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The capillaries break on their own, what should I do? A vessel in the eye regularly bursts: what to do? Pathological causes of capillary damage

How can you help if a blood vessel in your eye bursts? What to do at home? Most often, a burst vessel in the eye does not cause any discomfort and does not affect visual abilities. However, it attracts attention, which, from an aesthetic point of view, is not very pleasant. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of hemorrhage, since it is not an independent disease. But it can be made easier general state and speed up the resorption of the hematoma. The choice of the appropriate method for this directly depends on the cause of the capillary damage.

A capillary burst in the eye: what to do if the cause is external factors? With careful monitoring of the condition of the eyes, already in the first days it becomes clear whether a visit to a doctor is necessary or not. If the vessel bursts and painful sensations and there are no other health complaints, then most likely this phenomenon was not provoked by the disease, but by third-party causes.

These include:

  • lack of sleep;
  • fatigue and excess physical activity;
  • stress;
  • prolonged exposure to the TV screen or computer.

It is clear that eliminating these factors will not completely solve the problem, but will help get rid of it faster and prevent reappearance.

Therefore, first of all, it is worth getting enough sleep and minimizing physical and visual stress (the same measures apply to cases of hematoma appearing the next morning after drinking alcohol).

And if you can’t avoid working in front of a monitor, then you definitely need to take rest breaks.

When there is complete confidence that the hemorrhage is caused by the above reasons, the following folk remedies can be used at home:

  1. Cool boiled water or tea (black and green) for washing the eye where the capillary has burst, will relieve fatigue, reduce inflammation and, accordingly, redness. You can simply apply cotton pads soaked in black tea or used tea bags to your eyes for 2-3 minutes (up to three times a day).
  2. Apply compresses with cold and hot water. It is recommended to apply a gauze or cotton swab to the eye, moistened alternately in one container or another. Contrasting temperatures have an anti-inflammatory effect and give the eyes a fresh, rested look. But we must remember that contact of the visual organs with cold for too long is dangerous, so its duration should not exceed 10 minutes.

If the reason why the vessel burst is not completely clear, you should not self-medicate.

A vessel in the eye regularly bursts: what to do?

A visit to an ophthalmologist should not be neglected if the hematoma does not go away after two weeks, if its appearance is accompanied by symptoms of some disease, perhaps not an eye disease (hypertension, vitamin deficiency, etc.). The doctor will conduct necessary research, will find out the cause and prescribe treatment depending on it.

If it is not possible to immediately apply for medical care, you can independently measure your temperature and pressure, evaluate your symptoms and, depending on the results obtained, use one of the following recommendations:

  • If a capillary in the eye bursts against the background high blood pressure, it means that chronic illness poorly controlled or accepted Not effective means for his treatment. As emergency measure a stabilizing agent can be used. But you will still have to see a doctor, because next time the vessel may burst not in the eye, but in the brain, causing more serious consequences.

  • If the capillary is damaged, and a person experiences itching and burning in the eye, a painful reaction to bright light, lacrimation and discomfort appears, then most likely we're talking about about conjunctivitis. The fact that a vessel in the eye has burst usually indicates infectious nature disease and indicates its severe course, so a visit to an ophthalmologist is also mandatory. It is advisable to do this in as soon as possible, without waiting for complications and infection of the second eye. And to relieve symptoms, you can use antiseptics and eye drops.
  • Sometimes a capillary bursts due to the effects of an allergy. If you suspect this reason accept antihistamines and remedies that relieve itching and irritation.

All this should be done with caution and only if there is obvious signs one or another accompanying illness.

TO folk methods treatment in such cases should not be sought under any circumstances, since some prescriptions can provoke the spread of infection and the occurrence of serious inflammatory processes.

It is prohibited to use and vasoconstrictors.

What to do if hemorrhage is accompanied by dry mucosa?

The vessel sometimes bursts due to excessive dryness of the eyes. In such situations, in addition to getting rid of the cause of the hemorrhage, it is necessary to take measures to moisturize the mucous membrane.

Preparations that are suitable for this are available in the form of drops.

  1. "Visine." It is prescribed in cases where a burst capillary forms a small hematoma. Relieves general redness.
  2. "Hyphenlease." Can be used as prescribed by an ophthalmologist even in cases of conjunctivitis and microtrauma. Drops eliminate dryness and irritation in gases, which often happens when a vessel is damaged.
  3. "Taufon". Accelerates recovery processes, helps in those cases. When a capillary bursts due to overwork of the visual organs.
  4. "Emoxipin". Suitable for long-term use.

