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Therapeutic nutrition after gastrectomy: what can you eat? How to eat after gastric removal for cancer


Proper nutrition after gastric surgery is important to plan in advance. You can’t eat on the first day, so the patient is all nutrients are given only intravenously. This is a mandatory condition, since hunger and aspiration of contents are prescribed in medicinal purposes. On the 3rd day you can drink weak fresh tea, rosehip decoctions, unsweetened compote is also appropriate. You can drink up to 6 times a day, the amount is small - up to 30 ml. Further, under the supervision of a doctor, they are introduced protein products, first using a probe, then using the usual method. This allows you to fill the required protein deficiency in the body.

If the stomach has been completely removed, then the diet is expanded slowly, especially if surgery was performed as a result of the discovery of neoplasms. From day 4, the diet can be expanded; it is allowed to eat puree, soufflé, and soft-boiled eggs. It is allowed to use cottage cheese, as well as fish or meat products. On day 6 you can eat steamed omelettes, you can cook vegetable purees or puree vegetables.

All portions for the diet are prepared in such a way that each meal contains approximately 50 g.

From the 5th day the patient can be given protein food, portions are gradually increased. On the 7th day, each dose can already include 200 ml; on the 10th day, the portion can be close to 350 ml. Only approved products are used; anything that causes bloating should be avoided.

During gastric surgery, attention must be paid to what foods can be consumed. This is important for any type surgical intervention, a properly formulated diet will have a definite better effect therapeutic effect in combination with medications. You can eat the following set of products:

  1. Bread and flour products. Only so-called gray bread and unsweetened buns are consumed, and savory cookies are allowed. Rye bread works well.
  2. The soups are prepared vegetarian; you can prepare broth with vegetables. The diet includes beetroot soup (only from fresh cabbage), and borscht is not prohibited. Veal or chicken soup is allowed once every 7 days.
  3. Meat and fish - only low-fat varieties; you can cook it baked or boiled. This dietary varieties poultry meat, veal is recommended for patients; fish can include pike, carp, and cod.
  4. Egg white omelettes once a day are allowed boiled egg(soft-boiled only).
  5. Porridge should be made only crumbly, viscous, without sugar and salt. Cereal casseroles and boiled pasta are good, you can make rice, buckwheat porridge, or rolled oats. Semolina allowed in limited quantities.
  6. Greens and vegetables are used only in boiled, raw form; sauerkraut is used rarely and in small quantities. Vegetable vinaigrettes are allowed, you can stew zucchini, prepare light salads, tomatoes are consumed only with natural vegetable oil.
  7. Berries and fruits are allowed in in kind, but there are also limitations here. Grapes are prohibited; juice from them is possible only in small quantities. With your doctor's permission, you can include honey, jam, and some sweets in your diet.
  8. Sunflower and olive oils (natural) are allowed; don’t be too lazy to prepare homemade ghee or you can buy it.
  9. Milk is allowed with tea or whole milk, kefir only 1-1.5%, yogurt, sour cream can only be used with salads. It is better to buy cottage cheese fresh.
  10. The diet can include only sauces based on vegetable decoctions, with natural additives butter, sour cream.
  11. Snacks. The diet for the stomach after surgery may include low-fat meat pates; cheese and ham are allowed (but without lard). For variety, dietary sausages and jelly without gelatin are added.
  12. Beverages. Very weak tea (preferably with milk), unsweetened juices, vegetable or berry, fruit (except grape), rosehip infusions, weak coffee, but with milk.

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Nutrition after gastric surgery must be taken seriously, since during the rehabilitation period and after its completion, the gastrointestinal tract system will no longer work as before. Authorized products:

  1. Soups must be included in the diet; they are prepared using cereal and vegetable broths. All soups must be pureed, but millet or white cabbage cannot be added to them.
  2. Flour products. You can eat yesterday's bread, savory cookies, crackers, low-sweet savory buns. You cannot eat sweets, fresh bread, butter cookies - all this should be completely excluded from the diet. You can start eating bread only a month after the operation.
  3. Eggs, egg dishes. You are allowed to eat no more than a soft-boiled egg per day; a protein omelet is allowed, but no more.
  4. Fish, meat. You can eat dishes made from lean beef, veal (without tendons), turkey, and chicken. The menu can include cod, carp, pike perch, carp, pike - all chopped. You can eat rolls, cutlets, quenelles, soufflés, but you must first boil them, steam them, and bake them.
  5. You can add dairy products to the menu after surgery, for example, milk is allowed with tea; if tolerated, regular whole milk is also possible. Sour cream is used only as a seasoning, cottage cheese is non-acidic and pureed.
  6. Greens, vegetables. Such products are allowed only as mashed and boiled cabbage, cauliflower cabbage can be included in the diet exclusively, pumpkin or zucchini - stewed. The menu should include mashed potatoes, carrots, and beets.
  7. Sweets, berries, fruits only in limited quantities. Candy excluded.

