidneys and genitourinary system it is contraindicated.

Home jacuzzi

Home hydromassage cannot provide strong action on lymph flow, but stimulates blood circulation, so when treating cellulite it is better to combine hydromassage baths with self-massage of problem areas using anti-cellulite cream, or with vibration massage. Hydromassage in a shower cabin works almost the same way - in combination it gives good results.

Hydromassage in a home jacuzzi or regular bath can be done every day - it won't hurt if the water is not too hot or cold.

The water should be warm - approximately equal to body temperature, and you can do hydromassage even with your hands: first you need to stroke the body, and then rub and knead. They start with a massage of the legs and arms, moving from bottom to top, then massage the neck, back and lower back, abdominal muscles, chest and scalp. It is clear that it is not always possible to perform a high-quality massage of all areas - you can ask your family to help you. For such home massage 15-25 minutes is enough.

You can massage your body in the bath with soft bristled brushes; If it’s painful right away, you can start with a soft massage sponge.

In a home bath, if you buy special shower heads, you can even arrange an underwater massage. A short rubber hose with a special nozzle that allows you to regulate the water pressure is also suitable. There is no need to massage the mammary glands and groin area in this way.

Contraindicated for whom

Hydromassage is contraindicated in oncology, after a heart attack, with ischemic disease and persistent hypertension, thrombophlebitis, urolithiasis, exacerbations of chronic diseases, fever, acute and skin infections. Probably few people would think of spending time in similar conditions hydromassage procedure, however, with all of the listed diseases, you should not even take a regular bath.

The hot tub was invented in Berlin in 1936. Even in those days, it was noted that patients with serious injuries recovered much faster if they were treated with water procedures. It is possible to remove swelling, normalize sleep, and increase the flow of oxygen to the cells. The skin breathes more actively.

What is a hydro massage bath

Bath of this type is a complex system with special nozzles integrated into the architecture of the bathtub. The most in an elementary way hydrotherapy involves daily immersion in such a bath. ABOUT A very effective and not too expensive way to improve your health is to immerse yourself in a hydromassage bath while actively massaging the body with a jet from a hose under pressure from one to four atmospheres (it is better if this is done by an experienced massage therapist). The main advantage of hydromassage is its deeper effect on the body, compared to a regular bath, due to the intense and deep action of warm water.

What problems can hydromassage solve?

Exposure to a powerful jet can stimulate:

  • tissue and muscle tone;
  • extension blood vessels skin;
  • expansion of the body's skin;
  • activation of blood circulation;
  • activation of the metabolic process;
  • weight loss;
  • acceleration of the processes of restoration of motor functions.


  • increasing mobility in the joints of the limbs;
  • increasing the mobility of the spine;
  • softening and greater mobility of scars and adhesions;
  • improving gastrointestinal motility;
  • activation of lymphatic and venous circulation;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • restoration of vascular elasticity.


  • stimulating absorption from excess liquid;
  • drainage of excess fluid towards natural filters;
  • effective removal of stagnation (stasis);
  • increased metabolism;
  • tissue relaxation;
  • eliminating muscle tension;
  • decreased reflex excitability;
  • decreased tendency to spasms.

Also achieved:

  • analgesic effect;
  • increased blood supply to the skin;
  • increased hemodynamics;
  • increased diuresis and metabolism;
  • activation of trophic functions;
  • improvement general condition body;
  • increased mood;
  • the appearance of a feeling of freshness, softness, vigor.

In the first ten minutes you can simply lie in the whirlpools of undercurrents. Then you need to roll over onto your back. The massage therapist moves a water stream flowing from a hose over your entire body. The movements should be upward, stroking, circular, going from the feet to the lower back.

Then you need to roll over onto your stomach, and the process will repeat - from the legs to the head, from the bottom to the top, going up clockwise. After the procedure is completed, do not stand up abruptly. Lie quietly in the bathroom, and then on a comfortable couch. You will experience a colossal effect of relaxation and bliss after an underwater massage session.

Feelings of defenselessness and relaxation quickly turn into a feeling of freshness, vigor, energy, and a desire to act.

WITH medical point For each person, there is an optimal weight, exceeding or decreasing which is fraught with consequences. Doctors at a consultation most often encounter overweight bodies. Today it is not fashionable not to take care of oneself, so both men and women try to do everything possible ways bring the figure to the desired parameters.

