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Diet of a pregnant woman: what you can and should eat, and what is strictly prohibited. What is good for pregnant women to eat? Caring for the expectant mother and baby

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 3 minutes


Consuming foods with maximum content necessary vitamins and biologically active substances– the most important rule in a pregnant woman’s health program. This does not mean that it is time to turn the kitchen into a laboratory and hang the periodic table on the wall, but information about the main products containing the substances necessary for the development of crumbs will not be superfluous.

So what should Is it necessary and often for an expectant mother to include this in her menu?

Read also:

  1. Eggs. Unlike products with “wrong” cholesterol (sausage, butter, etc.), eggs contain cholesterol, which is useful for the production of a number of hormones, as well as for supporting the immune system. And vitamin B4, available in this product, ensures the removal of toxins and stimulation of cardiac activity. True, it is not recommended to eat more than 2 eggs per day (and eating them raw, too).
  2. Greens, green/yellow vegetables. Here you don’t have to limit yourself: the more there are, the more useful it will be. Greens should be on the table at all times. But in a half-baked form. After heat treatment, it will lose all its beneficial features. Don’t overdo it with parsley: experts do not advise you to pounce on it during the first two trimesters - by causing contractions of the uterus, it can cause a threat of miscarriage. But at the end of pregnancy it will not hurt. You should also be wary of excess synthetic vitamin A. Try to get vitamins from foods. From yellow vegetables: vitamin A (for the growth of baby cells, bones, skin), E, ​​B6 and riboflavin with folic acid. Eat green and yellow vegetables regularly - greens, broccoli, raw carrots and pumpkin, spinach, persimmons, cabbage, dried apricots, peaches, zucchini, etc.
  3. Dairy products. There is also no doubt about their benefits. Kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese are brought to you healthy vitamins, trace elements and amino acids, calcium and vitamin D. It is advisable to consume skim cheese or prepare calcined one yourself. At night – a glass of yogurt/kefir. And yogurts can be prepared from kefir with fresh juice.
  4. Fish. It contains proteins, amino acids and minerals, is perfectly absorbed and digested. Varieties of moderate fat content can replace coarse meat food. Note: boiled and baked fish are useful for absolutely everyone, while fish broths are not recommended for mothers with gastrointestinal problems.
  5. Seafood. For the expectant mother, this is a source of complete proteins and microelements, the content of which in seafood is higher than in meat. For example, mussels and crabs, kelp, squid, shrimp, scallops. Again, with a caveat - if you have gastrointestinal and kidney diseases, it is better not to abuse these products.
  6. Mushrooms. Useful for protein and nitrogenous substances, carbohydrates, amino acids, glycogen, vitamins, nicotinic acid. They are high in calories, like meat, easily absorbed in the intestines, and require less energy from the body to break down. Of course, you should eat mushrooms in moderation and carefully (it’s better not to get carried away with purchases “from hand” or in dubious store containers).
  7. Rabbit meat. Without meat to the expectant mother can’t be avoided – it is necessary for the baby’s development. But we give preference not to pork in batter, but to light rabbit meat. It will also be useful diet turkey(broilers not fed with antibiotics!) and veal.
  8. Whole grains and whole grains. With the exception of oatmeal and buckwheat, such products are not yet particularly common in our country. There is, of course, also rice and other grains, but they are considered whole only if there has been no pre-processing (grinding, for example). Such healthy products include brown rice, wholemeal bread, and sprouted wheat products. They will help alleviate toxicosis, provide the body with protein, vitamins, complex carbohydrates and starchy substances important for energy.
  9. Oil. As for butter, 15-30 g per day is enough. It is better to use vegetable oil from unrefined varieties. Ideal choice– olive, corn and sunflower. Vitamin E in vegetable oil is the prevention of miscarriage, polyunsaturated fatty acid(in particular, linoleic acid) are necessary for both the mother and the baby’s development.
  10. Beans and legumes. Beans and lentils have higher fiber and protein content than vegetables. What do these substances do? Firstly, improving the functioning of housing and communal services, and secondly, reducing the level of excess cholesterol. And, of course, useful microelements and minerals (calcium, iron, zinc, etc.).

