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What can you eat upon departure? What can you eat? Diet after food poisoning in adults

Food poisoning is a disruption of the digestive system due to the ingestion of poor-quality food or alcoholic beverages. Food products that carry bacteria and other microorganisms act as toxins, infecting the body. What can you eat if you are poisoned and how can you avoid it in the future?

Violation intestinal digestion may occur if you have used:

  • Expired products (46% of poisoning cases are caused by expired meat or fish products). Moreover, the manufacturer’s fault is only in 5% of cases;
  • Have not undergone proper heat treatment;
  • Poorly cooked rare meat or fish;
  • Long-term storage of meat in the refrigerator 35% of cases of poisoning;
  • Not fresh dairy products;
  • Raw eggs;
  • Unwashed vegetables and fruits.

If you eat outside the home, the risk of poisoning increases 7 times. Fast food has no competition, since you will not be able to trace all the stages of purchasing a product and preparing it properly.

When poisoned, the stomach and intestines stop working normally. The main signs of poisoning: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, diarrhea, abdominal pain. To start the digestive system, you need to take a comprehensive approach - medication and proper nutrition, which will help restore and cleanse the body.

Nutrition rules

In case of food poisoning, you need to get rid of toxins in the body - cleanse the contents of the stomach. If you are in a hospital, doctors will advise you to put in an IV and do an enema. If at home, you should induce vomiting, using the old-fashioned method - drink water with potassium permanganate, and then put two fingers in your mouth. If you don’t have potassium permanganate, make a solution with salt or soda.

When intoxicated, dehydration occurs and the main task is to restore water-salt balance. You need to drink a lot, because it’s not for nothing that the human body consists of 60% water.

You should drink boiled, still and mineral water, weak black tea with sugar, green tea, rosehip decoctions. Gases in mineral water will only irritate the gastric mucosa. Glucose from tea gives the body a detoxification effect, removes toxins, replenishes fluid losses and provides necessary nutrients which are necessary for the body to function.

On the first day of poisoning, it is not recommended to eat; you need to fast, except maybe a couple of crackers or biscuits. In the future, you can introduce chicken, lean broths with potatoes, mashed potatoes without oil, boiled vegetables (beets, carrots) and fruits ( baked apples). No spicy or fatty foods, exclude fermented milk products. The fermented milk environment only promotes the development of bacteria, irritates the gastric mucosa and contributes to the development of diarrhea. Porridge with water, without butter or milk.

You need to eat in small portions so as not to overload the digestive system. It is better to eat often, but little by little.

The diet should dominate:

  • Vegetable puree soup (zucchini, beetroot);
  • Brisket Noodle Soup;
  • Steamed fish or meat cutlets;
  • Porridge with water (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), puree;
  • Boiled or baked vegetables (beets, carrots);
  • Casserole, pumpkin pudding;
  • Dry biscuits (“Maria”), crackers;
  • Decoctions of chamomile, rosehip;
  • Dried fruit compote (apples, pears);
  • Simple boiled water or still mineral water;
  • Bananas.

Based on the patient’s well-being, you can watch and add some food products if you have an appetite and gradually return to your usual diet.

Colon cleansing drugs

  1. Activated carbon– a porous substance made from materials of organic origin (charcoal), which should be in every home medicine cabinet. Thanks to the absorbent ability of charcoal, toxins are absorbed and eliminated from the body.
  2. In ancient times, stove ash used in every possible way in medicine. Primarily for stomach pain. Oak ash was popular to stop bleeding.
  3. Rihydron sachet serves for recovery acid-base balance, impaired as a result of loss of electrolytes through vomiting and diarrhea.
  4. Any medications based on enterosorbents. Enterosorbents are special substances that bind, absorb, neutralize toxins and remove them from the body.
  5. Sorbexnatural remedy without chemical treatment, obtained from coconut shells. Smecta - drug natural origin, used to combat diarrhea. Absorbs bacteria and viruses in the stomach and absorbs them.
  6. Nifuroxosite acts as an antimicrobial drug. Thanks to the reception of this medicine the proliferation of microbes and antibactericidal action stops.

