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Beetroot juice: beneficial properties and contraindications. Beet juice: benefits and harm. Oncology treatment. Reception for fibroids, heart disease. Beetroot juice with honey. Recipes

Not so long ago, printed materials promoting healthy eating began to contain information about the benefits and harms of beet juice. His miraculous properties apply to the liver, its restoration, and cleansing the body of harmful elements.

In addition, beets and their juice are unique and effective due to their composition. And it’s great that this vegetable is available to every person in our country.

Beetroot juice has vitamin composition and mineral, most of which are found in beet leaves. There is not so much iron in the composition, but it is easily and quickly absorbed by the body, forming hemoglobin. The benefits and harms of beet juice are based on the richness of its composition:

  1. Supports in healthy condition nails, hair and skin, and also ensures the functionality of the glands internal secretion, eye, central nervous system and brain activity vitamin B2.
  2. Vitamin E improves tissue renewal and blood circulation. Vessels become stronger, wounds heal faster and are maintained normal condition muscles and nerves.
  3. Vitamin C has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects, improving the condition of blood vessels and increasing protective functions the body against infections and viruses.
  4. Regulation of cholesterol levels, normalization of blood sugar and improvement brain activity occurs with the help of vitamin PP.
  5. Beet juice useful because it contains potassium, which normalizes arterial pressure, improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as the intestines and kidneys.
  6. The iron contained in it prevents the occurrence of anemia.
  7. Sodium is an important element for the entire body.
  8. Eliminates irritability, depression, dissolves kidney stones and reduces acidity gastric juice magnesium.

The benefits of beet juice lie in maintaining the balance of acids and alkalis in the body.

This drink helps get rid of atherosclerosis thanks to the organic substances in its composition that increase the elasticity of the vascular walls.

Beetroot juice can have a preventive effect against the occurrence of cancerous tumor. There are many reasons for its appearance, but there is no vaccine, so the main thing is compliance healthy eating with an appropriate lifestyle. This vegetable contains substances - betaine with antioxidants that have proven effective against cancer cells stomach with small intestine.

If you regularly drink beetroot juice, you can solve the problem of constipation. This problem is eliminated with a one-time use of the drink.

Beetroot juice is also good for the liver, as it can restore its normal activity. Greatest effect achieved by adding lime juice to it. The benefits of beet juice for the liver will be noticeable in recovery period after healing from hepatitis or food poisoning.

Only squeezed juice is useful, not store-bought. In this case, it is better for it to stand for 2 to 4 hours in a cool place. A refrigerator is also suitable for this. This is needed to remove essential oils and the appearance of sediment at the bottom, which has no less benefits than the juice itself.

This drink has a taste that not everyone likes. You can make it pleasant by adding carrot, pumpkin or cucumber juice to it. This helps both improve taste and enhance health benefits.

The norm for drinking such a drink for a healthy adult is considered to be 300 ml, spread out to 5 doses per day. And any vegetable juice works best in the morning, taken on an empty stomach.

As always, when talking about the properties of a food product, we cannot exclude the possibility harmful effects. This also applies to beet juice:

  • The oxalic acid contained in beets promotes the formation of kidney stones and aggravates existing metabolic problems. This also applies to existing stones;
  • The presence of sugar makes beet juice harmful for diabetics;
  • For people with weak intestines This drink is not recommended as it will only make the situation worse. But for constipation, beet juice is not contraindicated;
  • An increased amount of iron in a person’s blood serves as a warning against drinking such a drink.

Any deviation in health requires consultation with a specialist before you start using beet juice for medicinal purposes.

You should start drinking the drink very carefully and with small doses. Otherwise, even in the absence allergic reaction for beets, a large volume of juice drunk at once will cause bad feeling. This can lead to nausea, vomiting and spots on the body. Everything, of course, takes place in short time, but it’s not worth experimenting.

And the main contraindication in which beet juice can cause harm is individual intolerance to the vegetable itself, including the juice.

In any case, such a drink should not be consumed daily and for more than 2 weeks. Be sure to take a break, with the exception of a prescription prescribed by a specialist with more frequent use.

