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Diabetes mellitus in a child. Symptoms, treatment, nutrition. Symptoms of diabetes in children - the final verdict or there is a chance for recovery

Good day, friends in misfortune! Since you came to this page, you most likely came face to face with a serious “sweet” disease.

I will help you learn more about the first signs and symptoms of diabetes in children and adolescents, which may be clinical manifestations in a child from 0 to 18 years old. I really hope that the material in this important article will be useful and that you will do everything correctly and on time. Signs of diabetes in children develop very rapidly, I will tell you how this happens. It is very important to quickly see the first ailment in a child, since he, like no one else, needs an accurate and timely diagnosis.

Why such a rush? Yes, because everything pathological processes in a child’s body proceed violently and beyond short term may develop dangerous condition, which I will talk about below. A large percentage of children with diabetes mellitus have type 1, it can also be type 2, MODY or rare genetic syndromes. I wrote in a separate article. But the development of these complications can be prevented.

Stages of development of diabetes in childhood

The manifestations of the disease will depend on the presence or absence of insulin deficiency and glucose toxicity. Not all forms childhood diabetes occur with a pronounced decrease in insulin levels. In some cases, there is a mild course and even insulin resistance with an increase in blood insulin. Diabetes can affect any age, from 1 year old, 5 years old, 10 years old, and even 18 years old.

Insulin deficiency occurs when:

  • type 1 diabetes mellitus
  • neonatal diabetes

Normal and elevated insulin levels are observed with:

How does the disease develop with insulin deficiency?

The forms of diabetes from the first list are characterized by an absolute deficiency of insulin, that is, there is so little of it that there is not enough to quickly utilize glucose, and therefore the cells begin to experience energy starvation. Then the body decides to use fat reserves as energy fuel. Yes, yes, our fat is a huge storehouse of energy that is consumed only in as a last resort. In fact, breaking down fat into energy is a very costly activity for the body, which is why it is not consumed in “peaceful” times, but cheaper energy is used - glucose.

In conditions of insulin deficiency, fats begin to be consumed, and as a result of the breakdown of fats, ketone bodies and acetone are formed, which large quantities are very toxic to the body, especially to the brain. Quite quickly, these ketone bodies accumulate in the blood and exhibit their toxic effect, namely, the body “acidifies” (a decrease in blood pH to the acidic side). Thus, diabetic ketoacidosis develops and appears.

Ketoacidosis in children with type 1 diabetes develops very quickly due to immaturity of the enzyme system child's body and the inability to quickly get rid of toxic products. The result of ketoacidosis is diabetic coma, which in children can develop within a few weeks from the moment the first signs of diabetes appear. I will tell you what possible manifestations of coma are in the following articles, so I recommend that you don’t miss it.

During the newborn period, ketoacidosis can also develop quite quickly and pose a threat to the baby’s life. But with MODY diabetes, it may not lead to ketoacidosis and coma, since insulin deficiency is not severe and the disease develops more mildly. But the first signs of this type of diabetes will still be similar.

I hope it has become clear to you why it is so important to identify the first signs as early as possible, make a diagnosis and begin treatment for diabetes mellitus? But that's not all. Increased level sugar contributes to the rapid destruction of these cells. Therefore, it is important to identify diabetes mellitus as early as possible and begin treatment with insulin in order to stop the destruction and preserve the residual secretion of the pancreas longer.

When there is at least some residual intrinsic secretion of the pancreas, diabetes is much easier and less labile. Ultimately, of course, after some time all the cells will die anyway, it’s only a matter of time.

How does the disease develop with elevated or normal insulin levels?

Unfortunately, in recent decades, more and more children have been appearing with type 2 diabetes, or, as some call it, type 2. The mechanism of occurrence is completely different from the mechanism of occurrence of this disease in adults. It is based on excess weight, tissue insensitivity to insulin and, as a result, an increase in insulin levels.

In mild types of MODY diabetes, there may also be a phenomenon of insulin resistance, but there is no pronounced insulin deficiency, which means the state of ketoacidosis does not occur. The disease in these cases develops slowly over several months and is not observed sharp deterioration child's well-being.

However, there are cases when these forms of diabetes resemble the course of type 1 diabetes and at the very beginning of the disease require the prescription of insulin, followed by a transition to tablets and special diet. They can also experience ketoacidosis, which can only be treated by prescribing insulin and eliminating glucose toxicity. But the very first signals about the onset of the disease will be the same. So let's see what these signs of future diabetes are.

