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The Persian cat's eyes run brown. Causes of purulent discharge from the eyes of a cat

A small amount of clear discharge is normal, but if the cat has brown discharge from the eyes, then this alarm signal, which may indicate the development of some pathology. When dark discharge If symptoms from a cat's eyes do not go away for several days, you should carefully observe the animal's behavior, evaluate possible provoking factors, and seek help from a specialist.

A cat's vision is much sharper than a human's. It helps her navigate space, hunt, quickly get acquainted with new surroundings and see in the dark.

Cats normally excrete a small amount clear liquid from the eyes. The discharge is odorless and almost colorless. Its quantity is quite scanty and has a semi-liquid consistency. It helps to cleanse the organs of vision from dust, foreign bodies (crumbs, tiny debris) and other contaminants.

In some cases, increased fluid separation is characteristic of certain breeds. For example, this is typical for Persian cats, which have a genetic disorder normal operation nasolacrimal duct.

It is also common for your pet to experience excessive tearing after sleep. The result may be an accumulation of so-called “sour marks” in the corners of the eyes, which the cat will remove on its own during hygiene procedures.


When a cat develops dark purulent discharge from the eyes, this indicates the development of some disease. Pathology may affect various organs and systems, but manifest themselves as a similar symptom. Thus, dark discharge is a consequence of disruption of the body.

The most common causes of non-infectious discharge from the eye in a cat are:

  • head or eye injuries;
  • a foreign body caught on the cornea or in the lacrimal canal;
  • allergy;
  • pathologically narrow lumens of the lacrimal canals, which impedes the normal flow of fluid through them;
  • dacryocystitis (obstruction of the tear duct caused by congenital anomalies or inflammatory process);
  • congenital disorder of eyelash growth, which causes constant irritation of the cornea;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms, which mechanically act on the tear ducts, squeezing their lumen.

Dark and even black discharge from a cat’s eyes can occur as a result of infectious diseases:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids);
  • uveitis (inflammation of the membrane of the eyeball);
  • iridocyclitis (impaired functioning of the eye vessels);
  • viral diseases.

In addition, dark discharge may appear as a result of glaucoma, which developed after a long inflammatory disease, surgical intervention or dystrophic disease organs of vision.

Important! Glaucoma is very dangerous condition, which can lead to the removal of the entire eyeball.

Symptoms of pathology

The nature of the discharge will help determine which disorder contributed to the appearance of the pathological discharge:

  • purulent exudate light brown, yellow or greenish color may indicate bacterial conjunctivitis, keratitis, viral infection and various eye diseases bacterial origin;
  • thick, cloudy mucus: various viral diseases (no discharge of pus is observed);
  • milky exudate: cat flu;
  • brown discharge: most common reasons– epiphora, which develops as a result of obstruction of the lacrimal ducts (accompanied by dermatitis, hair loss in the eye sockets, itching);
  • profuse lacrimation accompanied by reddening of the proteins, frequent blinking, photophobia: allergic reaction, penetration foreign body, trauma;
  • red liquid: usually this also means brown discharge, but it has a reddish tint in animals of light or white color;
  • clear, watery, odorless liquid: normal if lacrimation goes away after a short period of time.

Important! Additional signs of an infectious disease in an animal will be loss of appetite, lethargy, and a dry nose.


If your pet shows signs of pathology, the best option is to take it to the veterinarian. However, this is not always possible, so you can do your own rinsing at home.

The procedure is carried out using antiseptic solution, does not contain alcohol. This can be a decoction of chamomile or oak bark, or a solution of furatsilin. To perform the manipulation as efficiently and safely as possible, you should adhere to the recommendations presented below:

  1. Before and after the procedure, you must treat your hands with an antiseptic.
  2. It is better to carry out the manipulation together to securely fix the pet so that it does not harm either itself or the person.
  3. The eyes should be treated with gauze or a cosmetic swab that does not leave lint.
  4. The rinsing solution should be warm and weak.
  5. If the animal's eyelids or eyelashes are stuck together, you can briefly apply a well-moistened swab to this area.
  6. Treatment is carried out in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the outer corners.
  7. Along with the eyes, it is necessary to wipe the cheeks, nose and eyebrows.