Top 15: the most healthy foods for pregnant women © shutterstock

Expectant mothers must constantly think about what products they consume, because during pregnancy, women must take into account not only the taste of the product, but also the benefits and harm that it can bring to the child. Relatives and friends advise you to eat one thing, doctors - another, but you want a third. It is not surprising that many women are frightened by the question: “What foods are the healthiest for pregnant women?”

To somehow make your food choices during pregnancy easier, we have selected 15 of the healthiest foods for expectant mothers.


The healthiest foods for pregnant women: Vegetables and fruits

  • Carrot: most healthy vegetable during pregnancy. Carrots promote better functioning gastrointestinal tract. It contains a large number of carotene, vitamin E, C, vitamins B, K and PP. All these beneficial substances help in the formation of the child’s organs. The only contraindication for this vegetable is stomach ulcers, pancreatic problems and any inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Bulgarian Bell pepper: It has medicinal properties, helps improve the condition of mucous membranes and strengthens blood vessels. The beneficial substances contained in pepper strengthen the bones of a pregnant woman and help in the formation of the baby’s bones. Vitamins C, E, PP and P, which are contained in this vegetable, improve the condition of the skin. A essential oils, protein and beta-carotene will increase the immunity level of a woman expecting a child.
  • Spinach: this vegetable is rich in folic acid (vitamins A, B9 and E), which helps a pregnant woman avoid miscarriage, cope with toxicosis in the first trimester, reduces the likelihood of developing anemia and protects the fetus from the development of abnormalities.
  • Tomato: A very filling and low-calorie tomato contains lycopene, which is a unique antioxidant and protects cells from the effects of free radicals.
  • Banana: Despite the calorie content of this fruit and the amount of starch it contains, doctors do not recommend giving it up. Banana contains the most beneficial elements for the fetus: zinc and potassium. Zinc helps form immune system child, and potassium - the cardiovascular system.
  • Apples: these fruits help normalize the gastrointestinal tract, increase the secretion gastric juice, relieve nausea. Apples contain a lot of iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, which help the fruit develop. And 5 seeds of this fruit contain the daily requirement of iodine.

Top 15: the healthiest foods for pregnant women © shutterstock

The healthiest foods for pregnant women: Cereals

  • Oatmeal: contributes to the normal course of pregnancy, thanks to a large number of vitamins and minerals. Complex carbohydrates speed up metabolism. Oatmeal gently envelops the gastric mucosa, which is good for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Brown rice: This type of rice takes longer to digest than white rice, so pregnant women will remain full for a longer period. Also, brown brown rice contains 8 amino acids, which are necessary for the creation of cells.

The healthiest foods for pregnant women: Protein foods

  • Natural yogurt: in it in large quantities contains calcium and protein, which are necessary for the formation of bones and muscles, as well as vital important organs. Beneficial bacteria in yogurt improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerate the transmission process useful substances fetus
  • Hard and pasteurized cheese: contains a lot of protein and protein, while such cheeses are low in calories.
  • Sea fish: Such types of fish as salmon, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, trout, herring contain enough Omega-3 fatty acids, protein and phosphorus, which are necessary for the development of the baby’s brain.
  • Eggs: contain a large amount of proteins with a minimum of calories, and B vitamins, zinc and selenium will help develop cardiovascular systems e child. It's better not to eat raw eggs, always try to eat eggs that have been well cooked.
  • Lean meat(beef, turkey, chicken breasts): during pregnancy, it is better to replace the consumption of red meat, which is high in cholesterol and unhealthy fats, with lean types of meat such as dark meat turkey, chicken breasts, young lean beef). These varieties contain a lot of iron, healthy animal proteins, zinc, and B vitamins, which will provide the expectant mother with energy. Plus they are low in calories. Before eating meat, make sure it is completely cooked.
  • Tofu: This soy product contains a huge amount of amino acids that help increase collagen production. By consuming bean curd you will reduce the risk of getting stretch marks. This is a filling and low-calorie product.

The healthiest foods for pregnant women: Berries

Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries: contain minerals and vitamins vital for fetal development. By eating berries and fruits daily (no more than 5 servings), you increase your baby’s immunity.

As you can see, there are a lot of useful products, so make the right and healthy diet For two it won't be a problem.

Pregnancy is one of the best periods in a woman's life. This is the expectation of a miracle, this thrill of a baby emerging under your heart and a calming warmth throughout your body. That is why it is so important during this period not to disturb your inner comfort and the comfort of the child. And that is why it is necessary to balance and.

