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Sophora japonica - beneficial properties, use in folk medicine, contraindications. Tincture of Sophora japonica - indications for use, medicinal properties, home recipes

Amazing plant Originally from Japan, it has not only a luxurious appearance, but also valuable healing properties. A lush and spreading crown, yellow inflorescences of unearthly beauty - this is how they describe the symbol of beauty and health, which is put on a par with ginseng. The plant can cure a large number of diseases, which is what doctors and healers in China, Japan, the Caucasus and Crimea use. Sophora can also grow in Russia; the tree is unpretentious and tolerates the rather harsh climate of our latitudes.

Recipes for preparing the tincture of the Japanese miracle are often resorted to - it has become an indispensable healer in almost every family. It is due to the special chemical composition that is necessary to the human body for normal, healthy functioning. Based on it, you can understand the mechanism of action of Sophora japonica, what the plant heals and why.

What does Sophora japonica treat?

The plant is known primarily for its high rutin content - from 12% to 30%. This component has a hemostatic and tonic effect on the walls of capillaries, therefore. It also limits their permeability and fragility. Laboratory research showed that Sophora causes accelerated clotting of blood and oxalate plasma. Rutin is an integral component in the vascular treatment regimen. In addition to rutin, Sophora contains gynestein, glycosides, quercetin and kaempferol. The list of diseases that can be cured with the help of Sophora is very wide.

Plants are used to treat:

  • hypertension;
  • joints;
  • pancreas;
  • polycystic disease;
  • hemorrhoids.

As a preventive measure, Sophora tincture is drunk to prevent heart attack and stroke. Sophora extract improves blood composition, improves immunity and perfectly fights infectious diseases. Tincture or decoctions are not the only way to use Japanese Sophora. Very popular essential oil, ointments and special solutions. They are used to treat:

  • varicose veins;
  • nail fungus;
  • bedsores;

Ointments are used to treat wounds, trophic ulcers and other inflammatory processes. According to official research, Sophora japonica is excellent for treating diseases. gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers and duodenum, hemorrhages various kinds. Oncology also could not do without the use of the plant. Sophora helps a seriously ill patient cope with chemotherapy treatment. After operations, it is prescribed without fail for the following reason: positive influence on the patient's heart. Cancer treatment primarily affects the heart. To maintain it, tincture of Sophora japonica is used.

It is important to understand! Sophora japonica is not the main medicine in the treatment of cancer. It is used as a supporting agent and is prescribed in combination with other drugs.

The composition of the plant determines the list of diseases. There are many interesting facts related to the treatment of diseases not included in common list.

What is treated with the plant in other countries?

The fact is that in nature there is not only Japanese Sophora. There is also a yellow and thick-fruited type of tree. It is yellow sophora that is used in oncology in Asian countries, Japan, China and Korea. However, in Russia this type of tree is unknown and is not used for medicinal purposes at all. No research has been carried out on it, since the species is not cultivated.

In Japan and China, Sophora is used in the treatment of allergies, runny nose, sinusitis and diseases arising from the Candida fungus - thrush. Treatment is carried out both internally and externally. Sophora will also cure lupus erythematosus. In addition to direct treatment, the tree is planted in gardens and parks - this is a symbol of longevity and, according to Japanese beliefs, the patient begins to heal simply by being next to the amazing Sophora.

In Beijing, for example, the plant has become a real talisman, bringing health and longevity. For treatment, the Chinese use all parts of the tree - flowers, fruits, bark and even roots.

Be careful! Always pay attention to the type of drug you purchase. Read on the packaging which kind of sophora you are purchasing. To avoid misunderstandings, give preference to the well-known Japanese sophora.

Knowing everything healing properties plants and its composition, as well as a list of curable diseases, you can safely begin preparing a tincture, decoction or ointment.

Preparation of tincture and decoction

Most often, a tincture is prepared from the unopened buds of the plant. They accumulate the amount of rutin that is necessary for effective treatment. For stronger concentration, use Sophora fruits. They must also be unripe. The seed pod itself should be bright green, while the beans should be black. Ripe pods have a reddish-brown color - this indicates that the fruit is no longer suitable for making tincture. The pods cannot be lifted from the ground; they no longer contain the required concentration of rutin. Flowers or fruits are crushed and filled with alcohol. The optimal alcohol concentration is 70%.

Attention! Medicine from Sophora should be prepared based on the disease. The tincture is used for some types of illness, a decoction for others, and ointments for others.

Below are the most effective and popular recipes for preparing medicines.

What can be treated with tincture

The tincture is used for diseases such as gastritis, ulcers, rheumatism, varicose veins, hypertension, pancreatitis, diabetes, pancreatic diseases and cancer.

The recipe is quite simple:

  1. Grind one part of fresh flowers or sophora fruits (100 g).
  2. Place the raw materials in a dark glass bottle.
  3. Pour 70% alcohol (100 g) over fruits or flowers. You can use vodka.
  4. Leave for three weeks, shake the tincture periodically.
  5. Take 20 drops three times a day.

If there are no fresh buds or fruits, you can use dry raw materials. In this case, the proportions of alcohol and plant will be 2:1. Herbalists advise infusing the tincture for a month, but three weeks is also enough.

What does the decoction help with?

The decoction helps well with nervous disorders, psoriasis, (external use), allergies, fever, elevated temperature against the background of infection. Both fresh raw materials and dried fruits and buds are used.