Clinical symptoms in young children and adolescents

Thus, you have learned that in children and adolescents (12-13 years and older) with insulin deficiency, the disease develops very quickly, literally in a few weeks. And now I will tell you what signs parents need to pay attention to in order to suspect diabetes in their children.

  • Thirst.
  • Frequent urination, especially at night.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Feeling worse after eating.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Weakness and lethargy, sweating.
  • Recurrent infection.
  • Smell of acetone from the mouth.

Naturally, not all of the above will be observed in your child. For example, in the absence of insulin deficiency, there may be no smell of acetone and weight loss. But judging by the reviews of mothers with type 1 diabetes, all the listed symptoms will be present, and they will be very pronounced. Let's look at each symptom in more detail. In the photo below you can clearly see all the symptoms and manifestations of childhood diabetes (picture clickable).

Thirst and frequent urination

Children begin to drink more fluids as elevated blood sugar levels pull water out of their cells and dehydration develops. Children are more likely to ask for a drink in the late afternoon. Large amounts of glucose have a toxic effect on the kidneys, reducing reverse suction primary urine, which is why frequent and excessive urination, especially at night. This is how the body gets rid of toxins.

Increased appetite

Increased appetite appears due to starvation of cells; glucose is not supplied. The child eats a lot, but the food does not reach the recipient. Sudden weight loss is associated with both impaired glucose absorption and the breakdown of fats into energy production. Typical sign diabetes mellitus in children - increased appetite combined with weight loss.

Feeling worse after eating

This symptom is associated with an increase in glucose levels after eating a meal containing carbohydrates. Elevated blood glucose levels in themselves cause deterioration in well-being. After some time, the compensatory capabilities of the pancreas will bring glucose back to normal and the child will again become active until next appointment food.

Sudden weight loss

Weight loss is observed only with an absolute deficiency of insulin. In this case, glucose cannot enter the cells and provide energy. As a result, subcutaneous fat begins to be used as reserve energy and the child loses weight. This symptom may not occur in type 2 diabetes and some subtypes of MODY.

Weakness and lethargy

Weakness and lethargy in a child are associated with both impaired glucose absorption and toxic effect ketone bodies in the blood. The smell of acetone from the mouth is a sign of ketoacidosis. The body gets rid of toxins as best it can: both through the kidneys (increasing diuresis) and through sweat ( increased sweating), and through the lungs (acetone in exhaled air). But not everyone can smell this smell.

Smell of acetone from the mouth

This happens because fats, breaking down as an energy substrate for the body, form ketone bodies, among which is acetone. The body is trying in every possible way to get rid of it toxic substance, removes it through the lungs. This symptom may also not be present in type 2 diabetes and some subtypes of MODY

Frequent infections

Some children cannot “get out” of infectious diseases for a long time. That is, children can have a difficult and lengthy transition from one infection, without being fully cured, to another. It can be bacterial infections skin, furunculosis, for example, or fungal - candidiasis.

If you do not pay attention to the worsening condition, then over time the child becomes lethargic, apathetic, and lies all the time. For changing increased appetite comes aversion to food, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. These signs indicate severe ketoacidosis and possibly developing precoma. In this case, you should immediately call ambulance and take the child to the hospital emergency department. The next stage will be loss of consciousness and coma, from which the child may not come out.

Actions for parents if childhood diabetes is suspected

If you suspect diabetes in your child, I advise you not to delay the examination. If you have relatives with diabetes in your family, you probably have a glucometer or urine test strips. Do a blood or urine test and contact your doctor immediately with the results.

If there is nothing like that, then hurry to an appointment at the clinic and explain your assumption to the pediatrician. You immediately (without waiting for the morning next day) can do a blood test for sugar, urine for sugar and acetone, as well. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you will be offered hospitalization in a specialized department of a children's hospital. Don’t hesitate and go, delay is unacceptable.

If your child’s condition is very serious, then you need to go immediately to the emergency department of the children’s hospital. If the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is confirmed, you will be prescribed insulin injections, which may be your child’s lifelong companions until a cure for diabetes is found, or alternative methods delivery of insulin to the body. In some cases, it is possible to switch to medications and prescribe a specific diet. What exactly are these cases, see above in the text.

