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Leaking from nipples. Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed, as a sign of pathology

Extracts from mammary glands when pressed, they may differ in color and consistency. The color and thickness of the secreted fluid helps determine the diagnostic method and prescribe the correct treatment.

Discharge from the breast can appear for various reasons.

Causes of discharge from the chest when pressed

A woman notices discharge from the breast by chance through small spots on her underwear. Secretory exudate from the nipples is either physiological or pathological in nature.

Physiological causes of discharge

  1. Pregnancy. Yellowish or cloudy white fluid from the mammary glands can be noticed in the last trimester. This is how the breasts prepare to produce and remove milk.
  2. After breast weaning of the child. Depending on the physiological characteristics women, slight discharge of fluid is possible for 2 years after the end of breastfeeding.
  3. Abortion. After surgery Colostrum discharge is sometimes observed.
  4. Use of contraceptives. Part hormonal drugs includes substances that stimulate lactation. Cancel oral contraception promotes the disappearance of breast secretion.
  5. Antidepressants. They cause rare releases of exudate when pressed.
  6. Tight underwear. Irritation of the nipple area often becomes the main symptom of sputum secretion from the ducts.
  7. Period. Breast secretion may be caused by cyclic hormonal changes body before or during menstruation.

Periods may cause breast discharge

In a non-breastfeeding woman, it is normal to have a transparent discharge; in a woman who has given birth, it is milky or cloudy white. If exudate appears with blood, pus, or is green, black, gray color, bad smellserious reason suspect the presence of hidden pathology.

TO pathological reasons discharge from the breast may indicate the formation of tumors or the appearance of inflammatory lesions. Often, hormonal imbalances provoke the occurrence of dangerous diseases with such symptoms.

Possible diseases

  1. Mastitis. Focal inflammation in tissues. The disease occurs against the background of bacteriological infection when microbes penetrate through the nipple. The prerequisites are a crack, irritation or an open wound.
  2. Abscess. Purulent inflammation mammary gland.
  3. Intraductal papilloma. The disease is characterized by the formation of papillary benign tumor inside the duct. The release of sticky bloody exudate indicates progression of the disease.
  4. Ectasia (enlargement) milk duct. Swelling of the milk ducts occurs during pregnancy or before menstruation. Excessive stretching forms a cyst or papilloma.
  5. Mechanical damage. If the breast is injured without compromising the integrity of the skin, bleeding may occur for the first two days.
  6. Mastopathy (fibrocystic formation). Pathological lump on the chest. In the absence of necessary therapy, the disease develops into cancer.
  7. Breast cancer. Tumor formation from uncontrolled cell division. Dangerous disease requiring immediate treatment.

With mastopathy, discharge from the mammary glands appears

There are other causes of fluid discharge from the mammary glands - cystitis, vaginitis and syphilis. The phenomenon of breast secretion in these diseases depends on the individuality of the sick woman’s body.

Characteristics of the released liquid by color and thickness

When fluid begins to come out of the chest, you can visually determine the cause of the exudate by its color and consistency:

  1. Transparent discharge. This is a normal physiological phenomenon during menstruation or under the influence of mechanical stimuli.
  2. White liquid. Discharge occurs after childbirth or during long-term use contraceptives.
  3. Green color of discharge. The characteristic color of the exudate is given by an admixture of pus.
  4. Yellow liquid, similar to cream. Discharge occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy and immediately after childbirth (colostrum). One of the signs of mastopathy is the release of yellow exudate, accompanied by painful sensations.
  5. Brown discharge. The liquid acquires this color when it enters the thoracic blood ducts. The cause may be a cyst or tumor.
  6. Bloody. Indicates compression of flow vessels, which occurs due to proliferation cancerous tumor. Depending on the number of red blood cells, the color of the liquid can be light or dark.
  7. Purulent. A sign of internal development inflammatory process infectious etiology. It is characterized by additional properties - pain and unpleasant odor appear.
  8. Black discharge. Happens during development pathogenic microflora in the ducts of the chest. The color of the exudate is determined by the number of dead red blood cells. The presence of blood breakdown products occurs in breast cancer.
  9. Gray. Observed on later pregnancy or while taking contraceptives.
  10. Dry discharge. A clear sign of breast ectasia. They are formed in the lumen of the thoracic duct from a secreted viscous substance.

Which doctor should I contact?

