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Which contains the most protein? What foods contain a lot of protein?

No one will deny that protein is important for the functioning of the body. In fact, balanced diet should consist of 30% proteins, 30% fats and 40% carbohydrates.

Therefore, the question of where the most protein is and which foods contain more of it is quite relevant. Let's look at why protein is so important and where it is found most.

By consuming protein in the required amount, the body receives the daily requirement of amino acids responsible for building muscle mass, accelerated recovery cells, as well as for the appearance of the skin and the strength of nails and hair. Thus, the importance of protein is invaluable not only for the functioning of internal organs, but also for appearance person.

The main role in the structure of protein is played by amino acids, connected in different sequences and combinations. To create protein, you need raw materials and the synthesis of most types of protein requires 20 essential amino acids.

What happens if there is not enough protein in the body?

Thanks to vegetable and fruit diets, you can quickly lose weight, since the body begins to use its own resources to compensate for what is lost. When amino acids cease to be supplied and a deficiency is detected in some tissues, the body takes them primarily from the muscles. Through a short time muscles lose tone, and the figure takes on a “saggy” appearance.

When thinking about which foods contain more protein, you should remember that its daily requirement for different people will be different. The protein norm is determined by such individual indicators as a person’s weight, height, amount physical activity and the state of the body as a whole.

Do you know that:

  • men need to consume 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight,
  • men involved in gym– 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of weight,
  • for women actively involved in sports 1.2 grams per 1 kilogram of weight,
  • women - 1 gram of protein per 1 kilogram of weight.

On average, it turns out that the required amount of protein per day is 50-100 grams.

It is generally recommended to consume so-called animal proteins, as they contain the most pure protein and are better absorbed by the body. But you shouldn’t get carried away with the same product, which contains the most protein; it’s better to alternate protein products.

While we want to figure out where the most protein is in foods, it's worth noting that there are "fast" and "slow" proteins. “Slow” protein is absorbed by the body longer and contains fewer calories, so it is more effective in helping you lose weight and gain weight. muscle mass.

Protein is found in animal and plant foods, as well as many other microelements and vitamins. Where great content squirrel? Complete protein enters the body with products of animal origin, and defective from plant products.

It is worth noting that not all products where the most a large number of protein, healthy. After all, they can also contain a large amount of fat, which is not healthy and interferes with the good absorption of the proteins themselves.

The table of products with the most protein is given on the basis of 100 grams of products - grams of protein.

Meat and offal:

Fish and seafood:

Milk and dairy products:

Ordinary cottage cheese is a typical product with so-called “slow” proteins. Also considered a source of “slow” proteins cereals, which contain a small amount of fat and calories, but most of all proteins and carbohydrates. The most easily digestible protein is egg white.

The next place in terms of usefulness, as can be seen from the table, is occupied by fresh meat - lean beef or chicken, grilled or steamed. A piece of meat 250 g. will provide your daily protein requirement. They are best eaten with light side dishes.

Poultry and rabbit meat are easily digestible and have low calorie content.

Cheese contains 30 grams of protein, but it is also high in fat and high in calories. It is best to consume it before training or in the morning so that the calories have time to be consumed.

Among herbal products Soybeans have the most protein - 14 grams per 100 grams of product. Lentils contain a lot of fiber and protein, low fat. A cup of lentils contains almost 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat and 230 calories.

Thus, knowing where the most protein is, you can create an appropriate diet and get the required daily amount of protein from a variety of sources. Be healthy!

What protein contains is a question that interests many people who want to healthy image life. Protein is necessary for humans to resist infections. free radicals and other factors environment, which provide negative impact on the body. Protein also takes part in the formation of muscle relief, so it should be included in the diet of those who strive for beautiful body shapes.

General information about proteins

Protein is a complex compound that, depending on the product that contains it, can have different quality characteristics.