Organized weight loss requires A complex approach. IN medical center"Cellulite" are used various techniques for figure correction: manual, hardware, injection liposuction. Hydromassage is an excellent way to combat excess weight. During the manipulation, the breakdown of fat cells is triggered, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage are activated, digestion is normalized, thereby regulating appetite and reducing the amount of calories consumed. Toxins and excess fluid are removed, metabolism improves.

Indications for water procedures

Hydromassage is performed when:

  • overweight for weight loss;
  • obvious signs of cellulite: sagging skin, " Orange peel", decreased tissue turgor;
  • neuropsychic stress;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • presence of edema, lymphostasis;
  • recovery period after operations and injuries.

Distinctive advantage this method weight loss is considered to be a combination of massage itself and balneotherapy. Balneotherapy consists of using mineral water natural or artificial origin. Water allows the use of hydromassage in patients with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, digestion and blood. The effect of weight loss is especially clearly visible in patients with gynecological diseases: pathological menopause, cycle disorders.

When adding seaweed the result of treatment improves. Algae contain vitamins and microelements, which, when absorbed, further enhance weight loss: metabolic processes and endocrine glands are normalized.

The benefits of hydromassage for the treatment of cellulite

Hydromassage for weight loss has a number of advantages:

  1. Eliminates tissue swelling.
  2. Activates metabolism at the cellular level, which prevents the recurrence of cellulite.
  3. Promotes recovery water balance skin: the skin returns to its natural healthy shine, elasticity, and smoothness.
  4. It has an effect on the body as a whole, all areas of the body are worked out, especially problematic ones.
  5. Stimulates blood circulation and lymph outflow.
  6. Water, acting on nerve synapses, has a calming effect: relieves pain, fatigue, and hypertonicity of individual muscle fibers.
  7. Increases immunity.

The price of hydromassage varies depending on the chosen technique, which will allow you to achieve a long-term effect in combination with other methods of body correction. Proper Use water massage technician specialized equipment can sharpen a figure beyond recognition.

It is especially important to note that the sound of water affects the pleasure zones in the brain. As a result, patients note an improvement in mood and well-being. There is no need to consume “endorphins” in the form of chocolate, bananas, or high-calorie foods, which further contributes to weight loss.

Methods of execution

Water massage can be performed in a box, bath, swimming pool, or using a shower. In any option, the patient is exposed to a stream of water under pressure, the strength of which is determined by a specialist depending on personal characteristics, the area of ​​exposure and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Particular attention is paid to problem areas: sides, stomach, thighs. During the procedure, lymphatic drainage technique is used to stimulate the removal of toxins from the body. The doctor directs the stream of water on the hose independently, which ensures proper drainage. The movement begins from the limbs to the head.

For each part of the body there are acceptable water jet pressure parameters. Insufficient fluid pressure will not have the proper fat-burning effect for weight loss. Optimal implementation of the procedure by highly qualified specialists of the Cellulite medical center allows you to achieve desired results. Monitoring and taking into account all indicators contributes to the necessary muscle contraction in response to the impact of a stream of water. As a result of the procedures, blood flow and lymphatic drainage improves; energy is spent on muscle work, which the body takes from fat deposits.

The duration of one procedure is 45 minutes. To achieve the desired weight loss effect from hydromassage, you need to complete a course of 10 sessions. Baths for weight loss are used every other day. It will be possible to repeat the course of water procedures in six months.


Hydromassage is not performed if:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathology;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • serious disorders of the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous system;
  • skin rashes, dermatitis;
  • pregnancy, postpartum recovery and lactation.

Hydromassage helps improve well-being and eliminate symptoms of many chronic diseases, especially in combination with balneotherapy. The influence of water flows has a stimulating effect on muscles, normalizes metabolic processes, restores skin elasticity, and improves blood flow. When combining massage with other methods of figure correction, the orange cellulite peel disappears after a course of procedures.

You can learn in detail about various procedures, the possibility of combining and alternating a figure correction complex, and sign up for hydromassage in Moscow at the Cellulite medical center. If you follow doctors' recommendations, you can lose weight quickly enough without stress or harm to the body.

  • Service Price before discount Price
  • Hydromassage (Underwater shower massage) 2,500 rub.
  • With added seaweed 3,700 rub.

