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When can you get pregnant online calculator. The structure of discharge during ovulation. Calculation of ovulation by basal temperature

First, we need to figure out what ovulation is and why it needs to be calculated? It is known that pregnancy occurs as a result of the fusion of a female egg and a male sperm, this process called fertilization.

To do this, several conditions must be met:

  1. In a woman’s body, the same egg must mature, which will become the basis for the birth of a new life. This, in fact, is called ovulation.
  2. In those few days, when the egg is ready for fertilization, sexual contact should occur - if sex was much earlier, the sperm will most likely die before the egg matures. If later, the egg may die and conception will not occur.
  3. The fertilized egg must be fixed in the uterine cavity - for this, the latter must be ready to accept and protect the future fetus.

Ovulation occurs in every menstrual cycle of a woman who is of childbearing age. What is a cycle? This is the period of time that is counted from the first day of one menstruation (including the menstruation itself) to the first day of the next. Experts consider the ideal cycle to be 28 days. But in reality, the options are very different, from 20 to 45 days, it all depends on hormonal levels women and how the part of the brain that controls reproductive function works.

The periods themselves can also be different - both in abundance (with blood loss from 50 to 150 ml) and in duration (from 2 to 10 days). But, regardless of all these differences, ovulation occurs and pregnancy becomes possible. It remains to understand why it is necessary to calculate the exact date?

Determine the day of ovulation - to avoid consequences

Many pairs for protection against unwanted pregnancy use the so-called calendar method. The fact is that the probability of conception within a month is very different. In the middle of the cycle, at the time of ovulation, it is maximum - about 33%. Towards the beginning or end of the cycle, the chances of getting pregnant decrease. There are also relatively safe days, during which the possibility of fertilization is reduced to 1-2%.

And although this method does not provide an absolute guarantee, it allows those couples who cannot use another method of contraception to have sex more or less calmly. For example, this is relevant for married couples who have just given birth to a baby. If one of the partners is allergic to latex, the use of condoms becomes impossible. Hormonal contraceptives not suitable for women who are breastfeeding. And in order to put intrauterine device, you need to wait some time after giving birth.

Accordingly, such a couple can have sex only on “safe days,” hoping that the woman’s hormonal background will not allow pregnancy to occur. Typically, ovulation is considered the time when conception is most likely - for most women, this is the middle of the cycle. Accordingly, the period of menstruation, the week after it and the week before the new menstruation are considered the most “calm” period.

It would be wrong to say that it is impossible to get pregnant these days. Under certain physiological characteristics female or male body(the latter includes the special viability of sperm) pregnancy is possible even during menstruation, although this seems unlikely. Moreover, sometimes women have early or late ovulation, in which the calendar method of protection is simply not suitable.

For example, with a cycle of those same 28 days, the egg may mature not on days 13-14, but on days 8-10. This happens, albeit rarely. At the same time, menstruation itself can last 7-9 days. As a result, it turns out that a woman who does not know for sure the date of her ovulation calmly has sex for several days after her menstruation, believing that she is simply not in danger of becoming pregnant. But in fact, this period turns out to be the most dangerous, since the egg has just matured and moved into the fallopian tube in anticipation of fertilization.

And vice versa - if ovulation is too late, a woman may think that the most dangerous period already behind. But in reality, for some reason, the egg matures only on, say, the 20-23rd day. And all the days remaining until her period, she remains viable, so conception is not only possible, but also the most probable, despite the fact that according to all calendars, the “safe” period has arrived. If there is a suspicion that a woman has such a shifted ovulation schedule, then to determine the exact date you will have to use a method other than the calendar one.

Determine the day of ovulation - so that a miracle comes true!

A woman who dreams of becoming a mother is concerned with a completely different kind of problem. It is important for her to determine the very day when conception becomes most likely. This is important not only with the usual method, but also with artificial insemination - after all, it is still necessary to wait until the egg matures.

Today, thanks to the Internet, there is a way “for the lazy” - if you wish, you can, for this you just need to indicate the boundaries of your cycle, the last and first days of menstruation. The computer will instantly calculate the options and issue a printout, which will indicate not only the day of ovulation, but also the most dangerous/safe days of the month.

But the pitfalls of the calendar method remain the same - first of all, it is suitable only for those women who have menstrual cycle in the region of 28 days, and occurs consistently at the same time, and the periods themselves last from 3 to 5 days. However, even in this case, deviations are possible. If within a month you had to pass sports standards or travel, have a conflict at work or get sick viral disease– the date of ovulation may shift, therefore, the results of calendar calculations will be unreliable.