If your child has diabetes, do not self-medicate. Your child needs emergency help. Any delay is dangerous for his life!

Some parents stubbornly do not want to accept the very fact of the disease, so they try to prohibit doctors from giving injections, unreasonably fearing that doctors will forever “put” their child on a needle. But, dear parents, without this your child will simply die, just as every child with diabetes died many years ago before the use of insulin. Are you ready for this? Now you and your baby have a chance to live a long and happy life together. Do not deprive him and yourself of this happiness!

What symptoms of diabetes did my child have. My honest review

We learned about diabetes in June 2010, when our eldest son was just over 2 years old. Then that sultry summer, which had not happened in Russia for a long time, was just beginning. In May we decided to go to kindergarten, but after a week's stay they fell ill with severe adenoviral infection. We've never been sick like that! Ten days later, when we felt better, the temperature rose again. Again drugs and bed rest... We decided that it was too early for us to go to kindergarten.

The condition improved, but still the child was not the same as before. My son is by nature very active and lively, but now he doesn’t jump or jump, although I don’t observe any painful symptoms.

Mid-July - I was taken to the maternity hospital, and a week later I was discharged with my youngest son. Upon arrival home, I still don’t recognize my son; he is always moody and capricious. During the first week at home, I began to notice that I was drinking more and urinating more, especially at night. I notice very strong sweating, I’m literally drenched in sweat. The child smelled of acetone, she asked her family and friends to smell it, but none of them caught the smell. Even now, when there are errors in food or during my son’s illness, when acetone rises, I feel it clearly, but the members of the household do not feel it. I don’t even need to test my urine for acetone, I can definitely detect that smell.

There are still no cold symptoms, but my inflamed brain understands that something is happening and chaotically goes through symptoms and illnesses.

And then one day, half asleep, a thought came to me like a lightning strike, my heart was pounding: “This is diabetes! At least it wasn’t diabetes!” It’s 12 o’clock at night, but I push my husband away and say that it’s possible diabetes, to which he just shrugs it off and goes back to sleep.

At that time, we lived with our parents, my grandmother has a glucometer and I rather go to it. Damn, there are no stripes, you'll have to wait until the morning. In the morning I send my husband to the pharmacy. We’re doing a puncture, I’m incredibly worried, I’m already sure of the diagnosis. Yes, that's it... sugar 12.5. I washed my hands thoroughly and froze again, everything repeated. It felt like my brain had been taken out and my head felt empty. There are no thoughts..., but there is no panic either, only fear and tears, which I do not allow to break through. I know what it is and it happened in our family. Life split into before and after...

We were incredibly lucky, we came to the department on our own feet, and from there we were sent to the Republican Children's Endocrinology Department. Like probably any mother, I felt that something was wrong with the child. But all my feelings were somewhat dulled, because at that time I had given birth to our second son a few days ago and had just returned from the maternity hospital. To some extent, I blame myself for not noticing the classic picture earlier, but I did not at all expect this disease in small child, although this, of course, is not an excuse.

As I write these lines, it’s as if I’m reliving those times again. There are no tears, there is deep sadness. Probably this is not forgotten and remains a scar for life, but life goes on and I am sure that a long and interesting one awaits us living together. And that's all for me. I really hope that the knowledge from this article will never be useful to you in life. Until new articles, friends!

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Lebedeva Dilyara Ilgizovna

The number of people suffering from diabetes is growing every year. This disease can appear at a very young age. Smart parents should recognize the symptoms of diabetes in children and begin treatment. Advances in medicine make it possible to achieve good results with the active assistance of parents and children. Diabetes is a way of life; The task of parents is to teach their child to live with diabetes. You need to treat diabetes not in order to be healthy, but in order to live healthy.

In children, the disease develops quickly, the symptoms of type 1 diabetes are extremely pronounced:

  • Intense thirst;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Severe weight loss;
  • Severe fatigue;
  • Constant hunger.

Characteristic signs of diabetes mellitus in young children:

  • Babies have constant diaper rash on their bodies;
  • Bed-wetting;
  • Reddish spots on the forehead, cheeks, chin.

If you do not notice the first signs of diabetes, children will very quickly develop ketoacidosis, possibly a coma.

In preschool and school age diabetic coma can develop with high probability. Critical condition is possible a month after the first symptoms appear. In infants, this complication is observed less frequently.

