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Medicinal mushrooms for cancer - list. Chinese mushrooms for cancer: shiitake, maitake, reishi, cordyceps, etc.

This story began in the 1960s in Japan in Nagano Prefecture. When Professor at the National Cancer Center in Tokyo Tetsura Ikekawa- data on cancer mortality from all over Japan flocked to him - he noticed that here, out of 100 thousand inhabitants, 160 people die from cancer. This is much less than in other regions. For comparison: in Russia the mortality rate is now 200 people per 100 thousand population, and the highest in the world is in Denmark - 338 people. But the most interesting thing was that among those who worked on local farms - growing winter mushrooms (in Japan they are called enokitake) - the mortality rate was even lower, only 97 people per 100 thousand. They were given substandard mushrooms, and they ate them so many. This fact interested the professor, he began to study these mushrooms and isolated from them two substances with an active anti-cancer effect - flammulin from the honey mushrooms themselves and proflamin from their mycelium (the hidden part of the mushroom, it penetrates the thickness of the tree on which the honey mushrooms grow).

Their tests on animals and humans showed that these substances have an anti-cancer effect. The substances were taken as tablets, administered intravenously and orally abdominal cavity. People combined with traditional and surgical treatment, was used as the only drug in animals. And the effect was usually positive.

In 1989, Ikekawa published a large study that he conducted for 5 years. It turned out that mushrooms are clearly effective in protecting against cancer, preventing its development. Later there were experimental studies on animals. Rodents that were given mushrooms and simultaneously exposed to carcinogens were several times less likely to develop cancer.

The mechanisms of the anti-cancer effect of winter mushrooms have already been studied. Their active substances stimulate antitumor immunity, due to which malignant cells die. Tumor metastasis is also inhibited. In addition, enokitake also has an anti-oxidant effect, which also has a protective effect against cancer.

Are russulas useful?

Most importantly, Tetsura Ikekawa's research stimulated the study of mushrooms as healthy products. And Western scientists joined these studies, which began in the East. It is now well known that anti-cancer properties not only winter mushrooms have it, but also many other mushrooms. Among them are not only Asian enokitake and shiitake, but also the familiar fly mushrooms, boletus, boletus, russula, champignons, oyster mushrooms and many other mushrooms.

They also found other beneficial features. They may protect against development diabetes mellitus, lower cholesterol, provide immunomodulatory, anti-allergic and antimicrobial effect. Today, different types of mushrooms are actively studied in the world's leading scientific laboratories. Most of these studies are aimed at establishing active substances With therapeutic effect and in the subsequent creation based on them medicines. It is already clear that substances contained in mushrooms can influence all stages of cancer development. Antioxidants block the action of carcinogens, antimutagens eliminate mutations in cells (they always underlie their malignancy), a number of substances trigger apoptosis - the process of programmed death cancer cells, others block their division and formation of metastases.

All this is a big science, the results of which we will have to wait for a long time. But you can get benefits from mushrooms now. This does not mean at all that they need to treat cancer - a very complex disease, the treatment of which should only be handled by specialists. But extracting protective properties from mushrooms preventive action it is possible and even necessary. Include mushrooms in your diet more often. It is not only delicious, but also healthy in many ways. They are low in calories, contain a lot of protein and a number of vitamins, and have virtually no harmful, easily digestible sugars and fats. And in order for mushrooms to exert their anti-cancer effect to the maximum, it is better to salt them in the old Russian way - under oppression in a barrel. Enokitake was traditionally prepared in much the same way in Japan. The reason is that during heat treatment, some useful material may be destroyed.

Currently, despite the efforts of world science and gigantic cash, released on, the number of cancer patients is growing. Under these conditions, gradually, obeying the law of the transition of quantity to quality, the information field about the use of substances isolated from higher fungi in oncological practice increases.

Today it has already been proven that many higher mushrooms have antitumor properties. Some higher mushrooms are weaker, others are stronger, and others have anti-cancer properties so pronounced that global pharmaceutical corporations make anti-tumor drugs from them. In particular, in Japan, 10% of all drugs used to treat oncological diseases- these are drugs based medicinal mushrooms. Medicinal mushrooms are included by the Japanese government in the National Health program as they contribute to improving health and increasing people's life expectancy.