The cooking recipe boils down to the following:

  1. One tablespoon of raw material (fresh) is poured with boiling water (one glass).
  2. Steam the solution in a water bath for about 10-15 minutes.
  3. If the liquid has decreased significantly during the cooking process, you can add boiling water so that one glass of liquid comes out again.
  4. Take the cooled decoction three times a day, 30 drops.

The decoction can be used not only internally, but also externally. For example, for thrush, douching is done with a decoction. It can also cure alopecia, external ulcers or hemorrhoids.

Attention! Please consult your doctor or herbalist for any use of Sophora. Only a specialist will be able to correctly prescribe the dose and form of the medicine (tincture, decoction or ointment).

Always remember that the ratio of fresh to dry will vary. When preparing tinctures or decoctions, dry raw materials are always taken in half as much as fresh ones. The healing properties of Japanese Sophora are extensive and have virtually no contraindications. But they exist, albeit in small quantities.

Contraindications for use

Tincture and other medicines based on Sophora are not recommended for pregnant women. It is necessary to consult a doctor in this case. There are the following restrictions on the use of the medicine:

  • cannot be used by children under 14 years of age;
  • People with serious liver and kidney diseases should be careful;
  • the plant is contraindicated for people who are intolerant to the components of Sophora;
  • not recommended for people with hypersensitivity.

This is where the list of contraindications ends. Sophora japonica tincture is generally well tolerated.

Important to remember! The flowers of the tree are mildly toxic. The roots have an intoxicating, narcotic effect. Always consult your doctor about taking the tincture!

The miraculous tree will help cure many diseases. But you shouldn’t rely only on drops of valuable tincture. An integrated approach to treatment is more effective. Consult your doctor and herbalist. In this case, the disease will have no chance of progressing. Good health to you!

There are many debilitating diseases that people constantly struggle with, inventing new methods and medications. The main and main assistant in this struggle is nature, the abundance of plant species of which is infinitely great.

To prepare healing potions and medicines, people used the chemical composition of some of them. This article offers a description of one of these creations of nature and its use in healing activities.

Sophora japonica is a tree from the legume family, very tall and pretty. It is actively grown in big cities and metropolises, as it significantly decorates the landscape of the area. However, in addition to aesthetic properties, this plant also has useful medical characteristics.

Useful properties of Sophora

The fruits of Sophora japonica are medicinal. Despite the incomplete study of the tree, the content of a huge amount of useful substances in its buds has already been revealed. The plant is rich in vitamins, tannins, salts, flavonoids and oils. In addition to them, the chemical composition of the fruits of the tree includes a very useful substance - rutin. It has a pronounced strengthening effect on the cardiovascular system and coordinates the function of ascorbic acid in human biochemistry.

Traditional doctors and traditional healers actively use preparations prepared on the basis of beneficial substances extracted from Sophora. Pharmacies sell alcohol tinctures, and many healers make their own decoction. Let's talk about healing properties tinctures and what diseases it fights.

Use of tincture in medicine

The following information is Sophora tincture Japanese application. Sophora tincture has long enjoyed wide success and is used in traditional and folk medicine. It helps restore normal sleep, has a sedative effect, lowers blood pressure,. This drug is used by diabetics. It is used for various types of hemorrhages.

Medicines prepared from the fruits of Sophora japonica are prescribed for the treatment of a whole list of diseases. It will help with kidney diseases, sclerosis, diabetes, chronic prostatitis, uterine fibroids, skin fungus and mastopathy. The product also has preventive properties against infectious, rheumatic diseases and allergies. Resists radiation sickness, lupus, eczema and psoriasis.

Manufacturing and instructions for use

Alcohol tincture.

It is easy to prepare the tincture yourself at home. To make it you will need ripe fruits of the tree - beans. The beans must be collected and washed thoroughly under running water. cold water. After washing, dry the fruits with a paper towel and cut them. Fill a one-liter jar halfway with cut pieces and fill with alcohol or vodka to the top level.

The jar should be covered with a tight nylon lid and placed in a dark place where there is no sunlight. Leave to stand for ten days, shaking the contents of the jar from time to time. After the above period of time has passed, strain the product and pour into the prepared container. Your healing tincture is ready for use!

Instructions for use of alcohol tincture of Sophora japonica. For general prevention, for a month, take the tincture 20...30 drops before eating and before bedtime. The sediment remaining after preparation is used as a compress to heal complex wounds and skin diseases.

Sophora extract.

To make a healing extract, take one tablespoon of dried flowers of the presented tree, pour 100 ml of vodka or 40% alcohol, stir thoroughly. Leave the prepared mass to steep for 10 days, then filter. For home treatment of liver ailments, dysentery or chronic gastritis take the extract 40 drops after meals for 30 days.

Sophora decoction.

Patients who are prohibited from drinking alcohol are prescribed to take a decoction of the plant instead of the tincture. Prepare a decoction at home as follows: a tablespoon of finely chopped fresh fruits Sophora, pour two hundred grams of boiling water and leave for one night. In the morning you should boil the resulting mass for seven minutes, but no more. Strain and can be used.

Ready-made healing liquids are used to treat blood vessels and internal organs. It is actively used in the complex therapy of female diseases, hypertension, and the gastrointestinal tract.

Alcohol tincture of two components.

An effective remedy for effectively combating malignant tumors, debilitating diseases of the kidneys and other internal organs is a tincture made from a mixture of two components. To make it, take Sophora fruits along with white mistletoe. It is necessary to chop each plant, take one glass of each, combine and pour one liter of alcohol.

Hide the mixture from sun rays and leave for three weeks, do not forget to shake the contents periodically. After aging, strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth and take one teaspoon no more than 4 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Healing oil.

