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All about the use of Japanese Sophora tincture. Sophora japonica tincture - instructions for use

Sophora japonica (another name is Japanese styphnolobia) is a deciduous tree up to 25 m high from the Legume family. It grows in the Far Eastern countries: China, Korea, Japan, and has spread throughout the globe. It is one of the symbols of the capital of China: in the monastery called Sanshenan there is an ancient tree, which is more than 400 years old. A distinctive feature that identifies the species from other trees is fragrant flowers white-yellow in color, which bloom only once every 2 years.

The plant is unpretentious to the soil, prefers loam, but can also grow in conditions of high salinity. Prefers rocky hills, saline meadows, valleys, lake and river banks. Tolerant to arid climates and does not require constant lighting. However, it does not tolerate prolonged exposure to cold temperatures and winds.

A little history

The medicinal properties of Sophora japonica have been known since ancient times, although the first use of the plant's flowers was as a dye. Then the tree was called “crying” and was planted next to temples. It was believed that the tree not only helps in treating ailments, but also can read a person’s thoughts and help make the right decision.

Eastern peoples worshiped the “weeping tree.” The Chinese were confident that fragrant flowers could prevent strokes, and were among the first to use preparations based on parts of the plant as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

In 1747, Far Eastern botanist breeders began cultural breeding of the plant, mainly as an ornamental one. Already at the beginning of the 19th century, styphnolobia was brought to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, located near Yalta, where the tree took root well and subsequently spread throughout the entire Crimean peninsula, as well as throughout Ukraine (Kherson and Odessa regions). The plant has taken root well in the area Krasnodar region, Amur region, Primorye, Sakhalin, Transcaucasia, Altai and the Caucasus.

It is an excellent honey plant and decorates botanical gardens and cultural plantings in parks and squares. Sophora japonica preparations have found application in medicine and are effective for various, including the most serious, diseases.

Morphological description

The tree can reach a height of up to 25 meters (in the middle zone - 10-15 meters), has a wide spherical spreading crown. The top of the trunk is covered with bark, which over time becomes dark gray and becomes covered with cracks. Young branches without thorns have green color.

The leaves are odd-pinnate, 11-25 cm long. The leaves, of which there are from 19 to 17 pieces per branch, are oblong-ovate, 2-5 cm long. They fall off in the winter.

It blooms for the first time 30 years after the start of growth. The flowers are yellowish-white in color, collected in loose panicles that reach a length of up to 35 cm. They emit a very pleasant aroma. The tree blooms once every 2 years, flowering occurs in July-August.

The fruit is a juicy, indehiscent cylindrical bean with distinct thickenings. At first the beans are greenish-brown, and when ripe they become reddish, 3-8 cm long. They ripen in September-October, do not fall off and stay on the tree all winter.

Externally, Sophora is similar to acacia, and they are sometimes even confused. However, the plant's characteristic fruits make it easy to identify.

Chemical composition

The fruits of the plant contain:

  • alkaloids: pachycarpine, matrine;
  • flavonoids: quercetin, kaempferol, rutin (from 8 to 30% in fruits);
  • glycosides;
  • ash;
  • fatty acid;
  • organic acids;
  • macro- and microelements.

Beneficial properties of Styphnolobia japonica

The pharmaceutical activity of the plant is very high, which makes it possible to use it in various fields of medicine.

  • Reduces capillary fragility, promotes the dissolution of atherosclerotic plaques and intravascular blood clots, and heals blood vessels thanks to the content of rutin. This flavonoid exhibits P-vitamin activity and helps reduce blood viscosity. These positive effects can reduce the load on a person’s heart and thereby prevent dangerous heart diseases.
  • Neutralizes free radicals and exhibits antioxidant properties, in some cases it acts as an antidote for poisoning, which allows the plant to be used in patients with cancer pathology at the stage of preparation for undergoing courses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These effects are associated with the action of kaempferol and quercetin.
  • Relaxes the walls of blood vessels and helps normalize blood pressure due to the content of alkaloids.
  • Activates regeneration and stimulates reparative processes in tissues. Restores cells, accelerates wound healing, regulates metabolic processes, is a natural biostimulant.
  • Reduces the severity of allergic reactions and their manifestations, such as itching, skin rash.
  • Gently stimulates the function of the adrenal cortex, regulates urination and eliminates swelling.
  • Improves protective properties body, especially in patients with chronic diseases of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract (acute and chronic hepatitis). It has been proven that the use of the plant in the complex treatment of tuberculosis increases the effectiveness of therapy by 30-50%.
  • Has a detrimental effect on microbes and viruses. Helps thin and remove mucus, eliminates inflammation.

Plant preparations found clinical application in the treatment of cancer, heart disease, viral hepatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, thyrotoxicosis and toxic goiter, vascular diseases (hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis and varicose veins), hypovitaminosis. Traditional healers recommend the plant for external and internal bleeding (including hemorrhage in the brain and retina), hematoma, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, sinusitis, diabetes mellitus, colitis, pancreatitis, poisoning, abscesses, periodontal disease, sepsis, hemorrhagic diathesis, anemia and impotence. Externally and locally used in the form of irrigation, compresses, washing, rinsing, wet dressings, rinsing for hair loss, aging skin, erosion (including the cervix), abscess, phlegmon, trophic ulcers, burns, frostbite and wounds with the formation of pus and necrosis, cystic and fibrous neoplasms.

Thus, the plant has a hypotensive, anti-edematous, capillary-strengthening, antispasmodic, vasodilator, antitumor, antioxidant, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, regenerating, hemostatic effect and, when used correctly, in dosage, helps in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. However, you should not expect an immediate effect: improvement is observed only after a course of therapy.

Collection and preparation

The medicinal value is from the unopened buds and not ripe fruits Sophora japonica, which is collected from trees growing in parks and squares outside the city limits. Two types of raw materials are collected in dry, clear weather, but in different time of the year.

  • At the beginning of summer, at the end of budding, the buds are collected, at the moment when the flowers bloom on the lowest inflorescences. Only the buds are removed from the cut inflorescences, which are dried in partial shade for about 2 hours and then dried using classical technology, in a dry, ventilated place, protected from moisture and direct sun rays. Can also be dried in dryers at 40 - 45 °C.
  • The fruits are harvested unripe when they are still green. In the middle zone, it is the fruits that do not ripen to biological ripeness. Therefore, the harvesting period will fall in the fall until the end of the season (September-October), but it is very important to collect the fruits before night frosts occur. Frostbitten fruits lose their healing properties. Dry the raw materials in an oven or dryer at 25 - 30 °C.

Store in linen bags for 1 year.

A drug prescribed for the prevention and treatment of capillary fragility, especially if their damage is associated with treatment with anticoagulants or salicylates, the prevention and treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis P and C, the treatment of pathologies in which increased vascular permeability develops. Price: tablets No. 50: 30-60 rub.

Dry fruits and herbal teas

  • Plant raw materials of Sophora japonica, the instructions for use of which contain numerous indications. Package price 50 g: 40-80 rub.
  • You can also buy various herbal teas in pharmacies, which contain the fruits or buds of the plant.

