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Doppelhertz for healthy nails and hair. Doppelhertz vitamins for hair and nails - composition

You can solve the problem of tired, brittle and dry hair with the help of Doppelgerz hair vitamins.

Doppelhertz is a brand of vitamin complex lines developed by the German company Queisser Pharma GmbH and Co. KG". The company began its existence in 1897.

Its creator was Alfred Kweiser. He started his business with a small production cosmetics for skin care. The products of this company appeared on the Russian market in 1996.

Currently, this company is one of the leaders among manufacturers of mineral and vitamin preparations, which are widely used throughout the world for the prevention of many diseases.

This brand does not represent medications, and dietary supplements (dietary supplements).

The dietary supplement is a cocktail of nutrients that contribute to the healing of the body. This complex is designed so that the substances in its composition are better absorbed, delivering to the person essential vitamins, minerals and other useful components.

Just like any other pharmaceutical drugs, dietary supplements must be accompanied by instructions describing the use of the product and listing indications and contraindications for use.

Even though it's not medicine When using it, you must strictly follow the instructions and avoid overdosing the drug.

4 product lines have been released under the Doppelgerz brand:

  • “Doppelhertz Beauty” is a line of products for health improvement and aesthetic improvement. This includes drugs for strengthening hair, nails, healing skin, preventing cellulite and losing weight;
  • "Doppelherz VIP" is a series of highly targeted drugs for the prevention of diseases and strengthening of the body;
  • Preparations of the line " Doppelhertz asset» more wide range actions – this is the most extensive brand line in terms of the number of products presented;
  • "Doppelgerts" is a line of sedative and tonic products with positive influence on the cardiovascular system.

For health and improvement appearance Hairstyles can be distinguished by two products specially developed by this company for hair care.

These are vitamin-mineral complexes from the Active line and the aesthetic line.

It should be remembered that these drugs, while not remedy, will not have the necessary effect in the presence of truly pronounced problems or diseases.

For example, these products contain vitamin B6, which is used to prevent seborrhea that occurs when it is deficient.

But, if the disease has already manifested itself, then you should consult a doctor who will select the correct treatment.

Before use, you should make sure there are no allergic reactions. Drugs should be purchased from trusted distributors.

For a better and longer-lasting effect, these complexes should be taken in courses that can be repeated, taking a break of one month.

The course “Beauty “Beauty and Health of Hair”” lasts a month, and the “Active “Vitamins for healthy hair and nails” – two months.

Both drugs are very easy to use. Every day during the course you should take one capsule of the product per day.

These dietary supplements are loved by many precisely for their ease of use and have earned good reviews.

Beauty product “Beauty and health of hair”

The basis of the beauty product “Beauty and Health of Hair” includes natural oils, vitamins and minerals:

  • The composition of wheat germ oil contains vitamins A, E, F, K, PP, B. As a result, the oil has high nutritional and antioxidant abilities;
  • Dry horsetail extract contains: silicon, manganese, alkaloid, potassium and flavonoid. Together, these substances promote better blood circulation, cell regeneration, and activation of hair growth;
  • Zinc helps prevent viral and infectious diseases. But besides this he also has others beneficial features– has a beneficial effect on the regulation of sebum production, removing excess oily scalp, activates cell regeneration, promotes protein synthesis and collagen formation;
  • Copper prevents the appearance premature gray hair and strengthens the hair structure;
  • With the help of nicotinomide, you can accelerate hair growth and strengthen follicles;
  • Vitamin B6 is used to prevent and treat seborrheic dermatitis;
  • Pantothenic acid is involved in metabolic processes in the scalp;
  • Biotin regulates protein and fat balance, promotes collagen production and is involved in metabolism fatty acids.

Thanks to a carefully selected combination of components, the dietary supplement perfectly copes with the assigned tasks:

  1. strengthens and moisturizes curls;
  2. actively stimulates their growth;
  3. regulates sebum production;
  4. prevents loss of pigmentation and premature aging hair;
  5. protects hair from the influence of stress of various natures.

"Doppelgerts Active for hair"

The second hair care product is called “Active Vitamins for Hair and Nails.” In composition it is not much different from “Beauty”.

The basis of this drug also remains the beneficial properties of wheat germ oil and B vitamins, which give the nutritional complex basic antioxidant and healing properties.

