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Coltsfoot for cough. Coltsfoot: beneficial properties and use in the treatment of ENT diseases

Anyone who loves walks in the forest will observe the colorful and unforgettable flowering of coltsfoot in early spring. After the snow melts, thawed areas, clearings, secluded open corners of thickets and forest edges are covered with islands of bright yellow, pointed, reed flowers, pleasing to the eye and creating a spring joyful mood after long cold weather.

Did you know that this flower asteraceae, belonging to the Asteraceae family, is a natural healer? The medicinal plant mother and stepmother, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are determined by the biologically active phytonutrients present in it, has a complex effect on foci of inflammation and the entire body as a whole.

Aqueous infusions of the herb make bronchial mucus more liquid, facilitating the process of sputum discharge, strengthen female body, help in the treatment of genitourinary diseases, lotions with infusion improve the condition of patients with dermatological diseases and damage to the skin, and mouth rinses soften the manifestation of dental problems.

How is grass collected, dried and stored?

By the way, the plant is one of the very first and especially valuable spring honey plants, providing bees with nectar and pollen. Coltsfoot leaves are harvested in early spring. The collected raw materials are dried under a canopy, in the attic, in a barn or in electric dryers at a temperature not exceeding 50°C.

Keep coltsfoot like the rest healing herbs, in paper, cardboard or linen packaging, as well as in glass jars in a dark place with good ventilation. Healing properties raw materials remain unchanged for 2 years. Mother and stepmother sold in pharmacy chain, in markets, in eco- and herbal shops.

The healing properties of mother and stepmother

Contains fresh and dried leaves coltsfoot and stepmothers contain mucus, tannin, bitter glycosides, tannins, essential oil, phytoncides, sterols, organic acids (malic, gallic and tartaric), polysaccharides, alkaloids, vitamins (carotenoids, C, group B), mineral salts.

Internal reception of hoods, thanks to high concentration mucus, exhibits a pronounced enveloping effect on the walls of the mouth, larynx, throat, esophagus, stomach and intestinal mucosa.

To the main properties medicinal plant include: diaphoretic, sanitizing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, regenerating, enveloping, bronchodilator, immunomodulatory and antioxidant.

Purify blood, eliminate mastitis, heal in short time burn surfaces, ease the course peptic ulcer and cholecystitis and get rid of erysipelas- not far full list diseases that coltsfoot helps with.

This flowering perennial is widely known in folk medicine from a long time ago. It is used for many diseases, including respiratory system person. Traditionally, dried herb is included in chest and emollient mixtures; it helps get rid of all types of coughs by thinning mucus, especially with whooping cough, pneumonia, laryngitis, asthma, tuberculosis and bronchitis.

Local baths from the infusion and decoction of coltsfoot are prescribed in complex therapy for hemorrhoids and cystitis. Procedures lasting 15 minutes are performed by sitting in a basin with warm liquid 1-2 times a day. For bleeding in the colon, microenemas with a decoction are additionally used.

Cosmetologists, trichologists and dermatologists advise paying close attention to unique plant coltsfoot. The healing properties for women lie in the ability of water extracts to stop hair loss, improve the condition of curls, cleanse the skin of rashes and acne, rejuvenate the face and smooth out wrinkles. Poultices with dried plant powder also heal mastitis.

Recipes for medicinal use

For colds accompanied by cough, prolonged bronchitis, whooping cough, tracheitis, use a decoction of mother and stepmother herbs, prepared by steaming a tablespoon of dried raw material with a glass hot water and simmering the liquid for ten minutes steam bath. After cooling, the broth is filtered and taken 15 ml three times a day before meals.

Medicinal plants are rich in natural phytoncides and biologically active substances gifted by nature itself.

Coltsfoot, whose photo and appearance are often confused with the common dandelion, is a real salvation in the treatment of many diseases. This flower is one of the first to signal the onset of spring, blooming bright yellow flowers with the final melting of the snow.

Characteristics of coltsfoot

Coltsfoot- Latin nameTussilago farfara

This flower got its name due to its unusual external structure leaves that are absolutely smooth on top, hard and cool when touching the surface of the skin, like a stepmother, and Bottom part covered with small fibers, tender and soft, the touch is warm and pleasant, like stroking a mother.

The plant loves clayey, moist soils and is more often found on the banks of rivers and canals. Characteristic feature is the appearance of leaves only after the plant has completely flowered, which occurs in late March - early April.