That is why it is usually recommended to use one more of the known methods determining the moment of ovulation. This may include measuring basal temperature, special tests performed in the laboratory or at home using test strips, or ultrasound. In addition, for many women, some subjective signs are very important - based on how they feel, they can quite accurately determine the day the egg matures.

Method one - focus on sensations

Many women at the time of ovulation experience abdominal pain, which can be pulling, aching or stabbing in nature. Pain, as a rule, occurs only on one side - in this ovary the egg “hatches” from the follicle.

Since the moment of ovulation is associated with changes in hormonal levels, women may experience a variety of changes in the body due to this - a feeling of hunger appears or total loss appetite, there is a sharp aversion to some smells or a strong sexual attraction. The chest may swell and ache, swelling may appear, and periods of hysterical mood may occur.

Not everyone has such symptoms; many women do not feel their ovulation at all, but if these changes happen from month to month over a number of years, a woman knows without any tests how to determine the exact day of ovulation: if your stomach hurts, and at the same time you begin to be drawn to the refrigerator like a magnet, the egg is ripe!

Method two - assessing hormonal levels

Trying to determine the day of ovulation, you can donate blood for hormones - the closer the happy moment, the higher the level of certain hormones that control sex life and reproductive ability. But there are two noticeable disadvantages - such an analysis is not done so quickly, so it will most likely be able to determine the onset of ovulation only after the fact.

In addition, in many diseases, the level of blood hormones is always far from normal. Therefore, the test results may not say anything - or simply turn out to be unreliable.

You can do tests at home using your own urine, in which the hormone content also changes with the onset of ovulation. To do this, you will need test strips, which are sold at the pharmacy. It is not difficult to carry out such a study; it is enough to follow some simple rules. For example, do not drink too much water the day before, so as not to artificially distort the result.

This method has a big advantage - you can find out the date of ovulation without leaving home: if you see two stripes instead of one - the egg is ready for fertilization, you have at least a day for the “process” itself. There is also a downside - such tests are not cheap, and they must be done over several days, at least twice a day. Even if the approximate date of ovulation is unknown, it becomes very costly.

Discharge and basal temperature

Many women are guided by their own secretions. As soon as the liquid mucus released from the genital tract has thickened to the state of egg white, ovulation is approaching. However, this method is considered not very reliable - judging by the research being carried out, catching right moment With the help of such a criterion, only a few women succeed; barely 5% were able to do this.

But measuring basal temperature can accurately answer the question of how to correctly determine the day of ovulation. The fact is that at a crucial moment there is a sharp temperature jump, which precisely indicates the end of maturation of the egg. By the way, if after sex during this period the temperature does not stabilize, we can assume that conception has occurred!

The temperature is measured rectally; this should be done at least once a day, in the morning, without getting out of bed. Minus - basal temperature directly depends on the usual one. If for some reason (illness, fatigue, bad dream, rough sex the day before) general temperature body will increase even slightly, it will be possible to determine ovulation from such a jump with a very strong error.

Ideally, measurements should be carried out for at least 3 months in a row, otherwise the result will be unreliable. It is usually advised to keep a special ovulation diary, in which you should record not only the measurement results themselves, but also all the factors that may affect their dynamics. The data obtained should be assessed by a doctor who can separate significant causes from unimportant ones.

Ultrasound examination method

To determine the moment of ovulation, the ultrasound method is considered the most reliable. True, experts say that in order for the result to be significant, a gynecologist must be present during the manipulation to observe the woman. Only he will be able to accurately decipher all the data received.

This method of determining ovulation is also recommended in cases where it is planned artificial insemination. Or for general diagnostics problems of a woman who cannot become pregnant for a long time, in order to exclude pathologies leading to infertility.

During an ultrasound examination of the ovaries using a vaginal probe on the eve of ovulation, the follicle from which the egg should soon appear is clearly visible. If the size of the follicle already reaches 18-20 mm, ovulation should occur literally in a matter of hours. Along the way, the doctor pays attention to the condition of the endometrium of the uterus - if this layer of mucous membrane has not increased to the required size, pregnancy may not occur even with successful fertilization. The egg simply will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus.

Determining the day of ovulation - and the sex of the child

In fact, knowing exactly the day of ovulation is also necessary for those parents who want to predict the conception and birth of a child of a certain gender. This method does not give 100% results, but it has been used quite widely since the middle of the last century. It was then that a certain Doctor Shettles informed the world community about a new method of planning pregnancy, which gave positive effect in 3 cases out of 4.

