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Is it possible to combine Spazmalgon with alcohol? Indications for taking the medication. Is it possible to replace Spazmalgon tablets with drugs of similar effect? What are these medicines called?

Live in modern world sets its own pace. And we very often obey him. Probably every person in his life has encountered the problem: “Is it possible to combine alcoholic drinks with an anesthetic drug?” After all, in life there are different cases. It happens that a person takes small dose alcohol, and then got a severe headache, toothache or stomach ache. Without thinking about the consequences, he begins to habitually use an antispasmodic in order to immediately relieve spasms and eliminate pain. Wouldn't such a solution bring more harm, what's the use? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Spasmalgon is a very strong analgesic and antispasmodic agent. It responds quickly to any kind of pain, eliminating a painful attack in literally 15 minutes.

In what cases do we take Spazmalgon

This antispasmodic is prescribed when various kinds spasms and pain:

  1. Muscle spasms.
  2. Migraine.
  3. Toothache and menstrual pain.
  4. In the postoperative period.
  5. Gastrointestinal and renal colic.
  6. Joint pain.
  7. Dysmenorrhea (primary and secondary).
  8. Inflammatory processes of urolithiasis.
  9. Biliary dyskinesia and other pain.

Consequences of compatibility of antispasmodics with alcoholic beverages

We all know from childhood about the harmful effects of alcohol on our body. Constant consumption of alcoholic beverages can destroy even the strongest organism. We also know well that it is better not to take any drinks in parallel with such drinks. medicines. But cases are different, for example, you came to corporate party or a colleague’s birthday, and then I got a bad headache. What should I do? After all, you don’t want to offend your friend. How not to drink to her health? You decide to take an antispasmodic, which will remove the hated pain, and continue the fun. But what will be the consequences? The instructions for using this drug strictly prohibit combining alcohol with it. This combination is simply unacceptable! After all, non-narcotic analgesics have a depressing effect on the central nervous system. Alcohol increases the toxic effect on the body. In this regard, it happens Negative influence simultaneous use of alcohol and analgesic on your body.

The following consequences may occur:

  1. Deterioration in health.
  2. Impaired coordination of movements.
  3. Nausea and dizziness.
  4. Vomit.

Of course, each organism is individual. There are cases when, when combining alcohol with this antispasmodic, a person is sick for two days without getting out of bed. And there are times when a person does not even notice any side effects. Combining alcoholic beverages with an analgesic antispasmodic is especially contraindicated for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. This cocktail is dangerous for your liver and stomach lining too.

You can often hear from “experienced” people that they carelessly took painkillers with alcoholic drinks, and are still alive, healthy and enjoying life. Believe me, this is the exception to the rule. Because all people are individual, and the characteristics of the body are also different.

You can use alcohol after taking an antispasmodic only after a few hours, but it is not recommended by doctors. The most important thing is to prevent them from meeting in your stomach. Then this cocktail will bring minimal harm to your body. The load on the liver will also be minimal. If the combination of these two drugs is inevitable, then try to allow at least two hours to pass after taking the last one.

In case of discomfort after combining spasmalgon and alcoholic drinks you need to seek help from a doctor.

Of course, with this choice it is better to give up alcohol. But you choose what is more important - your own health or good mood with unknown consequences.

One of the effective non-narcotic analgesics that have an additional antispasmodic effect is Spazmalgon. It contains three main components - metamizole sodium, pitofenone hydrochloride and fenpiverinium bromide, the combination of which leads to a mutual enhancement of the properties of each of them. The result of taking this drug will be a decrease in the patient’s body temperature, relaxation of smooth muscles and the almost complete disappearance of pain.

This medicine is appropriate to use for severe or moderate pain. Spasmalgon is effective for headaches and other types of headaches. It can be taken in cases of antispasmodic condition of smooth muscles internal organs, for example, with spasms of the bladder and ureter. In addition, it is used in disease conditions such as hepatic, biliary, intestinal and renal colic. Among other diseases when this drug is prescribed are biliary dyskinesia, chronic colitis, postcholecystectomy syndrome, algodismenorrhea, as well as diseases, affecting organs small pelvis.