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Sample menu for 1 day

You need to be very careful with food after gastric surgery, as not all of it can be used. Sample menu for 1 day (unprocessed food) may include the following set of dishes:

First breakfast:

  • boiled piece of meat;
  • salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and sour cream as a seasoning;
  • rolled oats porridge (necessarily without sugar);
  • tea (maybe with milk).


  • apple (fresh);
  • 50 g hard cheese.
  • vegetarian borscht (based on vegetable broth);
  • stew (boiled meat, prefabricated vegetables);
  • jelly (not with sugar, but with xylitol).
  • a piece of boiled fish;
  • boiled beets (can be baked).


  • meat soufflé;
  • small cheesecake (with cottage cheese, but without sugar);
  • Not a large number of stewed carrots.

Light, quickly digestible, in small portions - this is exactly what nutrition should be like after gastric resection. A surgical intervention involving the removal of the stomach or part of it is a difficult change in the functioning of the body. Preparation for it and long time after the operation itself require a serious approach and adherence to clear medical recommendations. Resection is required for oncology and peptic ulcer when the damage cannot be cured with medication. When part of the stomach is removed, food passes into the intestines very quickly, and because of this, the patient may experience unpleasant symptoms: bloating, heaviness, fatigue and dizziness. To prevent such conditions from occurring, you need to create a meal schedule and review your diet.

How does digestion occur after resection?

A reduced stomach cannot cope with digesting food in full, so poorly processed food goes straight to the intestines, which are unable to absorb all the useful substances and nutrients. Because of this work digestive system is overloaded, and the person is in discomfort, expressed by drowsiness, heaviness in the stomach, increased gas formation. The result is a lack of vitamins in the body, exhaustion, and rapid weight loss. To avoid such manifestations, both the stomach and intestines need to be “helped” by eating according to a special system.

Nutrition rules after gastric resection

After surgery, you need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.

After surgery to remove part of the stomach, the patient faces a long recovery period, during which he must adhere to strict rules eating. Basic nutritional recommendations:

  • eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, because the stomach has become smaller and is not able to accept and digest large portions of food;
  • chew food well, eat slowly;
  • limit or completely exclude products with increased content carbohydrates (sugar, honey, jam, baked goods);
  • increase protein consumption (lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese);
  • After taking the first 2, do not eat the third dish immediately, but after at least 30 minutes, that is, drink milk, kefir, jelly or compote over time, so as not to burden the stomach.

These rules must be strictly followed for the first 3 months after surgery so that the digestive system adapts correctly. All food must be ground; it is better to use recipes that involve steaming. The patient may refuse to eat for fear of pain. Such situations should not be allowed, otherwise malnutrition will lead to exhaustion of the body.

Menu for the first week

The first day of the week is fasting.

The menu for the first 7 postoperative days is usually prescribed by the doctor, taking into account individual characteristics patient. The patient's diet is approximately as follows:

  • The first day is fasting. You can take 30 milliliters of water every 3 hours or jelly without sugar.
  • After 3 days, the patient is allowed a steamed omelette and half a cup of tea for breakfast. The snack consists of jelly and grated rice boiled in water. For lunch - rice soup and meat puree. After an hour and a half, you can drink a rosehip drink. For dinner - meat or cottage cheese soufflé. Before going to bed, take jelly (no more than half a glass). The same composition of products is on the 4th day.
  • Over the next 2 days, the diet expands. Breakfast already consists of soft-boiled eggs, mashed meat and tea with milk. As a snack, you can eat grated porridge (rice or buckwheat - your choice), and you can have steamed meat soufflé for lunch. Afternoon snack - unsweetened curd mass. Allowed for dinner: carrot puree and steamed meatballs. At night - jelly again.
  • On the 7th day after the operation, doctors recommend eating 2 boiled eggs for breakfast, as well as pureed porridge. The second breakfast consists of steamed whipped cottage cheese. For lunch you can have potato and rice soup, plus a steam cutlet and mashed potatoes. Afternoon snack - steamed fish. For dinner you can try jelly and cottage cheese. Croutons from white bread.