In order to know who would be conceived at the time of sexual intercourse, it was necessary to find out exactly the timing of ovulation, because it was based on the ratio of these two dates that an assumption was made about who would be born to a couple - a boy or a girl.

Both the egg and the sperm that must fertilize it carry 23 chromosomes, 22 pairs are absolutely identical, but there may be variations in the last pair. That is, in an egg it will always be chromosome X, but in a sperm it can be either X (female) or Y (male). If the combination is XX, a girl will be born, and if XY, then a boy will be born.

But female and male chromosomes differ from each other, and not only in size, but also in vitality. “Boys” are more mobile, but they are less viable. Therefore, if sexual intercourse occurred on the day of ovulation, it will most likely reach the goal male chromosome. But if the sperm had to “wait” for some time for the arrival of the egg, that is, intercourse occurred a couple of days before ovulation, the male chromosome will die, but the female chromosome will survive. And he will reach his goal. Therefore, the more time separates sexual intercourse and the moment of ovulation, the greater the chance of conceiving a girl.

Of course, 75-80% is far from a guarantee, but if you want to try to give birth to a boy or just a girl, the timing of ovulation will have to be calculated especially carefully!


Many women are familiar with the concept of ovulation. For those who don’t know, ovulation is a relatively short period of time during which the likelihood of fertilization reaches its peak. Calculating this interval is extremely important for married couples trying to have a child. But even the most accurate calculations are not a 100% guarantee of conception.

So, ovulation is the period between the phases of the monthly cycle, lasting about two days. What is so special about this process that regularly occurs in the female body?

During ovulation, the egg (mature and formed) moves from the ovary to the uterus. If the egg is fertilized, it will attach to the walls of the uterus and begin to develop. Therefore, women trying to get pregnant need to do the right calculations. Pregnancy, as well as ovulation, occurs differently in each case, individually, because it depends mainly on the menstrual cycle. Let's look at how the duration of this cycle is calculated.

How long does menstruation last?

Ideally, the cycle should consist of 28 days. Menstruation should be regular and last about 3-5 days, but in reality their duration can vary between 19-35, while monthly cycle may take up to 9 days.

Menstruation is difficult process, related directly to hormonal balance. The slightest changes in balance sharp jumps caused by poor environment, medication or stress, in any case affect ovulation and the day of conception.

Basic calculation methods

There are many ways to calculate ovulation, but, alas, none of them can guarantee that on this day the egg will leave the follicle. The fact is that this process depends on a number of factors, including irregular critical days, various kinds diets, hormonal disbalance, diseases, etc.

  • test strips;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • basal (rectal) temperature;
  • sensations, discharge;
  • special online calendar

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods.

Method No. 1. Test strips

Now, to calculate the day of conception, you can use special test strips, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. These strips are used in the same way as pregnancy tests and respond to luteinizing hormone, which appears 1-1.5 days before the egg leaves the follicle.

Note! If the cycle is regular, then the test should be done 17 days before the start of menstruation, and if not, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to determine the period of ovulation using test strips, since the woman will not be able to choose the right time for this.

In this case, it is better to resort to ultrasound examination.

Method No. 2. Ultrasound

Ultrasound allows you to determine with extreme accuracy the time of release of the egg. In addition, this method is also suitable for women with irregular menstrual cycles. Thanks to the study, it is possible to determine the development of the follicle, as well as find out exactly when the egg will leave it.

If the cycle is regular, then an ultrasound should be done three to four days before planned ovulation, and if not, then egg monitoring should begin four days after menstruation and be carried out every few days.

Method No. 3. Basal temperature (BT)

The lowest temperature in human body The basal temperature observed during sleep is considered. Its measurement makes it easy to determine ovulation, since the latter increases the indicators by approximately ½ degree.

IN different periods cycle temperature indicators for women are different. So, in the initial phase, BT is quite low, the reason for which is the effect of estrogen. And such conditions are ideal for preparing the egg for fertilization. average temperature on initial stage varies between 36.3ᵒС and 36.5ᵒС, although it can vary in one direction or the other by about 0.1ᵒС. But during the period of ovulation, this indicator increases and can range from 37.1ᵒС to 37.3ᵒС. This temperature will remain until your period. And if they have not started, and the temperature continues to remain at this level for more than 18 days and without any delays, then pregnancy has already occurred.

Note! When measuring BBT, you need to adhere to a number of rules that allow you to calculate ovulation with extreme accuracy.