Spasmalgon can be used for short-term treatment of joint pain, myalgia and neuralgia. It is often used as aid to reduce pain after diagnostic or surgical interventions.

Spazmalgon tablets should be taken orally after meals with plenty of water. The dosage of this medicine depends on painful condition and the patient's age.

  • Only a doctor can prescribe this drug to children, based on the child’s illness and age. For example, if a child is from 6 to 8 years old, then he can take 1/2 tablet several times a day, if he is from 9 to 12 years old - 3/4 tablet several times a day. If the child’s age ranges from 13 to 15 years, then he can take 1 tablet of spasmalgon several times a day. It's important to remember that Spasmalgon during pregnancy and lactation can only be taken under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Adults and children over 15 years of age are prescribed spasmalgon 1-2 tablets several times a day. The maximum permissible daily dose is 6 tablets. You can only take this medication on your own for five days; if after this period your health does not improve, consult a doctor.

Spasmalgon and alcohol are incompatible, so they cannot be consumed at the same time. This drug has a strong effect on the nervous system, which means that people who work with complex and dangerous mechanisms need to be extremely focused and attentive during the treatment period.


  1. Hepatic or renal failure.
  2. Inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis.
  3. Tachyarrhythmia.
  4. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
  5. Heart failure in the stage of decompensation.
  6. Severe angina.
  7. Angle-closure glaucoma.
  8. Intestinal obstruction.
  9. Prostatic hyperplasia with clinical manifestations.
  10. Megacolon.
  11. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  12. Collapse.
  13. Age up to 15 years.

Spasmalgon, like all medications, should be taken with caution and strictly according to the instructions. Be healthy!

Spasmalgon– three-component potent anesthetic And antispasmodic drug. The combination of the main components of the drug - fenpiverinium bromide, metamizole sodium and pitofenone hydrochloride ensures mutual enhancement of their pharmacological action and achievement of quick results.

Phenpiverinium bromide belongs to the group of M-anticholinergics, and its main effects are:

  • dilation of the pupils of the eyes;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • decreased tone of bronchial smooth muscles, gastrointestinal tract, bladder and uterus;
  • decreased secretory activity of the bronchial, digestive and sweat glands.
Metamizole sodium has a rapid and pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect.

Pitophenone hydrochloride causes relaxation of the smooth muscles of internal organs - the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and genitourinary system, and blood vessels. The effect of pitofenone is greatly enhanced by the presence of fenpiverinium bromide.

Accordingly, the combination of these three components provides relief from a painful attack within 15-40 minutes (depending on the route of administration). The therapeutic maximum occurs on average an hour and a half after using the drug. Subsequently, the analgesic effect slowly decreases and completely disappears after 6-10 hours. The duration and strength of action of Spasmalgon largely depends on the condition of the liver and the individual sensitivity of the patient.

Release forms

The drug Spazmalgon is available in tablets and solutions for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

Tablets are available in blisters of 10, 20 and 50 pieces, packed in a cardboard box. Ampoules can be 2 ml and 5 ml, each box contains 5 or 10 ampoules.

Instructions for use of Spazmalgon

Indications for use

Spasmalgon has a wide range of applications; it is often used in gynecology, gastroenterology, and nephrology to relieve pain and spasmodic attacks in internal organs.

Indications for the use of Spasmalgon may be the following conditions or diseases:

  • headache, migraine-like conditions;
  • toothache and pain after dental treatment;
  • spasmodic pain in the stomach and intestines;
  • spasms of smooth muscles of the bladder and ureters;
  • urolithiasis (with renal colic);
  • hepatic colic due to cholelithiasis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • pain after gallbladder removal;
  • menstrual pain;
  • neuralgia, pain in joints, muscles.
Spazmalgon can also be used as part of complex treatment after various abdominal surgical interventions and invasive diagnostic procedures.

Tablet forms of the drug are most effective for mild to moderate pain. Injection Spazmalgon is preferably used for moderate to severe pain.