For medicinal purposes, young leaves and flowers are used, both independently and as part of various fees.

The healing properties of coltsfoot

The main effect of flowers and leaves of coltsfoot is an expectorant. The plant quickly calms cough, enhances the effect of expectoration, thins mucus and stops inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs.

Coltsfoot has antioxidant properties, reduces the level of free radicals and fills the body with vitamins and essential microelements, accelerating recovery processes and general normalization of well-being.

Indications for use

Interesting fact: Large amounts of vitamin C, potassium, selenium, bromine and silver give this plant its restorative properties.

  • Antihypoxic effect helps treat inflammatory and chronic processes in the digestive and urinary systems.
  • Kidney problems bladder, stomach, esophagus and intestines can be successfully treated with decoctions based on coltsfoot leaves.
  • Freshly picked leaves have a disinfectant and wound-healing effect; they are recommended to be applied to wounds, cuts and abscesses.

Advice: It is good to add a decoction of the leaves to the water when bathing babies; it heals microtraumas and eliminates diaper rash.

Representatives of the fair sex actively use the leaves and flowers of coltsfoot in folk recipes beauty.

  • When you wash your hair with a decoction of the leaves, the condition of the scalp is normalized, dandruff goes away, and the structure improves. hair follicle and the rod as a whole.
  • Compresses with decoctions of medicinal inflorescences and leaves are recommended to be used in the fight against acne and acne, to reduce oily skin.
  • The healing properties of coltsfoot for women are used for inflammation of the appendages, painful and heavy menstrual bleeding, to improve general condition body.

Contraindications for use

Products containing coltsfoot should not be ingested by children under two years of age, pregnant and lactating women, and patients with liver diseases. People with allergies should take decoctions and compresses with caution.

Admission course medicinal infusions it is necessary to spend no more than one and a half months, after which it is necessary to take a break.

Coltsfoot - truly unique natural remedy for many diseases, it is necessary to take into account its medicinal properties and contraindications before starting to take decoctions and tinctures.

How to prepare coltsfoot

Many herbalists know to get the maximum benefit from the product.

It is advisable to pick inflorescences for further use for medicinal purposes at the beginning of flowering, which occurs in March-April. Carefully tear off the flower basket with your hands, trying to completely remove the stem.

The collection of leaves begins a couple of weeks after sowing the baskets; this is done in June-July. They tear off the leaves with their hands; do not pick off those that are too young, wilted or yellowing.

Dry the raw materials in a well-ventilated place, in the shade, spreading the leaves in a thin layer. During the drying process, the leaves are periodically turned over to the other side.

It is necessary to be responsible about the place where medicinal raw materials are collected, to choose areas remote from highways, and to avoid pastures.

Dry plants are stored in an airtight container in a dark place for no more than three years.

It is unlikely that there is at least one person in the world who has never in his life heard of such a medicinal plant as coltsfoot. Moreover, many of you have probably already resorted to the help of this herb. Coltsfoot is a truly miraculous plant that was known to mankind many centuries ago. Even such world-famous people as Hippocrates, Dioscorides, Pliny and many others turned to him for help. Coltsfoot belongs to the category of those plants that have found their wide application not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. What is coltsfoot, and what beneficial properties does this plant have, medical college website (www.. If you really trust traditional medicine, then this article is especially for you.

Description of the plant

First, a few words about the plant itself. Coltsfoot is a perennial medicinal plant of the Asteraceae family. This plant has very beautiful golden-yellow flowers that attract the eyes of almost all passersby. Coltsfoot is growing everywhere. Most often, this plant can be seen on hills, slopes, ravines, wastelands, and along river cliffs. It is also worth noting that almost all parts of this plant are used in both folk and traditional medicine. Coltsfoot leaves are especially popular.

Beneficial features

Now let's get back to the main thing and try to answer the question next questionWhat beneficial properties is endowed with coltsfoot?
In fact, the beneficial properties inherent in this plant are not just many, but very many. Coltsfoot is inherent diaphoretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, disinfectant, tonic and many other properties. Coltsfoot owes all these beneficial properties to the healing components that it contains. This includes inulin, mucous substances, carotenoids, tannins, organic acids, sterols, and so on and so forth.

In the fight against what diseases can one resort to the help of coltsfoot?