Protein quality is determined by the following factors:

  • Amino acid composition . Protein is made up of amino acids that perform various functions in the body. important functions(strengthening the immune system, protecting against infections). Different groups of protein-containing foods may contain different amounts of amino acids, which determines their nutritional value.
  • Amino acid quality . In addition to the quantitative factor, the qualitative characteristics of amino acids are also important. Some of the amino acids are nonessential, meaning the body can synthesize them on its own. There are also essential amino acids, which means that a person can only receive them from the outside along with food. The qualitative composition of the protein varies depending on the origin and other characteristics of the product.
  • Digestibility . Once in the body, the protein undergoes a breakdown process, after which it is absorbed in the intestines. Some types of protein compounds can be absorbed completely, others only partially.

Protein food groups

Food products containing protein are divided into 2 large categories:

  1. vegetable;
  2. animal.

Each of these categories includes many product groups that contain protein compounds. Any protein-containing product is different unique composition protein and the effect it has on the body.

A healthy diet requires that the menu include all types of foods that contain protein. The predominance, for example, of only animal protein can provoke metabolic disorders, which is fraught with the formation of excess weight and other problems. If you focus only on plant proteins, this will lead to a decrease in the body's resistance to various infections and other negative factors.

Plant foods that contain protein

The proteins found in plant foods do not differ full staff amino acids. Therefore, plant proteins are often called incomplete. For example, the protein in wheat does not contain the essential amino acid lysine. Its deficiency leads to increased physical and mental fatigue, frequent colds, diseases reproductive system. Potato protein does not contain methionine, which is also an essential acid and helps remove toxins from the body and ensures normal functioning of the kidneys and liver.

At the same time, plant proteins also have a number of valuable characteristics, among which the most important are:

  • Protein-containing foods plant origin do not contain fat, so they are the best option for those who are on a diet;
  • Together with proteins, such products include fiber, which is essential for the body, which ensures the normal functioning of the digestive system;
  • Plant proteins take longer to digest, providing the body with a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Groups of plant foods that contain protein:

  • legumes;
  • grain crops;
  • vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • fruits and dried fruits.

You can find out the amount of protein in specific plant foods by reviewing the food lists below. The amount of protein is indicated in grams per 100 grams of product.


  • lentils – 27;
  • split peas – 22;
  • soybean – 22;
  • beans (white varieties) – 21;
  • beans (red varieties) – 20;
  • beans (lima) – 18;
  • green peas – 14.


  • buckwheat – 12;
  • millet groats – 11;
  • oatmeal – 11;
  • oatmeal – 11;
  • durum wheat groats – 11;
  • semolina – 11;
  • barley groats – 10;
  • soft wheat groats – 9;
  • pearl barley – 9;
  • corn grits – 8;
  • rice groats (brown, brown) – 8;
  • rice groats – 7.
  • garlic – 6;
  • Brussels sprouts – 5;
  • zucchini – 3;
  • broccoli – 3;
  • spinach – 3;
  • parsley (greens) – 3;
  • asparagus – 2;
  • leek – 2;
  • tomatoes – 2;
  • potatoes – 2;
  • white cabbage – 2;
  • carrots – 1.5;
  • beets – 1.5;
  • green onion – 1;
  • eggplant – 1;
  • pumpkin – 1;
  • turnip – 0.9;
  • lettuce – 0.9;
  • celery (stems) – 0.7;
  • cucumber – 0.7;
  • porcini mushrooms – 5;
  • chanterelles – 3;
  • oyster mushroom – 3;
  • honey mushrooms – 2.

Nuts and seeds:

  • pumpkin seeds – 30;
  • peanuts – 26;
  • pistachios – 20;
  • cashews – 21;
  • sunflower seeds – 21;
  • almonds – 19;
  • sesame seed – 18;
  • flaxseed – 18;
  • walnuts – 15;
  • pine nuts – 11.

