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Sub simplex when it starts to work. Interaction with other medications. Directions for use and dosage for children

In infants aged 1-6 months due to immature digestive system Colic often occurs. Colic - cramping pain, localized in the abdomen, accompanied by bloating and excessive gas formation. Colic causes discomfort for both children and new parents. The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a lot of drugs that can relieve colic. Sub-Simplex is one such drug.

From our article you will learn detailed instructions on the use of the drug Sub-Simplex for colic for newborns and infants.

Composition and principle of action on the body

Sub-Simplex is a drug that can reduce flatulence and the formation of gases in the intestines. The main active ingredient is simethicone, which has the ability to destroy gas bubbles in the large intestine.

The advantage of simethicone is its ability to be excreted from the gastrointestinal tract in its original form, without being absorbed.

In addition to simethicone, the medication contains a number of additional substances in the form of carbomer, sodium saccharinate, sorbic acid, water and flavorings (vanilla, raspberry).

The drug is produced in liquid form - in suspension. It is opaque, white or light gray in color, with a pronounced aroma of vanilla and raspberries. The taste is sweet, with pleasant fruity notes.

The suspension is in a convenient dark brown glass bottle with a dropper dispenser, allowing you to accurately measure the required dose of the product.

In pharmacies, Sub-Simplex is sold in bottles containing 30 ml of the drug. The bottle is placed in a cardboard package with instructions for use.

For what purposes is the medicine prescribed?

Pediatricians prescribe Sub-Simplex infants in the following cases:

  • at advanced education gases V intestinal tract and bloating, accompanied by pain;
  • with intestinal colic physiological nature;
  • before medical procedures related to the examination of the gastrointestinal tract: Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract, FGDS, examination of the intestines using X-rays;
  • in case of poisoning with detergents(shampoo, washing powder).

Important to know: Sub-Simplex makes it easier general state in children with flatulence and colic arising due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the cause of bloating is infection, pancreatic disease, allergies, the drug will not solve the problem. Sub-Simplex acts symptomatically.

On the pages of our website you will also learn everything for newborns, and how suitable this product is for your baby!

Presence of contraindications in children

Despite the relatively safe composition, Sub-Simplex has contraindications:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with obstruction;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • high sensitivity to certain ingredients in the suspension.

Newborns and infants may develop allergies in the form of a rash and patches of redness on the face and body to the drug Sub-Simplex (see photo below).

More often, the reaction occurs to vanilla, raspberry flavors or preservatives. If intolerance develops, you should contact your pediatrician to prescribe a similar remedy with simethicone.

How long does it take for the drug to work, its effectiveness

The main principle of action of the suspension is the ability to break up large gas bubbles in thick and small intestine into small ones.

Small bubbles do not injure sensitive mucous membrane, and are absorbed into its walls or are easily excreted naturally.

Thanks to this carminative effect, the intestines are freed from gases, pain and swelling go away or decrease.

When entering the gastrointestinal tract, Sub-Simplex quickly enters the intestines and acts as an antifoam, reducing tension and gas pressure. Simethicone is not absorbed by the body and does not accumulate in tissues and organs., is output unchanged.

The effect of taking it develops after 15-20 minutes, the child begins to pass gas, and the condition improves significantly.

Dosage and frequency of taking drops

How much and how often can Sub-Simplex be given to a newborn? The dosage of Sub-Simplex is calculated based on the age of the child. For babies from birth to 12 months you will need 15 drops per dose. It is better for newborns to take Sub-Simplex with food (formula feeding or when breastfeeding) or immediately after it.

Frequency of administration: twice a day, in the morning and at night. However, if the baby severe attack intestinal colic, the drug can be given every 4-6 hours, 15 drops. Shake the bottle of Sub-Simplex thoroughly before use. You should not give the product undiluted to your baby (drip from the bottle directly into the mouth).

Dosage of Sub-Simplex for preparation for instrumental studies calculated by the attending physician based on childhood and requirements for diagnostic procedure.