In the People's Republic of China, extracts from medicinal mushrooms were introduced into the rank of medicines in 2007, thus moving from restorative and supportive medicine to one of the official methods of cancer treatment, along with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Research in the field of pharmaceutical mycology (fungotherapy) has led to discoveries that have given hope to cancer patients and doctors working in this field. Historical data on the treatment of tumors with mushrooms and Chinese practice traditional medicine became the starting point for the use of mushroom extracts in official oncology. The use of medicinal mushrooms is safe for the human body - they do not contain any toxic substances, because most of them are used in food, they are well tolerated and, thanks to proper processing, are easily absorbed in the body.

Studies have shown that the active ingredients of the mushroom block the enzyme glyoxalase-1, which is secreted by the tumor to protect against the body's immune forces.

Also effective against tumors

  • - lipids and sterols in,
  • - triterpenes in the mushroom, which have a direct inhibitory effect on the tumor
  • - “virus-like particles” in . “Virus-like particles” that are found in fungal spores are similar in structure to viruses - a strand of RNA in a protein shell. Due to their similarity to the structure of the virus, they cause complex responses in the body to synthesize its own interferon-alpha, a powerful protein component immune system, inhibiting tumor growth.

With additional intake of the extract during radiation and chemotherapy, the reduction side effects: decreased appetite, vomiting, nausea, hair loss, pain and decreased white blood cells in 90% of patients. In other words, Maitake extract improves quality of life when using standard anticancer therapy. In addition, the combined use of chemotherapy drugs and Maitake extract leads to more pronounced results than with the use of chemotherapy alone.

When should medicinal mushroom extracts be taken?

Mushrooms are prescribed for any malignant tumors: cancers and sarcomas various localizations, for melanoma, for leukemia, lymphoma and other tumors. The rehabilitation course of these drugs is very effective in postoperative period to restore the antitumor immune system and reduce the likelihood of relapses. And, of course, this is a powerful preventive measure, especially for people at risk if they have a history of cancer in their family.

For benign growth, all antitumor mushrooms are used - and - their polysaccharides have different chemical formulas and weight, which determines the variety of their work. Most of the mushrooms from which extracts are made are edible. They are compatible with many other drugs and treatments.

Can mushrooms be used along with chemotherapy?

Necessary. It has now been directly proven that simultaneous administration extracts from mushrooms and cytostatics leads to a significant increase in the patient’s life expectancy by more than 2.2 times. Mushrooms and chemotherapy do not contradict each other, their actions in the body (pharmacokinetics) do not overlap, each performs its own function. Moreover, mushrooms have a protective effect on the body: the chemistry does not damage the intestinal mucosa and liver cells, and liver function and blood count are quickly restored. Chemotherapy is much easier to tolerate - there is no painful vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, or depression after chemotherapy. During clinical trials in oncology clinics in China, it turned out that the earlier you start taking mushrooms during chemotherapy, the higher the effect!

Note: Taking mushroom extracts earlier increases the chance of successful chemotherapy!

Can mushrooms be used together with irradiation?

As with chemotherapy, it is necessary. Fungi make tumor cells more sensitive to radiation and protect healthy tissue from radiation sickness. As a result, there are significantly fewer complications: swelling of the tissue around the irradiated area is 2 times less.

Note: Taking mushroom extracts increases the antitumor effect of radiation!

Can mushrooms be used if surgery is planned?

When taking mushrooms in advance, the operation more often takes place without complications - suppuration and failure of sutures, and most importantly - it reduces possible risk postoperative metastasis.

Note: Taking mushroom extracts increases the chances of successful implementation operations!

Because modern science the mechanisms of degeneration are still not known for certain normal cells in malignant ones, then we need to work on increasing the body’s natural antitumor defense.

And there are only two options:

You do not take medicinal mushrooms and leave your defense as it is, do not turn on the body’s immune mechanisms and do not interfere with the development of the tumor’s circulatory system and its good nutrition and growth

And the second:
You take medicinal mushrooms and raise the level of antitumor protection to a high level, activate cellular immunity, inhibit the development of the tumor’s circulatory system and reduce its nutrition and growth

By purchasing extracts from medicinal mushrooms, you receive a free consultation.
Our doctors will select the most powerful treatment regimen for you, the exact dosage, time of administration, tell you how to properly dilute the extracts, what you should drink them with, without which they will never be absorbed in our intestines, and what foods should be avoided!