The listed means are among the safest, so they can be used even when the vessel is damaged in the child’s eye and in for preventive purposes. They, of course, will not remove the hematoma, but they will relieve redness, burning and discomfort.

But we must remember that if there is ophthalmological disease or neoplasms, any drug can be used only after consulting a doctor.

Preventive measures

Even in the absence of chronic diseases, a burst capillary in the eye indicates that you need to pay attention to your health, find out possible reasons the appearance of a hematoma and take care of prevention.

Since it is impossible to get rid of the consequences of hemorrhage in the eyes as soon as possible, it is better to take measures in advance so that the capillary does not burst again:

  • Review your diet. The daily menu must include dishes enriched with vitamins C, A and P, and containing rutin. These components strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity. They are present in sufficient quantities in products such as bell pepper, broccoli, salad greens, citrus fruits and berries (especially blueberries). They are useful in almost any form (fresh, frozen, boiled, etc.). But from drinking coffee and alcoholic drinks It's better to refuse.
  • If it is not possible to enrich the diet with sufficient amounts essential microelements, you can use special vitamin complexes from the pharmacy. The necessary components contain such products as “Optiv”, “Vial”, etc.
  • Establish a daily routine, devoting enough time to sleep and rest; Spend less time watching TV and computer, minimize eye strain and take more breaks while working.
  • Avoid drying out the mucous membrane. To do this, it is recommended to rinse your eyes with cool water. clean water. And if it is not possible to do this regularly, you can use moisturizing drops. In cold and windy weather, it is better to protect your eyes, for example, with sunglasses.

It is a rare person who has never encountered the problem of fragile capillaries. Sudden microscopic hemorrhages can be not only a cosmetic defect, but also a signal of health problems.

Capillaries are the most small vessels in organism. They are responsible for supplying blood to the most remote areas of the body. There is no place in the body where it can penetrate capillary mesh. All circulatory system It works only to ensure that the capillaries are always filled with blood and can nourish the organs. You can find out about the condition of these smallest vessels by examining special device– capillaroscope.

The capillary network is not constant; it either increases in size or decreases. Such changes occur under the influence of internal and external factors. Sharp jumps body weight, muscle building, all this provokes the growth of the vascular network.

But it also happens that the capillaries do not cope with the functions assigned to them, this leads to atrophy, allergies and various inflammations. As you can see, health depends on the condition of the smallest vessels, which means it is necessary to monitor them, know why capillaries burst and whether this is a reason to see a doctor.

The reasons for the appearance of visible vascular network can be divided into two categories: those requiring consultation with a doctor and those that can be dealt with without the involvement of specialists. So, when do broken capillaries indicate significant problems?

Hypertensive patients most often face the problem of micro-hemorrhages. A sudden jump in blood pressure puts a strain that the blood vessels simply cannot handle. The appearance of multiple lesions is a reason for additional examination.

This means that the pressure drop went unnoticed, which means that no measures were taken to reduce the load, and this is very dangerous. It is necessary to report regular hemorrhages to the doctor, this will help him orientate and, if necessary, adjust the dosage of regularly taken medications.

Also, the appearance of red spots on the skin of the body or the whites of the eyes may indicate pathologically fragile blood vessels. This is quite dangerous, because the walls of not only small capillaries weaken, but also larger ones large arteries. And what such a pathology can lead to is impossible to predict. This deviation requires medical intervention and vascular training, but a specialist must prescribe procedures or medications.

Also on frequent hemorrhages People who have had a heart attack or stroke complain. They need to pay attention to this phenomenon Special attention, because the appearance of a vascular network indicates a surge in pressure. It is necessary to note all changes and report them to the observing doctor, and then he will be able to find out why the capillaries burst and prescribe adequate treatment.

Also, people diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia often experience vascular fragility. This phenomenon in itself is not a disease; it is rather a complex of pathologies that disrupt normal functioning all organs.

VSD must be identified and a course of maintenance therapy prescribed, otherwise in the future simple changes in pressure can result in major health problems. It is better to be vigilant and insist on a thorough examination than to reap the fruits of your own negligence in the future.

The second group of reasons for the appearance of spider veins is rather situational. In such cases, the fragility of blood vessels can be easily corrected.

Athletes who are building up their muscle mass. The reason is simple and understandable - the body increases in size quite quickly, the growth of the vascular network occurs at a slower pace.