How to give, special instructions

The suspension should be taken orally, after or during feeding.. If your baby eats formula or milk from a bottle, the suspension can be added directly to the formula.

If the baby is breastfed, it is better to give Sub-Simplex from a small spoon, after diluting a little to liquid consistency breast milk or boiled water.

It is convenient to give the drug from a small syringe without a needle.

Special instructions:

  • the drug is used to treat children suffering from diabetes mellitus and lactase deficiency;
  • overdose symptoms are unknown, however, the permissible dose cannot be exceeded;
  • if complaints of intestinal colic and flatulence persist for a long time, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

How to take with other medicines

Information on the relationship of the suspension with other medications has not been established. It has been confirmed that Sub-Simplex does not accumulate in the body, does not enter the general bloodstream, and is not absorbed into the mucous membrane. However, for the purposes better efficiency It is better to maintain a time interval of 1-1.5 hours between taking Sub-Simplex and other medications.

Instructions for use of Espumisan Baby! How effective is this drug for newborns?

Prices in pharmacies, shelf life and expiration dates

IN Russian pharmacies cost per 30 ml bottle of Sub-Simplex for newborns - 260-280 rubles. The suspension is sold in all pharmacies, it can be purchased at free access, no doctor's prescription required.

The opened bottle should be stored in a place inaccessible to children.. Ideal location - no impact sun rays with a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. The suspension has a shelf life of 3 years from the date of manufacture.

When a baby cries and has a hard tummy, the first thing you might suspect is colic - increased formation of gases in the intestinal tract that distend its walls. Colic is often combined with another problem - swallowing air during feeding. They end up burping and hiccupping.

How to alleviate the baby’s condition and relieve him of discomfort?

Sub simplex for newborns

Increased gas formation, of course, causes concern among parents, but this condition is just functional disorder, arising against the background of the intestines’ inability to fully digest food. The baby’s body must undergo a kind of adaptation, which is sometimes accompanied by discomfort. An immature intestinal system and a lack of enzymes lead to inadequate breakdown of food and its fermentation. Gases provoke distension of the intestinal walls and pain.

Since the digestive system in children is imperfect, gases cannot leave their body on their own. Various auxiliary procedures and medications enhance intestinal motility, facilitate the release of gases, converting them from large to small bubbles.

Composition of the drug Sab Simplex for newborns

The active ingredient of the product is simethicone (dimethicone 350: silicon dioxide). Also includes Excipients: hypromellose, carbomer, sodium citrate dihydrate, monohydrate citric acid, vanilla and raspberry flavor, sodium cyclamate, sodium saccharinate, sodium benzoate, sorbic acid, polyglycostearyl esters, water.

How and when to give Sab Simplex to a newborn

This product is available in the form of a suspension. Distributed in 30 ml dropper bottles. The active substance of the drug is simethicone, which reduces the formation of large gas bubbles. Simethicone is a silicon gel that prevents the foaming process. For this reason, it is often included in heartburn remedies, bedsore and diaper rash creams.

Sub simplex is not able to be absorbed into the blood and intestines, therefore it does not interact with other organs and systems, and accordingly, it is absolutely safe drug from colic. It is not addictive, so it is approved for long-term use. It contains fruit additives, which creates a pleasant sweetish taste. Sab simplex is excreted unchanged along with feces.

The drug is contraindicated in intestinal obstruction and individual intolerance to its components. In the vast majority of cases it is well tolerated.

Sub simplex: duration of use and dosage for newborns

The instructions indicate that the recommended dose is 15 drops. The suspension should be given before each feeding and, if necessary, at night. The product is first diluted with warm boiled water or milk: the suspension dissolves well in liquid.

If the baby is very worried, Sub simplex is given in pure form, dripping straight into your mouth.

A special bottle allows you to accurately dose the drug. It is not only convenient to use, but also prevents overdose.

How often can Sab Simplex suspension be given to a newborn?

