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Effective ways to increase the vitality of the body

Bad mood, loss of energy, depression are the same diseases as, say, a cold, flu or stomach pain. We do not ignore the physical manifestations of illnesses, why are we so indifferent to the mental ones? Moreover, this problem can be solved quite simply by slightly adjusting your diet or “drinking” a complex of vitamins for vigor. And even better - by preventing the onset of the disease and eliminating depression at the precursor stage.

Each of us periodically faces a completely inexplicable loss of taste for life.

Depression is not the autumn blues or the desire to listen to the sound of rain, wrapped in a blanket and drinking cocoa. This is serious mental disorder, which we tend to partially ignore or identify with manifestations of laziness, bad mood or selfishness. In any case, symptoms of depression are usually considered not a good enough reason for actual treatment, they say, they will go away on their own. Moreover, it often happens that depression actually goes away on its own. What is the reason?

Many have probably noticed this peculiarity: with the onset of the autumn-winter period, we often become apathetic, gloomy pessimists, prone to soul-searching, self-flagellation and excessive anxiety. Moreover, during the rest of the year we do not notice such metamorphoses. And so every year, again and again. Is this related to the time of year? Answer: yes, there is a very direct connection.

This does not mean that during the warm season we are completely protected from such phenomena as depression, chronic emotional and physical fatigue and drowsiness. It’s just that in winter the risk of “catching” these symptoms is much higher than in summer, and this is usually associated with a lack of vitamins in our body - in other words, with hypovitaminosis.

By the way, the lack of vitamins, which we used to call “vitaminosis,” is actually called differently. Vitamin deficiency is serious illness, caused by complete and long absence intake of any vitamin into the body. In our latitudes, it is almost impossible to “earn” vitamin deficiency, unless it is caused by dysfunction of the body itself. For example, scurvy, known as the sailors' disease and occurring when complete absence in the diet of vitamin C, develops in the period from 4 to 12 weeks. A deficiency of any vitamin in the body is called “hypovitaminosis.”

Vitamins are organic compounds that the human body needs for proper operation. A long-term lack of any vitamin in the human body kills. Literally. They cannot be replaced by anything, and the body almost does not synthesize them, and they, in turn, help regulate metabolic processes in the body, since they are part of enzymes and hormones. Vitamins are thirteen substances, or rather groups of substances, which themselves are divided into two large subgroups - fat-soluble and water-soluble.

Fat-soluble vitamins that require fat for absorption:

  1. Vitamins A (retinol);
  2. D (colecalciferol);
  3. E (tocopherol);
  4. K (phylloquinone);

Water-soluble vitamins are an extensive group of B vitamins and ascorbic acid:

  1. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  2. B1 (thiamine);
  3. B2 (riboflavin);
  4. B3 (niacin, or a nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP);
  5. B5 (pantothenic acid);
  6. B6 (pyridoxine);
  7. B7 (biotin, sometimes called vitamin H);
  8. B9 (folate, or folic acid);
  9. B12 (cobalamin).

Unlike proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins themselves are not sources of energy, but they also support life in us, facilitating the flow of essential processes and being irreplaceable microcomponents.

Therefore, if your mood suddenly changed, you felt weak, began to get tired quickly, it became difficult for you to concentrate and you felt sad - this is an alarm bell. The fact that your arm, leg or stomach does not hurt does not mean that the disease is “fake” and nothing needs to be done about it. Mental pain is still pain, and if it hurts somewhere, there is a reason for it that needs to be eliminated.

Vitamins for activity and good mood

Our body always clearly signals the lack of a particular vitamin.

The lack of which particular vitamins and microelements causes a decline in moral and physical strength? First of all, these are B vitamins and ascorbic acid.

B vitamins are effective when taken in combination, since the body requires supplies of the entire group, and, as we remember, there are eight of them, and it is impossible to determine at home the lack of which of them caused the symptoms. In addition, when leaving the autumn-winter period, the body, one way or another, feels a shortage of most of them. Of course, we do not need all of them equally, but there is no need to worry about an excess of B vitamins in the body, because water-soluble vitamins do not accumulate, but are excreted in the urine. From group B, to improve mood and performance, we most need thiamine, biotin, cobalamin, pyridoxine and nicotinic acid.

Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is also called the “vitamin”, and among other functions, it is responsible for normal work nervous system. A person receives it mainly from plant foods and meat offal.