Healing through juices is a tasty and pleasant process. Each vegetable is useful in its own way, and if you combine them, the beneficial effect increases several times. Carrot and beet juice are beneficial:

  1. The ability to improve sleep with vision.
  2. Normalization of gastrointestinal tract activity with intestinal peristalsis.
  3. Strengthening immune system with teeth.
  4. Cleansing the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and the entire body as a whole.
  5. The ability to produce red blood cells, providing beneficial effect for ulcer healing.

Beetroot and carrot juice is useful even for small children over 1 year old, but with the permission of the pediatrician and with his strict supervision.

These two drinks together fill the body with sulfur, phosphorus and potassium, including other alkaline substances, as well as vitamin A. This helps build red blood cells.

For women, this combination helps get rid of disorders menstrual cycle. IN menopause beetroot - carrot juice will give more positive effect than hormonal therapy.

How to make juice from carrots and beets

You need to peel 3 carrots and 1/3 beets and then cut them into cubes. The juicer squeezes the beets first, and then the carrots. Mix everything and enjoy the excellent taste.

Storing beet juice

Freshly prepared beet juice should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 days. For longer storage, it is recommended to pasteurize it at 85 degrees, then roll it into jars and keep it in a cool, dry room.

Stored until next summer while maintaining all the beneficial properties, is it worth stocking up on this drink for future use, if you can squeeze it out if necessary? Fresh Juice?

In the Mediterranean, already in ancient times, beets were very actively grown and were highly valued among other vegetables. It has long been used for food and as a very valuable treatment plant. Already at the beginning new era Various cultivated varieties of beets were popular; they first appeared in Rus' somewhere at the beginning of the tenth century. Moreover, freshly squeezed beet juice and its healing effect on our body were noticed many centuries ago, and this effective medicine- absolutely natural and natural.

Benefits of beet juice

In some cases, it is not worth buying expensive medicines at the pharmacy. Wise nature has provided us with a simple opportunity to be healthy. It has unique composition: vitamin A; vitamins of group B, C, P and PP. In addition, this root vegetable contains iodine and iron, potassium and calcium, cobalt, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. The amazing vegetable includes apple, as well as dairy and citric acid. Contained there and in large quantities nitrogenous substances. Thanks to this, those people who eat beets and drink their juice always have excellent digestion.

The root vegetable owes its bright color to the presence of anthocyanins in its composition. They are not formed in the human body, but it needs anthocyanins, so they must come from food. Beneficial substances can destroy everything in your body, making you healthy by stimulating the immune system. Anthocyanins strengthen blood vessels, remove capillary fragility, and improve the structure of fibers and connective tissues. By the way, those who have been eating foods rich in anthocyanins since childhood often do not wear glasses even in old age.

The juice of this unique root vegetable synthesizes vitamin B 12 in our body. With a lack of this vitamin, metabolism is disrupted, and serious problems with health. Magnesium “makes sure” that blood pressure does not increase.

Beets contain an extremely high amount of iodine, reasoning that you should definitely eat seaweed in huge quantities, not always very literate. In terms of this indicator, this unique vegetable is generally without competition, which is why it is so needed for atherosclerosis, you just need to know how to drink it correctly.

Betanin, which is part of beets, has the ability to promote the absorption of animal and plant proteins and completely break them down. Thus, it will significantly improve liver function. In addition, betanin is known to have a positive effect on the fight against malignant tumors.

Everyone knows that apples are rich in pectins. But very few people know that beets actually contain much more pectin.

How to drink beet juice correctly

Although the benefits of this unique root vegetable are incomparable to anything else, its extremely illiterate and excessive, immoderate consumption can easily bring not benefit, but significant harm to our body. Therefore, you need to know how to drink beet juice. Remember that it is better to completely abstain from this drink when urolithiasis. Of course, it will cleanse your liver, but you should know that if there are stones in bile ducts, then there can certainly be big problems. It is also not recommended for hypotension. Just one small glass of pure drink can cause significant weakness in a patient with hypotension. There may also be troubles, the cause of which is the active process of cleansing the liver.

If vegetables contain nitrates, then when vegetable juice is stored (even for one hour), they will turn into toxins - nitrites, and this is simply real and serious poisoning. Therefore, drink only the freshest drink! You must clearly understand how to drink beet juice correctly!

You should not drink this drink if you have kidney disease, if you suffer from peptic ulcer stomach, duodenum. It’s better to abstain diabetes mellitus, this juice contains a large amount of sucrose.

How to make beet juice

You only need to choose a root vegetable correct form, without visible defects or damage, preferably slightly oblong. If it comes with spring green tops, that’s even better. Wash it thoroughly, clean it thoroughly, then pass it through your juicer (along with the tops) or simply grate it and squeeze it through clean gauze. Strain the drink and it is ready to drink. Now you need to remember how to drink beet juice correctly.

Be sure to start the first dose with only a teaspoon, do not rush, your body must get used to this product. Gradually increase your daily intake to 100 grams, and even more, depending on the chosen recipe.

Should I give it to children?

How should children drink beet juice, and can they drink it at all? Give a child who suffers from constipation at two months one drop. Watch. The child should not have an allergic reaction; if it does occur, use should be stopped. If everything is fine, give two drops a day. Constipation should go away, increase the number of drops very slowly.

How to drink beet juice if you have cancer

There is a lot of information about the excellent effect of beet juice on the course of recovery in cancer. The presence of anthocyanin and betanin in the root crop in this case has a positive effect on the body. Anthocyanins are also found in elderberry, St. John's wort, and red wine. But all researchers claim that red beet juice has a greater effect. You should clearly remember how to drink beet juice if you have cancer, and include this remedy in your overall plan treatment.


  1. Drink 600 ml per day. Increase gradually.
  2. Drink at regular intervals, one hundred grams per dose, very strictly following the schedule and never missing doses (this is six times a day), at night - only once.
  3. Be sure to drink the juice on an empty stomach, slightly warmed up and in small sips. Literally every sip must be held in the mouth and swallowed very slowly.
  4. Never drink this drink with something sour, don’t eat it with yeast bread, or anything else. flour products. It is better to completely avoid yeast bread during the treatment period.
  5. You also need to eat 200 grams of salad every day.
  6. Treatment should be carried out throughout the year, without interrupting for a day.
  7. Then take beet juice for the rest of your life.

Constipation remedy

Beetroot is a highly effective strong laxative. It significantly increases intestinal motility. How to drink beet juice for constipation?

For constant and persistent problems of this nature, this drink should definitely be taken in the morning, before the first breakfast, half a glass per dose.

You should also eat a salad of boiled vegetables in the afternoon, seasoned vegetable oil. It is very useful to drink a drink: ten parts of carrots, one part of beet juice, several very finely crushed prunes.

If the problem is extremely acute, you can do an enema with the addition of this juice. Prepare the decoction for the enema as follows: add fresh root vegetable puree to water (boiled), one to five.

Then leave this mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes, add the volume of the broth to the original volume, and then strain. Then proceed according to the traditional scheme.

To improve blood composition

Iron, which is contained in beets, actively helps complex process hematopoiesis. And not just iron. Beets contain sodium and potassium, as well as calcium. The composition of microelements is huge - iodine, manganese, cobalt, as well as copper and zinc. They regulate all processes of normal hematopoiesis in the body, which is why this drink is an excellent nutrition for red blood cells.

You need to know how to drink beet juice if you have anemia. It is necessary to gradually start taking it and then drink it for four weeks. medicinal drink 100 grams twice a day.

We treat hypertension

For hypertension, take freshly squeezed beet juice. How to drink? The regimen is as follows: half a glass three times a day before meals. For this disease, it is good to add a spoonful of honey to the juice or mix it with fresh cranberry juice, and again with honey. For hypertension, it is good to drink beetroot along with carrot and celery juice. For three parts carrot juice, take eight parts celery juice and five parts beet juice.