Recipes with Sophora japonica

Dosage forms The plant is used for both internal and external treatment. It is very important to follow the cooking technology. Unless otherwise specified, internal treatment lasts for 1 month, with a break between courses of 10-30 days. For preventive purposes, the drugs are taken 4 times a year, 1 month per course.

Alcohol tincture of Sophora japonica

  • Traditional healers consider this form to be the most effective: alcohol enhances the effectiveness of the plant. Recommended for the treatment of internal bleeding, retinal damage, hypertension, angina pectoris, colitis, chronic pleurisy, diabetes mellitus and other pathologies. Externally used to strengthen hair, treat ulcers, wounds, burns, and for rinsing - for stomatitis, periodontal disease.
  • Preparation: fresh fruits are poured with 56% alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. If there are dry beans, prepare an infusion in a 1:2 ratio. Leave for 3 weeks, then filter and squeeze the fruits thoroughly.
  • Take 5 times a day, in a single dose of 10 drops to 1 tsp. Treatment is carried out for 2 weeks. For external use, dilute with water: 1 tbsp. l. per 100 ml of water. To rinse your mouth, take 1 tbsp for 1 glass. l. tinctures.


  • Traditionally it is prepared from the root of a tree, but you can also use the fruit. The decoction has proven itself in the treatment of colds and sore throats. Used externally to strengthen hair follicles: helps against hair loss.
  • Preparation: 1 tbsp. l. crushed fruits are poured with a cup of boiling water (150 ml) and simmered for 10 minutes over low heat. Then the volume of the product is increased to the same level with boiling water, cooled and filtered.
  • Take 25 ml three times a day. Externally: rinse hair after washing 3 times a week.

Root decoction

  • Used as an antipyretic in the treatment of tuberculosis, malaria, and jaundice.
  • Preparation: 1 tbsp. roots, pour 250 ml of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 10-12 minutes. After the preparation has cooled, filter and top up with boiled water to the previous volume.
  • Take 25 ml 3 times a day.


  • Used in the treatment of ulcers, wounds, eczema and other skin lesions.
  • Preparation: take 15 g. dried fruits, add 300 ml of hot water, infuse for 60 minutes, filter and bring the volume of the preparation with boiled water to the original 300 ml.
  • Used for dressings, irrigation, washing, wet dressings.


  • Positioned as a general tonic that prolongs youth and maintains good health. Normalizes blood pressure, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps get rid of the symptoms of approaching menopause.
  • Preparation: take fruits and flowers in equal proportions and mix, 2 tbsp. pour 500 ml of boiling water over the mixture and boil for 5 minutes, leave for another hour, filter. You can add 1 tsp to the mixture. dry
  • Take 150 ml three times a day. Used externally to strengthen hair roots (rub into scalp before bed).


  • Used to treat wounds, rhinitis (as oil drops in the nose). Used to treat psoriasis, healing burns, insect bites, allergic rashes.
  • Preparation: the fruits are poured with boiling water in a 1:1 ratio. After 60 min. The steamed fruits are ground to a paste, poured with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:3 and left in the open sun for 3 weeks.
  • Place 1 drop in each nostril 3 times a day. acute rhinitis. Apply externally to skin lesions several times a day. People who used Sophora japonica for psoriasis were able to get rid of psoriatic rashes within 1-1.5 months.


  • Recommended for conditions similar to the use of decoction and tincture of the plant. To obtain it, dried flowers are ground using a coffee grinder.
  • Take 0.5 g. 3 times a day.


  • Preparation: 200 gr. The flowers of the plant are poured with 500 ml of vodka, left for 2 weeks and then not filtered.
  • Wipe the skin of the face 2 times a week, no more often. For this, 1 tbsp. The lotion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, the preparation is applied to a cotton pad and the skin of the face and neck is carefully treated along the massage lines.

Sophora honey

A beekeeping product that has a characteristic light amber color, pleasant aroma and taste. Honey is rich in minerals, vitamins, amino acids, proteins, and helps in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, and is also an excellent remedy prevention of various diseases.

Tincture for diabetes and oncology

  • If these pathologies are present traditional healers They recommend a special recipe for preparing the tincture, which allows you to obtain an effective, concentrated drug.
  • Preparation: 150 gr. fresh beans are ground to a powder, 700 ml of vodka is added. Place in a dark place for 7 days and filter.
  • Take 1 tsp. morning and evening, 1-3 months. contract.

Sophora japonica and mistletoe

Together, Sophora japonica and mistletoe form a most valuable tandem that can deal a blow to many diseases. The active substances of plants help strengthen and cleanse blood vessels, dissolve cholesterol plaques, calming the central nervous system, stopping bleeding, normalizing the functioning of the cardiovascular system, cleansing the blood of cholesterol and activating the body's defenses.

The most effective drug is a tincture that is used to fight cancer, hypertension and atherosclerosis. Recommended for gastrointestinal, kidney and liver pathologies, prostatitis, sinusitis, mastopathy, hemorrhoids, fungal skin lesions, gynecological diseases, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, diabetes, periodontal disease. Helps in the recovery period after a stroke and the use of chemical medications.

  • Preparation: take 1 glass of mistletoe and sophora. Pour the plant mixture with 1 liter of alcohol and leave for 3 weeks.
  • Take 3-4 times a day 40 minutes before meals, diluting 1 tsp. tinctures in 50-100 ml of water for at least 3 months in a row. The course is always determined individually. For example, in order to completely clear the blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques, it is necessary to undergo treatment for at least six months. Repeated courses carried out after a break of 1-2 months.


Treatment is contraindicated for:

  • hypotension;
  • individual intolerance, including if you are allergic to legumes;
  • cystitis;
  • serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels in the stages of decompensation;
  • the need for increased concentration during work or daily activities.

Also among the contraindications of Sophora japonica are pregnancy, lactation and childhood up to 14 years old.

Side effects

Allergic phenomena, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting are possible in some patients, which appear some time after the start of treatment, i.e. not right away. If the recommended doses are exceeded, blood pressure may rise significantly, so it is important to follow the instructions unconditionally.

When treating stomach pathologies, an exacerbation in the form of epigastric pain may develop in the first days (if the ulcers are deep, health may worsen on the 20th day of treatment). These pains indicate regeneration of the uppermost layer of the gastric mucosa and do not require specific treatment- you just have to endure them.

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the domestic kingdom

Hello, friends. I'm sure you met it at the pharmacy inexpensive medicine in alcohol, infused with the fruits of a plant with an unusual name - Sophora. This tincture costs a penny, but it has enormous power, just like the plant itself. It is not difficult to guess that today in the First Aid Kit for the Family section the topic of conversation will be Japanese sophora, its medicinal properties and contraindications. We will pay attention to both whole fruits and the use of Sophora tincture for various diseases.

Sophora japonica ( Latin name Sophora iaponica) is a very beautiful tree, a little reminiscent of the acacia we are used to. It has many names in other languages: in English - Japanese pagoda, in Spanish it is called Japanese acacia, in Vietnamese - hoe tree, in Chinese its name sounds like HuaiHua, and botanists call it Stephenolobia japonica.

Sophora is native to eastern China and Korea. Several centuries ago it was brought to Central Asia, to the Caucasus and southern Ukraine. This plant loves the sun very much, grows in valleys, along the banks of reservoirs, in well-lit places with protection from the wind.