In children

The main cause of poisoning in children is unwashed hands. Bacteria enter the body through the mouth and begin to multiply, disrupting the functioning of the body. Symptoms are the same as in adults: abdominal pain in the stomach area, vomiting, diarrhea, high fever.

The first step is to cleanse the body of toxins by inducing vomiting ( activated carbon). Then give it to the child more liquid(dried fruit compotes, chamomile decoctions, weak, sugared teas). Every 10 min. Give a teaspoon alternately of glucose and Regidron.

Can be treated with nifuroxazide suspension according to the instructions for a measuring spoon 3 times a day depending on age. When the child does not feel better, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. If the child is breastfed, then it is worth temporarily stopping feeding and giving the baby boiled water. Breast milk will only promote the proliferation of bacteria and microbes. Once the baby gets better, you can continue breastfeeding. When artificially feeding, you should choose food without milk or formula.


  • Always wash your hands and face with soap before eating and after using the toilet.
  • Drink boiled water, eat fresh food food or after proper heat treatment. Feed children freshly prepared food, not worth a week in a refrigerator.
  • When swimming in bodies of water, you should ask your child to close his mouth, not to swallow water with any bacteria, and to drink activated carbon at home as a preventive measure.
  • Do not allow your child to pick and eat mushrooms. This is heavy food for a child's body.
  • You should not use products that do not inspire confidence if they look strange or specific smell food, you need to give it up immediately.
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In case of food poisoning, the gastrointestinal tract is primarily affected. Therefore, a strict diet is one of the most effective measures used to restore the normal course of various digestive processes. In the foreground is detoxification and neutralization of the symptoms of poisoning. After the main manifestations of intoxication have disappeared, you can begin to restore the stomach, mucous membranes, kidneys, liver and other affected organs.

After poisoning with various toxic substances, for example, mushrooms (regardless of how it manifested itself: in the form of vomiting, diarrhea), the gastrointestinal mucosa becomes inflamed, so any dietary restrictions are aimed specifically at full recovery functions of the digestive system. The harm is caused not so much by bacteria that need to be destroyed (that’s why antibiotics are rarely used in case of intoxication), but by the products of their vital activity, which are dangerous to the body.

Be sure to drink plenty of water at room temperature. It will not only restore the hydrolytic balance in the body after vomiting or diarrhea, but will also flush the stomach, on the walls of which intoxicants may still remain, causing poisoning. It is better if these are special liquids purchased at a pharmacy - Gastrolit, Regidron, Oralit. Regular still water will also work. mineral water, green tea, various decoctions(dill, rose hips, chamomile). It is advisable to drink every hour and a half, increasing the dose every other time: starting with a tablespoon and ending with a glass, but in small sips.

After a few days, you can add foods to your diet, but they must be in the right way processed. It is better to boil them or grind them as much as possible so that the food becomes pureed. This will greatly facilitate the work of the intestines.

Meals should be divided into several servings so as not to overstrain the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach must process small amounts slowly light food. This will make it easier for him to work, and his recovery will go faster. Food should always be warm or hot (from +15 to +50°C), since too cold food (as well as too hot) provokes vomiting.

If you cannot do without salt, you will still have to limit it and eat no more than 7-8 g per day. Over-salting foods and drinks irritates the mucous membrane and prevents its recovery.

Permitted and prohibited products

There is a verified list of foods that, according to nutritionists, can be eaten if poisoned:

  • decoction of vegetables, puree;
  • vegetable broths, often used during fasting;
  • rice and buckwheat porridge, boiled in water;
  • crackers and biscuits;
  • green tea;
  • dill infusion;
  • jelly from non-acidic fruits: bananas, apples, pears;
  • herbal drinks - chamomile or rosehip with honey.