The main rule is to get everything necessary substances, vitamins and microelements, although this is not a reason to double the portion.

During pregnancy, eat whenever you feel like it. It is better to eat often - up to 5-6 times - but little by little. Don't overeat, chew your food thoroughly, don't rush, and don't overeat at night. Say yes to boiled, baked, steamed. But refuse fried, smoked and canned food.

First of all, both the expectant mother and her baby need protein, because it is construction material cells, helps the baby grow. Daily norm- 75-100 grams of protein per day. If we translate all this into “food equivalent”, then this is about three glasses of milk, half a kilo, two eggs and one hundred grams of fish. To get enough protein, cook yourself lean meat, poultry (it’s better to take domestic than imported), treat yourself to fish - shrimp, lobsters, crabs; Boil eggs or make yourself an omelet. Consume vegetables, fruits and berries, but preferably from your lane. Click on nuts - pine nuts, hazelnuts - and seeds. Don't avoid legumes.

To help your body with energy, consume carbohydrates. But be careful with them - too much of them can be harmful. There are carbohydrates that instantly relieve hunger, but they don’t last long. These are chocolates, sweets, sugar. In the body, such carbohydrates are stored as fat deposits. Of course, don’t give up sweets completely, but it’s better to eat very little of them, replace them with porridge, pasta, vegetables and potatoes - especially boiled in their jackets. These carbohydrates are called unrefined. They eliminate, do not lift weight and hold. It is better to cook porridge from unrefined cereals, from whole grain and sprouted wheat. And the bread is coarsely ground or with bran.

To support normal blood expectant mother and baby, eat carbohydrates. It contains liver, sardines, and spinach. This is especially good in combination with vitamin C. It is found in citrus fruits - by the way, the highest content is in grapefruits, and they are hypoallergenic - in sorrel, spinach, and sweet peppers. Vitamin C heals wounds, and is useful for the baby because it promotes its growth and makes the skeleton and teeth strong.

By the way, contrary to popular belief, the menu should contain fats, but unsaturated ones. Add creamy, bright yellow and solid oil to porridge, fry with refined oil, and season salads with unrefined oil.

Be sure to consume A, E and B. Calcium strengthens bones - if the baby has enough of it, then it does not harm the mother’s teeth and bones, and does not take it away from them. Calcium is found in milk, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, almonds and peanuts. Folic acid found in yellow vegetables, fruits and greens. It helps the skin, eyes and bones, and has a positive effect on the baby’s brain development. B vitamins are found in porridges - very good if you eat buckwheat and brown rice - in black bread and cabbage. By the way, the latter is very useful if you feel that you are gaining excess weight. It prevents the deposition of fats in the body - consume it boiled, stewed, or in salads. Pineapple also does not allow fats to linger.

During pregnancy, focus not only on nutrition, but also on fluid intake. Drink at least two liters a day. Soup, teas and also count.

Eliminate harmful foods from your diet. Swordfish, shark, cabezon, king mackerel, and canned white tuna can be hazardous to the health of a pregnant woman. In them high level metal harmful to nervous system and the baby's brain. A safe dose is 150 grams per week of white tuna or 300 grams of salmon and shrimp. Be wary of fish caught in rivers and lakes. Never eat raw or undercooked meat, even if it is homemade. And, of course, refuse fast food: hot dogs, dubious-looking ham are not the best better food for a pregnant woman. Do not eat unpasteurized dairy products, juices, or chilled smoked foods. Tobacco is also strictly contraindicated, and even just breathing in its vapor is harmful. Do not drink tap water: it can only be consumed purified and filtered. Doctors have not fully studied the effect of herbal supplements and teas on the body of a pregnant woman.

In the first half of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s diet is virtually no different from what she ate before pregnancy. But still, it should be varied and include all the necessary (we listed them above) substances. Allow yourself some salty food if you really want it, but do not overuse it so that the salts are not deposited. Daily ration first half of pregnancy - 2400 - 2700 kcal.

In the second, the fetus grows quickly, the load on all organs and systems of the mother increases, so eat more. But exclude salty, spicy, smoked and processed foods. The daily diet for the second half of pregnancy is 2800 - 3000 kcal.