  1. For all measurements you need to use one mercury thermometer. It should always be kept at hand (preferably under the bed), since getting out of bed or sudden movements are unacceptable before measuring BT.
  2. The procedure should be carried out every day at the same time - after waking up.
  3. The measurement process itself will not cause any difficulties: the thermometer is inserted into the rectum, after which you need to lie quietly for five minutes. Then the obtained data fits into a special chart.

For the indicators to be reliable, BT must be measured only after a long (at least 6-hour) night's sleep. Distortion of indicators can occur not only if these rules are violated, but also under the influence of other factors - illness, medication, evening sex, fatigue, alcohol consumption, etc. All this must also be indicated in the schedule.

Note! A correctly drawn up chart will be able to show the absence of ovulation or its onset. If pregnancy is planned, BT is measured during three to four menstrual cycles. All this will allow you to determine the cherished day of ovulation.

Method No. 4. Sensations and discharge

Sometimes the ovulation period can be determined without resorting to any calculations. For some women, it’s enough to listen to their body. During this period you may experience:

  • short-term It's a dull pain in the lower abdomen;
  • change vaginal discharge(those become viscous and more abundant);
  • breast enlargement;
  • high sexual activity;
  • mood changes.

Allocations in ovulatory period become plentiful, transparent and viscous, reminiscent in consistency egg white

Method No. 5. Online calendars

Today, on many resources you can use special programs that allow you to determine the most favorable time for conception. These programs are based on the so-called calendar method of contraception. According to them, if the menstrual cycle is normal, that is, it lasts 28 days, then 12-16 days from the beginning of menstruation are optimal.

To create an individual ovulation calendar, you should enter the duration of your menstrual cycle (usually 28 or 29 days) and the exact date of your last period in the required fields, and then click the “Calculate” button.

Do not forget that the beginning of the cycle can only be considered the first day of menstruation.

Video - How to calculate ovulation and day of conception

As you can see, calculating ovulation is not as complicated a procedure as it might seem at first glance. To do this you only need to know:

By determining your ovulation period, you will know which days are suitable for conception and which days are safe for sex.

Table. Signs of ovulation, cycle, changes

Ovulation cycle1st day of menstruation - follicle growthFrom day 7 to the middle of the cycle - the release of the Graafian vesicle, in which the egg matures14-28 days - the Graafian vesicle bursts and a mature egg is releasedThe period after ovulation and before the onset of menstruation is the corpus luteum phase. Fats and luteal pigment accumulate around the burst follicle, i.e. yellow body called a modified graafian vesicle
Symptoms of ovulationPainful sensations in the lower abdomen (if you are worried about pain after ovulation, you should consult a doctor)Increased sex driveSelection more mucus in the cervixPossible change in discharge color
Causes of premature ovulationIntensive physical exercise and sexual intercourseStressDiseases and hormonal imbalance Diets
Periods of change in ovulationDuring a yearAfter childbirthAfter abortion, within three monthsAfter 40 years, before menopause

Video - Determining ovulation

Problems with conception are quite common today, and this also applies to absolutely healthy young couples.

This can be caused by stress, emotional disturbances, sedentary lifestyle life, bad habits, excess weight and many other factors.

Even poor nutrition may cause long-awaited pregnancy it never comes. If a man consumes few foods containing zinc, selenium and chromium, the activity of his sperm drops sharply, they lose viability, and the overall quality of sperm deteriorates.

If the spouses are healthy, they do not have chronic diseases, then the method of determining ovulation can help speed up conception. Determining the most favorable day for fertilization has long been used in IVF clinics and reproduction centers, but this does not mean that a woman cannot independently calculate the day of ovulation.

Ovulation is the release of mature eggs from the follicle into the cavity fallopian tube. This is where fertilization occurs if the sperm reaches its goal. It is important to understand that the lifespan of an egg outside the ovaries is no more than 24 hours, so women who want to get pregnant should not miss this opportunity.

Ovulation occurs only once a month, however, there are cases when eggs come out of the follicles only 8–10 times per year instead of the required twelve. Most often, this occurs in women with an inconsistent menstrual cycle, as well as disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

To all girls and women who are active sex life and cannot become pregnant within a year, gynecologists recommend keeping an ovulation calendar, which allows, even with an error, to calculate the day of conception. This will help determine favorable days for conception and prepare for pregnancy in advance (3-4 days before expected ovulation you should stop eating intimacy and follow a special diet).

There are many methods to determine the day of ovulation. They all have their pros and cons, so you shouldn’t stop at just one. After all, the more accurate the result obtained, the greater the likelihood of pregnancy. So, on what day does ovulation occur?