Digestion of some foods due to their individual components is difficult for the intestines, so it is not recommended to consume them during the process of its recovery. Neglect of these rules can delay recovery for longer periods and provoke further development of inflammation and the occurrence of various diseases.

Prohibited products include:

  • dairy (milk, even after boiling, yoghurts and kefir);
  • seasonings (wasabi, ginger);
  • pastry shops (buns, biscuits, rolls, even fresh bread);
  • meat (boiled, smoked sausage, salo);
  • sour (compotes, fruits);
  • fish (fried, salted, even dried; under no circumstances should you eat caviar or canned food);
  • some porridges - pearl barley, millet and oatmeal;
  • unprocessed fruits and vegetables;
  • eggs (any processing).

You can prepare these products in another form - grind the meat as much as possible and boil it, make steam cutlets or meatballs for broth. But this is not allowed immediately. If you make minced meat, you need to pass it through a meat grinder twice to make sure that there are no solid elements left in the meat.

Cottage cheese can be cooked in the oven (soufflés and casseroles), adding chopped pieces of non-acidic and not too sweet fruit. You can cook jelly and compotes from them.

Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited. Especially in the first 5-7 days after poisoning. Alcohol is irritating digestive organs, causes vomiting and stops the regeneration of mucosal cells. If you allow yourself even a little beer, your liver and kidneys may suffer.

Five day diet

One of the ways to recover from poisoning is a rationed meal, in which the amount of each product is limited to a certain volume per day. Such a diet was compiled (it was assigned the fifth number) by the Soviet scientist Manuil Pevzner, who developed a number of nutritional recommendations for various diseases.

Depending on the substances, the daily diet will look like this:

  1. 1. Fats – 80-90 g, and at least 20% of them should be vegetable.
  2. 2. Proteins – 80 g, animal origin – no more than 60-70%, since they are responsible for cell regeneration.
  3. 3. Carbohydrates – 200 g. Complex carbohydrates must enter the body processed - in the form of compotes, jelly. They produce glycogen, which helps the liver detoxify toxins.
  4. 4. Vitamins. For example, ascorbic acid, restoring immunity, strengthening blood vessels and mucosal cells. Vitamins A and E are needed to rid the body of radicals that inevitably arise during any inflammation and continue it. B vitamins normalize digestion.
  5. 5. Total calorie content – ​​1900-2000 kilocalories.

On the first day after poisoning, it is forbidden to eat any foods.

On the second day, you can prepare a weak broth and feed it to the patient in three doses. The total volume of liquid should be 150-200 ml. Also, the patient needs to drink 1.5-2 liters of water, let him eat two crackers and liquid pureed vegetables (no more than 100 ml).

On the third day, you can cook rice in water - the total volume of porridge can be from 250 to 300 g. The number of crackers increases from 2 to 4, and you can add a couple of biscuits to them. The menu should again include vegetable broth in a volume of 150-200 ml. The number of meals should be increased to 5.

On the fourth day, a vegetable casserole prepared with semolina will do (eggs cannot be used when cooking), 150 ml of chicken broth, crackers, biscuits (from 3 to 5 pieces), you can pamper the patient with boiled fish, making a cutlet out of it. When preparing porridge, you can add butter.

On the fifth day, you can switch to more “serious” food: 250-400 ml of chicken broth (for example, with meatballs), 250 g rice porridge, several crackers and biscuits, 250-300 g of cottage cheese casserole.

Diet conditions may vary depending on how seriously body reacted to poisoning. If this is an ordinary case, then the recommendations provided for an adult will be enough to restore the stomach and return to their usual diet. But this must be done with caution, gradually, without rushing to introduce all foods into the diet. The best option is 1-2 new dishes per day. In this way, you can be sure that past inflammation will not return, and the mucous membrane will not react negatively to indigestible foods.

Bacteria, fungi, toxins and viruses are often found in contaminated food and can lead to food poisoning. These germs can affect one person or a group of people. It is important to be extremely careful in restaurants, school cafeterias, cafes and street food stalls. Each establishment must optimally comply sanitary rules and standards. In these places there is always a risk of becoming infected with bacteria such as staphylococcal and coli. Salmonella, listeria and others pathogens can also significantly negatively affect recovery from poisoning.

