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What kind of food can you take to the maternity hospital after giving birth? What products can be taken to the maternity hospital? Prenatal department of the maternity hospital

In this article we're talking about about the items that you need to take with you to the maternity hospital, depending on the situation.

Many women, upon learning that they are having a baby, immediately begin to think about the birth itself and about the items that they may need in the maternity hospital. It’s good if the collected bag is useful only before the onset of labor - at the first signs of labor.

What should I take to the maternity hospital for safekeeping?

Sometimes it happens that a woman during pregnancy has to go to the hospital for treatment or simply to undergo an examination. The pregnancy pathology department is not much different from a regular hospital department.

If hospitalization is an emergency, then the most important thing a pregnant woman should have with her is documents. Relatives will be able to bring all the missing items for further stay in the maternity hospital a little later.

In case of planned hospitalization of a pregnant woman, you can think about the list of things that she may need in the maternity hospital in advance.

Some hospitals have a list with a specific list of items that a pregnant woman can take with her. You should familiarize yourself with it in advance.

If there is no established list, then you should independently decide on a list of things that will help create comfortable conditions for the expectant mother in the maternity hospital.

Basic list of necessary things for the maternity hospital

  • Documents - exchange card, medical policy, passport
  • Personal hygiene items - Toothbrush, paste, soap, washcloth, shower gel, shampoo, hair conditioner if necessary, comb. You may also need cotton buds, cotton pads, panty liners, razor, hair dryer. Need toilet paper
  • Cosmetical tools. For example, face cream. If you use decorative cosmetics, do not deny yourself the pleasure of being irresistible in the maternity hospital
  • Diaper. It is advisable, but not necessary, to have disposable diapers - the diaper may get dirty. The diaper will be needed for examinations, ultrasound, CTG, etc.
  • Footwear for being in the ward - washable slippers, rubber
  • Robe. The gown will be convenient during examinations and diagnostic procedures.
  • Day wear. A tracksuit or lounge suit is perfect. If necessary, you can use it to visit the dining room; it will also come in handy when meeting with visitors.
  • Sleepwear. If such clothes are not provided in the maternity hospital, then you should definitely have a nightgown or pajamas with you
  • Several sets of underwear. As a rule, in maternity hospitals it is forbidden to wash clothes and then hang them to dry
  • Small and large towel
  • Clothes for walking. If walking is allowed in your maternity hospital, then you should have comfortable replacement shoes, daytime clothes intended for walking, and outerwear in accordance with the time of year
  • If necessary, you should have with you compression hosiery, bandage
  • Player, magazines, books, tablet if available, etc. All this will help brighten up your free time in the maternity hospital, and there is a lot of it there. If you are interested in knitting, embroidery, etc., then you should not forget to take everything you need with you
  • Spoon, cup. As a rule, all the utensils are provided in maternity hospitals, but it is better to have a minimum set of them with you
  • Food. If you wish, you can have yogurt, cookies, juice, etc. with you.
  • Medicines - if you were prescribed by a doctor before being admitted to the pregnancy pathology department
  • Mobile phone and Charger to him - without communication nowadays there is nowhere

What is a woman in labor allowed to take with her to the maternity hospital?

The bag that you should take with you to the maternity hospital should be collected by approximately 37 weeks of pregnancy.

The most important thing you should take with you future mommy- these are documents. The documents must be the following:

  • Exchange card
  • Passport
  • Medical policy
  • Birth certificate
  • Agreement with the maternity hospital, in case of paid childbirth

IMPORTANT: The documents that a woman in labor should have with her during admission to the maternity hospital must always be with her starting from the 37th week of pregnancy.

  • For use in the prenatal department and directly during childbirth
  • For use by mothers in the postpartum ward
  • For a baby in the postpartum ward
  • For discharge for mother and baby

We will talk in more detail about each list of things in the following sections.

What to take to the maternity hospital for childbirth?

When packing your bag for the maternity hospital, you should put your things so that they are easy to find later. It is advisable that things intended for the prenatal ward and childbirth be in a separate bag. You can also store children's things separately.

For the prenatal department and the birth itself, the mother in labor must have the following basic list of things:

  • Washable slippers, flip-flops. You should not take shoes over your finger. A woman may need to quickly put on and take off her shoes, but such slippers will not allow her to do this quickly.
  • Socks. Sometimes it happens that a woman in labor can walk barefoot on the floor; it can be cool in the prenatal ward
  • Diaper for examinations, CTG and other manipulations. It's better if it's disposable
  • Toilet paper. It will be useful after a cleansing enema, and possibly during the birth process itself. Also, toilet paper will come in handy after childbirth, so you should choose the softest one.
  • Baby soap. After the cleansing enema you will be able to take a shower
  • Towel. Preferably small so that it does not take up much space. As a rule, it is forbidden to bring many things into the maternity ward
  • It is better to have a disposable crotch shaving machine with you. If a woman in labor has not prepared herself at home, she will be shaved with hospital machines.
  • Bottle with drinking water. Up to 1 liter will be enough. During childbirth, drinking water is prohibited, however, no one prohibits rinsing your mouth between contractions
  • Chapstick or lip balm. During childbirth, due to rapid breathing and loss of fluid from the body, the mother's lips become very dry and crack. Lipstick and balm will help you cope with this
  • Mobile phone and charger for it. If you are not giving birth in a separate room, you should definitely turn off the sound so as not to disturb other women in labor. Also, a constantly ringing phone can annoy medical staff.

  • If necessary, you should have compression stockings or elastic bandages with you. If a woman giving birth has varicose veins, then she simply needs to give birth in such stockings
  • You can also take a mint with you chewing gum use it between contractions. It will help cope with dry mouth and relieve some nervous tension.
  • As for the shirt and robe, most likely they will offer you them on the spot. However, if you want to use your own, then you should clarify this question a little earlier directly in the maternity hospital itself
  • If the birth is a partnership, then the list of things for the partner must be clarified in the maternity hospital itself

The things you will need after you are transferred from the maternity ward to the ward are as follows:

  • Personal hygiene products - toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, washcloth, shampoo, hair conditioner, hair dryer, unscented deodorant. It is advisable if all detergents are in small containers and without a strong odor. I would like to note that the usual laundry soap Dries very well the places where external sutures are applied, if any.
  • I would also like to mention the comb and hair tie. It is better if the hair is collected - it will not interfere with your manipulations with the newborn
  • Face and hand cream
  • A nail file and nail scissors will always come in handy. A mother should not be allowed to injure her newborn’s delicate skin with her nails.
  • Gaskets. These will be discussed in more detail in the section below.
  • Several diapers. It is advisable if the diapers are disposable. If they get dirty, you can simply throw them away. It should be noted that some maternity hospitals still provide diapers and pads
  • Shower towel
  • Hand and face towel. A woman will have to wash her hands frequently before handling her baby.
  • A product for the prevention and treatment of cracked nipples. You can find a huge number of such products in pharmacies. There are also products that do not require washing your breasts before feeding.
  • Postpartum bandage. Immediately the skin on the abdomen will be very stretched. For a more comfortable feeling, in the first days the mother can use a regular diaper instead of a bandage. The diaper should be folded into a triangle and the widest part should be tied around the stomach, tied on the back or on the side. This manipulation is best done while lying down.
  • Notepad and pen. They will be needed if you need to write down the doctor’s recommendations or advice from other mothers.
  • Dishes. You should clarify this issue with the maternity hospital in advance. You will most likely need a cup and spoon
  • It's worth having several bags with you. They come in handy for trash and dirty clothes.

You can also take with you pain-relieving suppositories against hemorrhoids and anal fissures. After childbirth, pain often occurs in the anus after suffering tension and pressure on the pelvic floor. Relatives can then bring candles, if necessary.

You can take your tablet, books, magazines, knitting, embroidery, etc. with you. It’s not a fact that they will be useful, so you shouldn’t take them with you in large quantities.

It is worth collecting the package separately for checkout. You can leave him at home, and his relatives will drop him off to you just before discharge. The following should be included in the package:

  • Clothes for mom according to the season. The main thing is that it is not tight, because... after childbirth, the hips will expand and the breasts will increase in size due to the incoming milk
  • Seasonal clothing for the baby, an envelope for discharge. Instead of an envelope, you can use a regular blanket or blanket
  • A small gift for medical staff. This has been the case for a long time, but it is not an obligation.

I would like to note that a woman should not forget about cosmetics, if she uses them. You will be required to take photographs. You can take cosmetics with you in advance, or you can ask your relatives to bring them.

It will be better if the pregnant woman folds the discharge bag herself. Sometimes it happens that relatives, in their joy, forget to put, for example, cosmetics or a dress.

What to take with you to the maternity hospital for a caesarean section?

The set of things for delivery by cesarean section is not much different from giving birth naturally.

It is only worth mentioning that recently in maternity hospitals during a caesarean section they are increasingly asking the woman in labor to carry elastic bandages with her to bandage her legs during childbirth. You can use compression stockings instead of bandages. Pharmacies sell special compression stockings for childbirth.

It should be noted that women in labor with varicose veins should definitely give birth in compression stockings or use elastic bandages.

IMPORTANT: If a woman in labor cannot cope with putting on compression stockings or wrapping her legs with elastic bandages, she can use the help of medical staff.

A woman after a caesarean section will definitely need a post-operative bandage. You shouldn’t buy it in advance; it’s better to let your relatives do it on the first day after giving birth. For the right choice The size of the bandage should be measured around the waist immediately after childbirth.

I would like to say a few words about food. The night before the operation, the woman in labor can only drink a glass of yogurt for dinner. And on the first day after the operation, she can only drink water. Therefore, a woman with a planned caesarean section should take yogurt and a considerable amount of water with her. It is advisable to purchase water bottles with a “sports” neck so that you can drink while lying down.

What clothes to take to the maternity hospital?

For clothes, mommy should have with her:

  • Robe. The robe can also be issued at the maternity hospital. Check this question in advance
  • Nightdress. The shirt can also be issued at the maternity hospital. However, you can use your own. The main rule is that it should be easily adjusted, or the strap should be easily removed for convenient feeding of the baby.
  • Bra for breastfeeding. It is better if there are several of them, because... Doing laundry in hospitals is prohibited, but changing linen is necessary. The bra should be chosen from natural fabrics, buy a size larger
  • Disposable mesh panties. They can be found at any pharmacy. However, mesh panties can be replaced with regular cotton panties. The main thing is to take a size larger so that they do not rub or squeeze the already damaged body.
  • Socks. It may be cold in the room

You may need something else from clothes, but you can ask your relatives to bring this a little later.

What kind of food should I take to the maternity hospital?

If you are in the maternity hospital for care or undergoing an examination, then you can easily take yogurt, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, cookies, and drinks with you.

But with products that a woman in labor can take with her, things are much more complicated. First of all, the expectant mother should think about the health of her baby. It is necessary to exclude products that can cause allergies in the newborn.

You can completely abandon the idea of ​​taking food with you to the maternity hospital. But it is also necessary to take into account the opening hours of the canteen in the maternity hospital.

Sometimes a situation arises when a woman gives birth, for example, at 21.00, and at this time the canteen has not been open for a long time. Immediately after giving birth, you really want to eat. In this regard, you should take with you a minimum set of low-allergenic snack foods:

  • Cookie

It is important to consider that after childbirth, in the first few days, the woman in labor should limit her fluid intake, then the nursing mother will be able to more easily tolerate the arrival of milk.

What pads should I take with me to the maternity hospital?

Currently, there is a huge selection of gaskets. However, after giving birth, you need to choose one of:

  • Special postpartum pads
  • Urological pads
  • Regular, but not ultra-thin, night pads with a large number of drops, for example 5-6

Intensity postpartum discharge depends on:

  • Features of the body
  • Type of delivery - spontaneous or operative

After a Caesarean section birth, there is usually less discharge. But during childbirth through the natural birth canal, the discharge is much more abundant.

For the first time, it will be enough to have 10-20 pieces with you. If necessary, relatives will give you a ride later.

You should definitely take into account the fact that in some maternity hospitals it is still prohibited to use pads - pads are used. This is necessary for the doctor - this makes it easier for him to observe the discharge and how the sutures heal, if any. This issue needs to be clarified in advance.

What should you take to the maternity hospital for your child?

And now about the best part. For your child, you should take the following with you:

  • 2 cotton diapers
  • 2 flannel diapers
  • 2 caps
  • 2-3 sliders
  • 2-3 bodysuits
  • 2-3 blouses
  • Booties or socks
  • Mittens for newborns - “scratchies” will help protect your baby from his own sharp nails
  • Diapers
  • Baby soap. Preferably liquid - it will be more hygienic in the general ward
  • Diaper cream or powder
  • Moisturizing cream
  • Wet wipes. Use napkins only when absolutely necessary. They can injure delicate baby skin
  • A soft towel or diaper. They will come in handy when you need to wash your child after using the toilet.
  • You may need baby nail scissors - sometimes babies are born with very long nails
  • In some maternity hospitals you need to take a baby blanket with you. Check this question in advance

Clothes for your baby should be chosen according to the season. There is no need to take your newborn's entire wardrobe with you to the maternity hospital. Relatives can bring things as needed.

Clothes for your baby should be made of natural fabric, preferably with the seams facing out or hidden seams.

What diapers are best to take to the maternity hospital for a child?

The choice of diapers for a newborn should be approached with special responsibility.

It is difficult to predict what weight your baby will be born with. The actual weight does not always coincide with the weight discussed at the last ultrasound.

To avoid incidents, it is better to take size 2. Size 2 is designed for a baby 3-6 kg. If necessary, you can replace them with a smaller size in the future.

No need to buy a large pack of diapers:

  • Firstly, for the maternity hospital you will need no more than 10 pieces
  • Secondly, some diapers tend to cause allergies in a newborn. If you buy a large package, you might just be wasting your money.

When choosing diapers for your baby, remember that they should be as comfortable as possible for your child:

  • Choose thin diapers - at first he will go to the toilet just a little bit at a time
  • Choose soft diapers. The main thing is that they are pleasant to the body and do not rub

What a mother and child need in a maternity hospital: tips and reviews

The list of things, according to reviews of women who gave birth, basically comes down to the list discussed above.

However, the following advice is available:

  • Do not disdain the shirts and gowns that are issued in the maternity hospital. They may not look very presentable, but they are definitely sterile. Shirts get dirty very quickly, not every relative will be able to bring clean clothes at the first call
  • No need to buy in advance silicone pads- they are expensive
  • There is no need to take a breast pump with you - it may not be useful either. If necessary, relatives will bring
  • Mom can safely use baby cream instead of hand cream - saving space in her bag
  • Compression stockings are much more comfortable than elastic bandages.
  • Breast pads are not useful to everyone - there is no need to take them right away
  • Instead of mother's soap and shower gel, you can use baby soap. It’s better to take liquid with a dispenser - convenient and hygienic
  • You may come across recommendations that you need to take a bar of dark chocolate with you for your mother after giving birth. Chocolate is a strong allergen. Don't risk your baby's health

As the birth approaches, the woman begins to worry more and more about whether she has planned for everything. Don’t give in to emotions - the above lists of things will help you better navigate and not forget anything.

VIDEO: Bags to the maternity hospital! The essentials!

Every pregnant woman prepares in advance for a trip to the maternity hospital. She collects a maternity bag, which includes things necessary for her and her newborn baby. An important point that also requires attention is the mother’s nutrition during the postpartum period. For the expectant mother You should think about your diet in advance. Relatives will need to provide a list of what food they can bring after the birth. In most maternity hospitals, nutrition leaves much to be desired, and mother and baby require a balanced diet.

As a result of childbirth, very a large number of strength and energy. To save wellness, a woman needs to make up for these losses as soon as possible. In addition, the mother begins to breastfeed the baby. The health of the unborn child depends on how correct her menu is. The list of products that can be carried to a woman in labor may vary depending on the rules maternity hospital. In principle, these restrictions are dictated by the rules healthy eating. How should you eat during the postpartum period, what can and cannot be brought to the maternity hospital?

Ideally, a woman should carefully consider her diet during pregnancy. This will help prevent your baby from developing allergies to certain foods. A mother must understand that she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the health and life of her child. The food she eats will inevitably end up in her baby’s body in one form or another. The first days after childbirth are especially dangerous. It depends on how the mother eats future life her child.

It is important to stick to a strict diet for the first week. If you do not attach importance to prohibitions and eat whatever you want, you can provoke a severe allergy in your newborn and in the future it will be very difficult to develop his diet.

Allergies to some foods can last a lifetime. Particularly severe allergies can cause anaphylactic shock and lead to fatal consequences. For example, honey is very allergenic. Using it in large quantities It is dangerous for a healthy adult, but for a child who is only a few days old, such food is poison.

All products transferred to the maternity hospital must meet certain requirements:

  • utility;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • good digestibility;
  • availability of the necessary set of vitamins;
  • ease.

The expectant mother should be aware that childbirth is an extremely exhausting process. You should stock up on food until your relatives arrive. This food should be high in calories, but not fatty.

Practical advice! The following food set will perfectly restore strength: a couple of small pieces of natural dark chocolate, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, pine nut, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews. In addition, you need to stock up on hematogen. All this will perfectly replenish the calories expended.

It is worth noting that for sufficient milk production, a nursing mother needs to drink a large amount of liquid. You need to take plain mineral water without gas with you to the maternity hospital. It is better to avoid coffee, tea and other drinks. As breastfeeding experts note, a strict diet is only necessary in the first time after childbirth.

A reminder for nursing mothers - a list of products that can be brought to the maternity hospital after childbirth in the first days:

If there was no cesarean section, then after a week, the woman can begin to carefully introduce familiar foods into her diet. New Product better to try in morning time. During the current and next day you need to observe the child's behavior. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of rashes. If there is no allergic reaction, you can continue to eat this food. Thus, your usual diet will gradually be restored.

What products can be taken to the maternity hospital?

Relatives who will carry the packages should be informed in advance about what products can be given to the mother in the maternity hospital after childbirth. Despite the fact that the list of permitted foods is quite limited, many compassionate visitors want to buy a young mother at the maternity hospital “something tastier”, in other words, something she can’t.

Products that a woman in labor is allowed to bring:

  • crackers without adding flavorings or flavor enhancers, preferably from gray or rye bread;
  • chicken or meat broth;
  • natural yogurt;
  • biscuits;
  • steamed chicken or beef cutlets;
  • cereal porridges cooked in water;
  • cheese with low mass fraction fat;
  • boiled meat;
  • bananas.

This food can be consumed by postpartum women who have gone through a natural, uncomplicated birth. This food set is considered optimal for the first days after delivery. The listed products will give mother and child enough energy, vitamins and microelements. In addition, this set does not contain junk, fried or fatty foods.

Note! Women who have had a caesarean section should follow a stricter diet. For the first time after childbirth, they are allowed to eat only low-fat broth.

This list can be adjusted and supplemented by the attending physician. It will be relevant in its presented form only in the first days.

What food should you not bring to the maternity hospital?

Along with what can be given to the maternity hospital from food to the mother in labor, visitors should be made aware of those foods that cannot be brought. The most harmful and prohibited foods that are unacceptable for consumption by a nursing mother are products that contain artificial flavors, dyes, taste and smell enhancers and other chemicals. This kind of food high probability will cause allergies and disorders in the child gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, a nursing mother should not eat the following foods:

  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • mushrooms;
  • White cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • citrus;
  • cow's milk;
  • chicken eggs;
  • White bread.

In addition to citrus fruits, other fruits and vegetables that can cause an allergic reaction should be excluded.

It is important! The first time after childbirth, the child suffers from intestinal clicks. This is due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, the mother should exclude from her diet all foods that provoke fermentation processes in order not to aggravate the situation.

After the strict diet expires, a woman can begin to gradually introduce her usual foods into the menu. However, it is not recommended to use junk food throughout breastfeeding. What a nursing mother is fed in the maternity hospital is not enough to replenish her strength and saturate her baby with everything she needs. Therefore, visiting loved ones is necessary. They will be able to prepare food that the postpartum mother will like and will be useful for her and the baby.

A woman spends 4-8 days in the maternity hospital. And, of course, the new dad wants these days to pass with maximum comfort for her. And what visit is complete without gifts? I want a holiday, but not everything that comes my way is worth taking to the maternity hospital. Therefore, the next article will be primarily addressed to dads, although it is also useful for expectant mothers. After all, if you collect everything in advance, it will be difficult for your husband to make mistakes.


The holiday begins with flowers, but a luxurious bouquet is not always welcomed in the maternity hospital. Many strong-smelling flowers - lilies, spray roses, daffodils, hyacinths, lilacs, when in the maternity hospital ward, can cause headache and a deterioration in the mother’s health, and pollen- allergies both in her and in the child. It is better to use harmless wildflowers, gerberas, white roses and carnations. Save a large bouquet for discharge; not everywhere it is possible to find and place flowers in a vase; in the first days, mother will be pleased with a small bouquet or one flower - it does not take up much space and can be placed in a drinking water bottle.


Before you sweep a whole basket of your wife’s favorite delicacies off the store shelves, think: what can a new mother eat?
Firstly, do not forget that in the hospital there are normal 3 meals a day, and a person’s ability to absorb food is limited, so you should not bring a lot, especially if your wife does not have the opportunity to use the refrigerator. What you bring should be a pleasant and healthy addition to her diet, but not a replacement for hot food.
Secondly, we must clearly remember: everything that a nursing mother eats is received through milk by her baby. And in the first days his stomach is so undeveloped that the mother’s inappropriate diet can harm him. The baby will develop either allergies or painful colic. In the first 2 days after birth, food should be easily digestible. From the 3rd day, a regular diet is prescribed with a predominance of lactic acid products, cereals and vegetables.

First of all, you should not bring foods to the maternity hospital that can cause allergies in the baby. These are chocolate, tomatoes, eggs, peanuts, and, oddly enough, almost all berries and fruits. Strongly not recommended Exotic fruits, including citrus fruits and red berries. It’s easier to name what fruits you can eat. These are green apples and plums, preferably domestic ones, dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots), bananas. Grapes and pears, although they are not strong allergens, cause fermentation in the intestines, leading to a feeling of discomfort not only in the mother, but also in the baby. For the same reason, you should not eat cucumbers, fresh cabbage and legumes.

There is no place in the maternity hospital for any perishable products - sausages, pates, salads, cakes, pastries, dairy products without airtight packaging. This is especially true for “homemade” products purchased on the market. In addition to simple poisoning, they can cause severe infectious diseases in a newborn, sometimes leading to death. It is strictly forbidden to bring pickles, marinades, smoked meats in these products increased content salt, which irritates the gastric mucosa. Fish dishes should be avoided. The meat should be boiled or baked in the oven; It is better to give preference to lean meats, white turkey and rabbit meat. The meat must be brought to readiness: undercooked meat is under the strictest prohibition, as it can contain many bacteria and viruses.

You can donate hard cheese to the maternity hospital, dairy products, packaged in sealed packages: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese. When buying them, be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture and shelf life; It is better not to purchase shelf-stable products, as they may contain preservatives. You should not bring condensed milk with sugar to the maternity hospital; you can bring a similar product (condensed milk), but without sugar. Bagels, biscuits, crackers, marshmallows or marshmallows are suitable for tea.


The best source of fluid for a nursing mother remains pure water- it quenches thirst best, has a beneficial effect on kidney function, is retained less in the body compared to any solution, it has no contraindications and side effects. You should bring bottled water to the maternity hospital to avoid all kinds of bacteria and viruses entering the body, preferably slightly mineralized water (degree of mineralization 1-2 g/l), non-carbonated. Cranberry, lingonberry, and currant juice prepared at home are suitable. Among juices, preference should be given to apple and plum juice, preferably, of course, freshly squeezed, or with a mark on the package “Suitable for feeding children.” You cannot bring sparkling water or soft drinks. The first causes colic in the baby, and the second, due to the presence of various harmful additives in it, causes allergic reactions. There are special herbal teas for nursing mothers, they are a natural product, but can also cause allergies, so you need to start taking them with very small quantities (half a glass per day), carefully monitoring the baby’s reaction.


Usually the maternity hospital room is very warm and a woman will not need a lot of clothing. Clothing should be simple so that you can easily change clothes. It is very important that all clothing, not just underwear, is made of cotton or linen. A nightgown and robe made of synthetic materials are absolutely not suitable, especially with an abundance of decorative details (lace, braid, etc.). Maternity hospital clothes should be washed at a temperature of at least 90 degrees, because all the hospital microflora will remain on them. A shirt that has to be put on and taken off over the head and, consequently, through the chest is also unsuitable. It is so easy to transfer infection from the genital tract to the nipples. A shirt or light robe with a through fastener is better suited. Instead of nylon ones, grab a pair of cotton socks.

It is prohibited to use underwear made of synthetic materials. You can use thin cotton panties with wide holes, or better yet disposable mesh panties (you will need 8-10 of them). From the first day of the postpartum period, a woman will need a special bra that fastens in front. It must be special for feeding; it must be put on already in the maternity hospital, preferably before the milk comes in, and worn until the end of the feeding period or until the milk disappears. The bra must have good shape, support the chest on all sides and have wide straps. Of course, such a bra is not a work of art, but, you see, lace can be worn later, but it is unlikely that you will ever be able to “put on” a new breast shape. Bra, socks, nightgown and panties need to be changed daily or more often, the robe is changed once every three days.

All clothes, even new ones, that will be used in the maternity hospital must be pre-washed using hypoallergenic (preferably children's) clothes. detergents without the use of strong fragrances.
Shoes must be easy to wash. Soft, cozy slippers in the shape of funny little animals are not suitable for the maternity hospital, nor are elegant house shoes with clicking heels. These should be leather, rubber or smooth textile lightweight flip-flops with flat, “quiet” soles.

Another detail that can be brought to the maternity hospital on the recommendation of a doctor. This is a postpartum bandage, it is recommended to wear it daily for 6 weeks, which promotes rapid contraction of the uterus and proper fixation of the abdominal cavity recovery period. Usage postpartum bandages not recommended by a doctor for certain types sutures after cesarean section, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and some kidney diseases accompanied by swelling, as well as skin and allergic diseases.
If visits are allowed in your maternity hospital, then the same requirements should apply to the clothing of visitors. Of course, before visiting a newborn after a working day, you need to go home and change into clean clothes, even if the maternity hospital provides a robe. And sneakers are not suitable as replacement shoes.

Personal hygiene

Relatives of the new mother will have to take care of personal items, including intimate hygiene for her. First of all, these are special postpartum pads. Special postpartum pads are best suited for this period, as a last resort, ordinary thick, but well breathable. In the maternity hospital, you cannot use pads with a polyethylene mesh covering on top, which is designated on the packaging as “top-dry”. Under no circumstances should you use scented pads or tampons. For five to six days of stay in the maternity hospital, you will need 3 packs of pads.

The best soap is hypoallergenic, for children, with a minimum of dyes and flavors. For the first days, you can also buy soap with antibacterial components (for example, triclosan), but you should not get carried away with it for a long time - it destroys the natural protective microbiological barrier of the body, killing beneficial bacteria. Toilet paper should be as soft as possible, but not scented.

In addition, the maternity hospital will need a couple of old “throw away” diapers, sterile gauze wipes, a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, comb, proven nourishing face and hand cream. Replacement gaskets are also needed for mammary glands, absorbing milk, disposable ones are better for the maternity hospital. It's better to leave the perfume at home decorative cosmetics bring it to the time of discharge from the maternity hospital.


There is no need to take vitamins for nursing mothers to the maternity hospital; they are not needed for the first few days after birth. Take anything, even banal “analgin”, without consulting a doctor in postpartum period- absolutely not possible. Therefore, you shouldn’t take medications with you “just in case.” Exceptions are women who are forced to constantly use some kind of medical supplies, (for example, antihypertensives, insulin or hormone medications thyroid gland), then it is better to take it with you to the maternity hospital. It’s not always possible to find exactly the same one in the maternity hospital, but postpartum period– not the best time to change the drug. You must inform your obstetrician-gynecologist and pediatrician that you are taking medication.

Other things and other people

In the maternity hospital, a woman rarely needs entertainment. Most often, caring for a baby medical procedures, feeding and pumping take up all your free time. In addition, extraneous sounds can interfere with the rest of your neighbors. Therefore, a TV and a radio are not welcome guests in the postpartum ward. But a nice book or magazine will help pass the time. If you take advantage of the opportunity to visit, then try to protect your wife from the invasion of relatives and friends. For her and, especially, for the baby, one or two of the closest people is enough. Invite the others after some time.


Even for this little man There is a whole list of harmful things in the maternity hospital. So, in no case should you bring such “valuable” things as bottles and infant formula to the maternity hospital. As well as sterilizers, heaters, pacifiers, pacifiers and other benefits of civilization. It is very important to avoid supplementary feeding and supplementation of the child in the first days after birth. The introduction of any liquids and milk formulas eliminates or reduces the possibility of obtaining colostrum and injures the body of the newborn baby. Practice of supplementary formula feeding and supplementation boiled water or glucose solution increases the risk of infection for the child. The use of infant formula in the first days after birth can lead to the development of dysbiosis, diathesis or allergic reactions. In addition, when sucking from a pacifier, the baby’s cheek muscles work, and when sucking on the mother’s breast, the tongue muscles are involved. When exposed to a bottle early (sucking from a pacifier), the baby develops an incorrect way of sucking. Because of this, children refuse breastfeeding early, their tongue muscles develop poorly and often have problems with speech. And the mother’s lactation may decrease significantly. But a breast pump can come in handy. Often, on the second or third day after birth, much more milk arrives than the newborn needs, and it is not possible to express the breast efficiently by hand. That's when technology comes to the rescue.

