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Milbemax: anthelmintic for dogs. Milbemax deworming tablets for dogs of different breeds and puppies - dosage and side effects


Detailed review Milbemax products for puppies and adult dogs

Milbemax is modern drug for dogs, which helps get rid of helminthiasis. It is suitable for different ages and breeds. The advantage of the product is that it does not cause side effects (with correct use!). Cases of poisoning or overdose are rare.

The medicine is produced by the pharmaceutical company NOVARTIS SANTE ANIMALE S.A.S. (France). The company has been working in the field of veterinary medicine for many years.

Over the years medical activities The company has managed to establish itself with the best side, so you can buy products from this manufacturer without any doubt. The main thing is that the owner monitors the expiration date and does not exceed the dosage.

If you have any questions or doubts, it is best to contact your veterinarian. It is also important not to fall for a fake, so we advise you to make purchases only in trusted pharmacies.

Composition and release forms

Milbemax is produced exclusively in the form of tablets (yellow or brownish in color). There are two types of the drug: for puppies and small breeds and for adult dogs.

If the tablet is stamped “AA” on one side and “NA” on the other, then the medicine is intended for puppies. There are no imprints on tablets for adult animals.

For convenience, a dividing strip has been added, with which you can easily break the dragee. The tablets are packaged in metallized blisters, two pieces each. One package may contain 1 or 2 blisters.

Advice! If it is more convenient for you to use a suspension, then it is better to find an analogue, for example, Prazitel.

The main active ingredients are praziquantel and milbemycin oxime. One tablet contains 10 mg of the first and 4 mg of the second substance. In addition to these active components, the anthelmintic drug contains:

  • flavoring (beef);
  • talc;
  • macrogol;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • lactose;
  • colloidal silicon.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine contains many different components, but they perform additional functions; the main role is played by praziquantel and milbemycin oxime.

After using the drug, 1-3 hours must pass for it to reach maximum concentration in the dog's blood. It leaves the body in urine within 2-3 days.

Indications for use

Dogs should take Milbemax to prevent or treat helminthiasis, namely the presence in the body of:

  • cestodes;
  • trematodes;
  • nematodes

Directions for use and dosage selection

The dosage depends on the age and pet. The table will help you understand the dose selection:

Instructions for use:

  1. Wear gloves and remove the tablets from the blister.
  2. Call the dog and pet him.
  3. Place the pill on the root of your tongue.
  4. Make sure your dog does not spit out the medicine.
  5. Throw away the blister pack and gloves.

Milbemax for dogs and puppies can also be added to food or given by hand, but not all animals want to eat it, so it is better to immediately put it on the root of the tongue.

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects may occur due to the dog’s intolerance to one or more substances included in the drug or due to incorrectly calculated dosage.

To the main negative consequences relate:

  • diarrhea;
  • chills;
  • depressed state;
  • vomiting;
  • trembling in the body;
  • decreased activity;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

Not all animals can take the product; there are a number of contraindications:

  • infectious diseases;
  • weight less than two kilograms;
  • age less than 6 weeks;
  • allergy to drug substances;
  • liver or kidney disease;
  • pulmonary failure;
  • exhaustion.

Pregnant females can be treated for helminthiasis with Milbemax, but only under the supervision of a veterinarian, otherwise there is a risk of negative consequences.


Often, dogs react normally to the drug, so they do not experience any side effects, but there are exceptions to all rules. To notice the problem in time you need to know the symptoms of an overdose:

  • diarrhea;
  • refusal to eat;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • depressed state.

If you notice one or more symptoms from the list, immediately take the animal to veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home.

Do not re-give the tablets under any circumstances. Make sure your dog drinks water and ventilate the room in which he is located.

Take care of silence and cleanliness. Give some crushed activated carbon tablets.

Interaction with other drugs

Milbemax cannot be combined with other medicines, especially with the same spectrum of action. If for some reason you need to give your dog several different tablets, then before doing this, consult your veterinarian.

Conditions and shelf life

At proper storage Milbemax can “live” for two years, after opening the blister – 6 months. Create suitable conditions not difficult, just put the medicine in a dry place that small children and animals do not have access to. Direct lines should not penetrate there. Sun rays. Temperature from 5 to 25 degrees.



An anthelmintic agent active against cestodes. The active components are pyrantel embonate and praziquantel.

Can be given to animals weighing over two kilograms. Produced by Novartis Animal Health (Slovenia). Price – approximately 300-360 rubles. for 10 tablets.


The medicine is used to deworm dogs. Available in the form of dragees with the smell of meat. The main active ingredients are praziquantel and fenbendazole. Manufacturer - pharmaceutical company Haupt Pharma. Price – approximately 400-450 rubles. per package.