This plant has found its wide application in the fight against almost all diseases. respiratory tract. Coltsfoot will perfectly cope with a runny nose, a cough, a fever, and hoarseness, and with suffocation. You cannot do without the help of this medicinal plant in the fight against purulent wounds , toothache, myositis, epilepsy, cystitis, enteritis, malaria, arthritis, pleurisy.

Heart diseases , kidney disease and Bladder , bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastrointestinal diseases - all of these are also indications for the use of coltsfoot. This plant is often used in cosmetology. The fact is that coltsfoot tends to strengthen the hair structure and also get rid of dandruff. If you are concerned about various disorders nervous system, coltsfoot will come to the rescue in this case too.


Right now we will present to your attention several recipes that contain coltsfoot. Read them as carefully as possible and if necessary, they will be able to help you. To begin with, we will tell you how to prepare a decoction of this medicinal plant. So, take five grams of coltsfoot leaves, pour them into one glass boiled water and leave to simmer on the fire for ten minutes. After this, the broth is left for another fifteen minutes, filtered and taken one tablespoon in the morning, lunch and evening.

If you have a runny nose, get help fresh juice of this plant. You just need to squeeze out the juice and drop it into your nose, two to three drops in each nostril.

To prepare a tincture from this plant, you need to take equal quantities of coltsfoot flowers and alcohol. Fill the flowers with alcohol and leave them in a dark place for a week. This type of tincture is taken thirty to forty drops three times a day. It is very important that the coltsfoot tincture is taken shortly before meals.

Using coltsfoot recipes in medicinal purposes, do not forget to comply

Coltsfoot perennial herbaceous plant family Asteraceae or Asteraceae. The plant received its scientific name from the Latin “tussilago”, which translated means “to drive away cough” or “coughgoner”. In nature, there is only one type of plant - the common coltsfoot. This is one of the first spring flowers, which differs from the rest in its originality.

First, a thick scaly stem with a flower appears yellow color, which eventually turns into a white fluffy ball. Only after flowering can you see a rosette of wide basal leaves. On the one hand, they are covered with soft warm fluff, on the other they have a smooth and cool surface to the touch. People noticed this feature, the warm side is the mother, the cold side is the stepmother, and they gave it the appropriate name. Other popular names plants: bifoil, mother grass, cassava grass, king potion, icy burdock.

The plant has a creeping and long rhizome and reaches a height of no more than 20 cm. It blooms in early spring until the leaves completely bloom. The fruit is a cylindrical basket with a tuft of hairs. Coltsfoot grows throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, and in the mountains Central Asia and North Africa. Prefers the slopes of ravines, banks of reservoirs, wastelands, embankments, fields and forests.

Preparation and storage of coltsfoot

For medicinal purposes, all parts of the plant are used: leaves, flowers, roots and seed fruits.

  • Flowers are collected at the beginning of flowering, which occurs in March and April. When collecting, it is necessary to tear off the remaining stems from the flower.
  • Leaf collection can continue throughout the summer, but best time its first half is considered.
  • The roots are collected in late autumn before the onset of frost.

Medicinal raw materials are dried in a ventilated area, the roots are pre-washed. All parts are stored separately in paper or cardboard containers. Flowers last for 2 years, leaves for 3 years, and roots for only 1 year.

Use in everyday life

Coltsfoot is actively used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

  • Medicine – decoctions and infusions, freshly squeezed juice, herbal teas, teas.
  • Cooking – vitamin salads, sauces, soups.
  • Cosmetology – masks, baths, lotions for face and hair strengthening.

Medicinal properties and composition of coltsfoot

All parts of the plant are medicinal raw materials and contain useful biological substances. Chemical composition leaves, roots and flowers are different from each other and have various actions on the body.