By the way, a lack of thiamine, or vitamin B1, is often found among people suffering from alcoholism. This is due, firstly, to a poor diet and, secondly, to the fact that alcohol prevents the body from obtaining this vitamin from food.

Nicotinic acid, niacin, PP are all names for vitamin B3. Like B1, niacin regulates nervous system function and helps obtain energy from food.

The main task of vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is to regulate metabolic processes in the body. It helps to effectively use glucose in the cell, regulates its amount in the blood, and it is glucose that is the main fuel for neurons and brain cells. Therefore, vitamin B6 improves memory, increases mental and physical performance, improves mood.

Vitamin B6 can be obtained from the same foods that contain other B vitamins, so with a normal diet you will not be deficient in this vitamin. In addition, it can be synthesized by lactic acid bacteria, so lovers of blue cheeses also get it from this delicacy.

Biotin (vitamin B7), like pyridoxine, usually enters our body in sufficient quantities. The only people at risk for its deficiency are people who have been starving or have had an extremely poor diet for a long time and pregnant women. In addition to biotin supplied with food, our body, or more precisely, healthy intestinal microflora, synthesizes it in sufficient quantities.

However, if you have a crazy idea to feel the signs of biotin deficiency, it is enough to eat two or three raw ones every day for several months. egg whites, because they contain a substance that interacts with biotin and prevents its absorption.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is different in that neither animals nor plants can synthesize it. This is the only vitamin produced by bacteria. Its absorption by the body depends on many variables, for example, the required amount of produced gastric juice, therefore, the easiest way to eliminate its deficiency is to take the vitamin in tablets or even by injection. Its lack in the body leads to a number of disorders - from visions to depression and dementia.

Since vitamin B12 is completely absent from food plant origin, vegetarians and vegans are at risk for its deficiency. In this regard, in a number of countries it is added to products such as breakfast cereals or energy bars, and recommend that people who do not eat animal products take vitamin supplements containing cyanocobalamin.

Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is perhaps the most “commercial” vitamin of all, because in synthetic form it is available in much more than other vitamins. It is also called the vitamin of youth and energy. Participates in the formation of serotonin, the so-called “happiness hormone” and in the metabolism of iron. Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency are lethargy and fatigue.

By the way, unlike the vast majority of animals, our body is not able to synthesize vitamin C on its own. They keep us company Guinea pigs and some primates.

Table: Daily human requirement for vitamins

Vitamin Daily requirement
Vitamin A (retinol) 1.5–2.5 mg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 70–100 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 1.5–2.0 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 2.5–3.5 mg
Vitamin B3 (PP, niacin, niacin) 15.0–25.0 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 5.0–15.0 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 2.0–3.0 mg
Vitamin B7 (biotin) 0.15–0.50 mg
Vitamin B9 (folacin) 0.2–0.4 mg
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 2.0 mcg
Vitamin D (colecalciferol) 2.5–10 mcg
Vitamin E (tocopherol) 10.0–20.0 mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 1.8–2.2 mg

What besides vitamins do you need for vigor and good mood?

However, in addition to the lack of vitamins themselves, other factors also affect our mood and performance. It's no secret that the cause of seasonal mood swings is a lack of light. Depressed state mental health and a tendency to depression is caused by a lack of serotonin in the body, because light hitting the retina of the eye sends a signal to the brain about the need to produce serotonin, which calms and relieves nervous tension, relaxes and gives a feeling of pleasure. And a short daylight hours does not allow serotonin to be “developed”, as a result a person becomes angry, tense and gloomy.

Another negative consequence of short daylight hours is constant drowsiness. This is due to the production of the hormone melatonin, a regulator of circadian rhythms. Excess light reduces its production, accordingly, a person remains active and cannot fall asleep. With a lack of light, the concentration of melatonin in the body increases, and a person feels the desire to go to bed, which is where constant drowsiness comes from.

With a lack of magnesium, energy production in the body is noticeably reduced. Fatigue and weakness become our constant companions. Magnesium is essential for the supply of energy to living cells in the body. Daily norm magnesium - about 300 mg for women and 400 mg for men. Magnesium deficiency leads to insomnia and chronic fatigue. However, an excess of magnesium in the body has a number of negative consequences.