Also in the base of the drug you can again see zinc and biotin (vitamin H). Biotin is considered a remedy emergency assistance hair and is often used in hair masks.

As part of the complex, it helps to gently restore hair and gives it strength and healthy shine. That's all the similarities active composition drugs are running out.

The following are used as additional active substances in Doppelhertz Active for Hair:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F) increase immunity and resistance to stress, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. This vitamin is used to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system and regulate fat metabolism in the body;
  • dry millet extract enhances cellular metabolism and promotes tissue regeneration, activates hair and nail growth and gives them a healthy shine.

Thus, based on the composition, we can conclude that the drug “Active Vitamins” places more emphasis on nutrition, restoration and cell regeneration, while “Beauty” strengthens hair and activates its growth.

And in it I mentioned that my hair often falls out, regardless of the season and nutrition (note - without proper care).

I take vitamins periodically (autumn and spring), I only change brands.

It’s hard to find suitable vitamins; for more than 10 years I’ve taken a great many of them.

The best I've ever taken are Perfectil from the British company Vitabiotics. But we are not talking about them now (although the vitamins are very, very worthy).

Due to the rise in price of Perfectil, it was decided to take an alternative, but certainly from an imported manufacturer, since I don’t trust ours (probably many will agree with me).

I chose it based on the price/quality ratio. I also looked for those manufacturing companies that are well-known and with which I am already familiar.

I am familiar with the company through their Omega-3 and Magnesium-B6 preparations. I drank them a long time ago and was very pleased.

Doppelhertz-active "For healthy skin, hair and nails"

Why Doppelhertz-active ≪For healthy skin, hair and nails≫?

Among all the variety in the pharmacy, I made a choice in favor Doppelhertz asset, because:

✔ German quality

✔ a well-known brand that has been on the market for many years and has established itself as a manufacturer of good drugs - dietary supplements

good composition, which is aimed specifically at the problem of hair loss

✔ reasonable price

So, what are Doppelhertz-active vitamins “For healthy skin, hair and nails”?

It contains everything you need for healthy hair, nails and facial skin.

I have never complained about my nails. Except for white spots on some nails. Leather? In principle, her condition still suits me at not quite 30 years old. But the hair... it's a problem.

I want to say that the most important thing for hair and skin is the presence of biotin (vitamin H or B7) and zinc, the rest is secondary.

And these are not guesses, these are the words of two dermatologists to whom I turned for advice (albeit with a different problem - the problem of the skin of the back).

It is not for nothing that vitamin H is called the “skin vitamin”.

Biotin contains sulfur, which it delivers to the skin, hair and nails. Sulfur is involved in the synthesis of collagen, a protein that determines not only the structure of the skin, but also has the ability to protect the skin from pollution environment and even slow down the aging process!

Zinc regulates the formation of proteins and is responsible for tissue growth. With its help, 300 enzymes are regulated and energy is distributed in the cell. In importance, it ranks immediately after iron and calcium. Thanks to zinc, our hair is healthy, shiny, and our skin is radiant.

Price: 125 UAH (325 rubles) per pack of 30 capsules

Wheat germ oil, millet (sorghum) dry extract, vitamin B5 9 mg, zinc sulfate 5 mg, vitamin B6 1 mg, biotin 150 mcg.
auxiliary components: gelatin, soybean oil, yellow wax, lecithin, yellow iron oxide, red iron oxide.

Manufacturer's promises:

This remedy is active biological additive , which has a positive effect on female body and has a cosmetic effect on the condition of nails and hair.

The complex of minerals and plant components contained in the dietary supplement helps improve metabolic processes, enriching the skin with beneficial substances.

The product improves the growth of nails and hair, restores their natural structure, and prevents the aggressive influence of external factors.

IN wheat germ oil contains a complex of vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help moisturize the skin and normalize the condition of the fat membranes that surround the skin cells.

IN dry millet extract There is vitamins , amino acids , minerals that support active metabolism in hair follicles and in skin.

Calcium-D-pantothenate ensures normalization of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, takes part in the metabolism of fatty acids.

Pyridoxine involved in the formation of NS mediators, protein structures of the body, prostaglandins. The substance helps support normal hormonal levels and functions immune system.