We are accustomed to the fact that the fight against kilograms is impossible without a fair dose of deprivation, restrictions, stress and self-torture. But this process can cause not only positive emotions and deliver true pleasure! The method is simple - choose water massage for weight loss. This magical remedy improves the skin, strengthens the body, at the same time relaxes and tightens the muscles, improves well-being, lifts the mood and corrects the figure.

What is it and how does it work

The essence of the procedure is simple: various parts of the body are treated not with the hands of a massage therapist, but with rather powerful jets of water. In this case, it is desirable that the strength, direction and temperature of the flow be adjusted in accordance with each specific zone.

The technique and methodology involves a wide selection of equipment: showers and panels, Jacuzzis, swimming pools. This allows for both a home and professional approach. But the most popular, effective and truly high-quality is considered underwater hydromassage for weight loss, carried out on the basis of treatment and prevention or cosmetology centers. The key to success is not only the quality of technical equipment, but also the combination of three impact effects:

  • zonal massage;
  • restorative health bath;
  • thermotherapy.

Equally important is the correct sequence of the process, taking into account the characteristics of each stage:

  1. General relaxation in a warm bath with air bubbles (it is acceptable to use fresh or sea ​​water, essential oils won’t hurt either).
  2. Gradual deep, intense, pleasant and painless impact of an “underwater” jet on individual (problem) areas.
  3. If necessary, a more rigid “surface” method is not excluded. It is carried out fragmentarily, from a short distance (15-20 centimeters).

Features of water massage

To make a pleasant stay in a “jacuzzi” as useful and productive as possible, you need experienced specialist, appropriate conditions and compliance with basic rules.

  • The bath should be spacious enough (about 2 x 1 x 0.8 m). The more space, the freer the massage therapist’s movements, and the likelihood of injuring the patient with the hose nozzles is small.
  • Movements, regardless of the pattern, are directed from the limbs to the back or stomach.
  • The water supply pressure is selected individually and can range from 2 to 4 atmospheres (for abdominal wall– no more than 1 atm.). In this case, it is not recommended to touch the areas of the heart, mammary glands, groin and genital organs.
  • The intensity of the pressure can be adjusted using the diameter of the nozzles, the distance from the body surface and the feed angle.
  • Properly selected temperature regime, changing during the session within 30 - 38°C.
  • To enhance the effect, if possible, come to the procedure on foot and refrain from overeating beforehand.
  • At the end of the session, you should not get up suddenly (most likely, you simply won’t be able to do this).
  • A full course usually consists of 10-20 procedures, prescribed every other day. Each duration is from 30 minutes. up to an hour.

How does weight loss happen?

Water massage is beneficial for weight loss for several reasons:

  • Mechanically affecting the body, it changes the structure subcutaneous tissue. That is why it is recommended for hypoid lipodystrophy (more commonly called “cellulite”). After the first three times, swelling noticeably decreases, unevenness subsides, the skin becomes smoother and fresher.
  • Each session relieves stress, increases blood circulation, activates metabolism, speeds up metabolism, and works to remove waste, toxins and unnecessary fluid.
  • Resisting water attacks, the muscles involuntarily tense and become toned. Spasms disappear.

All this ultimately affects body fat. It’s worth making a reservation right away: “impacts” does not mean “destroys”! You can’t argue against the laws of physics, and the entire accumulated “strategic reserve” will not go away until the energy consumed is less than the energy wasted. And this requires a system of action and an integrated approach. Not a single physiotherapeutic procedure in the world can defeat excess weight on one's own! But in certain areas of battle with hated kilograms, it can become a powerful “guerrilla movement.” Therefore, in overall strategy In the battle for slimness, water massage for weight loss is an integral and essential component that can significantly speed up the approach of complete victory.

Reason for popularity

The second and third places in the basic three hydromassage techniques are occupied by:

  • (stress massage with gushing water from a hose). Held qualified specialists exclusively in clinics or salons. Causes a strong rush of blood to the skin, stimulates the formation of collagen. With a fairly strong effect on adipose tissue, unfortunately, the method is sometimes so aggressive that it leaves bright and extensive bruises.
  • Home Jacuzzi baths and specially equipped showers. Due to the relatively low power of the equipment, they provide a relaxing rather than therapeutic effect. For tangible results, it is better to combine the use of these products with self-massage of problem areas.

The options are interesting and proven, but too “borderline”. Against their background, underwater hydromassage for weight loss is a comprehensive and universal golden mean that rightfully holds the leadership.