  1. The leaves contain a huge amount medicinal components– bitter glycosides, mucus, carotene, saponins, inulin, vitamin C.
  2. The flowers of the plant contain essential oils, tannins and organic substances, phytosterol, phenolic acids
  3. Mucopeptide mucus has an enveloping effect and protects the oral mucosa from irritation during stomatitis.
  4. Organic acids and saponins help soften and liquefy sputum and restore the functions of the ciliated epithelium, which is responsible for the penetration of pathogens various diseases into the body.
  5. 5. Bitter glycosides, sterols and carotenoids reduce redness of the skin and restore the mucous membrane of burns and purulent wounds.
  6. In folk medicine, coltsfoot is used for various purposes. It is an expectorant, emollient, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diaphoretic and appetizing agent.
  7. A decoction of the leaves is taken for diathesis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, lack of appetite, bladder and kidney disease, and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Freshly squeezed juice of the leaves is effective against pulmonary tuberculosis, insect bites and in the form of drops for a runny nose.
  9. Fresh leaves are applied to abscesses, wounds, tumors, and inflamed areas of the skin. They are used for articular rheumatism and spurs.
  10. A decoction of the leaves is used for gargling for stomatitis and sore throat, as well as in gynecology in the form of douching for leucorrhoea.
  11. Inhalation of smoke through the mouth of burnt dry leaves or coltsfoot roots is indicated for shortness of breath, spasmodic cough, flu and runny nose.
  12. A strong decoction of flowers and leaves is used in cosmetology to strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff.
  13. Use of coltsfoot in folk medicine

    Infusion of coltsfoot leaves and flowers for coughs

    Pour 1 tbsp with a glass of boiling water. l. dry mixture of flowers and leaves and leave for no more than half an hour. Strain the infusion and take throughout the day instead of tea, as an expectorant.

    Inhalations for diseases of the upper respiratory tract

    Brew 1 tbsp. l. with a pile of dry leaves and flowers and boiling water. Cover yourself with a warm towel and inhale the vapors. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day.

    Lotions from fresh coltsfoot leaves

    Crush or crush a fresh leaf and apply to a wound, boil, ulcer and affected areas with herpes zoster.

    Tincture of coltsfoot flowers

    Take freshly picked flowers and vodka (1:1) or alcohol (1:1/2) in equal proportions. Leave for a week in a dark place.

  • At acne lubricate externally skin several times a day.
  • To treat gastrointestinal diseases, take 20 to 40 drops orally before meals.
  • For inflammation of the vagina (vulvitis), drop 10 drops there before bed.

Douching for colpitis

Brew 1 tbsp with a glass of boiling water. l. crushed leaves and leave for 30 minutes, wrapped in a warm towel. Strain the solution and bring the volume to the original volume. For douching, use a warm infusion. Carry out the procedure no more than 2 times a day.

An ancient recipe with fresh coltsfoot for tuberculosis

Tear leaves - 2 full handfuls, do not wash, tear finely by hand, place 3 on the bottom liter jar or an enamel (or ceramic) pan. Sprinkle with sugar - 2 heaped handfuls. Shake, shake a little. Close and set aside in a cool, dark place (basement, pantry). Do not touch for 2 months! Then drain the viscous liquid (you can use a sieve until everything has drained) and add to it ½ part (by weight) of the freshest honey available at that time (if the extract is 1 kg, then take 0.5 kg of honey - only by weight ). Mix well with a wooden spoon (no metal ones!). Then take one tablespoon before meals for 4-5 months. Don't drink. Store in a dark place at room temperature. The same infusion, but only about 1 teaspoon, was given to epileptic children in the morning and evening - the number of seizures for six months was reduced to isolated cases.

Coltsfoot decoction for baldness, dandruff and hair health

Take 1 part of fresh coltsfoot herb and fresh nettle (a tablespoon of chopped herb each). Pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave until cool. Strain and rinse hair after washing. At increased loss hair - rub into scalp.

Vintage shampoo with coltsfoot

Take a handful fresh leaves coltsfoot, nettle (before flowering) and mint (you can use lemon balm or thyme, but only half a handful). Knead well by hand or with a wooden rolling pin (metal utensils are not allowed!). Then add a handful of sifted ash and mix well. When washing, apply to hair and comb well. Leave for 5 minutes and rinse warm water. The effect is amazing.

An ancient recipe for ulcers, difficult-to-heal wounds and trophic ulcers (including varicose veins)

Several young (from the center of the rosette) coltsfoot leaves yourself (no one else’s saliva will bring desired effect, only from the mother to the young child) chew and apply the pulp to the affected area. Wash off as soon as it dries. Usually after the first time everything starts to heal. By the way, all inflammation in the mouth disappears.

Infusion of coltsfoot flowers for pneumonia

This infusion drives away sweat, relieves fever and expels excess water(relieves swelling). Steam 25 grams (5 tablespoons) of dried coltsfoot flowers in a thermos (or in an oven, or in a water bath) for half an hour - in just a cup (200 ml) of water. Drink no more than a quarter glass (50 ml), but every 4 hours. Prepare a new infusion every day. For pneumonia, drink at night, but you need to consult a doctor, since it is better not to use this method if you have liver problems.