This is a fairly tall tree, up to 30 meters high, with a wide crown and white-pink fragrant flowers reminiscent of acacia. Very often it is used as a decorative one, since it takes root well in a wide variety of climatic conditions. It used to be very often planted around Buddhist temples in Japan. It was there that it received another name - the tree of Chinese scientists.


It usually blooms for the first time at the age of about 10-15 years, although sometimes you have to wait up to 30 years for flowering. In Vietnam, Sophora blooms from May to August, and in China from August to September. Falling, fragrant flowers cover the ground around the tree, inspiring poets to write lyrical quatrains. And it is flowers that are the main raw materials for medicine.

The branches and leaves of the plant are suitable as animal feed, but the pods and seeds are poisonous. The tree is a strong and tough wood that is often used to make window and door frames and farm implements.

coloring pigment in fruits

Sophora flowers contain natural dyes that color fabrics yellow or noble granite gray tones. In China and Vietnam, this dye is used only for dyeing expensive types of natural silk. Mixed with indigo, the dye produces a green color. Dried buds were exported from China to the island of Java for the production of batik fabrics. The process was very labor-intensive and expensive, and now natural dyes from Sophora flowers have given way to cheaper artificial ones.

Japanese Sophora: medicinal properties and contraindications

All chemical composition this tree has not been fully studied. The main substances contained in this plant are flavones, isoflavones, glycosides, phospholipids, alkaloids, amino acids and polysaccharides. In addition, the flowers contain five major flavonoids:

  1. routine
  2. quercetin
  3. isorhamnetin
  4. genistein
  5. kaempferol

This determines the main beneficial and medicinal properties of Japanese Sophora and contraindications to its use. Judge for yourself.

  • Rutin strengthens and cleanses the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, improves metabolism and is therefore used to prevent stroke, heart attacks and vascular disorders of the retina. Purified plant extracts of Sophora normalize the permeability of capillaries and veins, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and provide all the necessary substances to maintain optimal vein health.
  • Quercetin helps reduce blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, protects against radiation, and is also an excellent antioxidant, speeds up the process of repairing damaged tissue. In addition, it does an excellent job viral infections, relieves inflammation.

The properties of quercetin are successfully used in the treatment of chronic and acute hepatitis, chronic gastrointestinal diseases. When treating tuberculosis, quercetin increases the effectiveness of treatment by 30-50%.

  • Glycosides normalize heart function, calm the central nervous system, dilate blood vessels, increase urinary excretion, help fight microbes, thin and remove mucus during bronchitis.

Sophora flowers in large quantities contain potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine, boron, zinc, fatty oils and organic acids.

Thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, Japanese acacia reduces the effects of cerebral infarction. In China, this plant is considered one of the best natural tonics that improves blood circulation and prolongs life.

Dried Sophora flowers and buds have astringent and hemostatic properties. As a medicinal plant, it has long been used in China, Japan and Korea to eliminate hemorrhoidal and nosebleeds, hematemesis, and also to treat hypertension. Clinical researches showed that the plant extract of Sophora successfully eliminates the symptoms of hemorrhoids in 94% of cases.

Extracts from the pods are toxic but can also sometimes be used to reduce blood pressure, and the leaves treat sore throat.

The leaves of the plant contain little protein, but are very rich in lipids, containing 18.2% crude protein. Seeds contain 9.9% fatty oil, which has a high content of linoleic acid (52.8%).

Preparations based on Sophora japonica increase the body's resistance during radiation therapy; reduce swelling of joints due to rheumatism; help cope with infectious and allergic kidney diseases; reduce swelling of colon tissue during colitis. They also give good results in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and ease the course of childhood infectious diseases like measles.


Japanese acacia is a very powerful medicinal plant that can cope with many serious diseases, and at the same time it is very poisonous. May be dangerous if used incorrectly or excessively. Therefore it is very important to comply correct dosages and before starting treatment, be sure to consult your doctor.

Contraindications for the use of Sophora in any form are:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • serious damage to the liver and kidneys;
  • children under three years of age;
  • allergic reaction.

An overdose of Stephnolobia japonica preparations can cause unpleasant side effects: diarrhea, bloating, nausea and vomiting, and allergic reaction on the skin.

Sophora japonica: use in folk medicine

Japanese Sophora in oriental medicine revered as a remedy for thousands of diseases.

It is valued as highly as the legendary ginseng root. Sophora flowers and buds, pods and seeds are used as raw materials for treatment. Sometimes leaves and young shoots are used.

But not only eastern healers appreciated the plant as it deserves - Japanese Sophora found wide application V folk medicine Slavic peoples. Domestic herbalists prepare from different parts plant tinctures, powders and ointments. The resulting products are used to treat skin lesions. different types: bedsores, ulcers, burns, eczema, psoriasis, boils, fungal diseases. Sophora remedies are also effective for baldness.

5 ways to use

  1. Decoctions and tinctures are prepared from fresh or dried Sophora pods. For treatment kidney diseases, stomach diseases, the tincture is used internally. In the form of compresses and lotions, preparations from Sophora are used to treat cracked nipples, purulent abscesses, burns and various types wound
  2. From young shoots of Sophora mixed with leaves (dried or fresh), an infusion is prepared for rinsing the mouth during inflammatory processes (stomatitis, periodontal disease).
  3. Sophora, like ginseng, can activate the body's defenses and increase immunity. There is no addictive effect, and the drugs continue to act just as effectively throughout the entire treatment period.
  4. In folk medicine, Sophora japonica is also used as natural biostimulant for the treatment of impotence and prostate adenoma.
  5. For the treatment of burns and other injuries skin an ointment based on the fruits of the plant is used. The wounds tighten and heal within a few days, leaving no marks on the skin.

In folk medicine, preparations based on Sophora flowers and fruits cure the following diseases:

  • internal and external bleeding;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract to varying degrees difficulties;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys and genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the blood vessels and hematopoietic system;
  • skin diseases.

Sophora tincture with alcohol and vodka: how to make and use

Most often, an alcohol tincture of Sophora japonica fruits is used for treatment; flowers infused with alcohol are less often used.

on alcohol

Tincture of flowers prepared with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. If you use Sophora fruits, keep in mind an important point: fresh fruits are taken in equal proportions with alcohol, and dry fruits should be twice as much.

Sophora tincture at home is prepared as follows: flowers or fruits pour alcohol in the required proportion (usually 500 ml of alcohol per 100 g of dry raw material), leave in a dark place for 10 days. During this time, the container must be shaken periodically. Next, the tincture must be strained through cheesecloth to filter out excess, squeeze out the fruits and let stand for another two days. After this, the tincture can be used.

Herbalists recommend drinking the tincture 30 minutes before meals, 20-30 drops three times a day, and the fourth time immediately before bed for three weeks. Then you need to take a break for a week and a half and repeat the course again. This will help strengthen the immune system and increase the overall resistance of the body.

To prepare vodka tincture Sophoras at home take a little more fruit. You need to take one hundred forty or one hundred fifty grams of dry ripe fruits of the plant, cut each fruit in half and pour half a liter of high-quality vodka in a champagne bottle. You need to insist for about ten days, shaking occasionally.