Signs of magnesium deficiency and excess - table

Signs of magnesium deficiency Signs of excess magnesium
insomnia, morning fatigue (even after a long sleep) drowsiness, loss of coordination and speech
irritability, increased sensitivity to noise, dissatisfaction lethargy
dizziness, loss of balance slow heart rate
appearance of flickering dots before the eyes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
changes in blood pressure, heartbeat disorder dry mucous membranes (especially the oral cavity)
muscle spasms, cramps, twitching
spasmodic pain in the stomach accompanied by diarrhea
hair loss, brittle nails
frequent headaches

What to drink to relieve fatigue and improve tone

During the session, the most popular drug among students is glycine

Glycine is an amino acid that has an antidepressant and mild tranquilizing effect, in addition, it improves memory and elevates mood. This drug is prescribed if there is a need for increased mental performance, sleep disorders and stressful situations - in a word, everything that the student feels during the session. Its attractiveness also lies in its relatively low price.

In addition to glycine for students and not only for improvement mental activity and giving vigor, the following drugs are suitable:

Gallery: drugs that relieve fatigue and increase tone

Magne B6

EPA and DHA (omega-3)

Table: drugs that relieve fatigue and increase tone

Magne B6 Magnesium in the drug is involved in most metabolic processes in the body and is needed for the proper functioning of cells.
Pyridoxine (B6) also stimulates metabolism and helps the body use glucose in the cell.
A natural supplement obtained from a creeping subshrub - periwinkle. The drug stimulates cerebral circulation, participates in the process of formation of “fuel” for the brain. It also has a beneficial effect on memory.
Being a natural substance, it stimulates the functioning of mitochondria, thereby contributing to the production of energy necessary for the functioning of the body in general and the brain in particular.
From time immemorial, the extract of this relict plant has been used in traditional oriental medicine. In addition to the antioxidant, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, it also stimulates the enrichment of the brain with oxygen.
They are the leading components of omega-3 fats. Both of these acids, essential for our brains, help eliminate depression symptoms and improve mood.
The main component of all cell membranes in our body. Contains choline (B4) and is involved in fat metabolism. Improves memory, regulates the functioning of the nervous system.
A coenzyme that has a rapid antidepressant effect, while being a natural substance. Stimulates brain function.

Gallery: vitamin complexes that give vigor

Alphabet Energy

Table: vitamin complexes that give vigor

Name Description
Alphabet Energy They help you get up easier in the morning, feel energetic and rested. Folic acid and vitamin B1 are involved in metabolic processes body, releasing energy. They have a beneficial effect on brain function, strengthen the immune system, and have an antioxidant effect.
A good helper in the fight against chronic fatigue. During heavy physical activity, it helps the body get more energy and enhances the cognitive abilities of the brain. Thanks to a whole complex of vitamins and microelements in its composition, it has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.
Effective for maintaining brain function during periods of high mental and physical activity. Increases stress resistance of the nervous system.
One of the most known drugs in the multivitamin market. It contains twenty vitamins and minerals. Provides comprehensive support for the body as a whole. Auxiliary components in Supradin help the main active ingredients better and more efficiently absorbed by the body.
A complex of vitamins and minerals that increases performance and energy due to ginseng, selenium and iodine included in its composition. Helps you cope more easily stressful situations. It has a tonic and antioxidant effect, stimulates brain activity.
Recommended for increased physical and mental stress. Improves concentration, increases body resistance, supports cardiovascular system, helps to cope with nervous overstrain, tones.

Vitamins in nature, or How to do without pills

The right diet allows you to do without vitamin supplements

The fact that you feel a lack of one or another vitamin in your body does not mean that you urgently need to run to the pharmacy and buy vitamin complexes And medications, because vitamins usually enter our body naturally, with food. Therefore, it is better to rely on foods rich in those vitamins, the lack of which you feel.

In addition, it is important to remember that with proper and balanced diet Getting hypovitaminosis is not so easy. To do this, you need to completely exclude any food group from your diet (we are, of course, talking about vegetarians, vegans, raw foodists, fruitarians and other fans of food restrictions).

The main argument in favor of getting vitamins from food, and not from a jar, is that the composition is natural and synthetic vitamins are not identical, the vitamin formula for medicinal purposes is not reproduced completely, but only partially. For example, 7 isomers ascorbic acid in the laboratory they turn into one. The same thing happens with other vitamins.

In addition, all vitamin complexes, regardless of their high cost, are absorbed by the body by no more than 10%. Therefore, if you do not feel signs of hypovitaminosis and just want to “cheer up” your body a little, it makes sense to spend money, and, note, quite a lot, on a variety of diet, and not on vitamins of artificial origin.

You can boost the production of serotonin, the lack of which we feel especially acutely in the autumn-winter period, by eating more turkey, bananas, chocolate, apples, oily fish, plums and pineapples. Also, be in the sun more often, and even in cloudy weather, the lighting outside is better than in a stuffy room. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that power training increase the level of the “happiness hormone” in our body, so feel free to go to the gym to improve your mood!

Table: natural vitamins to restore energy

Vitamin What products contain
IN 1 Yeast, enriched breads, flour, eggs, lean and organic meats, beans, nuts, grains, peas and whole grains. Also, a fairly high amount of vitamin B1 is typical for blue cheeses such as brie and camembert.
AT 3 Brewer's yeast and meat, it can also be found in eggs, fish, legumes, nuts, game and, of course, in fortified breads and cereals. In addition, it is contained in coffee beans, the amount of which only increases when roasted.
AT 6 Meat, whole grains (especially wheat), vegetables and nuts. In addition, it can be synthesized by bacteria, which is why it is also found in blue cheeses. Vitamin B6 in food is quite resistant to external influences V acidic environment, however, under other conditions it is sensitive to both light and heat.
AT 7 Brewer's yeast, eggs, nuts, sardines, whole grains and legumes
AT 12 Chicken, beef, pork liver and heart, beef, lamb, herring, mackerel, perch, carp, mussels, octopus, cheese, turkey, eggs
WITH Citrus fruits, cantaloupe, kiwi, various berries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, sauerkraut, bell pepper, green leafy vegetables and tomatoes, rose hips.

Gallery: Energy Recovery Products

Citrus fruits (vitamin C) Broccoli (vitamin C) bell pepper(vitamin C) Meat (B1, B3, B6, B12) Legumes (B1, B3, B7) Fish (serotonin, B7, B12) Chocolate (serotonin) Bananas (serotonin) Eggs (B1, B3, B7, B12)

Vitamins for men and women: is there a difference?

Many experts believe that the same set of multivitamins is suitable for men and women, and the division into “male” and “female” vitamin complexes is just a publicity stunt. Others argue that there is a difference, and it is explained by different physiological processes taking place in the bodies of men and women.

The most significant difference between men and women lies in hormonal systems, more precisely, in sex hormones. In men, this hormone is testosterone, in women it is estrogen.

Men have more muscles compared to women, so vitamin complexes for men usually take this feature into account, as well as greater mobility and a tendency to perform heavy physical labor. In this regard, men need to receive more vitamins that promote the restoration of muscles and cartilage tissue.

The leading positions in the list of “male” vitamins and microelements are vitamin E, essential fatty acid- oleic and linoleic, and zinc. They ensure the production of the required amount of testosterone and seminal fluid. In combination with vitamins A and C, they also strengthen the immune system, protect cardiovascular and genitourinary system. And, of course, we cannot fail to mention B vitamins, which carry out protein synthesis and regulate metabolic and energy processes.

Multivitamins for women take into account the specific functioning of their body. It's no secret that as a result of natural physiological processes Women regularly lose iron along with their blood, so specialized vitamin complexes for women contain more iron And folic acid than men's. Vitamin B9 supports proper hormonal background, protects us from emotional swings, stores the nervous system. Another B vitamin, pyridoxine (B6), reduces the symptoms of PMS.

Sometimes you don’t want anything, apathy sets in, there is no strength to realize plans and dreams, the weather seems unsuitable, everything around seems gray and dull. The diagnosis is a decline in vitality, lack of energy to implement planned tasks, despondency and blues.

It turns out that laughter therapy can significantly improve our vitality. Research has shown that laughter and joy can strengthen immune system, and thanks to the hormone of joy produced with laughter, substances are formed in our body that destroy diseases and cancer.

Scientists have made a sensational discovery that friendly hugs contribute to the production of joy hormones and growth hormones, which prolong life and suppress Negative consequences stress. As a result of experimental studies, it was found that patients who hugged regularly recovered faster than those who did not.

There is no need to take pills that increase vitality and promote the formation of growth hormone. Studies have shown that regular squats and various leg exercises can increase the production of the “Youth Hormone” several times, which lifts your mood and generally tones the body.

Proper breathing is important to remove toxins from the body. It is believed that only 30 percent final products exchange is removed through the intestines and along with urine; breathing does the rest. Breathing also helps increase your vitality, energy, improve your mood. Set aside time each day for calm, rhythmic, deep breathing, combining these exercises with meditation or yoga.

Research has shown that the sense of smell has certain effects on the brain and body, and depending on the aromas inhaled, you can feel both joy and sadness. By stimulating the nasal olfactory endings, you can activate the part of the brain that is responsible for mood and memory. This principle is used in the science of aromatherapy, which studies the effects of strong-smelling plants on our bodies.
The scent of jasmine and eucalyptus calms the nervous system, removes anxiety, and the aroma of grapefruit lifts your spirits. You can apply a drop aromatic oil on the temple area so that a pleasant smell accompanies you all day. At home, add a couple of drops of aromatic oil to boiling water, so the smell will spread throughout the room.
The reason for the low tone of many people is attempts to suppress or reject feelings of anger, resentment, and guilt. When we consider certain feelings unacceptable and strive to suppress them or not allow them into ourselves, we internally tense up and spend a lot of energy on this. In such a state to have high level energy is almost impossible. Therefore, if you want to improve your vitality, try to acknowledge and express your feelings. If you are angry or offended by your loved ones, let them know about it. If you are not happy with something in your life, think about how to change it.
“Today I will lie down, rest, save my strength - and tomorrow I will actively get down to business,” you think. But it turns out, for some reason, on the contrary - the strength becomes not more, but even less. The fact is that life energy appears when it is needed. And you shouldn’t save it, as if it were gasoline, hoping that this will make it more. Instead, think of it as a muscle whose strength increases in proportion to training. And if today you gather your strength and do what requires full dedication, tomorrow it will become natural and even easy. Try to do something that previously seemed impossible to you. If you are sure that you will never be able to speak in front of an audience, or learn to dance, or ask your boss for a raise - and you say to yourself: “No, such things are simply not for me!” - this is exactly the barrier, overcoming which will give you an additional energy charge. Honestly ask yourself, what seems absolutely impossible to you, what scares you so much that you won’t do it for any reason? And then take it and do it. Yes, and who said that to raise the level vital energy- is it easy?
Unfortunately, in the bustle modern life We don't often find time to do what we really enjoy. And more often we do what needs to be done. However, what you love - be it painting or walking in nature or growing vegetables in the garden - will give you the vitality to redo everything else. Observe yourself - after which work you feel full of strength and energy, and which leaves you squeezed like a lemon. Try changing your routine to focus on what energizes you. Unusual actions, any violations of habitual patterns and stereotypes significantly increase energy levels. Try doing something new to you regularly. It is not necessary to change your country of residence or jump with a parachute - you can simply buy unusual products or change your hairstyle. At least once a week it is useful to ask yourself: “How have I changed during this time? What new things have you learned? In what ways have you grown and expanded your capabilities?”

don't regret 7 minutes - yes interesting tips for increase vitality

Forum-conversation interesting people


Interested in your own experience?
Brief information: By low vitality, I mean fatigue, reluctance to do anything, sadness, drowsiness, poor brain performance.
In general, I walk around like a zombie. Even if I have a desire to do something, I can’t concentrate, I’m not creative, it’s as if I’ve been sleeping for a very long time and just woke up, but I still feel sleepy. In general, save me, otherwise I’ll eat your brain :))


You need to do what you love! Most of all, your apathy towards everything arises precisely from the fact that you have nothing to do. So you dry out.

You need to see a doctor, an immunologist, you may have hepatitis, diabetes or immunodeficiency?

The first thing to do is not to go on the Internet, put it on your computer. Appetite and sleep improve. Relax and positive communication with friends, flirt with a girl you like and no stress, think only about good things.
Man has so many diseases because of his brain

There is only one way to increase your tone without stimulants that wear out your heart. Reduce body weight, cleanse blood vessels, because the capabilities of the heart, lungs, hormonal system are very limited and then the power of your body will increase. Imagine a light sports car driving itself easily, while a heavy car will warm up on the rise. The advice is simple: make a plan to improve your vigor and start small, the main thing is to get involved in the flow of vital energy and feel it, merge with nature, live playfully, not forgetting about a reasonable balance in everything, try to feel the call of your soul, what you gravitate towards more All in all, be friends and communicate with optimistic people and everything will come true.

There are two options: carrot and stick. The whip option in this case is to use tonics, be it physical exercise or chemical substances, in particular based on ginseng. The gingerbread option is the need to give your body rest, either by getting plenty of sleep or leisure, well, for example, go hiking with friends.

A little warm-up for 10-15 minutes helps me. Jogging, etc. for some reason they tire ((. At first you feel a surge of strength, but not for long. The problem is really urgent...

There is such an experience.

I recommend dousing cold water.
Invented by Porfiry Ivanov, but he has a lot of stuff there that can be simplified.
You get up in the bathroom, empty two buckets/basins cold water on the head.

A cold shower is a mockery of the body.
Pouring is much easier to do. You just need to decide.

The effect is that under the influence of cold water the body produces “internal heat”. All viruses die instantly.
The tone is guaranteed to increase.
You will definitely forget what a runny nose, cold or flu is.

First of all, stop fighting this HARD. Let go of this state for a couple of days (weeks), let it be as it will be. There is no need to force yourself under any circumstances.

I only recommend what I have tried on myself and my family and friends.
Green tea in winter and autumn is too cooling a product, try rooibos instead.
A proper diet is a must! Sufficient amount of PURE water per day (approx. 28g per kg of your weight).
Sleep - from 9-10 pm to 6-7 am will be more effective.

A daily massage will help a lot (if your girlfriend does it), or self-massage is also not bad, with oil.
Well, in general, all of the above is AYURVEDA clean water. You can’t escape it if you want to be healthy in every sense;)

From personal experience, when you wake up, start rubbing each finger separately and your ears (there are a lot of energetic active points)

imitating a cat to stretch and stretch its muscles and joints

which ones you will feel yourself (it should be pleasant)

Get out of bed and do exercises for about five minutes

And a contrast shower helps me tone up

according to Ayurveda to eat.

Sweets in the morning. Cereals - during the day. vegetables in the evening. and drink only before meals.

Since what you drink before meals reduces weight, and what you drink during and after meals increases your weight.

People with a high level of energy have dreams come true faster, they are always in a good mood, do not lack financial resources, are popular with members of the opposite sex, and feel cheerful and active. If everything in your life is happening exactly the opposite, you should pay increased attention to this issue and find out how to increase your energy.

Human energy comes in two varieties:

  • physical;
  • and free (or vital energy).

Thanks to physical energy, it happens normal functioning human body. It is also necessary to maintain a high tone of free energy.

To ensure that you always have a lot of physical energy, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • eat well with quality food;
  • have a good rest (healthy sleep plays a huge role);
  • practice high physical activity;
  • regularly visit baths and saunas, in which negative energy dissolves;
  • spend more time in nature;
  • Yoga and martial arts are very popular.

But to maintain high vitality, physical energy alone is not enough. It is important to have enough free energy. But, before you start increasing it, take care of your physical body. When it feels good, only then begin to increase your free energy potential.

But first, determine what current free energy level you are at. The following symptoms will indicate a lack of vitality:

  • reluctance to perform any actions;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • it's hard to get up in the morning.

Increasing the level of free energy can be done in 2 ways:

  • by reducing energy waste;
  • thanks to an increase in its free energy potential.

But before we tell you how to increase energy, let's talk about what we spend our free energy on.

Where does free energy go?

Life forces leave us at such moments:

  1. When we suffer from any negative experiences. All of them actively deprive you of creative energy (especially the feeling of guilt, anxiety, and fear).
  2. During stressful experiences.
  3. When we feel like a very important person.
  4. Unnatural ways to increase your energy potential (through alcohol, energy drinks). These techniques for increasing the energy balance are very similar to borrowing money at a high interest rate. You take energy today, but tomorrow (or later) you will have to return it in much larger quantities. Therefore, you should resort to these methods as rarely as possible.
  5. When we smoke.
  6. We waste ourselves on trifles. Ask yourself: “Are you keeping your priorities straight?” It is worth doing this so as not to waste your vitality in vain.

You spend your energy on all kinds of worries, often even on those that are not particularly important to you (worrying about the lives of celebrities, the economic state of the country, the victory of your favorite football team, etc.).

Pay attention only to your closest people (relatives, loved ones, friends - all those whose lives you are able to influence). You can even make a special list in which you put the things of first importance and put in last place what can wait.

At the same time, it is important that 80 percent of your vitality is spent in the first three subparagraphs in this way:

  • 50 percent - to the first point;
  • 20 – to the second;
  • 10 – third;
  • the remaining 20 percent goes to everyone else.

Remember that energy wasted on trifles will never come back to you. Therefore, invest it better in more important things, so that later it will return to you a hundredfold.

Having dealt with energy waste, now let’s move on to methods of increasing energy.

How to increase human energy

Dream, set goals

The dreams and real goals that you are trying to achieve fill you with a very significant amount of free energy. But this will only work if the dreams and goals were invented by you personally, and not another person imposed them on you. When the soul and mind are in harmonious relationships with each other for their purposes, you get a lot of free energy to carry out your plans.

If you follow your path, the Universe will help you in every possible way and will always provide the necessary energy fullness!


In this case, the object of your faith does not play a significant role: it can be God, the Supreme Mind, the Universe, superconsciousness or something else. The main thing is that thanks to faith you will also be filled with a sufficient amount of free energy.

Love it!

Love is a very powerful positive feeling. When it fills you from the inside, you perceive everything with great enthusiasm and it begins to seem that you can conquer any heights! Love is a very powerful source of life force.

Practice energy gymnastics

This is a set of exercises, the implementation of which helps to expand energy channels.

Give thanks

When you express your gratitude, you feel positive emotions and at the same time you are filled with free energy.

Make art

Which type of art do you like best? Through art your soul comes alive.

Now, in the information age, art has undeservedly found itself in the background, replaced by the Internet and television. It is worth dedicating your time to it if you want to always maintain a sufficient balance of energy and reveal your inner potential.

Listen to music

Music is pure energy. That's why it's so important to regularly listen to the compositions of your favorite music artists. The louder you make the music, the more the flow of energy will increase, fill yourself with music to the brim!

Find yourself a hobby

A hobby is an activity done for the soul. Any hobby fills you with additional free energy.

Communicate with people who have high energy

Some people naturally have very high energy potential. They themselves spend this energy in abundance, and its excess comes out. By contacting such individuals, you receive from them a piece of their energy.

People with strong energy unconsciously evoke positive emotions in others. Often people cannot even explain their reason.

All successful people have a strong biofield, so after contacting them you feel much better emotionally. When such people enter a room, it is as if an invisible light is flooding it.

Practice self-hypnosis

You probably know that self-hypnosis will allow you to get everything you can dream of. It is quite possible to increase your energy, for this it is important to regularly use visualization and resort to energy gymnastics. You can also use pure self-hypnosis for this purpose.

Get a pet

Animals always evoke positive emotions in their owners, every time your eyes fall on a cute animal.

Exchange physical energy for free energy

When you practice sports and active species rest - physical fatigue sets in, but there is an increase in vitality. Thanks to regular jogging in the morning, swimming, fitness, dancing, you fill yourself with an additional amount of free energy.

Exchange finances for free energy

Now we are talking about money. When you give them away and don't expect them to come back to you, the Universe fills you with vitality.

Have sex!

Sex is the most powerful source of free energy, so it is worth increasing your energy potential through this pleasant and useful activity.

Keeping your body in good condition physical fitness and by resorting to the methods of increasing the amount of free energy described above, you will significantly strengthen your biofield and due to this your life will begin to change for the better.

If you feel low in strength, constant fatigue, and the work of all body systems leaves much to be desired - this is a loud signal that your vitality needs support. Such problems are especially common with an exhausting pace of life, during pregnancy - when the body is under tremendous stress - and after childbirth, during the recovery period.

What means are there to raise vitality?

1. Tincture with holosas

An excellent remedy for increasing vitality is tincture with holosas. Holosas is choleretic agent, sold in pharmacies, which is good for removing various wastes, toxins and harmful substances from the body.

To prepare a remedy for raising vitality from holosas, you need to take 5 tablespoons of holosa, pour them into a half-liter bottle, add 3 tablespoons of aloe, 3 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of eleutherococcus and fill this mixture with honey to the top. Stir and drink 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon 15 minutes before meals.

2. Means for raising vitality “Health”

To prepare this product you will need: 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. aloe juice, 1 tsp. lemon juice. Heat the honey (so that it is slightly warm, but not hot), mix it with oil and juices. Take this vitality booster in the morning on an empty stomach for 1 month.