Manifestations food poisoning already noticeable within 2-6 hours after eating. The most common symptoms are:



    loss of appetite;

    increased body temperature;

    discomfort and pain in the abdomen;


The following symptoms are potentially life-threatening:

    High body temperature;

    Prolonged diarrhea (more than 3 days);

    T heavy body;

    Speech dysfunctions.

If any of these symptoms are noticeable, you should consult a doctor immediately. The specialist will conduct full examination patient, will prescribe correct treatment and will explain what you can eat after poisoning.

What should the diet be like? Depending on the complexity of intoxication, you can use generally accepted ones, or follow a specific menu prescribed by the doctor.


    In food poisoning, dehydration is considered one of the biggest problems. The body tends to lose. But at the moment of intoxication, it is important to contain it by any means. Try to avoid foods and sweetened drinks that may make your condition worse. Avoid drinks containing caffeine. They further irritate the gastric mucosa. Dairy products should also not be consumed, as they aggravate diarrhea. Purified drinking water compensates for fluid loss. If the vomiting condition is too severe, sucking on ice cubes will prevent dehydration. As soon as you feel better, rice and barley water will help relieve and calm your stomach.

    BRAT Diet

    Besides drinks, what can you eat after poisoning? The body's recovery will speed up proper diet nutrition. Food after poisoning should be simple and easily digestible. Diet BRAT(BRAT) is considered one of the most effective. Its name consists of an abbreviation that reveals the following meanings:

    B (banana) - banana

    R (rice) - rice

    A (applesauce) - applesauce

    T (toast) - toasts

    This diet includes all of the above food products. You can follow this diet for any problems associated with intestinal upset. The unique BRIT diet will prevent diarrhea, relieve stomach irritation and restore digestion.

    If you want to diversify your diet, in addition to these products you can add to the menu cereals, potatoes, jelly, porridge, vegetable or chicken bouillon.

    Home Remedies

    Home remedies can also help you recover from poisoning. Apple cider vinegar has proven antimicrobial properties. IN folk medicine it is still used in the treatment of poisoning. Add to glass with warm water 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar and take this liquid several times a day. The main thing is not to overdo it with proportions.

    Herbs are considered no less relevant in food poisoning. But they should not become an alternative conventional treatment. The use of varieties of herbs and the rules for their use should be prescribed by a doctor.

    As well as Japanese and Chinese drugs plant origin(skullcap herb, ginseng, cinnamon bark) are widely used for poisoning.


    How to restart your stomach after poisoning? Probiotics will help restore microflora in the intestines. In any situation where water and food may be contaminated, these biologically active additives reduce the risk of poisoning. will restore the balance of the gastrointestinal tract. Quite often, the cause of diarrhea is the rapid growth of clostridia ( anaerobic bacteria). Products rich , will help you quickly solve this problem. After the symptoms have eased and your health has improved, you can gradually introduce fermented milk products into your diet. After poisoning, kefir will become the second healing medicine for the gastrointestinal tract after yogurt.

The child’s diet depends on his age and type of nutrition (breast or artificial feeding). You can create a menu for infants only after agreeing with your doctor. As for older children, their nutrition should be gentle. You can feed a child after poisoning with rice porridge, mashed potatoes, vegetable broth, light soups and baked apples. All of these foods can be eaten after food poisoning, with the exception of dishes containing milk, butter and spices.

What not to eat after poisoning

What you can eat after food poisoning is already known. It is important to consider prohibited dishes and foods that are strictly forbidden to eat when serious problems with the intestines.

It is advisable to eat after poisoning. Even though the vomiting and diarrhea have stopped, you should not switch to your usual diet right away. If the menu after poisoning is normal, this will lead to an upset stomach and a relapse of symptoms.