We wrote about the drug Kanikquantel.

Drontal plus

The drug actively fights different types of worms. The product is produced separately for small and large breeds dogs. Active substances: febantel, pyrantel embonate and praziquantel. Manufacturer: German company Bayer. Price – approximately 600-700 rubles. for a pack of six tablets.

More more information in the article.

These are made tablets from the French company Novartis in several modifications - for puppies and cats, as well as for adults and big dogs. The number of active components of this product is determined by its purpose:

  • 35 mg praziquantel and 3.5 mg milbemycin oxime - for young dogs and cats;
  • 135 mg praziquantel and 13.5 mg milbemycin oxime - for adults and large animals.

To enhance the effect of active substances in the composition medical product add microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate, povidan and other substances that speed up the deworming procedure. Means milbemax for puppies, cats and adult dogs It is produced in blisters; after opening it, the active component can be used for one month, no longer. The elongated tablets have beveled edges, are coated with a white film coating, have a notch on one side, and “AA” and “NA” imprints on the surface.

Doctors don't recommend use of anthelmintic drug upon expiration date (written on the cardboard blister/packaging). You should not carry out therapeutic and preventive measures when the drug was stored incorrectly. The packaging should be stored in a dry place, protected from ultraviolet radiation (direct rays of the sun), separate from food and feed, at a temperature of 20–25 degrees.

Pharmacological and biological action of the drug

The mechanism of action is based on active componenthigh permeability of cell membranes to chlorine ions. Which leads to the polarization of the cell membranes of the nervous and muscle tissues, the result of which is the death of worms, as well as their larvae. The required concentration of active components in the blood of dogs and cats occurs 3–5 hours after using the tablet (biological effectiveness 75%).

Medical the drug is harmless for small puppies(is a group of moderately dangerous). If this drug is used in recommended doses, it does not create embryotoxic, sensitizing or teratogenic effects. The drug in the liver is actually subject to complete biological transformation and is not detected in the body after two days (it is perfectly excreted in the urine).

Contraindications for the use of Milbemax

This drug has some contraindications for use:

It is not advisable to use Milbemax for adult dogs., the total weight of which is not 6 kg. The concentration of active elements is designed for large pets. Also, the use of the drug should be discussed with your doctor when treating a lactating or pregnant bitch.

List of indications for the use of milbemax

Treatment measures prescribed by a doctor at the time of detection in the body of domestic animals, cestodoses and nematodes, as well as combined nematode-cestodes infestations. These diseases are caused different groups helminths: Ancylostoma tubaeforme, Angiostronglus vasorum, Dirofilaria imitis, Toxascaris leonine, Dipylidium caninum and so on. They are detected using laboratory examinations biological materials.

The owner of a cat or dog at home will be able to identify the presence of worms in the animal’s gastrointestinal tract by the following signs:

When symptoms are identified, you need to urgently start using the drug, but before doing so, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

You need to buy exactly the one a drug that is suitable for modification to the mass cats or dogs, otherwise there is a high probability of complications or overdose. In pharmacies, the cost of Milbemax depends on the specific modification.

Milbemax for dogs instructions for use

Apply anthelmintic recommended in crushed (crush into powder) form once during a meal. Powder must be mixed with food. If this application option does not work, then forceful administration is used: after eating, sprinkle the root of the tongue pet powder, while holding his mouth.

One-time correct dosage can be determined by the weight of the animal. To prevent the appearance side effects and complications, it is recommended to administer the medicine according to the following instructions:

Preventive measures produced in summer-autumn and spring-summer periods once. During the treatment of Angiostrongylus vasorum infestation, the use of the drug Milbemax is recommended at intervals of one week in four doses.

Possible complications of overdose

If the medication was used in the recommended dose and according to the veterinarian's indications, then in this case the active components do not cause side effects. Based on the condition of dogs and cats, after preventive and therapeutic measures, and reviews from experts, the drug Milbemax has no complications or side effects. In some cases, minor allergic reactions may occur, which are detected with increased individual or species intolerance to the substances of the drug.

Analogue of the drug Milbemax

For prevention and treatment helminthic infestations big The drug drontal is also popular. Using drontal contributes to damage muscle tissue and the shell of the helminth, which ultimately leads to disruption of muscle and nervous innervation, and at the same time to its paralysis and death. The drug can be used for puppies, small cats, and large and adult dogs.

In principle, Drontal has the same effect and is as effective in use as the drug Milbemax. But reviews from many pet owners indicate that Milbemax is more effective and efficient than Drontal.