If exudative discharge from the nipple is detected unusual color or smell, self-medication is useless. Such tactics will lead to a worsening of the situation and the development of undesirable consequences.

To determine the cause of exudate from the breast, consult a mammologist. The doctor will prescribe necessary examination and treatment.


Diagnosis of pathology is carried out on the basis of data on the time and frequency of occurrence of breast discharge. The doctor must clarify associated symptoms and the moments preceding their appearance.

Combined methods for determining diagnosis:

  • palpation of the breast;
  • mammography - x-ray examination of the breast;
  • ductography is the study of ducts using x-rays.

The diagnosis is clarified by analyzing data from a cytological examination and hormonal blood sampling.

Mammography helps determine the cause of breast discharge

Treatment methods

Based on the studied indicators and depending on the diagnosis, the mammologist prescribes conservative therapy or surgical treatment.

An abscess or mastitis is treated with antibiotics. If necessary, antipyretic drugs and immunostimulants are prescribed.

Diagnosis of mastopathy initially involves conservative treatment– non-hormonal and homeopathic medicines, vitamins and non-steroidal antibiotics. If drug therapy not effective, medical indications The issue of surgical treatment is being considered - extended resection of the mammary gland or its complete removal.

To treat mastopathy, mammary gland resection may be necessary.

Intraductal papilloma is considered a precancerous formation, therefore, when making a diagnosis, most often only surgical treatment is required. If it is determined by histological examination that the papilloma is benign, the possibility cannot be excluded drug treatment, with the use of immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs.

In case of ectasia (dilation) of the milk duct, an initial conservative therapy. The patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins and immunomodulation. In severe cases that cannot be treated, a decision is made on surgical excision (excision of the inflammatory area under local anesthesia).

Surgery to remove a tumor or damaged duct is prescribed if there is a danger of a pathological infection spreading to the entire body.

Conservative methods of treating breast cancer are advisable at the initial stage of tumor detection. After the tumor is removed, the patient is prescribed radiation and chemotherapy. The combination of both methods in most cases gives positive result– under the influence of x-rays, the remaining ones die cancer cells, and chemotherapy is aimed at destroying new ones.

Prevention of breast disease

Every woman should know that health prevention is an important component of a fulfilling life.

For preventive purposes, it is enough to undergo an examination by a mammologist at least 2 times a year.

Do not forget to self-palpate the breast once a month. This preventive measure will make it possible to detect unclear lumps at the initial stage of development and diagnose the pathology in time.

Palpate the breast once a month

Detecting discharge from the mammary gland when pressing is not a reason to panic. As shown medical practice, timely request for medical care virtually eliminates the development of dangerous pathological changes in the mammary gland in the future.

The development of many diseases is often asymptomatic, and therefore appears serious problems with their timely diagnosis. On initial stages development, they are detected by secretions from the mammary glands when pressed, which can vary in color and thickness. And if they do appear, you can’t hesitate! You urgently need to rush to the clinic and undergo a full examination.

A few words about the organ

The mammary gland is a paired organ consisting of glandular, connective and adipose tissue. Inside there are ducts through which a special secretion moves, protecting the mammary glands from various types of infections. As mentioned above, the fluid released can be different character, but its appearance in any case is not considered the norm.

Most often, discharge without the development of pathologies is observed mainly in young mothers. After childbirth, their role is played by breast milk, and upon completion of lactation they are presented in the form residual effects and disappear on their own after 2–4 months.

However, in medical practice, cases often arose when discharge appeared in those who had not yet learned what it was like to bear and feed a child. At the same time, they often complain of chest pain and brown discharge from the nipple, which are commonly perceived as malignancy of the gland tissue.

However, doctors strongly recommend undergoing full diagnostics even in situations where the liquid released from the nipples does not have such a shade. After all, even yellow, grayish or white discharge can indicate pathologies of many internal organs.

Main reasons

If a secretion oozes, it is usually provoked by the following conditions and diseases:

  • Gestation (characterized by the production of a hormone that prepares the breasts for lactation).
  • Inflammation of gland structures.
  • Increasing the width of the ducts and reducing their elasticity.
  • Long-term course of treatment with hormone-containing drugs.
  • Mastopathy.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Injuries of the mammary glands.

There are many reasons, and therefore, if a woman has chest pain and the discharge gives off an unpleasant odor, then urgent measures must be taken to eliminate it.