Spasmalgon has enough large list contraindications. Hypersensitivity to any of the main active ingredients of Spazmalgon is also a contraindication for its use.

Other contraindications include:

  • suspicion of acute surgical pathology requiring immediate surgical treatment;
  • inhibition of the hematopoietic system - aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia;
  • severe disorders in the liver and biliary tract;
  • liver and kidney failure in decompensated form;
  • acute hepatic porphyria;
  • atony (decreased tone) of the gallbladder and/or bladder;
  • megacolon (enlargement of the colon);
  • arterial hypotension, tendency to faint;
  • state of collapse;
  • angle-closure form of glaucoma;
  • prostate adenoma in combination with urination problems;
  • pregnancy (first and last trimester) and lactation period;
  • infancy (up to 3 months) or body weight less than 5 kg - for intravenous administration, age up to 5 years - for tablets.

The drug is prescribed with great caution to people suffering from hay fever, bronchial asthma and others. allergic diseases respiratory tract, because their condition may worsen.

Side effects

When using Spazmalgon, the following side effects are possible:
  • dyspepsia - nausea, pain in the stomach, vomiting, dry mouth;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - peptic ulcer, gastritis, enterocolitis, etc.;
  • urticaria, angioedema, V in rare cases- anaphylactic shock ;
  • malignant exudative erythema, toxic epidermal necrolysis;
  • promotion blood pressure, arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • headache, dizziness, weakness, irritability, blurred vision;
  • decrease or increase in urine output, change in urine color ( bright red color- has no clinical significance), spicy interstitial nephritis, acute renal failure;
  • changes in blood count - agranulocytosis, leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia.
Typically, side effects occur with long-term use or intravenous administration drug. From taking tablet forms of Spazmalgon in a therapeutic dosage side effects rarely occur.

How to take Spazmalgon?

To avoid irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, Spazmalgon is taken only after meals, and the tablet should be washed down with a sufficient amount of clean water.

Intravenous and intramuscular injections Spasmalgon is administered regardless of food intake. If the drug is administered into a vein, the rate of administration should not exceed 1 ml per minute, and the patient should be in a supine position.

Children under 15 years of age are preferred intramuscular injection drug. You cannot administer a cold solution; before administration, the ampoule should be warmed in your hand.

Spazmalgon dosage

For tablet forms: A single dose for adults and children over 15 years of age is 1-2 tablets. It is allowed to use the drug 2-3 times during the day, but the maximum number of tablets per day should not exceed 6 pieces.

Parenteral administration of the drug:

  • Spazmalgon can be administered intravenously to adults and children over 15 years of age with moderate and severe pain. A single dose is 2 ml, the drug must be administered very slowly. Repeated administration is allowed after 6-8 hours.
  • From 2 to 5 ml can be administered intramuscularly at a time; injections can be repeated 2-3 times during the day (every 8 hours).

Spazmalgon: instructions for use - video

Spasmalgon for children

Spazmalgon can be given to children in tablets (except for children under 5 years old), and also, if necessary, used in the form of IV or IM injections (children over 3 months old).

Tablet Spazmalgon:

  • A single dose for children 12-14 years old is 1 tablet, the daily dose is 3-4 tablets, the maximum daily dose is 6 tablets.
  • Children 8-11 years old are recommended to take Spazmalgon 0.5 tablets at a time, 4 tablets per day are allowed.
  • Children 5-7 years old should take the drug 0.5 tablets no more than 2 times a day. The maximum daily dose for this category is 2 tablets, the dose is divided into 4 doses.