Advantages of the drug Milbemax

The active elements of the tablet allow be confident in your health your pet. Among the obvious advantages are:

  • The medicine must be administered once, its pharmacodynamics ensure complete removal of worms from the body;
  • the active ingredients cause the neutralization of helminths that are at any stage of the cycle;
  • the meaty taste makes the drug easy for animals to take;
  • tablets can be used to treat young, lactating and pregnant animals.

Today, veterinarians are increasingly prescribing the drug milbemax. Positive

Instructions for the use of Milbemax tablets for dogs with nematodes and cestodes
(manufacturing organization “Novartis Sante Animale S.A.S” / “Novartis Sante Animale S.A.S.”, France)
Approved on April 21, 2011.

I. General information
Trade name medicinal product: Milbemax tablets for dogs.
International generic name: milbemycin oxime + praziquantel.

Dosage form: tablets.
Milbemax tablets for dogs contain milbemycin oxime and praziquantel as active ingredients.
The drug is produced in two modifications:

  • “Milbemax tablets for puppies and small dogs” containing milbemycin oxime - 2.5 mg/tablet. and praziquantel - 25 mg/tablet.
  • "Milbemax tablets for adult dogs" containing milbemycin oxime - 12.5 mg/tablet. and praziquantel - 125 mg/tablet.

As auxiliary components, Milbemax contains: microcrystalline cellulose - 20%, croscarmellose sodium - 3%, povidone - 1.5%, lactose monohydrate - 51.5%, colloidal silicon and magnesium stearate - 2%.

The drug is produced in foil blisters placed in cardboard boxes.

The shelf life of the drug, subject to storage conditions in the manufacturer's closed packaging, is 2 years from the date of manufacture; after opening the blister - no more than 1 month.

It is prohibited to use the medicinal product after the expiration date.

Store the drug in the manufacturer's sealed packaging in a dry place, protected from light, away from food and feed, at a temperature of 15°C to 30°C.

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children.

No special precautions are required when disposing of unused medicinal products.

II. Pharmacological properties
Milbemax tablets for dogs - combined anthelmintic drug nematocidal and cestodocidal action.

Milbemax tablets for dogs, in terms of the degree of impact on the body, are classified as moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses they do not have a sensitizing, embryotoxic or teratogenic effect, and are toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms.

III. Application procedure
Milbemax tablets for dogs are prescribed with therapeutic and for preventive purposes for nematodes, cestodes and mixed nematode-cestodes infestations caused by helminths of the following types:

  • cestodes - Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., Echinococcus multilocularis, Mesocestoides spp.
  • nematodes - Ancylostoma caninum, Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina, Trichuris vulpis, Crenosoma vulpis (reduces the intensity of infection), Angiostrongylus vasorum (reduces the intensity of infection), Dirofilaria immitis (for preventive purposes).

A contraindication for use is the animal’s increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug (including a history of it) and severe renal and liver dysfunction.

Exhausted and sick people should not be dewormed infectious diseases animals.

“Milbemax tablets for puppies and small dogs” should not be used for puppies under 2 weeks of age and weighing less than 0.5 kg, “Milbemax tablets for adult dogs” - for dogs weighing less than 5 kg.

Milbemax tablets for dogs are used for pregnant and lactating bitches under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Milbemax tablets for dogs are used once during feeding in crushed form with a small amount of food or administered forcibly to the root of the tongue after feeding in a minimum therapeutic dose of 0.5 mg of milbemycin oxime + 5 mg of praziquantel per 1 kg of animal weight, based on:

Preliminary starvation diet and the use of laxatives before deworming is not required.

For deworming of dogs with infestation caused by Angiostrongylus vasorum, Milbemax tablets are used in the same dose four times with an interval of 7 days.

In order to prevent dirofilariasis in regions unfavorable for the disease, the drug is used in the spring-summer-autumn period: before the start of the flight of mosquitoes and mosquitoes (carriers of the pathogen D. immitis) once, then once a month and last time in the season no earlier than 1 month after the end of insect flight. Before deworming, you should consult with veterinarian to exclude the presence of microfilariae in the animal’s blood.

With significant overdose, some dogs may experience depression, drooling, muscle paresis, tremors and/or uneven gait. These symptoms resolve spontaneously within 24 hours and do not require the use of medications.

No specific effects of the drug upon its first use and discontinuation were identified.

When using the drug in accordance with these instructions, side effects and complications, as a rule, are not observed. U individual dogs with increased specific or individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, it is possible to develop allergic reactions, in these cases, the animal is prescribed desensitizing agents.

Milbemax tablets for dogs should not be used in combination with other macrocyclic lactones.

The period of use of products of animal origin after the use of Milbemax tablets for dogs is not regulated.

IV. Personal prevention measures
When using Milbemax tablets for dogs, you should follow general rules personal hygiene and safety precautions required when working with medications.

When working with the drug, do not drink, smoke or eat. After handling the drug, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

If the drug is accidentally ingested, the victim should be given several glasses to drink. warm water, if necessary, contact medical institution(bring with you the container label or instructions for use). There are no antidotes.

Manufacturer: Novartis Sante Animale S.A.S.; Usine de Huningue, 26, rue de la Chapelle, F-68330 Huningue/ Usine de Huningue, B.P. 224, F-68332 Huningue Cedex, France.
Instructions for use were developed by Novartis Animal Health d.o.o., Verovskova 57, Ljubljana, 1000, Slovenia (Slovenia) together with Novartis Sante Animale S.A.S. (France).

With the approval of this instruction, the instructions for the use of Milbemax tablets for deworming dogs, approved by Rosselkhoznadzor on March 3, 2008, become invalid.

Active animals, but if a parasite settles in their body, they become apathetic, lose their appetite, and their fur looks dull. If such symptoms appear, the owner should immediately purchase a remedy for parasites. One of these drugs, Milbemax, will be discussed in this article.


The drug effectively fights worms, especially tapeworms and roundworms. Suitable not only for treatment, but also for prevention. It is safe for the pet’s body and is recommended for use from the age of 6 weeks.

Milbemax contains two main active ingredients: in one tablet milbemycin oxime 2.5 mg (12.5 mg for large ones), praziquantel 25 mg (125 mg).

The drug also contains auxiliary components: colloidal silicon, croscarmellose sodium, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, povidone, microcrystalline cellulose.

Pharmacological properties

Milbemycin oxime- one of the main active ingredients, belongs to the group of lactones, which are the result of the vital activity of streptomycete bacteria. (These enzymes form the basis for many antibiotics.)

It is maximally concentrated in the animal’s body two hours after ingestion and is excreted naturally.

Milbemax for worms is available in the form of tablets with oval shape And White color. On one side of the tablet there is an embossing - AA, on the other - NA.
Tablets for oral administration are packaged in two pieces in a blister; one cardboard package can contain one or two blisters.

Did you know? Dogs are intellectually developed animals, they learn commands, remember and understand up to 250 words, are able to count up to five, and can solve problems at the addition and subtraction level.

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for prophylaxis; it reduces the risk of infection with helminths of all types, cestodes and nematodes.

Important! All of these symptoms require intervention and treatment, otherwise the pet’s health will be undermined.

Directions for use and dosage

The drug for puppies and for large animals is different, the packaging indicates who the product is intended for, and the tablets differ in shape. For babies and small breeds - oval tablets, for big dogs - round tablets.

For puppies and small breeds

Milbemax for puppies and small children instructions for use (based on the weight of the animal):

  • 0.5 kg -1 kg - half a tablet (there is a dividing strip on the tablet);
  • 1 kg-5 kg ​​- one tablet;
  • small dogs up to 7 kg - two tablets.
It can be given to puppies from the age of six weeks; no preparation in the form of a diet is required.
The medicine is given forcibly on the base of the tongue, after eating.

For large breeds

Milbemax for large dogs instructions:

  • up to 10 kg of weight - one tablet;
  • 10-25 kg - one;
  • 25-50 kg - two;
  • weight more than 50 kg - three tablets.
Both puppies and adults are given one tablet per week for a month during treatment. For prevention before summer season once a month.

Important! AND preventive measures, and treatment is undertaken after consultation with a veterinarian.

special instructions

The use of the drug requires compliance with certain rules:

  • Milbemax is not given to babies weighing less than half a kilogram;
  • puppies of the Bobtail, Sheltie, and Collie breeds are treated only under the supervision of a veterinarian;
  • Bitches during pregnancy or lactating, if necessary, are treated under the supervision of a doctor.

The dosage and regimen of use are strictly followed according to the instructions.

Important! The owner of the animal should follow general hygiene rules when working with the medicine.

Side effects

At correct use doses and compliance with the terms of use according to the instructions negative actions not found.

In some cases, with individual rejection of some components of the drug, the following complications are possible:

  • violation of movement coordination;
  • muscle tremors, involuntary contraction;
  • lethargy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea.
In these cases, the drug is stopped and the veterinarian prescribes therapeutic agents. In case of an overdose, tremors, lethargy and severe salivation are observed.
These symptoms go away on their own and do not require treatment.