But not only oriental mushrooms have antitumor properties. Domestic mushrooms Veselka and Chaga as a result clinical trials showed very good results in the fight against tumor diseases.

People have long noticed that in some areas where it is customary to drink tea instead of or add a decoction to it Chaga mushroom, the population is much less likely to suffer from malignant tumors. And this one birch mushroom It has also been widely used for the treatment of such diseases since very ancient times.

Sometimes it can even be used as an independent remedy; but also as an auxiliary method of treatment, chaga gives a fairly stable effect - it is not for nothing that birch mushroom has recently become officially recognized as a means of treating cancer by scientific clinical medicine, and the first ones have already been released pharmaceutical drugs based on it. It is also known that the writer Solzhenitsyn was cured of cancer by this mushroom. What to read about in this

Statements by famous scientists about the effect of medicinal mushrooms against cancer

Professor of Zhejiang Medical University Huang Xing, also holds a professorship at the Institute of Toxicological Research of China:
“...extracts from medicinal mushrooms are currently the most promising method of treating cancer tumors. Given the absolute safety of the extracts, this is a source of powerful antitumor effects.”

Professor Akira Namba, Kobe Pharmaceutical University, Microbiology Laboratory, Japan:
“...The beta-glucans in medicinal mushrooms increase the activity of Natural Killer cells so they can kill tumors, as well as activate other cells of the immune system so that the body can fight cancer. The effectiveness of chemotherapy doubles – from 45 to 80%!”

Doctor of Medicine Ivan Jakopovich, a famous Croatian doctor who practices the use of medicinal mushroom extracts in his work. Start of work with mushrooms - 1980, studied them healing properties since 1983, and studying the practical use of medicinal mushrooms since 1989. Member of the International Society for Fungal Science and the New York Academy of Sciences:
“...I believe that there are three main components to maintaining human health: First - use medicinal mushrooms as a natural medicine; Second is the use of thousands of years of experience of traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine and other peoples of the Far East, for whom medicinal mushrooms are of exceptional importance, since the traditional medical practice I tried it various drugs based on mushrooms on a huge number of patients since ancient times. And third - use modern drugs from medicinal mushrooms based on the latest scientific research. As a result, mushroom extracts from medicinal mushrooms are constantly growing throughout the world."

Solomon Pavlovich Wasser, world-famous scientist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, author of a huge number of works, articles and books, founder of the magazine about mushrooms - “International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms”:
“...the species of medicinal mushrooms studied so far already represent a wide source of anticancer and immunostimulating polysaccharides. A large number of experimentally and clinically proven information demonstrates positive effect mushroom polysaccharides used for the following purposes: (1) prevention of tumor development by taking mushroom preparations; (2) direct antitumor activity against various tumors; (3) increased treatment efficacy from combination with chemotherapy; (4) prevention of metastasis"

Harry G. Preuss, Professor, Department of Medicine and Pathology, Professor of Physiology, Georgetown Medical University, District of Columbia, USA:
“...Medicinal mushrooms are a source of new natural medicines. The use of beta-glucans from these mushrooms brings new hope to cancer patients."

Sensuke Konno, Associate Professor, Department of Urology, New York Medical College, MD, biochemist. Member of the American Urological Association (AUA) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) since 1997:
"... when carrying out clinical trials to determine the effectiveness of medicinal mushroom extracts on prostate cancer, I came to interesting results - the effectiveness of traditional chemotherapy when combining chemotherapy drugs and mushroom extracts increased from 12% to 28%!! In addition, all patients improved general health

Doctor of Medicine Jack Taylor, National Institute of Nutrition, USA:
“...medicinal mushrooms are reliable drugs for cancer patients, their role is beyond doubt and if they are combined in effective program nutrition, the effect of treatment will be much higher!”

New York Medical College, MD Jesse Stoff
“...Cancer is not a normal part of human organs; on the contrary, it causes serious damage to the body. Cancer is not separate disease, This systemic disease. I found that patients who had cancer
tumors in various organs, after taking extracts of medicinal mushrooms, they quickly restored their immune parameters and their condition is gradually improving!”

Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy, Columbia College of Physiology and Surgery, USA, Professor Michael B. Schachter:
“...Medicinal mushrooms not only expand the capabilities of the immune system, they have high activity against cancer! Extracts from these mushrooms quickly activate the immune system so that the body mobilizes its own
anti-tumor lymphocytes that kill cancer cells! This is a great revolution in cancer therapy!”

MD, Professor Robert S. Rountree, University of North Carolina, USA:
“...Most of my patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation have a hard time with these procedures. I understand that it is extremely important for the patient to reduce the side effects of treatment. Now I know that taking medicinal mushrooms together with traditional treatment cancer, leads to more significant results. I would also like to note that taking medicinal mushrooms relieves nausea, increases appetite and quickly restores the blood formula.”

Doctor of Medicine Etienne Callebout, Free University, Brussels, Belgium:
“...I constantly use medicinal mushroom extracts in my practice to treat my patients with cancer. I believe that this is the best approach to treatment: mushrooms are not toxic, and their effect on the tumor is even greater than with chemotherapy or radiation.”

Doctor of Medicine Robert S. Atkins, professor at Cornell Medical University, USA. In 1985, Dr. Atkins was elected Person of the Year by the National Health Federation, and in 1990 he was awarded the World Medical Excellence Award. Dr. Atkins was the founder of the Center for Complementary Medicine in Manhattan. He is also the author of more than a dozen books on health and nutrition.
“...if you want to cure cancer, but at the same time not cause much discomfort to the patient, when you need to selectively destroy cancer cells in a safe but effective medications, then the choice is extracts from medicinal mushrooms. Many years clinical application These proven drugs have proven that it is possible to effectively fight cancer and actually prolong the life of cancer patients.”

For advice on the issue oncology treatment medicinal mushrooms contact our fungotherapy, bioregulation and Ayurveda center for free.

Even ancient healers knew that some types of mushrooms are beneficial to human health and help cure many diseases.

Well known fact! Peasants living in Chinese villages and people living in the mountains of Tibet have a higher life expectancy than their urban compatriots.

In the second half of the last century, this issue interested scientists who were looking for ways to prolong life and new treatment methods. various diseases, including cancer.

As a result, it turned out that in addition to clean air and a more relaxed life, the basis of the diet of residents of these areas consists of medicinal mushrooms. Some of them are eaten by peasants, others are used in the form of ointments, powders and tinctures to treat various diseases.

Having studied the composition of medicinal mushrooms, scientists discovered that they indeed have a unique, unparalleled effect on the human body and effectively fight many serious diseases, including oncology.

Until recently, medicinal mushrooms could only be purchased in China. Now you can purchase the famous Chinese medicinal mushrooms from us, in the Russian Roots herbal store.

We purchase mushrooms directly from the manufacturer, which guarantees high quality products and protects against the purchase of counterfeits.

Healing properties of mushrooms

Fungotherapists who use Chinese mushrooms in their daily healing practice have proven them high efficiency in the fight against the following diseases:

  • various types of cancer (as part of complex therapy);
  • reduced immunity, loss of strength;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • CVD diseases;
  • liver diseases, including hepatitis;
  • metabolic disorders, including obesity;
  • infectious and viral diseases of various etiologies;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

Fight against cancer

Medicinal CHINESE mushrooms play a special role in the fight against cancer. The use of mushrooms in combination with chemotherapy reduces side effects, restores weakened immunity, setting the body up to fight cancer, and stops tumor growth.

The anticancer effect of medicinal mushrooms is based on the fact that they contain unique, unparalleled polysaccharides - b-glucans, which, when entering the patient’s body, activate cellular immunity.

In order to save healing effect from medicinal mushrooms and to prevent tumor cells from becoming accustomed to them, fungotherapists change medications after a certain time. Such regular replacement gives excellent therapeutic effect and helps to successfully combat different types tumors.

Most often used to treat cancer the following types medicinal mushrooms:

1. Larch sponge (Agaricus).

Larch sponge is used in conjunction with radiation and chemotherapy, reducing the side effects of radiation exposure and administration chemicals.

2. Shiitake.

Shiitake mushroom helps activate cellular immunity, which helps the body fight tumors. It contains b-glucans, which have a pronounced immunomodulatory effect on the patient’s body. In addition, shiitake contains the substance lentinan, which has an antitumor effect and prevents the growth of tumors.