Remember: a properly composed diet will help the baby to be born strong and healthy, and the mother to bear an heir without harm to health or appearance, with feeling good throughout pregnancy. Poor nutrition on early stages pregnancy can affect the survival of the embryo, and in later pregnancy - on the development of the baby.

Especially for- Maria Dulina

So, what is harmful and what is beneficial for pregnant women.

Flour products.

These are the most best sources carbohydrates. Wholemeal bread, dry biscuits, bran, muesli - these products are rich in fiber.

You should not consume large quantities of butter dough or bread made from premium flour.

Meat products.

Meat is one of the main sources of animal protein for pregnant women. Give preference to lean varieties of beef, chicken (only without skin), turkey, and rabbit. It is better to steam, stew or bake meat.

Avoid fatty meats, sausages, sausages and semi-finished meat products, including ready-made dumplings. Do not cook or eat kebabs or fried meats.

Soups and broths.

Soup should be included in a pregnant woman's daily lunch menu. It is better to cook the soup in secondary broth. Useful vegetable soups, rassolnik, beetroot soup, borscht, cabbage soup. Should not be used frequently chicken bouillon and rich meat broth.

Fish is a source of calcium, phosphorus and protein for a pregnant woman. Fish should be included in the diet 1-2 times a week. Buy fresh fish of low-fat varieties: hake, cod, navaga, catfish, perch. Prepare fish soup, steamed fish, baked fish.

Milk and dairy products.

Pregnant women should know that cow's milk- a very strong allergen. Milk should be boiled before use. From fermented milk products give preference to fermented baked milk, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, low-fat sour cream. Cheese should be chosen carefully and carefully - do not choose smoked or spicy varieties.

Cereals and legumes.

Corn, buckwheat, rice and millet cereals are very useful for pregnant women. Don't get carried away with semolina and oatmeal. Legumes are allergens, so it is better to include beans, beans, peas and lentils in the diet no more than once a week.

You should eat no more than two eggs per day. It is best to eat eggs hard-boiled or as an omelet. Avoid raw and fried eggs.

Fruits vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are best eaten fresh, raw or cooked. At the same time, you need to be careful when eating fruits and vegetables that are orange, red and black in color, as they can cause allergic reaction. For example, peaches, pomegranates, apricots, oranges and grapefruits are best eaten individually.

Wild berries are very useful for the expectant mother and baby. These include cranberries, lingonberries, cloudberries, strawberries, and blueberries.


Juices, jelly, fruit drinks, compotes, weak black and green teas, weak coffee - it is possible and healthy to drink for pregnant women.

Alcoholic drinks, energy drinks, beer, strong teas and coffee, sparkling water are not allowed.

Minerals necessary for a pregnant woman.

The main minerals necessary for the development of the fetus and the normal course of pregnancy are calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

It is an essential component in the process of blood clotting. Calcium is involved in the process of muscle contraction, digestion and the functioning of the nervous system not only of the mother, but also of the unborn child. Daily norm calcium per day for the fetus in the womb - 250-300 mg. That is, at the moment of birth, the baby’s body contains 25 g of calcium.

In the body of the expectant mother, calcium is mainly present in bone and cartilaginous tissues. In this regard, the expectant mother may encounter problems such as caries, tooth decay and loss, and cramps.

The daily calcium requirement for pregnant women is 1.5 g. Sources of calcium: skim milk and dairy products, cheeses, nuts, fresh green vegetables.

Additional reception medical supplies calcium is prescribed by a doctor, since excess calcium in the body can lead to salt deposition.

Accumulates in bones and teeth, participates in blood processes, metabolic processes. Periodontal disease is the first sign of phosphorus deficiency in the body. The daily requirement of phosphorus for a pregnant woman is 1.5 g. Sources of phosphorus: fish, liver, beef, chicken eggs.

The trace element is present in bone, muscle and nervous tissues. Magnesium is an activator of many reactions of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The daily requirement of magnesium for pregnant women is 250-300 mg. A lack of magnesium in the body leads to miscarriage and impaired fetal development. Sources of magnesium: watermelons, buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat, peas.