Injectable forms of the drug:

  • For children from 3 to 11 months or weighing from 5 to 8 kg, the drug is administered only intramuscularly, no more than 0.1-0.2 ml;
  • Children aged 1-2 years or weighing 9-15 kg are allowed IV administration - no more than 0.2 ml or IM 0.2-0.3 ml;
  • At 3-4 years of age or with a weight of 16 to 23 kg, the drug is administered intravenously up to 0.3 ml or intramuscularly up to 0.4 ml;
  • At 5-7 years old (weight from 24 to 30 kg), up to 0.4 ml can be administered intravenously at a time, intramuscularly - no more than 0.5 ml;
  • Children 8-12 years old or weighing from 31 to 45 kg IV are allowed to administer 0.6 ml or 0.7 ml IM at a time;
  • At 12-15 years of age, a single dose of the drug for both IV and IM is up to 1 ml.
The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 3-5 days. If there is no therapeutic effect, the drug should be discontinued.

Spasmalgon during pregnancy and lactation

In the first and third trimester of pregnancy, taking Spazmalgon is contraindicated, because this drug may cause severe birth defects(heart, lungs, eyes, etc.). In the last trimester of pregnancy, Spazmalgon can cause uterine bleeding, miscarriage, and weakening of labor.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, it is also better for a woman to refrain from taking Spazmalgon, because its effect on the fetus in this period has not been sufficiently studied. If necessary, the doctor will recommend a safer drug to the pregnant woman.

If treatment with Spazmalgon is required during breastfeeding, then you should refuse breastfeeding, because the drug easily passes into breast milk. Breastfeeding can be resumed 48 hours after the last use of the drug.

What does Spazmalgon help with?

Spasmalgon has wide range actions and can be used for various pains associated with spasm or increased tone of smooth muscles of organs or blood vessels. Below are specific cases of using the drug.

For headaches

Spasmalgon for headaches can be used only in cases where there is complete confidence that this state not caused by increased intracranial pressure or impairment cerebral circulation. In other cases, Spazmalgon is taken no more than 1 tablet at a time. The drug may be repeated at regular intervals per day, but not more than 4 tablets per day.

For migraines, you can also drink Spazmalgon. In this case, it is advisable to take it before the onset of the attack, at the warning stage. Depending on individual sensitivity, 1-2 Spazmalgon tablets taken at a time, or intramuscular injection of 2 ml of the drug, help relieve vascular spasm. If the migraine already has developed symptoms, then it will not be possible to influence the headache with the help of Spasmalgon.

However, it should be remembered that with frequent or long-term use combination drugs, which is Spazmalgon, analgesic dependence and addiction to the drug develops.

For toothache

For mild or moderate toothache, you can take Spazmalgon in tablet form. A single dose can be 1-2 tablets. No more than 6 tablets are allowed per day. However, it should be remembered that painkillers taken before a visit to the dentist significantly reduce the activity of dental anesthesia. Therefore, your dentist should be warned that you took painkillers, and should also tell him the amount.

When using Spasmalgon after dental treatment The drug is taken 1 tablet no more than 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is no more than 2-3 days. If the pain persists for a longer period, you should visit the dentist again to find out the cause of the pain.

For pain during menstruation

If menstruation is accompanied by algodismenorrhea (pain caused by increased tone of the muscles of the uterus or inflammatory processes in the genitals) or there is premenstrual syndrome, Spazmalgon can provide enough fast action. In this case, it is recommended to take 1 tablet 2 times a day. In case of intense pain, it is allowed to increase daily dose up to 6 tablets, or administration of the drug intravenously in an amount of 2 ml. If repeated administration is necessary, this should be done no earlier than 6 hours after the first injection. The duration of taking the drug is no more than 3-5 days.

Interaction of Spazmalgon with other drugs

Injectable Spazmalgon is not compatible with any medicine.

When Spazmalgon is used together with antiparkinsonian, antiarrhythmic drugs, antidepressants and oral contraceptives, the side effects of Spazmalgon may increase, including toxic effects.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as analgesics with antipyretic effects, mutually enhance side effects.

Sedatives enhance the effect of Spasmalgon.

With simultaneous treatment with cyclosporine antibiotics and Spazmalgon, the concentration of cyclosporins in the blood decreases and their therapeutic effect decreases. Dose adjustment is required and simultaneous treatment indirect coagulants and Spazmalgon, because the activity of the former decreases.