Biotin is a B vitamin that takes part in the utilization and synthesis of amino acids and fats. The substance helps normalize the condition of hair and nails and reduces their fragility. Biotin is able to activate the metabolism of fatty acids in the scalp.

Zinc regulates the activity of functions sebaceous glands, accelerates the regeneration of skin cells, participates in products collagen and in the synthesis of proteins, contributes to the regulation of the functions of the sebaceous glands. Has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Indications for use:

Application: I take 1 capsule after breakfast with a sip of water. The capsule is quite large, so people who have difficulty swallowing large capsules should either look for an alternative (powdered vitamins or effervescent vitamins) or drink more water.

The capsule must not be chewed or divided!

My results: firstly, don’t expect results after a week, just like after a month or two. I saw the first result when I started the third package - I noticed that my hair didn’t get greasy so quickly. Also, around the same time, I noticed that my hair was falling out significantly less (especially after washing my hair or having a salt massage). I also began to notice less hair on the comb. Not only that, but in front of me, on the frontal area, I had some fluff.

I didn’t notice any significant changes in my skin, except that the oiliness in the T-zone became less. But this may be due to cold weather.

But the white spots on the nails have disappeared and the nail grows white, and not translucent as before.

Few vitamins begin to act immediately (unless they are injectable, of course).

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to briefly summarize the advantages and disadvantages

vitamin Doppelherz-active ≪For healthy skin, hair and nails≫

✔ the most reasonable price among its analogues

✔ slowly but surely strengthens hair

✔ hair condition is more than satisfactory

✔ hair oiliness decreased

✔ fuzz has appeared in the frontal area

✔ less noticeable shine in the T-zone of the face

✔ white spots on nails disappeared

✘ if drunk on an empty stomach, it may cause nausea

✘ long wait for the effect

Conclusions: I have an ambivalent attitude towards dietary supplements, but I can say with confidence that Doppelhertz can be trusted. In three months, he helped me get rid of many problems related to the condition of my hair, nails and skin. And I’m sure it will help you too!

German quality has already become a stable expression, which few doubt. However, can it be used in all areas? Pharmaceutical manufacturer "Doppelgerts", known primarily for drugs for of cardio-vascular system, has been producing general strengthening complexes for female beauty for several years. How good are Doppelhertz vitamins for hair and nails? Are they worth attention and how to use them?


What is special about Doppelhertz vitamins?

The most famous complex for preserving the beauty and health of hair and nails from the German brand “Doppelhertz” is “Active”, presented in the form of capsules. 1 package contains 30 pieces, which is designed for a month of use. The cost of such packaging is 580-700 rubles.

Main Components vitamin complex"Doppelherz": wheat germ oil, biotin, zinc sulfate, vitamins B5 and B6. Also present are gelatin and lecithin to create the shell, iron oxides, wax and soybean oil for the internal consistency.

Thus, Doppelherz vitamins are based on valuable substances from cereals (wheat, millet), as well as B vitamins. What health benefits do they actually provide?

  • Biotin. The deficiency affects primarily the scalp, which causes seborrhea and hair loss; Blood sugar levels also increase, dry skin, peeling, and pale skin appear. Daily dose for an adult it ranges from 30-100 mcg, and 1 Doppelhertz capsule contains 150 mcg. Among regular products Beef and pork liver are recognized as its best sources.
  • Vitamin B5. Affects the production of adrenal hormones, takes part in the absorption of other microelements and the metabolism of fatty acids. Its lack affects not so much the appearance as the general health: disorders of the nervous and digestive system, muscle pain. The daily dose is 4-7 mg, 1 capsule contains 9 mg. People who are exposed to severe physical activity, as well as young mothers during lactation.
  • Vitamin B6. Like the previous representative of this group, it affects metabolism, as well as lipid metabolism. Deficiency manifests itself in dermatitis, stomatitis, seborrhea, as well as anxiety states and a decrease in T-lymphocytes in the blood. The daily dose is 1.6 mg, 1 capsule contains 1 mg.
  • Zinc sulfate. In terms of beauty plays important role in preventing hair loss and accelerating regeneration skin lesions; in a global sense - takes part in the process of hematopoiesis and the work of glands internal secretion. The highest concentration is observed in the epidermis and hair. The daily dose is 10-20 mg, 1 capsule contains 5 mg.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids, obtained from millet extract and wheat germ oil. In this case, these are Omega-3, which support the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and are not produced in the body. They are of greatest value for the skin, as well as for nails, increasing their strength. Daily norm- 300 mg, 1 capsule contains 600 mg.