The following are foods to avoid after food poisoning:


    To prevent diarrhea, do not take dairy products except those with low lactose content (yogurt, kefir).

    Spicy and fatty dishes

    It will be difficult to restore the stomach after poisoning if the diet contains spicy and spicy food, causing gas formation. Fatty foods and sweets are difficult to tolerate with diarrhea and can aggravate vomiting. Until you fully recover from your symptoms, heavy meals should be avoided.

    High fiber foods

    On the one hand, fiber has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, on the other, it burdens it. Fiber-enriched foods: citrus fruits, nuts, legumes And whole grains will overload the work of digestion, rather than restore it.

    Alcohol and caffeine

    For severe food poisoning, use alcoholic drinks, cocoa, tea, coffee and chocolate will worsen diarrhea and increase dehydration. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated for severely dependent people.

    Juices, pears and apples

    Food after food poisoning should not contain “laxative” drinks and fruits. Taking large amounts of these foods will keep your stool loose.

food poisoning,

To the question of what you can eat if you are poisoned, you can definitely answer that nothing. It is necessary to abstain from food for several hours, as it will

Diet for poisoning

Diet for food poisoning consists of: strictly limited food for 6 hours after the onset of the disease.

What you can eat after poisoning depends largely on the person’s condition. At intestinal disorder you should choose foods that will not cause additional harm gastrointestinal tract. Diet after poisoning involves avoiding heavy and fatty foods. Preference should be given to simple and nutritious dishes that are quickly digested.

Diet for food poisoning is a prerequisite for a speedy recovery.

A poisoned body cannot digest food, so in the first hours of the disease you need to completely abandon it. It is important to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Suitable for this:

  • still mineral water;
  • boiled water;
  • green and weak black tea;
  • rice water;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • decoction of rose hips;
  • "Regidron".

The following decoctions are suitable for diarrhea:

  • St. John's wort;
  • blueberries;
  • rosehip;
  • black currant.

Diet in case of poisoning, even in adults, implies refusal large quantity dishes.

A popular product that can be eaten when poisoning is White bread. It needs to be cut into cubes and dried in the oven. The second most popular dish is rice and its broth.

If the condition does not worsen after eating crackers, it is useful to drink low-fat chicken broth and eat a small portion of porridge. You can cook rice, buckwheat and semolina porridge in water.

Dairy products should not be added to the menu. The day after poisoning, you can prepare mashed potatoes.

Stretching is harmful for an irritated stomach, so you should organize meals in small portions.

On the second or third day, you can include a small amount of boiled meat in the menu.

For several days after poisoning, you should exclude from the diet:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • fruits and juices;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • baking from yeast dough;
  • sausages and smoked meats;
  • strong tea, coffee, cocoa;
  • sweets and chocolate;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • legume products;
  • pearl barley and barley porridge;
  • spicy and fatty foods.
  • natural yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • bifidok and other fermented milk drinks;
  • fruits;
  • porridge.

Example menu

On the second day of poisoning, food may be as follows:

  • 200 ml broth (for several meals);
  • 2 white bread crackers;
  • 100 ml vegetable puree, for example potato.

In the third:

  • 250 g rice porridge on water;
  • from 2 to 4 crackers;
  • 3 biscuits;
  • 200 ml vegetable broth.

In the fourth:

  • 200 g vegetable casserole without eggs;
  • 100 g boiled fish;
  • 150 g broth;
  • 4 biscuits;
  • 5 crackers.

Diet for a child

In the first hours after poisoning, you should not force a child to eat, even if he does not mind much. During illness, stress on the stomach is harmful and can lead to increased nausea.

It is necessary to convince the child to drink water, since children do not feel the first symptoms of dehydration.

A few hours after the start of treatment, the child may ask to eat. In this case, you can offer him a small amount of food.

If the cause of poisoning has been clarified, suspicious dishes should be immediately destroyed. After the child’s recovery, the menu should be gradually supplemented with new products. The child's meals during and after poisoning should be fractional.