Contraindications for use

Medications are contraindicated for children under two years of age, those suffering from liver disease, pregnant and nursing mothers, and those with a delay of menstruation for more than a month.

The coltsfoot plant is one of the common, widely known and popular plants; its appearance is familiar to almost everyone. Many owners of summer cottages fight it like a malicious weed, not realizing that they are destroying a useful medicinal plant. We invite you to get to know him medical properties, contraindications for use, and also find out a few interesting facts.


The coltsfoot plant is a perennial representative of the Asteraceae family, a relative of the beautiful garden flower, asters. Indeed, if you look closely, the sunny yellow small flower of the plant is very similar to the beautiful red, pink or white head asters. The features of the coltsfoot as a representative of the flora are as follows:

  • Long creeping rhizome.
  • There are two types of shoots. Flowering plants are formed in early spring, their height is no more than 30 cm, at the end of each there is a head - a flower. After flowering, these shoots immediately die off.
  • Vegetative - the second type of shoot; leaves are located on them. They form some time after flowering has completed.
  • The sheets are very unusual, with inside soft, pleasant to the touch, smooth and cold on the outside. The parties are referred to as “mother” and “stepmother” respectively.
  • The leaf shape is rounded, the ends have characteristic serrations, the size depends on the age. Mature leaves often reach 20 cm in diameter. Color - rich green.
  • The flower is a basket of bright yellow color, reaches a diameter of 2.5 cm. It is because of their flowers that the coltsfoot plant and the dandelion are very similar, but the second has a larger diameter.
  • The fruit is an achene.

It is among the amazingly prolific ones; in a season, just one bush can produce almost 20 thousand seeds, which themselves have good germination.


Let's look at why the plant was called coltsfoot. There are several sad legends that explain this strange name.

In ancient times, a man left his family for another woman, leaving a wife and daughter with beautiful golden hair. But the new wife, tormented by jealousy, decided to destroy the child, lured the girl to a cliff and threw her down. The mother, feeling that her child was in danger, ran to the ominous place, but was too late - there was no way to save the girl. In desperation, she rushed at the killer, and both of them fell down without releasing their deadly embrace. The next morning, a huge number of unusual plants appeared near the cliff; one half of the leaf symbolized mother's love, the other - the stepmother's jealousy. And the sunny yellow flowers gave rise to associations with the blond hair of the dead girl.

Another legend explaining the origin of the name of the plant coltsfoot is as follows. One woman had a daughter, in which she was also an unloved stepdaughter. Fate took her own child away from her, so the unfortunate mother spent many hours in the cemetery, stroking the soil on the grave. So the plant grew, one half of its leaves was warm, like a mother’s love for her own daughter, the second was cold, like a woman’s indifference to her stepdaughter.


Let us continue the description of the coltsfoot plant by indicating the places where it can be found. There are many of them, especially sun-drenched meadows, ravines, and river banks. The plant is also found on forest edges, summer cottages, fields, meadows, preferring moist clay soils without turf. This natural healer grows in the territory Western Europe, Siberia, Asia, also found on the African and North American continents.


The medicinal plant coltsfoot is interesting because in the spring (mid-March - early April) flowers appear first, and then leaves. For this feature in Great Britain the flower is called “son before father.” The plant has a powerful root that extends a meter into the ground, develops with very high speed, therefore it can become a real disaster for fields and vegetable gardens, crowding out cultivated plants. Sometimes coltsfoot is called the first harbinger of spring, because modest yellow flowers begin to decorate the ground, barely free of snow.

It grows in families, so the meadow is almost always dotted with yellow baskets: if one flower has already faded, then the second is just beginning to bloom. After this, like a dandelion, the plant disperses seeds located on fluffy fibers.

Leaves and inflorescences are used as medicinal raw materials; it is recommended to collect the latter in July, without waiting for them to grow large and harden. The resulting raw material should be dried on fresh air, avoiding exposure to direct rays of the sun, turning over periodically.

Medicinal properties

Use the plant in medical purposes started back in Ancient Greece and Rome. Since ancient times it has been known that the gift of nature helps to cope with the symptoms of bronchitis and ease the course bronchial asthma. Hippocrates and Avicenna used it in their work.