If the child’s weight is above normal, parents should be alert to the following symptoms of diabetes in children:

  • Irritation in the perineal area;
  • Thrush (in girls at puberty);
  • Dark spots on the neck, elbows, armpits.
  • Pustular diseases on the skin.


The causes of diabetes mellitus are not yet fully understood. Most often, the disease develops against the background of a genetic predisposition with damage to the pancreas as a result of infectious diseases. This applies to insulin-dependent diabetes. For the development of type 2 diabetes, the heredity factor also plays a significant role. Trigger are metabolic disorders, manifested primarily in obesity.

In a five-year-old child, the pancreas is practically formed. Between 5 and 10 years of age, children are most likely to develop type 1 diabetes. At risk are:

  • Premature babies;
  • Weak children;
  • Children fed artificial mixtures on cow's milk;
  • Children whose parents have diabetes.

It has been proven that diabetes mellitus in newborns can be caused by unfavorable factors problems that a pregnant woman had to face:

  • Viral diseases;
  • Reception medicines;
  • Suffered severe stress.

IN adolescence complex hormonal changes the body can cause severe fluctuations in blood sugar. The increase in body weight often observed during this period contributes to the manifestation of type 2 diabetes.

Can have a destructive effect on pancreatic cells that produce insulin. viral infections. Long-term use of certain medications can reduce tissue sensitivity to insulin.

Contrary to popular belief, eating sweets in itself does not contribute to the development of diabetes. The need for sweets in children is physiologically justified and there is no need to deprive healthy children of sweets.


Prevention of the disease should begin with intrauterine development: a pregnant woman should register as early as possible, monitor her diet, not get sick and maintain a positive emotional attitude. Future mom must watch my weight. If a newborn weighs more than 5 kg, he or she is more likely to develop diabetes.

  • Breastfeeding is a guarantee healthy child.
  • Vaccinations given to your child on time will protect him from serious infectious diseases.
  • Watch your child's diet - overweight children are not always healthy children.
  • Temper your child. Walks and outdoor games fresh air will increase the child’s level of resistance to diseases.

It is advisable to visit a doctor regularly - experienced specialist will notice health-threatening symptoms in time. If there are patients with type 1 diabetes in the family, it is necessary to have the child tested for the presence of specific genes.


Take your child to the pediatrician regularly. It is he who will be able to pay attention to the symptoms of diabetes. In children it will help to put correct diagnosis objective laboratory test. Children should have their blood and urine tested regularly. Primary diagnosis allows you to determine:

  • Blood glucose/sugar concentration (fasting).
  • Sugar in urine; There should be no sugar in the urine of a healthy child.
  • Acetone in urine; the presence of acetone in the urine indicates the development of a serious complication - ketoacidosis.

In case of “bad” tests, blood and urine samples are taken again for testing. If the results confirm the suspicion of diabetes, additional studies are carried out.


Timely detection of diabetes symptoms in children allows timely treatment to be started and sustainable compensation of diabetes to be achieved. Main stages of treatment:

  • Diet;
  • Self-control;
  • Insulin therapy (for type 1 diabetes).
  • Sugar-lowering tablets (for type 2 diabetes);
  • Physical exercise.

Blood sugar control

In the case of diabetes in children, regular and frequent monitoring of sugar levels is mandatory. It is carried out using a portable glucometer. It is recommended to take measurements at least 4 times a day; Before physical activity, before meals and during an attack of hypoglycemia, sugar control is mandatory. The measured parameters must be recorded in the Diary.

Manifestations of diabetes mellitus in childhood are not always typical and can masquerade as infectious or surgical pathologies. In a quarter of diabetic patients, the first symptoms occur in the form of a coma.

Importance early detection Diabetes mellitus in children is associated with a particular danger of tissue starvation during the period of development and growth of the body.

The earlier diabetes is detected and treatment is prescribed, the greater the chances of maintaining one’s own residual insulin secretion, and the easier the disease will be in the child.

Causes of diabetes in children

Second diagnostic sign is to determine the level of glycated hemoglobin. It reflects the dynamics of glucose increase over the previous three months. This indicator is also used to assess the effectiveness of prescribed treatment and predict the risk of complications of diabetes mellitus.

It is determined as a percentage of total hemoglobin. This indicator has no age gradations and ranges from 4.5 to 6.5 percent.