A useful medicinal oil is made from the fruits of Sophora japonica, which is recommended for wounds that are difficult to heal.

Prepare this folk remedy you can use the following recipe: liter glass jar it is necessary to fill halfway with well-dried beans and then fill to the top with boiling water. After about 60...90 minutes, the water should be drained, and the fruits themselves should be finely ground until a paste is formed, which will later serve as the main basis for making the oil extract.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of medicinal tinctures during pregnancy and during the feeding season is prohibited. Do not use if your body is intolerant or if you have kidney disease.

Like everyone else medicine, the tincture has side effects. Nausea or vomiting may occur while using the medications. Sometimes abdominal pain or diarrhea occurs.

Sophora japonica consists of vitamins, oils, salts, tannins and flavonoids that are needed for normal functioning the whole body. Sophora buds consist of rutin, which strengthens the cardiovascular system. Sophora tincture is used both externally and internally.

The tincture is prepared from the fruits of Sophora japonica. She has unique properties. Let's take a closer look at the uses of Sophora japonica tincture, what the instructions say about this drug, and how you can prepare it yourself at home.

Due to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, the drug is used for topical use and fights skin rashes. The product is used to treat trophic ulcers and acne. It improves capillary blood circulation and accelerates the regeneration of the dermis.

The drug has a positive effect on the central nervous system, stabilizes sleep, calms and normalizes blood pressure. It helps ease toothache. Sophora tincture can be safely used by people who suffer from diabetes.

It restores blood vessels, cleanses the walls of cholesterol accumulations, making them more elastic. The fruits of Sophora japonica are used to produce alcohol tinctures, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently at home.

What does the instructions say?

Before drinking or externally using Sophora japonica tincture, you must read the instructions for the drug. The instructions say the following:

  1. Sophora tincture has antiseptic and disinfecting properties;
  2. The drug is used for therapy purulent inflammation on the skin: wounds, burns, ulcers. They are treated by wetting, washing and wet dressings;
  3. The remedy is used in this way. Sore spots are moistened with a solution or wrapped gauze bandages twice a day;
  4. Sophora tincture is recommended for diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, urolithiasis disease, ulcerative colitis, bleeding prevention. In this case, it is taken orally no more than a teaspoon twice a day;
  5. Usually the drug is well tolerated. But there are cases of individual intolerance, which manifests itself in the form of allergies, redness of the skin and itching;
  6. The tincture is contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance, as well as problems with the kidneys and liver;
  7. The drug contains ethyl alcohol, because of this it should not be given to children who should drive a car;
  8. If the drug is ingested excessively, stomach and intestinal disorders may occur;
  9. The tincture must be stored in a cool place at a temperature of 15–18 degrees for two years.

It is important to listen to the advice given in the instructions for the drug so that treatment with the tincture is successful and beneficial to the body.

Preparing the tincture at home

The product can be bought at a pharmacy or made with your own hands from high-quality and natural raw materials. It can be made with alcohol, vodka and other methods.

Alcohol tincture

Wash cool water under the tap there are ripe fruits of the plant. Then dry them and cut them into pieces. Place the chopped beans in a one-quart jar. Pour alcohol all the way to the top. Cover with a tight lid and place in a dark place.

Shake the product periodically for ten days. After a while, strain the finished tincture.

The resulting cake should not be thrown away after filtering. It is used for compresses that will cure skin diseases and wounds.

An alcohol tincture can also be made according to this recipe:

  • Mix fresh Sophora fruits with alcohol in equal proportions. If there are no fresh berries, you can take dry ones;
  • Seal the dark glass jar tightly;
  • Let it brew for three weeks in a closed place;
  • After a while, filter the product and store it in a cool place.

This alcohol based product is used to treat various diseases after consultation with a doctor.

Vodka tincture with Sophora japonica flowers

Dry Sophora japonica flowers. Place the dry raw materials in a jar and fill them with vodka (100 milliliters). Stir and let stand for ten days. After a while, filter and use to treat gastritis, dysentery and liver disease.

Another option for homemade tincture

Grind one glass each of white mistletoe and Japanese sophora. Mix them and add alcohol. Let it sit in the dark for twenty days. Stir the mixture from time to time. After a while, filter and take to prevent malignant tumors, kidney diseases and other internal organs.

Prepare the product with water

Pour boiling water (250 milliliters) over fifteen grams of dry raw materials. Close the lid of the thermos tightly and let stand for at least 10 hours. Then strain and take two tablespoons twice a day. This infusion prevents the accumulation of salts and prevents hot flashes in women during menstrual breaks.

To strengthen the immune system, the following infusion is made from Japanese sophora:

  1. Pour 20 grams of dry fruits of the plant with 500 milliliters of hot water;
  2. Cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer over low heat for at least five minutes;
  3. Then remove from heat and let sit for 30 minutes;
  4. After a while, strain and take a third of a glass orally three times a day before meals.

This product will perfectly boost the immune system and strengthen general state person.

To raise your overall vitality, you can prepare the following remedy:

  • Pour boiling water over 15 grams of sophora;
  • Let it sit in a sealed container for at least eight hours;
  • Then filter the cooled product;
  • Drink a spoon three times a day before eating.

A water infusion of Sophora tones the body well and gives it strength.

To cure inflammatory processes in the intestines and stop bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, pour 15 grams of dry plant buds with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew in a tightly closed container for two hours. Cool and strain. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals. You need to drink this remedy in courses.

Features of using the tincture

Treatment with Japanese Sophora tincture is necessary for six months. After three months of therapy the first positive results. Dizziness will disappear, vitality will increase.