The drug is not absorbed into the blood or into the intestinal walls, so there is no need to be afraid of an overdose. Give it before each feeding.

There are several dosage regimens that depend on the feeding regimen:

  1. Free feeding (attachment to the breast on demand). The dosage is reduced to 10 drops, the number of doses is reduced to 8 per day. The same scheme is used when artificial feeding and severe colic;
  2. When the baby is calm most days, cries only in the evening and at night, a single dose of the suspension is recommended before evening feeding;
  3. For periodic intestinal spasms, it is worth giving the remedy twice a day.

Also, parents can use the drug only when symptoms of colic appear in the baby. In addition, infants adapt better to new living conditions if the nursing mother eats properly. In the first 1.5 months after the birth of a child, it is recommended to exclude fresh fruits from the menu, as well as juices from them.

How much to give Sab Simplex to a newborn

As a rule, the course does not last long. The drug can be given only periodically, that is, for symptomatic indications. Babies with severe colic need several weeks for their intestines to adapt to their new environment.

Often parents purchase medicine in advance and give it for preventive purposes. Should not be doing that. In addition, colic can often be eliminated by a standard procedure: by applying a crumb of a warm diaper or a heating pad to the tummy, you can put the baby on your stomach.

Parents should understand that any medicine, even the most harmless one, can cause intolerance or allergies. Therefore, before starting it, you should consult your pediatrician.

How to give Sab simplex correctly

The product dissolves well in liquid. It is first diluted in a teaspoon of water or milk. If the child is very anxious, the drops should not be diluted, although pediatricians strongly recommend doing so. The product is given strictly before feeding.

You cannot add it to a bottle of formula, as the baby may not receive the prescribed dose. After feeding, you should not give medicine, as infants often regurgitate.

Allergy to Sab simplex and other side effects in newborns

There are no toxic effects from taking the medicine, but it can provoke individual intolerance, which is manifested by an allergic reaction (rash, redness of the skin, itching).

Allergies most often occur not to the active substance, but to preservatives and flavorings. The pleasant vanilla-raspberry taste is due to synthetic additives. Redness of the skin on the cheeks, arms and tummy occurs an hour after applying the drops. After the appearance of such symptoms, discontinue the drug and immediately consult a doctor.

The drug is contraindicated in case of intestinal obstruction and any obstructive pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in case of individual intolerance to any of its components. It is not recommended to use it with other medications in the form of tablets or drops, as it reduces the absorption of oral medications.

Analogues of Sub simplex

  1. Espumisan. The active substance is also simethicone. However, there is less of it in one ml of Espumisan; accordingly, the product is less concentrated, and therefore is prescribed in large volumes. Give it twice a day, 1 tsp. This is not very convenient, because it can be difficult for a child to drink 5 ml of the drug (solution) at once. Pharmacological properties almost the same, but many children, especially older ones, tolerate it better;
  2. Babycalm. The composition of this drug is different: it contains extracts from fennel oil, anise and mint. Is completely natural. It is completely safe for newborns. It is used in diluted form, like other medications. If Bebicalm is not diluted, it can have a strong hypnotic effect. At long-term use the risk of an allergic reaction increases, which is associated with the constant accumulation of herbal components of the drug in the body;
  3. Bobotik. A medicine similar to Espumisan. Active substance– simethicone. It is prescribed only from the 28th day of life. Bobotik can be given up to 4 times a day. Contains flavorings and sweeteners;
  4. Disflatil. Available in the form of drops. The active substance is simethicone, but they can be used from the first day of life. However, they contain substances that can provoke an allergic reaction.

Other methods to combat colic in newborns

You can help your baby with proven traditional methods, for example, apply a heating pad or a warm diaper to your tummy. Heat relaxes the muscles and enhances peristalsis, gases begin to pass away faster.