3. Tinder fungus.

The fungus Polypore prevents the formation of metastases in the body. It is one of the most studied medicinal mushrooms in the world. For many centuries, tinder has been used in traditional Chinese medicine as a tonic. Latest Research have shown that it is an excellent immunomodulator and has antitumor properties. Polypore reduces side effects from radiation therapy and enhances the effect of chemotherapy.

4. Enoki.

Enoki blocks the proliferation of cancer cells. It contains several antitumor substances, including Proflamin and b-glucan Flammulin. These substances activate antitumor immunity, block the nutrition of the circulatory system of the tumor, and restore natural process self-destruction of cancer cells.

5. Trameta.

Trameta inhibits the development of metastases in the body.

6. Chaga.

7. Agarik.

Agaric accelerates the process of lymphocyte formation, enhancing immune protection body and mobilizing its internal reserves to fight the tumor.

8. Maitake.

Maitake effectively destroys cancer cells. Maitake is widely used in traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine as a means to strengthen the immune system. When it enters the body, it strengthens the immune defense and activates the body’s fight against cancerous tumor. In addition, maitake inhibits tumor growth and prevents the occurrence of metastases.

9. Reishi.

Reishi mushroom inhibits tumor growth. Activates cellular immunity, helping the body fight cancer. Can be used as part of complex treatment after radiation and chemotherapy, reducing the severity of side effects.

10. Veselka.

Veselka destroys the membrane malignant tumor, depriving her of protection. Veselka contains special polysaccharides that stimulate the synthesis of perforin. This substance helps destroy cancer cells. Infusions prepared from this mushroom are effective against cancer of internal organs and skin. In addition, with the help of a vesel they treat benign neoplasms(cysts, fibromas, papillomas, fibroids).

11. Hericius.

Hericium activates the immune system, helping the body fight cancer. It contains beta-glucans, which enhance the effect of chemotherapy drugs and help destroy tumor cells. In addition, hericium helps remove toxins from the body, normalizing the functioning of the kidneys, liver and other internal organs.

12. Cordyceps.

Cordyceps prevents the development of the tumor's circulatory system, preventing the tumor from growing further. It has an immunostimulating effect, increasing the synthesis of T-lymphocytes that resist cancer cells.

Cordyceps has a pronounced antitumor effect and also protects internal organs from side effect chemotherapy drugs. This mushroom is very often used for treatment various types cancer in traditional Chinese medicine.

You can purchase all of the above types of mushrooms in our Russian Roots herbal store. Now we purchase mushrooms directly from the manufacturer, which guarantees high quality products and protects you from purchasing counterfeits.


Mushroom preparations have virtually no contraindications. They are not prescribed in case of individual intolerance to the components included in the drug, as well as for children under 5 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

Where to buy Chinese Medicinal Mushrooms?

You can buy medicinal CHINESE mushrooms in our Russian Roots herbal store. We purchase mushrooms directly from the manufacturer, which ensures high quality products and protects the buyer from purchasing counterfeits.

Preparations from medicinal mushrooms are produced in various forms(tinctures, suppositories, extracts, powders). If you buy 6 or more packages of mushroom powders of 10 grams each, then we will provide you with a discount. Residents of other regions can receive the product by mail.

Buy new CHINESE medicinal mushrooms from the manufacturer at the Russian Roots herbal store. It's reliable, convenient and easy!

  • Reishi mushroom 10 gr
  • Maitake mushroom 10 gr - 350 rub. When ordering 6 pieces - 300 rubles.
  • Mushroom Agarik Brazilian 10 gr - 350 rub. When ordering 6 pieces - 300 rubles.
  • Shiitake mushroom 10 gr - 350 rub. When ordering 6 pieces - 300 rubles.
  • Cordyceps mushroom 10 gr - 350 rub. When ordering 6 pieces - 300 rubles.
  • Mushroom Veselka 10 gr - 350 rub. When ordering 6 pieces - 300 rubles.

Is it possible to combine the use of mushrooms with chemotherapy and radiation treatments?

Mushrooms can be taken along with the main treatment; this therapy does not give negative side effects and helps the body recover faster after a course of chemotherapy. The duration of use of mushrooms depends on the stage of development of the disease, the type of cancer and its characteristics. The best period for taking medicinal mushrooms, a course of prophylaxis is recommended; if the diagnosis determines the presence of oncology, then the mushrooms show the greatest results in the early phase. In this case, the effect of reception reaches 99.4%. The duration of treatment must be at least three months.