Sophora japonica tincture must be used according to the rules.

  • Skin diseases and inflammatory processes in the joints are treated by taking the tincture orally for a month, as well as applying compresses to sore spots.
  • For prevention and treatment heart attack and stroke preparations based on Sophora are used in courses every three months.
  • Duration of taking Sophora tincture for obesity, impotence, diabetes is 45 days.
  • Hypertension, atherosclerosis and heart disease treated by taking the tincture daily for 1-1.5 months. Take 20-40 drops three times a day after meals.
  • For treatment gynecological diseases and menopause The medicine is taken for 21 days and repeated after 10 days.
  • In treatment oncological diseases An excellent effect is achieved when using tincture of Japanese Sophora together with white mistletoe for two to three weeks.
  • At inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, and inflammation of the external genitalia, vagina use a tincture diluted with water in equal proportions.
  • Baldness Treated externally by applying a tincture, half diluted with water, to the hair roots for 15-20 minutes daily for a month.
  • To strengthen blood vessels, for atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, gastrointestinal diseases and duodenum The tincture is taken 25-30 drops three times a day for 30 days. After a 10-day break, the course must be repeated.
  • For recovery after a serious illness It is recommended to take the tincture 15-20 drops three times a day for a monthly course.
  • For restoration of brain and eye functions after hemorrhage You should take at least 30 drops of tincture three times a day for a whole month.
  • Sophora tincture, taken in the usual dosage, can have a positive effect even with advanced form of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Colitis, diarrhea, liver disease

Sophora tincture is also used to get rid of colitis, chronic diarrhea and liver problems: drink one teaspoon three times a day, half an hour before meals. It is advisable to take it for twenty-one days and during this time follow a strict diet. With fractional meals, the tincture should be taken ten drops four to five times a day half an hour before meals.

Cough, bronchitis

The tincture can also help in treatment cough, bronchitis, sore throat, colds and flu. To do this, in addition to ingestion, she needs to gargle. One teaspoon of tincture is diluted in fifty milliliters of water.

Headaches, stomach, heart

For headaches, stomach or heart pain, you should take twenty to thirty drops of the plant tincture. It can also be used for mosquito bites for several days. sore spot lubricate with tincture three times a day.

Wounds, wet eczema

When treating wounds that do not heal for a long time and wet eczema, you can make lotions from the tincture of the plant. In the case of eczema, the affected area should be soaked in a decoction of oak bark for several minutes in advance.

Fibroids, myoma

To relieve inflammatory processes in fibroids and fibroids, it is necessary to use a tincture of the plant. Drink it fifteen drops in the morning and evening half an hour before meals. If drinking alcohol is contraindicated, you can prepare an infusion. To do this, pour one tablespoon of crushed plant fruits with 250 milliliters of water, bring to a boil and leave for three to four hours. Drink in three doses.

Sophora vodka tincture is used to treat salt deposits.

  • Uterine prolapse: One hundred grams of the plant’s fruits are passed through a meat grinder and poured with half a liter of vodka. Infuse for a week in a warm place and take a tablespoon twice a day.
  • Eliminate colitis This recipe will help. Two hundred grams of the fruits of the plant are cut in half and poured with half a liter of vodka, after which they are left for ten days. Take twenty-five to thirty drops three times a day, half an hour before meals, and the fourth time immediately at night. The course of treatment is three weeks.
  • Burn. The tincture of the plant is excellent for burns. The affected area should be lubricated with tincture several times a day.
  • Insomnia sufferers strong healthy sleep will provide thirty drops three times a day before meals pharmacy tincture plants.
  • Pemphigus. Before every bath the body is washed tar soap, after which they wipe it with a mixture of tinctures of Sophora, propolis and lilac, “Dimexide” and “Chlorophyllipt”, taken in equal quantities.

Japanese acacia is a plant that helps prolong life. Therefore, the tincture should be taken not only by people with weakened immune systems who often get sick, but also by everyone who would like to live a long time without getting sick. Just 10 drops of tincture, taken morning and evening, can work a miracle!

Sophora tincture also helps against psoriasis: fifty grams of the plant’s fruits are poured with half a liter of vodka and left for a month in a dark place. Take a teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals. Naturally, you need to follow a diet and use other treatment methods to ensure a comprehensive approach.

Tincture of mistletoe and sophora

Paralysis after stroke can be effectively treated with tincture of white mistletoe and Japanese Sophora. Fifty grams of each plant are poured into a container and filled with half a liter of vodka. Leave for a month, shaking daily. Take two teaspoons twice a day. The course of treatment is twenty days.

To normalize blood pressure for hypertension You need to mince two hundred grams of Sophora fruits and fresh mistletoe leaves through a meat grinder. The mixture is poured with half a liter of moonshine and left for a week in a dark place. Take a teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals for a month.

Vinegar tincture

This remedy helps cleanse blood vessels and get rid of many diseases: atherosclerosis, tinnitus, headaches, spots before the eyes, migraines, constipation. Making a tincture of Sophora with vinegar is very simple: you need to flatten 100 g of fruits purchased at the pharmacy with a hammer, pour them into a container and pour in a liter of good real apple cider vinegar. Leave for a month. During this period, the container, naturally, needs to be shaken frequently.

Take a teaspoon 3-4 times a day after meals, diluting the tincture in a third of a glass of cold water. The course is 2-3 weeks, then depending on how you feel. The medicine is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases due to increased acidity.

The use of Sophora japonica fruits for treatment: recipes

The cure for dyscirculatory encephalopathy in 90% of cases comes from taking this balm: you need to take fifty grams of Sophora japonica fruits and crushed pomegranate seeds, one hundred grams of dioscorea root and seventy grams of mint. The collection is poured with a liter of high-quality vodka and infused for ten days. It is recommended to take a teaspoon twice a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts about three months.

You can restore the functioning of the pancreas using this recipe. Two hundred grams of crushed fruits of the plant are poured into a gauze bag. Three liters of fresh whey are mixed with a glass of sugar and a tablespoon of sour cream. The mixture is poured into a bottle and a bag is sent there, leaving for ten days in a warm place. Take one hundred grams three times a day fifteen minutes before meals.

To treat neurodermatitis, you need to try this recipe. The dry fruits of the plant are passed through a meat grinder and a tablespoon of the mass is poured with a glass of boiling water. Infuse overnight and take warm four times a day before meals. It is also worth lubricating the affected areas with a mixture of fifty grams of crushed plant fruits, one hundred grams of any bird fat and natural beeswax. Ten drops of birch tar are also added to the mixture and heated for four hours. After the mixture has cooled, it can be applied to painful areas.

Post-stroke condition. A half-liter jar is filled halfway with dried red clover inflorescences and fifty grams of crushed sophora fruits are added. The mixture is poured to the top with vodka and left for two weeks in a dark place, after which it is filtered and brought to the original volume with boiled water. Take a teaspoon, dissolving in a quarter glass of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach, ten minutes before breakfast. The course of treatment is twenty-five days.

Neuroses, heart pain. Two pods of sophora are mixed with five to ten milliliters of peony and eucalyptus tinctures, one hundred milliliters of motherwort and twenty-five milliliters of mint, four crushed hawthorn fruits, twenty-five milliliters of Corvalol and fifteen grams of cloves. Take a teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed, each time diluted in a small amount of water.