If the drug is taken orally, it helps to cure scarlet fever and measles, hypertension, blood diseases, excessive capillary permeability, rheumatism and other diseases.

When the tincture is used externally, compresses and wet dressings are made to treat purulent inflammatory processes on the skin. Locally it is prescribed for the treatment of baldness, wounds and burns.

The doctor can prescribe the drug to patients who have undergone vascular surgery. The course of treatment in this case is 30 days. It must be repeated every season - in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Drug dosage

Sophora japonica tincture is used as follows:

  1. Treatment vascular diseases It is carried out by ingesting a teaspoon of tincture diluted in a glass of water. Take the product twice a day;
  2. In the same way, the tincture is taken for the treatment of gastric ulcers. But, it must be cooked in water;
  3. Treatment of periodontal disease and stomatitis is carried out by rinsing the mouth with the prepared solution. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of Sophora tincture in a glass of water;
  4. IN beauty salons The product has been successfully used to strengthen hair. A tablespoon of the drug is diluted in one hundred milliliters of water and rubbed into skin covering heads.

It is important to take the tincture only after consulting a doctor to eliminate the possibility of intolerance to the drug.

Now you know what tincture of Sophora japonica is, how it is prepared, as well as for what diseases and quantities it is used. Before using the tincture, you should definitely consult a doctor to exclude possible side effects and protect your health. The doctor will examine the patient and write out a treatment regimen with tincture.

In the article we discuss Japanese Sophora - application, features of collection and drying, medicinal properties and contraindications, pharmaceutical forms of release. You will learn how the medicine from sophora and mistletoe is useful for diabetes mellitus, how to prepare a tincture from Japanese Sophora, about the use of Sophora decoction for psoriasis.

Japanese Sophora or Japanese Styphnolobium (Styphnolobium japonicum) is a large deciduous tree of the Styphnolobium genus of the Fabaceae family. Another name for the tree is Japanese acacia.

What does it look like

Appearance (photo) of Japanese Sophora The height of Sophora reaches 25−30 m. The tree has a wide spherical crown with green branched stems and a developed root system. The leaves are oblong-ovate and grow in pairs. There is light fluff on the stems and leaves.

During the flowering period, yellowish-white fragrant flowers, which gather in dense apical panicles up to 35 cm long. Japanese Sophora blooms every 2 years in July - August. The fruits ripen in September - October.

The fruit of the tree is a greenish-brown cylindrical bean, which after ripening changes its color to reddish-brown. Inside there are black or red seeds. The fruits do not fall from the tree all winter.

Where does it grow

Sophora japonica grows in fresh sandy and loamy soils. Distribution area: China, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, Central Asia, southern Ukraine, Crimea, Transcaucasia, Volgograd region and Krasnodar region.

Buds and fruits

In traditional and folk medicine, the fruits of Sophora japonica and unopened flower buds are used as medicinal raw materials.
Sophora japonica flowers

Chemical composition

Japanese Sophora has medicinal properties and contraindications explained as follows: chemical composition:

  • alkaloids;
  • quercetin;
  • kaempferol;
  • routine;
  • vitamin C;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils.

Medicinal properties

What properties does Sophora japonica exhibit:

  • restores the elasticity of vascular walls;
  • reduces blood pressure levels;
  • cleanses blood vessels from “bad” cholesterol;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • regulates metabolic processes in organism;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves blood supply to tissues;
  • reduces swelling of joints;
  • heals the gastrointestinal tract;
  • calms the nervous system.

Due to its positive effect on the blood supply system, sophora is indispensable in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Sophora japonica for diabetes prevents the development of serious complications of the disease, including diabetic atherosclerosis.

IN traditional medicine the plant is used for the treatment of obliterating endarteritis with impaired blood supply to the leg and foot, for angina pectoris, hypertension, rheumatism, peptic ulcer stomach and adenoma.

Sophora japonica extract is popular in cosmetology. With its help you can strengthen hair, stop skin aging, cure burns and psoriasis.

How to collect

To preserve the beneficial properties of Sophora japonica, collect its buds in June - July, when the flowers are just beginning to bloom. Trim the fruits when they are already ripe in September - October. Cut them with scissors, pruning shears, or carefully break off the panicles with fruit beans.

Before drying, clean the fruits and buds from twigs and debris. Then place in the dryer at 25-30 °C. If you don't have a dryer, place the raw materials on fabrics in a single layer in a well-ventilated attic or dark, ventilated area. In both cases, turn the fruit periodically.

Store dried raw materials in a hermetically sealed container. Shelf life - up to 2 years.

How to use

The fruits of Sophora japonica are also used in medicine. Sophora japonica is widely used in folk medicine. An infusion of the plant is used for skin diseases and stomach diseases. Preparations from Sophora fruits are prescribed for high blood pressure, to normalize sleep and improve appetite. According to Japanese Sophora reviews, it is highly effective for diabetes mellitus, rheumatism, sclerotic dissection of the walls blood vessels and varicose veins. Compresses are also prepared from Sophora fruits to treat frostbite and burns.

Water infusion for gastritis

An aqueous infusion of Sophora is used to treat pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis. Be prepared that on the 2nd-3rd day of treatment with Sophora, the use will become more complicated painful sensations in the stomach. If you have deep ulcers, your health will worsen on the 20th day. Pain indicates that the affected mucous membranes of the stomach are beginning to recover. Buy pain syndrome it is forbidden.