What is considered normal?

A special secretion is produced in the mammary gland, which, as mentioned above, performs protective functions. And when a woman notices discharge when pressed in very small quantities, which does not have a specific aroma, is transparent and does not cause pain, then this is normal and specific therapy not required.

Increased production of this secretion often occurs against the background of an increase or decrease in one or another hormone in the body. Colorless discharge when pressed, they can appear only during certain phases of the cycle, for example, during menstruation. This is caused by increased synthesis of estrogen, which causes clear fluid to be released from the mammary glands. The same thing happens when taking OK, only in this case the hormone enters the body artificially.

From the breast before menstruation can also be noted slight highlight fluids (literally a few days before menstruation). This is also due to hormonal surge and preparing the uterus for the upcoming process. In this case, the breast itself may increase slightly in size and become painful to the touch. But when menstruation begins, the pain disappears and the gland returns to its previous size.

It should also be noted that each cycle is accompanied by ovulation, during which fluid may also be released when the nipple is pressed. It can be slightly cloudy (similar to colostrum), but never causes any pain.

But not only taking OCs and the onset of certain phases of the cycle are the main factors in the occurrence of clear liquid from the nipples. Its presence may also be associated with pregnancy or a previous abortion. During gestation, the mammary glands swell, the nipples become painful, and the breasts themselves are hot to the touch. On early stages the secreted secretion has a watery consistency and is transparent. And shortly before the opening labor activity acquires a white tint, which indicates the readiness of the glands to produce milk.

If a woman did not plan to become pregnant, but it so happened that she found herself in a “position” and decided to terminate it artificially, then she should also prepare for the fact that she may secrete fluid for 1 to 2 months. When pregnancy occurs, the body's production of progesterone sharply increases, and after an abortion - estrogen. Thus arises hormonal imbalance, which causes a woman to have discharge after an abortion. It must be said that they also do not have a specific odor and do not cause pain.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that transparent discharge, which are observed in very small quantities, are normal, but only if they are not accompanied by pain and changes in their character. When is a strong pain syndrome, change in the color of the secreted secretion, its consistency, an increase in only the left or right breast(as a rule, during gestation, breastfeeding, ovulation and before menstruation, both glands enlarge at once), you need to undergo a full examination to identify pathologies.

White shade

White discharge more often appears during pregnancy or lactation. If their occurrence is not associated with these processes, then fluid from the breast may be released as a result of the development of a disease such as galactorrhea, in which spontaneous leakage of milk occurs. This pathology can be observed not only in women, but also in men, although it is diagnosed in them very rarely.

Galactorrhea mainly occurs in women who have recently weaned their child. As a rule, it disappears on its own after 6–7 months. However, if during this period a woman becomes ill with inflammatory or infectious diseases, there are high risks of occurrence serious complications(mastopathy, oncology, etc.).

Important! If you have stopped lactation, but have had periodic discharge from your breasts for several months white If the glands themselves become painful, you should immediately visit a doctor. All these signs indicate a complicated course of galactorrhea and the need for special treatment.

White secretion released from the mammary glands may also indicate the following: pathological conditions:

  • Impaired functionality of the pituitary gland.
  • Hyperthyroidism/hypothyroidism.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Cystic lesions of the ovaries.
  • Mastopathy.
  • Oncology.

It should be noted that during mastopathy, a gray-white liquid is released from the breast. But at the same time, the mammary gland itself increases significantly in size, becomes painful and hot to the touch. And upon palpation, one can note the presence of small nodules in it, which indicates the development of inflammatory processes.

Important! If the first signs of mastopathy appear, it is necessary to begin its treatment immediately. After all, in the absence adequate therapy this disease can lead to serious consequences, among which is cancer.

Yellow and orange

Yellow discharge also does not appear just like that. They also have their reasons. And most often yellowish or orange discharge from the nipples are a sign of impaired metabolism, characteristic of many diseases, including diabetes mellitus.

Yellow or orange discharge may also indicate increased production of prolactin in the body, which provokes the development of galactorrhea, which was already mentioned above.

In addition, the resulting liquid yellow color from the nipples may also indicate the development of mastopathy. However, its occurrence already indicates a complicated course of the disease, when drug therapy is ineffective and surgical intervention is required.

Purulent discharge with a sharp specific smell and causing strong painful sensations in the chest of women, they talk about serious pathological processes that need to be treated urgently. They can occur both in oncology and in diseases inflammatory in nature(for example, mastopathy, mastitis).

In case of purulent lesions of the mammary glands, powerful antibacterial therapy. If it is not carried out, this can lead to the spread of pus throughout the body and the development of serious complications.

Diseases that manifest themselves purulent discharge, not so much. But they are all characterized by joining bacterial infection. When purulent secretion appears from the chest, you need to urgently visit a doctor, since the lack of adequate therapy can cause the development of necrotic processes, sepsis and abscess.

As medical practice shows, green discharge mainly appears in women in adulthood. Their presence is caused by the development of ectasia, which is characterized by expansion of the ducts in the gland. This happens due to the decline of reproductive functions and changes hormonal levels. Green discharge appears as a result of the accumulation of pathogens, which actively multiply, throw out waste products and provoke the development of inflammatory processes.

Because against the backdrop of fading reproductive function changes occur in the structures of breast tissue, the development of ectasia significantly increases the risk of cancer. Therefore, if they are present, treatment should be carried out immediately.

Bloody and pink

Bloody discharge often occurs against the background of papilloma formed in the milk duct, which, when exposed to certain factors, can cause the development of cancer. It can only be treated surgically.

Various damage to gland tissue can also provoke pink discharge and the appearance of thick exudate with blood from the nipple. For many people, a bloody secretion appears after the nipple is pierced and is observed until the piercing completely heals.

Light pink discharge and the presence of blood clots- This a clear sign breast cancer development. In this case, an increase in the volume of the mammary gland is detected, nodules can be felt in it and pain that constantly worries the woman.

And talking about why nipples may leak fluid Pink colour, we cannot help but touch upon the topic of mastopathy. In this case, pink discharge indicates severe inflammation that requires immediate treatment.

Black and brown discharge occurs only in one case - with malignant lesions of glandular tissue. At the initial stages of cancer development, they are practically invisible. But as the disease progresses, the amount of exudate increases, and dark crusts may appear on the nipple after it dries. As a rule, when cancer develops, black discharge emits an unpleasant aroma, and it can be different in consistency - both thick and liquid.

The secretion released from the nipples must be submitted to the laboratory for examination. To do this, it must be squeezed out of the chest onto a special piece of glass, which will be given out at the clinic. Similar laboratory test should be carried out not only when black or brown discharge appears, but also when gray, pink, yellow and green discharge occurs. However, in order to accurately identify the factor that provoked the appearance of pathological exudate from the gland, you will still need to go through and additional examination using the latest techniques diagnostics

If fluid comes out of the nipples at first and then stops, this is not a reason to postpone a visit to a specialist. It only means that it has passed acute phase inflammation, and she took chronic form. And this is very dangerous, as it can lead to unpredictable consequences. And if pink discharge or any other shade appears from the mammary glands, immediately go to a mammologist. After an individual examination and receipt of the examination results, he will prescribe therapy that will quickly solve this problem and prevent complications.

The release of fluid from the mammary gland is one of the cardinal signs of the development of a disease in it, with the possible exception of pregnancy. If any discharge from the breast appears, it is necessary to be examined as soon as possible and undergo appropriate treatment.

It should be noted that this symptom may not only be pathological symptom in women, but also in men. Therefore, the appearance of strange fluid from the mammary glands should alert both women and men.

Factors leading to the appearance of discharge

The causes of discharge are numerous and varied, including many factors:

Structure of the mammary gland

The mammary gland is a paired organ whose main task is lactation, that is, the secretion of milk during breastfeeding. Most The tissue of the mammary gland is glandular (parenchyma).

Each mammary gland has 15–20 lobes, which are separated by connective tissue septa. In turn, each lobe consists of lobes, and the last of the alveoli. From each lobe, a milk duct extends from the center towards the nipple, through which milk is secreted.

During pregnancy, glandular tissue grows, which is necessary measure in preparation for lactation. Just below the middle of the mammary gland is the nipple, surrounded by more dark skin. The nipples and parapapillary spaces in young women and girls are pale pink, and in those who have given birth dark brown color. The peripapillary alveoli and nipples are covered with very vulnerable skin, which is especially important to consider during pregnancy and during breastfeeding (the risk of cracks and infection of the nipples is high).