You should not bring clothes for a newborn from home if you are not prepared to wash and iron them in large quantities every day while the mother and baby are in the maternity hospital. It is better to change maternity hospital diapers more often than to rarely change a beautiful home suit and dry it in the room on the radiator. For clothing, a pair of thin caps and a terry towel instead of a blanket for the cradle may be useful.

Buy one large pack of Newborn diapers from 2 to 5 kg. Don't buy for future use - children grow out of this size very quickly. If the child is large, then it is better to buy size 2 from 3 to 7 kg. Children's cosmetics - in minimal quantities, preferably in “mini-packages”. All you need is baby cream with zinc, baby soap and a pack of wet wipes.

We are going home from the maternity hospital

Here there are already much fewer prohibitions, but only permissions. Remember that on this memorable day your wife wants to look beautiful, for this she needs beautiful clothes, shoes, and cosmetics. Ask in advance what things to bring her, and try to fulfill her wishes strictly. Be sure to discuss it with your wife so as not to spoil the holiday. next questions: what car will you take your wife and baby home in (yours, a friend’s, a taxi); who will go with you to the maternity hospital and take pictures or video of you; Do you want to have a feast with your relatives?
Now a large bouquet will be a joy, but you still need to be careful with the choice of flowers.

Clothing for a child must be approached with the utmost care; its list is not limited to a diaper and a blanket with a blue or blue ribbon Pink colour. Be sure to take the weather into account. Beauty, of course, is important, but no less important is that you can easily remove/add this or that layer of the child’s clothing.
You will need:
- two diapers;
- a bodysuit, T-shirt or thin vest is an inner layer of clothing that helps the child keep warm;
- blouse with rompers or knitted overalls. Instead of this set, 2 regular diapers can be used: a thin one on top of the vest and a flannel one on top.
- a hat for the street depending on the weather;
- a blanket (warm or light, depending on the weather) or an envelope (can be light or warm). Be sure to take into account the season, taking into account the fact that the child will spend no more than 5 minutes directly on the street.

As you can see, there are not so many restrictions, but they require strict adherence. Only then can you rest assured that you have done everything necessary for your loved ones without harming them in any way.

A woman’s body after childbirth requires special attention.

First of all, this concerns nutrition.

There are several reasons for this, but the most important one is related to breastfeeding. H

What can and cannot be eaten in the first days and months after childbirth?

Mother's nutrition in the first days after childbirth

During pregnancy, the body of a woman and her baby are closely connected. The fetus is nourished by nutrients that enter the woman’s blood. That is why there are a number of dietary restrictions for pregnant women. They are associated, first of all, with the prohibition of alcohol, which negatively affects the baby. This is also often associated with caffeine from tea and coffee. Another aspect - excess weight, which accumulates with excess nutrition and harms both mother and baby.

And so the woman becomes a mother. The close connection in the form of an umbilical cord breaks. However, a number of restrictions may still exist. What does this depend on? The fact is that childbirth and a woman’s attitude towards breastfeeding can be different.

Option 1: Delivery by Caesarean section

In this case, a lot of restrictions are imposed on nutrition in the first days, typical for abdominal surgery. Usually, on the first day, only light drinking is allowed, literally a few spoons. Next, vegetable broth and lactic acid products are added. On the second or third day, you can eat some crackers from dried bread. Then, over the course of a month, the diet approaches normal - soups, cereals, light meat, vegetables, and fruits are introduced. Complied with correct mode meals - several times a day every 3-4 hours. However, all this can be corrected if breastfeeding, which imposes certain restrictions.

Option 2: Natural birth and artificial feeding

Some women in labor know even before the baby is born that they will not feed him with their milk. For some people this is due to health problems, doctors prohibit it natural feeding. For other mothers, it's just their own choice. In any case, after giving birth, women who do not plan to breastfeed return to their usual eating style. It’s great if it’s correct, balanced, and complete.

Option 3: Breastfeeding

If a woman plans to feed the baby herself after natural birth or caesarean section, there are a number of rules for her in terms of her own nutrition. They concern how not to harm the child, digestive system which only goes through the stage of formation. At the same time, in the first days it is necessary to establish milk production for feeding. How to combine the solution to these two problems? How to choose the right products that would help lactation and at the same time not harm the baby?

What foods can you eat after childbirth?

After childbirth, a woman should eat well. This means that the food must contain sufficient quantities of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as a full range of vitamins and microelements.

Among the products that you can eat after childbirth:

Milk is better as a component of cereals, soups, sauces

Fermented milk products are useful for both mother and baby, just make sure that they do not cause fermentation in the intestines

Vegetables are those that do not contribute to gas formation, that is, it is better to be careful with cabbage and exclude legumes

Meat – beef, turkey, rabbit, chicken and others low-fat varieties enrich food with protein

Cereals are necessary as a source of carbohydrates, coarse fiber to improve digestion of mother and baby

Fish is a source of beneficial fatty acids, microelements

Fats - butter and vegetable oils should be in moderation in the diet of a nursing mother

Fruits – within reason, monitoring the baby’s condition.

Good to know: To establish lactation, you need to drink more liquid in the first days. Herbal teas with milk and condensed milk are recommended, which should preferably be drunk warm an hour to half an hour before feeding. Nuts are also recommended to improve milk production. However, you need to watch how they affect the child; after all, nuts are a rather fatty product.

What foods should you not eat after childbirth?