How to calculate the day of ovulation if you have a regular cycle

Last period method

This method allows you to determine on what day after menstruation ovulation occurs. This is the simplest, but at the same time the most unreliable method determination of ovulation.

The day of expected menstruation is 14 days = ovulation.

In order to determine the expected day of the onset of menstruation, you need to by the first day last menstrual period add average duration cycle (from 27 to 37 days). Subtract 14 days from the resulting date - this will be the estimated date of ovulation.

28 days – cycle duration

Total: March 15 is the expected day of thinning of the ovarian walls and the release of mature eggs, that is, ovulation.

Calendar method for determining a favorable day for conception

A slightly more accurate way to determine exactly when the period favorable for conception will occur. To do this, you need to know all the cyclic dates for the last six months, or even better - for the year. Next, you need to make calculations using the following algorithm:

  • Determine the duration of the longest and shortest cycles.
  • Subtract 18 from the shortest one. The resulting figure will be the date of the beginning of the fertile (favorable) period.
  • Subtract 11 from the longest one. The resulting figure will be the end date of the fertile period.
  • The interval between these values ​​is the period when the probability of conception increases by 50–70%.

The described methods are effective only under one condition - the menstrual cycle is constant, and the woman monitors its duration (knows exactly the start and end dates of menstruation) for at least 6 months.

If your cycle is inconsistent, you can determine ovulation using other methods.

With an irregular cycle

Basal temperature measurement

- this is the most low temperature human body, which is measured during rest. You need to measure it in the morning, before getting out of bed. The most optimal method is to measure the temperature in the rectum ( anus), although you can insert the thermometer into oral cavity(under the tongue) or in the vagina.

Measurements must be carried out for at least three months. This is important for the reliability of the data obtained and the accuracy of the graph. The data should be recorded in a special notebook, preferably so that the curve of the rise and fall of the values ​​can be clearly recorded.

The thermometer should be held for at least 5 minutes, and measurements should begin on day 1 of the cycle.

How to decipher the result?

  • During menstruation, the temperature will be quite high, after which it will decline (this usually happens towards the middle of the cycle).
  • At the moment of ovulation basal values temperatures rise sharply by 0.2–0.6 degrees. Such values ​​can last up to two weeks.
  • Before the next monthly period, the thermometer will drop again.

The lowest temperature values ​​recorded before the next increase will be considered ovulation.

Ovulation tests - help you get pregnant

The most popular and fairly reliable method for determining ovulation.

The principle of operation of these tests is similar to similar strips for determining pregnancy, which are used when there is a delay to confirm or exclude the possibility of pregnancy.

The only difference is that ovulation test strips determine the content of LH (luteinizing hormone) in the urine, which reaches maximum concentration 24 hours before the eggs leave the follicle cavity.

These tests must be carried out every day during the fertile period - this is the only way the accuracy of the result will be close to 98%.

Saliva testing: the “fern” method

At the time of ovulation, the amount increases female hormones– estrogens. Under their influence, the composition of the salivary secretion changes, in which the level of sodium chloride (salt) almost doubles. If you apply such saliva to glass on the day of ovulation, then as it dries, you will see a pattern similar to fern leaves. Small salt crystals form on the surface of the glass - this picture can be observed 72 hours before and after ovulation.

Available for sale special devices to conduct such testing. They are convenient and easy to use, and the accuracy of the results obtained ranges from 90 to 96–97%.

Ultrasound monitoring

The most reliable method that allows you to accurately calculate the day of ovulation to increase the likelihood of conception. Ultrasound monitoring (folliculogram) is a dynamic observation of the growth and maturation of follicles and the expulsion of eggs.

This study is called monitoring, as observation is carried out over time. This means that the frequency of examination using a transvaginal sensor is every day for the period necessary to establish a diagnosis or confirm the fact of ovulation.

This method is used in the treatment of infertility and IVF, since only with the help of a sensor can one assess the condition of the organs of the female reproductive system and determine whether positive dynamics occur in response to therapy as part of artificial stimulation of ovulation.

Constant monitoring is also necessary for polycystic ovary syndrome, and in some cases with this disease, the study can be carried out for 3 months in a row (with two-week breaks).

What can be assessed using ultrasound monitoring:

  • growth and maturation of the dominant follicle on the eve of ovulation;
  • the appearance of free fluid after ovulation;
  • destruction of the walls of the main follicle;
  • formation of the corpus luteum at the site of maturation of the dominant follicle.