Beet juice for weight loss

Beets, unlike other vegetables, do not cause hunger. Therefore, it is included in In addition to the daily intake of root juice, you must eat salads made from boiled beets throughout the day. You can eat two kilograms of this vegetable per day. But even replacing only dinner with beet salad and drinking fresh juice will already give good result. Especially if you give up pancakes, sweets and cakes.

Cleansing the body

The juice of this root vegetable has a diuretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and wound-healing effect on the body. He can output heavy metals and radionuclides. When cleansing the body, drink the juice twice, always after meals. You need to drink one-fourth of a glass of raw beet juice at one time, which must be mixed with water in the same amount.

For other diseases

This product is good for weakening the body, for colds, especially during a flu epidemic. Beetroot juice is also beneficial for women. Due to their physiological characteristics This is what they need to drink. Fresh beet juice is used to lubricate skin inflammations, wounds, and ulcers.

Treatment with juice will also help with a runny nose. By the way, when chronic form this could be one of the few effective means. You need to instill two drops of juice three or four times (during the day). You can dilute the juice with water.

For bronchitis , If you have pneumonia, drink pure juice. The following medicine will help well for a sore throat: grate one glass of beets, add a tablespoon of vinegar (apple vinegar), leave for one hour. Afterwards, squeeze out the mixture and gargle with this solution every 2.5 hours.

Beets were once brought to the Middle East, then from there they penetrated to Rome. The Romans liked the new vegetable, and they began to plant it in the European lands of the Romans, on the lands of what is now France and Germany. It came to Russia later and now pleases us with its excellent medicinal and dietary properties.

For people who try to take care of their health, fruit and vegetable juices- an integral part of the diet. Many people prefer fruit drinks. However, scientists have proven that vegetables are not inferior to fruits in content useful substances. Thus, in root vegetables we find many vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fiber. One of the most popular vegetables on our table is beets. A lot is prepared from it different dishes. But not everyone knows about nutritional properties freshly squeezed beet juice.

Beetroot juice contains vitamins A, C, E, PP, B vitamins, folic acid and carotenoids. It consists of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine, copper, iron, sulfur, chlorine, zinc, iodine, as well as cobalt - an element involved in the synthesis of vitamin B12. It is quite rare in vegetables.

Like the root vegetable itself, the juice contains proteins, carbohydrates and alimentary fiber, mono- and disaccharides. In addition, the drink is replete with pectins, which prevent putrefactive processes in the intestines and help cleanse the body of toxins.

The calorie content of the product is only 40 kcal per 100 g, which allows it to be classified as dietary.

Benefits of beet juice

The drink has many beneficial properties. He is capable of exerting human body a number of healing effects, the main of which are:

  • restorative;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • antispasmodic;
  • laxative;
  • cleansing;
  • antitumor.

In addition, a drink made from beets lowers blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, speeds up metabolism, improves digestion, normalizes blood sugar levels. It is used to prevent vitamin deficiency, increase mental and physical performance.

Who should drink beet juice?

For men

Representatives of the stronger sex should take this natural remedy recommended for the following reasons:


Beetroot drink is no less useful for the fair half of humanity. His restorative and healing properties may appear in the following cases:

For children

Beetroot juice is certainly beneficial for children too. However, you should first consult with your pediatrician. Doctors recommend add fresh beet juice to your child’s menu after the baby is one year old. Some parents, after making sure that this product is well tolerated by the child’s body, begin to give it to their baby from the age of six months.

The drink should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with one drop and slowly increasing the volume to one teaspoon. For children over a year old The portion is increased to one tablespoon. Before giving beet juice, it stand for several hours, and then diluted with either water or another juice familiar to the child. This product is recommended for babies suffering from constipation, as well as children with weakened immune systems. If a child is prone to allergies, suffers from diarrhea, flatulence, or kidney disease, beetroot drink must be completely excluded from his diet.


For elderly people, this drink will help in the following situations:

  1. for atherosclerosis, as the juice helps improve memory;
  2. for hypertension, since the drink has a vasodilating effect and reduces blood pressure;
  3. at general weakness, as this remedy restores strength and adds energy.