The first week after surgery is the most difficult. The patient will just begin to get used to the new diet. When introducing each new product, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the digestive system to it, so as not to harm the weakened body. If your stomach reacts severe pain, nausea, weakness and dizziness occur, you need to stop taking it for a while of this product.

Diet No. 1 after resection

A patient after gastric resection is prescribed diet No. 1. It is also used to compile different types menus intended for people with stomach ulcers and duodenum, after gastritis. It is based on simple and gentle foods for the body. Recipes include steaming, boiling and baking (not crisping). Then everything is thoroughly crushed and ground. You should eat warm food - neither too hot nor too cold. When following this diet, you need to count calories: daily norm- 3000 Kcal.

Authorized Products

Sweets and honey should be avoided.

Following a diet is not difficult, because it allows you to eat a lot of tasty and healthy foods. First courses can be cooked in vegetable broth, with the addition of potatoes and cereals, pasta. Meat can be baked, boiled, steamed. But both meat and fish should be only low-fat varieties (chicken, turkey, cod, pike perch, perch). Vegetables should also be grated: pumpkin, potatoes, zucchini, carrots. They are usually used to prepare puree and vegetable stew, which is then ground. Fruits and berries cannot be eaten raw; they will have to be boiled or baked (for example, apples). Fruit jelly, berry and juices, rosehip drink, tea (only weakly brewed) are allowed.

You should include up to 100 grams of protein food per day in your diet, but you should avoid carbohydrate foods (sweets and honey). The amount of fat should be at the usual level or reduced (if the patient does not tolerate it well). With this diet, you should also take vitamins and supplements containing iron. Doctors also usually prescribe enzyme preparations to activate digestive processes.

Gastric resection is an operation during which the surgeon removes a significant part of the organ and after this the functioning of the digestive tract is restored. Unfortunately, sometimes such intervention is the only treatment option on the road to recovery.

Most often, surgery is performed for extensive malignant oncological tumors (for example, stomach cancer, multiple polyps, etc.) or gastric ulcers. But despite the breakthrough in medicine, the removal of part of the organ is still difficult for patients, with minimal complications. The main step on the path to health is nutrition after gastric resection. But let’s look at what and how much you can eat in more detail.

What happens to the digestive tract after surgery?

After the operation has been performed, the stomach is not able to digest food at full capacity, so if poorly processed foods enter it, they will be sent in the same form to the intestines, where it will not be able to absorb all the necessary nutrients from food.

This is why overload occurs in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the patient begins to experience discomfort in the form of heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence and drowsiness. In addition, as a result of insufficient absorption of vitamins and other nutrients, the patient may develop vitamin deficiency, exhaustion and sudden loss weight.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you must follow some rules to help cope with the digestion process:

  • take food in small portions, but often (at least 5–7 times a day). The fact is that a reduced stomach will not be able to digest a large portion of food;
  • It is necessary to chew food slowly, slowly, thoroughly;
  • exclude from the diet foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates (sugar, baked goods, jam, etc.);
  • increase the consumption of protein foods (lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese);
  • after the first and second courses, compote or something else should be drunk no earlier than 30 minutes after the last meal. This is necessary to unload the stomach.

If the stomach reacts with pain, nausea and vomiting to any food, you must temporarily stop eating the foods that caused the unpleasant symptoms

These rules must be followed for at least 4 months after part of the stomach has been removed. The need is for the digestive system to fully adapt to new conditions. All food should be rubbed through a sieve; it is advisable to eat steamed foods.

Many patients are afraid to eat something for fear of pain, but this should not be allowed, as the body may become exhausted.

What you can and cannot eat after surgery

Nutrition after removal of the stomach must be radically changed. To eliminate all sorts of complications, you need to remember what you can and cannot eat.