Video of the procedure

Precautionary measures

While admiring the benefits of water procedures, it is worth remembering some limitations. Hydromassage baths are contraindicated if the patient:

  • any disease in the acute stage;
  • thrombosis and hemorrhage;
  • skin inflammations and infections;
  • tuberculosis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • myocardial infarction, ischemic disease heart, hypertension;
  • oncology.

There are also hygienic problems associated with poor cleaning and disinfection of equipment. Unfortunately, the presence of fungi, intestinal bacteria and staphylococci in pipes cannot be determined by sight. Therefore, it is better for allergy sufferers and people with low immunity to be extremely careful.

Results and feelings

Opinions and reviews about hydromassage for weight loss, as usual, are heterogeneous. But it is clearly recognized that:

  • Already in the middle of the course, lightness sets in, swelling goes away, fatigue and heaviness in the legs are forgotten.
  • The elasticity, color and structure of the skin are noticeably improved.
  • The flexibility of the spine and joint mobility are restored.
  • Sleep normalizes, headaches recede, back problems disappear.
  • Immunity is strengthened.

Guaranteeing a quantitative result of lost kilograms is a thankless task. But a well-structured course (with the support of proper nutrition and reasonable exercise) can remove up to 6 kg of weight and “sharpen” the volume of the waist and hips by two or three centimeters. And if we also take into account the incidental health-improving moments against the background of general pleasure, then best procedure You just can't find it!

Our body is mostly made of water. And the condition of the body directly depends on water balance. Since ancient times, women have used water procedures to rejuvenate and improve skin condition.

Currently, hydromassage procedures are a very popular and effective method for losing weight.

But in order not to harm your body in pursuit of beauty, before using this technique, you should be sure to familiarize yourself with all the indications and contraindications for hydromassage.

Hydromassage is a salon procedure that is performed in a special hydromassage bath. Its essence lies in a special therapeutic hydromassage with directed streams of water to certain areas of the body. Hydromassage is also called SPA massage.

It is generally accepted that this treatment method was invented in Germany by rehabilitation doctors. During therapeutic baths, patients endured their injuries much faster, their breathing and blood circulation normalized.

During this procedure, the massage therapist, using special water hoses, conducts a hydromassage session and actively stimulates every cell of your body.

Water-air flows are created from special nozzles, which are regulated depending on the purpose. The direction and strength of the flow is determined by the doctor who prescribes the massage session.

With the help of this effective method You can improve your skin condition, reduce excess weight, get rid of cellulite and stretch marks, and improve blood circulation. Hydromassage normalizes blood pressure and helps relieve nervous tension and improves the general condition of the body.

Medicinal properties

This procedure combines several therapeutic techniques: this includes massage, healing baths and thermotherapy. To enhance effectiveness, all these procedures are used comprehensively. Water massage is effectively used to treat various chronic diseases.

Hydromassage is effectively practiced to treat obesity and improve the skin. Underwater massage is incredibly beneficial for the general condition of the body.

It speeds up metabolic processes, improves emotional condition, normalizes blood pressure, increases resistance to viral diseases.

After aqua-therapy sensation, the body’s performance and endurance increases, brain function improves and sleep normalizes. Hydromassage is useful for normalizing heart function, it harmonizes the functioning of organs abdominal cavity. With the help of water procedures, intestinal motility improves, it acquires the correct position.

During this procedure, the nervous system is activated. It can have an invigorating or calming effect on the body depending on the temperature of the water.


The benefits of hydromassage are incredibly great; it is used:

  • to reduce excess weight and treat cellulite;
  • elimination of postpartum stretch marks;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin of the face and body;
  • elimination of muscle spasms;
  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • increasing the strength of blood vessels and capillaries, treatment varicose veins veins;
  • treatment various injuries and fractures, postoperative period;
  • restoration of injured joints;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • recovery from spinal injuries;
  • speedy healing of wounds and smoothing of scars.


Underwater massage

Manual underwater hydromassage is the most common type of water procedures. The patient is placed in a special bath and the massage therapist manually performs a massage using a directed hose.

The massage therapist applies a stream of water to the patient’s problem areas: stomach, arms, thighs, calf muscles, face and neck. Using this method, they reduce excess weight, treat cellulite and shape the figure, and effectively relieve swelling and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Sharko's shower

This is a “impact type” shower. When the patient is in the shower, the massage therapist uses a large hose to massage problem areas. At the same time, the water from the hose hits very hard, which creates a powerful stimulating and healing effect.