How to wash your cat's eyes: video

Important! You should not delay home treatment if dark or black discharge does not go away after 1-2 days. A progressive disease can lead to blindness of the pet.

For the treatment of pathological discharge veterinarian will prescribe treatment to eliminate the very cause of this phenomenon. Diagnostic tests may be required, including corneal scrapings, blood tests, and more. complex methods examinations (conducting PCR reactions, ELISA, X-ray, etc.).

Depending on the pathology, the doctor will prescribe medications and give recommendations for their use. These may be antimicrobial, antibacterial agents, which are applied topically, orally or by injection. Obstruction of the nasolacrimal ducts, entropion of the eyelids, and tumor growths are eliminated surgically.


Normally, the animal takes care of its own hygiene. However, if due individual characteristics If your pet cannot clean the eye area, it is recommended to use special lotions to prevent the development of infection.

To protect the cat from pathological discharge It is enough to follow measures to maintain his general health:

  • provide quality balanced diet;
  • get immunized on time;
  • keep active;
  • protect from contact with sick animals.

Yours furry pet she is very pretty, cheerful and cheerful, but suddenly you noticed that something was flowing from her eyes. Even if it doesn't bother your cat at all, you should be responsible and contact a veterinarian!

After all, you care about her health! In our article we will talk about the causes of this problem and how you can cure cat eyes.

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Causes of eye discharge in a kitten

Some fluid in the eyes of cats is normal, as long as it is clear and in small quantities. Perhaps all owners have noticed how their pet’s eyes water after sleep. But greenish, yellow or brown discharge from a kitten’s eyes should alert you! They often wear inflammatory nature and require treatment by a veterinary ophthalmologist.

Let's find out which discharges are pathological*.

* Our table is for informational purposes only. The final diagnosis will be made by a veterinarian-ophthalmologist.

** Please note that there are cat breeds (for example, Persian) for which brown discharge is normal. Due to the characteristic flat muzzle tear ducts they are structured in a special way.

It happens that a kitten is bothered by discharge not only from the eyes, but also from the nose. Please note: if a runny nose looks like pus, then it is not related to a common cold, and your pet urgently needs treatment! In adult cats, it may indicate the following diseases:

veterinarians at the clinic

  • Inflammation and damage
  • Viral rhinotracheitis
  • Mycoplasmosis
  • Chlamydia
  • Panleukopenia (feline distemper)
  • Polyps
  • Tumors (lymphosarcoma, adenocarcinoma, etc.)

Pus is an unpleasant substance and there are many varieties of it. Veterinarians distinguish:

As for baby kittens, purulent nasal discharge often appears due to:

  • hypothermia;
  • malnutrition;
  • poor living conditions;
  • infections.

As you can see, dangerous diseases Cats that are not vaccinated on time are susceptible. When picking up a kitten on the street, be prepared for the fact that he will have a whole bunch of diseases. The sooner you show your foundling to the veterinarians, the better.

Video: Discharge from a kitten's eyes

Why does a kitten have discharge from the eyes and what medications will the doctor prescribe?

If you have a little fluffy at home, or you took him from the street, the first thing to do is take care of his eyes. A kitten that is insufficiently watched over by its mother cat often looks at the world through a veil of tears. Help your pet: take a cotton swab soaked in boiled water or chamomile infusion, and gently wipe his eyes. If you see that they are clean and clear, then everything is in order. If appearance does not improve, call a veterinarian and ophthalmologist.

When the cause has already been established purulent discharge from the eyes of a kitten, you will have to treat it according to all the rules. Usually the doctor prescribes therapy for the underlying disease (injections, droppers, tablets), as well as solutions for local application. You will have to get pretty creative to do a good rinse. After all, an obstinate pet is unlikely to like this procedure. It is more convenient to wash the cat’s eyes together with an assistant.

  1. Hold the animal in one position by squeezing its paws.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in warm solution Chlorhexidine.
  3. If the eyelids are stuck together from pus, you should moisten them and open them slightly.
  4. Squeeze the liquid from the swab into your pet's eye.

Prevention of eye diseases in cats

We have listed the types of eye discharge. As you can see, they often arise as a result of poor animal care. Employees of cat shelters, looking for newborn kittens in basements and entrances, often encounter these problems. Persistent treatment usually gives good results, and the healthy state of the eyes can be restored.

But unpleasant discharge from the eyes they also occur in cats that live with their owner. If vaccinations against major infectious diseases are not carried out on time, animals can become victims of eye diseases. Therefore, veterinarians strongly advise vaccination on schedule. You also need to follow basic hygiene rules - periodically do wet cleaning and ventilate the room. By the way, this will benefit not only the pet, but also its owner!

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Cat lovers pay attention great attention condition of the pet's eyes (oculorum). Felinologists are concerned about discharge. If after sleep a small portion of mucus accumulates in the corner of the eye, which, when dried, forms small crusts, there is nothing to worry about. They are removed with a napkin or gauze moistened with water, weak tea, herbal decoction, or eye drops.

When discharge from the eyes becomes regular, photophobia occurs, rubbing the oculorum with the paw, it is necessary to seek help veterinary care. Most likely the cat serious illness. In this case, trying to cure your pet yourself can be harmful.

Medicinal drops will slightly improve the animal's condition, but will not eliminate the cause of the disease, which may result in blindness.


Discharge from the eyes is typical for the following: ophthalmological diseases:

  • - inflammation of the mucous wall of the oculorum.
  • Epiphora - excessive secretion of tears.
  • Uveitis - inflammation vascular wall eyes.
  • Keratitis - inflammatio of the cornea.

With conjunctivitis, the eye becomes red or brown, and the cat reacts painfully to bright lighting. Watery, mucous or purulent exudate flows from the organ of vision. The transparent membrane oculorum has defects in the form of wounds or ulcers.

Epiphora is characterized by profuse leakage of fluid from the eye, which floods the entire face. The cause of the pathology may be an allergic response to an irritant, defensive reaction to remove the chemical that has entered the organs of vision, blockage of the tear duct.

Keratitis is not characterized by tears, but thick yellowish or greenish discharge. The eyelids stick together and become crusty.

Most eye diseases accompanied by discharge occur against the background of weakened immunity, which is caused by the following reasons:

  • Infectious. Symptoms of drain are characteristic of Rhinotracheitis, Panleukopenia, Calcivirosis, Chlamydia.
  • Invasive. Discharge from the eyes is characteristic of toxoplasmosis. Ophthalmic diseases occur with some helminthiases.
  • Allergic.
  • Chronic non-communicable diseases - diabetes, pathology of the liver, kidneys, digestive organs.
  • Mechanical injuries.
  • Hair getting into the oculorum. Occurs in long-haired cats.
  • Breed predisposition. Persians and Britons are prone to tearfulness. The anatomical uniqueness of Rexes and Sphinxes is characterized by a tendency to turn up the eyelids.
  • Old age.


A fellinologist can independently make a preliminary diagnosis based on the nature of the drain. Transparent tears indicate an allergic etiology of discharge. Dyed brown yellow or green color discharge indicates infectious nature anomalies.

To identify the pathogen, swabs from inflamed eyes are collected. Treatment prescribed by a veterinarian is to wash the eyes medications. The procedures are performed by the cat owner after a short instruction.

Anamnesis plays a decisive role in making a diagnosis. Self-respecting owner purebred cat keeps a diary in which he records in detail everything that happens to the pet. He must pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • The nature of the exudate is turbidity or transparency. Exudate color.
  • Dynamics. When discharge appeared from the eye, did both oculorum immediately flow, or at first one?
  • Accompanying illnesses. What does your pet suffer from?
  • When and with what vaccine was the cat vaccinated?
  • Date of disinsection and deworming of the animal. Used drugs.

Based on anamnesis and clinical signs, the diagnostician establishes a preliminary diagnosis and prescribes additional research which will help determine the exact cause of the pathology.


Diagnosis may take some time, but therapeutic measures it is necessary to start immediately so as not to start the disease. While the cause of the disease is being clarified, symptomatic remedies are used. These are eye washes that the animal owner purchases as prescribed by a veterinarian.

To rinse the oculorum, you need cotton pads, gauze pads, a pipette or syringe, and an incentive treat.

The eye cleansing procedure consists of successive steps:

  • Reliable fixation that protects the owner from the pet's claws.
  • Preparing the medication for application to the sore eye.
  • Preparing the organ of vision for a medical procedure. The fellinologist carefully parts the inflamed eyelids. Moistens the napkin with the medicine, washes off the exudate, softens and removes scabs, moving from the outer corner of the oculorum to the inner.
  • Instilling liquid or applying ointment under the eyelids.
  • Drying the eye with a new napkin.
  • The cat is stroked, praised, and treated with an encouraging treat so that it does not interfere with the procedure in the future.

The frequency of such actions and the duration of the medication course. determined by a veterinarian. After the final diagnosis is established, treatment is adjusted. Symptomatic remedies replace or leave the same. Prescribe antibiotic therapy, anti-inflammatory, painkillers, antihistamines, immunomodulators.

Owners of domestic cats often encounter such a problem when the eye “runs”, but this problem practically does not bother the animal. But is this normal? Brown discharge from a cat's eyes may indicate the development of some disease, but accurate diagnosis by this criterion alone it is impossible. It is important to know what is normal for a cat and what is not, what are the causes of deviations, and how to cure a large or small kitten.

Normal discharge

IN healthy condition In cats, a liquid or semi-liquid substance is secreted from the organs of vision; it is transparent and rather scanty. This process may be due external stimuli: smoke, dust, chemicals. In this case, the discharge passes quickly and does not bother the pet.

After sleep, your eyes may also become watery. The liquid coming out of them is normal phenomenon for some cat breeds, one of them is the Persian breed, since the flat shape of the head and nose does not allow the nasolacrimal ducts to function effectively enough.

If the fluid is abundant, thick or looks like pus, then most likely the process is inflammatory in nature. It is necessary to show your pet to the veterinarian when brown or black discharge is observed from the cat’s eyes.

Types of discharge

Discharge from the eyes of cats varies in color and consistency. The substance that comes out can be completely liquid or thicker, and with a protracted inflammatory process it acquires a purulent consistency.

Brown discharge is most often found in the corners of a cat's eyes, but it can also be greenish, red, yellow or white. If such a thing is found external sign The animal must be shown to a veterinarian. The veterinarian will find out the exact cause and then prescribe appropriate therapeutic methods.

Symptoms of eye diseases

Reason pathological process will tell you the appearance of the discharge:

  1. Purulent (characteristic yellowish or green tint) – infectious diseases caused by microorganisms (blepharitis, conjunctivitis), as well as allergies.
  2. Brown - due to epiphora, which occurs due to obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct.
  3. White, opaque, may be a sign of cat flu, in which case the kitten should be isolated from other animals and consult a doctor immediately.
  4. Watery and colorless - are not pathogenic, caused by reactions to external allergens.

Often unpleasant symptoms appear due to mechanical damage visual organ. In a cat, brown discharge from the eye is observed when dust gets into it or injuries to the corneal layer.

Only a qualified veterinarian can determine the exact factor; he will examine the animal and prescribe the necessary procedures.

It is important to know what is normal for a cat and what is not, what are the causes of deviations, and how to cure a large or small kitten. Source: Flickr (Bill_Dolak)

Treatment and rinsing of eyes

If the fluid released from the eyes of cats is not normal, then the doctor will provide treatment. The main therapy concerns a disease that has caused the release of a clear or cloudy substance from the eyes of a pet.

However, comprehensive care also includes measures to relieve eye inflammation and stop tearing, as a result of which the veterinarian prescribes antibacterial drops, as well as rinsing.

What is allowed to be used for these purposes: water (slightly warm), tea, decoction of medicinal chamomile, solution of furatsilin, solution of boric acid.

Instructions for this procedure:

  1. The animal should be held tightly with its paws clenched, so two people should wash its eyes.
  2. Soak the prepared cotton swab in the medicinal solution.
  3. Squeeze the product onto eyeball pet.
  4. If the cat's eyelids are glued together, you need to apply the solution to them.
  5. If the animal's eyelashes have stuck together due to purulent discharge, then it is necessary to run moistened cotton wool from the nose to the corner of the eye along the eyelash line, and then thoroughly rinse the eye itself.

Prevention of eye diseases

Prevention of various diseases, including eye diseases, is of great importance in raising and maintaining a kitten. To prevent dark discharge from your cat’s eyes, you should carefully monitor the cleanliness of the house, get vaccinations on schedule, and treat all diseases in a timely manner.

Such symptoms do not in themselves cause great danger For pet, however, they can indicate the presence of various diseases. If this sign is detected, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. You should not self-medicate your cat, because improper therapy can cause serious harm the health of your furry pet.

Video on the topic

What can brown, greenish, pink and black discharge indicate? cat eyes? The two main options are a bacterial infection or a virus. If treatment is not started on time, some pathology may develop. This is why it is so important to consult a veterinarian as soon as you notice discharge from the eyes of cats. But unfortunately, it is not always possible to do this quickly. How to help pets? And how to find out the cause of “crying” eyes? Let's figure it out together.

Wet eyes are normal

If the owner notices discharge from the eyes of cats in the form of a light, transparent liquid, there is no need to panic. This is completely normal for a healthy animal. Wet eyes can occur both after sleep and throughout the day.

But if the owner regularly observes purulent or colored discharge, this is serious reason for anxiety.

For example, you notice a discharge from your cat’s eyes Brown. What could this mean? Or, say, if the animal has greenish discharge? Now let's look at this in detail.

Brown discharge

Let us warn you right away: this is not an infection. Most likely, brown discharge is associated with impaired tear outflow. What pathologies and diseases are indicated by brown discharge from the eyes of cats? The list is:

  • Small tear ducts.
  • Eye injury.

    Non-infectious inflammation of the lacrimal sac.


    Neoplasms compressing the tear ducts.

    Foreign body in the lumen of the lacrimal canal.

Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis. Self-treatment can only aggravate the situation, leading to irreversible consequences.

By the way, about brown discharge. Very rare, but they are associated with improper feeding. Many owners are aware that they should not feed their pet dry food and homemade food simultaneously. One thing should be in the diet. But they still continue to do this.

If this is how you feed your cat, try removing the kibble or regular food. After a few days, the discharge will disappear on its own. If this does not happen, you will have to go to the vet.

The cat is crying

Sometimes the owner notices heavy discharge from the eyes of cats. Moreover, they are transparent and have no unpleasant odor. What it is? Most likely, your pet is allergic to something. Abundant transparent discharge from the eyes in most cases indicate an allergy. In addition, there is redness and swelling of the eyelids.

What can cause the disease? Anything from food to litter for the tray.

How to help a cat?

So, what should you do if your cat has excessive watery eyes and brown discharge? Is treatment at home possible? At first, you can wipe your pet’s eyes with an antiseptic that does not contain alcohol. In the second case, as we already know, it is advisable to show the pet to a veterinarian. If this is not possible, a chamomile solution will help. They rub their eyes 3-5 times a day.

Infectious diseases

The first sign of infection is discharge from the eyes of cats. Greenish, milky and yellow discharge indicate the presence of such diseases:

    Bacterial conjunctivitis.

    Inflammation of the eyelids.

    Diseases of the ocular vessels.

    Inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye.


What to do in this case? Alas, but when we're talking about O bacterial infection, you simply cannot do without the help of a veterinarian. The longer you delay with it, the higher the likelihood of developing pathology. Fighting it is much harder than killing the disease in the bud.

Let's start with the fact that if your pet is a representative of the Persian breed, then you do not need to be afraid of such discharge. Pink discharge of the eyes in cats are associated with the structural features of the nose and eyes.

In other cases, pinkish-brown discharge may indicate trichiasis. This abnormal growth eyelashes It provokes a violation of the structure of the eyelids. As in the previous case, it is important to contact your veterinarian for help in a timely manner. The owner is powerless in this situation.

Eyes fester

Does your cat have brown, hard discharge in her eyes? This is dried pus. What to do if your cat's eyes are infected? First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause. Most likely it is bacterial conjunctivitis.

To definitely find out this, it is necessary to undergo bacterial culture tests. This is done in veterinary clinic. A swab is taken from the cat's eye. There is no need to panic, this is a quick procedure. The pet won’t even have time to feel anything.

It happens that only one eye of a cat festeres. In this case, it is likely that a foreign body has entered it, which led to inflammatory process.

How to treat?

We never tire of repeating that we first determine the cause of purulent discharge. Before your veterinarian gets involved, you can help your cat at home. Remove pus and discomfort using chamomile infusion, saline solution or antiseptic without alcohol.

Here you will need help from your household. One holds the pet, the second washes the eye. Take a cotton swab, twist it tightly and dip it in the solution. Squeeze onto the animal's eyelid.

If the eyes are glued together, then the solution is applied to the surface. Soon the eyes will open and it will be possible to wash them. If the eyelashes are stuck together, then the eye is rubbed with the solution over the surface until it opens. Cleaning is carried out with a cotton swab, moving to the corners of the eyes.

What does an owner need to know before rinsing a cat's eye?

    The solution should be warm. Do not use a product that is too hot or cold.

    When treating eyes, change cotton swabs as often as possible.

    It is strictly necessary to ensure that the tampon is wet. Contact of the eye with a dry swab is unacceptable. The material may stick to the surface of the eye, causing damage.

It is quite possible that the veterinarian will prescribe drops in the cat’s eyes for purulent discharge. Please do not use them yourself, without prescription from a specialist. This can be fraught with very serious consequences.

What drops are most often prescribed?

    "Leopard". If the cat purulent conjunctivitis, the purpose of these drops is not excluded. They are inexpensive but effective. Suitable for all breeds.

    "Iris". Prescribed for: Excellent for the treatment of diseases such as keratitis (eyelids) and blepharitis (swollen eyelids). Sometimes doctors prescribe drops for prevention.

    "Levomycetin". Kills all bacteria outright. Suitable for the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Drops are instilled into the cat's eyes as follows. Position the animal's head so that the eyes look up. The pipette is held at a distance of 2 cm from the eye and dripped. It is advisable to have someone help hold the pet during the procedure.

Cat Eye Care

Don't wait until you notice discharge from the eyes of cats. Every day, carefully examine your pet's face, paying attention to Special attention eyes. This especially applies to those animals that walk outside. In the evening, it is advisable to wipe your eyes with a swab dipped in chamomile solution or saline solution.

Black discharge from the eyes

The causes of black discharge from the eyes of a cat may be the following:

  • Respiratory infection.


Why are they dangerous? A signal that the pet’s health is not all right. let it not appear outwardly in any way, except for discharge from the eyes.

However, action needs to be taken now. Hurry with the animal to the veterinarian, he will prescribe necessary tests and treatment.

There is a possibility that the black discharge is a consequence of an eye injury, and not the presence of an infection in the cat’s body. A trip to the veterinarian is mandatory in any case, since the cause needs to be determined exactly.

Once again about transparent discharge

We have already mentioned above the profuse tearing of cat’s eyes. Now let us dwell in more detail on the issue of transparent discharge from the eyes of cats and the symptoms that accompany them. What should you pay attention to?

    If you notice clear discharge from your nose and eyes, this should alert you. A clear sign that the cat has calcivirus.

    The cat is lethargic, refuses to eat and tries to hide in a dark place.

    The collar and mouth are constantly wet due to copious discharge saliva.

    Occur in the mouth small sores filled with liquid. They burst, causing the cat great pain and unable to eat.

    The animal is constantly sneezing.

    Sores similar to those in the mouth appear on the nose.

Contact your veterinarian immediately. This is a very serious infection, and if it is not stopped in time, there is a high probability of your pet’s death.

Let's summarize

We figured out the reasons for the appearance of discharge from the eyes of cats. They can be caused by:

    infectious and viral diseases;

    disruption of lacrimal outflow;

    wrong diet.

In most cases, only a veterinarian can help your pet. But the owner can alleviate the discomfort before the cat is examined by a specialist. To do this, you need to wipe her eyes with a chamomile solution, saline solution or an antiseptic without alcohol.


Cats need treatment just like people. Unlike their owners, animals are helpless and completely dependent on them. Therefore, you should not wait until the last minute and ignore obvious signs of certain diseases. It is easier to prevent a disease than to deal with its consequences.