Fruits and dried fruits:

  • dried apricots – 5;
  • dates – 3;
  • prunes – 2;
  • raisins – 2;
  • bananas – 1;
  • tangerines – 0.9
  • mango – 0.9;
  • plum – 0.7.

Protein in animal products

Protein of animal origin has a more complete composition of amino acids, which is why such proteins are often called complete. Animal proteins are better absorbed by the body than plant proteins, maintaining vital functionality. important organs. It is animal proteins that take part in the synthesis nerve cells, therefore their deficiency makes a person more susceptible to stress factors.

Product groups that contain animal protein are:

  • eggs;
  • meat, meat products and offal;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • milk and processed products.

The lists below provide information on the protein content of each specific product (in grams per 100 grams of product, excluding eggs).

Eggs (per piece):

  • goose – 14;
  • duck – 13;
  • quail – 12.8;
  • chicken - 11.

Meat, meat products and offal:

  • wild bird meat – 34;
  • goose meat – 30;
  • chicken meat – 26;
  • partridge meat – 26;
  • turkey meat – 25;
  • beef meat – 23;
  • bacon - 23;
  • raw smoked sausage – 23;
  • lamb meat – 21;
  • pork liver – 19;
  • half-smoked sausage – 18;
  • pork meat – 17;
  • beef liver – 17;
  • pork tongue – 14;
  • beef kidneys – 14;
  • ham – 14;
  • beef tongue – 13;
  • boiled sausage – 13.

Fish and seafood:

  • caviar – 27;
  • cod liver – 24;
  • sardines – 24;
  • tuna – 23;
  • chum salmon – 22;
  • pink salmon – 21;
  • salmon – 21;
  • pike perch – 19;
  • horse mackerel – 19;
  • pike – 19;
  • halibut – 19;
  • herring – 18;
  • crucian carp – 18;
  • pollock – 16;
  • bulls – 13.

Milk and processed products:

  • parmesan – 38;
  • hard cheeses – 25;
  • sheep cheese – 18;
  • cottage cheese – 16;
  • milk powder – 8;
  • condensed milk – 7;
  • sheep milk – 5;
  • yogurt – 5;
  • cow's milk – 3;
  • kefir – 3;
  • sour cream – 3;
  • cream – 3.

Protein digestibility coefficient

As mentioned above, digestibility is one of the main indicators of protein quality, which can vary depending on the various groups products. Therefore, when choosing foods that contain a lot of protein, you should also take into account information about how much protein will be absorbed.

The table below shows products with a protein content above average and their digestibility coefficients (the amount of protein absorbed by the body per 100 grams of product).

Summary table of protein content in food products and its digestibility coefficient

High protein foods (video)

To learn more useful information about products with high content protein, as well as their effect on the body, you can watch the following video:

There is no doubt that protein is the basis of life, because it is he who takes part in the construction muscle tissue the human body, helps to reproduce, grow and increases the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Which foods have the most protein will be discussed in this article.

What contains a lot of protein?

Depending on the source of origin, all food proteins can be divided into animal and plant proteins. However, it is easy to find products from different categories in which the amount of protein is approximately equal, for example, and beans in this regard can be compared to beef or pork. In this regard, fans of vegetarianism are confident that to maintain normal life It is enough to eat only plant proteins, and you can refuse animals, but not everything is so simple. Much depends on the degree of digestibility of proteins and each product has its own.

If you are interested in which foods contain the most proteins, you should refer to the list below, compiled in descending order of digestibility:

  • eggs and dairy products. The latter include cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk;
  • meat of mammals, poultry and fish, as well as soy. Among the former, we can distinguish veal, steak, turkey, beef, chicken, pollock, fish caviar, pink salmon, pike, pike perch, flounder;
  • legumes and nuts;
  • cereals - chickpeas, pasta, barley, millet, buckwheat, rice, barley.