To determine the glucose content in urine, a daily volume is taken and normally glucose should not exceed 2.8 mmol per day.

In addition, if diabetes is suspected, a glucose tolerance test should be performed. It consists of first examining the glucose level in the blood on an empty stomach, and then the child is given glucose to drink at the rate of 1.75 g per kilogram of weight, but not more than 75 g. After two hours, the analysis is repeated.

Normal (data in mmol/l) up to 7.8; up to 11.1 – impaired tolerance – prediabetes. The diagnosis of diabetes is considered confirmed when values ​​are above 11.1.

An analysis for antibodies to the pancreas is the most important and informative indicator for how to determine diabetes mellitus in a child without symptoms of the disease. This is due to the following factors:

  1. always associated with the formation autoimmune reaction against the tissue of your pancreas.
  2. The activity of destruction of islet cells is directly proportional to the titer of specific antibodies.
  3. Antibodies appear long before the first symptoms, when it is still possible to try to preserve the pancreas.
  4. Determining antibodies helps to distinguish between type 1 and type 2 diabetes and promptly prescribe insulin therapy.

It has been proven that in children under 14 years of age the most indicative antibodies are: ICA (to pancreatic beta cells) and IAA (to insulin).

Despite the “sweet” name, diabetes in a child is very dangerous disease, from which, before the invention of insulin therapy, the mortality rate was one hundred percent.

Nowadays, provided treatment is started on time, sick children live as long as a healthy adult.

Types of diabetes

Signs of diabetes in children under three years of age vary depending on the type. of this disease diagnosed in a child. In this case, the cause of diabetes of any type is a malfunction of the pancreas, which produces insulin. So do healthy person insulin stops being produced two hours after eating.

Currently modern medical science distinguishes two types of diabetes mellitus. The first type is characterized by a lack of insulin in the blood, while pancreatic cells may produce little or no insulin at all. As a result, the child's body cannot cope with the processing of glucose, as a result of which his blood sugar levels rise. The diabetic symptom can be adjusted by introducing a dose of insulin into the patient’s body.

Type 2 diabetes does not have such a symptom, since in this case the patient’s body produces a sufficient amount of insulin, but sometimes an excess of it is recorded. As a result, over time, the organs and systems of the human body “get used” to this state and their sensitivity to insulin decreases.

As a result, it is not recognized and blood glucose levels become impossible to regulate. in a natural way.

Symptoms of diabetes in children

Sugar level

Signs of diabetes in children under 3 years of age usually appear rapidly and become clear within a few days and weeks.

Any signs of symptoms of this disease in a baby are serious reason in order to send him to the clinic as quickly as possible for tests.

Don’t think that the child will “outgrow” and everything will pass. Diabetesinsidious disease and it can overtake the patient at the most unexpected moment.

The main symptoms of diabetes mellitus in a child under three years of age are as follows:

  1. Frequent urination. The fact is that patients with diabetes usually drink a lot of fluid, which is excreted from the body naturally. Therefore, if the baby begins to pee at night, this can serve as a very dangerous sign of a possible disease.
  2. Dramatic weight loss. Unexpected weight loss is also one of the main signs of lack of insulin in the body. As a result, young patients do not receive the energy that sugar can provide to the human body. Therefore, the body begins to seek the opportunity to obtain energy by processing subcutaneous fat and other fat accumulations.
  3. Insatiable hunger. Children with diabetes are almost always hungry, even if they eat well. The alarm should be sounded when a child under the age of three experiences a sharp decrease in appetite. The fact is that such a phenomenon may indicate a very dangerous complication of this disease - diabetic ketoacidosis.
  4. Constant thirst. It is characteristic of type 1 diabetes.
  5. Chronic fatigue. The child does not receive the energy he needs, so he always feels overwhelmed and tired.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a life-threatening “companion” of diabetes mellitus as diabetic ketoacidosis. The fact is that this complication of the disease is characterized by the presence of the smell of acetone from the mouth, drowsiness, rapid irregular breathing, and painful manifestations in the abdomen.

If not taken immediately emergency measures and if you don’t take a sick child to the hospital, he may fall into a coma and die.

Basic diagnostic methods

Since the described symptoms of illness in children under three years of age may be characteristic of other diseases, establish accurate diagnosis maybe only experienced doctor. For example, diabetic girls with type 1 diabetes often suffer from thrush, which can suddenly go away when the body’s insulin status is restored.