Did you know? Due to their unique sense of smell and trainability, dogs have always been attracted to work in various services: security, army, rescue service and police. In the late eighties on the so-called “Cocaine Alley”-A site on the border of Mexico and Texas (USA) was served by dogs named Rocky and Barco. These four-legged police officers brought great losses to drug traffickers on both sides of the border, and there was even a $30,000 bounty on their heads.


The drug is contraindicated in animals with the following diseases:

  • kidney disease;
  • liver diseases;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • exhaustion;
  • infectious diseases.

Storage period and conditions

The medicine is stored in its original, closed packaging in a dark, dry place. The product must be inaccessible to children and animals and kept away from food. Storage temperature from 5°C to 25°C.
The shelf life of the product is two years from the date of production; if there is half a tablet, it is placed in a blister, but its shelf life is no more than six months.

Packaging, empty blister and unused remains of the medicine must be disposed of.

What to replace

It happens that Milbemax is not available for sale, then you can purchase analogues for your dog:

The products are of high quality and, as a rule, do not have any side effects dangerous to the health of the pet.

Milbemax for dogs will come to the rescue:

  • Active anthelmintic drug containing praziquantel.
  • It has a complex effect on worms, leading to rapid damage nervous system, muscle contraction and death.
  • Can be used when different types helminths, but with a dog weighing at least 5 kg.

What is the drug?

This active drug from the Novartis company with a release form - in tablets.


  • taeniasis;
  • toxocariasis;
  • ankylomastosis;
  • echinoccosis;
  • Dipylidiasis.

Can be used for preventive purposes. Which you need to use, find out here.

Composed of - active ingredients(milbemycin oxime, praziquantel) have a synchronous effect on helminths, larvae and mature individuals.

2 hours after administration it is achieved high concentration composition in the blood. Gradual elimination occurs over the next 13-14 hours, and in an unchanged form of the drug.

Milbemax is considered dangerous medicine, but is well tolerated by different breeds of pets, regardless of age. Although it is not recommended to give to small dogs up to 3 months.

Patients who want to get rid of helminths often ask natural preparations with the least side effects. In such cases, I recommend this remedy.

Composition and release form

The drug is available in oval tablets for oral administration.

Packaging – 2 tablets in blitters or packs. Also 10, 100 tablets per package, placed in cardboard box with doses indicated depending on the weight and age of the dogs.

Pharmacological properties

Attention! Milbemax is toxic to crustaceans and fish (as aquatic inhabitants), which must be taken into account. Use for dogs and puppies only in accordance with dosages, so as not to cause harm. After 2-3 hours, the concentration of active components in the blood plasma becomes maximum. According to GOST, Milbemax belongs to hazard class 3.

Treatment should be started immediately! Protect yourself and your loved ones!

Instructions for use of Milbemax for dogs and dosage

The drug is taken once in the morning.

According to instructions:

  • mix the recommended dose with dog food;
  • put it on the tongue, possibly forcibly, if the dog is nervous.

It is advisable to weigh the dog first so as not to make mistakes with dosages. Minimum therapeutic dose– 0.5 mg.

Single dose for puppies:

  • up to 1 kg – 1/2 tablet;
  • 1-5kg – 1 tablet;
  • 5-10 kg – 2 tablets.

For large dogs:

  • 5-25kg - 1 tablet;
  • 25-50 kg - 2 tablets;
  • 50-70 kg – 3 tablets.

The basis of the product is bee propolis, which has a pronounced antibacterial, antiviral effect. I like the drug because it is completely natural, based on herbs, and this is very important for prevention."

List of indications for use

The drug is indicated for a single dose during feeding of dogs, and can be given together with food. Doses depend on the weight of the animal. There is no need for preliminary preparation for treatment.

IN advanced cases Worms can be detected with the naked eye in the feces of dogs during bowel movements or crawling near the anus. If you examine the puppies, you will notice protruding ribs and a swollen belly.


Do not give the drug to dogs if:

  • severe exhaustion;
  • the presence of infectious diseases;
  • excessive intolerance to Milbemax components;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • allergies.

Sheltie, collie and bobtail puppies have increased sensitivity to lanktones in the composition of the drug, so it is also not recommended to give it. Pregnant bitches, during lactation and puppies weighing up to 2 kg - with caution, after consulting with a veterinarian.

Overdose and side effects

There will be no side effects if you do not neglect the dosages and strictly follow the instructions. It happens that a skin allergy appears in dogs due to intolerance, but it will gradually subside.


Milbemax has earned attention as a cheap and commercially available drug. Price for 1 package – 170-180 rub.

Attention! To avoid poisoning and side effects, do not neglect the doses indicated in the instructions.