Currently, there are a lot of myths surrounding breastfeeding. Some women, often on the advice of not very knowledgeable friends or older relatives, exclude a lot from their diet healthy products. Having heard what foods are not allowed after childbirth in a particular case, say, with a sick child, people transfer this to themselves. This trend has especially intensified with the spread of the Internet, where you can read a lot of “horror stories” about completely innocent products and dishes.

Of course, some may have intolerance milk protein, and another baby reacts with rashes when his mother eats eggs or berries. But it could be individual characteristics. Golden Rule on the topic of nutrition for a nursing woman - you can eat everything, but in moderation, and be sure to monitor how the baby reacts.

However, there are definitely prohibited products. And also what is simply not recommended to be eaten in order to avoid the problem.

So, what foods are not allowed after childbirth:

Alcohol – absolutely and not in any quantity!

Products containing caffeine - strong tea, coffee

Potential allergens: citrus fruits, chocolate, honey, red fruits and vegetables

Onions, garlic, hot seasonings can affect the taste of milk and discourage the baby from feeding.

It is important to note that if alcohol is completely prohibited, then other foods can be consumed little by little and with caution. A cup of weak coffee with milk once a day will not bring big trouble. However, it is in the first days after childbirth that it is better to give it up, as well as other products on this list. And then gradually try to use them.

Mother's nutrition in the first month after childbirth

The baby is born in the maternity hospital - with the exception of some special occasions. This is where mother and child spend the first days of their lives. Most often, in the maternity hospital, mothers are provided normal nutrition. For some, of course, it may seem tasteless, lean, expressionless and poor. However, this is often just a matter of habit. People get used to fried food fatty foods, various not entirely healthy seasonings such as mayonnaise in large quantities, an excess of salt and sugar. That's why healthy soups, porridge, stews I don’t like. In fact, they are the ones that are safe for the baby feeding on mother’s milk, and beneficial for the woman herself.

Returning home after the maternity hospital, a woman should take into account many of the nutritional rules from this institution. In particular, food intake.

Principles of a mother’s diet after childbirth:

- breakfast, lunch, dinner and one or two more meals between them - second breakfast, afternoon snack - must be mandatory

- reasonable portion sizes

- time between meals - 3-4 hours

- not to allow strong feeling hunger and excessive satiety.

Important! As during pregnancy, during breastfeeding you should never follow the principle of “eating for two.” The baby should get everything nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, so the nutritional value of food is important, not increasing its volume.

In the first month, the composition of food remains essentially the same as in the first days. The basis is cereals, dairy products, lean meat, also lean fish, vegetable fats, moderately butter and eggs. Alcohol is prohibited. Fatty and fried foods can cause digestive problems in the baby. It is better to avoid spicy, pickled, and bitter foods.

Young mothers often have questions about various products. In particular, for the following:

— Bread – what kind, how much? In order not to gain weight, black is usually recommended, Rye bread, however, it tends to cause gas.

A golden mean must be observed. Begin introducing dried white bread. In moderation - if you don’t want to gain a lot of weight, you shouldn’t eat several pieces at a time, and even eat buns, rolls and loaves for dessert. Introduce black and rye bread little by little, observing the baby’s condition.

- Sweets– it’s nice, it’s tasty, and it’s a source of carbohydrates. However, there are so many concerns...

And the fears are often justified. First of all, a lot complex carbohydrates- and this is sugar in pure form or sweets, baked goods - excess weight is quickly gained. Secondly, sweets can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is advisable to consume sweets in moderation, giving preference to marshmallows and marshmallows.

— Chocolate- a favorite delicacy of many. Natural chocolate contains useful material and they even say it promotes lactation...

Chocolate, if it is a quality product, is dangerous in one way - allergic reactions. For some kids they may be for cocoa, for others for sweets in general. Therefore, not in the first days, but at least a couple of weeks after giving birth, you can try to eat one piece. If after a couple of days there are no manifestations, you can use it. Of course, observing moderation, as in everything.

Top advice for moms – watch your baby, focus on his well-being, and not on some abstract advice. So, sometimes fruits are prohibited, fresh vegetables, it seems like they can cause the baby to have diarrhea. However, children often suffer, on the contrary, from constipation, and fruits, vegetables, prunes, and beets in the mother’s diet will help solve the problem. Conversely, if the baby is often weak, it is better to use strengthening products.

A mother’s nutrition in the first month after childbirth is, in fact, proper nutrition. It’s great if it becomes habitual for life.

This article could also be called:
— what to eat for the mother of a newborn,
- menu for breastfeeding,
- food in the maternity hospital
- permitted products breastfeeding etc.

Let's immediately agree on some rules:

1 Every mother decides for herself what and how her child will be fed: breast milk or formula.
But every woman who gives birth needs to restore her own body. And firstly, the recovery of the body is influenced by those foods that you eat in the first 5 days after childbirth, as well as the next 21 days.

2 There is no perfect absolute diet nursing mother, because All children are different, all mothers are different, everyone various microflora in the intestines and, therefore, various substances are absorbed from the same food. In addition, everyone has a different immune system and, therefore, a different immune response to the antigen-antibody reaction, i.e. to allergens.

3 Baby’s stool, gas formation in both mother and baby, as well as skin condition are the main indicators of correct or incorrect nutrition.

Lack of gas formation in mother, This is not yet a reason to relax, but its presence will certainly affect the well-being of the newborn, who is fed on mother’s breast milk. There are a few harmless ways solve this adult problem(Hipp fennel tea or a spoonful of polyfipam or a couple of tablets activated carbon), but they will affect water balance your milk, which may lead to other problems. Therefore, very much! urgently! we recommend! refrain from provocative products.

Baby chair is a product of processing what he absorbed. And until the child has tried meat products, his stool does not have a fetid ammonia aroma. Many consider the smell of the stool of a 100% breastfed baby to be very pleasant. This is why many doctors diagnose various intestinal problems newborn according to a “dirty” diaper, namely: sour smell, presence of mucus or foam, color change. And a competent doctor will definitely ask mom to list all the foods she ate during the past 24 hours! A healthy toddler has a sweet butt.