To treat lichen and eczema, fifty grams of Sophora fruits are mixed with one hundred grams of chicken or goose fat, beeswax and ten drops of liquid birch tar. The mixture is boiled in a clay pot for four hours over low heat, after which the affected areas are smeared.

Diseases of the nasopharynx. Two tablespoons of crushed sophora fruits, mimosa flowers, peppermint are mixed with twenty grams of mumiyo and poured with a liter of olive oil. Leave in a warm place for two weeks.

Hair loss. Two tablespoons of sophora are poured into 1.5 glasses boiled water and bring to a boil. You need to cook until the water changes color, then add fifty milliliters of juices of golden vinegar, aloe and castor oil. The mixture is left for three days in the refrigerator, then rubbed into the roots of the hair.

Plant juice: how to take it, what it treats

For hemorrhagic diathesis, radiation sickness, rheumatism, endocarditis, hypertension, allergies, hemorrhoids and diabetes, take the plant juice one tablespoon three to four times a day three to four times a day.

For diabetes, atherosclerosis and hypertension, you need to take a teaspoon of plant juice two to three times a day.

Dear readers! I would like to remind you that any medicinal plant, including Japanese acacia, can be both a healer and an executioner; it can cure or cause further damage. more harm. Yes, it is widely used in folk medicine; Japanese Sophora has a lot of medicinal properties, but also a large number of contraindications. And we shouldn’t forget about this. Use the plant correctly and it can give you healing.

Health to everyone!

With love, Irina Lirnetskaya

This is a beautiful tree that reaches a height of 12-25 m. It can be found in parks and squares. It grows wild in China, Crimea, Japan, and Central Asia. Sophora japonica has many medicinal properties and some contraindications. When treating with this plant, you need to take into account all the factors that you can get exclusively positive result and forget about health problems.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the fruits and flowers of the plant is very diverse, due to which the medicinal properties of the prepared medicines are achieved.

Japanese Sophora contains:

  • flavonoids – rutin;
  • acids of natural origin;
  • alkaloids – pachycarpine;
  • glycosides;
  • fixed oils.

Important! Rutin is not produced by the human body, which is why medicines containing Sophora japonica are so useful for treating many ailments.

Also important components of the medicinal plant are a large number of microelements - iodine, boron, zinc, calcium and others.

The main medicinal properties of Sophora fruits and inflorescences are achieved due to the presence of quarcetin and rutin in its composition.

Medicinal properties

Valuable flavonoids, in particular rutin, have an extremely beneficial effect on the body. They have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, increase the strength of capillary walls, and stimulate the functioning of the adrenal cortex.

The medicinal properties of this substance are very extensive:

  • lowers arterial and intraocular pressure;
  • normalizes heart rhythm;
  • stimulation of bile production;
  • relieves allergy symptoms;
  • eliminates swelling.

Quercetin has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antispasmodic effects, fights allergic reactions of the body. This component has a positive effect on tissue regeneration, stimulates protective functions body.

Thanks to the presence of alkaloids, muscle function throughout the body improves, contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus increases, the excitability of the nervous system is significantly reduced, and the number of hypertensive crises is reduced.

Organic acids, which are contained in large quantities in Japanese Sophora, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating fermentation processes in the stomach and intestines. Harmful substances, toxins are removed from the body faster, blood composition improves, and the number of red blood cells increases.

Thanks to the presence of many medicinal components Sophora japonica has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • tonic;
  • antispasmodic.

Also, medicines containing extracts from fruits or flowers are effective in the fight against viruses, microbes, and infections. They will help you deal with chronic diseases lungs, stomach, liver.

Important! Sophora japonica is an excellent radioprotector. It is used to prepare patients before radiotherapy.

Remedies that are prepared on the basis of this plant strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stop bleeding, and remove them from the body. excess liquid. This medicine is often used as antitumor therapy.

This plant is used as additional means in the treatment of such a serious illness as tuberculosis. It improves the patient's condition and speeds up recovery.

Medicine containing Sophora japonica has a positive effect on the condition digestive system. It helps with pancreatitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers. The plant increases mucosal regeneration and improves the digestion process.

Important! Tincture or decoction of Sophora has antihelminthic effect. These drugs are found in the intestines, liver or other organs.

The medicinal plant is indispensable for treatment, as it significantly reduces blood sugar levels. It also has a positive effect on the pancreas and stimulates insulin production. Medicines in the form of tinctures are used for the skin in the treatment of various diseases.

Making healing oil is very simple.

  1. Take 100 g of dry fruits, pour 100 ml of boiling water. Leave them for an hour.
  2. Separate the fruits from the liquid and grind until mushy.
  3. Add olive oil or sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:3.
  4. Infuse the mixture for 20 days on a windowsill where there is access to sunlight. Strain the oil from the solids.

Place the product 3 times a day, 1-2 drops in each nostril.

Sophora japonica blooms almost all summer. The fruits ripen towards mid-autumn, after which they remain on the branches throughout the winter.

Ready-made raw materials for the preparation of medicinal medicines can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. But it’s still much more pleasant to collect the plant yourself. Only then can you be sure of the quality of the final product, which will make it possible to obtain an effective medicine.

The flowers and fruits of the plant are ideal for preparing home remedies for herbal medicine. In this case, you need to collect only the blossoming buds, and the fruits should be slightly unripe and have a delicate green tint. The leaves of this plant are not suitable for preparing medicines because the concentration useful substances they are insufficient and much smaller than in other parts of the tree.

Important! The best time to procure raw materials is the end of August or the beginning of October.

Prepare the components very carefully, because Japanese Sophora has toxic properties. After collecting fruits or inflorescences, dry everything. Only in this form can they be used to prepare various healing decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures.

Dry the raw materials using an electric dryer. The optimal temperature for flowers is 40°C, and for fruits – 30°C. If it is not possible to use it, place the sophora on plain white paper, place it in a place protected from rain, where there is access to sunlight.

Important! Harvest the plant in dry weather to ensure a high-quality final product. Wet flowers will rot and darken when dried.

When the raw materials are ready and completely free of moisture, sort them out to remove impurities, small twigs or debris. Save healing collection in a glass container.

Shelf life dried fruits and Sophora flowers - no more than a year. Upon expiration of this term it is lost most of useful substances, medicines prepared from these raw materials no longer have such a therapeutic effect.

Contraindications for use

Medicines containing Sophora japonica are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. There is also no need to use them when a woman is breastfeeding.

Do not treat small children who have not yet reached the age of three with this plant.

Important! If you are a driver or your work involves performing important tasks, do not take any products with Sophora. It reduces activity and has a depressant effect on the nervous system.

Also, sometimes the plant can cause an allergic reaction - itching, redness and rashes appear on the skin. In this case, you must definitely stop taking the medication.

Sophora japonica has an exceptional effect on the body positive action, increases the body's protective functions, helps to heal chronic diseases. Contraindications for use are minor, so it can be taken by almost all people.