Many mothers in the first months after the birth of a child face a problem such as colic. There can be many reasons: immaturity gastrointestinal tract in a newborn, errors in nutrition during breastfeeding, incorrectly selected milk formula. When the baby begins to twist his legs, tuck them in, and scream loudly all day long, the young mother is ready to resort to any method, as long as it helps. An effective remedy considered "Sub Simplex". Pediatricians recommend Sub Simplex for breastfed newborns, but be sure to read the instructions before use.

Flatulence in newborns

Flatulence is a problem for many breastfed babies

There is a misconception that intestinal colic Only children who are bottle-fed are concerned. Indeed, even the highest quality and most expensive formulas cannot become a complete replacement for breast milk, but flatulence also occurs in infants who are breastfed. The baby's organs cannot yet produce the necessary enzymes that break down mother's milk. Undigested milk begins to ferment in the baby’s body, resulting in the production of carbon dioxide.

Neonatologists identify the following main reasons for increased gas formation in babies:

  1. Not following a breastfeeding diet. A nursing woman should reconsider her diet, excluding citrus fruits, legumes, cabbage, chocolate, carbonated drinks, dairy products, and baked goods. All foods that cause increased gas formation should be excluded and the baby’s behavior should be monitored. If the colic stopped, the reason for its appearance was errors in the menu of the nursing mother.
  2. Binge eating. When there is an excess intake of mother's milk into the baby's body, which is not fully formed, fermentation begins in the intestines.
  3. Incorrect grip. If a child inhales air along with milk, this can cause flatulence. The baby's lips should capture not only the nipple of the mother's breast, but also the areola around it.
  4. Infant hypodynamia. With a small child you need to take more walks, do gymnastics, and play. Sedentary image life can cause flatulence.

At increased gas formation newborns are given special medications that reduce signs of flatulence.

"Sab Simplex" - composition, form and effect of the drug

Many mothers know the French drug “Sab Simplex”, which is available in the form of a suspension for oral administration. The active ingredient of the drug is simethicone. 100 ml of “Sab Simplex” contains about 6.9 g of the substance simethicone, as well as other auxiliary ingredients: citric and sorbic acids, hypromellose, carbomer, sodium saccharinate, sodium benzoate, raspberry and vanilla flavors, etc.

There is no need to be intimidated by the long list of constituent substances. They do not harm the newborn, they can be taken even at the age of less than a month.

The main ingredient of the drug, simethicone, has a carminative effect. It turns large gas bubbles into many small ones, which are instantly absorbed into the intestinal walls or released naturally. The amount of gases in the intestinal lumen becomes less, and the baby’s well-being becomes much better.


If young parents do not have experience caring for infants, they may not recognize the onset of colic. Mothers often think that the child is crying because he is hungry or cold. And they begin to force-feed milk, which further aggravates the situation. Colic in newborns can be distinguished by the following symptoms:

  • The baby arches his body;
  • Presses the handles;
  • Kicks his legs;
  • Screams loudly and hysterically;
  • The skin on the face takes on a red tint;
  • Cries after feeding;
  • After bowel movements, the child feels much better.

"Sab Simplex" is prescribed for breastfeeding in the following cases:

  1. A child who is breastfed has increased flatulence, gas formation, bloating. It is recommended to take Sub Simplex to newborns while breastfeeding even if the above symptoms are accompanied by loud crying and screaming of the baby.
  2. The drug is prescribed before examinations of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract: ultrasound of the abdominal organs, gastroscopy, x-ray;
  3. "Sub Simplex" helps with poisoning chemical powders that entered through the stomach.

With colic, the baby often cries and sleeps poorly

Is the drug safe for a baby?

Pediatricians quite often prescribe Sub Simplex to children suffering from flatulence. It works gently and delicately, does not affect the work internal organs. The drug is available in the form of a suspension, in closed bottles with a dropper of 30 ml. The medicine is considered safe for newborns. It is not addictive and for this reason it can be used for a long time. The drug is eliminated naturally.