As a result, an additional load is placed on the capillaries. They cannot cope with it and breaks occur. Taking medications containing vitamin C will help speed up the formation of the vascular network; these can be multivitamin complexes or Ascorutin, familiar from childhood.

Also, frequent and excessive physical exercise. Exercising, of course, improves health, but it is worth remembering that everything is good in moderation. During intense exercise in the gym, blood flow accelerates; up to a certain point, the capillaries can cope with the load, but if they are not given rest at the turning point, they can react by rupturing.

If capillaries suddenly burst for no apparent reason, you need to try to recall the events of the coming days in your memory. Stress often leads to such consequences. At the moment of increase nervous tension suddenly rises and arterial pressure, the walls of the vessels do not have time to react, and a rupture occurs.

If the cause of the phenomenon is indeed significant stress, then the situation does not require visiting a doctor. It is enough to take vitamin C containing preparations and try to be less nervous, because health is always more important than any achievements.

Also leads to disruption of the smallest vessels regular lack of sleep and overwork. In such situations, the body literally works for wear and tear. The walls of the capillaries become thinner, and the slightest overvoltage leads to rupture. The recommendations are the same - taking vitamin C, sufficient quality rest and peace of mind.-1 rating, 1 voice)

The appearance of the vascular network - serious reason consult a doctor, because such a symptom may indicate a work disorder vascular system. Often this sign also indicates the initial stage varicose veins. How to remove capillaries and why do they appear in the first place? Let's figure it out.

Bursted capillaries, as a rule, do not cause any discomfort to patients, except for a deterioration in aesthetic appearance. This is why most patients hesitate to visit a specialist. But you shouldn’t do this, because if you don’t remove the capillary mesh in time and don’t find out the real reason, you can start a pathological process and in the future encounter serious disorders work of internal organs.

Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels; they suffer at the slightest pressure or mechanical stress on the skin. As a result, areas of their ruptures appear, which appear as a red or bluish mesh. This process can affect not only the lower limbs, but also other parts of the body, including the face.

Let's find out why the capillaries on the legs burst, how to deal with this problem and what to do to prevent it.

The appearance of a vascular network occurs due to the thinning of their walls, as a result they cannot withstand blood pressure and burst. A similar process can be observed in the following conditions:

  • Excessive constant physical stress on the body.
  • Violation of hormone production.
  • Reception of some medications, especially hormonal contraceptives.
  • The period of gestation.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Staying outside for a long time in high frost and strong winds.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Excess weight.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Constant emotional stress.
  • Lack of minimum physical activity.
  • Professional characteristics that require constant standing or sitting.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Bad habits.
  • Frequent exposure to open sun.
  • Insufficient oxygen supply to tissues.

Any of the above reasons, with prolonged exposure, leads to capillaries appearing on the legs. If you notice such a symptom, do not hesitate to visit a doctor. Timely diagnosis will help identify pathology early stages and carry out the necessary treatment.

According to statistics, this problem occurs more often in women than in men. It can be observed as in at a young age, and in older people. Mechanical trauma can also lead to the development of red mesh on the legs: bruise, fracture, abrasions. It often occurs when there is an excess cosmetic procedures or as a result of influence chemical compositions on the skin.

Most often, capillaries protrude in obese women, leading sedentary lifestyle life

Before the appearance of burst capillaries, a person may feel discomfort in the lower extremities, and sometimes there is swelling and fatigue at the end of the day or after physical activity.

Types of vessels

Affected vessels may be:

  • Venous.
  • Arterial.
  • Capillary.

To exclude varicose veins, ultrasound is used for diagnosis. It allows you to examine the condition of the vessels and determine how advanced the pathological process is.

The pattern of burst vessels can be very diverse, however, each requires effective treatment. What to do if the capillaries on the legs burst, what remedies will help cope with such a problem? Let's talk about this further.


Therapeutic measures are aimed at strengthening the vascular walls and restoring their elasticity. Even if you know why capillaries are visible on the legs, treatment should be carried out by a specialist.

IN initial degree You can get rid of the vascular network by using traditional methods treatment, as well as medications. Moderate physical activity will help consolidate the effect. In this case positive influence long walking, running, swimming. You can also do yoga, shaping, aerobics, and fitness. But exercises that involve lifting weights should be excluded for the duration of treatment.