For the first time, the patient should come for the study on the 6th day of the cycle; in the future, the procedure will be repeated every day until ovulation occurs. A control ultrasound should be performed no later than 3 days after the date of release of the eggs from the cavity of the dominant follicle.

Among the listed methods for determining ovulation, there are none that would 100% guarantee an accurate result. Even during ultrasound monitoring, small errors are possible, since there is a human factor, and the possibility of error cannot be completely eliminated. However, using these methods, you can increase your chances of successful conception at least half, so you definitely shouldn’t neglect them.

In this work you can find the answer to the most common question of girls dreaming of having a child: how to recognize ovulation? There are times when a couple has quite active sex, but the long-awaited result still does not come. What to do in this situation? Of course, you can sign up for quite expensive procedures and try to find out the reason there. But maybe it's because you're just having sex at the wrong time?

As you know, conception is possible only at the moment the egg leaves the follicle. This process is commonly called ovulation. Today we will talk about how to recognize ovulation not only with the help of specialists, but also independently, at home.

When is fertilization possible?

Before we look at everything possible methods, we suggest you get to know a little about the process of fertilization of an egg and the process of ovulation. It is also important to point out that the question of how to recognize ovulation also plagues those women who seek to avoid pregnancy.

In order to answer main question, you need to get to know a little female physiology. Ovulation occurs almost every month if the girl is in reproductive age and healthy. As a rule, the probability of pregnancy is high for only about two days a month. These days fall in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Here are some approximate calculations:

  • 28-day cycle - ovulation occurs on the 12th day;
  • 35-day cycle - on the 17th day.

It should be taken into account that everyone’s body is individual, you need to listen carefully to your body, then you will not be able to miss the moment of ovulation.

What is this?

Now we will tell you a little about what ovulation is. This concept is very important for girls who dream of getting pregnant. The ovulation process has great importance when planning pregnancy. After all, if it does not happen, then pregnancy is impossible.

To put it briefly and accessible language, then ovulation is the process of an egg leaving the follicle that is fully mature and ready for fertilization. It lasts only a couple of minutes, once the mature egg has entered the abdominal cavity, the ovulation process is considered complete.

Even in prenatal development, girls lay eggs; there are about a million of them. Until puberty, the eggs remain dormant. However, some of them die without waiting to emerge from the follicle. By the time of her first menstruation, a girl has about 300 thousand follicles. Of this number, only about 500 ovulate during the entire reproductive period.

In order to answer the question of how to recognize ovulation, it is necessary to clarify the fact that ovulation may not occur every month. However, there are cases when several follicles mature and burst at once. If this happens, then a multiple pregnancy is possible.


From this part of the article you can learn how to recognize ovulation on your own or with the help of specialists. There are several methods in total:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • blood analysis;
  • rapid test;
  • listen to feelings;
  • observe vaginal discharge;
  • construction method

The most accurate result will be one confirmed by several methods for recognizing ovulation. However, some of them can take a big toll on your wallet. For example, if you go for an ultrasound every day or use rapid tests. Most correct option- calculate approximate days ovulation using the calendar method, confirm or refute your calculations using a test strip.


In this section you will learn how to recognize ovulation by ultrasound. Ultrasound examination is carried out in a number of cases, from determining the cause of an irregular cycle to diagnosing infertility.

A gynecologist may prescribe an ultrasound to track ovulation if there are the following problems:

  • painful periods;
  • their absence;
  • when stimulating egg maturation;
  • in the treatment or diagnosis of infertility;
  • if a woman is preparing for an IVF procedure;
  • with poor results of hormone tests;
  • if a woman is planning a pregnancy after an abortion, miscarriage, etc.;
  • for the selection of contraceptives.

Many people are interested in the question: how is ultrasound performed to determine ovulation? There are three methods of examination:

  • transvaginal;
  • transrectal;
  • transabdominal.

The first two methods are internal, the last is external. The most common option is transvaginal. The transrectal method is used to study virgins, and the transabdominal method is used to study pregnant women.

It has already been mentioned that the transvaginal method is most widespread. During the procedure, a sensor is inserted directly into the vagina. An ultrasound examination using this method takes no more than 30 minutes, no pain During this, the woman does not experience.

The advantage of this examination is that you do not need to prepare for it at all. Need to shower and defecate bladder. You need to take a regular condom with you.

Blood analysis

How does approaching ovulation manifest itself? How to recognize it using laboratory method? In this section you will find out the answers to these questions.

As you know, the menstrual cycle is impossible without the participation of many hormones. The main ones are: FSH, LH, progesterone. Let's tell you a little more about each of them.