  1. Sophora japonica flowers (chopped) - 2 tbsp.
  2. Water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Boil water, pour the plant material into a bowl and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 30 minutes, strain and divide the infusion into 3 parts.

How to use: Drink the drink 3 times a day for 4 weeks. Take a break for 15 days, then repeat the course of treatment.

Result: Sophora for gastritis regenerates stomach tissue and neutralizes the high acidity of gastric juice, restores pancreatic tissue.

Compress for psoriasis

If you have psoriasis of the scalp, make a decoction of the infusion of Sophora japonica buds - the instructions suggest using it as a mask.


  1. Japanese Sophora buds - 4 tbsp.
  2. Water - 400 ml.

How to cook: Place the flowers in an enamel pan, add water and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. Then strain the broth and cool.

How to use: Massage the liquid into your scalp.

Result: Sophora japonica for psoriasis eliminates itching, relieves inflammation, heals cracks, calms the nervous system and normalizes metabolism.

Vinegar tincture for varicose veins

Sophora for varicose veins is used internally in the form of a tincture from the buds of the plant and apple cider vinegar. During treatment, avoid intellectual, physical and mental stress, as well as working with potentially dangerous equipment.


  1. Japanese Sophora buds - 50 g.
  2. Apple cider vinegar - 2 cups.

How to cook: Pour vinegar over Sophora, place in a cool, dark place and leave for 3 weeks. Shake the liquid every 2 days. Strain the tincture.

How to use: Dissolve 1 tbsp. tinctures in a glass of water and take once a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Result: Sophora japonica strengthens vascular walls and restores their elasticity, reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries. When treated with Sophora initial stage varicose veins venous disease goes away completely, and at a severe stage, general well-being improves significantly.

Infusion for vessels

In case of increased capillary permeability, frequent bleeding and hemorrhage in the retina, try an infusion of Sophora fruits for blood vessels.


  1. Sophora japonica fruits - 1 tbsp.
  2. Water (boiling water) - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour the fruits of the plant into a thermos, pour boiling water, close the lid and leave for 6 hours, then strain through a sieve.

How to use: Take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. after eating for 3 weeks.

Result: Japanese Sophora for blood vessels prevents blood clots, has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens blood vessels and resolves atherosclerotic plaques, reduces capillary fragility, expands the lumens of blood vessels and reduces blood clotting time.

Sophora and mistletoe for diabetes

Due to the hypoglycemic properties of Sophora, it is used at any stage of diabetes. If you are in the initial stage, Japanese Sophora for diabetes will help you cope with the disease along with dietary nutrition. If you have a complicated form of the disease, Sophora for diabetes will complement the main treatment.

The most popular remedy for diabetes is an alcohol-containing tincture of Japanese Sophora and white mistletoe. With its help, you can avoid complications of the disease such as diabetic retinopathy and diabetic foot.


  1. Japanese Sophora fruits - 100 g.
  2. Mistletoe leaves - 200 g.
  3. Vodka - 1 l.

How to cook: Wash sophora fruits and mistletoe leaves thoroughly. Grind them and pour them into different glass containers. Pour 500 ml of vodka into each and leave for 30 days in a dark room. Mix both tinctures, wait another 7 days and strain through a sieve or several layers of gauze.

How to use: Drink the tincture 3 times a day, 1 tsp. 30 minutes before meals. The course of therapy is 30 days, after which take a break of 7 days and resume treatment.

Result: Mistletoe and Japanese Sophora for diabetes mellitus strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, cleanse the blood, reduce sugar and cholesterol levels, eliminate metabolic disorders and stop the progression of the disease.

For oncology

Sophora in oncology has an antitumor effect on cancer cells, destroys primary tumors and reduces the possibility of metastasis. Japanese sophora recipes help remove swelling and inflammation, remove toxic substances, stimulate immune system and cleanse the blood during chemotherapy.

Decoctions of Sophora japonica for brain tumors lower arterial and intracranial pressure, restore lymph and blood circulation. Tumors of the reproductive system are treated with wet dressings, irrigations and vaginal tampons, which are soaked in Sophora infusion. For liver, intestinal and pancreatic cancer, the plant reduces hepatotoxicity and shortens the period of cell recovery. If you use Sophora tincture for stomach cancer, it will stop ulceration of the stomach walls and completely destroy cancer cells.

Tincture of Sophora japonica

Japanese Sophora tincture is used as a wound healing agent for wet dressings for trophic ulcers, burns and wounds, in the treatment of rheumatism, ulcerative colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, kidney and liver diseases, early stages tuberculosis. It is prescribed to prevent internal bleeding, and is used in diluted form for hair loss.

The high medicinal properties of Japanese Sophora tincture are explained by the fact that alcohol significantly enhances the effect of beneficial substances in the plant.

For example, tincture of Sophora with vodka is good for preventing stroke.


  1. Sophora japonica fruits (chopped) - 2 tbsp.
  2. Vodka - 50 ml.

How to cook: Pour the crushed raw materials into a dark glass bottle, fill with vodka and leave for 14 days in a dark place. Shake the liquid periodically. Filter the tincture, squeeze and store in a cool place.

How to use: Drink 3 times a day, 30 drops 30 minutes before meals.

Result: Vodka tincture Sophora japonica for stroke effectively protects and strengthens blood vessels, resolves atherosclerotic plaques and reduces capillary permeability, preventing possible recurrent hemorrhages.

Pharmaceutical preparations with Sophora japonica

Due to the medicinal properties of Japanese sophora, a large number of herbal medicines - dietary supplements - are made from it. They are used for venous insufficiency, bleeding, dermatoses, baldness and impotence. In conservative medicine, medicines are produced from the fruits and buds of Sophora.