Other plant names:

Japanese acacia

Brief description of Japanese Sophora:

Sophora japonica (Japanese acacia) is a large tree, reaching a height of up to 25 m in its homeland, with a beautiful spherical crown and a well-developed root system. In our conditions, the height of the trees does not exceed 10 m. The trunk is covered with dark gray bark with deep cracks. The stems of young branches are greenish-gray, covered with short hairs. The leaves are alternate, large, from 10 to 25 cm long, with pubescent petioles, imparipinnate, consisting of 7–17 almost sessile leaflets. The leaves are oblong-ovate, 2–5 cm long, shiny, dark green above, bluish below.

The flowers are fragrant, relatively small, no more than 1 cm in diameter, collected in large paniculate inflorescences, reaching a length of 20 and even 35 cm, located at the ends of the branches. The flowers are irregular, the so-called moth type common to most legumes, with 5 green sepals, 5 yellow-white or pale pink petals, 10 stamens and a pistil with a superior ovary. The fruit is a fleshy reddish indehiscent bean, 5–10 cm long and about 1 cm thick, with deep interceptions between the seeds, i.e., bead-shaped. Since the flowers are collected in inflorescences, the beans that appear after flowering also form a kind of bunch. Each bean contains from 1 to 5 seeds. The seeds are reddish or almost black, kidney-shaped, similar in shape to beans, but smaller. Sophora japonica blooms quite late in Russia - in July - August, the fruits ripen only in October and hang on the tree all winter, giving it an original appearance. The leaves of this plant also fall very late - in November. Sophora differs from other trees of the legume family by clearly visible, unswollen beans and the absence of thorns.

Places of growth:

It grows wild in the forests of Japan, China, and Korea. The plant is thermophilic, therefore it is bred in the southern regions of Russia - mainly in the Rostov region, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, since its normal growth and development requires a long growing season. In Ukraine it is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in populated areas, in parks, gardens, roadside and shelterbelts in the southern steppe regions, throughout Black Sea coast. Trees have been used for decades, starting at 3–4 years of age. Widely cultivated in city plantings, parks, squares, and roadside plantings. Garden forms have been developed that differ from wild weeping plants or, conversely, with a pyramidal crown. Some decorative forms have purple flowers.

Growing Sophora:

Sophora is propagated by seeds. It also regenerates well with stump growth. Is different rapid growth– by the age of 15, trees grow up to 10 m tall. However, this tree blooms at the age of about 30 years. Light-loving, drought- and salt-resistant. Although they are heat-loving species, mature trees can withstand fairly severe frosts, if they are, of course, short-lived. Young individuals are more sensitive to low temperatures.

Sophora preparation:

Sophora fruits are harvested unripe, when the bean valves are still fleshy, juicy, have a light green rather than reddish color, and the seeds have already hardened and begun to darken. Whole “bundles” of beans are plucked or cut off with pruning shears. Dry them in well-ventilated areas or dryers at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Before drying or during the drying process, the beans are separated from each other, and the stalks that bound them are thrown away.

Sophora buds are harvested just before flowering, when the lower branches in the inflorescences begin to open. The blossoming Sophora flowers fall abundantly. Harvesting is carried out in dry weather, starting closer to noon, when the dew has dried. Cut with pruning shears or carefully pick off the entire inflorescence with your hands.

Dry in attics, in ventilated areas or dryers at a temperature of 40–45°C. It is the whole inflorescences that are laid out for drying, and not the buds plucked from them, due to which the layer of raw material is loose, which contributes to better drying. During the drying process and with periodic turning of the raw material, the buds fall off. Having finished drying, the raw materials are sifted through a sieve to separate the buds from the stalks. Dried flowers and fruits of Sophora japonica are stored in a dry, ventilated area on shelves. Raw materials should be carefully protected from moths.

Fresh ripe fruits of Sophora japonica, used as medicinal raw materials, are green bean-pods, long, round, and bead-shaped. Sophora pods should not be mixed with acacia pods: acacias have a flat, curved and wide pod, Brown. Sophora japonica flowers should be well dried, white, slightly yellowish in color, without foreign impurities.

Sophora japonica herb should consist of well-dried above-ground parts of the plant - flowering, leafy stems.

Medicinal raw materials are stored for 1 year.

Chemical composition of Sophora japonica:

The most valuable biologically active substance Sophora is rutin, its maximum amount is found in the buds. The fruits during their ripening period contain up to 8 flavonoids, depending on the place and time of collection. The main one is sophoroside. Alkaloids and glycosides were found in the flowers. Sophora flowers are the raw material for the production of rutin (vitamin P). The seeds contain up to 10% fatty oil.

All these active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of Sophora japonica (Japanese acacia).

Pharmacological properties of Japanese Sophora:

The pharmacological properties of Sophora are determined by its chemical composition.

Sophora preparations have antiallergic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing properties, accelerate tissue regeneration, reduce capillary permeability and fragility, increase the body’s ability to absorb ascorbic acid. The fruits have a bactericidal effect against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. IN Chinese medicine Sophora is used as an anti-inflammatory, decongestant and hemostatic agent. Removes radionuclides, heavy metal salts, toxins, improves immunity.

Sophora japonica is one of the most effective medicinal plants, the properties of which have long been used in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. Along with ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Leuzea, Sophora is an active natural adaptogen that increases the overall resistance and adaptability of the human body.

Distinctive feature and its advantage, as a natural stimulant of the body, is the absence of addiction even with long-term use, providing a regulatory and normalizing effect. Therefore, Sophora japonica is highly valued in any preventive and recovery programs, helping to maximize all functions of the body. Sophora japonica is also indispensable in the prevention of premature aging.

As a biostimulant with fairly high efficiency, Sophora is recommended for various forms impotence, hypotension, hyposthenic forms of neurosis.

Use of Sophora in medicine, treatment with Sophora:

For the treatment and prevention of hemorrhages, it is used orally for high blood pressure, pulmonary tuberculosis in the initial stage, for paraproctitis (inflammation of the tissue around the cecum), stomach and duodenal ulcers, dysentery, for hypertension, atherosclerosis, stroke, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, allergic diseases, diseases thyroid gland, inflammatory diseases of the liver, kidneys, cystitis, prostatitis, for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and vitamin deficiency, Sophora tincture is prescribed orally.

Sophora also cleanses the blood, treats lupus erythematosus, measles, scarlet fever, typhus, diabetes, vascular sclerosis, cancer of the throat, nasopharynx, periodontal disease, radiation sickness.

For eczema, acute and chronic purulent inflammatory processes (abscesses, phlegmons, boils, carbuncles, sinusitis, injuries, bruises, wounds, cracked nipples, fibroids, hair loss, burns, trophic ulcers, psoriasis, eczema, hemorrhagic diathesis), to accelerate tissue regeneration in case of wounds, tincture of Sophora japonica is used externally in the form of lotions and irrigations.

For skin tuberculosis (lupus erythematosus), for the prevention and treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, retinal hemorrhage, as well as for joint diseases, radiculitis, sophora is useful as a tincture.

In dental practice, tincture of Sophora fruits is used in the form of irrigations, applications, rinses or tampons for the treatment of periodontal disease, stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

Chinese doctors believe that the flowers of the plant have the property of preventing the occurrence of stroke, as they act hypotensively. The fruits are used for hemorrhoids.