Follicle stimulating hormone, also called FSH, promotes the maturation of follicles that are located in the ovaries. If the hormone content exceeds maximum rate, then the follicle simply ruptures, thus releasing the egg. At this moment, ovulation occurs. Then the concentration gradually decreases.

Next on our list was luteinizing hormone. This is what the rapid ovulation test is trying to identify. It is important to know that the day before ovulation the amount of this hormone increases approximately tenfold. If you decide to take a blood test for hormones to determine ovulation, you also need to know that it is important not only its presence in the blood, but also its ratio with FSH. This ratio should be approximately this: LH:FSH = 1.5:2.0. At regular cycle this analysis must be done on days 3-8 and 19-21 of the cycle. FSH is also given on the same days. If the cycle is irregular, then ovulation must be monitored by taking a test daily from the 8th to the 18th day of the cycle.

The last thing we noted was progesterone. It is also called the pregnancy hormone. It received this name for a reason, the whole point is that progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum and protects the embryo from miscarriage. Its deficiency can cause infertility.

This method of determining ovulation helps not only to determine the exact day of its onset, but also to identify hormonal imbalances. A blood test for hormones is best combined with ultrasound examination, so the result will be more accurate.

Now we propose to identify the pros and cons of this method. This information can be obtained from the table below.

Test strips

Now we will discuss another method. How to recognize ovulation when irregular cycle? In fact, this is not so easy to do. You can spend a lot of time and money, go to the clinic for long studies. Take place regularly ultrasound examination, take blood tests and so on. There is a less expensive way.

Girls often use rapid tests to determine pregnancy, but few people know that there are similar test strips for determining ovulation. The advantage of this method is that you can carry out the test at home, on your own, and there are no significant material costs.

Prices for these express tests vary from 30 rubles to 1.5 thousand. The probability is quite high, approximately 90%.

Now a little about the method of application. First you need to decide on the day. With a regular cycle, subtract the number "17" from its length, then you will get the day of the cycle on which you need to test. With an irregular cycle, you need to take the length of the shortest one for the last half of the year and also subtract 17.

  • do not drink for 4 hours before the test;
  • refrain from going to the toilet 2 hours before;
  • follow the instructions specifically for your test;
  • do not use morning urine;
  • for a more accurate result, do it 2-3 times a day (the most suitable time is from 10 am to 10 pm).


In this section you will learn how to recognize ovulation by sensations. It is important to understand that you will not be able to feel the process of tearing the follicle. The reason lies in the fact that he does not have nerve endings. But the egg begins to move along fallopian tubes as a result of their contractions, which can affect the physical and emotional state.

So, how to recognize ovulation by sensation? The following symptoms may appear:

  • slight pain in the ovarian area, it may have different character(aching, cutting, stabbing, cramping, and so on), it continues for 1-2 days;
  • pain after ovulation (this may indicate inflammatory processes, you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist);
  • the day before ovulation, a girl may be in a very good emotional state;
  • sexual activity increases;
  • Your mood improves and you feel more confident.

It should be noted here that each organism is individual, the signs may be different. In order to determine ovulation, you need to listen carefully to your body.


In this section we will tell you how to recognize ovulation by discharge. It is important for all girls to know that the cervix secretes special mucus, which helps sperm survive and move through the reproductive tract. If a girl is attentive to her body, then she knows how to recognize ovulation by the discharge.

First after menstruation is coming the so-called dry period. During this period of time there is practically no discharge, as there is a low level of estrogen. There may be discharge, but it is very thick, this is necessary for the formation of a cervical plug. It is needed to prevent any infection or sperm from entering the uterus.

Shortly before the day of ovulation, estrogen levels begin to rise, cervical mucus becomes more liquid and sticky. After this, it acquires a creamy texture. Such discharge is considered normal if certain conditions are met:

  • the discharge resembles jelly and is transparent in color;
  • they are observed in small numbers;
  • have no odor;
  • do not have a bad effect on the skin;
  • no itching;
  • no pain;
  • No elevated temperature bodies.

As the egg matures, the nature of the cervical discharge changes. One day and up to 2 days after ovulation, they acquire a consistency similar to raw egg white. Don’t worry if the discharge becomes very heavy, this is considered normal.

It is also necessary to clarify that the nature of the discharge and its duration are individual for everyone.

Calendar method

Now we will share another method on how to recognize ovulation without a test. Previously used for this purpose regular calendar. The essence of the method is as follows: be sure to mark every day of menstruation for a long period of time. For a more accurate result, it is usually analyzed from 6 months to a year.