In oncology medium degree severity and in the postoperative period, as well as after a course of chemotherapy and radiation, it is recommended to take Agarik Brazilian, Shiitake, Reishi, Maitake mushrooms. Their combined use inhibits tumor development and fights metastases and the consequences of taking chemicals and therapy. The duration of taking these mushrooms is at least four months with breaks. The dosage is prescribed individually for each patient.

In later stages of oncology, the duration of treatment depends on the patient’s condition. At the 4th stage of cancer, mushrooms have a strengthening effect on the body, reduce pain syndrome, which leads to a reduction in doses of painkillers and narcotics. This helps stabilize the patient’s condition and prolongs his life. Mushrooms in the treatment of cancer late stages oncology

Medicinal mushrooms are not sold in regular stores, as they are grown in special conditions for pharmaceutical purposes. It is difficult to grow mushrooms on your own; to do this you need to know special industrial technologies for their cultivation and processing.

Mushrooms used to treat oncology:

White mushroom, boletus. The extract from the body of this mushroom exhibits a tonic effect on human immunity, inhibits the development of cancer cells and stops the growth of metastases. In addition, the use of the mushroom helps remove toxic substances from the body.
Death cap. Refers to poisonous mushrooms. In small doses, it slows down the growth of metastases.

Talker. Contains an antibiotic that actively affects the development of tuberculosis bacillus and also exhibits anticancer activity.
Powder from the spores of the capitol fungus is used to treat skin cancer.

The raincoat is gigantic. Shows excellent anti-cancer properties and is used for sarcoma.

Red fly agaric. Fly agaric tincture has an anti-cancer effect.
Gray dung beetle, sweetheart. Has a specific effect on people with alcohol addiction, causing severe poisoning in them. In other cases, the mushroom is absolutely not dangerous. Antibiotics isolated from the fungus actively affect viral diseases.

Winter honey fungus. A substance called flammulin is extracted from this mushroom. This substance is actively used in the treatment of sarcoma.

Summer honey fungus, warushka. Contains the antibiotic agrocybin, which has a strong antibacterial effect. In addition, the mushroom contains hallucinogens, which are used to treat certain psychological diseases.

Ryzhik. This mushroom produces a substance, lactariovilin, which activates the adaptogenic properties of the body.

The mushroom, thick pig or blyushka, contains the substance atromentin, which has strong antibiotic properties. In addition, a derivative of polyporic acid has an anticancer effect.

Common champignon. Contains the antibiotic campestrin, used in the treatment of typhoid and paratyphoid fever. In addition, the mushroom contains the antibiotic psalliotin, used to treat oncology.

Many people and doctors believe that diet in the presence of cancer in the body is unnecessary and cannot influence or stop the disease, nor strengthen the body with cancer. But this is a completely wrong understanding! Yes, dieting alone is not possible to defeat cancer, but with its help a person can prevent or at least, can stop the development process in the body of this diagnosis.

The patient’s nutrition plays a major role in oncology. There is a common misconception that a tumor can be “depleted” by starvation. However, fasting can lead to severe weight loss, weakening of the body's defenses and the addition of various types of cancer. infectious diseases. Correct balanced diet normalizes general health and blood counts. It has been observed that when patients eat high-calorie foods, it enhances the growth and development of tumor cells. On the other hand, if a patient with oncology does not eat enough, exhaustion will occur, the body’s resistant forces will deteriorate and the effectiveness of radiation, chemotherapy, and surgical treatment will subsequently decrease.

What exactly can you eat if you have cancer?

To begin with, you need to highlight a few rules:
1) The daily diet should include a variety of local vegetables and fruits;
2) It is necessary to give preference to the well-known fractional meals in small portions five or more times a day
3) Include healthy unrefined grains in your daily diet on an ongoing basis and exclude refined grains and carbohydrates;
4) Limit meat consumption, especially fatty varieties and processed (sausages, sausages, etc.)
Thus, the patient can use various components of this diet and combine them at his own discretion.

Weight loss with cancer

Unwanted weight loss can be a serious problem for many, especially for people undergoing cancer treatment. While your body is fighting cancer, it is under stress. But even if your body needs more food, you are too sick to eat. Losing too much weight may affect your treatment and may even cause your doctor to stop it.