Drug therapy

Treatment pharmacological drugs includes taking medications that can strengthen vascular walls and eliminate signs of inflammation. For this purpose, medications can be used for internal (tablets, capsules) and external use (gels, creams, ointments). The duration of the appointment is determined by the doctor depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Cosmetology procedures

There are several procedures that can remove broken capillaries by exposing them to physical or chemical reagents. However, such treatment only eliminates the external problem and does not in any way affect its root cause, so there is a risk of re-development of the pathological symptom.

To eliminate affected areas, use:

  • Thermocoagulation.
  • Laser exposure.
  • Ozone therapy.
  • Microsclerotherapy.

Folk remedies

Treatment of capillaries on the legs folk remedies, especially in initial stages pathological process, gives enough good result. Below we will look at the most effective remedies that anyone can prepare at home.


  1. Mix linden flowers and lemon balm leaves in equal quantities, take a glass of this composition and pour 1500 ml of boiling water. Leave for a quarter of an hour. In a separate container, mix 1 tablespoon of ground vareliana root and 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for the same amount of time. After this period, mix the solutions, add a small amount of water and place your feet in it. Leave for half an hour.
  2. Pour 2 cups of pine needles with a liter of boiling water, place on low heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Then you need to strain the product, dilute it in a small amount warm water and use as a foot bath. Exposure – 30 minutes.

When the capillaries burst and there is a burning or itching sensation in the extremities, medicinal baths They eliminate such unpleasant manifestations very well.

Apple vinegar

If capillary mesh appears on your legs, you need to lubricate it daily. apple cider vinegar. Repeat the procedure for 30 days.

Parsley compress

This product will help restore the previous even skin tone and remove the vascular network. Take 2 tablespoons of parsley (you can use any part of the plant) and pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes. Then strain and mix the resulting solution with warm milk in a 1:1 ratio. Soak a piece of cloth or napkin in this product and apply it to the affected area.


To strengthen blood vessels, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins C, P, K. You can also make freshly squeezed juices from them. A lot of these substances are found in plum and cabbage juice. The latter has a rather specific taste, so it can be diluted with carrot, which will bring no less benefits to the body.


In order not to think about how to get rid of burst capillaries, you need to carry out preventive measures. They should be aimed at strengthening the vascular wall and normal circulation blood. First of all, it is necessary to direct efforts to eliminate the causes that may provoke the development of the problem.

Regular physical activity has a positive effect. You can practice your favorite sport. Swimming, running, hiking.

Swimming, running and walking can in some cases completely get rid of visible capillaries on the skin

If your work involves constant stress on the lower limbs or requires standing long time V sitting position, try to give your legs more often horizontal position, a little elevated is better. Special compression garments also help prevent fatigue and swelling in such cases.

In addition, you need to pay attention to your diet. Limit your consumption junk food, especially fried and fatty. Drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals. Avoid alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

You can also apply nourishing creams to the skin, which include vitamin K and P.

You can cope with the problem of burst capillaries different methods, however, first of all it is worth finding out what caused the cause, because eliminating external manifestations will not cure the symptom and it will come back again.

The movement of blood in the human body is carried out through a network of blood vessels of various diameters. What are capillaries? These are the smallest vessels that are a continuation of the arteries. Their diameter is 5–10 microns, which is slightly larger than the diameter of red blood cells. Capillaries provide the human body with oxygen, and also participate in tissue and nutritional metabolism and the removal of waste products. The walls of capillary vessels consist of a single layer of endothelium and do not have muscle tissue, which ensures their high permeability and communication with tissues.

  • arterioles - blood vessels, which branch into precapillaries;
  • precapillaries - a transitional area between capillaries and arterioles;
  • the capillaries themselves;
  • venules - the site of transition of a capillary into a vein.

The appearance of a pronounced blue-red capillary network of vessels on parts of the body (face, legs, arms) indicates the weakness of the capillary walls and their fragility. The phenomenon may also indicate chronic venous insufficiency and be a harbinger varicose veins veins

Causes of burst capillaries

Capillaries penetrate the entire human body, but due to their peculiarities, in some cases they can be located close to the surface of the skin.

Many people are concerned about the question of why the capillaries on their legs burst. A blue-red bruise appears at the site of the rupture of the vessel, which does not go away on its own.

This can happen for the following reasons:

  • weakness of the capillary walls;
  • loads on the legs;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • injury;
  • disruption of the endocrine system.