Considering that among excipients, which are part of the tablet forms of the drug, contain wheat starch and lactose. Spazmalgon should not be taken by people with lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome and celiac enteropathy.

Spasmalgon and alcohol

The drug is not compatible with alcohol, so during treatment with Spazmalgon you should refrain from drinking any alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, symptoms characteristic of alcohol poisoning may develop.

Spasmalgon's analogues

Spazmalgon has quite a lot of analogues, many of them are well known to domestic consumers. For example, the most famous analogues (synonyms) of Spazmalgon are Spazmalgin, Baralgin, Trigan, Maksigan, Spazgan. These drugs in their own way pharmacological action are no different from Spasmalgon.

In addition, there are a number of lesser-known analogues of Spasmalgon:

  • Berlon;
  • Took;
  • Zologan;
  • Minalgan;
  • Nebalgan;
  • Piafen;
  • Spazvin;
  • Baralgetas;
  • Nebalgan;
  • Plenalgin;
  • Renalgan;
  • Spazvin;
  • Spasmoanalgan.
In fact, these drugs are not substitutes for Spazmalgon, but its synonyms, which are used by other manufacturers to produce their products.

Drinking Spazmalgon with alcohol is strictly prohibited. Irreversible consequences may occur in the body with the liver and kidneys. Before use, you should consult with specialists.

The versatility of the drug makes it one of the most popular in this group. Its effect on the body is not limited to just the analgesic effect. Spasmalgon will also be effective as an anti-inflammatory agent in cases where relieving symptoms alone is not enough. You can take the drug for the following pain:

  • head;
  • dental;
  • in the stomach and intestines;
  • colic in the kidneys;
  • muscle spasms.

If such pain occurs, you can give an injection or take a pill within a few minutes and the effect will not be long in coming. The peak effect of the drug is considered to be the first 2 hours after administration. The analgesic effect lasts up to 8 hours. The drug is excreted from the body by 80% in the urine after 24 hours.

Alcohol compatibility

Like any medicine, Spazmalgon is extremely dangerous to use with alcohol. Painkillers do not have the most beneficial effect on the stomach, intestines and liver. Alcohol, in turn, also harms these organs, especially in large quantities. Combining them is dangerous and the consequences can be very serious.

The simultaneous use of alcohol and Spazmalgon can lead to liver damage and, as a result, serious intoxication. The danger lies in the fact that each person’s body has certain characteristics, and the consequences for each may be different. For example, a person who has stomach problems may experience an exacerbation of the disease in this particular area, while someone who does not have problems there may experience an exacerbation of the disease in this area. negative manifestations may not occur.

Thus, the myth that you can mix alcohol with painkillers without consequences cannot be believed. Absolutely anyone alcoholic drink, be it beer or wine, consumed together with such a medicine, can cause a serious blow to health.

Rules for drinking alcohol and Spazmalgon

When using painkillers, alcohol should be completely avoided.

There are cases in which it is necessary urgent help to relieve pain, and a glass of wine had already been drunk. In such situations good option To speed up the release of alcohol from the blood, there will be an enema. The stomach should be rinsed as quickly as possible, this will help to quickly cleanse the body of alcohol.

If the pain is very severe, you can try some folk remedies, which are very effective for short-term pain relief. In any case, you should not drink Spazmalgon earlier than 3-4 hours after your last drink.

Consequences of drinking alcohol and Spazmalgon

As mentioned earlier, the effects may vary from person to person. In case of severe intoxication caused by mixing painkillers and alcohol, an exacerbation is quite possible chronic diseases. It is unknown which organ or area of ​​the body will be the weakest link.

The first to be affected are the stomach and liver, especially their mucous membrane. After which the reaction will spread throughout the body. Combining Spazmalgon and alcohol can lead to heart attack, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases are especially vulnerable.

Hypertensive patients and people with high blood pressure who consume alcohol and painkillers at the same time risk a stroke. Alcoholics may have an even more severe reaction due to high concentration alcohol in the blood.

Constant consumption of alcohol weakens the immune system, affecting the liver and kidneys to the most dangerous extent.