Allowed foods and dishes Prohibited foods and dishes
Light soups in vegetable broth with durum pasta. Fat meat broths(from fatty pork, lamb, goose, etc.).
Lean meats, poultry, fish and various dishes made from them in stewed, baked, steamed and boiled form. Canned food, fast food.
Porridges made from corn, millet, pearl barley, barley.
Heat-treated vegetables and fruits (potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, apple) pureed in the form of puree, soufflé or pudding. Fresh fruits and vegetables with rough skin.
Peas, beans and other legumes.
Milk porridges and soups (rice, vermicelli, oatmeal, buckwheat). Fried and smoked food.
Soft-boiled eggs or omelet. Alcohol products.
Low-fat and mild cheese. Carbonated drinks, strong tea, coffee.
Whole milk and dairy products. Pastries and sweets.
Honey, jam, marshmallows, marshmallows in small portions. White cabbage, radish, radish, sorrel, spinach, onion.
Juices and decoctions of berries and fruits homemade Marinades and pickles.
Weakly brewed tea and weak coffee with milk. Spices, seasonings, mayonnaise, various sauces.
Butter, ghee and vegetable oil ready meals(not for frying). Fresh bread, made less than 24 hours ago.
“Yesterday’s” bread, unsweetened cookies, crackers. Mushrooms in any form.

In addition, the diet after removal of the stomach or part of it involves avoiding eating too cold or hot foods (for example, ice cream or hot coffee).

Sample menu for the week

After a partial or complete gastrectomy, you must adhere to dietary table No. 1 for at least the first 3 months. Given that wellness And normal operation The gastrointestinal tract is allowed by the doctor not to grind the food, but simply to thoroughly crush or chew it.

After another 1.5 months, you can introduce fresh vegetables and fruits to the menu. The diet after gastrectomy is canceled and the patient returns to the previous diet no earlier than 6 months, provided normal functioning gastric tract only with the doctor's permission.

1 day – the patient does not receive food.

Day 2 – weakly brewed tea, fruit jelly with minimal sugar content (preferably without it at all).

Day 3 – soft-boiled egg, weak tea for breakfast. Rice or potato soup with diluted chicken broth. No earlier than 2 hours after the soup, you can drink rosehip decoction. For dinner skim cheese with milk, half a glass of jelly before bed.

Day 4 – steamed omelette, unsweetened jelly. For lunch, mashed beef or veal puree with pasta. After 2 hours, unsweetened apple tea. For dinner, buckwheat porridge, before bed low-fat kefir.

Day 5 – pureed for breakfast oatmeal, weak coffee with milk. Snack on a few crackers without raisins or other additives. Lunch soup with chicken or meat broth, boiled potatoes with a piece lean fish. For an afternoon snack, you can eat 100 grams of cottage cheese. For dinner pumpkin porridge with rice and milk, a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk at night.

Day 6 – for breakfast, milk buckwheat or vermicelli porridge with the addition of a small piece of butter. Second breakfast, a glass of natural yogurt. For lunch, beef potato soup, mashed potatoes with steam cutlet. Baked fruit puree no more than 200 grams for an afternoon snack. Dinner: stewed vegetables with meat, tea. At night, low-fat cottage cheese with jam.

Day 7 – breakfast: steamed omelette, coffee with milk and a roll with butter. For lunch, beetroot soup, buckwheat porridge with a piece of boiled fish or meat. Afternoon snack a glass of milk with biscuits. For dinner, durum pasta with a cutlet or casserole, at night warm milk with white bread croutons.

The doctor decides when and where it is best for the patient to start eating food

The first 7 days after surgery are the most difficult. The body needs to get used to the new diet. After introducing a new product, you must carefully monitor your health status and how digestive tract will react to it.

It is known that during treatment malignant neoplasm stomach, the body's strength is depleted, the immune system weakens, and the risk of infection pathogenic microorganisms increases significantly. To support the body, accelerate regeneration processes in stomach tissues and strengthen immune system The body must adhere to certain dietary principles. Of course, in the postoperative period it is unacceptable to rely only on dietary food. For a complete recovery, in addition to healthy eating must be taken as prescribed by a doctor medications and pass healing procedures. It is the correctly selected and prepared products that help slow down the process of cellular degeneration, which significantly reduces the risk of relapse.

General recommendations for dietary nutrition in the postoperative period

Correct balanced diet after removal of the stomach for cancer, it significantly improves the patient’s condition. Develops diet menu a gastroenterologist who takes into account factors such as the patient’s health status, age, treatment method used, and degree of advanced cancer.

Thanks to an analytical approach to treatment, experts have identified the main rules that must be used when building a nutrition program during the rehabilitation period. These include:

  • fractional regular meals - the weight of portions varies from 30 to 300 grams, and the minimum number of meals is 6-7 times a day;
  • limiting fat intake;
  • reducing consumption of sugar and other sweet foods, including baked goods;
  • reducing salt intake;
  • refusal of drinks containing alcohol;
  • mandatory consumption of fiber, easily digestible carbohydrates and green tea.