Now it is clear which plant foods contain the most protein, but only half of this food is absorbed. If we consider that women require 1 g of protein per 1 kg of weight, and men require 0.2 grams more, then it turns out that the daily requirement for women weighing 70 kg is 105 grams, and for men in the same weight category 126 grams . Taking into account which foods contain a large amount of protein, it is worth compiling your daily diet. In this case, the protein can be evenly distributed over 5 meals, and is not prohibited most allocate to breakfast, lunch and dinner, for example, 20% each for the first and last meals, 45% for lunch, and 5% each for three snacks.

Meat and fish products are best consumed at lunch, but are perfect for breakfast dairy products and eggs. The ideal snack is nuts, seeds, and legumes. Vegetables can also contain protein to varying degrees. These include zucchini, asparagus, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, avocados, and cucumbers.


Why does a person need protein, what role does it play in the body? Its types and content in food products.

It is difficult to find a person who has not heard about the benefits and importance of proteins. For this reason, including protein foods in the menu is considered almost the top priority for many people. The problem is that the diet must be balanced, and the protein must be taken in correct dosage and at the right time (to solve certain problems).

Below we will figure out what the benefits of this element are, what foods contain protein, and how much the body should receive per day. There are a lot of questions, and they all require clarification.

Types of protein

The classification of protein is very extensive, but there are points that should be given special attention.

By origin, the “building material” for cells is:

  • Vegetable. Plant products act as sources. The problem is that such protein is less easily absorbed by the body, so it is in less demand.
  • Animals. Products containing animal-derived nutrients are considered more preferable. Their advantages are better digestibility, maximum biological value, low risk side effects. Nutritionists claim that this type of protein causes minimal risk the appearance of allergies. Sources include eggs, cottage cheese, meat, liver and other similar foods.

We must not forget about another classification - according to speed of digestibility:

  • Fast. Such elements are good high speed digestion and entry into cells. It takes 1-2 hours to be digested, which is a big plus for athletes. At the same time, protein must be included in the diet immediately after leaving the gym. With this option of forming a diet, muscles recover faster.
  • Slow. This protein takes longer to digest and is used to solve various problems - losing weight, gaining weight, or covering an existing deficiency. The list of protein products containing it is headed by cottage cheese, which is recommended to be taken before going to bed. In this case, it is possible to cover the need for amino acids and accelerate the growth process.

Consumption rate

The protein molecule contains the following elements - hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. There is also a sufficient amount of iron, phosphorus and sulfur present. This complex contributes to the formation of a complete set of amino acids that are so important for the functioning of the body.

Products that contain protein supply two dozen amino acids to the cells of our body, some of which are not synthesized internal organs and only comes with food. Scientists agree that protein can be roughly divided into:

  • Full-fledged. This protein is found in large quantities in animal products.
  • Defective. Vegetable protein falls into this category. It got its name due to the lack of certain amino acids in its composition.

As for the daily requirement, the dosage is as follows:

  • for children - 30-80 grams per day (depending on age);
  • adults – 60-120 grams;
  • athletes - 150-250 grams.

There is also a more convenient calculation. The optimal protein intake is 2.2-3.5 grams per kg of weight (for children), 0.8-1.2 grams (for an ordinary adult) and 2-2.5 grams (for athletes).

If you don't eat enough protein, you suffer the immune system, central nervous system, the risk of anemia increases, skin condition worsens. Excessive consumption leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The remains of the element are retained in the stomach, and rotting processes begin. Over time, it is possible that urolithiasis, gout. Regular excess often causes problems water balance.

It is also worth considering that foods containing large amounts of protein are recommended:

  • During serious illnesses, upon completion of operations, during the recovery stage.
  • During the period of work that requires increased activity.
  • In winter, when the body requires more energy to produce heat.
  • During training (when receiving strength loads).

They are needed in smaller quantities:

  • In summer, when chemical processes are activated under the influence of heat.
  • In case of diseases associated with decreased protein digestibility. It is worth highlighting gout here.
  • For older people. Due to inhibited cell renewal in the body, protein needs are lower.

How is it useful?

It would be a good idea for every person to make a list of protein foods to cover daily norm. The reason is the benefits of the element for the body. Depending on the type of amino acid, a number of key tasks are solved:

  • Perform transport functions - deliver minerals, fats and other useful substances to the cells of the body.
  • Accelerate chemical processes, which promotes normal operation organs and body renewal.
  • They effectively “fight” infections coming from outside.
  • Act as building material for cells (including muscle cells).

List of protein foods

If you eat right, you can solve a number of issues - losing weight, gaining weight, cutting, covering deficits, and so on.

Plants under the influence sun rays capable of synthesizing amino acids, sugar, starch, carbohydrates and other elements. List of products containing protein for vegetarians (per 100 g):

  • boiled rice (brown and polished) – 2.2 and 2.4 grams, respectively;
  • boiled potatoes – 2.4 g;
  • green peas – 5 g;
  • white cabbage – 1.8 g;
  • sweet pepper – 1.3 g;
  • radish – 1.2 g;
  • greens (sorrel, lettuce, parsley) – from 1.5 to 3.7 g;
  • apples – 2.2 g;
  • vegetarian cabbage soup – 1 g.

Among the leaders:

  • mustard – 37 g;
  • soy – 35 g;
  • gelatin – 87 g;
  • split peas – 23 g;
  • peanuts – 26 g.

List of products with animal protein:

  • boiled veal – 31 g;
  • boiled chicken – 25 g;
  • boiled turkey meat – 25 g;
  • boiled rabbit meat – 25 g;
  • pink salmon – 23 g;
  • pollock – 17.6 g;
  • pike perch – 21 g;
  • cod - 18 g and so on.

Protein when planning a diet

Protein intake deserves special attention if we're talking about about losing weight. The main advantage of protein is that it gives you a feeling of fullness. If you plan your daily diet wisely, you will be able to lose weight faster. At the same time, the main mistake of protein diets is complete failure from foods containing carbohydrates.

To get results, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Take food in doses, that is, in small portions throughout the day. The optimal number of receptions is 5-6.
  • It is forbidden to include only proteins in the diet - food should be varied.
  • Carbohydrates should be consumed before lunch and only complex ones. As for the afternoon period, here you need to focus on meat, fish, cottage cheese and vegetables.
  • Top protein foods daily ration– chicken breast fillet, boiled beef, fish, seafood, cottage cheese, egg white. All this should be combined with vegetables and salads.
  • No frying. Food should only be grilled or steamed. In this case, it is possible to maintain the required amount of protein and help the body with digestibility.
  • Sauces are prohibited. The exception is lemon and soy.

People who dream of always being fit and beautiful should consider the following points:

  • To build muscle and gain the expected definition, it is worth adding to your diet. protein food 1.5-2 hours before the start of classes. The best option is chicken breast, fish, turkey.
  • Immediately after classes, the emphasis is on fast carbohydrates (unless you are cutting) and protein, and fats are prohibited.
  • Inclusion of microelements, vitamins and protein in the diet guarantees improvement of the condition skin, hair and nail plates.

A healthy balanced diet helps cope with various diseases, eliminate body fat, build muscle mass. Eating foods that contain protein is necessary for the creation of new body cells, the synthesis of hormones, enzymes, and education. muscle fibers. Protein nutrition especially important in adolescence when the body grows and develops intensively.

Protein intake rate

A protein molecule is half composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. In addition, it contains sulfur, phosphorus,. Forms amino acids necessary for the life of the body.

About half of the amino acids are not synthesized by the body, so they must come from food.

Depending on the composition of the product and the presence of all the essential amino acids necessary for the human body, a distinction is made between so-called complete and incomplete protein.

By this characteristic products containing animal protein, are classified as full-fledged.

Until recently, it was believed that plant foods contained incomplete protein because it lacked some essential amino acids. This opinion is refuted by modern research.

Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains contain complete plant proteins. In addition, they are digested easier and faster than those of animal origin.

It is believed that daily requirement an adult is 90-120g of protein. The norm for a child or adolescent during the period active growth increases by 2-3 times.

If there is a lack of food containing protein, anemia (anemia) develops and emotional tone decreases.

Excessive intake of protein foods disrupts the functioning of the digestive system. In the large intestine, food debris rots and ferments, causing increased amount uric acid, gout and urolithiasis develop.

In addition, excess consumption of protein foods contributes to the formation of fat deposits.

Protein food intake standards change over time.

Some modern scientists, after conducting experiments on volunteers - athletes, military personnel, students - came to the conclusion that 25 g of protein per day is sufficient. Other scientists are convinced that 60g of protein food per day is enough for an adult of working age.

Academician N.M. Amosov did not adhere to a strictly defined norm; he consumed approximately 50 g of meat and a little milk every day to deliver essential amino acids to the body.

Should you completely give up animal protein?

There is still no consensus in the scientific community whether it is worth consuming protein foods of animal origin.

Plant food, having broken down in the digestive system of an animal, ultimately forms cellular protoplasm. According to many years laboratory research, protoplasm does not contain components that cause it to age.

Therefore, some scientists are convinced that the main cause of various diseases and aging is clogging of the cellular protoplasm of the body, disruption of its natural structure.

When eating animal protein, a small blockage manifests itself as a disease. With increasing contamination of protoplasm, the body rapidly ages, and cellular processes in it are disrupted.

In addition, the digestion of protein foods of animal origin requires significant energy expenditure, about 60-70% of that obtained from a serving of meat. This energy expenditure is especially undesirable in the case of a serious illness.

While scientists argue, it remains to be decided individually whether it is worth giving up meat completely. Some combine products that contain animal and plant protein. Moreover, pure protein foods do not exist in nature.

What are the harms of meat?

Before making a list of daily diet products from animals and vegetable protein to lose weight or build muscle mass, you should learn about possible harm eating meat.

A number of scientists believe that for many centuries people ate fruits, tubers, and nuts. Only after mastering fire did people begin to heat treat and eat various meat products which contains animal protein.

A predator, unlike people, eats raw meat; its mouth is acidic, not alkaline. Human body still have not adapted to quickly digest and eliminate lifeless mass, the result heat treatment meat.

When processing meat food digestive system works to the limit of its capabilities, which is why it wears out more quickly. In addition, meat takes up to 8 hours to digest. plant food twice as fast.

If the kidneys and liver no longer cope with removing excess uric acid, the result of the breakdown of animal protein, it is retained in the body, causing the development of various diseases: gout, rheumatism, tormented by attacks of causeless headaches.

According to legend, in Ancient China a method of execution was used when the criminal was fed exclusively boiled meat. After a month or two, the kidneys stopped coping with the elimination of protein breakdown products, which caused poisoning of the body.

To remove the results of the breakdown of protein foods of animal origin, about 40 g of water are required for each gram, which significantly increases the load on the kidneys.

It has been proven that products containing animal protein decompose twice as fast as plant foods.

In addition, before death, the animal experiences, which is why there is a mass in the meat. harmful substances causing an increase in blood pressure, spasm and atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

According to modern research, abuse of diets containing predominantly protein causes the development of kidney stones.

These connections excite nervous system, cause the release of digestive enzymes, gastric juice. As a result, the gastric mucosa becomes more irritated and the load on the kidneys increases. Memory and attention are impaired, irritability and insomnia appear.

Plant foods containing protein

Any plant exposed to the sun from chemical elements, obtained through the soil, synthesizes amino acids, produces sugars. After digestion, plants do not poison the body with harmful compounds, but supply it.

The following foods contain the most vegetable protein:

  • legumes (soybeans, peas);
  • cereals (, barley, rice);
  • nuts and seeds.

It is useful to include cabbage, carrots, eggplants, potatoes, and greens in your diet.

It is possible to achieve delivery of a complete set of essential amino acids to the body by consuming a variety of protein plant foods.

Another way: to get essential amino acids, you should eat plant products with the inclusion of a small amount of meat in the diet.

For example, cook beans, rice, pasta with veal, poultry or fish. Options:

  • chicken with rice;
  • boiled beans with veal;
  • rice with pink salmon;
  • spaghetti with meat sauce.

List of animal protein products

The most protein is in beef, pork, rabbit meat, and poultry.

Of all the varieties of beef, veal is the least fatty, it is well absorbed by the body, which is why it is often used in weight loss programs. Pork has the least fat in meat varieties. It is better to cook beef or pork in a steamer or oven.

Rabbit meat is a product rich in protein, its content is up to 20%.

There is a lot of protein in offal - tongue, liver, kidneys, brains, udder, spleen. In addition, by-products contain a lot minerals, primarily iron, as well as vitamins A, B, C.

You should avoid eating sausages, ham, ham, and brisket due to their high fat content.

Fish protein, unlike meat protein, is absorbed almost completely, 92-98%. Most of it is in tuna, up to 24%. Also high content in other useful product- fish caviar.

Protein is absorbed by the body almost completely and much faster than beef chicken egg, although the egg is high in calories.

What to combine with foods containing protein

To digest meat, the body requires a maximum of gastric juice. In addition, the absorption of protein foods is affected by fats, sugars, and acids, so some combinations should be excluded from the diet.

Fatty foods do not go well with protein foods because fatty food increases digestion time, slows down the secretion of gastric juice. It is allowed to combine protein foods of animal origin with animal fats, and of vegetable origin with vegetable fats.

It is possible to speed up gastric secretion by including fresh herbs and vegetables in the diet.

The secretion of gastric juice and the digestion of food are slowed down by the influence of sugars, so you should not combine this food with protein foods.

Slows down the secretion of gastric juice sour food, which also interferes with protein digestion.

Products that contain protein are best combined with non-starchy foods and juicy vegetables: cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, radishes, parsley. This menu helps digest food and remove various harmful compounds.

You should not include protein foods and turnips, pumpkin, carrots, beans, peas, and potatoes in your diet at the same time.

Milk is best consumed separately, on its own. Warm, unboiled milk is better absorbed.

Live foods that have not undergone heat treatment help to absorb proteins.

You should not simultaneously consume two or more types of foods that contain protein. As a rule, they have different chemical composition, requiring appropriate enzymes for breakdown. For example, you should not combine meat and fish, cheese and nuts, meat and eggs, meat and milk, meat and cheese.

Table 1. Protein content in food
ProductProtein content per 100 g of product, g
Cereals, legumes
Oat flakes "Hercules"11
Corn grits11
Barley groats10
Wheat bread7,6
Rice groats7
Black bread6,5
Powdered milk26
Dutch cheese26
Russian cheese23
Low-fat cottage cheese18
Fat cottage cheese14
Processed cheese8,4
Sweetened condensed milk7,2
Cow's milk3,2
Sour cream 10% fat3
Full fat kefir2,8
Fatty food
Mayonnaise "Provencal"2,8
Creamy margarine0,3
Plant food
Green peas5
Fresh porcini mushrooms3,7
Kohlrabi cabbage2,8
White cabbage1,8
Bulb onions1,7
Green onion1,3
Sweet pepper1,3
Black currant1
Meat and fish
Rabbit meat21
Horse mackerel18,5
Beef liver17,9
Beef kidneys17,9
Boiled sausage17
Canned sardines in oil16
Beef heart16
Beef lung15,2
Pork stew14,9
Boiled sausage "Doctorskaya"12,8
Chicken egg12,7
Cod liver4,2
Other products
Coffee beans13,9
Cocoa powder12,9
Cream cake5
Ice cream3,3
Modified: 02/16/2019