Diseases in which discharge from the mammary gland is observed


Galactorrhea is the spontaneous leakage of milk or colostrum from the mammary gland in a non-pregnant woman or after stopping breastfeeding for a period of 5 months or more. Milk is produced under the influence of certain hormones, in particular. Galactorrhea can also be observed in men, since prolactin is also synthesized in their bodies.

The causes of galactorrhea are varied, it can be a tumor of the pituitary gland (prolactinoma), trauma or neoplasm of the hypothalamus, diseases thyroid gland, adrenal or ovarian, renal and liver failure, stress and much more. If the reason for the spontaneous flow of milk is not established, they speak of idiopathic galactorrhea.

The main symptom of the syndrome is white discharge from the chest. Women also experience hirsutism (excessive hair growth), acne, and decreased libido. Treatment of galactorrhea consists of treating the underlying disease. For idiopathic galactorrhea, bromocriptine is prescribed, which reduces the synthesis of prolactin.

Ectasia of the milk ducts

Progressive dilation of the milk ducts with subsequent inflammation leads to a disease such as milk duct ectasia. Thick and sticky discharge from the chest, most often brown.

This disease occurs in premenopausal women. Treatment involves prescribing warm compresses to the chest and taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin), in some cases antibiotic therapy is required. IN difficult situations carry out surgical removal milk duct.


Acute infection breast, or usually occurs during breastfeeding. The disease is acute, the breast swells, becomes sharply painful, and the skin of the mammary gland becomes hyperemic. There is a significant increase in temperature, up to 39 degrees, green discharge from the mammary gland occurs due to an admixture of pus.

The causes of mastitis can be improper breast expression and the development of lactostasis, cracked nipples and failure to comply with hygiene rules. As the process progresses, mastitis turns into an abscess form, and the woman’s condition worsens. Treatment is aimed at avoiding feeding from the affected breast, prescribing antibiotics and detoxification therapy. When a breast abscess develops, the abscess is surgically opened.

Chest injury

At severe injury breast pain and bloody discharge appear in it, as they heal they become yellowish or transparent.

Fibrocystic mastopathy

Signs other than discharge include pain that appears in the second phase menstrual cycle. Yellow discharge is also associated with the phase of the menstrual cycle and disappears with the onset of menstruation. Treatment of the disease consists of prescribing diet, hormonal and vitamin preparations.

Case Study: A neighbor came to me with complaints of pain in the mammary gland and a mass discovered in it. Indeed, upon palpation, a dense, palm-sized formation with clear boundaries was palpable. In addition, when pressing on the nipple, yellowish discharge. As it turned out, the woman was in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, which suggested mastopathy. The diagnosis was finally confirmed after menstruation, when the breasts became soft and the discharge from the nipple disappeared.

Mammary cancer

A malignant breast tumor has a very characteristic symptoms. Externally there is redness, it takes on the appearance of a lemon peel, and may be hot to the touch. On palpation, a dense formation with uneven boundaries and enlargement is noted in the chest. axillary lymph nodes. The shape of the nipple also changes, it retracts, and dark discharge. Treatment for breast cancer is only surgical.

Case Study: A woman came to see me complaining of pain in her right mammary gland. Palpation yielded nothing. I haven't identified the tumor appearance the chest was not changed. When collecting an anamnesis, she revealed a chest injury about 2 weeks ago. Just in case, I sent the patient to the oncology clinic to see a mammologist. Imagine my surprise when she was diagnosed with cancer. Pain in the mammary gland during cancer occurs at the very last stage, when all other signs are present.

Discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy

Pregnancy and breast discharge are not such a rare occurrence. As a rule, they are yellowish or milky in color and are nothing more than colostrum - a harbinger of milk. During gestation, the mammary glands actively increase in volume due to proliferation glandular tissue under the influence of intense production of prolactin.

Colostrum usually appears on the eve of childbirth, but it can begin to be produced earlier, at 22–24 weeks. After childbirth, colostrum is replaced by milk synthesis within 2–3 days. Compared to milk, colostrum is a higher-calorie food and contains more antibodies, which are very necessary for the child in the first days of life. It is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene and monitor the condition of the nipples during the appearance of discharge from the breast during pregnancy.

It is necessary to wash your breasts at least twice a day boiled water and wipe dry. Air baths are also useful for nipples, which helps prevent cracks in the nipples. postpartum period. It is recommended to use sterile cotton pads as breast pads, which are freely available in pharmacies.