People who do not experience any health problems should not assume that the dangers of compatibility between alcohol and painkillers will not affect them in any way. Negative reactions in the body will occur in everyone. The most common symptoms that appear after drinking alcohol and Spazmalgon:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • muscle pain;
  • Strong headache;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • intestinal disorders.

If such symptoms appear, you should seek help from doctors, and you must inform them that you took painkillers at the same time as drinking alcohol.

Spasmalgon and alcohol: reviews

In reviews, people who combined alcohol with painkillers most often describe strong vomiting and nausea. They often write about severe pain in the head, which may be a consequence of increased blood pressure. As a result, almost everyone unanimously warns against taking any painkillers after drinking alcohol.

If you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, when pain suddenly strikes you during a celebration, it is best to trust folk medicine and do not put your body at risk. If the situation requires urgent action aimed at localizing the pain, the best solution would be to call doctors, having previously notified them about the use of alcohol.

Spasmalgon is an analgesic antispasmodic drug popular in post-Soviet space. It is often taken for migraines, pain in the stomach and intestines, painful periods and even hangovers. In addition to effectiveness, one of the reasons for the popularity of the drug is its low price.

What medicinal substance do Spazmalgona tablets contain and how does it work?

"Spazmalgon" - combination drug, which has a strong antispasmodic and analgesic effect on smooth muscles. It consists of three active substances a, which strengthen therapeutic effect each other - antispasmodic (pitofenone hydrochloride), anticholinergic (fenpiverinium bromide) and analgesic and anti-inflammatory (metamizole sodium). The effect of the drug is prolonged, which is of particular importance for diseases such as nephrolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

Metamizole sodium is an analgesic, has an analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory effect. Pitophenone hydrochloride has an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscle vascular walls and internal organs (stomach, intestines, bladder, biliary tract, uterus). Fenpiverinium bromide has gangliolytic and parasympatholytic effects. It reduces motility, relieves tension in the stomach and intestines, and relaxes the smooth muscles of the gallbladder and biliary tract. All three drugs work in tandem and enhance each other's effects, relieving pain, relaxing smooth muscles and reducing fever.

Who produces Spazmalgon?

You will not find drugs containing metamizole sodium on the Western market - for more than forty years it has not been recommended for use in the USA, Japan, Australia and more than 30 other countries (however, recently, thanks to the work of Bulgarian scientists, this decision may be revised ). Medicines, containing metamizole sodium, are mainly found in the countries of the former “Eastern Bloc”. “Spazmalgon” was no exception. It is produced by two Bulgarian companies - Balkanfarma-Dupnitsa, which is part of the international holding Actavis (in the form of tablets) and Sopharma, well known to Russian consumers by such names as Bronholitin, Tempalgin, Karsil "and so on. Sopharma produces Spazmalgon in solutions for injection.

In what forms is Spazmalgon produced?

The drug is supplied to the market in two forms - as an injection solution (ampoules of 2 or 5 ml) and tablets. One blister contains 10 tablets, and the package can contain from 1 to 5 blisters. Each tablet of the drug "Spazmalgon" contains 500 mg of metamizole sodium, 5.0 mg of pitofenone hydrochloride and 0.1 mg of fenpiverinium bromide. In addition to the active substances, the tablet also contains auxiliary substances, such as starch, talc, gelatin and others.

When to take Spazmalgona tablets?

“Spazmalgon” works best if you need to relieve pain associated with spasms of smooth muscles or with minor inflammations and simple infections. Toothache, caused infectious diseases, inflammation of the gums, stomatitis - “Spazmalgon” can alleviate all these conditions. It is worth noting that it is better not to take Spazmalgona tablets several hours before a visit to the dentist - they can interfere with the effect of anesthesia.

Headache. "Spazmalgon" can be taken if the headache is caused by vasospasm or nervous spasm(when the head seems to be compressed on the forehead or the pain is localized behind the right or left eye). It relieves tension in the smooth muscles of the vessel walls, improves blood circulation and thereby makes you feel better.