As for the main diagnostic methods, diabetes in children can be detected when they exhibit symptoms of polyuria, polydipsia, sudden weight loss and hyperglycemia. In addition, the doctor should be alerted to the patient’s blood sugar level reaching 7 mmol/l. If it is detected, the patient will need to be sent for a repeat test. Also very danger sign– indicator of 11 mmol/liter.

From a technical point of view, a test for blood sugar consists of taking blood from children on an empty stomach, as well as after consuming 75 g of glucose dissolved in 300 milliliters of water. To determine the dynamics of glucose decomposition, finger prick blood tests are repeated every thirty minutes for two hours. There are normal indicators, the limit values ​​of which were given above. If they are exceeded, it is necessary to take Urgent measures in order to prevent the patient from falling into a diabetic coma.

Signs of this serious complication illness is the occurrence of weakness, hunger, heavy sweating. In addition, tremor and strong feeling hunger. As for children, they are characterized by the following symptoms: numbness of the lips and tongue, a feeling of double vision, the presence of " seasickness" IN acute phase The mood may change sharply, as a result of which the child may become overexcited or, on the contrary, suddenly become overly calm.

If measures are not taken in time, the child may develop tremors, hallucinations, and unusual behavior. IN severe cases he will fall into a coma. Next may follow death, if the patient is not subjected to resuscitation measures in time.

To prevent the development of hypoglycemia in this case, the child must be allowed to carry with him chocolate candy for an emergency increase in blood sugar levels.

Causes of the disease

In addition to the form of diabetes mellitus, the symptoms of this disease at the age of three years and younger big influence cause the development of this pathology in children.

There are a huge number of causes and factors influencing the progression of the disease.

Among the entire spectrum of causes, practicing doctors identify several main causes of diabetes in a child.

These causes of the development of the disease include:

  • overeating sweets;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • Availability excess weight;
  • frequent colds;
  • hereditary factor.

Overeating sweets. It is characterized by consumption by a child large quantity products containing so-called “light” carbohydrates, which contribute to increased production of insulin in the blood. As a result, the pancreas stops working, and the little patient’s blood sugar levels increase. “Prohibited” products include: buns, chocolate, sweets, etc.

A sedentary lifestyle results from an addiction to sweets and leads to obesity. Physical activity leads to the fact that the cells producing the body begin to be intensively produced in the child’s body. As a result, the level of glucose in the blood decreases, which prevents it from turning into fat.

Having excess weight. In general, they are closely related to each other since fat cells can “blind” the receptors responsible for human body for the recognition of insulin and glucose. Thus, there is a lot of insulin in the body, and sugar stops being processed.

Frequent colds. Such diseases can cause symptoms such as depression in a child immune status. As a result, the body begins to fight its own cells that produce insulin.

Hereditary factor. Unfortunately, parents who have diabetes mellitus this disease can be passed on to their children. Science notes that 100% inheritance does not exist and the percentage of probability of such a case is relatively small.

Moreover, the disease can manifest itself not only in childhood, but also in adulthood.

Treatment and prevention of the disease

All of the above symptoms of the disease in children under three years of age can be relieved with insulin therapy in 98% of cases.

In addition, all children who have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus must adhere to a special nutritional schedule, avoiding starvation. In this case, it will be necessary to exclude foods high in carbohydrates from the menu. As a result, it becomes possible to avoid the complications that may arise in a child due to an excess or lack of insulin.

In addition, small patients will necessarily need to take short-acting medications containing insulin such as Actrapida, Protofana and others. For this, a special syringe pen is used, the injection itself is used in order to avoid an overdose of hormones. Moreover, if such a syringe has correct dosage, children can use it independently if necessary.

In addition, parents who have sick children will need to buy it at the pharmacy and regularly take blood samples for sugar. Its main purpose is to control blood glucose levels. At the same time, it will also be necessary to keep a special notebook where you will need to periodically write down all the foods the child eats. Next, the records are transferred to the endocrinologist, who will have to establish the correct dose of insulin needed by the patient, and also select the drug that is effective in a particular case.