The drug Pahikarpin is made from the herb Sophora japonica. It is produced in the form of ampoules with injection solutions or in the form of tablets.

Pahikarpin removes hypertensive crisis and inflammation of nerve nodes, stops bleeding after childbirth, helps in stimulating contractions in labor activity, treats obliterating endarteritis, spasms of peripheral vessels, myopathy.

Scheme and duration of treatment depending on the disease:

  • for myopathy - 0.1 g per day before meals, 1.5-2 months, 3 times a year;
  • for inflammation of the nerve nodes - 2 times a day, 0.5-1 g before meals, 2 weeks;
  • for obliterating endarteritis - 3 times a day, 0.05-0.1 g before meals, 1-1.5 months with a possible repeat of the course after 2-3 months.


The medicine is a tincture of Sophora japonica fruits that have not undergone fermentation. It is used externally for skin lesions:

  • trophic ulcer;
  • abscess;
  • burn;
  • phlegmon.

Soforin tincture is used for washing, irrigation and making medicinal compresses.


Ascorutin is produced in the form of tablets and is prescribed for the treatment of vascular pathologies, diseases with impaired vascular permeability and hypovitaminosis.

The course of treatment is 1 month. The dosage regimen depends on age:

  • children over 3 years old - 2-3 times a day, 1 piece;
  • children over 12 years old and adults - 2-3 times a day, 1-2 pcs.

The attending physician will prescribe a more specific dose based on the severity of the disease.


At Sophora Japanese contraindications the following:

  • pregnancy 1st trimester;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • work that involves operating machinery or driving vehicles;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

Since the active substances of the plant accumulate in the body gradually, allergic reaction on Sophora may not arise immediately. Carefully monitor the body's reaction when treating with Sophora japonica. If you experience rashes, allergic dermatitis, or itching, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.


Sophora japonica belongs to the genus Styphnolobium, tribe Sophoreae, subfamily Faboideae, family Fabaceae, order Fabales, class Dicotyledones.


The legume family (Fabaceae) includes the genus Sophora. Previously, it included a tree of the Japanese Sophora species (Styphnolobium japonicum). But the classification of the tree was changed, and it entered the genus Styphnolobium.

The Sophora genus consists of 61 plant species. The most famous types:

  • foxtail Sophora (Sophora alopecuroides);
  • yellowish Sophora (Sophora flavescens);
  • golden leaf Sophora (Sophora chrysophylla);
  • thick-fruited Sophora (Sophora pachycarpa);
  • small-leaved Sophora (Sophora microphylla);
  • four-winged Sophora (Sophora tetraptera).

For more information about Sophora japonica decoction, watch the video:

Sophora Japanese infographics

Photo of Japanese Sophora, its beneficial properties and uses:
Infographics on Sophora japonica

What to remember

  1. Sophora is most often used for psoriasis, vascular diseases, diabetes, oncology and gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. Pharmaceutical forms of Sophora japonica - Pahikarpin, Soforin, Askorutin.
  3. Alcohol tincture of Sophora is more effective than water infusions and decoctions.

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Other plant names:

Japanese acacia

Brief description of Japanese Sophora:

Sophora japonica (Japanese acacia) is a large tree, reaching a height of up to 25 m in its homeland, with a beautiful spherical crown and a well-developed root system. In our conditions, the height of the trees does not exceed 10 m. The trunk is covered with dark gray bark with deep cracks. The stems of young branches are greenish-gray, covered with short hairs. The leaves are alternate, large, from 10 to 25 cm long, with pubescent petioles, imparipinnate, consisting of 7–17 almost sessile leaflets. The leaves are oblong-ovate, 2–5 cm long, shiny, dark green above, bluish below.

The flowers are fragrant, relatively small, no more than 1 cm in diameter, collected in large paniculate inflorescences, reaching a length of 20 and even 35 cm, located at the ends of the branches. The flowers are irregular, the so-called moth type common to most legumes, with 5 green sepals, 5 yellow-white or pale pink petals, 10 stamens and a pistil with a superior ovary. The fruit is a fleshy reddish indehiscent bean, 5–10 cm long and about 1 cm thick, with deep interceptions between the seeds, i.e., bead-shaped. Since the flowers are collected in inflorescences, the beans that appear after flowering also form a kind of bunch. Each bean contains from 1 to 5 seeds. The seeds are reddish or almost black, kidney-shaped, similar in shape to beans, but smaller. Sophora japonica blooms quite late in Russia - in July - August, the fruits ripen only in October and hang on the tree all winter, giving it an original appearance. The leaves of this plant also fall very late - in November. Sophora differs from other trees of the legume family by clearly visible, unswollen beans and the absence of thorns.

Places of growth:

It grows wild in the forests of Japan, China, and Korea. The plant is thermophilic, therefore it is bred in the southern regions of Russia - mainly in the Rostov region, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, since its normal growth and development requires a long growing season. In Ukraine it is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in populated areas, in parks, gardens, roadside and shelterbelts in the southern steppe regions, along the entire Black Sea coast. Trees have been used for decades, starting at 3–4 years of age. Widely cultivated in city plantings, parks, squares, and roadside plantings. Garden forms have been developed that differ from wild weeping plants or, conversely, with a pyramidal crown. Some decorative forms have purple flowers.

Growing Sophora:

Sophora is propagated by seeds. It also regenerates well with stump growth. Is different rapid growth– by the age of 15, trees grow up to 10 m tall. However, this tree blooms at the age of about 30 years. Light-loving, drought- and salt-resistant. Although they are heat-loving species, mature trees can withstand fairly severe frosts, if they are, of course, short-lived. Young individuals are more sensitive to low temperatures.