There are contraindications that every mother should be aware of when choosing a drug to relieve colic in a child. The suspension is not prescribed for:

  1. Absolute intestinal obstruction;
  2. Allergic reaction to the ingredients of the drug. Simethicone does not cause allergies, but flavorings can cause allergic reactions;
  3. Obstructive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

On a note! The drug is approved for increased rates blood sugar.

Instructions for use

"Sab Simplex" for newborns, how to take while breastfeeding:

  1. Before opening the bottle, shake it thoroughly, turn it over and tap the bottom.
  2. Breastfed children are recommended to dilute the suspension with mother's milk. The suspension can be diluted in small quantities boiled water or baby tea.
  3. The medicine is given before feeding.
  4. If the baby suffers from colic at night, you can additionally give medicine in the evening, before bed.

Correct dosage

The dosage depends on the age of the child:

  • From 0 to 6 years – 15 drops;
  • Over 6 years – from 20 to 30 drops.

The suspension can be given from a spoon, diluted with liquid, or poured into the mouth through a sterile syringe.

The manufacturer indicates that the medicine has no overdose effect. For severe colic, medication should be given at every feeding.

How often to give the drug?

How to give Sub Simplex to newborns while breastfeeding will depend on appearance And physical condition baby. If colic is caused severe discomfort, the baby constantly cries, tightens his legs, while his face turns red, his tummy swells, the drug should be given every three hours (or with each feeding). For irregular attacks of flatulence, 5-6 doses per day are sufficient. Typically, pediatricians recommend taking the drug for 2-3 weeks and then taking a break.

How does Sub Simplex differ from its analogues?

Pharmacies offer a wide range of various means for colic different manufacturers and by different prices. Sub Simplex has advantages over some of its analogues:

  • Convenient dosage. In some preparations it is necessary to give the child a whole spoon, which is inconvenient and not always possible;
  • Sub Simplex is included in the middle price segment. It is economical and lasts a long time, unlike many other drugs;
  • It is considered a highly effective medicine that alleviates the condition of children during the period of flatulence.


Treatment of colic is impossible without special drugs. Let's look at the most popular products that mothers often choose during breastfeeding:

  1. "Baby Calm." The composition of this drug differs from “Sab Simplex”. It includes vegetable oils, which not only have a carminative effect, but also have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Baby Calm is sometimes prescribed along with Sub Simplex because the two drugs work effectively together.
  2. Dill water. You can prepare it yourself at home, or you can buy it at the pharmacy in the form of sachet bags.
  3. Plantex. Available in the form of sachets of granules containing fennel. Plantex reduces gas formation, improves intestinal motility, and relieves spasmodic pain.
  4. Bebinos. The medicine contains fennel, chamomile, and coriander. The medicine is available in a glass bottle with a dropper.


In terms of their composition, Espumisan and Sub Simplex are very similar. The only differences are in taste: the first preparation has a predominantly banana taste, while the second has a raspberry-vanilla flavor. Espumisan also has other excipients. It has been clinically proven that the body of a breastfed child better accepts the clinical formula of the drug "Sab Simplex" than "Espumizan", although the second drug is also harmless to the baby.


This medication also contains simethicone. "Bobotik" does not contain sugar, so it can be used for elevated level blood sugar. The most important difference from Simplex is the dosage. “Bobotik” should not be given to an infant more than 3-4 times a day. Another difference is that “Bobotik” can be given to a child on the 28th day after birth, not earlier. In terms of cost, both drugs are in approximately the same price category.

Since the body of newborn babies has many imperfections, babies often have problems with digesting food, which are reflected in the form of unpleasant manifestations, in particular, bloating and colic. In such cases, the pediatrician can prescribe medications to help eliminate this problem. One of them is Sab Simplex for newborns. You should consider the instructions for its use in more detail.

Indications for use

This drug is quite often used in modern pediatrics. A doctor may prescribe Sab Simplex from the first weeks of a baby’s life if he needs support to stimulate the digestive system. Indications for use may be as follows:

  • bloating of physiological origin;
  • upcoming abdominal examinations;
  • poisoning detergents.