Breast discharge is normal

There are 2 situations when clear discharge is normal.

  • Firstly, this is one to two days before the start of menstruation,
  • Secondly, sexual arousal, nipple stimulation and orgasm.

Under the influence of oxytocin, which is produced during nipple stimulation, the milk ducts contract and fluid appears (one to two drops).

Yellow discharge from the breast (yellow nipple discharge) is a symptom characterized by the presence of yellowish nipple discharge. This sign may be a variant of the norm, but only when the woman is pregnant. Such discharge appears in the first weeks of pregnancy, does not cause any discomfort, and is bilateral. After 12-16 weeks, yellow discharge from the breasts is replaced by colostrum.

Discharge from the chest can be acute, sudden onset, or chronic, lasting more than 2 months. They can be one-sided or have two nipples at the same time.

In all other situations, yellow discharge from the chest is more likely to characterize the presence of a pathological process:

  1. Ectasia of the milk ducts. Ectasia refers to the expansion of a section of the milk duct with stagnation of the contents. A secondary infection may be attached, and then the contents change their composition to inflammatory exudate. Discharge from the nipple can be spontaneous or when pressing on the affected area of ​​the mammary gland. The discharge may be clear, whitish, yellow, or with a greenish tint.
  2. Pituitary adenoma (prolactinoma), leading to increased concentrations of Prolactin. Clinically manifested by the leakage of whitish or colostrum-like fluid. yellow flowers. They are often bilateral.
  3. Purulent mastitis. In this case, discharge from the nipples is observed on the affected side. In composition, such secretions are a mixture breast milk and pus (or inflammatory exudate). Discharge from mastitis can be profuse, have a yellowish or greenish color, and smell foul. In this case, there is a typical clinic of purulent mastitis.
  4. Fibrocystic mastopathy. In this case, discharge from the nipples of the mammary gland is quite common; the discharge can have a different color, including yellow. With this disease, there is an increase in the volume of glands, engorgement, changes in the structure and density of breast tissue.
  5. Tumor diseases of the mammary glands. In these cases, along with local symptoms (changes in the shape of the nipple and the mammary gland itself; the presence of compactions and palpable formations, often stony density; skin changes; enlargement lymph nodes) there is also such a sign as the appearance yellow discharge from the chest on the affected side.
  6. Breast injuries. Typically, such discharge can occur in situations of chronic breast injury.

Thus, the appearance of discharge from the chest, both yellow and other colors and consistencies, as well as the appearance bloody discharge are indications for emergency treatment women visit a mammologist and undergo an examination. The examination plan may include cytological examination smears of visible discharge from the nipples, ultrasound of the mammary glands, X-ray examinations, MRI, puncture of formations under ultrasound control followed by cytological and histological examination, bacteriological studies of secretions.

Women are a rather alarming sign of the development of various serious illnesses. Therefore, it is very important to visit a specialist to conduct a series of studies, based on the results of which the existing pathology will be identified and the appropriate treatment will be prescribed. curative therapy.

Usually, comprehensive examination includes: blood tests, MRI, ultrasound of the mammary glands or mammography, cytological examination of secretions, ductogram with administration contrast agent. The most common reasons leading to discharge from the mammary glands include: milk ducts, mastopathy, galactorrhea, acute or chronic diseases pelvic organs, condition after or spontaneous miscarriage, purulent diseases mammary gland, closed injury breast, mastitis, breast cancer, intraductal, and Paget's disease.

The main questions that the doctor will definitely ask during the consultation

As a rule, at the appointment he is required to ask the patient the necessary questions that will help determine the most accurate diagnosis: discharge comes from the nipple, fluid is released from one mammary gland or from two, how often does this happen, whether this discharge comes out of the nipple on its own or directly after it, whether there has been a chest injury, whether there are any other disturbing diseases with availability elevated temperature bodies, accompanied by headaches, malaise and blurred vision, is the course of treatment carried out with any medications?

Treatment and preventive measures

It must be remembered that constant discharge from the mammary gland should never be ignored. Basically, medical therapy involves the use of drugs, traditional methods treatment, antibiotics. In addition, in exceptional situations it is recommended surgical intervention. Experts advise women who discover that they have discharge from the vagina to strictly observe hygiene. chest area. The mammary glands should be washed in the shower at least twice a day, and then dried thoroughly. It is also advisable to wear a soft bra that does not compress the breasts.