During pregnancy and lactation

The juice is also very useful for expectant mothers. It should be consumed during pregnancy for the following reasons:

Beetroot juice should not be consumed during pregnancy if such deviations occur:

  • low pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • diarrhea.

During breastfeeding you should either abstain from taking this drink, or drink it with extreme caution, limiting yourself to one or two tablespoons per day and combining with carrot juice. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the baby’s reaction and in the event of such phenomena as stool upset or skin rashes, stop taking it immediately.

Juice therapy

The benefits of juice for the body include: wide use for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. This drink should be taken in the following cases:

Attention! The juice should not be taken for more than three months as part of a mixture and for more than two weeks in pure form. After these periods, you need to take a break and then continue treatment.

How to make beetroot juice at home?

To prepare this drink, you must, firstly, choose the right beets, and secondly, have a juicer or an ordinary grater on hand.

Beet selection

To choose a suitable root vegetable, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

A high-quality root vegetable should be firm and uniform, and have a uniform color in the cut without white inclusions. Otherwise, it can be assumed that the vegetable was grown using fertilizers.


Before cooking, you must thoroughly wash the beets, first removing the tops, then peel the vegetable and cut into pieces. If you have a juicer, getting a drink will not be difficult. If it is not available, the process can be carried out manually. To do this, grate the beets on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice using gauze. It is better to use a plastic grater to avoid oxidation of the product.

The resulting drink must be poured into a suitable container and, without covering with a lid, put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. The foam that has formed on the surface of the juice during this time should be removed, the drink should be poured into another container, and the sediment should be poured out. After this, the product will be completely ready for use. Fresh juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

How to drink correctly?

To obtain maximum benefit from healing drink, and also to avoid unwanted reactions of the body, when consuming this product you should be guided by the following rules:

Contraindications for use

Despite the many useful and healing properties, beetroot drink can be harmful and in some cases even dangerous to health. It should not be used for a number of diseases, which include:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • ulcerative colitis, diarrhea;
  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • gout;
  • hypotension.

Drinking the drink in large quantities may cause intestinal disorders, nausea, vomiting, headache.

When discussing the benefits and harms of beet juice, weighing the pros and cons, we should not forget that the body of each individual person has individual characteristics and then What is useful for one may be contraindicated for another. If in doubt, do not test your strength by trial and error. To solve any controversial issue regarding health, it is better to seek help from a doctor who can correctly assess the patient’s condition and give appropriate recommendations.

Let me remind you of the main thing, but in relation to beet juice.

Beetroot juice is healthy

  • blood problems, as it increases the content of red blood cells;
  • menstrual pain- it is more effective than painkillers;
  • beet juice cleanses literally all systems of the body from waste and toxins;
  • he's useful for the liver, cleanses it has a positive effect on metabolism; effective against obesity and overweight, containing a high content of ;
  • among natural food medicines from hypertension beet juice is a real leader: it not only reduces blood pressure, but also normalizes the condition of blood vessels;
  • juice increases resistance to viruses, helps to recover, stimulates the lymphatic system;
  • refers to the number, it should be drunk when atherosclerosis And coronary disease hearts;
  • beet juice is good for hypothyroidism- disease thyroid gland caused by a lack of iodine in the body;
  • the juice improves complexion and rejuvenates.

In fact, beet juice has even more beneficial properties, but the ones listed are enough to understand: if you want health, drink beet juice. However, on one condition - that the juice is not contraindicated for you.

Beetroot juice - contraindications

The contraindications are the same as for solid beets, only more pronounced. This is understandable: the juice is more powerful in its effects.

  • Juice is contraindicated when urolithiasis(stones may fall)
  • at kidney diseases : glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, nephrotic syndrome
  • for gout and rheumatoid arthritis (for the same reason that for kidney diseases - oxalic acid)
  • it should not be taken by people with chronic diarrhea (juice weakens)
  • may feel unwell hypotensive (the pressure will drop lower)
  • beet juice increases acidity, therefore, if it is elevated without it, you should not drink
  • because of great content sugar beet juice is not the best best drink For diabetics
  • also does not include the use of beet juice

How to drink beet juice correctly?

If you have ever been interested in juice therapy, juice treatment, then you know that it is better to drink beet juice not on its own, but as part of others, for example, pumpkin or carrot. And if you drink pure beet juice, then not freshly squeezed, but set aside for 2 hours. And not very much, not 200 ml, 50 g is enough. Why?

Drinking more than a glass of beetroot juice or immediately after juicing increases the harmful effects and contraindications: you may experience a severe headache, nausea and loose bowels. Since juice is a fairly strong laxative + a means of lowering blood pressure and triggering cleansing processes, the bouquet of ailments will be vivid.

The correct intake of beet juice is a mixture of juices!

Ideally, we combine beet juice with carrot juice in a ratio of 1:10 and gradually, day by day, increase the percentage of beet juice. Do not forget that the juice should stand open in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (carrot juice, on the contrary, is drunk immediately, fresh), then some harmful fractions, reacting with oxygen, will lose their properties and will not cause trouble. In short, you need to drink beet juice correctly!

How much beet juice to drink?

If they are placed medicinal purposes, then the mixture - 1 glass - should be taken 2 times a day. When the body gets used to beet juice in this mixed form, you can move on to pure one. You should drink pure juice for no more than 2 weeks, then rest for the same amount of time, and repeat the process. And it’s not a fact that you’ll get used to drinking pure juice….

It is even more surprising to read the conclusions of a recently published study with a recommendation to take it undiluted in the amount of as much as 500 ml!! The juice is billed as the #1 energy drink that restores strength and increases stamina tenfold. It's good that this is now a proven fact, but what about the dose? On the other hand, if you start gradually and build up slowly, you can talk about excellent prospects for patients with cardiovascular diseases with their low tolerance to physical activity. And just weakened people.

In what mixtures should you drink beet juice?

If this is not juice therapy specific diseases, you can drink beet juice in any mixtures that you have enough imagination and food in the refrigerator for. For example, with carrot, apple, pumpkin, currant, tomato, lemon. It is very good to add honey. Mix beet juice well with bread kvass and kefir. Here is one of possible options mixtures:

Make a mix: a glass of kefir + 2 tablespoons of freshly prepared beet juice + 2 tablespoons of currants + 1 teaspoon flower honey. After whipping with a mixer, pour into tall glasses and serve with ice.

Beetroot juice is delicious to wash down with scrambled eggs with onions, herbs and cucumbers. Be sure to try a mixture of these ingredients:

You will need: 1 egg yolk, 4 teaspoons of sugar, a quarter glass of freshly prepared beet juice, a couple of pickles, grated fine grater. Combine everything, stir, salt to taste. Pour half a tall glass, add the rest tomato juice combined with lemon. Mix and put in the refrigerator for a while. Serve with some added on top green onions, parsley and ice. We eat this juice with a spoon.

Beets are excellent folk remedy to combat various types ailments. Properly prepared beet juice will help cure many diseases and improve your body's health.
The benefits of beet juice are quite great, because it contains an abundance of minerals that we need so much.

Potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, group of vitamins A, E, C and PP - all this is not the entire list of substances contained in it. That is why “beet blood” is so beneficial for our health.

A significant number of diseases can be cured by regularly drinking the juice.

After all, it is healing for:

decreased immunity. When there are so few vitamins in winter and your body is weakened, half a glass of beet juice will destroy all kinds of viruses;

hypertension. Here's another benefit of juice for those suffering from... high pressure;

anemia(anemia). Beet juice has the ability to increase the content of red blood cells in the blood;

liver problems. The juice will help speed up the regeneration of liver cells and metabolism;

atherosclerosis and heart disease. Ability to lower cholesterol levels;

toxins and impurities in the body. Those who succumbed bad habits or lives in a city polluted by station exhausts, they can take fresh juice to cleanse the body;

thyroid pathology. Due to the presence of iodine in beet roots, it can be very useful for people suffering from similar disease;

sinusitis, adenoids and common runny nose. There will be beets a great assistant during treatment this list diseases;

In addition to the listed diseases, beet juice will help improve brain function and restore the body after illnesses.

It is also an excellent type of medicine for eliminating radicals called free radicals. Thus, the juice prevents the development of cancer and improves the level of further treatment.

How to make beet juice

In order for juice to have a positive effect on your body, you first need to prepare it correctly. Beet fruits should be bright burgundy and have an elongated shape.

The peel must be cut thinly, and the fruit must be processed using a juicer or a grater and squeezed in gauze.

Immediately after squeezing, you should not drink the juice; you need to wait until some of it evaporates. harmful substances. It is best if the juice stands for two to three hours in a cool place or refrigerator.

It will be possible to take it orally only after some time has passed, having first removed the foam on top.

Such juice should not be stored for more than two days, because it will be of little use. Beets are a universal product that can last for a whole season. Therefore, it is best to prepare its juice at once.

Once the product has sat for the allotted time, foam and sediment must be removed.

To finally give greatest number vitamins for your body, beet juice can be mixed with carrot, cucumber and other substances that suit your taste.

Don't get carried away with beet juice and drink it in glasses. It is better to start with twenty ml of beet juice, mixing it with two hundred ml of other types of juice.

Only then gradually increase the dosage. This will help the body get used to the new component better.

Take any 20 minutes before meals.

Medicinal properties of beet juice. Recipes

After a detailed study of the effects of beet juice on the body, we will consider recipes for combating certain diseases.

1) Liver diseases, high blood pressure and constipation are among them. For treatment, you need to mix carrot, beet juice and cucumber juice in a ratio of 3 to 1 to 1.

You need to consume five hundred ml per day for at least 21 days in a row. If your body resists and certain processes cause discomfort, it is advisable to reduce the dosage.

2) Cancer can be cured by drinking one hundred milliliters of pure beetroot juice twenty minutes before meals.

3) Pneumonia (pneumonia) and bronchitis are treated by drinking pure juice in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.

4) Inflammatory processes on skin can be stopped using beet pulp, which must be applied to the irritated area.

5) After suffered a heart attack Beetroot juice must be mixed in equal proportions with honey and taken one hundred ml per day.

6) For headaches, beet leaves will help a lot if you apply them to your forehead.

7) A runny nose can be cured if beetroot juice, diluted with water 1 to 3, is instilled into the nasal sinuses. The procedure should be done 3 times a day. Continue until the disease leaves you.

8) Ground beet root leaves should be applied to the eyes, which will help relieve fatigue, irritation and inflammation.

9) For those losing weight and those suffering from obesity, beets are an excellent helper. After all, it contains a substance that helps proteins be better absorbed. This, in turn, is associated with a weight loss diet.

10) Even if you have lost strength or suffered from illnesses, when the body is still very weak, beetroot juice will help you regain your strength. Freshly squeezed juice of beets, radishes and carrots are mixed in equal parts and drunk fifty ml per day.

11) If your throat reminds you of itself, or you have a sore throat, then there is nothing more effective than beetroot juice mixed with vinegar. Add one tablespoon of vinegar (apple vinegar) to a glass of juice and gargle with it 2 times a day.

12) Since beet juice has hematopoietic properties, it is especially useful for women to drink during the menstrual cycle.

13) The components in the juice can speed up blood purification and eliminate discomfort. The juice can be mixed with any other juice you like. Take 50 ml per day, preferably at least 3 times every day.

Unfortunately, beet juice, like any panacea, may have contraindications. Among others, here are any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of kidney stones and heartburn.

Since this juice has laxative effect, then it is not recommended to use it for diarrhea. People suffering from hypotension ( low blood pressure), juice is also contraindicated, since this substance can reduce it even further.

Diabetics should also consult their doctor before drinking beetroot juice. After all, it contains a lot of sugar.

As you can see, beet juice is enough effective means in the battle for your health. Do not forget also about the harm it can cause. This happens when it is consumed incorrectly or in large quantities.

Therefore, take advantage of our advice and use it only for your own benefit.