Spazmalgona tablets help especially well with painful menstruation if the pain is caused by excess prostaglandin. This substance affects the number of contractions of the uterus and intestines, and in large quantities can cause painful spasms.

You can also take Spazmalgon for pain in the stomach and intestines. It helps relax the smooth muscles of the walls digestive tract. At inflammatory diseases organs of the urinary system (for example,) taking Spazmalgon can alleviate painful urination and slow down the development of inflammation. Spazmalgona tablets can help with colds and ARVI, since metamizole sodium, in addition to analgesic, also has an antipyretic effect.

It should be remembered that Spazmalgon does not eliminate the cause, but only alleviates the symptoms of the disease. To treat the disease, it is recommended to consult a doctor and follow the course of treatment prescribed by him.

How to take Spazmalgon?

"Spazmalgon" is taken orally, usually after meals. The Spazmalgon tablet does not need to be ground into powder or chewed, but can simply be swallowed and washed down with water. If necessary, it is divided into parts in advance. Adults and children over 15 years of age are recommended to take 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. You should not take more than 6 tablets per day. Duration of treatment – ​​no more than 5 days. It is recommended to give the drug to children only as prescribed by a doctor. For children from 12 to 14 years old – one tablet 2-3 times a day. For children from 6 to 11 – half a tablet 2-3 times a day.

What side effects can Spazmalgon have?

"Spazmalgon" can cause discomfort in the stomach, dry mouth. With prolonged use of the drug, a person may begin to experience headaches, feel dizzy, feel short of breath, and even experience bronchospasm. May also be harmed the cardiovascular system: “Spazmalgon” can lower blood pressure, cause tachycardia and rapid breathing. An excess of Spazmalgon can lead to the development kidney diseases. In some people, Spazmalgon may cause allergic reactions in the form of rash, hives, itching, swelling and even anaphylactic shock.

If you take Spazmalgona tablets long time, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, for example, agranulocytosis, may develop. That is why drugs containing metamizole sodium have been banned or limited in use in many foreign countries.

If the patient feels a sudden and unconditional rise in body temperature, accompanied by chills, a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, or he or she notices symptoms of vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) or proctitis (inflammation of the rectum), you must immediately stop taking Spazmalgon » and consult a doctor. After long-term use It is highly advisable to do a blood test.

Who should not take Spazmolgon?

People who have an individual intolerance to the substances contained in Spazmalgon tablets and injections should not take the medicine. True, this is quite rare. It is not recommended to use Spazmalgon for people suffering from liver and kidney diseases, as well as heart failure. It is prohibited to give Spazmalgon to children under six years of age. You cannot combine Spazmalgon with drinking alcohol - the drug can enhance the effect of alcohol and lead to poisoning.

Is it possible to take Spazmalgona tablets for gastric or duodenal ulcers?

Metamizole sodium is not a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (the best known of them is aspirin), so patients peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum can drink it without fear even during an exacerbation.

Is it possible to take Spazmalgon during pregnancy?

It is not recommended to take Spazmolgon during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What medications cannot be combined with the use of Spazmalgona tablets?

Is it possible to overdose on Spazmalgona tablets?

Yes, it's possible. It can be identified by the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, low sweating, drop in body temperature, low blood pressure, tachycardia, shortness of breath, drowsiness, dizziness, impaired consciousness, delirium, liver and kidney dysfunction, convulsions. An overdose of Spazmalgon is treated by taking activated carbon, V severe cases– gastric lavage and intravenous drip.

How to store Spazmalgon tablets?

Like other medicines, it is better to store Spazmalgon away from direct sun rays. The temperature at the storage location should not be more than 20-25 o. Spazmalgona tablets can be stored for no more than three years, but the shelf life of injections of the drug is longer - up to five years.

Is it possible to replace Spazmalgon tablets with drugs of similar effect? What are these medicines called?

You can replace "Spazmalgon" medical supplies similar – analgesic – action. Renalgan is closest to Spazmalgon - these two drugs have the same active ingredients(metamizole sodium, pitofenone, fenpiverinium bromide).