It is also important to point out that the probability of determining exact day ovulation using the calendar method is very small. How it works? Record the start dates of the last 12 menstruation, then apply the Ogino-Knaus method. First formula: A = B - 18; second formula: C = D - 11. A is the beginning of a period favorable for conception, B is the duration of a short cycle, C is the end of a favorable period, D is the duration of the longest cycle.

Basal temperature measurement

In this part of the article you will learn how to recognize the day of ovulation using paper, pen and regular thermometer. This method is more accurate relative to the calendar method. In order to calculate the day of ovulation, it is necessary to analyze the schedule of at least 3 cycles.

For these purposes, basal temperature is measured using one of the following methods:

  • in the oral cavity;
  • in the rectum;
  • in the vagina.

Since temperature must be measured every day (even during menstruation), the most optimal option is to measure it in the rectum.

To calculate, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • measure temperature daily;
  • if you use oral method, then the thermometer should be kept under the tongue for at least 5 minutes, while pressing the lips tightly;
  • if you use the vaginal or rectal method, you need to insert about 3 centimeters and measure the temperature for 4 minutes;
  • always use the same thermometer;
  • you need to measure your temperature in the morning without getting out of bed;
  • record the obtained result in a special chart.

Reading the graph

In the previous section, you learned how to recognize ovulation at home using a thermometer. Now a little about how to read the resulting graph.

From the first day of menstruation, the basal temperature is high; in the middle of the cycle it decreases. It is necessary to look for ovulation around this period. It can be recognized by a jump from 0.2 to 0.6 degrees. After this drop, the temperature will remain at this level for up to 2 weeks. On the eve of menstruation, the temperature drops. The day of ovulation is considered to be the day when the basal temperature is lowest before the jump.

Now you can easily predict the day of ovulation. Most favorable period for conception - two days before the jump and the day after it.

Any woman needs to listen to her body. Conceiving a child is a delicate matter, and it can take a long time before it happens. Today we will talk about egg maturation. And first, you should definitely find out what an ovulation calculator is.

Why does a woman need to know when the egg matures?

Any girl in adolescence menstruation appears. This usually happens at 13-15 years of age. This serves as a signal that ovulation will occur in the body every month. Calculating ovulation only needs to be done in some cases, but in principle, any woman should know when this process occurs and how long it takes. On ovulation days, the body works differently, which can even cause mood changes.

How to calculate a woman's ovulation?

There are several ways to calculate the days of ovulation. The most convenient is an online calculator. There is such a calculator on our website. The calculation is quite simple. To find out when the egg matures, you need to calculate how long your critical days last and what time they usually occur.

If the girl is healthy, then it is usually very easy to count the days of ovulation, since menstruation occurs regularly at the same period. With an irregular cycle, everything is not so simple. You can try using an online calculator, but it is worth noting that with an unstable cycle there may be a large error. Calculating maturation in such a situation is quite difficult, and doctors usually prescribe other special procedures.

The days of ovulation in such a cycle are best determined using medical tests. Nowadays, pharmacies have special tests to determine ovulation. They work on the same principle as pregnancy tests. Throughout the entire cycle, you will need to carry out a test every day; when it shows two stripes, this means that the egg has matured.

Another way to determine the days of ovulation is to do an ultrasound. Usually, with an irregular cycle, this is how it is determined when the egg matures. It is worth noting that calculating the date in the usual way It's hard enough. This procedure is most often prescribed when a woman wants to get pregnant.

Why do you need to calculate egg maturation?

When this process occurs, you need to know for several reasons:

  1. If you know when you will ovulate, you can calculate relatively safe days. These are the days when you can have unprotected sex with your partner without risking pregnancy. These days can only be determined by knowing exactly when the egg matures, since on the days of maturation there is the greatest chance of getting pregnant.
  2. The second reason you need to know your ovulation days is if you want to get pregnant. Many girls face a problem when desired pregnancy does not come for a long time. This can happen because the wrong days are chosen to try to conceive. You need to have sexual relations precisely on the days of ovulation, then the likelihood of getting pregnant is much greater.

If you have stable cycle, determining the maturation of the egg does not require difficulty. Our calculator will help you calculate everything correctly. It is worth noting that in addition to the fact that such a calculator is very useful, it can be used for free.

And if everything goes well, we have special calculators that help calculate the due date. To use it, you need to know the gestational age, the date of the last critical days, which will help calculate ovulation and find out when the baby will be born.