Dosage forms, method of administration and doses of Sophora japonica preparations:

Effective fruits (beans), flowers (buds) and Sophora grass are made medications and forms used in the treatment of many diseases. Let's look at the main ones.

Sophora fruit decoction:

Brew 1 cup boiling water 2 tbsp. l. sophora, leave for 10–15 minutes, strain. Use externally for hair loss.

Use as lotions or irrigation. Per course of treatment – ​​100 g. It is recommended to repeat the course after 6 months.

Decoction of Sophora japonica fruits:

Brew 2 cups boiling water 1 tbsp. l. dried Sophora flowers and buds, boil for 15 minutes, strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals for hypertension.

Sophora fruit tincture:

Pour 1/2 liter of vodka with 1–2 tbsp. l. crushed fruits, leave in a warm, dark place for 14 days, shaking occasionally, strain. Take 15–20 drops 3 times a day before meals and 4 times at night. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, after a 10-day break it is recommended to repeat the course.


For those who cannot drink vodka even in such quantities, Sophora should be brewed with boiling water - 1 tbsp. l. for 1 cup boiling water. Keep it in a thermos overnight. Drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day. Also used externally for washing wounds, irrigation, lotions to accelerate tissue regeneration in deep wounds, trophic ulcers, burns, abscesses, phlegmon, cracked nipples, and hair loss. In the latter case, the tincture is used diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

Sophora is used internally for high blood pressure, to improve appetite, as a sleeping pill, as well as against dysentery, stomach and duodenal ulcers and internal bleeding, pulmonary tuberculosis (in the initial stage) and paraproctitis (inflammation of the tissue around the cecum).

Tincture of Sophora japonica flowers:

Pour 100 ml of 70% alcohol into 20 g of flowers and leave for 7 days in a dark place. Take 20–40 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 15–20 days.

Tincture of dried fruits of Japanese sophora and white mistletoe:

Grind and mix 1 glass of sophora, 1 glass of mistletoe, pour 1 liter of alcohol into the mixture, leave for 3 weeks in a dark place, squeeze and strain. Take when malignant tumors, diabetes mellitus, liver diseases, kidney diseases, sinusitis, pancreatitis, gynecology, skin diseases, hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals with water, gradually increasing the dose to 1 dessert spoon.

This is necessary especially for those over 40 years old. You need to drink mistletoe and sophora for at least 5–6 months, after that you need to take a break of 10 days and take Caucasian hellebore tincture for at least 10–12 months (for the first 3–4 months it removes all dirt, chemicals, heavy metals, waste and toxins, cleanses energy blocks, activates blood circulation). The combination of these herbs will cleanse the blood vessels, making them soft and elastic.

Sophora bud powder:

Powder from Sophora buds is taken orally 0.2–0.5 g 3–4 times a day.

Sophora japonica fruit powder:

0.1–0.3 g with 100 ml of rosehip infusion, 3–5 times a day before meals.

For typhoid fever:

For typhoid fever, take the fruits or unopened buds of Sophora flowers in the form of a powder or tincture with vitamin C.

With increased fragility and permeability of capillaries:

Take Sophora bud powder 0.2–0.5 g 3–4 times a day, washed down with rosehip infusion.

From the fruits of Sophora japonica, V. Lyskov, a phthisiatrician at the tuberculosis dispensary (Kerch), recommends preparing the following medicinal drug. Wash fresh Sophora fruits with boiled water, cut them, put them in a glass or porcelain bowl (not metal at all) and pour in 56% vodka in an equal amount by weight. Sophora is infused for ten days. Then the fruits are squeezed out, the liquid is filtered through cotton wool and filter paper. In this way, a pure red-brown or olive-colored infusion of Sophora is obtained - sophorin. Soforin is used externally and internally, it is well tolerated and does not cause any complications.

Good results were obtained when treating first and second degree burns with Soforin. Healing was observed within 5–6 days. With third degree burns, gradual scarring occurs. chronic ulcers. For burns, soforin has an analgesic effect. Minor and moderate wounds are successfully treated. Soforin is also successfully used for scaly lichen, chronic pleurisy, etc.

Lubricating the scalp with a 5-10% aqueous solution helps stop hair loss.

For pulmonary tuberculosis in early forms, Soforin is used as internal remedy.

In all cases, the drug is used as directed by the attending physician.

Contraindications for Sophora japonica:

Preparations from Sophora japonica should be used with great caution, under strict medical supervision. It is not recommended for use in cases of liver disease, kidney disease, febrile illnesses, hypotension, severe atherosclerosis, angina and pregnancy.

In case of poisoning, dizziness, vomiting, dry mucous membranes, intestinal atony, abdominal pain, headache, psychomotor agitation, tachycardia, convulsions, respiratory arrest are observed, which can develop against the background of relatively mild general toxic phenomena. First aid for poisoning - artificial respiration, gastric lavage with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or an aqueous suspension of activated carbon (30 g per 0.5–1.0 l of water); salt laxatives are indicated (sodium sulfate - 25 g per 2-3 glasses of water).

Using Sophora on the farm:

Sophora japonica is an ornamental, medicinal and melliferous plant. Its flowers produce a lot of nectar even in dry weather and are heavily visited by bees. Sophora is planted on city and village streets, along roads, and in shelterbelts. Recommended for alleys, group and single plantings, for landscaping industrial enterprises. In plantings it can only be combined with ailanthus or white acacia, since other species inhibit it.

Tree trunks are used as construction and ornamental material, as well as for fuel.

In its homeland, Sophora japonica originally became known as a dye plant. The fallen corollas of Sophora flowers contain substances that produce an excellent yellow color. There are even more of them in unopened buds. The paint is highly durable and is usually used for dyeing especially expensive silk fabrics. From old manuals on dyeing it is known that the most valuable yellow dye has long been extracted from “Chinese yellow berries,” as the dry buds of sophora were called at that time.

Later it turned out that the coloring properties are provided by flavonoids, which have found medical use.

A little history:

The birthplace of Sophora is Japan, from where it came to Europe in the 18th century.

Powerful, tall tree with delicate yellow flowers and fruits in the form of large beans. The structure of the leaves and inflorescences resembles acacia, but there are no thorns on the branches. Prefers warm latitudes and loves the sun. This unusual tree is Sophora japonica. The use in folk medicine is quite diverse, which is due to the substances in the aerial parts of the plant.

Sophora is widely represented in China, Japan, Korea, from where it spread to the south of Russia and Ukraine, and Central Asia. Europeans call it Japanese acacia. Due to its unusual beauty, the tree is often used as a decorative tree.

Attention! Two more types of Sophora are medicinal plants. These are Sophora thick-fruited and Sophora yellowish. Both types of herbs have different chemical compositions and are used differently. If the recipe does not specify the type of sophora, find out additionally.

Chinese healers call Sophora a cure for a hundred diseases; they have long believed that regular use of the drug prevents strokes, rejuvenates, and prolongs life. used to heal many diseases.

Valuable substances included in Sophora

The chemical composition of the medicinal plant is so unique that some substances are found only in plants of this species.

Rutin is the main value of Sophora. IN different years in the above-ground part of the plant, the rutin content ranges from 12 to 30%. Fruits and flowers contain the most rutin. The use of medicines from Sophora, due to the high content of rutin, helps cleanse blood vessels and restore their elasticity. The walls of capillaries and veins are strengthened, which helps with bleeding, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids.