Some oncology products, when they enter the body, slow down the recovery processes in the gastrointestinal tract, loading the injured stomach, which can lead to a worsening of the patient’s condition. The table shows foods that are beneficial to the body and are strictly prohibited for consumption after surgery.

GroupProducts recommended for consumption.Products whose consumption is recommended to be limited.
Flour products

  • crackers;

  • biscuits;

  • unleavened cookies.

  • fresh sweet pastries


  • buckwheat;

  • millet.


  • Cucurbitaceae family (pumpkin, zucchini);

  • nightshade family (peppers, potatoes, eggplants).

  • White cabbage;

  • onion and garlic;

  • sorrel;

  • spinach;

  • radish.

Meat products

  • poultry meat (turkey, chicken);

  • rabbit;

  • beef.

  • pork;

  • fatty chicken or beef.

Fish products

  • pike;

  • lean bream;

  • herring;

  • saury;

  • mackerel;

  • stellate sturgeon;

  • sprat.

Lactic acid products

  • milk;

  • kefir;

  • low-fat cottage cheese.

  • yoghurts with chemical additives.

Diet after gastrectomy

During the first 24 hours after gastrectomy, the patient is unable to eat on his own. In order to deliver amino acids, lipids, protein, carbohydrates and other nutrients to the body, parenteral administration is used. Which microelements and vitamins the patient needs are determined using biochemical analysis blood.

The diet after removal of the stomach for cancer on days 2-3 or in the “early postoperative period” is gradual increase food load. For this, in addition to the parenteral method, enteral mixtures and solutions (for example, enpits) are administered in an amount of 40-50 ml several times a day. First, enpit is administered through an installed probe, and after two days the patient independently begins taking it per os (“by mouth”).

If the process of absorption of enpit in the gastrointestinal tract is not impaired, the patient is allowed to take 50 ml. per day unsweetened rosehip decoction, 30 ml. dried fruit compote or fresh berries, a quarter cup of green tea.

A week after part of the stomach is removed, the patient’s diet can be varied with meat- or vegetable-based soups, boiled eggs or grated cottage cheese. Portions should be no more than 50 grams, and the number of doses should not exceed 6 times. As soon as the stomach gets used to the new food, the portions can be increased, and pureed vegetables, omelettes and pureed oatmeal (rice) porridge are added to the menu. It is preferable to follow this menu for several months.

After the end of the third month of following a strict diet, most cereals, fruits and vegetables are introduced into the menu. However, it should Special attention pay attention to the rules for eating dishes:

  • food should only be in crushed form;
  • the temperature of the dish should not be too cold or hot;
  • food products must be thermally processed.

Features of the diet after gastrectomy

In the first 48 hours after the patient is prohibited from taking any foods or liquids. Nutrition of the body (as well as during gastrectomy) is carried out using parenteral administration.

On the 2-3 postoperative day, it is allowed to consume vegetable or meat broths. Complete removal of the stomach allows food to enter directly into the intestines, so portions must be increased gradually, starting from 20 grams. After some time, mucous crushed porridges are introduced into the patient’s diet, mashed potatoes without adding milk, boiled egg, boiled vegetables, lean chopped meat and pasta.

After a month, you need to start eating chopped boiled onion, soy products, kelp and nuts in the quantities recommended by experts.

Also, to restore intestinal microflora, doctors prescribe the intake of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Especially if after a procedure such as gastrectomy, antibiotic treatment was carried out.

Sample menu for the 5th day after gastrectomy or gastrectomy (without complications)

  • on an empty stomach – a glass of still warm mineral water without additives;
  • first breakfast - boiled grated carrots and fresh kefir;
  • second breakfast – carrot juice and nuts crushed into flour;
  • lunch - boiled chicken, rabbit or turkey, grated beets and potatoes, compote;
  • afternoon snack – biscuits with chicory tea;
  • dinner – warm potato salad, a glass of milk;
  • second dinner - unsweetened cookies, a glass of mineral water.

Portion weight is calculated in individually attending physician.