Separately, it should be noted that Doppelhertz vitamins also have a coefficient grain units, equal to 0.02, which is equivalent to 7.2 kcal. It is important to remember this parameter for people with diabetes mellitus.

In addition to this, the Doppelgerz brand has other vitamins that can improve the quality of hair and nails: these are “Beauty for Hair” and “Active with folic acid" They differ only a set of microelements: for example, “Beauty” contains copper, horsetail extract, and niacin acid. In addition, a “Beauty” variety has appeared, intended for nails, where the leading position is in calcium and vitamin D3.

Is it possible to find an analogue?

Despite the fact that these vitamins are not the most expensive complex present on the market pharmaceutical market, consumers often wonder about finding a replacement. However, it is difficult to say how realistic this is: even if it is possible to find a product with an identical composition, there is a high probability that it will have a changed ratio of components, as well as their digestibility.

So if you really want to find effective replacement Doppelhertz Active or Beauty, contact your doctor and take a blood test. If we talk about nutritional supplements for hair and nails, which can be used for preventive purposes, experts advise paying attention to the following names:

  • "Merz";
  • "Heinz";
  • "Perfectil";
  • "Vitrum Beauty";
  • "Alerana";
  • "Revalid";
  • "Pantovigar";
  • "Alphabet Cosmetics";
  • "Vitasharm".

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that these vitamins are not direct analogues of Doppelhertz, but are only similar to it in terms of the principle of action: i.e. focused on maintaining female beauty.

Some of the drugs are mainly aimed only at preventing hair loss, some help improve the condition of the skin and nails, as well as relieve general vitamin deficiency. But in any case, the main factor of choice should not be the cost of the drug, but its indications for use and pharmacokinetics.

Rules for taking and contraindications to the drug

In order to figure out who needs these vitamins and who should refrain from consuming them, just look at the above data on the daily requirement and dosage of each component in the capsule. According to these indicators, it can be argued that 1 capsule can replenish daily requirement biotin, vitamin B5 and fatty acids, and also partially increase this figure for vitamin B6 and zinc.

For a healthy person, for the purpose of prevention, it is better to take the drug under the supervision of a doctor, since the main indication for taking the Doppelhertz complex for hair and nails is a deficiency of the listed microelements, established after studying a blood test. Remember that vitamins are large quantities no less dangerous than in small things.

  • Manufacturer advises this drug as a means for hair restoration, improving skin tone, strengthening and enhancing nail growth, and improving metabolic processes.
  • Doppelhertz vitamins are prohibited for children under 14 years of age. During pregnancy and breastfeeding It is recommended to attend a consultation with a specialist, since the components of the drug can be passed on to the child. An individual allergic reaction to both the ingredients and the dosage is possible.
  • A universal doppelhertz regimen that allows you to both maintain the condition of hair and nails and eliminate serious problems- 1 capsule per day, with meals. In this case, be sure to take the drug with plenty of warm water(at least 150 ml).
  • The duration of the course is 60 days, if necessary it can be increased, but after a break of 30 days or more. It is advisable to coordinate any changes with a specialist.

These vitamins cannot be separated to reduce the dosage because they have liquid foundation, enclosed in a gelatin shell, which makes them not very convenient for a hypersensitive organism.

What are consumers saying?

Turning directly to the reviews of women (and occasionally men), you can notice that there are significantly more enthusiastic comments on German sites than on Russian-language sites. But even if we take into account the attitude towards the product around the world as a whole, it is easy to conclude that these vitamins really deserve attention. About 15% of all opinions have a negative connotation, 11% are neutral and 74% evaluate Doppelhertz Active positively.

Elena, 41 years old

I have been saving myself with these vitamins for several years now - every fall and spring I take a month’s course for the purpose of prevention and I don’t know about grief. What I like about them is their balance: everything important elements Yes, the result is noticeable after 2-3 weeks and does not disappear after discontinuation. But at the same time there are no unpleasant symptoms from digestion or nervous system, which I have experienced with some other drugs. The cost is more than adequate - about 350 rubles for 30 capsules. The only thing is that the capsules themselves are large, and this may cause discomfort for some during their use.