3. Calamus tincture

This vitality booster is very easy to prepare. You need to take the rhizomes of calamus and fill them with water (in a ratio of 1:15) or vodka (in a ratio of 1:5). Water tincture is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for 1-1.5 months. Vodka tincture is taken 20 drops 2 times a day before meals for the same period.

4. Vitality booster with hibiscus and raspberries

To prepare this tincture you will need: 1 tsp. hibiscus flowers, 1 tsp. raspberry leaves, a glass of water. Grind the leaves and flowers and pour them hot water. Leave the mixture to infuse for 8 hours, after which take it as an antispasmodic for painful and heavy periods, as well as to improve metabolism in the body.

5. Vitamin tea

Vitamin teas – excellent remedy to raise vitality. For example, you can make tea from rose hips, black currant berries, nettle leaves and ordinary carrots by mixing all the ingredients in the following proportions: 3:1:3:3. Brew the mixture with hot water (1 tablespoon of mixture per glass of water) and drink as tea.

6. Tincture of herbs and rose hips with honey

This remedy for raising vitality includes the following ingredients: lice root, Rhodiola rosea rhizome, stinging nettle, rose hips, lemon balm, honey and water. Mix honey and rhodiola in a 2:2 ratio, add 3 parts of nettle and the same amount of crushed rose hips. Pour 2 tbsp. mixture with half a liter of boiling water and leave for about 3 hours. After this, strain the resulting vitality booster, add a little honey (if you are not allergic to it) and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

A lifestyle that promotes vitality

A good remedy for raising vitality is a contrast shower, which ends with cold water. After contrast shower a good solution would be to brew a strong green tea with lemon juice.

In addition, lack of strength and decreased vitality are usually a consequence poor nutrition and lack of sleep. Therefore, the simplest and effective means to raise vitality there will be normalization of sleep and proper nutrition, which includes getting enough water per day - about 2 liters.

In order to get rid of fatigue, there is a good exercise: while sitting, move your head back as far as possible and look up, making a swallowing movement. After this, lower your head down so that your chin touches your torso, and make another swallowing movement. Raise your head and, looking forward, turn your head to the left (and make a swallowing movement), and then to the right (and do the same). Do the exercise 6-8 times a day.

It’s easy to raise your vitality and feel cheerful, active and happy again! And the means for raising vitality that you choose for yourself will help you with this - or better yet, it should be not one, but several means!

Nowadays, vitality can be considered the same luxury as a stylish foreign car or a Swiss watch. It is he who is a necessary component of career growth, but in his personal life there is absolutely no way without him. Losing it, we become lethargic and are no longer able to enjoy life, things creep into our heads. negative thoughts, and give up for no apparent reason.

This condition can develop into chronic fatigue syndrome - a real scourge of modern managers. To prevent this from happening, it is important to recognize in time the moment when fatigue after a hard day turns into a constant loss of strength.

You notice yourself frequent changes mood? Your hobby has ceased to bring you pleasure, but at work every call or question causes irritation? On weekends you want to spend the whole day at home, but on weekday mornings you can hardly lift your head from the pillow?

Well, it's time to take action! Here are the five components effective program increasing vitality:

positive thinking;

Enjoy the little things, smile more often - it has been proven that how good mood causes a smile, just as a smile can cause a good mood.

regular meals;

To activate the work of your own body, it should be regularly supplied with the maximum useful substances. Review your diet, add natural proteins and carbohydrates, try not to skip breakfast and not replace a full lunch with a sandwich and coffee.

physical exercise;

Within reasonable limits, they are absolutely necessary to raise vitality. Start small - use the stairs instead of elevators, and if necessary, leave your car in the parking lot and walk a couple of blocks to your favorite cafe or business partner's office.

healthy lifestyle;

water procedures;

Water has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on all processes in the body. A regular shower can both invigorate you in the morning and help you relax after a hard day. Don't miss the opportunity to pamper yourself with a warm bath - it's equally beneficial for your nervous system and your muscles.

The drug Elkar from the PIK-PHARMA company will help awaken the hidden powers of your body. Its main component is water solution L-carnitine - a popular ingredient in sports nutrition. It is completely harmless, since some of it is initially found in the human body. Thanks to this, there is no allergy to the drug, it also does not cause side effects, including overdose.

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