Diet after chemotherapy

After the procedure, the patient’s diet should include easily digestible and high-calorie foods. This is due to an increased gag reflex and decreased appetite. Particular attention should be paid to the following products after chemotherapy:

  • sprouted grain – accelerates the regeneration of the epithelium, saturates the body essential microelements and enzymes;
  • beekeeping products – strengthen the patient’s immunity, coat the walls of the stomach, helping to reduce irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • cabbage;
  • pumpkin – contains vitamins and microelements that contribute to better rapid recovery body.

Basic principles of nutrition after chemotherapy

  • it is necessary to prevent the processes of bloating and nausea, so the liquid should be consumed between meals;
  • the food consumed must have a liquid, fine consistency;
  • you need to eat only when you really want to eat;
  • It is recommended to use such methods heat treatment like boiling or baking.

Correctly selected nutrition after surgery will help the patient in short time improve the functioning of the stomach, intestines, liver and restore suppressed immunity.

After gastric surgery, the patient can completely switch to a normal diet after 6 months. Transition from crushed to chunky food should be done gradually so as not to create stress loads on the intestines. IN this period Experts recommend consuming lactic acid products and vegetable juices as much as possible. It is the dairy diet after surgery that allows the body to produce the necessary enzymes for digestion of food.

Often, if the diet is not followed, the growth cancer cells continues, and the patient's condition worsens. To prevent the recurrence of stomach cancer, you need to follow a diet throughout your life.

Some lead to gastric resection dangerous diseases, diet therapy in this situation is an integral component of the patient’s rehabilitation, and a specific diet after gastrectomy is an integral part of daily nutrition, in most cases forever.

The postoperative period requires serious attention. In the early postoperative period patients cannot eat naturally. As a rule, parenteral nutrition is prescribed, including albumin. Nutrient requirements are determined based on a blood test.

During this period, the patient is prescribed fasting for 2 days, and active aspiration of gastric contents is carried out. From the third day, if gastric peristalsis is restored, give weak tea, rosehip decoction, a slightly sweet compote without berries in small portions - 20-30 ml, 5-6 times a day. To introduce protein products from the first days, it is recommended to use protein enpit (40 g per glass of water). Usually, in the first few days, 30–50 g of this solution is given through a probe, and later, after removing the probe, naturally. Gradually, as peristalsis is restored and postoperative healing occurs, the load on the gastrointestinal tract is increased and the amount of protein is increased to a sufficient level. A specific diet should be recommended by a doctor. The use of enpits allows you to increase the amount of animal protein in the diet to physiological norm, provide the body essential vitamins and mineral salts.

From the third or fourth day after the operation, the diet is expanded and mucous soups, meat, fish and cottage cheese purees and soufflés, soft-boiled eggs are prescribed, and on the fifth or sixth day - steamed omelettes, pureed porridge and vegetable purees in small quantities (50 g per serving) . From the fifth day, if such nutrition is well tolerated, every meal should include protein foods. Gradually, portions of food taken at a time are increased (from 50 ml on the 3rd day to 200 - 250 ml on the 7th day and to 300 - 400 ml on the 10th day). Thus, in the early postoperative period, patients will receive a sufficient amount complete protein in an easily digestible form.

A gentle diet is prescribed 1 – 2 weeks after surgery for 4 months. In the presence of gastritis of the stomach stump, inflammation of the anastomosis, peptic ulcer, patients must follow the diet for a longer period of time. The main purpose of the diet is to prevent or reduce inflammatory process, prevention of dumping syndrome .

This is a physiologically complete diet with a high protein content (meat, fish), normal complex carbohydrates(grain products, cereals, vegetables, unsweetened fruits) and a sharp limitation of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, confectionery, fruit waters, canned juices), with normal fat content, limitation of mechanical and chemical irritants of the mucous membrane and receptor apparatus gastrointestinal tract, with maximum limitation of nitrogenous extractives (especially purines), refractory fats (lamb), fat breakdown products obtained during frying (aldehydes, acroleins), with the exception of strong stimulants of bile secretion and secretion of the pancreas and intestinal glands, products and dishes that cause dumping -syndrome (sweet liquid milk porridges, for example, semolina, sweet milk, sweet tea, hot fatty soup, etc.).