June 17, 2017

There is no woman who would not like to have healthy hair, a good manicure and fast growing nails, clean skin. All this is possible only by maintaining balance in the body, which is ensured balanced diet and receipt of all necessary useful substances, good environmental conditions, proper care, as well as many other factors. If a person does not receive vitamins, amino acids and minerals in sufficient quantities, then this invariably affects his appearance, and very quickly. Among the most popular and favorite drugs special place occupied by Doppelhertz vitamins for hair and nails, reviews of which from patients and doctors speak about their high efficiency. Let's figure out what this remedy is, who it is suitable for and how it should be taken correctly to obtain the maximum positive result.

Doppelherz vitamins are recommended to be used only after consultation with a trichologist and passing all necessary tests. In this case, you can say with certainty that the drug will only bring benefits, and choose the most appropriate dosage of the drug.

Most often, these vitamins will have a beneficial effect on hair and nails if you have the following problems:

  • split ends;
  • hair fragility;
  • dullness and unevenness of shade;
  • too dry or oily curls;
  • improper functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp;
  • delamination of nails and their fragility;
  • slow hair and nail growth;
  • early gray hair;
  • itchy scalp and dandruff;
  • decreased elasticity and softness of hair.

The use of the Doppelgerz vitamin-mineral complex for hair and nails will benefit those who often style or dye their hair, have an unbalanced diet and are often nervous, suffer from bad habits, does not take good care of her hair, works in hazardous work. Vitamins will also help restore health and good appearance after a person has suffered long-term illnesses and hormonal disorders.

Doppelhertz acts at the cellular level, restores every curl from the inside. Vitamins for hair and nails nourish the hair shaft, help improve metabolism and blood microcirculation in hair follicle, awakens dormant hair follicles, restores structure along the entire length from roots to ends. Besides, active substances The drug is well absorbed by the body and has a positive effect on the skin and nails. Just a few weeks after starting to take Doppelhertz, increased growth of nails and hair will be noticeable, the functioning of the sebaceous glands will be normalized, and the hairstyle itself will become pleasant to the touch, shiny and silky.

Important! In addition to Doppelhertz Active for hair and nails, there is another product from the same manufacturer - Doppelhertz Beauty for healthy hair. The composition of both of these drugs is approximately the same, as is the purpose. But Doppelhertz Active has more components and is aimed not only at improving the growth and appearance of curls, but also at improving the health of nails. At correct use both of these vitamins have good impact on the entire body of the person receiving them..

Composition of vitamins Doppelherz

Doppelhertz Active is a unique vitamin and mineral complex developed by German scientists. The basis of the drug was natural ingredients– wheat germ oil, has long been known as a powerful strengthening, rejuvenating, restorative and detoxifying agent.

The following substances can be found in Doppelhertz Active vitamins:

  • biotin, which has a positive effect on the structure and health of curls, triggers regeneration processes, normalizes blood circulation and metabolism;
  • B vitamins, which are considered the most important helpers in restoring the health and beauty of hair and nails;
  • zinc, which promotes the removal of toxins, stimulates metabolic processes, ensures the digestibility of proteins and normal hair structure;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids, which accelerate the growth of hair and nails, normalize metabolism and the activity of the sebaceous glands, and give the strands a healthy shine and softness.

Instructions for use Doppelhertz for hair and nails

Doppelhertz Active, like any drug, must be used correctly to obtain the desired effect. Only a doctor can select the exact dosage and dosage regimen based on your individual characteristics and the condition of hair and nails. The manufacturer in the instructions for use gives only a standard dosage. He recommends taking Doppelherz to prevent problems. 1 capsule per day for a month. Then take a break of 3-4 weeks and repeat the course of taking vitamins. Based on this diagram, the number of capsules in the box was calculated - there are 30 of them, which is very convenient.

If problems with hair and nails have already arisen, then it is necessary to do a course of treatment for 2 months, and only then interrupt it and give the body a break. It is advisable to drink vitamins at the same time of day after or during meals, washing down with a small amount clean water. If this is not followed, there is a high risk of side effects, for example, heaviness in the stomach and nausea.