What should you do if you are at risk from excessive weight loss?

Nutritionists advise eating food with high density calories that contain more calories per gram of weight. Here the proteins are ideal.

Mushrooms for oncology

The world is currently spending a lot of money on cancer research and prevention. Despite numerous efforts, the number of cancer cases is increasing. In Russia they are just beginning to talk about mushroom therapy, in contrast to long-livers from China, Japan and other Asian countries.

Medicinal mushrooms have been shown to have a unique and inimitable ability to treat cancer. Some of the common mushrooms are Shiitake, Maitake, Grifolan, Reishi Crestin, Cordyceps, Hiratake, Chaga. In the second half of the 20th century, various studies and practices in Chinese medicine show that extracts from these mushrooms have great application in oncology.

Medicinal mushrooms are completely safe, easily absorbed by the body and do not contain any toxic substances, unlike other cancer drugs.

How exactly do mushrooms help cancer patients?

Increased cellular immunity. Medicinal mushrooms are rich in beta-glucan polysaccharides, the immune cells of cancer patients are very weak and inactive. This helps cancer grow and spread. Polysaccharides in mushrooms activate cellular immunity and increase the rate at which immune system cells fight cancer. These immune cells are called cytotoxic T lymphocytes. In 2004 medical University In the city of Osaka, several studies were conducted to study the effect of the mushroom on cancer patients. They found in them the substance ergosterol and sodium pyroglutamate, which block the blood supply to the tumor. It is known that the tumor releases a substance that provokes the body itself to create new blood vessels to feed the tumor. Substances in medicinal mushrooms slow down synthesis, as a result of which no form of new cancer cells is formed, and old ones gradually disappear. Maitake mushroom is rich in a substance that inhibits growth blood vessels in the tumor. Stimulates apoptosis in tumors.

There are 2 types of cancer cell death: passive and active apoptosis.

Apoptosis is a process in which an infected cell dies in human body without harming neighboring cells or causing inflammation in other tissues. The substances found in the maitake mushroom help this process and safely destroy existing oncology.
Ergosterol and pyroglutomate help best; their substances penetrate T-cells into the tumor by increasing the body's immunity several times. Thus, cell destruction occurs in 2 directions, inside and outside.

Although their medicinal and anticancer properties have been known since ancient times, today they are the subject of numerous studies. Every day, scientists are discovering new qualities of mushrooms to support cancer patients. Mikko is an American product that contains an organic blend of 12 medicinal mushrooms (Cordyceps, Maitake, Reishi, Yamabushitake, Himematsutake, Sheytake, Zhu Ling, Kauaratake, Hiratake, Agaricon and Chaga), as well as vitamin C and ginger root for better absorption! Mikko is a natural and very powerful immunomodulator that returns normal condition body. The product restores normal functioning all organs and systems. It is recommended to take this product especially during periods of chemotherapy treatment and during treatment of liver or severe heart disease. vascular diseases and diseases such as diabetes. Mikko is a product of Nature's Way, an American company whose nutritional and dietary supplements have earned the trust of consumers around the world.

As mentioned above, fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet daily, and mushrooms may also be included. Everyone knows about the benefits of vegetables and fruits, but there is a lot of speculation about the benefits or harm of mushrooms.
Scientists are still debating which mushroom has the greatest value. Currently, the shiitake tree mushroom is becoming increasingly popular. Among the Japanese and Chinese, its value was equal to that of ginseng. According to scientists, shiitake is an indispensable product for oncology. Studies have shown that it enhances the body's immune defense by activating white blood cells and helps produce interleukin-2, a cancer cell killer. This unique mushroom is incredibly nutritious. In China and Japan, its value was equal to that of ginseng.

Nutrition after cancer also has its own characteristics. When the treatment ends, anxiety and fear for their future go away, the patient begins to calm down, then side effects of the diet and dietary restrictions may occur. During this period, the most important thing is to introduce new foods gradually, with caloric restriction. It is important to completely eliminate refined, fatty foods and sugars. Nutrition after cancer is not too different from what the patient ate during the disease. The diet must also include fruits and vegetables, proteins, and whole grains. You can eat soy products; they are rich in easily digestible protein and do not contain fat, so soy products can be a substitute for meat.