The reasons why capillaries burst in most cases are individual characteristics body and non-compliance with doctor's instructions. Increased sensitivity skin and vascular weakness requires careful attention to your health.

You can also get rid of burst blood vessels.

What to do if capillaries burst? To solve this problem, beauty salons offer treatment options:

  • diathermocoagulation;
  • laser coagulation;
  • photocoagulation;
  • sclerotherapy, etc.

The method of treatment is selected individually. In most cases it gives a positive result.

Before starting treatment, if the capillaries in the legs burst, it is necessary to solve problems with hormones. Otherwise, the results of the procedures will be short-term.

To prevent the appearance of a capillary network, especially with a hereditary predisposition or regular stress on the legs, Ascorutin and multivitamin complexes, Troxevasin ointment are prescribed. These drugs help strengthen capillary walls and reduce blood pressure. In addition, it is recommended to wear compression hosiery, which is selected individually, since the degree of compression depends on the nature of the lesion. Full sleep, rest after heavy exercise, lungs physical exercise, walks in the fresh air, swimming - all this is necessary if the capillaries on the legs burst.

To improve blood circulation in the capillaries, it is useful to do daily exercises: lying on your back, raise your arms and legs at an angle of 90 degrees and perform vibration movements. This activates blood flow and will help saturate tissues with oxygen and nutrients.

Exposure to the sun should be measured. You should also take care of your feet in the cold season by dressing appropriately for the weather.


Often capillaries burst not only on the legs, but also on the face. Broken capillaries appear on the face in the form of single stars or a vascular network. The disease is called rosacea. Its appearance can be caused by many factors. In particular, these include: skin sensitivity, weak vascular wall, hereditary predisposition, improper care, insufficient hydration.

You can get rid of spider veins on your face in most cases. beauty salons and clinics. The effectiveness of procedures depends on many factors, including skin type, its sensitivity, management healthy image life and implementation of treatment and preventive measures, as well as following the doctor’s recommendations.

Capillaries on the nose may appear due to the use of aggressive cosmetics based on alcohol, regular steaming, using rough scrubs. If your facial skin is sensitive, you should select appropriate cosmetics.

The capillaries on the nose are regularly exposed external influence Therefore, this area should be handled very carefully when performing hygiene procedures.


Capillary bleeding is the leakage of blood from the bloodstream of small vessels. This happens when the walls of the capillaries are damaged. This does not pose a danger to human life and health, and, as a rule, goes away without outside help. There is little blood loss.

However, in order to protect the body from infection in open wound, the victim is given first aid when capillary bleeding. For these purposes, gauze/bandage/cloth is applied to the damaged area, cotton wool is placed on top and bandaged. Avoid direct contact of the wound with cotton wool or lint-laden cloth as they may cause irritation or infection.

It primarily affects the nose. This may lead to nosebleeds.

  • injury;
  • increased blood or intracranial pressure;
  • weakness of the walls of blood vessels;
  • runny nose;
  • sunstroke;
  • prolonged exposure to cold, dry air;
  • damage to the nasal septum;
  • avitaminosis.

First aid for capillary nosebleeds is as follows:

  • tilt your head down to avoid tilting it back;
  • wait until the bleeding subsides; if necessary, insert cotton swabs into the nostrils, preferably soaked in hydrogen peroxide;
  • if cotton swabs are not available, lightly press the nostril against the septum for a few minutes;
  • apply cold to the bridge of your nose.

The bleeding should stop within 5–10 minutes; If it continues for more than 15 minutes and does not stop, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Problems with the appearance of burst capillaries can be solved by following preventive measures. Sport, Fresh air, refusal bad habits, proper rest and nutrition will minimize the risk of capillary mesh.

When a person has just developed capillaries on his legs, attention is first drawn to cosmetic defect without thinking about the nature of the violation. Reds spider veins on the lower extremities may be the first sign of the development of varicose veins or other diseases of the vascular system. Similar disorders often appear on the hips of women. The capillaries may be located on the ankle or feet. Not always noticeable small vessels are a consequence pathological condition, but you should still see a doctor to find out the cause of their appearance.

Why are they visible?

Veins in the lower extremities are often visible in older people due to thinning skin and loss of former elasticity by the vascular walls.