Contraindications to the use of Doppelherz Active are:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • individual intolerance to the product and its components;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • at severe lesions internal organs and body systems;
  • in the presence of tumors and neoplasms.

Side effects from the use of Doppelhertz Active are very rare and are most often caused by non-compliance with the rules for taking the drug. Most often these are nausea, vomiting, problems with sleep and bowel movements, allergic reactions local or general.

Where to buy Doppelhertz and what is the price

You can buy Doppelhertz Active vitamins in almost every pharmacy. The package contains 30 capsules for a monthly course. In the list below we will present a list of pharmacies where you can order online. But pay attention to the shipping costs. Sometimes a cheaper order may cost more due to more high cost delivery.

You can buy Doppelhertz Active in:

  • WER pharmacy offers at a price of 478 rubles.
  • Skin Health Center sells

Instructions for use

Doppelhertz active vitamins for healthy nails and hair n30 caps instructions for use


wheat germ oil, gelatin solution (gelatin, glycerol (thickener E 422, sorbitol (sweetener E 420), millet dry extract, soybean oil, yellow wax (glazing agent E 901), zinc sulfate (zinc), lecithin (emulsifier E 322), calcium-D-pantothenate (vitamin B5), yellow iron oxide (dye E 172), red iron oxide (dye E 172), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), biotin.

Contains a sweetener excessive consumption may have a laxative effect.

1 capsule contains:

Vitamin B5 9 mg

Zinc 5 mg

Vitamin B6 1 mg

PUFA 0.6 mg

Biotin 150 mcg


The vitamins, minerals and herbal components included in the composition optimize metabolism, nourish the skin, promote the growth and strengthening of hair and nails, restore their structure, and help resist the aggressive effects of the external environment.

Wheat germ oil - their useful action primarily due to the presence of vitamins B, D, A, PP, K, vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Vitamin E is one of the most important natural antioxidants. B vitamins are responsible for producing energy in the body from carbohydrates, proteins and fats. PUFAs are not synthesized in the human body, are irreplaceable and must be supplied with food. Wheat germ contains 55 to 65% linoleic acid, which is an omega-6 fatty acid. She in large quantities contained in vegetable oils. In organism linoleic acid can be converted to gamma-linoleic acid (GLA). GLA is used to reduce skin dryness and maintain normal condition fatty membranes surrounding skin cells. Wheat germ oil is also used in cosmetology.

Millet dry extract is a cereal crop containing mainly carbohydrates, starch, it is rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals, which play a key role in maintaining normal metabolic processes in the skin and hair follicles. Millet extract can significantly improve the condition of skin and hair, eliminate dry skin, retain moisture, and prevent hair loss.

Vitamin B5 (calcium D-pantothenate) is part of coenzyme A, which plays an important role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, energy production, formation of adrenal hormones and erythropoiesis. Vitamin B5 is involved in the metabolism of fatty acids, and the need for it increases sharply during puberty.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – extremely important vitamin, involved in the formation of protein structures of the body, mediators of the nervous system, prostaglandins and erythropoiesis. It is necessary to maintain hormonal balance and an adequate immune response. Vitamin B6 deficiency in adults is manifested by skin lesions in the mouth area (cheilitis), the development of seborrheic dermatitis, stomatitis, and dyspeptic disorders. Tissues in which cellular regeneration occurs most quickly require vitamin B6.

Biotin is a B vitamin involved in the synthesis and utilization of fats and amino acids. A lack of biotin in the body leads to sharp deterioration metabolic processes. Biotin is essential for the formation of healthy nails and hair. The use of biotin increases the thickness of nails in patients with brittle nails. Strengthening hair and improving its growth is associated with the ability of biotin to improve the metabolism of fatty acids in the scalp.

Zinc – biological role this mineral substance associated with the activity of the endocrine glands, it is necessary for the functioning endocrine system, including thymus hormones, insulin, growth hormone, sex hormones. Zinc helps regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. It is required for protein synthesis and collagen formation, improves the protective ability of the immune system and wound healing.

Capsules weighing 1150 mg.

1 capsule contains 5 kcal, 30 kJ, proteins 0.2 g, fats 0.5 g, carbohydrates 0.1 g.

Directions for patients with diabetes: 1 capsule contains 0.02 bread units.