Diabetes mellitus in children is in first place in terms of prevalence among all endocrine diseases. This disease is characterized by a chronic increase in glucose (sugar) levels in the blood. Thanks to intensive growth child's body and, accordingly, increased metabolism, this disease often occurs in acute form. In the absence of proper treatment, a severe course of the disease develops, so it is very important not to miss the first symptoms of diabetes in children. Let's consider the causes of this pathology, its symptoms and methods of treatment.

Causes of diabetes in children

Experts distinguish two types of diabetes – type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent) and type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent). In children, the disease is usually type 1, in which very low level insulin.

The hormone insulin is produced by the pancreas, which is its main function. The full functioning of this organ ends by the age of five years. It is from 5 to 11 years of age that there is the greatest risk of developing the disease. At this time, everything in the child’s body proceeds very quickly. metabolic processes, including carbohydrates. In addition, imperfection also affects carbohydrate metabolism. nervous system in this age. All this creates the preconditions for the development of diabetes.

The main cause of diabetes in children is a genetic predisposition to the disease. At the same time, type 1 diabetes is passed on through generations. The second type is characterized by the appearance of the disease in each generation.

TO common reasons, causing disease, are viral infections that destroy those pancreatic cells that produce insulin. Such childhood infections include measles, rubella, and mumps.

Risk factors for developing diabetes mellitus in children are:

  • Large weight of the baby at birth;
  • Reduced immunity;
  • Frequent viral infections;
  • Metabolic disorders such as obesity, hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency).

The course of the disease depends on the age of the child: the younger he is, the more severely the illness is and the greater the risk of developing complications.

Signs of diabetes in children of different ages

Fortunately, diabetes is rare in children in the first year of life, but it does happen. Its signs may include the following conditions:

  • Despite a good appetite, the baby is not gaining weight well;
  • The child often behaves restlessly, calming down only after drinking;
  • From time to time, diaper rash occurs in the genital area, which is difficult to treat;
  • When urine hits the floor, it leaves sticky stains;
  • After the urine dries, the diapers become starched.

Symptoms of diabetes mellitus in children of preschool and primary school age include extreme thirst, weight loss, and the appearance of bedwetting that was not there before. In addition, the child becomes irritable, tired, susceptible skin infections(barley, boils), sometimes there may be causeless vomiting.

Diabetes develops more slowly in teenagers than in younger children. The hidden initial period can last from six months or longer. At this time, the child complains of weakness, fatigue, irritability, frequent headaches, and decreased performance at school. During the initial period of the disease, adolescents develop desire use sweet food. At the same time, persistent skin diseases, frequent occurrence nausea, vomiting.

If initial signs diabetes mellitus in children is left unattended and not started timely treatment, there is a risk of manifestation acute symptoms that require urgent hospitalization. These conditions include:

  • Frequent, prolonged vomiting;
  • The appearance of unusual breathing, in which the child takes a deep noisy breath and exhales forcefully (Kussmaul breathing);
  • Major weight loss due to dehydration;
  • Disorders of consciousness: disorientation in space, lethargy and, rarely, loss of consciousness as a result of coma;
  • A state of shock, which is characterized by blueness of the limbs, rapid pulse;
  • The smell of acetone in the child's breath.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus in children

The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in children is made based on determination of glucose levels in the urine and blood. Complex therapy disease includes diet, medications, moderate physical activity.

A proper diet is very important for a sick child. His food should be balanced in fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. The baby's menu limits the use of products from wheat flour, potatoes, rice and semolina cereals. At the same time, fatty, spicy and salty foods, sweet gravies and sauces are excluded. Without restrictions, you can offer your child all vegetables (except potatoes), fruits and berries, but not sweet ones. The number of meals should be at least six times a day.

Treatment for diabetes in children usually involves receiving insulin. Choice medicine, dosage and administration schedule are determined by the attending physician. Modern drugs usually administered once daily.

Disease prevention

Prevention of diabetes mellitus in children who are predisposed to it should be carried out with early age. For this purpose, children who are at risk are examined by an endocrinologist twice a year.

It is important to support the child's body water balance. Doctors indicate that you need to teach your baby to drink a glass clean water in the morning on an empty stomach and a glass before each meal. You should avoid drinking carbonated drinks and sweet juices. The baby's nutrition should be as healthy and healthy as possible. Easily digestible carbohydrates, fried and spicy foods are minimized.

Also, prevention of diabetes in children includes moderate physical activity and the exclusion of stressful situations.

Text: Galina Goncharuk

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