You need to know that those microelements that are present in the body in small quantities also perform vital functions during pregnancy. important functions in fetal development:

Potassium and sodium maintain the body's water-salt balance (raisins, peas, peaches, nuts, mushrooms);

Iron is part of hemoglobin (cocoa, liver, buckwheat, oatmeal, apples, eggs);

Copper is responsible for pigmentation of skin and hair, is part of elastin (cocoa, cod liver, squid);

Cobalt enhances iron absorption (fish, squid);

Iodine controls hormone production thyroid gland(potassium iodide);

Manganese is involved in the formation of the skeleton (millet, black bread, buckwheat),

Zinc maintains sugar balance and is involved in the formation of blood cells (liver, cheese, lentils).

Vitamins and vitamin complexes for pregnant.

The greatest amount of vitamins is contained in fresh fruit and vegetables. At the same time, you need to know the fact that during long-term storage and heat treatment most of nutrients and vitamins disappear.

Also, for pregnant women, experts have developed special vitamin complexes that provide daily requirement mother and baby in vitamins and microelements. Vitamin complexes can be purchased at the pharmacy. Basic vitamin complexes for pregnant women: Elevit-Pronatal, Complivit-Mama, Sana-Sol for pregnant and lactating women, Vitrum for pregnant women, Materna, Pregnavit, etc.

A truism for a woman who is expecting a child - proper nutrition and getting everyone essential vitamins and substances necessary for a full and then his birth. The greatest miracle on planet Earth requires attention and care from the first day of conception. This is exactly what should occupy the thoughts of the expectant mother, who, naturally, loves and waits for her baby from the first minute.

The expectant mother must treat this responsible mission, intended for her by Mother Nature, with due reverence and pay close attention to what is healthy for pregnant women to eat in order to provide everything necessary for the life emerging in her. Following simple recommendations will help prevent undesirable moments in the development of the fetus.

Vitamin A is very important, as it stimulates cell reproduction and growth. Therefore, you need to consume such healthy foods for pregnant women with this vitamin as egg yolk(no more than 2 eggs per day - only hard-boiled or in the form of an omelet - this, moreover, complete protein, and a complete set of almost all microelements), boiled milk, low-fat sour cream, butter, offal - especially liver.

What is good for pregnant women to eat? special place assigned to the procreation vitamin, which stimulates fetal development and prevents premature birth- vitamin E, it is also involved in the absorption of vitamin A. Its source is vegetable oils, nuts, the same eggs, legumes, cereals.

Proper growth and the development of a strong skeleton and teeth is promoted by vitamin C, its consumption is necessary daily. Here citrus fruits rich in them (if you are not allergic to them), vegetable salads, tomatoes, black currants, rose hips, green onions, sweet pepper, kiwi. Vitamin C strengthens and stimulates the immune system.

Fish should be included in your diet a couple of times a week ( low-fat varieties) is phosphorus, calcium is a building material for the cartilage and bones of the child. And the most useful foods for pregnant women are dairy products, which are the main supplier of calcium - they should be consumed daily.

Next come vegetables - these are, first of all, fiber, “healthy” carbohydrates, and minerals. Plus an incredible amount of vitamins and organic acids. Now let's see which fruits are good for pregnant women - almost all of them, because they are natural storehouses natural vitamins, fiber and organic acids. The only limitation is if they are allergens for a particular person. And from the list of which fruits are good for pregnant women, it is advisable to somewhat limit the consumption of bananas, grapes, dates, since they contain a lot of carbohydrates. It is also worth refraining from exotic fruits if the expectant mother has not eaten them during her life. Wild berries are very useful - strawberries, lingonberries, cranberries, cloudberries.

Naturally, all alcohol is completely excluded from drinks, even those with a negligible alcohol content. Indicated for use - compotes, fruit drinks, jelly, mineral water without gas and can be weak - coffee (no more than 1 cup), black tea and green.

It is important to know what is good for pregnant women to eat from animal fats? Only butter and ghee of the highest quality. No lard or margarine - And it’s also important, what is healthy for pregnant women to eat from animal proteins? Lean meat, including poultry. Complete refusal from your favorite sausages and doctor's sausage, from smoked meats, canned food and spicy seasonings.

Meals should be small, frequent, but little by little in order to ensure comfortable and uninterrupted functioning of the body, which is working with double load during this important period.

Just a few months of meticulous nutrition will ensure birth healthy baby and the slimness of a young mother.