In Latin, the coltsfoot plant is called Tussilago farfara L., which means “healing cough.” The name very accurately characterizes the specifics of the perennial; its flowers really allow you to quickly get rid of throat diseases, including coughs, both dry and wet. But that's not all. The plant has such an extensive list of medicinal properties that it is used not only in folk medicine, but also in completely traditional medicine. There are several main effects:

  • Disinfectant action.
  • Expectorant effect.
  • Due to the tannins contained in the leaves, the plant inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Essential oils have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.
  • The plant is used for pathologies internal organs: kidneys, bladder, intestines, stomach.
  • The leaves of the plant are applied to wounds and burns for their speedy healing.
  • Will help medicinal flower and with increased fatigue, drowsiness, overwork.

Sometimes coltsfoot as part of complex therapy is used to treat a wide range of diseases of the throat, oral cavity, purulent infections. However, it is important to remember that after consuming large amounts medicinal product, it is impossible to speed up getting rid of the disease, but it is very easy to harm yourself. Therefore, the dosage should be strictly observed and if controversial issues get advice from a medical specialist.


The medicinal plant coltsfoot has several contraindications, which should be taken into account by everyone who decides to improve their health and well-being with its help. Who should not eat flowers and leaves?

  • Pregnant women and young mothers during lactation.
  • Children under 3 years old.
  • For liver pathologies (hepatitis, cirrhosis).
  • For persistent violations menstrual cycle.
  • Cases of individual intolerance.

Also, doctors do not recommend extending the course for more than 1.5 months, because after regular use of coltsfoot herb, glycosides accumulate in the body and begin to poison it. The use of the plant together with antipyretic medications is possible only after consultation with a physician.

Possible side effects

At correct intake If the dosage is observed, coltsfoot rarely has a negative effect on a person’s health. However, such side effects:

  • Abnormal stool.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Abdominal cramps.

Most often they occur when using a medicinal plant in an unjustifiable manner. large doses. In this case, the reception is stopped immediately.

Best Recipes

Let's get to know the most useful recipes from the piggy bank folk wisdom, which will help to use the medicinal properties of the coltsfoot plant with maximum benefit. You can quickly get rid of a cough using this remedy: pour 1 tsp of boiling water into a glass. leaves of the plant, leave for 30 minutes. Drink the resulting drink three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. 10 minutes before meals. After 2-3 days, only memories will remain from the cough.

The following infusion will help bring the acidity of the stomach back to normal: take 20 g of dried flowers per 1 liter of boiling water, and infuse for 60 minutes. Next, the product is filtered using gauze, and 100 ml is taken every 6 hours.

For a suffocating cough, you can use the smoke from the plant. To do this, crushed dry grass and leaves are poured onto a hot frying pan, and the person suffering from cough inhales the resulting smoke. A 2-3 minute procedure will bring relief almost immediately.

Unusual pasta

Coltsfoot - useful plant, which can also be eaten, surprising your household unusual dish, the ingredients of which they will never guess. So, for preparation you will need:

  • Apple.
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Coltsfoot flowers - ½ cup.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Cinnamon - a little bit, on the tip of a knife.

The apple should be baked in the oven, then crushed to a puree, mixed with butter, flowers, sugar, and add cinnamon. The result is a sweet paste that can be spread on bread or eaten as jam.

In conclusion, we invite you to get acquainted with a selection of fascinating facts about amazing plant:

  • The coltsfoot is the emblem of pharmacies in Paris.
  • The root of the plant was previously used for medicinal purposes, but now only the above-ground parts are used.
  • The duration of flowering is almost 40 days, which is a real record for the first spring flowers.
  • The coltsfoot plant is a honey plant, and at the same time very useful, it is what helps the hardworking inhabitants of the hive to wake up. The honey productivity of the flower is low, but the problem can be solved by large quantity: often bright yellow baskets decorate meadows and fields, providing bees with the opportunity to collect the required amount of nectar.
  • This representative of the flora is also a natural barometer that allows you to predict the weather.
  • The plant grows very well in fire pits and uses ash as fertilizer.
  • In the old days, the flower even had its own day - April 10th. It was believed that potions prepared from raw materials picked on this day had magical properties.

We looked at the features appearance amazing inhabitant of meadows and ravines, learned the history of the origin of the coltsfoot plant, its medicinal properties.