Sophora preparation:

Sophora fruits are harvested unripe, when the bean valves are still fleshy, juicy, have a light green rather than reddish color, and the seeds have already hardened and begun to darken. Whole “bundles” of beans are plucked or cut off with pruning shears. Dry them in well-ventilated areas or dryers at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Before drying or during the drying process, the beans are separated from each other, and the stalks that bound them are thrown away.

Sophora buds are harvested just before flowering, when the lower branches in the inflorescences begin to open. The blossoming Sophora flowers fall abundantly. Harvesting is carried out in dry weather, starting closer to noon, when the dew has dried. Cut with pruning shears or carefully pick off the entire inflorescence with your hands.

Dry in attics, in ventilated areas or dryers at a temperature of 40–45°C. It is the whole inflorescences that are laid out for drying, and not the buds plucked from them, due to which the layer of raw material is loose, which contributes to better drying. During the drying process and with periodic turning of the raw material, the buds fall off. Having finished drying, the raw materials are sifted through a sieve to separate the buds from the stalks. Dried flowers and fruits of Sophora japonica are stored in a dry, ventilated area on shelves. Raw materials should be carefully protected from moths.

Fresh ripe fruits Sophora japonica, used as medicinal raw materials, are green bean-pods, long, round, and bead-shaped. Sophora pods should not be mixed with acacia pods: acacias have a flat, curved and wide pod, Brown. Sophora japonica flowers should be well dried, white, slightly yellowish in color, without foreign impurities.

Sophora japonica herb should consist of well-dried above-ground parts of the plant - flowering, leafy stems.

Medicinal raw materials are stored for 1 year.

Chemical composition of Sophora japonica:

The most valuable biologically active substance Sophora is rutin, its maximum amount is found in the buds. The fruits during their ripening period contain up to 8 flavonoids, depending on the place and time of collection. The main one is sophoroside. Alkaloids and glycosides were found in the flowers. Sophora flowers are the raw material for the production of rutin (vitamin P). Seeds contain up to 10% fatty oil.

All these active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of Sophora japonica (Japanese acacia).

Pharmacological properties of Japanese Sophora:

Pharmacological properties Sophora is determined by its chemical composition.

Sophora preparations have antiallergic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing properties, accelerate tissue regeneration, reduce capillary permeability and fragility, increase the body’s ability to absorb ascorbic acid. The fruits have a bactericidal effect against Staphylococcus aureus And coli. IN Chinese medicine Sophora is used as an anti-inflammatory, decongestant and hemostatic agent. Removes radionuclides, heavy metal salts, toxins, improves immunity.

Sophora japonica is one of the most effective medicinal plants, the properties of which have long been used in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. Along with ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Leuzea, Sophora is an active natural adaptogen that increases the overall resistance and adaptability of the human body.

Distinctive feature and its advantage, as a natural stimulant of the body, is the absence of addiction even with long-term use, and the provision of a regulating and normalizing effect. Therefore, Sophora japonica is highly valued in any preventive and recovery programs, helping to maximize all functions of the body. Sophora japonica is also indispensable in prevention premature aging.

As a biostimulant with sufficient high efficiency Sophora is recommended for various forms of impotence, hypotension, and hyposthenic forms of neurosis.

Use of Sophora in medicine, treatment with Sophora:

For the treatment and prevention of hemorrhages, it is taken orally when high blood pressure blood, pulmonary tuberculosis in the initial stage, with paraproctitis (inflammation of the tissue around the cecum), stomach and duodenal ulcers, dysentery, with hypertension, atherosclerosis, stroke, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, allergic diseases, diseases thyroid gland, inflammatory diseases of the liver, kidneys, cystitis, prostatitis, for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and vitamin deficiency, Sophora tincture is prescribed orally.

Sophora also cleanses the blood, treats lupus erythematosus, measles, scarlet fever, typhus, diabetes, vascular sclerosis, cancer of the throat, nasopharynx, periodontal disease, radiation sickness.

For eczema, acute and chronic purulent inflammatory processes(abscesses, phlegmons, boils, carbuncles, sinusitis, injuries, bruises, wounds, cracked nipples, fibroids, hair loss, burns, trophic ulcers, psoriasis, eczema, hemorrhagic diathesis), to accelerate tissue regeneration in case of wounds, tincture of Sophora japonica is used externally in the form of lotions, irrigations.

For skin tuberculosis (lupus erythematosus), for the prevention and treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, retinal hemorrhage, as well as for joint diseases, radiculitis, sophora is useful as a tincture.

In dental practice, tincture of Sophora fruits is used in the form of irrigations, applications, rinses or tampons for the treatment of periodontal disease, stomatitis and others. inflammatory diseases oral cavity.

Chinese doctors believe that the flowers of the plant have the property of preventing the occurrence of stroke, as they act hypotensively. The fruits are used for hemorrhoids.

Dosage forms, method of administration and dosage of Sophora japonica preparations:

Effective medicines and forms used in the treatment of many diseases are made from the fruits (beans), flowers (buds) and herb Sophora. Let's look at the main ones.

Sophora fruit decoction:

Brew 1 cup boiling water 2 tbsp. l. sophora, leave for 10–15 minutes, strain. Use externally for hair loss.

Use as lotions or irrigation. Per course of treatment – ​​100 g. It is recommended to repeat the course after 6 months.