The capillary network on the legs usually indicates weak blood vessels or impaired function of the venous valves. It is customary to identify the following main reasons due to which capillaries appear:

  • incorrect operation thyroid gland, as a result of which insufficient or excessive amounts of certain hormones are produced;
  • constant physical activity;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • excess body weight;
  • work in which a person constantly stands or sits;
  • bearing a child;
  • difficulties during labor;
  • diseases of the spinal column;
  • varicose veins of deep veins;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • frequent stress and nervous strain;
  • the body's reaction to the influence of ultraviolet rays;
  • long-term hormonal therapy;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives.

What additional symptoms look like

Visually, the formation is a point with radial branches.

A person may not always notice that the capillaries on the legs are bursting. Often the problem remains for a long time undetected in men, since they have a thicker layer of skin, which is why small vascular networks almost invisible. Broken blood vessels on the legs appear as a point from which blue, red or purple sinuous stripes extend. It is customary to classify small capillaries into several types, taking into account the place from which they came:

  • arterial;
  • venous;
  • capillary.

At first it only causes cosmetic inconvenience, but if a capillary ruptures for some reason, the following symptoms are observed:

  • feeling of weakness in the legs;
  • constant fatigue;
  • painful sensations;
  • bruising or subcutaneous hemorrhage.

Diagnostic methods

When a patient is concerned about the capillary network on the legs, then it is worth contacting a phlebologist or surgeon. A comprehensive examination of the lower extremities is necessary in the following cases:

If a person notices that he is feeling even worse, then he needs to start an examination.
  • the appearance of several areas with capillaries;
  • pain when mesh forms on the legs;
  • periodic occurrence of edema and a feeling of heaviness;
  • deteriorated general condition.

During diagnosis, the doctor examines the damaged legs and finds out under what circumstances capillaries appeared on the lower extremities. The main method is ultrasound examination using Doppler. Using the procedure, it is possible to determine the condition of the vessels of the legs, assess their conductivity and elasticity. Additionally, phlebography can be used, during which the patient is injected into the damaged vein. contrast agent, helping to identify places of stagnation and impaired blood circulation. Only after the source of the capillaries on the legs has been established, will it be possible to remove them in the optimal way.

What to do and how to treat?


Get rid of venous network You won't be able to get it on your legs with medications alone. Tablets, ointments, gels and other drugs provide symptomatic treatment and help prevent complications. The action of the drugs is aimed at strengthening the vascular walls, improving tone, and eliminating pain. Thanks to medications, the distensibility of veins is reduced, stagnation processes are stopped and inflammatory reactions. The most commonly used pharmaceuticals for capillaries on the legs are:

Often, to solve such a patient’s problem, doctors prescribe Vasoket.
  • "Phlebodia 600";
  • "Troxevasin";
  • "Venarus";
  • "Troxerutin";
  • "Venoruton";
  • "Detralex";
  • "Ascorutin".

Is it possible to remove capillaries using unconventional methods?

Vein veins on the legs can be treated with folk remedies which are used at home. Before carrying out such therapy, you should consult a doctor to avoid consequences. Leeches are useful for formed capillaries, which improve blood circulation. There are other effective recipes:

  • Fresh parsley. For 100 g of component use 100 ml of boiling water. Infuse the product for several hours, filter and add 150 ml of milk. The mixture is suitable for foot compresses.
  • Cabbage leaf. A remedy that is fixed overnight helps to cope with capillaries. lower limb using a bandage.
  • Turpentine. The component is used for foot baths.
  • Apple vinegar. Rub the solution on sore legs several times a day until the problem is eliminated.
  • Kalanchoe leaves. The plant is flooded warm water and leave for a week, placing it in a dark place. After preparation, the medicine is filtered and used for rubbing.

Hardware procedures

Capillaries are quickly eliminated using sclerotherapy.

Most effective method treatment that can remove the disease is physical or chemical exposure on the damaged vessel from the inside. This technique is carried out if the capillaries in the legs have burst, complications have arisen, or frequent relapses are a concern. Effective procedures for removing spider veins:

  • Laser exposure. Laser removal capillaries is the most effective, since the rays affect the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The disadvantage of the manipulation is the appearance of a capillary at the site of elimination age spots, which go away on their own after 7 days.
  • Ozone treatment. During the procedure, the affected vessel is exposed to ultra-low temperatures.
  • Thermocoagulation. Vascular walls are sealed by exposure to high temperature conditions. Scarring is possible after therapy.
  • Sclerotherapy. A solution is injected into the damaged vessel, gluing it, and all the blood is redirected to healthy vessels.

Use radical methods removal of capillaries is required as prescribed by a doctor, otherwise complications may arise.