Skin, in children Those prone to allergies will experience everything immediately; for those who are more persistent, the reaction may appear in the next day or even two (48 hours). A very dangerous moment on the first and second days after birth is to eat something wrong when chest goes colostrum and it seems that the child will not receive anything yet. In a newborn, a skin reaction can be observed on any area of ​​the skin. Later, the most skin reaction often appears on the cheeks, buttocks, behind the ear area, scalp (crust), skin of the legs, popliteal and elbow bends.

4 Food diary necessary to be able to monitor the child’s reaction. We write down everything we ate and at what time. It is not necessary to write down the volume of what was eaten, but for children prone to allergies or those with sensitive intestines, a large portion of something “complex” can also have a difficult effect on digestion. And we still don’t know for sure what kind of baby you have. Children often react not to the first time their mother eats a new food, but to the second! If you observe any of the signals we now know, then, depending on the degree of the baby’s reaction, either simply stop using it, or drink something like fennel tea or dill water or seek help from a neonatologist or pediatrician. If you observe a healthy reaction from the baby, then all the tested products can be added to your regular diet in adequate quantities.

So, let's move on to the list of products and answer the question: what to eat in the maternity hospital after giving birth in the first 5 days.

In the first 2 days after birth The diet is approximately as follows:

  • Buckwheat porridge on water with vegetable oil
  • Dried grain bread or dry bread.
  • A piece of cream cheese.
  • A piece of boiled beef.
  • 2-3 walnuts.
  • Liquids up to 2 liters, not hot!: mineral water without gas, chaga infusion or nettle infusion, which affects blood clotting and uterine contraction.

Advice: Now you shouldn’t experiment with oils with different smells and tastes, and also give up crackers, even set aside “Maria” cookies for a few days. The amount of liquid you drink is indicated very arbitrarily, since the question is very individual. But keep in mind that hot drinks accelerate the flow of milk, and for breasts unaccustomed to this process, such acceleration may increase painful sensations. It is enough to drink in small sips, but often liquid at room temperature.

From 3 days The diet is expanding:

  • We try not to drink too much liquid, because... On the 3-4th day, milk flow occurs.
  • Baked green apple in foil without honey or sugar.
  • Baked, stewed, steamed vegetables: zucchini, turnips, rutabaga, cauliflower.
  • Porridge made from whole grain flakes.
  • Vegetarian soups with a small amount of potatoes.
  • Bran as a food additive for the prevention of constipation and a source of vitamins. IN.
  • Literally a couple of cookies like “Maria” - no more.
  • Liquid: to the above, add 1 glass of bifido-yolk milk, fermented baked milk or milk, if you drink it at all. Dried fruit compote (not strong).

Advice: We adjust the volume of liquid according to need, remembering that drinking little liquid reduces the volume of “light” milk, i.e. the first phase, and “heavy” milk is especially difficult for a newborn to suck in the first days of life, and then he may simply not be full. A large amount of liquid can increase the volume of hot flashes and the chest will not yet experience very pleasant sensations. Adjust the water balance intuitively and independently!

On the 7th day The diet expands further:

  • Boiled fish - pay attention to your baby's skin!
  • Weak boneless veal broth,
  • Millet porridge.
  • Brown rice "health"
  • Cottage cheese, preferably market cottage cheese.
  • Fresh green apples
  • The amount of liquid is gradually restored to 2-2.5 liters.
  • Infusion of parsley or yarrow as needed.
  • We cancel the nettle infusion!

Advice: It is better to choose veal meat, because it is a young cow that has not had time to absorb the “surprises” of an adult cow. It is advisable that the meat on your table be purchased from farmers personally.

As practice shows, a child’s body reacts negatively not to meat, but to chemicals, with which they inject meat products. It is better to buy meat personally from the farmer, and not from an online store of eco-products that can sell you the products of a meat plant under the guise of being farmed.

With such troubles you will save yourself and your family from unnecessary worries in the future.

This “strict” diet after childbirth for the mother lasts exactly 21 days.

During these three weeks we exclude following products, often causing allergic and intestinal reactions:

  • Smoked meats, sausages.
  • Ketchups, mayonnaise.
  • Cabbage.
  • Grape.
  • Carbonated sweet drinks.
  • Everything containing preservatives, we will list separately doshirak, chips, and any semi-finished products.
  • Chicken and fish broths.
  • Caviar.
  • Refined carbohydrates: cakes, chocolate, semolina.
  • Pumpkin, carrots.
  • Cucumbers, tomatoes, white cabbage.
  • Strawberries, bananas, kiwi, oranges, watermelons.
  • Spices.

Advice: Everything will be fine. Take your time! This diet is only for 3 weeks while the baby adapts to our world. We try not to eat anything red, since red foods are the first on the list of allergens. Nothing with a distinct taste. We also take into account the amount of fiber consumed, which in a significant amount in the body leads to gas formation.



By 21 days the child Its enzymatic systems begin to function fully and the final colonization of the intestine with intestinal flora occurs.

The following foods may now appear in your food diary:

  • Boiled chicken.
  • Eggs.
  • Potatoes baked in skins.
  • Beet.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Pears, lemon.
  • Dry biscuits (biscuits).
  • Soy dishes.
  • Lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks.

Advice: Continue keeping a food diary until you have tried all the foods that can cause allergies or any intestinal problems in your newborn.

The listed range of products may not seem rich to you, but if you wish, you can eat very tasty even with them. Let this be the first creative test for a young mother!

And in the absence of creative inspiration, but with the desire to preserve health and nerves, the following products can be consumed safely for the baby and beneficial for both:

1) buckwheat + buckwheat + buckwheat
2) stewed or baked zucchini, broccoli or cauliflower with onions and cheese
3) baked or boiled veal with chopped fresh dill
4) “Maria” cookies with a slice of cheese
5) baked apple and a couple of dried apricots or prunes for dessert

And the most main advice, which I want to give you, what you can and should eat in the maternity hospital after giving birth!