Decoction of Sophora japonica fruits:

Brew 2 cups boiling water 1 tbsp. l. dried Sophora flowers and buds, boil for 15 minutes, strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals for hypertension.

Sophora fruit tincture:

Pour 1/2 liter of vodka with 1–2 tbsp. l. crushed fruits, leave in a warm, dark place for 14 days, shaking occasionally, strain. Take 15–20 drops 3 times a day before meals and 4 times at night. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, after a 10-day break it is recommended to repeat the course.


For those who cannot drink vodka even in such quantities, Sophora should be brewed with boiling water - 1 tbsp. l. for 1 cup boiling water. Keep it in a thermos overnight. Drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day. Also used externally for washing wounds, irrigation, lotions to accelerate tissue regeneration in deep wounds, trophic ulcers, burns, abscesses, phlegmon, cracked nipples, and hair loss. In the latter case, the tincture is used diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

Sophora is used internally for high blood pressure, to improve appetite, as a sleeping pill, and also against dysentery, for stomach and duodenal ulcers, and for internal bleeding, pulmonary tuberculosis (in the initial stage) and paraproctitis (inflammation of the tissue around the cecum).

Tincture of Sophora japonica flowers:

Pour 100 ml of 70% alcohol into 20 g of flowers and leave for 7 days in a dark place. Take 20–40 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 15–20 days.

Tincture of dried fruits of Japanese sophora and white mistletoe:

Grind and mix 1 glass of sophora, 1 glass of mistletoe, pour 1 liter of alcohol into the mixture, leave for 3 weeks in a dark place, squeeze and strain. Take when malignant tumors, diabetes mellitus, liver diseases, kidney diseases, sinusitis, pancreatitis, gynecology, skin diseases, hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals with water, gradually increasing the dose to 1 dessert spoon.

This is necessary especially for those over 40 years old. You need to drink mistletoe and sophora for at least 5–6 months, after that you need to take a break of 10 days and take Caucasian hellebore tincture for at least 10–12 months (for the first 3–4 months it removes all dirt, chemicals, heavy metals, waste and toxins, cleanses energy blocks, activates blood circulation). The combination of these herbs will cleanse the blood vessels, making them soft and elastic.

Sophora bud powder:

Powder from Sophora buds is taken orally 0.2–0.5 g 3–4 times a day.

Sophora japonica fruit powder:

0.1–0.3 g with 100 ml of rosehip infusion, 3–5 times a day before meals.

For typhoid fever:

At typhoid fever Take the fruits or unopened buds of Sophora flowers in the form of a powder or tincture with vitamin C.

With increased fragility and permeability of capillaries:

Take Sophora bud powder 0.2–0.5 g 3–4 times a day, washed down with rosehip infusion.

From the fruits of Sophora japonica, V. Lyskov, a phthisiatrician at the tuberculosis dispensary (Kerch), recommends preparing the following medicinal drug. Wash fresh sophora fruits boiled water, cut, put in a glass or porcelain bowl (not metal at all) and pour in 56% vodka in an equal amount by weight. Sophora is infused for ten days. Then the fruits are squeezed out, the liquid is filtered through cotton wool and filter paper. In this way, a pure red-brown or olive-colored infusion of Sophora is obtained - sophorin. Soforin is used externally and internally, it is well tolerated and does not cause any complications.

Good results obtained during the treatment of first and second degree burns with Soforin. Healing was observed within 5–6 days. With third degree burns, gradual scarring occurs. chronic ulcers. For burns, soforin has an analgesic effect. Minor and moderate wounds are successfully treated. Soforin is also successfully used for scaly lichen, chronic pleurisy, etc.

Lubricating the scalp with 5–10% aqueous solution helps stop hair loss.

For pulmonary tuberculosis in early forms, Soforin is used as internal remedy.

In all cases, the drug is used as directed by the attending physician.

Contraindications for Sophora japonica:

Preparations from Sophora japonica should be used with great caution, under strict medical supervision. It is not recommended for use in cases of liver disease, kidney disease, febrile illnesses, hypotension, severe atherosclerosis, angina and pregnancy.

In case of poisoning, dizziness, vomiting, dry mucous membranes, intestinal atony, abdominal pain, headache, psychomotor agitation, tachycardia, convulsions, respiratory arrest, which can develop against the background of relatively mild general toxic effects. First aid for poisoning - artificial respiration, gastric lavage with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or an aqueous suspension of activated carbon (30 g per 0.5–1.0 l of water); salt laxatives are indicated (sodium sulfate - 25 g per 2-3 glasses of water).

Using Sophora on the farm:

Sophora japonica is an ornamental, medicinal and melliferous plant. Its flowers produce a lot of nectar even in dry weather and are heavily visited by bees. Sophora is planted on city and village streets, along roads, and in shelterbelts. Recommended for alleys, group and single plantings, for landscaping industrial enterprises. In plantings it can only be combined with ailanthus or white acacia, since other species inhibit it.

Tree trunks are used as construction and ornamental material, as well as for fuel.

In its homeland, Sophora japonica originally became known as a dye plant. The fallen corollas of Sophora flowers contain substances that produce an excellent yellow color. There are even more of them in unopened buds. The paint is highly durable and is usually used for dyeing especially expensive silk fabrics. From old manuals on dyeing it is known that the most valuable yellow dye has long been extracted from “Chinese yellow berries,” as the dry buds of sophora were called at that time.

Later it turned out that the coloring properties are provided by flavonoids, which were found medical use.

A little history:

The birthplace of Sophora is Japan, from where it came to Europe in the 18th century.