The meat is given in minced form, and the side dishes are not pureed (mash porridge, crushed potatoes). Salads, fresh fruits and vegetables, black bread are excluded. All dishes are boiled, pureed or steamed. The third course for lunch is unsweetened (without sugar) or with the addition of xylitol (10–15 g per serving). The patient is given a strictly limited amount of sugar,

Complex therapy aimed at compensating for impaired functions of various body systems begins after 2 weeks. after surgery and lasts 2–4 months. Diet is important integral part complex treatment in this period. This is a physiologically complete diet with a high protein content (140 g), a normal content of fats (110–115 g) and carbohydrates (380 g) with a limitation of mechanical and chemical irritants of the mucous membrane and the receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract. Refractory fats, extractives, easily digestible carbohydrates, and fresh milk are excluded. Patients must follow a regimen of fractional meals. It is necessary to strictly limit the intake of easily digestible carbohydrates to avoid the development of hypoglycemic and dumping syndrome. At the same time, prescribing only a protein diet without a sufficient amount of carbohydrates is inappropriate, because under conditions of carbohydrate restriction, proteins may not be used sparingly to cover energy costs, which leads to an increase in protein deficiency in the body. However, given the loss of peptic factor in such patients, preference should be given to protein products that are easily “attacked” by trypsin - fish and dairy. Receiving products from coarse fiber And big amount connective tissue must be limited or they are subjected to heat treatment.

Sample diet menu after gastrectomy - mashed version

  • 1st breakfast: soft-boiled egg, buckwheat, rice or rolled oats porridge, coffee with milk.
  • 2nd breakfast: baked apple, rosehip decoction.
  • Lunch: vegetarian potato soup, meat
  • steam cutlets with milk sauce, pureed fresh fruit compote or jelly.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, boiled potatoes.
  • At night: kefir or weak tea with milk.
  • List of recommended dishes and products:
  • soups: vegetable broth with various cereals, vegetables, pasta, beetroot soups, milk soups with cereals, fruit soups with rice. Low-fat allowed meat soup 1-2 times a week, subject to good tolerance;
  • meat and fish dishes: from lean meat, poultry, fish - boiled, baked (pre-boiled), stewed (with juice removed);
  • vegetable dishes: from fresh vegetables(tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots), boiled and stewed (from carrots, potatoes, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower). Non-acidic sauerkraut, fresh herbs (parsley, dill) are allowed;
  • cereals and pasta: various porridges - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet. You can prepare crumbly porridges, cereals, puddings, rice pilaf with fruits; vermicelli, pasta;
  • egg: soft-boiled egg, omelet;
  • milk and dairy products: whole milk (if well tolerated); milk with tea and as part of various dishes; kefir, curdled milk, acidophilus; sour cream mainly as a seasoning; freshly prepared cottage cheese. They also prepare cottage cheese, various puddings, soufflés, and dumplings;
  • fruit and berries: ripe, raw and baked fruits (apples). Plum, cherry, currant, strawberry, etc.; √ sauces: milk, sour cream, fruit;
  • snacks: “Doctorskoy” type sausage, lean ham, jellied fish, cheese, boiled tongue, salads from raw and boiled vegetables, soaked herring;
  • sweets: jam, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, jams (in very limited quantities);
  • drinks: tea, weak coffee with and without milk, compotes of fresh fruits, berries and dried fruits (not very sweet);
  • Jelly and juices: fruit, berry (not very sweet), vegetable. Rosehip decoction;
  • fats: butter and vegetable oil (added to ready-made dishes);
  • bread and bread products: wheat, rye, preferably slightly dried, crackers, shortbread cookies, shortbread dough products.

Baked goods, pickles, smoked meats, marinades, canned snack foods, radishes, rutabaga, and hot spices are excluded from the diet.

Diet menu after gastric resection - not pureed option

  • 1st breakfast: tomato salad or vegetable vinaigrette, boiled meat, buckwheat crumbly, tea with milk.
  • 2nd breakfast: fresh or baked apple or raw grated carrots.
  • Lunch: salad, vegetarian borscht, boiled fish (cod, hake, iced) with boiled potatoes, sauerkraut, compote
  • Afternoon snack: fresh fruit.
  • Dinner: omelet, buckwheat cereal, tea.
  • At night: kefir or yogurt.

5-6 months after partial or complete removal stomach, the attending physician, depending on the state of health, the presence or absence of complications from various organs digestive system (liver, gall bladder, pancreas, intestines) may recommend that the patient adhere to a diet such as dietary table No. 5 or No. 15.

IN long term after consultation with the attending physician, if there are no complications and severe concomitant diseases, is introduced into the menu after gastric resection fried foods, more fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and fish broths, of course, with good tolerance.