In the first months, the newborn’s body lacks digestive enzymes. Due to such a deficiency, food entering the stomach does not have time to be completely digested. After it passes into the intestines, stagnant fermentation processes begin. This leads to the formation of gases and their accumulation in the intestines. As a result, the baby experiences discomfort and even pain.

The fact is that accumulated gases exert excessive pressure on abdominal cavity. The child experiences flatulence and accompanying intestinal colic. Sub simplex helps eliminate this problem and naturally remove gases.

The drug also allows you to increase the accuracy of examinations of the abdominal organs. The point is all in the same ability to eliminate gas accumulations. When performing an ultrasound or x-ray, the examination picture may be distorted due to excess air in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the medicine envelops the intestinal mucosa with a film, which creates contrast and allows you to examine the condition of the internal organs.

As for cases of poisoning with detergents, Sab Simplex partially eliminates the effect of surfactants, namely, it reduces the formation of foam. Of course, he is not able to completely eliminate everything Negative consequences, but further treatment is greatly facilitated.

Features of the drug

Sab Simplex is very often prescribed to infants during the period of formation of the digestive system and its adaptation to new nutritional conditions. The medicine contains Semiticone. This substance acts on gases accumulated in the intestines and stimulates their natural elimination. At the same time, any artificial influence is excluded, because all the processes that the drug provokes are absolutely natural.

The form of release of the drug is a suspension. In order to make it easier for a child to take Sab Simplex, the drug has a pleasant vanilla smell and a sweetish taste. For ease of dosage, the bottle is equipped with a dropper. You can also use a special pipette to determine the appropriate dose.

It is worth noting that Sab Simplex can be used in the presence of a disease such as diabetes. This is possible thanks to the special composition of the medicine, which does not contain carbohydrates.

How to give medicine

The drug is prescribed individually after examination and consultation with a pediatrician. Depending on the reason for prescribing the medication, its dosage may vary. For routine prevention of colic and flatulence, infants are prescribed 15 drops, which is approximately equal to 0.6 ml. You need to take Sab Simplex every 4 - 6 hours, that is, with every feeding. To prevent nighttime colic attacks, you can give medicine to your baby before bed.

IN postoperative period, and also before the upcoming examination, the dose of a single dose is increased to 2 - 3 teaspoons of the drug. For endoscopy, 0.5 - 1 teaspoon of medicine is enough. It should be taken the day before the examination, as well as an additional few hours before it is carried out.

In case of surfactant poisoning, children are prescribed 1 teaspoon of Sab Simplex; further treatment is monitored by a doctor and the amount of the drug may increase accordingly.

How to give the medicine? The suspension is dissolved in a small amount of liquid. Can be used artificial mixtures And breast milk. Some children like to take the drug in its pure form, as it has a pleasant sweetish taste. To do this, just drop the required dose onto the baby’s tongue.

Contraindications and side effects

Sab Simplex is an absolutely safe drug; it is prescribed even to the smallest patients, and, if necessary, to pregnant and lactating women. It is quite difficult to achieve an overdose; if you exceed the dose of the suspension once, there are no side effects should not be observed. After performing its functions, semiticone is completely eliminated from the intestines naturally, without being absorbed into the blood.

However, it is worth highlighting some contraindications:

  • impaired intestinal patency;
  • obstructive gastrointestinal diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Due to the presence of such restrictions regarding the use of Sab Simplex, before using the drug you should clarify this issue with your pediatrician. As for allergic reactions, they appear after the first use of the medicine and are expressed in the form of rash and itching. If such a reaction occurs, you should replace the drug or find a completely different way to solve the problem.

Storage rules

In order for Sub Simplex to provide effective impact on the baby’s body, it is important not only to follow the rules for taking the medicine, but also to adhere to the recommendations regarding its storage. The instructions for the drug state that the shelf life of Sub Simplex is 3 years when unopened.