Important! Vitamin P (rutin) plays an irreplaceable role in many processes, but is not produced by the body itself, so it must be supplied from the outside. A lack of rutin causes serious consequences, while excess is easily eliminated from the body.

In addition to vitamin P, the plant contains many substances beneficial to the human body:

  • glycosides;
  • trace elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, boron);
  • organic acids;
  • vitamin C;
  • fixed oils.

It is thanks to this that it has a complex effect on the body, which allows it to cope with various diseases. Sophora stimulates the production of insulin by the body itself and is successfully used for diabetes. By increasing blood clotting, it also prevents the formation of blood clots, which is indispensable for thrombosis and helps with gangrene. For psoriasis, eczema, trophic ulcers, others skin lesions, has not only an antiseptic effect, but also helps regenerate damaged tissues.

Official medicine has long recognized the valuable properties of Japanese Sophora. For cooking pharmaceuticals buds and fruits are used. The use of alcohol tincture, powder, and oil has proven itself in the treatment of blood vessels, tissue regeneration, and antimicrobial therapy. For any diseases requiring treatment, people traditionally turn to amazing properties Japanese acacia.

In folk medicine it is used in different forms:

  • alcohol tincture;
  • infusions and decoctions;
  • ointment;
  • powder.

The choice of medication form depends on the preferences of the person, the characteristics of the body, the disease, and ease of use.

How to make tincture at home

Rutin is poorly soluble in water, so best shape medicine from Sophora is considered a tincture. The use of alcohol or vodka allows you to obtain the desired concentration of active ingredients. Ready drug can be purchased at a pharmacy, but you can easily repeat this process at home.

Tincture of flowers

At 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers will require 100 ml of alcohol. Preparation:

  1. Pour alcohol into dry raw materials.
  2. Leave for about 7 days. The process must take place in the dark.
  3. Filter.

For treatment, take 20–40 drops 3 times a day, 30 days in a row. For preventive purposes, to maintain vigor and health, 10 drops in the morning and 10 drops in the evening are enough.

Fruit tincture

At 2 tbsp. l. crushed fruits you need to take 0.5 liters of high-quality vodka. Leave for 2 weeks, shake or stir occasionally. Squeeze and filter. Take 15–20 drops before meals and before bed (4 times a day). Repeat the three-week course after a 10-day break.

  1. Prepare a mixture of crushed raw materials from 1 cup of white mistletoe and 1 cup of sophora (buds or fruits).
  2. Pour 1 liter of alcohol into the mixture.
  3. Leave for about 20 days.
  4. Squeeze well and filter.

The strongest antioxidant, cleansing and immunostimulating effect of the drug is used for oncology, radiation damage, and to rejuvenate the body in people over 40 years of age. Take the tincture 4 times a day, gradually increasing the single dose from 1 tsp. up to 1 dessert. The duration of treatment is from several months to a year.

Carefully! The plant is poisonous. To get a good result without side effects, it is enough to adhere to the dosage. In the given doses, the plant does not cause any unpleasant consequences. In case of overdose, headache, nausea, and tachycardia appear. At the first suspicion of an overdose, treatment should be stopped and gastric lavage should be performed immediately.

The widest range of diseases can be treated with tincture. Oral use is also indicated for the following ailments:

  • respiratory tract diseases (both oral and rinsing);
  • tuberculosis;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • , rheumatism;
  • , periodontal disease;
  • sexual impotence in men;
  • hot flashes during menopause in women.

Infusion for skin diseases and cosmetology

If alcohol is contraindicated, infusions and decoctions can be used. They are good as lotions and rubdowns. Disinfects wounds, promotes fast healing. For gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis, colitis) alcohol tincture cannot be consumed, in this case infusions are used.

The indications for taking the infusion and decoction are the same as for the tincture, only the dosage increases, since the active substances do not readily dissolve in water and their concentration is lower.

Take 2 tbsp per glass of boiling water. l. dry crushed raw materials and leave for about 2 hours. You should take 1-2 tbsp. l. three times a day.

It is good for hair to wash your hair with infusion. Rubbing the decoction into the scalp will prevent baldness. Infusions and decoctions are used for any skin lesions, frostbite, burns, boils, pimples.

Note! Many healers recommend that for external use of Sophora preparations, mandatory use orally in prophylactic dosage. This supports the entire body and speeds up recovery.

A decoction for many diseases

  1. Pour one tablespoon of flowers into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Boil for 15 minutes. It is best to simmer in a water bath.
  3. Let cool, strain. Adding water, bring it to the previous volume.
  4. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

The decoction is used: for high blood pressure, as an antipyretic, sedative, expectorant, antimicrobial agent, for bleeding of any kind. Used externally to improve skin condition, get rid of age spots, rejuvenation.

Infusion with apple cider vinegar to cleanse blood vessels

  1. Remove the fruits from 100 g of beans and mash.
  2. Pour in 1 liter of apple cider vinegar.
  3. Leave for at least 20 days. Do not filter.
  4. Drink a drink on an empty stomach: 200 ml of warm water, honey and 1 tbsp. l. sophora vinegar.

The resulting tonic drink is especially effective for cleansing blood vessels, reduces varicose veins, and helps with constipation.


This form of medicine is very convenient if you know how to use the powder. It is easy to store and carry with you. It takes up very little space. Thanks to high concentration its dosage is very small. Single dose – from 0.1 to 0.5 g (at the tip of a knife). The powder is easy to make yourself from dried buds and flowers.


Fatty oils mainly contain seeds. The use of Sophora japonica oil in folk medicine is associated with its ability to regulate metabolism, strengthen the body's defenses, correct hormonal imbalances, and rejuvenate cells. The oil is widely used as a cosmetic product and added to creams, ointments, and lotions.

Features of the Sophora blank

Important! In order to get the greatest therapeutic effect, you need to collect Sophora on time, properly dry and store it. Violation of the terms of preparation, drying conditions, storage leads to loss of medicinal properties.

Harvesting buds

Sophora blooms in July - August. Moth-like yellowish flowers are collected in elongated panicles. Collection for medicinal purposes is carried out when the first flowers are just beginning to open; the beneficial substances are in the highest concentration.

The inflorescences removed from the tree are dried entirely at a temperature of 30 to 45 ° C, protected from sunlight. Only buds are selected for storage; using the entire bunch is not advisable. Sufficiently dried flowers fall off the stalks or are easily shaken off. Dried flowers should be stored in paper bags.

Harvesting fruits

The fruits are large (up to 10 cm) indehiscent beans. They are collected while the beans are still green and fleshy, but the seeds inside have already begun to change color and begin to harden. When ripe, the beans turn red, and the raw material contains less nutrients. Before drying, cut beans are separated from the stalks. Dry at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Store on racks with mandatory air access.

Contraindications for use

Attention! Like any potent remedy, Sophora japonica should be used with caution. You should definitely discuss treatment, dosage, and course duration with your doctor.


  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • age up to 14 years;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • intolerance to some components.

With a thoughtful approach to use, Japanese Sophora will help get rid of many ailments, restore strength and maintain vigor and health for many years.