To avoid poisoning, you need to carefully monitor the quality of food. You should only eat food that you are absolutely confident is of good quality and correct preparation. There may not be enough information about the expiration date of the product. It is important to have an open mind about the smell, appearance and taste of a food before eating it.

Particular attention should be paid to cooking technology. Some products good quality may cause poisoning if handled incorrectly. Meat, fish and mushrooms must be cooked in strict accordance with the recipe, and fruits and vegetables should be washed in running water.

When collecting mushrooms for food, special care is required. Need to know for sure appearance edible mushroom. If there is any doubt as to whether a mushroom belongs to a particular species, it is better not to cut it. Before cooking, you should inspect each mushroom again. You need to pay attention to the color, the type of mushroom under the cap (spongy or lamellar), and the presence of a “skirt” on the stem.

It is worth regularly checking the food in the refrigerator. You need to immediately throw out everything that has expired, has traces of rot and mold, has bad smell. Bacteria that grow in raw meat and spoiled fruit can spread to fresh food stored nearby.

To cure food poisoning, you need to stop eating for a period of time from 6 to 12 hours. Subsequent meals should be fractional. All foods that are difficult for digestion should be excluded. If you feel nauseous, you should not force yourself to eat, but you must replenish fluid loss with water or herbal decoctions. If symptoms of poisoning continue, it is recommended to seek medical help.

We recommend:

In case of poisoning, the entire digestive system suffers, so an adult patient or child is prescribed not only drug treatment, but also diet therapy.

In case of intoxication, the doctor must eliminate the main clinical picture of poisoning.

Diet therapy

More often, poisoning affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and other organs of the digestive system. Before deciding what the patient can eat, the doctor identifies the causes of poisoning:

  • non-compliance with expiration dates of consumed products;
  • lack of preliminary heat treatment and washing vegetables.

To prevent poisoning, you should not eat raw meat or it with blood, or raw fish. Against the background of poisoning, a strong decline in immune defense occurs.

After it, it is necessary to cleanse the body of toxins, restoring its functionality.

After intoxication, food is digested and absorbed incompletely, so it is necessary to adhere to some dietary restrictions. If you eat correctly, without overloading the body, you can quickly restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The goal of diet therapy after poisoning is to restore the mucous membrane. TO general rules Gastroenterologists include food intake after poisoning:

  • on the day of poisoning you need to drink as much water as possible;
  • on the 2nd day you can eat low-fat broth;
  • You can’t eat meat, dairy, or spicy foods;
  • The patient's main food is boiled vegetables;
  • in the first days you can eat vegetable broth;
  • after poisoning, you need to cook porridge only in water;
  • Do not eat excessively cold or hot food;
  • It is recommended to eat in small portions, with gradual increase their volume;
  • you can eat dry cookies;
  • in case of poisoning, fractional feeding of the patient is indicated.

At prolonged diarrhea It is necessary to include in the diet a decoction of St. John's wort, as well as other products with an astringent effect on the gastric mucosa.

Compliance with herbal medicine

After 10 minutes, the medicine is ready for consumption. It is drunk in small sips, every 12 minutes.

Modern gastroenterologists advise not to eat on the day of poisoning. During this period, you are allowed to drink herbal composition. When you have an appetite, you can eat crackers or hard bread.

On the 2nd day after intoxication, you can drink weak tea with lemon, but without sugar.

Since lemon contains vitamin C, the body will quickly recover. If two fasting days are observed, the patient’s diet includes rice water and products with bifidobacteria.

When you have an appetite, you can eat foods that nutritionists and gastroenterologists include in gentle diets. In this case, the patient must comply with the following rules:

  • eating food in minimal quantities;
  • eating food in liquid or semi-liquid form;
  • refusal of food that provokes fermentation in the intestines.

Diet therapy will reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract and restore its functioning. If there is no appetite after poisoning, drinking plenty of fluids and fasting is recommended.

This method of therapy simultaneously prevents dehydration. If this is followed, the patient will recover quickly.