First, the water jet is applied fan-wise, then the water temperature changes and the procedure becomes contrasting. Charcot's shower activates the work of all human systems. Normalizes blood and lymphatic system, reduces the appearance of “orange peel”, reduces excess weight, improves skin condition and heals the entire body.

Charcot's shower relieves stress and effectively treats neuroses and depression.


This is a type of SPA procedure that combines the effects of air and water currents. The patient lies down in a special wide bathtub, which is equipped with special nozzles from which air-water streams emit.

This is a very pleasant procedure when the whole body is enveloped in a weightless cloud of air bubbles. To enhance therapeutic effect Medicinal salts and essential oils are added to the water. Such baths promote muscle relaxation, tone the skin, reduce stretch marks and the appearance of cellulite.


This is the most modern look hydromassage, which has not yet gained much popularity. It is carried out in a special bathroom, which is equipped with special nozzles - ultrasound sources. Ultrasonic massage produces more active therapeutic effect and is considered more effective.

As a rule, it is combined with a jacuzzi and other types of massage. Used to normalize work internal organs, reduction high blood pressure, promotes weight loss.

Vibrating bath

Vibration bath is also one of the methods of physiotherapy. With the help of waves of different frequencies, certain areas of the body are affected. The vibration mechanism can move along a certain area of ​​the body or be stationary.

The water in such baths can be regular or with the addition of mineral salts or essential oils. It is used to treat the respiratory and digestive organs, to prevent cellulite and reduce fat deposits, and to treat gynecological diseases.

Read about the procedure and much more in our separate material.

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Benefits and harms

Advantages of hydromassage:

  • An effective way to lose weight and get rid of excess weight.
  • Visible improvement in the condition of the skin and muscle tissue.
  • Hydromassage helps remove toxins from the body.
  • Active saturation of cells with oxygen.
  • Hydromassage helps to relax the body and is an excellent prevention of spasms.
  • Pronounced analgesic effect.
  • Strengthening blood supply and normalizing blood pressure.
  • Restoration of motor function and joint mobility.
  • Improves bowel function and activation metabolic processes in organism.
  • Increases the strength of blood vessels, preventing varicose veins.
  • Water treatments reduce stress, improve mood and general condition.

Disadvantages of hydromassage:

The aquatic environment can stimulate reproduction harmful microorganisms. Therefore, after each procedure, the bath must be thoroughly washed with special disinfectants. Injectors also often become clogged and require constant cleaning.

Hydromassage is not useful for everyone and has a number of contraindications. Also, the hot tubs and equipment are very high cost, which makes the procedure quite expensive.

Indications for hydromassage:

Who shouldn't

Contraindications to hydromassage:

  • acute inflammation in the body;
  • the presence of severe viral and infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the blood-forming organs;
  • oncological diseases, the presence of malignant tumors;
  • skin diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • kidney and urinary tract diseases;
  • ischemic disease;
  • persons who have suffered strokes and heart attacks;
  • with caution for patients with an installed pacemaker.

For children and elderly patients, the procedure is carried out strictly as prescribed and under the supervision of the attending physician.

The use of hydromassage during pregnancy is also not recommended; it is better to postpone this procedure until after childbirth.

For weight loss

Many people are interested in the question: does hydromassage help with weight loss? This type of massage promotes intensive breakdown of fats and therefore this method is actively used for weight loss and reduction of adipose tissue. Its action is based on activating blood circulation and normalizing lymphatic drainage, which in turn leads to a reduction in fat deposits in the arms, hips and abdomen.

Aqua massage actively helps normalize digestion, thereby regulating appetite and reducing the amount of calories consumed. Reducing toxins and removing excess fluid also has a positive effect on the fight against extra pounds.

What it is, how the session goes, recommendations for the procedure - read the article on our website.

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In the fight against cellulite

For effective fight with “orange peel” all types of water massage are used: underwater, Charcot shower, ultrasonic and vibration massage. To enhance the effect, various salts and minerals, seaweed extracts and essential oils are added to the water. Most effective essential oils is rose, lavender, orange and lemon oil.

Hot tubs are very effective method to combat various diseases. Water procedures have a lot useful properties, they are prescribed for weight loss and improving the condition of the nervous system and the whole body.

You can see how pleasant this procedure is by watching the video: