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Fitness breakfast recipes, proper and healthy eating. Cupcakes with cottage cheese and coconut filling. basic nutrition rules

Balanced diet - source high immunity And good health. Proper nutrition when doing fitness is a prerequisite for achieving an ideal figure. Thanks to a well-designed diet, you can...

There are a number of reasons why you should adhere to the principles of proper nutrition:

  • A balanced diet when doing fitness is the key to good health, reduces the risk of injury and various diseases;
  • presence in the diet healthy food helps strengthen the heart and significantly lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  • proper fitness nutrition for girls is especially important, as it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin - makes it healthy, clean and radiant;
  • Well-formulated fitness nutrition provides high energy throughout the day;
  • proper nutrition allows you to maintain ideal weight and helps you stay in excellent physical shape.

What should fitness nutrition be like for women?

Proper fitness Nutrition for women is slightly different from nutrition for men. The difference lies in metabolism - the rate of metabolism in the body. Women's metabolism is 10-20% slower than men's.

Healthy food is a source of energy for the whole body, and replenishing spent energy is very important for carrying out. Well-planned nutrition ensures timely delivery to the body nutrients and microelements.

Fitness nutrition should be. It involves 4-6 meals a day. It is very important that meals are taken at the same time in small portions (approximately 250-300 g). The break between each meal should be 2.5-4 hours. Compliance with these simple rules allows you to speed up your metabolism.

It is important to remember that for everyone to work smoothly metabolic processes The body needs to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean drinking water per day.

Organization of fitness nutrition. Menu

When doing fitness and proper nutrition, an important point is to maintain the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your daily diet. Correct menu should consist of 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 20% fat.

Approximate diet

  • breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits or fresh berries, two-egg omelette, tea or coffee without sugar;
  • 2nd breakfast: cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables;
  • afternoon snack: cottage cheese, natural yogurt or kefir, fruits, vegetables;
  • dinner: lean fish, turkey, chicken breast, vegetables;
  • late dinner: natural yogurt or kefir, cottage cheese.

Fitness nutrition. Recipes

Diet recipes can be used not only by those who want to lose weight, but also by those who simply want to maintain healthy image life.

Recipe for a proper and healthy breakfast - smoothie with oatmeal and banana

Ingredients: banana - 1 pc., natural yogurt - 150-200 g, oatmeal - 5 tbsp. l.

  1. Pour the yogurt into a blender; for those with a sweet tooth, you can add a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon.
  2. Add oatmeal and banana to yogurt.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly using a blender. If it works thick consistency, then you can add a little milk.

Calories: 350 kcal, 50 g carbohydrates, 20 g protein, 5 g fat.

Recipe for a proper and healthy lunch – pasta with vegetable sauce

Ingredients: durum wheat pasta - 200 g, tomato - 100 g, green beans- 50 g, onion - 100 g, garlic - 1 clove, lemon zest - 7 g, olive oil - 1 tsp, salt and pepper to taste.

  1. Cut the tomato and onion into small cubes, chop the garlic.
  2. Place the vegetables in a frying pan with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Boil pasta in salted water.
  4. Combine ready-made pasta with vegetables. When serving, sprinkle with lemon zest.

Calorie content: per 100 g - 175 kcal, 36 g carbohydrates, 6 g protein, 4 g fat.

Recipe for a proper and healthy dinner - chicken fillet with broccoli and cauliflower

Ingredients: chicken breast - 160 g, broccoli - 100 g, cauliflower 220 g, sour cream 50 g, salt and pepper to taste.

Fitness is mainly done in order to have a beautiful body or correct some shortcomings in it. To speed up the process and in order to instantly get results, many people immediately sit on starvation diet. But hunger is no help in the fight for slender body. Along with fitness exercises, it’s enough to just eat right. known to many who lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports. You shouldn’t exclude absolutely all foods from your menu and leave only water, green tea and kefir, popular in this regard. You need to eat a balanced diet. Dishes should contain proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. If a person overloads himself with various exercises and does not nourish the body, then instead of a good figure he can suffer irreparable harm to your health.

Features of the fitness menu.

Those who are not familiar with fitness menu recipes may find them rather boring and lacking in variety. But that's not true. These recipes contain almost all known products familiar to ordinary person. What is important is the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in a particular dish. Ideally, there should be the following ratio: carbohydrates take up half, proteins about 22%, and fats about 28%. In addition, one should take into account permissible quantity kilocalories. For men, this figure is around 2500 Kcal, and for women – 1800. You need to eat in small portions and often. While it may not be convenient for everyone, eating once or twice a day will cause you to gain weight instead of losing weight. There must be an early breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. No more than 500 Kcal should be eaten at a time.

Example of a fitness menu.

Early morning
1. Oatmeal or muesli with dried fruits, nuts, seeds. Oatmeal is cooked with low-fat milk (1%). Muesli is filled with unboiled milk.
Possibly something else:
2. Low-fat cottage cheese, seasoned with jam or jam, but not sour cream and sugar. A bit of dark chocolate, don't get carried away with it.

This breakfast invigorates and gives strength for the day ahead.
Any fruit or squeezed juice.

Boiled meat or chicken with buckwheat or rice (depending on preference). Drink with plain water.

Afternoon snack
Green tea, unsweetened fruit.

It's better to eat before six in the evening. Replenish protein reserves. Legumes, meat or fish with vegetable stew. It is better not to drink coffee and tea.
Before going to bed, drink water or kefir again.
Some divide the days of the week into fish, meat, dairy, etc. This approach is also possible, but for any fitness menu you need to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day.

Fitness menu, recipes.

The recipes below are suitable for normal nutrition for a day. Cooking them is quick and not difficult.
1. Cream soup with ginger
Prepares in 35-40 minutes. Necessary:
- ginger root 5-6 cm
- one onion
- vegetable broth 3 cups
-2 oranges
-2 tbsp olive oil
- salt pepper
Fry onions, carrots and grated ginger on olive oil. Pour broth and squeezed orange juice into the fry, add
grated orange zest. Cook for 15 minutes. Puree using a blender. Serve garnished with greens.

2. Meat with cheese in the oven

Cooking for 50 minutes. Necessary:
- tenderloin 300 grams
- tomato puree
- eggplant 1 pc.
- tomato 1 pc.
- cheese 150 gr.
- olive oil 2 tbsp. spoons
- chopped basil, seasonings. salt
Salt and pepper the meat and fry in oil. Cut the eggplant into thin slices, add salt and place on top of the meat. put it on it
peeled tomatoes. Sprinkle everything with grated cheese and basil. Place in the oven for 15 minutes. at t 200 degrees.

3. Refreshing lemonade
Squeeze the juice from one lemon with pulp into 3 liters cold water(not from the tap). Add sugar to taste. No gas needed. Can be cooled in the refrigerator and consumed.

Whatever recipes you use, the main thing is to stick to the golden mean. Don't overeat, but don't starve yourself either. Sticking to this advice, you will maintain your health and get the shape you want.

More interesting things

In attempts to acquire beautiful figure, especially to summer season, women resort to various tricks. A strict diet, constant training, massage courses and body wraps, a passion for weight loss mixtures and bars. The list goes on and on. However, most effective way power loads are still considered. At the same time, we must remember that fitness and proper nutrition are two complementary things.

Why do you need to eat right?

At physical activity, especially intense ones, the body not only gets rid of unnecessary calories, but also loses a significant part of the energy.

With insufficient nutrition, weight, of course, will rapidly fall, but at what cost? Without receiving the necessary supply of energy, the body will produce it from its own tissues, namely from the muscles. Thus, extra pounds will be lost not by burning fat, but by reducing volume muscle tissue. This means that there can be no talk of any tightened and elastic skin. Overall physical endurance will also decrease, and it will be much more difficult to perform usual exercises. This is why healthy fitness nutrition is so important.

If you eat excessively or incorrectly, the lost calories will return again and again, and the work of adjusting your figure will turn into a waste of time.

5 basic rules of nutrition

1. Eat a couple of hours before training.

2. If your schedule does not allow you to eat on time, then treat yourself to a small piece of dark chocolate before training. It won't bring you extra calories, but it will add energy.

3. Fitness nutrition means that you need to eat more often, but in small portions. The body will not have time to get hungry, and you will not gain excess weight.

4. Drink as much water as possible. It not only suppresses hunger, but also prevents the body from becoming dehydrated during intense training.

5. After training, it is advisable to restore the expended energy. This can be done by using skim cheese or yogurt. But not immediately after exercise.

must not be violated!

Fitness nutrition is not such a simple process as it might seem at first glance. From how much you follow established regime food intake depends on your success in losing weight.

You should start your day with breakfast. The better and denser it is, the less you will want to eat at lunch. In addition, it is in the morning that the body most easily digests food, turning it into energy rather than fat. If you have no appetite and the most you can manage is a cup of coffee, then try reducing your dinner portion. Not only will the food be digested overnight, but you will also feel hungry in the morning.

The best pre-workout food is protein! Therefore, a couple of hours before going to the gym, consume protein food. This can be boiled meat, legumes, as well as dairy products. If this is not possible, then the store sports nutrition You can purchase various supplements in the form of gainers or protein. But remember that you cannot abuse them. Your goal is not to gain more muscle mass, but lose a couple of kilograms and tighten your figure.

Fitness nutrition is impossible without carbohydrates. As you know, there are simple and complex carbohydrates. Don't want to gain even more pounds? Consume only They are found in cereals, legumes, and pasta only of durum varieties. By the way, these same products also contain glucose, which is so necessary to replenish expended energy.

Afternoon snack: banana and low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: chicken breast, spinach.

Fitness nutrition. Recipes

So that the menu stops being the same type and doesn’t get boring with its taste monotony, you can arm yourself with a couple of fitness recipes and pamper yourself with simple, healthy, and most importantly, delicious dishes, which do not entail excess weight.

Light soup

To prepare it you will need one small carrot, a tablespoon of grated celery root, one onion, one hundred grams of cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, a tablespoon of canned peas, a little nutmeg and salt and pepper to taste. To make the broth rich, you can add a cube or any spices of your choice to the water. Bring half a liter of water to a boil, and then add chopped carrots, onions, divided into inflorescences. cauliflower, and the rest of the products remain unchanged. Cook vegetables for 20 minutes until fully cooked. The soup is ready!

And you can prepare a delicious one that will not only go with toast, but also become a separate dish. The recipe is extremely simple. Wash a couple of large oranges and cut them in half. Squeeze the juice from the halves and chop the zest into fine grater or in a blender. Pour the juice into the pan, add the grated zest and add a spoonful of honey. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for a couple more minutes. After this, add cottage cheese to the resulting mass and beat everything thoroughly. The sauce is ready!


Now, knowing some fitness recipes, the correct and healthy eating you will not find it difficult or requiring a lot of free time. And following simple tips will help you not only feel at ease, but also have a beautiful figure. Just a couple of months, and proper nutrition will become part of your life. good habit, and the training will bear its first fruits.

Fitness diet is not a new way to burn fat and build beautiful body. This is an improved system with an integrated approach to solve the problem excess weight. For women and men who are on the path to an ideal figure, fitness is a great way to achieve desired result.

The rules of a fitness diet for weight loss are inextricably linked with training in the gym.

Maintaining a balance of proper and healthy nutrition with physical activity gives excellent results in the process of burning fat. Daily classes with a trainer or independently are held in gym where there are a lot of people. Communication with like-minded people helps in work, allows you to share impressions and achieved success. Home training is inferior in effectiveness to training with a qualified trainer.

Compliance with the rules and nutritional regimen of a fitness diet ensures the achievement of high results from physical training. It is recommended to consume a lot of calories, 1300-1800 per day. You should eat 5 times a day, controlling the size of the dishes. At the same time, women do not deny themselves carbohydrates, meat or fish dishes Oh. A fitness diet provides a choice of foods and determines the time for eating.

You should eat well 2 hours before physical activity. The resulting carbohydrates and proteins will give the body the energy it needs to perform physical exercise. During physical activity, at least two to three sips every 15-20 minutes. Consuming enough fluids allows the body to effectively burn fat during exercise.

Authorized Products

A fitness diet requires strict control over the nutritional system. For fast burning fat required during physical activity optimal quantity carbohydrates and proteins. "Best suited for this purpose" slow carbohydrates" They are called slow for their low rate of absorption by the body. Slow processing ensures a uniform and long-term supply of energy needed during fitness classes. The feeling of fullness lasts 3-4 hours.

Squirrels playing important role for building and strengthening muscle tissue.

During active physical activity, all muscle groups are involved. They warm up and “work” while doing exercises. After exercise, amino acids and protein are required to strengthen muscle tissue. If not enough is supplied, the muscles after training do not strengthen, but rather weaken. In this case poor nutrition can lead to muscle dystrophy.

A fitness diet for weight loss requires attention and control, especially when consuming fat. You can’t exclude them from your diet, but it’s better to choose them. They serve to assimilate fat-soluble vitamins, participate in cell division, promote tissue elasticity, provide normal work endocrine and central nervous system.

Although water is not a food product, it occupies an important place in the fight against excess weight.

Pure filtered or mineral water Without gas, it removes toxins from the body and products of the breakdown of fat and protein. Water also saturates cells with oxygen, without which formation is impossible. healthy cells and a toned figure. List of essential foods recommended by nutritionists and professional trainers for good nutrition when doing fitness:

  1. Skim milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt;
  2. Brown and white rice and oatmeal. You can supplement the menu with other cereals;
  3. , some trainers recommend using only proteins;
  4. Freshly squeezed fruit, berry, vegetable juices and;
  5. Meat and poultry without fat. You can boil, stew, sometimes bake;
  6. Fish and seafood must be included in the diet along with meat;
  7. Nuts;
  8. only unrefined and high-quality (, sunflower);
  9. Fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs in season.

In addition to the recommended ones, the fitness diet determines foods that need to be excluded from the daily menu. To quickly burn accumulated fat, you should remove from your diet foods and dishes that contribute to excess weight gain. First of all, these are smoked, spicy and fried foods, desserts and sweet pastries, fast food. It is recommended not to use processed foods and limit potato consumption. It is better to cook your own food from fresh ingredients.

Menu for the week

The main advantage of the nutritional system is not only its effectiveness, but also the fact that it is a “full” diet. There is no risk of starvation under this regime, and the process of burning fat occurs through intense physical training. Sample menu for a week for women and girls is as follows:


  • Breakfast: orange or water, yogurt;
  • Second breakfast: up to 20% fat, berry smoothie;
  • Lunch: stewed veal, tomato, sweet pepper;
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese, peach, whole grain bread;
  • Dinner: boiled meat, boiled beans or corn


  • Breakfast: rice with dried apricots and nuts, 2 squirrels, 2 plums;
  • Second breakfast: peach, 30 gr. low-fat hard cheese;
  • Lunch: rice with vegetables, boiled or steamed turkey fillet;
  • Dinner: steamed fish, green salad, pear or .


  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs in a frying pan without oil, vegetable smoothie, with water;
  • Second breakfast: whole grain bread, lettuce, tomato, cottage cheese;
  • Dinner: boiled turkey, steamed rice, apple;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of vegetable juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of oat bran;
  • Dinner: a piece of salmon baked with sweet pepper and lemon.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal on water with nuts and berries;
  • Second breakfast: boiled rice, apple;
  • Lunch: boiled chicken, vegetable salad, peach;
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt, berries or fruits;
  • Dinner: baked chicken, grilled vegetables, pear.


  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with water, steamed omelette, vegetable juice;
  • Second breakfast: yogurt, a handful of raspberries and almonds;
  • Lunch: Stewed chicken with onions and peppers, apple and carrot salad;
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt, baked potatoes;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, boiled shrimp.



  • Breakfast: steamed eggs, buckwheat porridge with water;
  • Second breakfast: baked potatoes, greens;
  • Lunch: boiled rice, baked fish, vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt, a handful of cherries and walnuts;
  • Dinner: Baked veal with herbs, fresh vegetables.

Recipes for proper and healthy eating

In the process of burning fat, proper nutrition is important element. A fitness diet involves intense physical activity and the body must have enough strength to perform the exercises. are simple and preparation is not difficult for most women.

Protein omelet

To make an omelet, you can use whole eggs or just the whites. Milk can be replaced with vegetable broth or boiled water. To prepare an omelet, beat 3 eggs and half a glass of milk with salt. The resulting mixture is placed in a greased form and placed on a steamer rack. In steam mode, the dish is cooked for 20 minutes. After the specified time, the finished omelette is placed on a plate and supplemented with fresh herbs and vegetables if desired.

Boiled fish

Fish recipes usually involve baking, frying or salting fish. Fish boiled in salted water seems too bland and tasteless. To enhance taste and appetite, add to the broth Bay leaf, green or onion, carrots and spices. Herring, mackerel, pink salmon, salmon, hake, pollock, etc. are suitable for cooking. The carcass should be thoroughly cleaned and gutted, cut into portions. Place fish pieces into boiling water and cook until tender. Cooking time depends on the type of fish. Mackerel and herring will be cooked in 7 minutes, salmon in 15, and hake pieces are cooked in 35 minutes. Boiled or baked potatoes and steamed rice are served as a side dish. The dish should be supplemented fresh vegetables and greens.

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So that a fitness diet leads only to fat burning and extra pounds, but did not cause muscle building, you should not eat anything for 2 hours before and after training. It is recommended to eat a high protein meal 2 hours after exercise.

A feeling of lethargy, irritability, dry mouth and weight that does not decrease during regular exercise indicate a lack of water. You should maintain hydrobalance in the body and drink water more often, at least a few sips.

Whenever discomfort in the stomach area, headache, nervousness, constant fatigue You should consult a specialist and adjust your diet. There is a lack of vitamins and other nutrients.

A fitness diet will not give immediate results. Weight loss of several kilograms per week is recognized good result burning excess calories and fat. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor. Especially for people suffering from diseases in which intense physical activity is contraindicated.

A balanced and proper diet when doing fitness is one of the most important components. The diet, correctly selected and included in the menu products, and diet are very important. A balanced diet does not mean at all that there should be a strict diet; you should forget about fasting and mono diets. Compliance with all these rules will avoid possible appearances various diseases and eliminate existing problems.

During intense fitness classes and various physical activities, a certain amount of energy is expended, which must be properly compensated, but it must be taken into account that you should not sit down and simply eat a large amount of high-calorie food. In this case, all the exercises will simply go down the drain, you will not achieve the desired result, you will not lose weight, you will not build muscle mass, but you will increase the fat layer.

Naturally, nutrition also depends on what goals you are trying to achieve, be it losing weight or increasing muscle mass, the menu and diet in these cases will be different, so first decide why you are doing fitness.

Basic principles of healthy fitness nutrition

Although healthy eating is always healthy eating. Never make yourself feel hungry; in this state it is difficult for you to stop and you will consume a large amount of food very quickly. You need to eat 5-6 meals throughout the day in small portions of about 300 grams.

It is necessary to determine three forms of nutrition: before training, during training and after training.

Eating before the start of training should be done 2-3 hours. You should neither starve nor overeat before starting classes. In both cases, the consequences can be very unpleasant. A meal is required before the start of classes rich in proteins, carbohydrates and, if possible, eliminate fats.

An hour or two before training, you can eat a fruit or a piece of bread with a thin layer of butter and coffee. This snack can be replaced with dried fruits; they are ideal for this purpose. And then, right up to training, you should no longer eat anything; it would be a good idea to just drink a glass of water, since further exercise will entail active sweating.

During classes, eating is excluded; only if you feel an unbearable feeling of hunger, you can take a short break and fill the body’s need with a snack of a small amount of dried fruits or nuts; for this, always have a small supply of them with you.

But do not forget to drink during training, you cannot refuse fluids during training, even if you don’t really want to, remember that during active actions receptor sensitivity is lost. You need to drink frequently, but not large quantities, two or three sips. Instead of water, you can quench your thirst and replenish water balance body with fresh fruit juices, unsweetened tea, non-carbonated mineral water. Water consumption per day should be at least 2.5-3 liters, and summer time even more. Should not be consumed in large quantities tea and coffee and, of course, it is necessary to exclude the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

After training, if the goal of your exercise is to build muscle mass, you should eat within the first half hour after the end of exercise. All useful material The products will directly contribute to muscle growth.

If you are doing fitness to lose excess weight, then after training you should not eat for 1-2 hours, and then it is better to choose low-calorie foods such as fish, vegetables, lean meat, preferably without a side dish, but with vegetable salads. Don't make large portions. Fatty foods should be avoided in both cases, as it restricts the passage of proteins and carbohydrates. It is also better to avoid caffeine-containing products, as they are involved in the metabolic process.

Healthy foods for proper nutrition

Regular training should become a way of life. One-time exercises will not bring benefits either on their own or with proper nutrition. Your body will perceive every spontaneous activity without a system as stress and may cause harm rather than benefit. And regular exercise will be ineffective without proper nutrition. A properly composed menu and diet is already 50% of success.

A balanced fitness diet should include:

  • Carbohydrates that will replenish expended energy. They can be "fast" and "slow". The first are candies, chocolate, confectionery, sugar, bread products. The consumption of these carbohydrate-containing products must be minimized. But fruits, cereals from various cereals, grain bread, pasta from durum wheat, honey, dry fruits and nuts are welcome in your menu, but still do not abuse them, everything is good in moderation;
  • Proteins are the builders of cells and tissues of the body, as well as muscles. They are maximally present in cottage cheese and other dairy products, poultry, veal and beef, mushrooms and legumes;
  • Fiber will provide correct work Gastrointestinal tract. To do this, you need to include vegetables in the menu - its main source (but not potatoes);
  • Fats are also necessary for the body, but you just need to choose the right ones. These are fish and seafood, oils - olive, sunflower, corn.

Menu and recipes for every day

For those who want to lose weight, it is necessary to reduce calorie intake by 400-500 units from normal consumption before fitness, and to increase muscle mass, the amount of protein in the menu should be increased.

If you are driving correct image life, support your body with fitness and balanced diet consumption of food is strictly prohibited a quick fix, as well as all kinds of fast foods. While eating, chew your food thoroughly and do it slowly. In this case, you will be satisfied with less food, and it will be better absorbed.

We offer several menu options (calorie content in each from 1000 to 1200):

✓ breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, vegetable salad;
✓ lunch: soup, a piece of grain bread, a green apple;
✓ afternoon snack: 100-150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, optional with honey;
✓ dinner: steamed chicken breast with vegetables.

✓ breakfast: tea, cheese, one banana or orange;
✓ lunch: fish with side dish (rice, buckwheat, pearl barley);
✓ afternoon snack: one boiled egg and lettuce;
✓ dinner: cabbage stewed in its own juice (you can add vegetable oil) And

✓ breakfast: rolled oats porridge, freshly squeezed fruit juice(it’s better to dilute it slightly with water, don’t drink too much concentrated juices);
✓ lunch: stewed beef or veal with various vegetables;
✓ afternoon snack: one glass of kefir with a small percentage of fat content;
✓ dinner: cottage cheese with fruit.

✓ breakfast: one citrus fruit, oatmeal, you can drink another glass of low-fat milk;
if you want to eat, then between breakfast and lunch you can have one banana or 100 grams of cottage cheese;
✓ lunch: boiled chicken (turkey) fillet and rice;
✓ afternoon snack: vegetable juice (carrot, celery, tomato...) and bran;
✓ dinner: a piece of 150-200 grams of lean boiled meat, canned corn (3-4 tablespoons).

✓ breakfast: 2 omelette chicken eggs or oatmeal (you can add fruit) and a glass of juice;
between breakfast and lunch, if necessary: ​​some rice and vegetable juice;
✓ lunch: a piece of rabbit, turkey or chicken meat, any fruit;
✓ afternoon snack: cottage cheese + fruit or vegetable salad;
✓ dinner: vegetables and seafood.

This way, you can make sure that creating a balanced, healthy diet for every day will not be difficult and will not take much time. It will consist of tasty ingredients and will be beneficial, especially if it becomes a habit for you.

Make yourself a proper nutrition schedule in relation to your day. Eat no later than 2-3 hours before going to bed. If you did not have dinner on time, it is better to replace it with a glass of kefir.

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