Food selection

To quickly recover after poisoning, restoring the body’s previous strength, the patient can eat:

  • steam cutlets for 3 days;
  • casserole;
  • soufflé and curd pudding;
  • soups;
  • biscuits without cream;
  • baked vegetables;
  • crackers;
  • steam omelette.

On the 8th day of diet therapy, fermented milk products rich in bifidobacteria can be included in the patient’s menu. These products are necessary to normalize intestinal microflora.

It is better to drink yogurt from fermented milk products homemade, kefir, yogurt and fermented baked milk.

In case of poisoning, the patient must adhere to the drinking regime. Indicated for the prevention of hypovolemic shock drinking plenty of fluids. You can drink after each bowel movement and vomiting attack.

You need to drink in small sips. In this case drinking diet will help reduce intoxication by promoting rapid removal of toxins.

In case of poisoning, patients should follow the following drinking diet:

  • drinking only clean water;
  • optimal consumption of saline pharmaceutical solutions, including Regidron. These compositions are good at normalizing disturbed electrolyte balance. You can prepare such a solution yourself. This will require salt and water;
  • Any liquid is consumed in small sips and slowly. In this case, a break of 15 minutes is observed between doses;
  • volume of liquid drunk per hour – 200 ml;
  • the patient is allowed to drink green tea;
  • dill decoction.

Food restrictions

In case of poisoning in separate group gastroenterologists highlight foods that patients need to avoid. Such food is poorly digestible.

This group includes:

  • baking;
  • cakes;
  • cakes;
  • and other sweets.

Due to such restrictions in food, the patient will be able to quickly recover from any poisoning. Heavy foods contain many harmful and unnecessary substances that will only aggravate the patient’s condition during intoxication.

At the same time, such food stimulates high gas formation, pain, spasms in the stomach, provoking excessive stimulation of enzymes, causing fermentation.

It is allowed to prepare low-fat soup; it is better to give preference to vegetarian food. Honey is introduced into the menu on day 4, since fermentation processes are enhanced due to sweets.

It is forbidden to drink milk after the clinic in question. At the same time, you need to give up yogurt and kefir. They are included in the patient’s diet on day 5, provided normal condition body.

Eggs cooked in any form are also prohibited.

Experts have differing opinions regarding bananas. Opponents of this fruit believe that it is too sweet and can provoke fermentation.

Proponents believe that bananas contain a lot of potassium, which is lost during intoxication. Also, bananas contain few fruit acids that can irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

Due to the above advantages and the soft consistency of the fruit, modern gastroenterologists and nutritionists include bananas in the diet of patients affected by poisoning.

Patient menu

Nutrition during intoxication:

  • on the first day hunger is indicated, but abundant consumption herbal decoctions, saline pharmaceutical solutions;
  • on the 2nd day, it is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of liquid, consume broth, crackers, and puree up to 200 grams;
  • on the 3rd day, prepare rice water, vegetable broth, cookies without cream;
  • on the 4th day, chicken broth, vegetable casserole, steamed cutlets, and croutons are prepared;
  • on the 5th day the patient is given boiled rice, chicken broth, croutons, soufflé.

To prevent poisoning and adherence to dietary therapy, it is recommended to follow simple preventive measures during cooking and in the kitchen:

  • separate storage of raw and prepared foods;
  • consumption of only high-quality water;
  • maintaining cleanliness during the cooking process;
  • using different boards and knives for food;
  • cooking after washing hands;
  • Foods that spoil quickly are recommended to be stored in the refrigerator at low temperatures.

If, while following the diet described above, the patient’s condition worsens, it is recommended to inform the attending physician.

The above foods are included and excluded from the diet of patients who have suffered varying degrees from intoxication.

The duration of diet therapy depends on the nature of the clinic. At severe poisoning shown complete failure from food. Such patients require hospitalization.

They are given glucose to support the body. It is allowed to return to normal feeding 1-2 days after the attack.

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