After opening the bottle, the medicine should be placed in a dark, cool place and used within 1 month. The ambient temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. The formation of a cloudy sediment is not a sign of deterioration of the drug, since solid particles of the suspension can settle at the bottom of the bottle. Before use, the medicine simply needs to be shaken.

SAB simplex for newborns is one of the most safe medicines from colic. The action of the drug is aimed at the cause of flatulence, without interfering with the biochemical processes of digestion. SAB Simplex drops for colic naturally remove gases from the body.

In this article we will look at why doctors prescribe Sab Simplex, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS People who have already used Sub Simplex can be read in the comments.

Composition and release form

Sab Simplex is available in the form of a suspension for oral administration. The drug is sold in glass bottles with a drip device (25 drops in 1 ml). Each bottle (30 ml of the drug) is placed in a cardboard box.

The active ingredient of the drug is simethicone, which is supplemented with full composition medicine the following complex of substances: hypromellose, sorbic acid, carbomer, polyglycostearyl acid esters, sodium citrate hydrate, sodium benzoate, citric acid monohydrate, sodium saccharinate and cyclomate, raspberry and vanilla flavorings, as well as the required amount of purified water.

Clinical and pharmacological group: a drug that reduces flatulence.

What does Sab Simplex help with?

Indications for use of the drug SAB Simplex:

  • before hardware diagnostics of the gastrointestinal tract: ultrasound, FGDS, radiography, CT, MRI;
  • in case of poisoning with detergents (surfactants);
  • bloating in the intestines of a physiological nature in infants. This medicine does not cure infectious diseases and enzymatic disorders, which are also characterized painful sensations in the stomach and bloating, which makes the child cry.

Before you buy this drug for a child, consult a pediatrician. Only he will be able to find out the real reason for the baby’s restless behavior, give a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Pharmacological effect

The main active component of the Sab Simplex suspension, simethicone, is a surface-active compound and has defoaming properties. Due to these properties, it reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles, leads to their rupture, while the released gas is absorbed by the intestinal walls or excreted into the intestine. lower sections digestive tract thanks to peristaltic movements.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is to reduce the volume of gas in the intestines. When conducting x-ray examination hollow organs of the digestive system, it promotes a more uniform distribution contrast agent on the mucous membrane and obtaining a reliable research result.

Instructions for use

How to take the drug correctly? The dosage of the medicine depends on the age of the patient:

  • According to the instructions for Sab Simplex, in case of increased gas formation, newborns and bottle-fed children are given 15 drops (0.6 ml) of the suspension. The drug mixes well with other liquids (including milk).
  • Children up to school age add 15 drops (0.6 ml) during or after meals, and if necessary, an additional 15 drops at night.
  • For school-age children, a single dose is 20-30 drops (0.8-0.12 ml), for adults - 30-45 drops (1.2-1.8 ml), which is taken every 4-6 hours. If necessary, the single dose can be increased.

The duration of use depends on the clinical situation; if necessary, long-term therapy is possible. When undergoing a study, the drug can be prescribed in a dosage of 3 teaspoons the day before the procedure. For ultrasound, the patient drinks 15 ml of the drug the day before the examination, and the same dose is taken three hours before the procedure.


Contraindications to taking Sab Simplex are:

  1. Intestinal obstruction.
  2. Obstructive gastrointestinal diseases.
  3. Increased individual sensitivity to active substance(simethicone) or any of the components of the drug.

Side effects

Allergic reactions may develop while taking Sab Simplex.

Analogues of Sub simplex

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Antiflat Lannacher;
  • Bobotik;
  • Disflatil;
  • Meteospasmil;
  • Simethicone;
  • Simikol;
  • Espumisan;
  • Espumisan 40;
  • Espumisan L.

Attention: the use of analogues must be agreed with the attending physician.


The average price of SAB SIMPLEX, suspension in pharmacies (Moscow) is 290 rubles.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

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